Ejemplo n.º 1
def serialize_message(type, obj):
    return build_message(type, serialize(obj, return_string=False))
Ejemplo n.º 2
import sys
import time
from test import TESTCASES

import pickle as pickel

def timeit(callable, args=(), kwargs=dict(), loops=100):
    start_time = time.time()
    for _ in xrange(loops):
        callable(*args, **kwargs)
    duration = time.time() - start_time
    return duration, duration/loops

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import xmlserialize
    print "Running tests with xmlserialize..."
    xtime = timeit(lambda: xmlserialize.unserialize_string(
    print "TOTAL DURATION: %rs | AVERAGE CALL DURATION: %rs" % xtime

    if not 'nopickel' in sys.argv:
        print "Running tests with pickel..."
        ptime = timeit(lambda: pickel.loads(pickel.dumps(TESTCASES)))
        print "TOTAL DURATION: %rs | AVERAGE CALL DURATION: %rs" % ptime

        x, p = xtime[0], ptime[0]
        print "Pickel is %d times %s than xmlserialize" % (
                max(x, p)/min(x, p), ('faster', 'slower')[x < p])