Ejemplo n.º 1
    def enablePMU(self, eventsDb, cpuSet, events):
    Enables user space pmc collection for the given cpuSet

    :param eventsDb: A database of programmable performance counters
    :type eventsDb: xpedite.pmu.eventsDb.EventsDb
    :param cpuSet: A list of cpu cores to enable pmc collection
    :param events: A user supplied list of pmc events to be programmed

        if not cpuSet or len(cpuSet) <= 0:
            raise Exception(
                'Invalid argument - cpu set missing. need explicit cpu set to enable pmu'
        self.pmuCtrl = PMUCtrl(eventsDb)
        return self.pmuCtrl.enable(cpuSet, events)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def resolveEvents(eventsDb, cpuSet, events):
    Resolves a list of given pmu events from events database

    :param eventsDb: Handle to database of PMU events for the target cpu
    :param events: List of PMU events to be enabled for the current profile session
    :param cpuSet: List of cpu, where the userspace pmu collection will be enabled

        from xpedite.pmu.pmuctrl import PMUCtrl
        return PMUCtrl.resolveEvents(eventsDb, cpuSet, events)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_request_sorter():
    eventsFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_events.json')
    eventsDb = EventsLoader().loadJson(eventsFile)
    assert eventsDb
    events = [
        Event('EVENT_3', 'EVENT_3'),
        Event('EVENT_2', 'EVENT_2'),
        Event('EVENT_1', 'EVENT_1'),
        Event('EVENT_0', 'EVENT_0'),
    eventState = PMUCtrl.resolveEvents(eventsDb, [0], events)
    assert len(eventState) == len(events)
    assert len(eventState.genericRequests) == len(events)
    for i, event in enumerate(events):
        assert event.uarchName == eventState.genericRequests[i].uarchName
    assert len(eventState.genericRequests) == len(events)
    for i, event in enumerate(events):
        assert event.uarchName == eventState.genericRequests[len(events) - i -
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def enablePMU(self, eventsDb, cpuSet, events):
    Enables PMU counters for the given cpu set in target host

    :param eventsDb: A database of programmable performance counters
    :type eventsDb: xpedite.pmu.eventsDb.EventsDb
    :param cpuSet: A list of cpu cores to enable pmc collection
    :param events: A user supplied list of pmc events to be programmed

        if not self.isDriverLoaded():
             request) = PMUCtrl.buildPerfEventsRequest(eventsDb, events)
            if eventSet and request:
                    'xpedite device driver not loaded - falling back to perf events api'
                LOGGER.debug('sending request (%d bytes) to xpedite [%s]',
                             len(request), request)
                rc = self.admin('ActivatePerfEvents --data {}'.format(request))
                if rc:
                    raise Exception(rc)
                return eventSet
        return self.proxy.enablePMU(eventsDb, cpuSet, events)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class ProxyEnvironment(object):
  Collects and caches environment details for a profiling target.

  This class is used to collect and store environment details like
  cpu info, os version, kernel boot parameters etc ..

    def __init__(self):
        """Constructs an instance of ProxyEnvironment"""
        self.fullCpuInfo = None
        self.cpuId = None
        self.osUname = None
        self.bootParam = None
        self.pmuCtrl = None
        self.keepAliveCount = 0

    def gatherFiles(pattern):
    Method to build a list of files matching the given pattern

    :param pattern: Wild card pattern for files to be collected

        import glob
        return list(glob.iglob(pattern))

    def getFullCpuInfo(self):
        """Builds and caches cpu info"""
        if not self.fullCpuInfo:
            from xpedite.util import getCpuInfo
            self.fullCpuInfo = getCpuInfo()
        return self.fullCpuInfo

    def getCpuId(self):
        """Discovers and caches cpu model"""
        if not self.cpuId:
            from xpedite.util import getCpuId
            self.cpuId = getCpuId()
        return self.cpuId

    def getOsUname(self):
        """Discovers and caches os build version"""
        if not self.osUname:
            self.osUname = os.uname()
        return self.osUname

    def getBootParam(self):
        """Reads and caches kernel boot parameters"""
        if not self.bootParam:
            with open('/proc/cmdline', 'r') as fileHandle:
                self.bootParam = fileHandle.read()
        return self.bootParam

    def enablePMU(self, eventsDb, cpuSet, events):
    Enables user space pmc collection for the given cpuSet

    :param eventsDb: A database of programmable performance counters
    :type eventsDb: xpedite.pmu.eventsDb.EventsDb
    :param cpuSet: A list of cpu cores to enable pmc collection
    :param events: A user supplied list of pmc events to be programmed

        if not cpuSet or len(cpuSet) <= 0:
            raise Exception(
                'Invalid argument - cpu set missing. need explicit cpu set to enable pmu'
        self.pmuCtrl = PMUCtrl(eventsDb)
        return self.pmuCtrl.enable(cpuSet, events)

    def disablePMU(self):
        """Disables user space pmc collection and restores cpu core to original state"""
        if self.pmuCtrl:

    def getVmStats(pid):
    Collects virtual memory usage statistics for a target process

    :param pid: pid of the target process

        result = {}
            lines = None
            with open('/proc/{}/status'.format(pid), 'r') as fileHandle:
                lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in fileHandle]
        except IOError:
            return result
        for line in lines:
            if not line.startswith('Vm'):
            parts = line.split()
            result[parts[0]] = parts[len(parts) - 2]
        return result

    def keepAlive(self):
        """Initiates a method call to keep the rpyc connection alive for long profiling sessions"""
        self.keepAliveCount += 1