class Context(Block): name = "Sometimes you need a User Interface" header = True shape = [[6, 6], [12], [6, 6]] content = [ Image('table.png', round=True, width=65), Image('code.jpg', round=True, width=50), FontA('fa-arrow-down fa-5x'), Image('charts.svg', round=True, width=50), Image('interfaces.jpg', round=True, width=50), ]
class Title(Block): name = "Building Data-driven Web Applications with Dash" title = True shape = [[6, 6]] row_classes = ['pad-top'] content = [ html.Div( dcc.Markdown( dedent(""" ### Ned Letcher @nletcher"""))), html.Div([Image(src='dash.svg'), Image(src='plotly.png')], className='d-flex flex-column') ]
class Dash(Block): shape = [[12], [12], [4, 8]] row_heights = [None, 15, None] content = [ Image(src='dash.svg', width=50), html.Div(), html.Div([ Row(Image(src='flask.png', width=50), hcenter=True), Row(Image(src='react.png', width=50), hcenter=True), Row(Image(src='plotly.png', width=50), hcenter=True), ]), dcc.Markdown( s(""" * Framework for building data-driven reactive web applications - __*using only Python!!*__ * Made by Plotly * Open source (MIT Licence) * Active community * ~6k ★ on GitHub """)) ]
class UserInterfaces(Block): name = "Sometimes you need a User Interface" header = True shape = [[8, 4]] content = [ dcc.Markdown( s(""" * Business intelligence, analytics - dashboards, KPIs etc - interactive reports * Research, science, data science - interactive exploration of results - vehicle for communicating results - prototypes * DevOps, site reliability engineers (SREs) - monitoring dashboards * Data-driven journalism - interactive content - explorable explanations * Web Development - rapid prototyping """)), Image('charts.svg', round=True), ]
class DataTableComponentImage(Block): content = Image(src='datatable.png', width=80)
class DashArchitecture(Block): header = True content = Image(src='dash-architecture.svg', width='80vw')
class Meta(Block): content = Image(src='whatifitoldyou.jpg')
class WebPlatform(Block): name = "The Web Platform?" header = True content = Image('web.png', width=80)