Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_sound(mode, error_cb, options, args):
    """ this function just parses command line arguments to feed into the sound subprocess class,
        which in turn just feeds them into the sound pipeline class (sink.py or src.py)
    from xpra.gtk_common.gobject_compat import want_gtk3
    gst = import_gst()
    if not gst:
        return 1
    info = mode.replace("_sound_", "")  #ie: "_sound_record" -> "record"
    from xpra.platform import program_context
    with program_context("Xpra-Audio-%s" % info, "Xpra Audio %s" % info):
        log("run_sound(%s, %s, %s, %s) gst=%s", mode, error_cb, options, args, gst)
        if mode=="_sound_record":
            subproc = sound_record
        elif mode=="_sound_play":
            subproc = sound_play
        elif mode=="_sound_query":
            plugins = get_all_plugin_names()
            sources = [x for x in get_source_plugins() if x in plugins]
            sinks = [x for x in get_sink_plugins() if x in plugins]
            from xpra.sound.gstreamer_util import gst_version, pygst_version
            import struct
            bits = struct.calcsize("P")*8
            d = {
                 "encoders"         : can_encode(),
                 "decoders"         : can_decode(),
                 "sources"          : sources,
                 "source.default"   : get_default_source() or "",
                 "sinks"            : sinks,
                 "sink.default"     : get_default_sink() or "",
                 "muxers"           : get_muxers(),
                 "demuxers"         : get_demuxers(),
                 "gst.version"      : [int(x) for x in gst_version],
                 "pygst.version"    : pygst_version,
                 "plugins"          : plugins,
                 "python.version"   : sys.version_info[:3],
                 "python.bits"      : bits,
            if BUNDLE_METADATA:
                d["bundle-metadata"] = True
            for k,v in d.items():
                if type(v) in (list, tuple):
                    v = ",".join(str(x) for x in v)
                print("%s=%s" % (k, v))
            return 0
            log.error("unknown mode: %s" % mode)
            return 1
        assert len(args)>=6, "not enough arguments"

        #the plugin to use (ie: 'pulsesrc' for src.py or 'autoaudiosink' for sink.py)
        plugin = args[2]
        #plugin options (ie: "device=monitor_device,something=value")
        options = parse_simple_dict(args[3])
        codecs = [x.strip() for x in args[4].split(",")]
        #codec options:
        codec_options = parse_simple_dict(args[5])
        #volume (optional):
            volume = int(args[6])
            volume = 1.0

        ss = None
            ss = subproc(plugin, options, codecs, codec_options, volume)
            return 0
        except InitExit as e:
            log.error("%s: %s", info, e)
            return e.status
        except InitException as e:
            log.error("%s: %s", info, e)
            return 1
        except Exception:
            log.error("run_sound%s error", (mode, error_cb, options, args), exc_info=True)
            return 1
            if ss:
Ejemplo n.º 2
# Copyright (C) 2008 Nathaniel Smith <*****@*****.**>
# Xpra is released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2, or, at your option, any
# later version. See the file COPYING for details.

import os
import time

    from gtk import gdk
except Exception as e:
    from xpra.scripts.main import InitException
    raise InitException(e)

#ensure that we use gtk as display source:
from xpra.gtk_common.gobject_compat import want_gtk3
from xpra.x11.gtk2 import gdk_display_source
assert gdk_display_source

from xpra.x11.bindings.randr_bindings import RandRBindings  #@UnresolvedImport
RandR = RandRBindings()
from xpra.x11.bindings.keyboard_bindings import X11KeyboardBindings  #@UnresolvedImport
X11Keyboard = X11KeyboardBindings()
from xpra.x11.bindings.core_bindings import X11CoreBindings  #@UnresolvedImport
X11Core = X11CoreBindings()
from xpra.gtk_common.error import XError, xswallow, xsync, trap
from xpra.gtk_common.gtk_util import get_xwindow
from xpra.server.server_uuid import save_uuid, get_uuid
from xpra.x11.fakeXinerama import find_libfakeXinerama, save_fakeXinerama_config, cleanup_fakeXinerama
from xpra.os_util import StringIOClass, _memoryview
from xpra.net.compression import Compressed
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_sound(mode, error_cb, options, args):
    """ this function just parses command line arguments to feed into the sound subprocess class,
        which in turn just feeds them into the sound pipeline class (sink.py or src.py)
    #we have to import gstreamer before init() on OSX,
    #because init will end up import gobject,
    #which means choosing between gi and gtk2 bindings
    from xpra.sound.gstreamer_util import import_gst, get_pygst_version
    gst = import_gst()
    from xpra.gtk_common.gobject_compat import want_gtk3
    from xpra.platform import program_context
    with program_context("Xpra"):
        log("run_sound(%s, %s, %s, %s) gst=%s", mode, error_cb, options, args, gst)
        if not gst:
            return 1
        if mode=="_sound_record":
            subproc = sound_record
            info = "record"
        elif mode=="_sound_play":
            subproc = sound_play
            info = "play"
        elif mode=="_sound_query":
            plugins = get_all_plugin_names()
            sources = [x for x in get_source_plugins() if x in plugins]
            from xpra.sound.gstreamer_util import gst_version, pygst_version
            d = {"encoders"         : can_encode(),
                 "decoders"         : can_decode(),
                 "sources"          : sources,
                 "muxers"           : get_muxers(),
                 "demuxers"         : get_demuxers(),
                 "gst.version"      : gst_version,
                 "pygst.version"    : pygst_version,
                 "plugins"          : plugins,
                 "python.version"   : sys.version_info[:3],
            for k,v in d.items():
                print("%s=%s" % (k, ",".join(str(x) for x in v)))
            return 0
            log.error("unknown mode: %s" % mode)
            return 1
        assert len(args)>=6, "not enough arguments"

        #the plugin to use (ie: 'pulsesrc' for src.py or 'autoaudiosink' for sink.py)
        plugin = args[2]
        #plugin options (ie: "device=monitor_device,something=value")
        options = parse_simple_dict(args[3])
        codecs = [x.strip() for x in args[4].split(",")]
        #codec options:
        codec_options = parse_simple_dict(args[5])
        #volume (optional):
            volume = int(args[6])
            volume = 1.0

        ss = None
            ss = subproc(plugin, options, codecs, codec_options, volume)
            return 0
        except InitExit as e:
            log.error("%s: %s", info, e)
            return e.status
        except InitException as e:
            log.error("%s: %s", info, e)
            return 1
        except Exception:
            log.error("run_sound%s error", (mode, error_cb, options, args), exc_info=True)
            return 1
            if ss:
Ejemplo n.º 4
# Copyright (C) 2008 Nathaniel Smith <*****@*****.**>
# Xpra is released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2, or, at your option, any
# later version. See the file COPYING for details.

import os
import time

    from gtk import gdk
except Exception as e:
    from xpra.scripts.main import InitException
    raise InitException(e)

#ensure that we use gtk as display source:
from xpra.gtk_common.gobject_compat import want_gtk3
from xpra.x11.gtk2 import gdk_display_source
assert gdk_display_source

from xpra.x11.bindings.randr_bindings import RandRBindings  #@UnresolvedImport
RandR = RandRBindings()
from xpra.x11.bindings.keyboard_bindings import X11KeyboardBindings #@UnresolvedImport
X11Keyboard = X11KeyboardBindings()
from xpra.x11.bindings.core_bindings import X11CoreBindings #@UnresolvedImport
X11Core = X11CoreBindings()
from xpra.gtk_common.error import XError, xswallow, xsync, trap
from xpra.gtk_common.gtk_util import get_xwindow
from xpra.server.server_uuid import save_uuid, get_uuid
from xpra.x11.fakeXinerama import find_libfakeXinerama, save_fakeXinerama_config, cleanup_fakeXinerama
from xpra.os_util import StringIOClass, _memoryview
from xpra.net.compression import Compressed