Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get_info(self):
     info = {
         "min-delay": self.min_delay,
         "max-delay": self.max_delay,
         "expire": self.expire_delay,
         "timeout-delay": self.timeout_delay,
         "locked": self.locked,
     if self.delay_per_megapixel >= 0:
         info["normalized"] = self.delay_per_megapixel
     if self.last_event > 0:
         info["last-event"] = int(monotonic_time() - self.last_event)
     if self.locked:
         info["delay"] = self.delay
         ld = tuple(x for _, x in self.last_delays)
         if ld:
             info["delay"] = get_list_stats(ld)
         lad = tuple(x for _, x in self.last_actual_delays)
         if lad:
             info["actual_delays"] = get_list_stats(lad,
                                                    show_percentile=(9, ))
         for name, details, factor, weight in self.factors:
             fdetails = details.copy()
             fdetails[""] = int(100.0 * factor), int(100.0 * weight)
             info[name] = fdetails
     return info
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_connection_info(self) -> dict:
     latencies = tuple(
         int(x * 1000) for (_, _, _, x) in tuple(self.client_latency))
     now = monotonic()
     info = {
         "mmap_bytecount": self.mmap_bytes_sent,
         "latency": get_list_stats(latencies),
         "server": {
                 int(1000 * x[1]) for x in tuple(self.server_ping_latency)),
         "client": {
                 int(1000 * x[1]) for x in tuple(self.client_ping_latency)),
         "congestion": {
             "avg-send-speed": self.avg_congestion_send_speed,
             "elapsed-time": int(now - self.last_congestion_time),
     if self.min_client_latency is not None:
         info["latency"] = {"absmin": int(self.min_client_latency * 1000)}
     return info
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_info(self) -> dict:
     info = {
         "min-delay": self.min_delay,
         "max-delay": self.max_delay,
         "expire": self.expire_delay,
         "timeout-delay": self.timeout_delay,
         "locked": self.locked,
     if self.delay_per_megapixel >= 0:
         info["normalized"] = self.delay_per_megapixel
     if self.last_event > 0:
         info["last-event"] = int(monotonic_time() - self.last_event)
     if self.locked:
         info["delay"] = self.delay
         ld = tuple(x[1] for x in self.last_delays)
         if ld:
             ls = get_list_stats(ld)
             ldv = self.last_delay
             if ldv:
                 ls["last"] = ldv[1]  #pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
             info["delay"] = ls
         lad = tuple(x[1] for x in self.last_actual_delays)
         if lad:
             ls = get_list_stats(lad, show_percentile=(9, ))
             ladv = self.last_actual_delay
             if ladv:
                 ls["last"] = ladv[1]  #pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
             info["actual_delays"] = ls
         for name, details, factor, weight in self.factors:
             fdetails = details.copy()
             fdetails[""] = int(100.0 * factor), int(100.0 * weight)
             info[name] = fdetails
     return info
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_window_info(self):
            Adds encoding and window specific information
        from xpra.simple_stats import get_list_stats
        pqpixels = [x[2] for x in tuple(self.packet_queue)]
        pqpi = get_list_stats(pqpixels)
        if len(pqpixels) > 0:
            pqpi["current"] = pqpixels[-1]
        info = {
            "damage": {
                "compression_queue": {
                    "size": {
                        "current": self.encode_queue_size()
                "packet_queue": {
                    "size": {
                        "current": len(self.packet_queue)
                "packet_queue_pixels": pqpi,
            "batch": self.global_batch_config.get_info(),

        if len(self.window_sources) > 0:
            total_pixels = 0
            total_time = 0.0
            in_latencies, out_latencies = [], []
            winfo = {}
            for wid, ws in list(self.window_sources.items()):
                #per-window source stats:
                winfo[wid] = ws.get_info()
                #collect stats for global averages:
                for _, _, pixels, _, _, encoding_time in tuple(
                    total_pixels += pixels
                    total_time += encoding_time
                in_latencies += [
                    x * 1000
                    for _, _, _, x in tuple(ws.statistics.damage_in_latency)
                out_latencies += [
                    x * 1000
                    for _, _, _, x in tuple(ws.statistics.damage_out_latency)
            info["window"] = winfo
            v = 0
            if total_time > 0:
                v = int(total_pixels / total_time)
            info.setdefault("encoding", {})["pixels_encoded_per_second"] = v
            dinfo = info.setdefault("damage", {})
            dinfo["in_latency"] = get_list_stats(in_latencies,
            dinfo["out_latency"] = get_list_stats(out_latencies,
        return info
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_info(self):
     cwqsizes = [x for _, x in tuple(self.compression_work_qsizes)]
     pqsizes = [x for _, x in tuple(self.packet_qsizes)]
     now = monotonic_time()
     time_limit = now - 60  #ignore old records (60s)
     info = {
         "damage": {
             "events": self.damage_events_count,
             "packets_sent": self.packet_count,
             "data_queue": {
                 "size": get_list_stats(cwqsizes),
             "packet_queue": {
                 "size": get_list_stats(pqsizes),
         "encoding": {
             "decode_errors": self.decode_errors
         "congestion": {
             "avg-send-speed": self.avg_congestion_send_speed,
             "elapsed-time": int(now - self.last_congestion_time),
     #client pixels per second:
     #pixels per second: decode time and overall
     total_pixels = 0  #total number of pixels processed
     total_time = 0  #total decoding time
     start_time = None  #when we start counting from (oldest record)
     region_sizes = []
     for _, event_time, pixels, decode_time in tuple(
         #time filter and ignore failed decoding (decode_time==0)
         if event_time < time_limit or decode_time <= 0:
         if start_time is None or start_time > event_time:
             start_time = event_time
         total_pixels += pixels
         total_time += decode_time
     log("total_time=%s, total_pixels=%s", total_time, total_pixels)
     if total_time > 0:
         pixels_decoded_per_second = int(total_pixels * 1000 * 1000 /
             "pixels_decoded_per_second"] = pixels_decoded_per_second
     if start_time:
         elapsed = now - start_time
         pixels_per_second = int(total_pixels / elapsed)
         info.setdefault("encoding", {}).update({
             int(len(region_sizes) / elapsed),
             int(total_pixels / len(region_sizes)),
     return info
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_info(self) -> dict:
     cwqsizes = tuple(x[1] for x in tuple(self.compression_work_qsizes))
     pqsizes = tuple(x[1] for x in tuple(self.packet_qsizes))
     now = monotonic()
     time_limit = now-60             #ignore old records (60s)
     client_latency = max(0, self.avg_frame_total_latency-
     info = {
         "damage" : {
             "events"        : self.damage_events_count,
             "packets_sent"  : self.packet_count,
             "data_queue"    : {
                 "size"   : get_list_stats(cwqsizes),
             "packet_queue"  : {
                 "size"   : get_list_stats(pqsizes),
             "frame-total-latency" : self.avg_frame_total_latency,
             "client-latency"    : client_latency,
         "encoding" : {"decode_errors"   : self.decode_errors},
         "connection" : self.get_connection_info(),
     if self.quality:
         ql = tuple(quality for _,_,quality in self.quality)
         info["encoding"]["quality"] = get_list_stats(ql)
     if self.speed:
         sl = tuple(speed for _,_,speed in self.speed)
         info["encoding"]["speed"] = get_list_stats(sl)
     #client pixels per second:
     #pixels per second: decode time and overall
     total_pixels = 0                #total number of pixels processed
     total_time = 0                  #total decoding time
     start_time = None               #when we start counting from (oldest record)
     region_sizes = []
     for _, event_time, pixels, decode_time in tuple(self.client_decode_time):
         #time filter and ignore failed decoding (decode_time==0)
         if event_time<time_limit or decode_time<=0:
         if start_time is None or start_time>event_time:
             start_time = event_time
         total_pixels += pixels
         total_time += decode_time
     log("total_time=%s, total_pixels=%s", total_time, total_pixels)
     if total_time>0:
         pixels_decoded_per_second = int(total_pixels *1000*1000 / total_time)
         info["encoding"]["pixels_decoded_per_second"] = pixels_decoded_per_second
     if start_time:
         elapsed = now-start_time
         pixels_per_second = int(total_pixels/elapsed)
         info.setdefault("encoding", {}).update({
                                                 "pixels_per_second"     : pixels_per_second,
                                                 "regions_per_second"    : int(len(region_sizes)/elapsed),
                                                 "average_region_size"   : int(total_pixels/len(region_sizes)),
     return info
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_info(self) -> dict:
        info = {
            "damage": {
                "events": self.damage_events_count,
                "packets_sent": self.packet_count,
                "target-latency": int(1000 * self.target_latency),
        #encoding stats:
        estats = tuple(self.encoding_stats)
        if estats:

            def add_compression_stats(enc_stats, encoding=None):
                comp_ratios_pct = []
                comp_times_ns = []
                total_pixels = 0
                total_time = 0.0
                for _, _, pixels, bpp, compressed_size, compression_time in enc_stats:
                    if compressed_size > 0 and pixels > 0:
                        osize = pixels * bpp / 8
                            (100.0 * compressed_size / osize, pixels))
                            (1000.0 * 1000 * 1000 * compression_time / pixels,
                        total_pixels += pixels
                        total_time += compression_time
                einfo = info.setdefault("encoding", {})
                if encoding:
                    einfo = einfo.setdefault(encoding, {})
                einfo["ratio_pct"] = get_weighted_list_stats(comp_ratios_pct)
                einfo["pixels_per_ns"] = get_weighted_list_stats(comp_times_ns)
                if total_time > 0:
                    einfo["pixels_encoded_per_second"] = int(total_pixels /

            encodings_used = tuple(x[1] for x in estats)
            for encoding in encodings_used:
                enc_stats = tuple(x for x in estats if x[1] == encoding)
                add_compression_stats(enc_stats, encoding)

        dinfo = info.setdefault("damage", {})
        latencies = tuple(x[-1] * 1000 for x in tuple(self.damage_in_latency))
        dinfo["in_latency"] = get_list_stats(latencies, show_percentile=[9])
        latencies = tuple(x[-1] * 1000 for x in tuple(self.damage_out_latency))
        dinfo["out_latency"] = get_list_stats(latencies, show_percentile=[9])
        #per encoding totals:
        if self.encoding_totals:
            tf = info.setdefault("total_frames", {})
            tp = info.setdefault("total_pixels", {})
        for encoding, totals in self.encoding_totals.items():
            tf[encoding] = totals[0]
            tp[encoding] = totals[1]
        return info
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_client_info(self):
     latencies = [x * 1000 for (_, _, _, x) in list(self.client_latency)]
     info = {
         "connection": {"mmap_bytecount": self.mmap_bytes_sent},
         "latency": get_list_stats(latencies),
         "server": {"ping_latency": get_list_stats(1000.0 * x for _, x in list(self.server_ping_latency))},
         "client": {"ping_latency": get_list_stats(1000.0 * x for _, x in list(self.client_ping_latency))},
     if self.min_client_latency is not None:
         info["latency"] = {"absmin": int(self.min_client_latency * 1000)}
     return info
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def get_connection_info(self):
     latencies = [x*1000 for (_, _, _, x) in tuple(self.client_latency)]
     info = {
         "mmap_bytecount"  : self.mmap_bytes_sent,
         "latency"           : get_list_stats(latencies),
         "server"            : {
             "ping_latency"   : get_list_stats(1000.0*x for _, x in tuple(self.server_ping_latency)),
         "client"            : {
             "ping_latency"   : get_list_stats(1000.0*x for _, x in tuple(self.client_ping_latency)),
     if self.min_client_latency is not None:
         info["latency"] = {"absmin" : int(self.min_client_latency*1000)}
     return info
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def get_info(self):
        info = {"damage"    : {"events"         : self.damage_events_count,
                               "packets_sent"   : self.packet_count}
        #encoding stats:
        if len(self.encoding_stats)>0:
            estats = list(self.encoding_stats)
            encodings_used = [x[1] for x in estats]
            def add_compression_stats(enc_stats, encoding=None):
                comp_ratios_pct = []
                comp_times_ns = []
                total_pixels = 0
                total_time = 0.0
                for _, _, pixels, bpp, compressed_size, compression_time in enc_stats:
                    if compressed_size>0 and pixels>0:
                        osize = pixels*bpp/8
                        comp_ratios_pct.append((100.0*compressed_size/osize, pixels))
                        comp_times_ns.append((1000.0*1000*1000*compression_time/pixels, pixels))
                        total_pixels += pixels
                        total_time += compression_time
                einfo = info.setdefault("encoding", {})
                if encoding:
                    einfo = einfo.setdefault(encoding, {})
                einfo["ratio_pct"] = get_weighted_list_stats(comp_ratios_pct)
                einfo["pixels_per_ns"] = get_weighted_list_stats(comp_times_ns)
                if total_time>0:
                    einfo["pixels_encoded_per_second"] = int(total_pixels / total_time)
            for encoding in encodings_used:
                enc_stats = [x for x in estats if x[1]==encoding]
                add_compression_stats(enc_stats, encoding)

        dinfo = info.setdefault("damage", {})
        latencies = [x*1000 for _, _, _, x in list(self.damage_in_latency)]
        dinfo["in_latency"]  = get_list_stats(latencies, show_percentile=[9])
        latencies = [x*1000 for _, _, _, x in list(self.damage_out_latency)]
        dinfo["out_latency"] = get_list_stats(latencies, show_percentile=[9])
        #per encoding totals:
        if self.encoding_totals:
            tf = info.setdefault("total_frames", {})
            tp = info.setdefault("total_pixels", {})
        for encoding, totals in self.encoding_totals.items():
            tf[encoding] = totals[0]
            tp[encoding] = totals[1]
        return info
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_info(self):
     info = {
         "min-delay": self.min_delay,
         "max-delay": self.max_delay,
         "timeout-delay": self.timeout_delay,
         "locked": self.locked,
     if len(self.last_delays) > 0:
         batch_delays = [x for _, x in list(self.last_delays)]
         info["delay"] = get_list_stats(batch_delays)
     if len(self.last_actual_delays) > 0:
         batch_delays = [x for _, x in list(self.last_actual_delays)]
         info["actual_delays"] = get_list_stats(batch_delays, show_percentile=[9])
     for name, details, factor, weight in self.factors:
         fdetails = details.copy()
         fdetails[""] = int(100.0 * factor), int(100.0 * weight)
         info[name] = fdetails
     return info
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_info(self):
     cwqsizes = [x for _, x in list(self.compression_work_qsizes)]
     pqsizes = [x for _, x in list(self.packet_qsizes)]
     info = {
         "damage": {
             "events": self.damage_events_count,
             "packets_sent": self.packet_count,
             "data_queue": {"size": get_list_stats(cwqsizes)},
             "packet_queue": {"size": get_list_stats(pqsizes)},
         "encoding": {"decode_errors": self.decode_errors},
     # client pixels per second:
     now = time.time()
     time_limit = now - 30  # ignore old records (30s)
     # pixels per second: decode time and overall
     total_pixels = 0  # total number of pixels processed
     total_time = 0  # total decoding time
     start_time = None  # when we start counting from (oldest record)
     region_sizes = []
     for _, event_time, pixels, decode_time in list(self.client_decode_time):
         # time filter and ignore failed decoding (decode_time==0)
         if event_time < time_limit or decode_time <= 0:
         if start_time is None or start_time > event_time:
             start_time = event_time
         total_pixels += pixels
         total_time += decode_time
     log("total_time=%s, total_pixels=%s", total_time, total_pixels)
     if total_time > 0:
         pixels_decoded_per_second = int(total_pixels * 1000 * 1000 / total_time)
         info["encoding"]["pixels_decoded_per_second"] = pixels_decoded_per_second
     if start_time:
         elapsed = now - start_time
         pixels_per_second = int(total_pixels / elapsed)
         info.setdefault("encoding", {}).update(
                 "pixels_per_second": pixels_per_second,
                 "regions_per_second": int(len(region_sizes) / elapsed),
                 "average_region_size": int(total_pixels / len(region_sizes)),
     return info
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get_info(self):
     info = {
         "min-delay": self.min_delay,
         "max-delay": self.max_delay,
         "timeout-delay": self.timeout_delay,
         "locked": self.locked
     if len(self.last_delays) > 0:
         batch_delays = [x for _, x in list(self.last_delays)]
         info["delay"] = get_list_stats(batch_delays)
     if len(self.last_actual_delays) > 0:
         batch_delays = [x for _, x in list(self.last_actual_delays)]
         info["actual_delays"] = get_list_stats(batch_delays,
     for name, details, factor, weight in self.factors:
         fdetails = details.copy()
         fdetails[""] = int(100.0 * factor), int(100.0 * weight)
         info[name] = fdetails
     return info