Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: core.py Proyecto: qmutz/xpra
 def _read_xshape(self, x=0, y=0):
     if not X11Window.displayHasXShape() or not XSHAPE:
         return {}
     extents = X11Window.XShapeQueryExtents(self.xid)
     if not extents:
         shapelog("read_shape for window %#x: no extents", self.xid)
         return {}
     #w,h = X11Window.getGeometry(xid)[2:4]
     shapelog("read_shape for window %#x: extents=%s", self.xid, extents)
     bextents = extents[0]
     cextents = extents[1]
     if bextents[0] == 0 and cextents[0] == 0:
         shapelog("read_shape for window %#x: none enabled", self.xid)
         return {}
     v = {
         "x": x,
         "y": y,
         "Bounding.extents": bextents,
         "Clip.extents": cextents,
     for kind, kind_name in SHAPE_KIND.items():  # @UndefinedVariable
         rectangles = X11Window.XShapeGetRectangles(self.xid, kind)
         v[kind_name + ".rectangles"] = rectangles
     shapelog("_read_shape()=%s", v)
     return v
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def do_set_shape():
     xid = get_xid(self.get_window())
     for kind, name in SHAPE_KIND.items():
         rectangles = shape.get("%s.rectangles" % name)      #ie: Bounding.rectangles = [(0, 0, 150, 100)]
         if rectangles is not None:
             #adjust for scaling:
             if self._client.xscale!=1 or self._client.yscale!=1:
                     from PIL import Image, ImageDraw        #@UnresolvedImport
                     Image, ImageDraw = None, None
                 if Image and ImageDraw:
                     ww, wh = self._size
                     sw, sh = self._client.cp(ww, wh)
                     img = Image.new('1', (sw, sh), color=0)
                     shapelog("drawing %s on bitmap(%s,%s)=%s", kind, sw, sh, img)
                     d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
                     for x,y,w,h in rectangles:
                         d.rectangle([x, y, x+w, y+h], fill=1)
                     img = img.resize((ww, wh))
                     shapelog("resized %s bitmap to window size %sx%s: %s", kind, ww, wh, img)
                     #now convert back to rectangles...
                     rectangles = []
                     for y in range(wh):
                         #for debugging, this is very useful, but costly!
                         #shapelog("pixels[%3i]=%s", y, "".join([str(img.getpixel((x, y))) for x in range(ww)]))
                         x = 0
                         start = None
                         while x<ww:
                             #find first white pixel:
                             while x<ww and img.getpixel((x, y))==0:
                                 x += 1
                             start = x
                             #find next black pixel:
                             while x<ww and img.getpixel((x, y))!=0:
                                 x += 1
                             end = x
                             if start<end:
                                 rectangles.append((start, y, end-start, 1))
                     #scale the rectangles without a bitmap...
                     #results aren't so good! (but better than nothing?)
                     srect = self._client.srect
                     rectangles = [srect(*x) for x in rectangles]
             #FIXME: are we supposed to get the offset from the "extents"?
             x_off, y_off = 0, 0
             shapelog("XShapeCombineRectangles %s=%i rectangles", name, len(rectangles))
             #too expensive to log:
             #shapelog("XShapeCombineRectangles %s=%s", name, rectangles)
             with xsync:
                 X11Window.XShapeCombineRectangles(xid, kind, x_off, y_off, rectangles)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def do_set_shape():
     xid = get_xid(self.get_window())
     x_off, y_off = shape.get("x", 0), shape.get("y", 0)
     for kind, name in SHAPE_KIND.items():
         rectangles = shape.get("%s.rectangles" % name)      #ie: Bounding.rectangles = [(0, 0, 150, 100)]
         if rectangles:
             #adjust for scaling:
             if self._client.xscale!=1 or self._client.yscale!=1:
                 x_off, y_off = self._client.sp(x_off, y_off)
                 rectangles = self.scale_shape_rectangles(name, rectangles)
             #too expensive to log with actual rectangles:
             shapelog("XShapeCombineRectangles(%#x, %s, %i, %i, %i rects)", xid, name, x_off, y_off, len(rectangles))
             with xsync:
                 X11Window.XShapeCombineRectangles(xid, kind, x_off, y_off, rectangles)