Ejemplo n.º 1
def handle_note_files(kw, file):
    fpath = os.path.join(xconfig.UPLOAD_DIR, file.creator, str(file.parent_id),
    filelist = []
    # 处理相册
    if file.type == "gallery":
        if os.path.exists(fpath):
            filelist = fsutil.list_files(fpath, webpath=True)
        file.path = fpath

    kw.path = fpath
    kw.filelist = filelist
Ejemplo n.º 2
def view_gallery_func(file, kw):
    fpath = os.path.join(xconfig.UPLOAD_DIR, file.creator, str(file.parent_id),
    filelist = []
    # 处理相册
    # print(file)
    fpath = fsutil.get_gallery_path(file)
    # print(fpath)
    if fpath != None:
        filelist = fsutil.list_files(fpath, webpath=True)
    file.path = fpath
    kw.show_aside = False
    kw.path = fpath
    kw.filelist = filelist
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def GET(self):
     path = xutils.get_argument("path")
     path = xutils.get_real_path(path)
     error = ""
     if path == None or path == "":
         path = xconfig.DATA_DIR
     if not os.path.exists(path):
         error = "[%s] not exits!" % path
         filelist = []
         filelist = fsutil.list_files(path)
     return xtemplate.render("fs/fs_sidebar.html", 
         error = error,
         path = path, 
         filelist = filelist)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: view.py Proyecto: 552301/xnote
def handle_note_files(kw, file):
    fpath = os.path.join(xconfig.UPLOAD_DIR, file.creator, str(file.parent_id), str(file.id))
    filelist = []
    # 处理相册
    if file.type == "gallery":
        fpath = fsutil.get_gallery_path(file)
        if fpath != None:
            filelist = fsutil.list_files(fpath, webpath = True)
        file.path = fpath
        kw.show_aside = False

    kw.path = fpath
    kw.filelist = filelist
    file.path = fpath
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def GET(self, op):
        id            = xutils.get_argument("id", "")
        name          = xutils.get_argument("name", "")
        page          = xutils.get_argument("page", 1, type=int)
        pagesize      = xutils.get_argument("pagesize", xconfig.PAGE_SIZE, type=int)
        show_menu     = xutils.get_argument("show_menu", "true") != "false"
        orderby       = xutils.get_argument("orderby", "mtiem_desc")
        user_name     = xauth.get_current_name()
        show_add_file = False
        title         = None
        show_pagination = True
        show_search_div = False

        if id == "0":
            raise web.found("/")
        # 回收站的笔记也能看到
        if id == "" and name == "":
            raise HTTPError(504)
        if id != "":
            file = xutils.call("note.get_by_id", id)
        elif name is not None:
            file = xutils.call("note.get_by_name", name, db=db)
        if file is None:
            raise web.notfound()
        if file.type != "group" and not file.is_public and user_name != "admin" and user_name != file.creator:
            raise web.seeother("/unauthorized")
        pathlist        = xutils.call("note.list_path", file)
        can_edit        = (file.creator == user_name) or (user_name == "admin")
        role            = xauth.get_current_role()

        # 定义一些变量
        show_groups    = False
        show_mdate     = False
        files          = []
        recent_created = []
        groups         = []
        amount         = 0
        show_recommend = False
        template_name  = "note/view.html"
        next_note      = None
        prev_note      = None
        filelist       = None
            link = "/note/view?id=%s" % id, 
            name = file.name))
        recommended_notes = []

        title  = file.name
        if file.type == "group":
            files  = xutils.call("note.list_by_parent", user_name, file.id, (page-1)*pagesize, pagesize, orderby)
            amount = xutils.call("note.count", user_name, file.id)
            content         = file.content
            show_search_div = True
            show_add_file   = True
            show_mdate      = True
        elif file.type == "md" or file.type == "text":
            content = file.content
            show_recommend = True
            show_pagination = False
            if op == "edit":
                show_recommend = False
                template_name = "note/editor/markdown_edit.html"
            content = file.content
            content = content.replace(u'\xad', '\n')
            content = content.replace(u'\n', '<br/>')
            file.data = file.data.replace(u"\xad", "\n")
            file.data = file.data.replace(u'\n', '<br/>')
            if file.data == None or file.data == "":
                file.data = content
            show_recommend = True
            show_pagination = False

        fpath = os.path.join(xconfig.UPLOAD_DIR, file.creator, str(file.parent_id), str(id))

        # 处理相册
        if file.type == "gallery":
            if os.path.exists(fpath):
                filelist = fsutil.list_files(fpath, webpath = True)
                filelist = []
            file.path = fpath

        if show_recommend and user_name is not None:
            show_groups = False
            # 推荐系统
            ctx = Storage(id=file.id, name = file.name, creator = file.creator, 
                content = file.content,
                parent_id = file.parent_id,
                result = [])
            xmanager.fire("note.recommend", ctx)
            recommended_notes = ctx.result

            next_note = xutils.call("note.find_next_note", file)
            prev_note = xutils.call("note.find_prev_note", file)
        xmanager.fire("note.view", file)
        show_aside = True
        if op == "edit":
            show_aside = False

        return xtemplate.render(template_name,
            show_aside    = show_aside,
            html_title    = title,
            file          = file, 
            path          = fpath,
            filelist      = filelist,
            note_id       = id,
            op            = op,
            show_mdate    = show_mdate,
            show_add_file = show_add_file,
            show_menu     = show_menu,
            show_pagination = show_pagination,
            can_edit = can_edit,
            pathlist = pathlist,
            page_max = math.ceil(amount/pagesize),
            page     = page,
            page_url = "/note/view?id=%s&orderby=%s&page=" % (id, orderby),
            files    = files, 
            recent_created    = recent_created,
            show_groups       = show_groups,
            groups            = groups,
            prev_note         = prev_note,
            next_note         = next_note,
            recommended_notes = recommended_notes)