Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _energy(audio_location, sample_rate):
        # This function behaves the same as 'python yaafe.py -r SAMPLERATE -f \
        #               "energy: Energy PARAMETERS" WAV-LOCATION'
        # SAMPLERATE : Samplerate of the file being processed
        #- blockSize (default=1024): output frames size
        #- stepSize (default=512): step between consecutive frames

        # Build a dataflow object using FeaturePlan
        # blockSize, stepSize could be added too. 1024, 512 default
        fp = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=sample_rate)

        # Using *.addFeature() multiple extractions can be called with a
        # single call
        fp.addFeature('Energy: Energy')
        #('energy: Energy blockSize=1024 stepSize=512')

        # Get dataflow
        df = fp.getDataFlow()

        # Configure engine
        engine = Engine()

        # extract features from audio using AudioFileProcessor
        afp = AudioFileProcessor()
        afp.processFile(engine, audio_location)

        # features array holds all the extracted features
        features = engine.readAllOutputs()

        # returns the array of features extracted
        return features
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _ExtractAll(self, audio_location, sample_rate):
        # Build a dataflow object using FeaturePlan
        fp = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=sample_rate)

        # Using *.addFeature() multiple extractions can be called with a
        # single call
        fp.addFeature('zcr: ZCR')
        fp.addFeature('mfcc: MFCC')
        fp.addFeature('mfcc_D1: MFCC > Derivate DOrder=1')
        #fp.addFeature('mfcc_D2: MFCC > Derivate DOrder=2')
        fp.addFeature('flux: SpectralFlux')
        fp.addFeature('energy: Energy')
        fp.addFeature('loudness: Loudness')
        fp.addFeature('obsi: OBSI')
        fp.addFeature('sharpness: PerceptualSharpness')
        fp.addFeature('spread: PerceptualSpread')
        fp.addFeature('rolloff: SpectralRolloff')
        fp.addFeature('variation: SpectralVariation')
        # Get dataflow
        df = fp.getDataFlow()

        # Configure engine
        engine = Engine()

        # extract features from audio using AudioFileProcessor
        afp = AudioFileProcessor()
        afp.processFile(engine, audio_location)

        # features array holds all the extracted features
        features = engine.readAllOutputs()
        #print features["zcr"]
        # returns the array of features extracted
        return features
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(argv):
    if len(argv) != 2:
        print 'usage: python %s foo.mp3' % (argv[0])
    fp = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE,
    fp.addFeature("frames: Frames blockSize={0} stepSize={1}".format(
    if 'YAAFE_PATH' in os.environ:
            "beat_hist: BeatHistogramSummary ACPNbPeaks=3  BHSBeatFrameSize=128  BHSBeatFrameStep=64  "
            "BHSHistogramFrameSize=40  BHSHistogramFrameStep=40  FFTLength=0  FFTWindow=Hanning  "
            "HInf=40  HNbBins=80  HSup=200  NMANbFrames=5000  blockSize=1024  stepSize=512"
    df = fp.getDataFlow()
    engine = Engine()
    afp = AudioFileProcessor()

    song_path = argv[1]
    assert os.path.exists(song_path)
    afp.processFile(engine, song_path)
    frames = engine.readOutput('frames')
    frames = np.concatenate(frames)
    print 'time start: %ss' % TIME_START
    print 'time limit: %ss' % TIME_LIMIT
    print 'duration:', 1. * frames.size / SAMPLE_RATE

    if 'YAAFE_PATH' in os.environ:
        beat_hist = engine.readOutput('beat_hist')
        print 'beat_hist: %s' % beat_hist
def startEngine(path):
    global afp, features
    afp = AudioFileProcessor()
    afp.processFile(engine,path)       # 从mp3文件中提取特征,它必需提供engine配置

    features = engine.readAllOutputs() # 得到所有特征矩阵

    return 'Yaafe提取成功'
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, **args):
        self.engine = Engine()
        self.afp = AudioFileProcessor()

        self.block_size = (1024
                           if not 'block_size' in args else args['block_size'])
        self.step_size = (512
                          if not 'step_size' in args else args['step_size'])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def startEngine(path):
    global afp, features
    afp = AudioFileProcessor()

    features = engine.readAllOutputs() # matrix of all features

    return 'extracted'
Ejemplo n.º 7
def process_audio(audioFile, engine):
    afp = AudioFileProcessor()
    afp.setOutputFormat('csv', config['OUTPUT_FOLDER'], {'Precision':'8'})
    # afp.setOutputFormat('h5', OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME, {'mode':'overwrite'})
    afp.processFile(engine, basename(audioFile))

Ejemplo n.º 8
def compute_spec(song_path):
    fp = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=22050, resample=True)
    #add one feature
    fp.addFeature("spec: PowerSpectrum blockSize=1024 stepSize=512")
    df = fp.getDataFlow()
    engine = Engine()
    afp = AudioFileProcessor()
    afp.processFile(engine, song_path)
    return engine.readOutput('spec')
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _ExtractZCRAndFlux(self, audio_location, sample_rate):
     fp = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=sample_rate)
     fp.addFeature('zcr: ZCR')
     fp.addFeature('flux: SpectralFlux')
     df = fp.getDataFlow()
     engine = Engine()
     afp = AudioFileProcessor()
     afp.processFile(engine, audio_location)
     features = engine.readAllOutputs()
     return features
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def initialize(self, feature_dict):
     """ Run the required boilerplate for yaafe """
     self.feature_dict = feature_dict
     self.fp = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=self.sample_rate, normalize=0.98)
     for name, desc in self.feature_dict.items():
         self.fp.addFeature("{0}: {1}".format(name, desc))
     self.df = self.fp.getDataFlow()
     self.engine = Engine()
     self.afp = AudioFileProcessor()
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 11
def startEngine(path):

    global features

    engine = Engine()

    afp  = AudioFileProcessor()
    features = engine.readAllOutputs()

    return 'Yaafe引擎启动成功'
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _zcr(self, audio_location, sample_rate):
        # This function behave the same as 'python yaafe.py -r SAMPLERATE -f \
        #               "zcr: ZCR blockSize=1024  stepSize=512" WAV-LOCATION'
        # SAMPLERATE = samplerate of the file being processed
        # zcr        = name for the process (zcr1, zcr2... )
        # ZCR        = the feature that is being extracted
        # blockSize  = output frames size
        # stepSize   = step between consecutive frames

        # Build a dataflow object using FeaturePlan
        # blockSize, stepSize could be added too. 1024, 512 default
        fp = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=sample_rate)

        # Using *.addFeature() multiple extractions can be called with a
        # single call
        fp.addFeature('ZCR: ZCR')

        # Get dataflow
        df = fp.getDataFlow()

        # Or load it from a file
        # df = DataFlow()
        # df.load(dataflow_file)

        # Configure engine
        engine = Engine()

        # extract features from audio using AudioFileProcessor
        afp = AudioFileProcessor()
        afp.processFile(engine, audio_location)

        # features array holds all the extracted features
        features = engine.readAllOutputs()

        # extract features from an audio file and write results to csv files
        # afp.setOutputFormat('csv','output',{'Precision':'8'})
        # afp.processFile(engine,audiofile)
        #  this creates output/myaudio.wav.mfcc.csv,
        #               output/myaudio.wav.mfcc_d1.csv and
        #               output/myaudio.wav.mfcc_d2.csv files.

        # Clear the engine so it can be used again

        # returns the array of features extracted
        return features
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _mfcc(self, audio_location, sample_rate):
        # This function behaves the same as 'python yaafe.py -r SAMPLERATE -f \
        #               "mfcc: MFCC PARAMETERS" WAV-LOCATION'
        # SAMPLERATE : Samplerate of the file being processed
        #- CepsIgnoreFirstCoeff (default=1): 0 keeps the first cepstral coeffcient, 1 ignore it
        #- CepsNbCoeffs (default=13): Number of cepstral coefficient to keep.
        #- FFTWindow (default=Hanning): Weighting window to apply before fft. Hanning|Hamming|None
        #- MelMaxFreq (default=6854.0): Maximum frequency of the mel filter bank
        #- MelMinFreq (default=130.0): Minimum frequency of the mel filter bank
        #- MelNbFilters (default=40): Number of mel filters
        #- blockSize (default=1024): output frames size
        #- stepSize (default=512): step between consecutive frames

        # Build a dataflow object using FeaturePlan
        fp = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=sample_rate)

        # Using *.addFeature() multiple extractions can be called with a
        # single call
        fp.addFeature('mfcc: MFCC')
        #('mfcc: MFCC CepsIgnoreFirstCoeff=0 \
        #CepsNbCoeffs=13 FFTWindow=Hanning MelMaxFreq=6854\
        #MelMinFreq=130 MelNbFilters=40 blockSize=1024 stepSize=512')

        # Get dataflow
        df = fp.getDataFlow()

        engine = Engine()

        # extract features from audio using AudioFileProcessor
        afp = AudioFileProcessor()
        afp.processFile(engine, audio_location)

        # features array holds all the extracted features
        features = engine.readAllOutputs()

        # returns the array of features extracted
        return features
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _SpectralFlux(self, audio_location, sample_rate):
        # This function behaves the same as 'python yaafe.py -r SAMPLERATE -f \
        #               "flux: SpectralFlux PARAMETERS" WAV-LOCATION'
        # SAMPLERATE : Samplerate of the file being processed
        # - FFTLength (default=0): Frame's length on which perform FFT. Original
        #   frame is padded with zeros or truncated to reach this size. If 0 then
        #   use original frame length.
        # - FFTWindow (default=Hanning): Weighting window to apply before fft. Hanning|Hamming|None
        # - FluxSupport (default=All): support of flux computation. if 'All' then
        #   use all bins (default), if 'Increase' then use only bins which are increasing
        # - blockSize (default=1024): output frames size
        # - stepSize (default=512): step between consecutive frames

        # Build a dataflow object using FeaturePlan
        fp = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=sample_rate)

        # Using *.addFeature() multiple extractions can be called with a
        # single call
        fp.addFeature('Flux: SpectralFlux')
        #('flux: SpectralFlux FFTLength=0 FFTWindow=Hanning FluxSupport=All\
        # blockSize=1024 stepSize=512')

        # Get dataflow
        df = fp.getDataFlow()

        # Configure engine
        engine = Engine()

        # extract features from audio using AudioFileProcessor
        afp = AudioFileProcessor()
        afp.processFile(engine, audio_location)

        # features array holds all the extracted features
        features = engine.readAllOutputs()

        # returns the array of features extracted
        return features
Ejemplo n.º 15
def detect(wav_path, ans_path=None):
    sample_rate = 8000
    block_size = 1024
    step_size = block_size / 2
    n_band = block_size / 2
    freq_bound = [i * sample_rate / 2. / n_band for i in range(n_band + 1)]

    plan = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=sample_rate, resample=True)
    plan.addFeature('power_spectrum: PowerSpectrum blockSize=%d stepSize=%d' %
                    (block_size, step_size))
    dataflow = plan.getDataFlow()
    afp = AudioFileProcessor()
    engine = Engine()
    afp.processFile(engine, wav_path)
    spectrogram = engine.readOutput('power_spectrum')
    seq = []
    for spectrum in spectrogram:
        mean_mag = np.mean(spectrum)
        if mean_mag <= SILENT_MAG_THRESHOLD:
        lower_data = (-1, -1)
        upper_data = (-1, -1)

        for target_idx, target_freq in itertools.chain(enumerate(LOWER_FREQS),
            idx = bisect.bisect(freq_bound, target_freq)
            assert idx > 0
            freq1 = freq_bound[idx - 1]
            mag1 = spectrum[idx - 1]
            freq2 = freq_bound[idx]
            mag2 = spectrum[idx]
            w1 = 1. * (freq2 - target_freq) / (freq2 - freq1)
            w2 = 1. - w1
            target_mag = (w1 * mag1 + w2 * mag2)

            if target_mag > mean_mag * 2:
                if target_freq < 1000:
                    if target_mag > lower_data[1]:
                        lower_data = (target_idx, target_mag)
                    if target_mag > upper_data[1]:
                        upper_data = (target_idx, target_mag)

        lower_idx = lower_data[0]
        upper_idx = upper_data[0]
        if lower_idx == -1 or upper_idx == -1:
            seq.append(KEYS[lower_idx * len(LOWER_FREQS) + upper_idx])

    ans = purge_seq(seq)
    if ans_path is not None:
        with open(ans_path) as fh:
            for i, line in enumerate(fh):
                line = line.strip()
                assert line == ans[i], "%s != %s" % (line, ans[i])
                print '[%d] %s' % (i, line)
        for i, line in enumerate(ans):
            print '[%d] %s' % (i, line)
Ejemplo n.º 16
""" Stand-alone application to demonstrate yaafe's transformations """
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from yaafelib import FeaturePlan, Engine, AudioFileProcessor

FPLAN = FeaturePlan(sample_rate=44100)
FPLAN.addFeature("mfcc: MFCC blockSize=512 stepSize=128")
FPLAN.addFeature("mfcc_stat: MFCC blockSize=512 stepSize=128 > "
                 "StatisticalIntegrator NbFrames=40 StepNbFrames=8")
ENGINE = Engine()
PROCESSOR = AudioFileProcessor()

PROCESSOR.processFile(ENGINE, 'track.wav')
DATA = ENGINE.readAllOutputs()

X_MFCC = DATA['mfcc']
X_MFCC_STAT = DATA['mfcc_stat']

MFCC_DESC = list()
for i in range(1, 14):
    desc = "Average for Band {}".format(i)
for i in range(1, 14):
    desc = "Standard Dev. for Band {}".format(i)

FIG = plt.figure()
FIG.set_size_inches(14, 8)