def __init__(self, layers, original_shape, name='convnet', loss_func='softmax_cross_entropy', num_epochs=10, batch_size=10, opt='sgd', learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.5, dropout=0.5, batch_norm=False): """Constructor. :param layers: string used to build the model. This string is a comma-separate specification of the layers. Supported values: conv2d-FX-FY-Z-S: 2d convolution with Z feature maps as output and FX x FY filters. S is the strides size maxpool-X: max pooling on the previous layer. X is the size of the max pooling full-X: fully connected layer with X units softmax: softmax layer For example: conv2d-5-5-32,maxpool-2,conv2d-5-5-64,maxpool-2,full-128,full-128,softmax :param original_shape: original shape of the images in the dataset :param dropout: Dropout parameter """ print("correct cnn file") SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.opt = opt self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer(opt, learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.layers = layers self.original_shape = original_shape self.dropout = dropout self.batch_norm = batch_norm self.W_vars = None self.B_vars = None self.accuracy = None
def __init__(self, num_hidden, visible_unit_type='bin', name='rbm', loss_func='mse', learning_rate=0.01, regcoef=5e-4, regtype='none', gibbs_sampling_steps=1, batch_size=10, num_epochs=10, stddev=0.1): """Constructor. :param num_hidden: number of hidden units :param loss_function: type of loss function :param visible_unit_type: type of the visible units (bin or gauss) :param gibbs_sampling_steps: optional, default 1 :param stddev: default 0.1. Ignored if visible_unit_type is not 'gauss' """ UnsupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.regtype = regtype self.regcoef = regcoef self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.num_hidden = num_hidden self.visible_unit_type = visible_unit_type self.gibbs_sampling_steps = gibbs_sampling_steps self.stddev = stddev self.W = None self.bh_ = None self.bv_ = None self.w_upd8 = None self.bh_upd8 = None self.bv_upd8 = None self.cost = None self.input_data = None self.hrand = None self.vrand = None
def __init__(self, name='lr', loss_func='cross_entropy', learning_rate=0.01, num_epochs=10, batch_size=10): """Constructor.""" SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) # Computational graph nodes self.input_data = None self.input_labels = None self.W_ = None self.b_ = None self.accuracy = None
def __init__( self, layers, original_shape, name='convnet', loss_func='softmax_cross_entropy', num_epochs=10, batch_size=10, opt='sgd', learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.5, dropout=0.5): """Constructor. :param layers: string used to build the model. This string is a comma-separate specification of the layers. Supported values: conv2d-FX-FY-Z-S: 2d convolution with Z feature maps as output and FX x FY filters. S is the strides size maxpool-X: max pooling on the previous layer. X is the size of the max pooling full-X: fully connected layer with X units softmax: softmax layer For example: conv2d-5-5-32,maxpool-2,conv2d-5-5-64,maxpool-2,full-128,full-128,softmax :param original_shape: original shape of the images in the dataset :param dropout: Dropout parameter """ assert(layers.split(",")[-1] == "softmax") SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.opt = opt self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer( opt, learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.layers = layers self.original_shape = original_shape self.dropout = dropout self.W_vars = None self.B_vars = None self.accuracy = None
def __init__( self, num_hidden, visible_unit_type='bin', name='rbm', loss_func='mse', learning_rate=0.01, regcoef=5e-4, regtype='none', gibbs_sampling_steps=1, batch_size=10, num_epochs=10, stddev=0.1): """Constructor. :param num_hidden: number of hidden units :param loss_function: type of loss function :param visible_unit_type: type of the visible units (bin or gauss) :param gibbs_sampling_steps: optional, default 1 :param stddev: default 0.1. Ignored if visible_unit_type is not 'gauss' """ UnsupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.regtype = regtype self.regcoef = regcoef self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.num_hidden = num_hidden self.visible_unit_type = visible_unit_type self.gibbs_sampling_steps = gibbs_sampling_steps self.stddev = stddev self.W = None self.bh_ = None self.bv_ = None self.w_upd8 = None self.bh_upd8 = None self.bv_upd8 = None self.cost = None self.input_data = None self.hrand = None self.vrand = None
class RBM(UnsupervisedModel): """Restricted Boltzmann Machine implementation using TensorFlow. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__(self, num_hidden, visible_unit_type='bin', name='rbm', loss_func='mse', learning_rate=0.01, regcoef=5e-4, regtype='none', gibbs_sampling_steps=1, batch_size=10, num_epochs=10, stddev=0.1): """Constructor. :param num_hidden: number of hidden units :param loss_function: type of loss function :param visible_unit_type: type of the visible units (bin or gauss) :param gibbs_sampling_steps: optional, default 1 :param stddev: default 0.1. Ignored if visible_unit_type is not 'gauss' """ UnsupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.regtype = regtype self.regcoef = regcoef self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.num_hidden = num_hidden self.visible_unit_type = visible_unit_type self.gibbs_sampling_steps = gibbs_sampling_steps self.stddev = stddev self.W = None self.bh_ = None self.bv_ = None self.w_upd8 = None self.bh_upd8 = None self.bv_upd8 = None self.cost = None self.input_data = None self.hrand = None self.vrand = None def _train_model(self, train_set, validation_set, train_ref=None, Validation_ref=None): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param validation_set: validation set. optional, default None :return: self """ pbar = tqdm(list(range(self.num_epochs))) for i in pbar: self._run_train_step(train_set) if validation_set is not None: feed = self._create_feed_dict(validation_set) err = tf_utils.run_summaries(self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.cost) pbar.set_description("Reconstruction loss: %s" % (err)) def _run_train_step(self, train_set): """Run a training step. A training step is made by randomly shuffling the training set, divide into batches and run the variable update nodes for each batch. :param train_set: training set :return: self """ np.random.shuffle(train_set) batches = [ _ for _ in utilities.gen_batches(train_set, self.batch_size) ] updates = [self.w_upd8, self.bh_upd8, self.bv_upd8] for batch in batches:, feed_dict=self._create_feed_dict(batch)) def _create_feed_dict(self, data): """Create the dictionary of data to feed to tf session during training. :param data: training/validation set batch :return: dictionary(self.input_data: data, self.hrand: random_uniform, self.vrand: random_uniform) """ return { self.input_data: data, self.hrand: np.random.rand(data.shape[0], self.num_hidden), self.vrand: np.random.rand(data.shape[0], data.shape[1]) } def build_model(self, n_features, regtype='none'): """Build the Restricted Boltzmann Machine model in TensorFlow. :param n_features: number of features :param regtype: regularization type :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features) self._create_variables(n_features) self.encode = self.sample_hidden_from_visible(self.input_data)[0] self.reconstruction = self.sample_visible_from_hidden( self.encode, n_features) hprob0, hstate0, vprob, hprob1, hstate1 = self.gibbs_sampling_step( self.input_data, n_features) positive = self.compute_positive_association(self.input_data, hprob0, hstate0) nn_input = vprob for step in range(self.gibbs_sampling_steps - 1): hprob, hstate, vprob, hprob1, hstate1 = self.gibbs_sampling_step( nn_input, n_features) nn_input = vprob negative = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(vprob), hprob1) self.w_upd8 = self.W.assign_add( self.learning_rate * (positive - negative) / self.batch_size) self.bh_upd8 = self.bh_.assign_add( tf.multiply(self.learning_rate, tf.reduce_mean(tf.subtract(hprob0, hprob1), 0))) self.bv_upd8 = self.bv_.assign_add( tf.multiply(self.learning_rate, tf.reduce_mean(tf.subtract(self.input_data, vprob), 0))) variables = [self.W, self.bh_, self.bv_] regterm = Layers.regularization(variables, self.regtype, self.regcoef) self.cost = self.loss.compile(vprob, self.input_data, regterm=regterm) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.hrand = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_hidden], name='hrand') self.vrand = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='vrand') # not used in this model, created just to comply with # self.input_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_variables(self, n_features): """Create the TensorFlow variables for the model. :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ w_name = 'weights' self.W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( shape=[n_features, self.num_hidden], stddev=0.1), name=w_name) tf.summary.histogram(w_name, self.W) bh_name = 'hidden-bias' self.bh_ = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[self.num_hidden]), name=bh_name) tf.summary.histogram(bh_name, self.bh_) bv_name = 'visible-bias' self.bv_ = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_features]), name=bv_name) tf.summary.histogram(bv_name, self.bv_) def gibbs_sampling_step(self, visible, n_features): """Perform one step of gibbs sampling. :param visible: activations of the visible units :param n_features: number of features :return: tuple(hidden probs, hidden states, visible probs, new hidden probs, new hidden states) """ hprobs, hstates = self.sample_hidden_from_visible(visible) vprobs = self.sample_visible_from_hidden(hprobs, n_features) hprobs1, hstates1 = self.sample_hidden_from_visible(vprobs) return hprobs, hstates, vprobs, hprobs1, hstates1 def sample_hidden_from_visible(self, visible): """Sample the hidden units from the visible units. This is the Positive phase of the Contrastive Divergence algorithm. :param visible: activations of the visible units :return: tuple(hidden probabilities, hidden binary states) """ hprobs = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(visible, self.W), self.bh_)) hstates = utilities.sample_prob(hprobs, self.hrand) return hprobs, hstates def sample_visible_from_hidden(self, hidden, n_features): """Sample the visible units from the hidden units. This is the Negative phase of the Contrastive Divergence algorithm. :param hidden: activations of the hidden units :param n_features: number of features :return: visible probabilities """ visible_activation = tf.add(tf.matmul(hidden, tf.transpose(self.W)), self.bv_) if self.visible_unit_type == 'bin': vprobs = tf.nn.sigmoid(visible_activation) elif self.visible_unit_type == 'gauss': vprobs = tf.truncated_normal((1, n_features), mean=visible_activation, stddev=self.stddev) else: vprobs = None return vprobs def compute_positive_association(self, visible, hidden_probs, hidden_states): """Compute positive associations between visible and hidden units. :param visible: visible units :param hidden_probs: hidden units probabilities :param hidden_states: hidden units states :return: positive association = dot(visible.T, hidden) """ if self.visible_unit_type == 'bin': positive = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(visible), hidden_states) elif self.visible_unit_type == 'gauss': positive = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(visible), hidden_probs) else: positive = None return positive def load_model(self, shape, gibbs_sampling_steps, model_path): """Load a trained model from disk. The shape of the model (num_visible, num_hidden) and the number of gibbs sampling steps must be known in order to restore the model. :param shape: tuple(num_visible, num_hidden) :param gibbs_sampling_steps: :param model_path: :return: self """ n_features, self.num_hidden = shape[0], shape[1] self.gibbs_sampling_steps = gibbs_sampling_steps self.build_model(n_features) init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() self.tf_saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as self.tf_session: self.tf_saver.restore(self.tf_session, model_path) def get_parameters(self, graph=None): """Return the model parameters in the form of numpy arrays. :param graph: tf graph object :return: model parameters """ g = graph if graph is not None else self.tf_graph with g.as_default(): with tf.Session() as self.tf_session: self.tf_saver.restore(self.tf_session, self.model_path) return { 'W': self.W.eval(), 'bh_': self.bh_.eval(), 'bv_': self.bv_.eval() }
class ConvolutionalNetwork(SupervisedModel): """Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks using TensorFlow. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__(self, layers, original_shape, name='convnet', loss_func='softmax_cross_entropy', num_epochs=10, batch_size=10, opt='sgd', learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.5, dropout=0.5): """Constructor. :param layers: string used to build the model. This string is a comma-separate specification of the layers. Supported values: conv2d-FX-FY-Z-S: 2d convolution with Z feature maps as output and FX x FY filters. S is the strides size maxpool-X: max pooling on the previous layer. X is the size of the max pooling full-X: fully connected layer with X units softmax: softmax layer For example: conv2d-5-5-32,maxpool-2,conv2d-5-5-64,maxpool-2,full-128,full-128,softmax :param original_shape: original shape of the images in the dataset :param dropout: Dropout parameter """ assert (layers.split(",")[-1] == "softmax") SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.opt = opt self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer(opt, learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.layers = layers self.original_shape = original_shape self.dropout = dropout self.W_vars = None self.B_vars = None self.accuracy = None def _train_model(self, train_set, train_labels, validation_set, validation_labels): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param train_labels: training labels :param validation_set: validation set :param validation_labels: validation labels :return: self """ shuff = list(zip(train_set, train_labels)) pbar = tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)) for i in pbar: np.random.shuffle(list(shuff)) batches = [ _ for _ in utilities.gen_batches(shuff, self.batch_size) ] for batch in batches: x_batch, y_batch = zip(*batch), feed_dict={ self.input_data: x_batch, self.input_labels: y_batch, self.keep_prob: self.dropout }) if validation_set is not None: feed = { self.input_data: validation_set, self.input_labels: validation_labels, self.keep_prob: 1 } acc = tf_utils.run_summaries(self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.accuracy) pbar.set_description("Accuracy: %s" % (acc)) def build_model(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the computational graph of the model. :param n_features: Number of features. :param n_classes: number of classes. :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features, n_classes) self._create_layers(n_classes) self.cost = self.loss.compile(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) self.train_step = self.trainer.compile(self.cost) self.accuracy = Evaluation.accuracy(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features of the first layer :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.input_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_classes], name='y-input') self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_layers(self, n_classes): """Create the layers of the model from self.layers. :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ next_layer_feed = tf.reshape(self.input_data, [ -1, self.original_shape[0], self.original_shape[1], self.original_shape[2] ]) prev_output_dim = self.original_shape[2] # this flags indicates whether we are building the first dense layer first_full = True self.W_vars = [] self.B_vars = [] for i, l in enumerate(self.layers.split(',')): node = l.split('-') node_type = node[0] if node_type == 'conv2d': # ################### # # Convolutional Layer # # ################### # # fx, fy = shape of the convolutional filter # feature_maps = number of output dimensions fx, fy, feature_maps, stride = int(node[1]),\ int(node[2]), int(node[3]), int(node[4]) print('Building Convolutional layer with %d input channels\ and %d %dx%d filters with stride %d' % (prev_output_dim, feature_maps, fx, fy, stride)) # Create weights and biases W_conv = self.weight_variable( [fx, fy, prev_output_dim, feature_maps]) b_conv = self.bias_variable([feature_maps]) self.W_vars.append(W_conv) self.B_vars.append(b_conv) # Convolution and Activation function h_conv = tf.nn.relu( self.conv2d(next_layer_feed, W_conv, stride) + b_conv) # keep track of the number of output dims of the previous layer prev_output_dim = feature_maps # output node of the last layer next_layer_feed = h_conv elif node_type == 'maxpool': # ################# # # Max Pooling Layer # # ################# # ksize = int(node[1]) print('Building Max Pooling layer with size %d' % ksize) next_layer_feed = self.max_pool(next_layer_feed, ksize) elif node_type == 'full': # ####################### # # Densely Connected Layer # # ####################### # if first_full: # first fully connected layer dim = int(node[1]) shp = next_layer_feed.get_shape() tmpx = shp[1].value tmpy = shp[2].value fanin = tmpx * tmpy * prev_output_dim print('Building fully connected layer with %d in units\ and %d out units' % (fanin, dim)) W_fc = self.weight_variable([fanin, dim]) b_fc = self.bias_variable([dim]) self.W_vars.append(W_fc) self.B_vars.append(b_fc) h_pool_flat = tf.reshape(next_layer_feed, [-1, fanin]) h_fc = tf.nn.relu( tf.add(tf.matmul(h_pool_flat, W_fc), b_fc)) h_fc_drop = tf.nn.dropout(h_fc, self.keep_prob) prev_output_dim = dim next_layer_feed = h_fc_drop first_full = False else: # not first fully connected layer dim = int(node[1]) W_fc = self.weight_variable([prev_output_dim, dim]) b_fc = self.bias_variable([dim]) self.W_vars.append(W_fc) self.B_vars.append(b_fc) h_fc = tf.nn.relu( tf.add(tf.matmul(next_layer_feed, W_fc), b_fc)) h_fc_drop = tf.nn.dropout(h_fc, self.keep_prob) prev_output_dim = dim next_layer_feed = h_fc_drop elif node_type == 'softmax': # ############# # # Softmax Layer # # ############# # print('Building softmax layer with %d in units and\ %d out units' % (prev_output_dim, n_classes)) W_sm = self.weight_variable([prev_output_dim, n_classes]) b_sm = self.bias_variable([n_classes]) self.W_vars.append(W_sm) self.B_vars.append(b_sm) self.mod_y = tf.add(tf.matmul(next_layer_feed, W_sm), b_sm) @staticmethod def weight_variable(shape): """Create a weight variable.""" initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape=shape, stddev=0.1) return tf.Variable(initial) @staticmethod def bias_variable(shape): """Create a bias variable.""" initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape) return tf.Variable(initial) @staticmethod def conv2d(x, W, stride): """2D Convolution operation.""" return tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding='SAME') @staticmethod def max_pool(x, dim): """Max pooling operation.""" return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, dim, dim, 1], strides=[1, dim, dim, 1], padding='SAME')
class StackedDenoisingAutoencoder(SupervisedModel): """Implementation of Stacked Denoising Autoencoders using TensorFlow. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__( self, layers, name='sdae', enc_act_func=[tf.nn.tanh], dec_act_func=[None], loss_func=['cross_entropy'], num_epochs=[10], batch_size=[10], opt=['sgd'], regcoef=[5e-4], learning_rate=[0.01], momentum=0.5, finetune_dropout=1, corr_type=['none'], corr_frac=[0.], finetune_loss_func='softmax_cross_entropy', finetune_act_func=tf.nn.relu, finetune_opt='sgd', finetune_learning_rate=0.001, finetune_num_epochs=10, finetune_batch_size=20, do_pretrain=False): """Constructor. :param layers: list containing the hidden units for each layer :param enc_act_func: Activation function for the encoder. [tf.nn.tanh, tf.nn.sigmoid] :param dec_act_func: Activation function for the decoder. [tf.nn.tanh, tf.nn.sigmoid, None] :param finetune_loss_func: Loss function for the softmax layer. string, default ['softmax_cross_entropy', 'mse'] :param finetune_dropout: dropout parameter :param finetune_learning_rate: learning rate for the finetuning. float, default 0.001 :param finetune_act_func: activation function for the finetuning phase :param finetune_opt: optimizer for the finetuning phase :param finetune_num_epochs: Number of epochs for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param finetune_batch_size: Size of each mini-batch for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param corr_type: Type of input corruption. string, default 'none'. ["none", "masking", "salt_and_pepper"] :param corr_frac: Fraction of the input to corrupt. float, default 0.0 :param do_pretrain: True: uses variables from pretraining, False: initialize new variables. """ # WARNING! This must be the first expression in the function or else it # will send other variables to expanded_args() # This function takes all the passed parameters that are lists and # expands them to the number of layers, if the number # of layers is more than the list of the parameter. expanded_args = utilities.expand_args(**locals()) SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = finetune_loss_func self.learning_rate = finetune_learning_rate self.opt = finetune_opt self.num_epochs = finetune_num_epochs self.batch_size = finetune_batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.dropout = finetune_dropout self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer( finetune_opt, learning_rate=finetune_learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain self.layers = layers self.finetune_act_func = finetune_act_func # Model parameters self.encoding_w_ = [] # list of matrices of encoding weights per layer self.encoding_b_ = [] # list of arrays of encoding biases per layer self.last_W = None self.last_b = None self.autoencoders = [] self.autoencoder_graphs = [] for l, layer in enumerate(layers): dae_str = 'dae-' + str(l + 1) self.autoencoders.append( denoising_autoencoder.DenoisingAutoencoder( n_components=layer, + '-' + dae_str, enc_act_func=expanded_args['enc_act_func'][l], dec_act_func=expanded_args['dec_act_func'][l], loss_func=expanded_args['loss_func'][l], opt=expanded_args['opt'][l], regcoef=expanded_args['regcoef'], learning_rate=expanded_args['learning_rate'][l], momentum=self.momentum, corr_type=expanded_args['corr_type'][l], corr_frac=expanded_args['corr_frac'][l], num_epochs=expanded_args['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=expanded_args['batch_size'][l])) self.autoencoder_graphs.append(tf.Graph()) def pretrain(self, train_set, validation_set=None): """Perform Unsupervised pretraining of the autoencoder.""" self.do_pretrain = True def set_params_func(autoenc, autoencgraph): params = autoenc.get_parameters(graph=autoencgraph) self.encoding_w_.append(params['enc_w']) self.encoding_b_.append(params['enc_b']) return SupervisedModel.pretrain_procedure( self, self.autoencoders, self.autoencoder_graphs, set_params_func=set_params_func, train_set=train_set, validation_set=validation_set) def _train_model(self, train_set, train_labels, validation_set, validation_labels): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param train_labels: training labels :param validation_set: validation set :param validation_labels: validation labels :return: self """ shuff = list(zip(train_set, train_labels)) pbar = tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)) for i in pbar: np.random.shuffle(shuff) batches = [_ for _ in utilities.gen_batches( shuff, self.batch_size)] for batch in batches: x_batch, y_batch = zip(*batch) self.train_step, feed_dict={self.input_data: x_batch, self.input_labels: y_batch, self.keep_prob: self.dropout}) if validation_set is not None: feed = {self.input_data: validation_set, self.input_labels: validation_labels, self.keep_prob: 1} acc = tf_utils.run_summaries( self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.accuracy) pbar.set_description("Accuracy: %s" % (acc)) def build_model(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the computational graph. This graph is intented to be created for finetuning, i.e. after unsupervised pretraining. :param n_features: Number of features. :param n_classes: number of classes. :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features, n_classes) self._create_variables(n_features) next_train = self._create_encoding_layers() self.mod_y, _, _ = Layers.linear(next_train, n_classes) self.layer_nodes.append(self.mod_y) self.cost = self.loss.compile(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) self.train_step = self.trainer.compile(self.cost) self.accuracy = Evaluation.accuracy(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features of the first layer :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.input_labels = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_classes], name='y-input') self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_variables(self, n_features): """Create the TensorFlow variables for the model. :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ if self.do_pretrain: self._create_variables_pretrain() else: self._create_variables_no_pretrain(n_features) def _create_variables_no_pretrain(self, n_features): """Create model variables (no previous unsupervised pretraining). :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ self.encoding_w_ = [] self.encoding_b_ = [] for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): w_name = 'enc-w-{}'.format(l) b_name = 'enc-b-{}'.format(l) if l == 0: w_shape = [n_features, self.layers[l]] else: w_shape = [self.layers[l - 1], self.layers[l]] w_init = tf.truncated_normal(shape=w_shape, stddev=0.1) W = tf.Variable(w_init, name=w_name) tf.summary.histogram(w_name, W) self.encoding_w_.append(W) b_init = tf.constant(0.1, shape=[self.layers[l]]) b = tf.Variable(b_init, name=b_name) tf.summary.histogram(b_name, b) self.encoding_b_.append(b) def _create_variables_pretrain(self): """Create model variables (previous unsupervised pretraining). :return: self """ for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): w_name = 'enc-w-{}'.format(l) b_name = 'enc-b-{}'.format(l) self.encoding_w_[l] = tf.Variable( self.encoding_w_[l], name=w_name) tf.summary.histogram(w_name, self.encoding_w_[l]) self.encoding_b_[l] = tf.Variable( self.encoding_b_[l], name=b_name) tf.summary.histogram(b_name, self.encoding_b_[l]) def _create_encoding_layers(self): """Create the encoding layers for supervised finetuning. :return: output of the final encoding layer. """ next_train = self.input_data self.layer_nodes = [] for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): with tf.name_scope("encode-{}".format(l)): y_act = tf.add( tf.matmul(next_train, self.encoding_w_[l]), self.encoding_b_[l] ) if self.finetune_act_func: layer_y = self.finetune_act_func(y_act) else: layer_y = None # the input to the next layer is the output of this layer next_train = tf.nn.dropout(layer_y, self.keep_prob) self.layer_nodes.append(next_train) return next_train
class DeepBeliefNetwork(SupervisedModel): """Implementation of Deep Belief Network for Supervised Learning. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__(self, rbm_layers, name='dbn', do_pretrain=False, rbm_num_epochs=[10], rbm_gibbs_k=[1], rbm_gauss_visible=False, rbm_stddev=0.1, rbm_batch_size=[10], rbm_learning_rate=[0.01], finetune_dropout=1, finetune_loss_func='softmax_cross_entropy', finetune_act_func=tf.nn.sigmoid, finetune_opt='sgd', finetune_learning_rate=0.001, finetune_num_epochs=10, finetune_batch_size=20, momentum=0.5): """Constructor. :param rbm_layers: list containing the hidden units for each layer :param finetune_loss_func: Loss function for the softmax layer. string, default ['softmax_cross_entropy', 'mse'] :param finetune_dropout: dropout parameter :param finetune_learning_rate: learning rate for the finetuning. float, default 0.001 :param finetune_act_func: activation function for the finetuning phase :param finetune_opt: optimizer for the finetuning phase :param finetune_num_epochs: Number of epochs for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param finetune_batch_size: Size of each mini-batch for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param do_pretrain: True: uses variables from pretraining, False: initialize new variables. """ SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = finetune_loss_func self.learning_rate = finetune_learning_rate self.opt = finetune_opt self.num_epochs = finetune_num_epochs self.batch_size = finetune_batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.dropout = finetune_dropout self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer(finetune_opt, learning_rate=finetune_learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain self.layers = rbm_layers self.finetune_act_func = finetune_act_func # Model parameters self.encoding_w_ = [] # list of matrices of encoding weights per layer self.encoding_b_ = [] # list of arrays of encoding biases per layer self.softmax_W = None self.softmax_b = None rbm_params = { 'num_epochs': rbm_num_epochs, 'gibbs_k': rbm_gibbs_k, 'batch_size': rbm_batch_size, 'learning_rate': rbm_learning_rate } for p in rbm_params: if len(rbm_params[p]) != len(rbm_layers): # The current parameter is not specified by the user, # should default it for all the layers rbm_params[p] = [rbm_params[p][0] for _ in rbm_layers] self.rbms = [] self.rbm_graphs = [] for l, layer in enumerate(rbm_layers): rbm_str = 'rbm-' + str(l + 1) if l == 0 and rbm_gauss_visible: self.rbms.append( rbm.RBM( + '-' + rbm_str, num_hidden=layer, learning_rate=rbm_params['learning_rate'][l], num_epochs=rbm_params['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=rbm_params['batch_size'][l], gibbs_sampling_steps=rbm_params['gibbs_k'][l], visible_unit_type='gauss', stddev=rbm_stddev)) else: self.rbms.append( rbm.RBM( + '-' + rbm_str, num_hidden=layer, learning_rate=rbm_params['learning_rate'][l], num_epochs=rbm_params['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=rbm_params['batch_size'][l], gibbs_sampling_steps=rbm_params['gibbs_k'][l])) self.rbm_graphs.append(tf.Graph()) def pretrain(self, train_set, validation_set=None): """Perform Unsupervised pretraining of the DBN.""" self.do_pretrain = True def set_params_func(rbmmachine, rbmgraph): params = rbmmachine.get_parameters(graph=rbmgraph) self.encoding_w_.append(params['W']) self.encoding_b_.append(params['bh_']) return SupervisedModel.pretrain_procedure( self, self.rbms, self.rbm_graphs, set_params_func=set_params_func, train_set=train_set, validation_set=validation_set) def _train_model(self, train_set, train_labels, validation_set, validation_labels): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param train_labels: training labels :param validation_set: validation set :param validation_labels: validation labels :return: self """ shuff = list(zip(train_set, train_labels)) pbar = tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)) for i in pbar: np.random.shuffle(shuff) batches = [ _ for _ in utilities.gen_batches(shuff, self.batch_size) ] for batch in batches: x_batch, y_batch = zip(*batch), feed_dict={ self.input_data: x_batch, self.input_labels: y_batch, self.keep_prob: self.dropout }) if validation_set is not None: feed = { self.input_data: validation_set, self.input_labels: validation_labels, self.keep_prob: 1 } acc = tf_utils.run_summaries(self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.accuracy) pbar.set_description("Accuracy: %s" % (acc)) def build_model(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the computational graph. This graph is intented to be created for finetuning, i.e. after unsupervised pretraining. :param n_features: Number of features. :param n_classes: number of classes. :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features, n_classes) self._create_variables(n_features) next_train = self._create_encoding_layers() self.mod_y, _, _ = Layers.linear(next_train, n_classes) self.layer_nodes.append(self.mod_y) self.cost = self.loss.compile(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) self.train_step = self.trainer.compile(self.cost) self.accuracy = Evaluation.accuracy(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features of the first layer :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.input_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_classes], name='y-input') self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_variables(self, n_features): """Create the TensorFlow variables for the model. :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ if self.do_pretrain: self._create_variables_pretrain() else: self._create_variables_no_pretrain(n_features) def _create_variables_no_pretrain(self, n_features): """Create model variables (no previous unsupervised pretraining). :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ self.encoding_w_ = [] self.encoding_b_ = [] for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): w_name = 'enc-w-{}'.format(l) b_name = 'enc-b-{}'.format(l) if l == 0: w_shape = [n_features, self.layers[l]] else: w_shape = [self.layers[l - 1], self.layers[l]] w_init = tf.truncated_normal(shape=w_shape, stddev=0.1) W = tf.Variable(w_init, name=w_name) tf.summary.histogram(w_name, W) self.encoding_w_.append(W) b_init = tf.constant(0.1, shape=[self.layers[l]]) b = tf.Variable(b_init, name=b_name) tf.summary.histogram(b_name, b) self.encoding_b_.append(b) def _create_variables_pretrain(self): """Create model variables (previous unsupervised pretraining). :return: self """ for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): w_name = 'enc-w-{}'.format(l) b_name = 'enc-b-{}'.format(l) self.encoding_w_[l] = tf.Variable(self.encoding_w_[l], name=w_name) tf.summary.histogram(w_name, self.encoding_w_[l]) self.encoding_b_[l] = tf.Variable(self.encoding_b_[l], name=b_name) tf.summary.histogram(b_name, self.encoding_w_[l]) def _create_encoding_layers(self): """Create the encoding layers for supervised finetuning. :return: output of the final encoding layer. """ next_train = self.input_data self.layer_nodes = [] for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): with tf.name_scope("encode-{}".format(l)): y_act = tf.add(tf.matmul(next_train, self.encoding_w_[l]), self.encoding_b_[l]) if self.finetune_act_func: layer_y = self.finetune_act_func(y_act) else: layer_y = None # the input to the next layer is the output of this layer next_train = tf.nn.dropout(layer_y, self.keep_prob) self.layer_nodes.append(next_train) return next_train
class DenoisingAutoencoder(UnsupervisedModel): """Implementation of Denoising Autoencoders using TensorFlow. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__( self, n_components, name='dae', loss_func='mse', enc_act_func=tf.nn.tanh, dec_act_func=None, num_epochs=10, batch_size=10, opt='sgd', learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9, corr_type='none', corr_frac=0., regtype='none', regcoef=5e-4): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- n_components : int Number of hidden units. name : str, optional (default = "dae") Model name (used for save/load from disk). loss_func : str, optional (default = "mse") Loss function. ['mse', 'cross_entropy'] enc_act_func : tf.nn.[activation] Activation function for the encoder. dec_act_func : tf.nn.[activation] Activation function for the decoder. num_epochs : int, optional (default = 10) Number of epochs. batch_size : int, optional (default = 10) Size of each mini-batch. opt : str, optional (default = "sgd") Which tensorflow optimizer to use. Possible values: ['sgd', 'momentum', 'adagrad', 'adam'] learning_rate : float, optional (default = 0.01) Initial learning rate. momentum : float, optional (default = 0.9) Momentum parameter (only used if opt = "momentum"). corr_type : str, optional (default = "none") Type of input corruption. Can be one of: ["none", "masking", "salt_and_pepper"] corr_frac : float, optional (default = 0.0) Fraction of the input to corrupt. regtype : str, optional (default = "none") Type of regularization to apply. Can be one of: ["none", "l1", "l2"]. regcoef : float, optional (default = 5e-4) Regularization parameter. If 0, no regularization. Only considered if regtype != "none". """ UnsupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.opt = opt self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.regtype = regtype self.regcoef = regcoef self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer( opt, learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.n_components = n_components self.enc_act_func = enc_act_func self.dec_act_func = dec_act_func self.corr_type = corr_type self.corr_frac = corr_frac self.input_data_orig = None self.input_data = None self.W_ = None self.bh_ = None self.bv_ = None def _train_model(self, train_X, train_Y=None, val_X=None, val_Y=None): """Train the model. Parameters ---------- train_X : array_like Training data, shape (num_samples, num_features). train_Y : array_like, optional (default = None) Reference training data, shape (num_samples, num_features). val_X : array_like, optional, default None Validation data, shape (num_val_samples, num_features). val_Y : array_like, optional, default None Reference validation data, shape (num_val_samples, num_features). Returns ------- self : trained model instance """ pbar = tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)) for i in pbar: self._run_train_step(train_X) if val_X is not None: feed = {self.input_data_orig: val_X, self.input_data: val_X} err = tf_utils.run_summaries( self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.cost) pbar.set_description("Reconstruction loss: %s" % (err)) return self def _run_train_step(self, train_X): """Run a training step. A training step is made by randomly corrupting the training set, randomly shuffling it, divide it into batches and run the optimizer for each batch. Parameters ---------- train_X : array_like Training data, shape (num_samples, num_features). Returns ------- self """ x_corrupted = utilities.corrupt_input( train_X, self.tf_session, self.corr_type, self.corr_frac) shuff = list(zip(train_X, x_corrupted)) np.random.shuffle(shuff) batches = [_ for _ in utilities.gen_batches(shuff, self.batch_size)] for batch in batches: x_batch, x_corr_batch = zip(*batch) tr_feed = {self.input_data_orig: x_batch, self.input_data: x_corr_batch}, feed_dict=tr_feed) def build_model(self, n_features, W_=None, bh_=None, bv_=None): """Create the computational graph. Parameters ---------- n_features : int Number of units in the input layer. W_ : array_like, optional (default = None) Weight matrix np array. bh_ : array_like, optional (default = None) Hidden bias np array. bv_ : array_like, optional (default = None) Visible bias np array. Returns ------- self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features) self._create_variables(n_features, W_, bh_, bv_) self._create_encode_layer() self._create_decode_layer() variables = [self.W_, self.bh_, self.bv_] regterm = Layers.regularization(variables, self.regtype, self.regcoef) self.cost = self.loss.compile( self.reconstruction, self.input_data_orig, regterm=regterm) self.train_step = self.trainer.compile(self.cost) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :return: self """ self.input_data_orig = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.input_data = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-corr-input') # not used in this model, created just to comply # with self.input_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_variables(self, n_features, W_=None, bh_=None, bv_=None): """Create the TensorFlow variables for the model. :return: self """ if W_: self.W_ = tf.Variable(W_, name='enc-w') else: self.W_ = tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal( shape=[n_features, self.n_components], stddev=0.1), name='enc-w') if bh_: self.bh_ = tf.Variable(bh_, name='hidden-bias') else: self.bh_ = tf.Variable(tf.constant( 0.1, shape=[self.n_components]), name='hidden-bias') if bv_: self.bv_ = tf.Variable(bv_, name='visible-bias') else: self.bv_ = tf.Variable(tf.constant( 0.1, shape=[n_features]), name='visible-bias') def _create_encode_layer(self): """Create the encoding layer of the network. Returns ------- self """ with tf.name_scope("encoder"): activation = tf.add( tf.matmul(self.input_data, self.W_), self.bh_ ) if self.enc_act_func: self.encode = self.enc_act_func(activation) else: self.encode = activation return self def _create_decode_layer(self): """Create the decoding layer of the network. Returns ------- self """ with tf.name_scope("decoder"): activation = tf.add( tf.matmul(self.encode, tf.transpose(self.W_)), self.bv_ ) if self.dec_act_func: self.reconstruction = self.dec_act_func(activation) else: self.reconstruction = activation return self def get_parameters(self, graph=None): """Return the model parameters in the form of numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- graph : tf.Graph, optional (default = None) Tensorflow graph object. Returns ------- dict : model parameters dictionary. """ g = graph if graph is not None else self.tf_graph with g.as_default(): with tf.Session() as self.tf_session: self.tf_saver.restore(self.tf_session, self.model_path) return { 'enc_w': self.W_.eval(), 'enc_b': self.bh_.eval(), 'dec_b': self.bv_.eval() }
class RBM(UnsupervisedModel): """Restricted Boltzmann Machine implementation using TensorFlow. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__( self, num_hidden, visible_unit_type='bin', name='rbm', loss_func='mse', learning_rate=0.01, regcoef=5e-4, regtype='none', gibbs_sampling_steps=1, batch_size=10, num_epochs=10, stddev=0.1): """Constructor. :param num_hidden: number of hidden units :param loss_function: type of loss function :param visible_unit_type: type of the visible units (bin or gauss) :param gibbs_sampling_steps: optional, default 1 :param stddev: default 0.1. Ignored if visible_unit_type is not 'gauss' """ UnsupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.regtype = regtype self.regcoef = regcoef self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.num_hidden = num_hidden self.visible_unit_type = visible_unit_type self.gibbs_sampling_steps = gibbs_sampling_steps self.stddev = stddev self.W = None self.bh_ = None self.bv_ = None self.w_upd8 = None self.bh_upd8 = None self.bv_upd8 = None self.cost = None self.input_data = None self.hrand = None self.vrand = None def _train_model(self, train_set, train_ref=None, validation_set=None, Validation_ref=None): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param validation_set: validation set. optional, default None :return: self """ pbar = tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)) for i in pbar: self._run_train_step(train_set, train_ref) if validation_set is not None: feed = self._create_feed_dict(validation_set) err = tf_utils.run_summaries( self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.cost) pbar.set_description("Reconstruction loss: %s" % (err)) def _run_train_step(self, train_set, train_ref): """Run a training step. A training step is made by randomly shuffling the training set, divide into batches and run the variable update nodes for each batch. :param train_set: training set :return: self """ clean_set = [] buggy_set = [] for i in range(len(train_ref)): if train_ref[i][0] == 1: buggy_set.append(train_set[i]) else: clean_set.append(train_set[i]) for i in range(0, len(clean_set), self.batch_size//2): np.random.shuffle(clean_set) np.random.shuffle(buggy_set) clean_batch = clean_set[:self.batch_size//2] buggy_batch = buggy_set[:self.batch_size//2] batch = clean_batch + buggy_batch batch = np.array(batch) updates = [self.w_upd8, self.bh_upd8, self.bv_upd8], feed_dict=self._create_feed_dict(batch)) def _create_feed_dict(self, data): """Create the dictionary of data to feed to tf session during training. :param data: training/validation set batch :return: dictionary(self.input_data: data, self.hrand: random_uniform, self.vrand: random_uniform) """ return { self.input_data: data, self.hrand: np.random.rand(data.shape[0], self.num_hidden), self.vrand: np.random.rand(data.shape[0], data.shape[1]) } def build_model(self, n_features, regtype='none'): """Build the Restricted Boltzmann Machine model in TensorFlow. :param n_features: number of features :param regtype: regularization type :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features) self._create_variables(n_features) self.encode = self.sample_hidden_from_visible(self.input_data)[0] self.reconstruction = self.sample_visible_from_hidden( self.encode, n_features) hprob0, hstate0, vprob, hprob1, hstate1 = self.gibbs_sampling_step( self.input_data, n_features) positive = self.compute_positive_association(self.input_data, hprob0, hstate0) nn_input = vprob for step in range(self.gibbs_sampling_steps - 1): hprob, hstate, vprob, hprob1, hstate1 = self.gibbs_sampling_step( nn_input, n_features) nn_input = vprob negative = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(vprob), hprob1) self.w_upd8 = self.W.assign_add( self.learning_rate * (positive - negative) / self.batch_size) self.bh_upd8 = self.bh_.assign_add(tf.multiply(self.learning_rate, tf.reduce_mean( tf.subtract(hprob0, hprob1), 0))) self.bv_upd8 = self.bv_.assign_add(tf.multiply(self.learning_rate, tf.reduce_mean( tf.subtract(self.input_data, vprob), 0))) variables = [self.W, self.bh_, self.bv_] regterm = Layers.regularization(variables, self.regtype, self.regcoef) self.cost = self.loss.compile(vprob, self.input_data, regterm=regterm) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.hrand = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_hidden], name='hrand') self.vrand = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='vrand') # not used in this model, created just to comply with # self.input_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_variables(self, n_features): """Create the TensorFlow variables for the model. :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ w_name = 'weights' self.W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( shape=[n_features, self.num_hidden], stddev=0.1), name=w_name) tf.summary.histogram(w_name, self.W) bh_name = 'hidden-bias' self.bh_ = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[self.num_hidden]), name=bh_name) tf.summary.histogram(bh_name, self.bh_) bv_name = 'visible-bias' self.bv_ = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_features]), name=bv_name) tf.summary.histogram(bv_name, self.bv_) def gibbs_sampling_step(self, visible, n_features): """Perform one step of gibbs sampling. :param visible: activations of the visible units :param n_features: number of features :return: tuple(hidden probs, hidden states, visible probs, new hidden probs, new hidden states) """ hprobs, hstates = self.sample_hidden_from_visible(visible) vprobs = self.sample_visible_from_hidden(hprobs, n_features) hprobs1, hstates1 = self.sample_hidden_from_visible(vprobs) return hprobs, hstates, vprobs, hprobs1, hstates1 def sample_hidden_from_visible(self, visible): """Sample the hidden units from the visible units. This is the Positive phase of the Contrastive Divergence algorithm. :param visible: activations of the visible units :return: tuple(hidden probabilities, hidden binary states) """ hprobs = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(visible, self.W), self.bh_)) hstates = utilities.sample_prob(hprobs, self.hrand) return hprobs, hstates def sample_visible_from_hidden(self, hidden, n_features): """Sample the visible units from the hidden units. This is the Negative phase of the Contrastive Divergence algorithm. :param hidden: activations of the hidden units :param n_features: number of features :return: visible probabilities """ visible_activation = tf.add( tf.matmul(hidden, tf.transpose(self.W)), self.bv_ ) if self.visible_unit_type == 'bin': vprobs = tf.nn.sigmoid(visible_activation) elif self.visible_unit_type == 'gauss': vprobs = tf.truncated_normal( (1, n_features), mean=visible_activation, stddev=self.stddev) else: vprobs = None return vprobs def compute_positive_association(self, visible, hidden_probs, hidden_states): """Compute positive associations between visible and hidden units. :param visible: visible units :param hidden_probs: hidden units probabilities :param hidden_states: hidden units states :return: positive association = dot(visible.T, hidden) """ if self.visible_unit_type == 'bin': positive = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(visible), hidden_states) elif self.visible_unit_type == 'gauss': positive = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(visible), hidden_probs) else: positive = None return positive def load_model(self, shape, gibbs_sampling_steps, model_path): """Load a trained model from disk. The shape of the model (num_visible, num_hidden) and the number of gibbs sampling steps must be known in order to restore the model. :param shape: tuple(num_visible, num_hidden) :param gibbs_sampling_steps: :param model_path: :return: self """ n_features, self.num_hidden = shape[0], shape[1] self.gibbs_sampling_steps = gibbs_sampling_steps self.build_model(n_features) init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() self.tf_saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as self.tf_session: self.tf_saver.restore(self.tf_session, model_path) def get_parameters(self, graph=None): """Return the model parameters in the form of numpy arrays. :param graph: tf graph object :return: model parameters """ g = graph if graph is not None else self.tf_graph with g.as_default(): with tf.Session() as self.tf_session: self.tf_saver.restore(self.tf_session, self.model_path) return { 'W': self.W.eval(), 'bh_': self.bh_.eval(), 'bv_': self.bv_.eval() }
class LogisticRegression(SupervisedModel): """Simple Logistic Regression using TensorFlow. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__(self, name='lr', loss_func='cross_entropy', learning_rate=0.01, num_epochs=10, batch_size=10): """Constructor.""" SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) # Computational graph nodes self.input_data = None self.input_labels = None self.W_ = None self.b_ = None self.accuracy = None def build_model(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the computational graph. :param n_features: number of features :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features, n_classes) self._create_variables(n_features, n_classes) self.mod_y = tf.nn.softmax( tf.add(tf.matmul(self.input_data, self.W_), self.b_)) self.cost = self.loss.compile(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) self.train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( self.learning_rate).minimize(self.cost) self.accuracy = Evaluation.accuracy(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.input_labels = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_classes], name='y-input') self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_variables(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow variables for the model. :param n_features: number of features :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.W_ = tf.Variable( tf.zeros([n_features, n_classes]), name='weights') self.b_ = tf.Variable( tf.zeros([n_classes]), name='biases') def _train_model(self, train_set, train_labels, validation_set, validation_labels): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param train_labels: training labels :param validation_set: validation set :param validation_labels: validation labels :return: self """ pbar = tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)) for i in pbar: shuff = list(zip(train_set, train_labels)) np.random.shuffle(shuff) batches = [_ for _ in utilities.gen_batches(shuff, self.batch_size)] for batch in batches: x_batch, y_batch = zip(*batch) self.train_step, feed_dict={self.input_data: x_batch, self.input_labels: y_batch}) if validation_set is not None: feed = {self.input_data: validation_set, self.input_labels: validation_labels} acc = tf_utils.run_summaries( self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.accuracy) pbar.set_description("Accuracy: %s" % (acc))
def __init__(self, layers, name='srbm', num_epochs=[10], batch_size=[10], learning_rate=[0.01], gibbs_k=[1], loss_func=['mse'], momentum=0.5, finetune_dropout=1, finetune_loss_func='cross_entropy', finetune_enc_act_func=[tf.nn.relu], finetune_dec_act_func=[tf.nn.sigmoid], finetune_opt='sgd', finetune_learning_rate=0.001, regcoef=5e-4, finetune_num_epochs=10, noise=['gauss'], stddev=0.1, finetune_batch_size=20, do_pretrain=False, tied_weights=False, regtype=['none'], finetune_regtype='none'): """Constructor. :param layers: list containing the hidden units for each layer :param finetune_loss_func: Loss function for the softmax layer. string, default ['cross_entropy', 'mse'] :param finetune_dropout: dropout parameter :param finetune_learning_rate: learning rate for the finetuning. float, default 0.001 :param finetune_enc_act_func: activation function for the encoder finetuning phase :param finetune_dec_act_func: activation function for the decoder finetuning phase :param finetune_opt: optimizer for the finetuning phase :param finetune_num_epochs: Number of epochs for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param finetune_batch_size: Size of each mini-batch for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param do_pretrain: True: uses variables from pretraining, False: initialize new variables. """ # WARNING! This must be the first expression in the function or else it # will send other variables to expanded_args() # This function takes all the passed parameters that are lists and # expands them to the number of layers, if the number # of layers is more than the list of the parameter. expanded_args = utilities.expand_args(**locals()) UnsupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = finetune_loss_func self.learning_rate = finetune_learning_rate self.opt = finetune_opt self.num_epochs = finetune_num_epochs self.batch_size = finetune_batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.dropout = finetune_dropout self.regtype = finetune_regtype self.regcoef = regcoef self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer(finetune_opt, learning_rate=finetune_learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain self.layers = layers self.tied_weights = tied_weights self.finetune_enc_act_func = expanded_args['finetune_enc_act_func'] self.finetune_dec_act_func = expanded_args['finetune_dec_act_func'] self.input_ref = None # Model parameters self.encoding_w_ = [] # list of matrices of encoding weights per layer self.encoding_b_ = [] # list of arrays of encoding biases per layer self.decoding_w = [] # list of matrices of decoding weights per layer self.decoding_b = [] # list of arrays of decoding biases per layer self.reconstruction = None self.rbms = [] self.rbm_graphs = [] for l, layer in enumerate(layers): rbm_str = 'rbm-' + str(l + 1) new_rbm = rbm.RBM( + '-' + rbm_str, loss_func=expanded_args['loss_func'][l], visible_unit_type=expanded_args['noise'][l], stddev=stddev, num_hidden=expanded_args['layers'][l], learning_rate=expanded_args['learning_rate'][l], gibbs_sampling_steps=expanded_args['gibbs_k'][l], num_epochs=expanded_args['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=expanded_args['batch_size'][l], regtype=expanded_args['regtype'][l]) self.rbms.append(new_rbm) self.rbm_graphs.append(tf.Graph())
class DeepAutoencoder(UnsupervisedModel): """Implementation of a Deep Unsupervised Autoencoder as a stack of RBMs. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__(self, layers, name='srbm', num_epochs=[10], batch_size=[10], learning_rate=[0.01], gibbs_k=[1], loss_func=['mse'], momentum=0.5, finetune_dropout=1, finetune_loss_func='cross_entropy', finetune_enc_act_func=[tf.nn.relu], finetune_dec_act_func=[tf.nn.sigmoid], finetune_opt='sgd', finetune_learning_rate=0.001, regcoef=5e-4, finetune_num_epochs=10, noise=['gauss'], stddev=0.1, finetune_batch_size=20, do_pretrain=False, tied_weights=False, regtype=['none'], finetune_regtype='none'): """Constructor. :param layers: list containing the hidden units for each layer :param finetune_loss_func: Loss function for the softmax layer. string, default ['cross_entropy', 'mse'] :param finetune_dropout: dropout parameter :param finetune_learning_rate: learning rate for the finetuning. float, default 0.001 :param finetune_enc_act_func: activation function for the encoder finetuning phase :param finetune_dec_act_func: activation function for the decoder finetuning phase :param finetune_opt: optimizer for the finetuning phase :param finetune_num_epochs: Number of epochs for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param finetune_batch_size: Size of each mini-batch for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param do_pretrain: True: uses variables from pretraining, False: initialize new variables. """ # WARNING! This must be the first expression in the function or else it # will send other variables to expanded_args() # This function takes all the passed parameters that are lists and # expands them to the number of layers, if the number # of layers is more than the list of the parameter. expanded_args = utilities.expand_args(**locals()) UnsupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = finetune_loss_func self.learning_rate = finetune_learning_rate self.opt = finetune_opt self.num_epochs = finetune_num_epochs self.batch_size = finetune_batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.dropout = finetune_dropout self.regtype = finetune_regtype self.regcoef = regcoef self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer(finetune_opt, learning_rate=finetune_learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain self.layers = layers self.tied_weights = tied_weights self.finetune_enc_act_func = expanded_args['finetune_enc_act_func'] self.finetune_dec_act_func = expanded_args['finetune_dec_act_func'] self.input_ref = None # Model parameters self.encoding_w_ = [] # list of matrices of encoding weights per layer self.encoding_b_ = [] # list of arrays of encoding biases per layer self.decoding_w = [] # list of matrices of decoding weights per layer self.decoding_b = [] # list of arrays of decoding biases per layer self.reconstruction = None self.rbms = [] self.rbm_graphs = [] for l, layer in enumerate(layers): rbm_str = 'rbm-' + str(l + 1) new_rbm = rbm.RBM( + '-' + rbm_str, loss_func=expanded_args['loss_func'][l], visible_unit_type=expanded_args['noise'][l], stddev=stddev, num_hidden=expanded_args['layers'][l], learning_rate=expanded_args['learning_rate'][l], gibbs_sampling_steps=expanded_args['gibbs_k'][l], num_epochs=expanded_args['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=expanded_args['batch_size'][l], regtype=expanded_args['regtype'][l]) self.rbms.append(new_rbm) self.rbm_graphs.append(tf.Graph()) def pretrain(self, train_set, validation_set=None): """Perform Unsupervised pretraining of the autoencoder.""" self.do_pretrain = True def set_params_func(rbmmachine, rbmgraph): params = rbmmachine.get_parameters(graph=rbmgraph) self.encoding_w_.append(params['W']) self.encoding_b_.append(params['bh_']) return UnsupervisedModel.pretrain_procedure( self, self.rbms, self.rbm_graphs, set_params_func=set_params_func, train_set=train_set, validation_set=validation_set) def _train_model(self, train_set, train_ref, validation_set, validation_ref): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param train_ref: training reference data :param validation_set: validation set :param validation_ref: validation reference data :return: self """ shuff = list(zip(train_set, train_ref)) pbar = tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)) for i in pbar: np.random.shuffle(shuff) batches = [ _ for _ in utilities.gen_batches(shuff, self.batch_size) ] for batch in batches: x_batch, y_batch = zip(*batch), feed_dict={ self.input_data: x_batch, self.input_labels: y_batch, self.keep_prob: self.dropout }) if validation_set is not None: feed = { self.input_data: validation_set, self.input_labels: validation_ref, self.keep_prob: 1 } err = tf_utils.run_summaries(self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.cost) pbar.set_description("Reconstruction loss: %s" % (err)) def build_model(self, n_features, regtype='none', encoding_w=None, encoding_b=None): """Create the computational graph for the reconstruction task. :param n_features: Number of features :param regtype: regularization type :param encoding_w: list of weights for the encoding layers. :param encoding_b: list of biases for the encoding layers. :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features, n_features) if encoding_w and encoding_b: self.encoding_w_ = encoding_w self.encoding_b_ = encoding_b else: self._create_variables(n_features) self._create_encoding_layers() self._create_decoding_layers() variables = [] variables.extend(self.encoding_w_) variables.extend(self.encoding_b_) regterm = Layers.regularization(variables, self.regtype, self.regcoef) self.cost = self.loss.compile(self.reconstruction, self.input_labels, regterm=regterm) self.train_step = self.trainer.compile(self.cost) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features of the first layer :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.input_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_classes], name='y-input') self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_variables(self, n_features): """Create the TensorFlow variables for the model. :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ if self.do_pretrain: self._create_variables_pretrain() else: self._create_variables_no_pretrain(n_features) def _create_variables_no_pretrain(self, n_features): """Create model variables (no previous unsupervised pretraining). :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ self.encoding_w_ = [] self.encoding_b_ = [] for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): if l == 0: self.encoding_w_.append( tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal(shape=[n_features, self.layers[l]], stddev=0.1))) self.encoding_b_.append( tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal([self.layers[l]], stddev=0.1))) else: self.encoding_w_.append( tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal( shape=[self.layers[l - 1], self.layers[l]], stddev=0.1))) self.encoding_b_.append( tf.Variable( tf.truncated_normal([self.layers[l]], stddev=0.1))) def _create_variables_pretrain(self): """Create model variables (previous unsupervised pretraining). :return: self """ for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): self.encoding_w_[l] = tf.Variable(self.encoding_w_[l], name='enc-w-{}'.format(l)) self.encoding_b_[l] = tf.Variable(self.encoding_b_[l], name='enc-b-{}'.format(l)) def _create_encoding_layers(self): """Create the encoding layers for supervised finetuning. :return: output of the final encoding layer. """ next_train = self.input_data self.layer_nodes = [] for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): with tf.name_scope("encode-{}".format(l)): y_act = tf.add(tf.matmul(next_train, self.encoding_w_[l]), self.encoding_b_[l]) if self.finetune_enc_act_func[l] is not None: layer_y = self.finetune_enc_act_func[l](y_act) else: layer_y = None # the input to the next layer is the output of this layer next_train = tf.nn.dropout(layer_y, self.keep_prob) self.layer_nodes.append(next_train) self.encode = next_train def _create_decoding_layers(self): """Create the decoding layers for reconstruction finetuning. :return: output of the final encoding layer. """ next_decode = self.encode for l, layer in reversed(list(enumerate(self.layers))): with tf.name_scope("decode-{}".format(l)): # Create decoding variables if self.tied_weights: dec_w = tf.transpose(self.encoding_w_[l]) else: dec_w = tf.Variable( tf.transpose(self.encoding_w_[l].initialized_value())) dec_b = tf.Variable( tf.constant(0.1, shape=[dec_w.get_shape().dims[1].value])) self.decoding_w.append(dec_w) self.decoding_b.append(dec_b) y_act = tf.add(tf.matmul(next_decode, dec_w), dec_b) if self.finetune_dec_act_func[l] is not None: layer_y = self.finetune_dec_act_func[l](y_act) else: layer_y = None # the input to the next layer is the output of this layer next_decode = tf.nn.dropout(layer_y, self.keep_prob) self.layer_nodes.append(next_decode) self.reconstruction = next_decode
class DeepAutoencoder(UnsupervisedModel): """Implementation of a Deep Unsupervised Autoencoder as a stack of RBMs. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__( self, layers, name='srbm', num_epochs=[10], batch_size=[10], learning_rate=[0.01], gibbs_k=[1], loss_func=['mse'], momentum=0.5, finetune_dropout=1, finetune_loss_func='cross_entropy', finetune_enc_act_func=[tf.nn.relu], finetune_dec_act_func=[tf.nn.sigmoid], finetune_opt='sgd', finetune_learning_rate=0.001, regcoef=5e-4, finetune_num_epochs=10, noise=['gauss'], stddev=0.1, finetune_batch_size=20, do_pretrain=False, tied_weights=False, regtype=['none'], finetune_regtype='none'): """Constructor. :param layers: list containing the hidden units for each layer :param finetune_loss_func: Loss function for the softmax layer. string, default ['cross_entropy', 'mse'] :param finetune_dropout: dropout parameter :param finetune_learning_rate: learning rate for the finetuning. float, default 0.001 :param finetune_enc_act_func: activation function for the encoder finetuning phase :param finetune_dec_act_func: activation function for the decoder finetuning phase :param finetune_opt: optimizer for the finetuning phase :param finetune_num_epochs: Number of epochs for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param finetune_batch_size: Size of each mini-batch for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param do_pretrain: True: uses variables from pretraining, False: initialize new variables. """ # WARNING! This must be the first expression in the function or else it # will send other variables to expanded_args() # This function takes all the passed parameters that are lists and # expands them to the number of layers, if the number # of layers is more than the list of the parameter. expanded_args = utilities.expand_args(**locals()) UnsupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = finetune_loss_func self.learning_rate = finetune_learning_rate self.opt = finetune_opt self.num_epochs = finetune_num_epochs self.batch_size = finetune_batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.dropout = finetune_dropout self.regtype = finetune_regtype self.regcoef = regcoef self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer( finetune_opt, learning_rate=finetune_learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain self.layers = layers self.tied_weights = tied_weights self.finetune_enc_act_func = expanded_args['finetune_enc_act_func'] self.finetune_dec_act_func = expanded_args['finetune_dec_act_func'] self.input_ref = None # Model parameters self.encoding_w_ = [] # list of matrices of encoding weights per layer self.encoding_b_ = [] # list of arrays of encoding biases per layer self.decoding_w = [] # list of matrices of decoding weights per layer self.decoding_b = [] # list of arrays of decoding biases per layer self.reconstruction = None self.rbms = [] self.rbm_graphs = [] for l, layer in enumerate(layers): rbm_str = 'rbm-' + str(l + 1) new_rbm = rbm.RBM( + '-' + rbm_str, loss_func=expanded_args['loss_func'][l], visible_unit_type=expanded_args['noise'][l], stddev=stddev, num_hidden=expanded_args['layers'][l], learning_rate=expanded_args['learning_rate'][l], gibbs_sampling_steps=expanded_args['gibbs_k'][l], num_epochs=expanded_args['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=expanded_args['batch_size'][l], regtype=expanded_args['regtype'][l]) self.rbms.append(new_rbm) self.rbm_graphs.append(tf.Graph()) def pretrain(self, train_set, validation_set=None): """Perform Unsupervised pretraining of the autoencoder.""" self.do_pretrain = True def set_params_func(rbmmachine, rbmgraph): params = rbmmachine.get_parameters(graph=rbmgraph) self.encoding_w_.append(params['W']) self.encoding_b_.append(params['bh_']) return UnsupervisedModel.pretrain_procedure( self, self.rbms, self.rbm_graphs, set_params_func=set_params_func, train_set=train_set, validation_set=validation_set) def _train_model(self, train_set, train_ref, validation_set, validation_ref): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param train_ref: training reference data :param validation_set: validation set :param validation_ref: validation reference data :return: self """ shuff = list(zip(train_set, train_ref)) pbar = tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)) for i in pbar: np.random.shuffle(shuff) batches = [_ for _ in utilities.gen_batches( shuff, self.batch_size)] for batch in batches: x_batch, y_batch = zip(*batch) self.train_step, feed_dict={self.input_data: x_batch, self.input_labels: y_batch, self.keep_prob: self.dropout}) if validation_set is not None: feed = {self.input_data: validation_set, self.input_labels: validation_ref, self.keep_prob: 1} err = tf_utils.run_summaries( self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.cost) pbar.set_description("Reconstruction loss: %s" % (err)) def build_model(self, n_features, regtype='none', encoding_w=None, encoding_b=None): """Create the computational graph for the reconstruction task. :param n_features: Number of features :param regtype: regularization type :param encoding_w: list of weights for the encoding layers. :param encoding_b: list of biases for the encoding layers. :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features, n_features) if encoding_w and encoding_b: self.encoding_w_ = encoding_w self.encoding_b_ = encoding_b else: self._create_variables(n_features) self._create_encoding_layers() self._create_decoding_layers() variables = [] variables.extend(self.encoding_w_) variables.extend(self.encoding_b_) regterm = Layers.regularization(variables, self.regtype, self.regcoef) self.cost = self.loss.compile( self.reconstruction, self.input_labels, regterm=regterm) self.train_step = self.trainer.compile(self.cost) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features of the first layer :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.input_labels = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_classes], name='y-input') self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_variables(self, n_features): """Create the TensorFlow variables for the model. :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ if self.do_pretrain: self._create_variables_pretrain() else: self._create_variables_no_pretrain(n_features) def _create_variables_no_pretrain(self, n_features): """Create model variables (no previous unsupervised pretraining). :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ self.encoding_w_ = [] self.encoding_b_ = [] for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): if l == 0: self.encoding_w_.append(tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( shape=[n_features, self.layers[l]], stddev=0.1))) self.encoding_b_.append(tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( [self.layers[l]], stddev=0.1))) else: self.encoding_w_.append(tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( shape=[self.layers[l - 1], self.layers[l]], stddev=0.1))) self.encoding_b_.append(tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( [self.layers[l]], stddev=0.1))) def _create_variables_pretrain(self): """Create model variables (previous unsupervised pretraining). :return: self """ for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): self.encoding_w_[l] = tf.Variable( self.encoding_w_[l], name='enc-w-{}'.format(l)) self.encoding_b_[l] = tf.Variable( self.encoding_b_[l], name='enc-b-{}'.format(l)) def _create_encoding_layers(self): """Create the encoding layers for supervised finetuning. :return: output of the final encoding layer. """ next_train = self.input_data self.layer_nodes = [] for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): with tf.name_scope("encode-{}".format(l)): y_act = tf.add( tf.matmul(next_train, self.encoding_w_[l]), self.encoding_b_[l] ) if self.finetune_enc_act_func[l] is not None: layer_y = self.finetune_enc_act_func[l](y_act) else: layer_y = None # the input to the next layer is the output of this layer next_train = tf.nn.dropout(layer_y, self.keep_prob) self.layer_nodes.append(next_train) self.encode = next_train def _create_decoding_layers(self): """Create the decoding layers for reconstruction finetuning. :return: output of the final encoding layer. """ next_decode = self.encode for l, layer in reversed(list(enumerate(self.layers))): with tf.name_scope("decode-{}".format(l)): # Create decoding variables if self.tied_weights: dec_w = tf.transpose(self.encoding_w_[l]) else: dec_w = tf.Variable(tf.transpose( self.encoding_w_[l].initialized_value())) dec_b = tf.Variable(tf.constant( 0.1, shape=[dec_w.get_shape().dims[1].value])) self.decoding_w.append(dec_w) self.decoding_b.append(dec_b) y_act = tf.add( tf.matmul(next_decode, dec_w), dec_b ) if self.finetune_dec_act_func[l] is not None: layer_y = self.finetune_dec_act_func[l](y_act) else: layer_y = None # the input to the next layer is the output of this layer next_decode = tf.nn.dropout(layer_y, self.keep_prob) self.layer_nodes.append(next_decode) self.reconstruction = next_decode
def __init__( self, layers, name='srbm', num_epochs=[10], batch_size=[10], learning_rate=[0.01], gibbs_k=[1], loss_func=['mse'], momentum=0.5, finetune_dropout=1, finetune_loss_func='cross_entropy', finetune_enc_act_func=[tf.nn.relu], finetune_dec_act_func=[tf.nn.sigmoid], finetune_opt='sgd', finetune_learning_rate=0.001, regcoef=5e-4, finetune_num_epochs=10, noise=['gauss'], stddev=0.1, finetune_batch_size=20, do_pretrain=False, tied_weights=False, regtype=['none'], finetune_regtype='none'): """Constructor. :param layers: list containing the hidden units for each layer :param finetune_loss_func: Loss function for the softmax layer. string, default ['cross_entropy', 'mse'] :param finetune_dropout: dropout parameter :param finetune_learning_rate: learning rate for the finetuning. float, default 0.001 :param finetune_enc_act_func: activation function for the encoder finetuning phase :param finetune_dec_act_func: activation function for the decoder finetuning phase :param finetune_opt: optimizer for the finetuning phase :param finetune_num_epochs: Number of epochs for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param finetune_batch_size: Size of each mini-batch for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param do_pretrain: True: uses variables from pretraining, False: initialize new variables. """ # WARNING! This must be the first expression in the function or else it # will send other variables to expanded_args() # This function takes all the passed parameters that are lists and # expands them to the number of layers, if the number # of layers is more than the list of the parameter. expanded_args = utilities.expand_args(**locals()) UnsupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = finetune_loss_func self.learning_rate = finetune_learning_rate self.opt = finetune_opt self.num_epochs = finetune_num_epochs self.batch_size = finetune_batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.dropout = finetune_dropout self.regtype = finetune_regtype self.regcoef = regcoef self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer( finetune_opt, learning_rate=finetune_learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain self.layers = layers self.tied_weights = tied_weights self.finetune_enc_act_func = expanded_args['finetune_enc_act_func'] self.finetune_dec_act_func = expanded_args['finetune_dec_act_func'] self.input_ref = None # Model parameters self.encoding_w_ = [] # list of matrices of encoding weights per layer self.encoding_b_ = [] # list of arrays of encoding biases per layer self.decoding_w = [] # list of matrices of decoding weights per layer self.decoding_b = [] # list of arrays of decoding biases per layer self.reconstruction = None self.rbms = [] self.rbm_graphs = [] for l, layer in enumerate(layers): rbm_str = 'rbm-' + str(l + 1) new_rbm = rbm.RBM( + '-' + rbm_str, loss_func=expanded_args['loss_func'][l], visible_unit_type=expanded_args['noise'][l], stddev=stddev, num_hidden=expanded_args['layers'][l], learning_rate=expanded_args['learning_rate'][l], gibbs_sampling_steps=expanded_args['gibbs_k'][l], num_epochs=expanded_args['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=expanded_args['batch_size'][l], regtype=expanded_args['regtype'][l]) self.rbms.append(new_rbm) self.rbm_graphs.append(tf.Graph())
class StackedDenoisingAutoencoder(SupervisedModel): """Implementation of Stacked Denoising Autoencoders using TensorFlow. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__(self, layers, name='sdae', enc_act_func=[tf.nn.tanh], dec_act_func=[None], loss_func=['cross_entropy'], num_epochs=[10], batch_size=[10], opt=['sgd'], regcoef=[5e-4], learning_rate=[0.01], momentum=0.5, finetune_dropout=1, corr_type=['none'], corr_frac=[0.], finetune_loss_func='softmax_cross_entropy', finetune_act_func=tf.nn.relu, finetune_opt='sgd', finetune_learning_rate=0.001, finetune_num_epochs=10, finetune_batch_size=20, do_pretrain=False): """Constructor. :param layers: list containing the hidden units for each layer :param enc_act_func: Activation function for the encoder. [tf.nn.tanh, tf.nn.sigmoid] :param dec_act_func: Activation function for the decoder. [tf.nn.tanh, tf.nn.sigmoid, None] :param finetune_loss_func: Loss function for the softmax layer. string, default ['softmax_cross_entropy', 'mse'] :param finetune_dropout: dropout parameter :param finetune_learning_rate: learning rate for the finetuning. float, default 0.001 :param finetune_act_func: activation function for the finetuning phase :param finetune_opt: optimizer for the finetuning phase :param finetune_num_epochs: Number of epochs for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param finetune_batch_size: Size of each mini-batch for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param corr_type: Type of input corruption. string, default 'none'. ["none", "masking", "salt_and_pepper"] :param corr_frac: Fraction of the input to corrupt. float, default 0.0 :param do_pretrain: True: uses variables from pretraining, False: initialize new variables. """ # WARNING! This must be the first expression in the function or else it # will send other variables to expanded_args() # This function takes all the passed parameters that are lists and # expands them to the number of layers, if the number # of layers is more than the list of the parameter. expanded_args = utilities.expand_args(**locals()) SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = finetune_loss_func self.learning_rate = finetune_learning_rate self.opt = finetune_opt self.num_epochs = finetune_num_epochs self.batch_size = finetune_batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.dropout = finetune_dropout self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer(finetune_opt, learning_rate=finetune_learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain self.layers = layers self.finetune_act_func = finetune_act_func # Model parameters self.encoding_w_ = [] # list of matrices of encoding weights per layer self.encoding_b_ = [] # list of arrays of encoding biases per layer self.last_W = None self.last_b = None self.autoencoders = [] self.autoencoder_graphs = [] for l, layer in enumerate(layers): dae_str = 'dae-' + str(l + 1) self.autoencoders.append( denoising_autoencoder.DenoisingAutoencoder( n_components=layer, + '-' + dae_str, enc_act_func=expanded_args['enc_act_func'][l], dec_act_func=expanded_args['dec_act_func'][l], loss_func=expanded_args['loss_func'][l], opt=expanded_args['opt'][l], regcoef=expanded_args['regcoef'], learning_rate=expanded_args['learning_rate'][l], momentum=self.momentum, corr_type=expanded_args['corr_type'][l], corr_frac=expanded_args['corr_frac'][l], num_epochs=expanded_args['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=expanded_args['batch_size'][l])) self.autoencoder_graphs.append(tf.Graph()) def pretrain(self, train_set, validation_set=None): """Perform Unsupervised pretraining of the autoencoder.""" self.do_pretrain = True def set_params_func(autoenc, autoencgraph): params = autoenc.get_parameters(graph=autoencgraph) self.encoding_w_.append(params['enc_w']) self.encoding_b_.append(params['enc_b']) return SupervisedModel.pretrain_procedure( self, self.autoencoders, self.autoencoder_graphs, set_params_func=set_params_func, train_set=train_set, validation_set=validation_set) def _train_model(self, train_set, train_labels, validation_set, validation_labels): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param train_labels: training labels :param validation_set: validation set :param validation_labels: validation labels :return: self """ shuff = list(zip(train_set, train_labels)) pbar = tqdm(list(range(self.num_epochs))) for i in pbar: np.random.shuffle(shuff) batches = [ _ for _ in utilities.gen_batches(shuff, self.batch_size) ] for batch in batches: x_batch, y_batch = list(zip(*batch)), feed_dict={ self.input_data: x_batch, self.input_labels: y_batch, self.keep_prob: self.dropout }) if validation_set is not None: feed = { self.input_data: validation_set, self.input_labels: validation_labels, self.keep_prob: 1 } acc = tf_utils.run_summaries(self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.accuracy) pbar.set_description("Accuracy: %s" % (acc)) def build_model(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the computational graph. This graph is intented to be created for finetuning, i.e. after unsupervised pretraining. :param n_features: Number of features. :param n_classes: number of classes. :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features, n_classes) self._create_variables(n_features) next_train = self._create_encoding_layers() self.mod_y, _, _ = Layers.linear(next_train, n_classes) self.layer_nodes.append(self.mod_y) self.cost = self.loss.compile(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) self.train_step = self.trainer.compile(self.cost) self.accuracy = Evaluation.accuracy(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features of the first layer :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.input_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_classes], name='y-input') self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_variables(self, n_features): """Create the TensorFlow variables for the model. :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ if self.do_pretrain: self._create_variables_pretrain() else: self._create_variables_no_pretrain(n_features) def _create_variables_no_pretrain(self, n_features): """Create model variables (no previous unsupervised pretraining). :param n_features: number of features :return: self """ self.encoding_w_ = [] self.encoding_b_ = [] for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): w_name = 'enc-w-{}'.format(l) b_name = 'enc-b-{}'.format(l) if l == 0: w_shape = [n_features, self.layers[l]] else: w_shape = [self.layers[l - 1], self.layers[l]] w_init = tf.truncated_normal(shape=w_shape, stddev=0.1) W = tf.Variable(w_init, name=w_name) tf.summary.histogram(w_name, W) self.encoding_w_.append(W) b_init = tf.constant(0.1, shape=[self.layers[l]]) b = tf.Variable(b_init, name=b_name) tf.summary.histogram(b_name, b) self.encoding_b_.append(b) def _create_variables_pretrain(self): """Create model variables (previous unsupervised pretraining). :return: self """ for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): w_name = 'enc-w-{}'.format(l) b_name = 'enc-b-{}'.format(l) self.encoding_w_[l] = tf.Variable(self.encoding_w_[l], name=w_name) tf.summary.histogram(w_name, self.encoding_w_[l]) self.encoding_b_[l] = tf.Variable(self.encoding_b_[l], name=b_name) tf.summary.histogram(b_name, self.encoding_b_[l]) def _create_encoding_layers(self): """Create the encoding layers for supervised finetuning. :return: output of the final encoding layer. """ next_train = self.input_data self.layer_nodes = [] for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers): with tf.name_scope("encode-{}".format(l)): y_act = tf.add(tf.matmul(next_train, self.encoding_w_[l]), self.encoding_b_[l]) if self.finetune_act_func: layer_y = self.finetune_act_func(y_act) else: layer_y = None # the input to the next layer is the output of this layer next_train = tf.nn.dropout(layer_y, self.keep_prob) self.layer_nodes.append(next_train) return next_train
def __init__( self, n_components, name='dae', loss_func='mse', enc_act_func=tf.nn.tanh, dec_act_func=None, num_epochs=10, batch_size=10, opt='sgd', learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9, corr_type='none', corr_frac=0., regtype='none', regcoef=5e-4): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- n_components : int Number of hidden units. name : str, optional (default = "dae") Model name (used for save/load from disk). loss_func : str, optional (default = "mse") Loss function. ['mse', 'cross_entropy'] enc_act_func : tf.nn.[activation] Activation function for the encoder. dec_act_func : tf.nn.[activation] Activation function for the decoder. num_epochs : int, optional (default = 10) Number of epochs. batch_size : int, optional (default = 10) Size of each mini-batch. opt : str, optional (default = "sgd") Which tensorflow optimizer to use. Possible values: ['sgd', 'momentum', 'adagrad', 'adam'] learning_rate : float, optional (default = 0.01) Initial learning rate. momentum : float, optional (default = 0.9) Momentum parameter (only used if opt = "momentum"). corr_type : str, optional (default = "none") Type of input corruption. Can be one of: ["none", "masking", "salt_and_pepper"] corr_frac : float, optional (default = 0.0) Fraction of the input to corrupt. regtype : str, optional (default = "none") Type of regularization to apply. Can be one of: ["none", "l1", "l2"]. regcoef : float, optional (default = 5e-4) Regularization parameter. If 0, no regularization. Only considered if regtype != "none". """ UnsupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.opt = opt self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.regtype = regtype self.regcoef = regcoef self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer( opt, learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.n_components = n_components self.enc_act_func = enc_act_func self.dec_act_func = dec_act_func self.corr_type = corr_type self.corr_frac = corr_frac self.input_data_orig = None self.input_data = None self.W_ = None self.bh_ = None self.bv_ = None
def __init__(self, layers, name='sdae', enc_act_func=[tf.nn.tanh], dec_act_func=[None], loss_func=['cross_entropy'], num_epochs=[10], batch_size=[10], opt=['sgd'], regcoef=[5e-4], learning_rate=[0.01], momentum=0.5, finetune_dropout=1, corr_type=['none'], corr_frac=[0.], finetune_loss_func='softmax_cross_entropy', finetune_act_func=tf.nn.relu, finetune_opt='sgd', finetune_learning_rate=0.001, finetune_num_epochs=10, finetune_batch_size=20, do_pretrain=False): """Constructor. :param layers: list containing the hidden units for each layer :param enc_act_func: Activation function for the encoder. [tf.nn.tanh, tf.nn.sigmoid] :param dec_act_func: Activation function for the decoder. [tf.nn.tanh, tf.nn.sigmoid, None] :param finetune_loss_func: Loss function for the softmax layer. string, default ['softmax_cross_entropy', 'mse'] :param finetune_dropout: dropout parameter :param finetune_learning_rate: learning rate for the finetuning. float, default 0.001 :param finetune_act_func: activation function for the finetuning phase :param finetune_opt: optimizer for the finetuning phase :param finetune_num_epochs: Number of epochs for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param finetune_batch_size: Size of each mini-batch for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param corr_type: Type of input corruption. string, default 'none'. ["none", "masking", "salt_and_pepper"] :param corr_frac: Fraction of the input to corrupt. float, default 0.0 :param do_pretrain: True: uses variables from pretraining, False: initialize new variables. """ # WARNING! This must be the first expression in the function or else it # will send other variables to expanded_args() # This function takes all the passed parameters that are lists and # expands them to the number of layers, if the number # of layers is more than the list of the parameter. expanded_args = utilities.expand_args(**locals()) SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = finetune_loss_func self.learning_rate = finetune_learning_rate self.opt = finetune_opt self.num_epochs = finetune_num_epochs self.batch_size = finetune_batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.dropout = finetune_dropout self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer(finetune_opt, learning_rate=finetune_learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain self.layers = layers self.finetune_act_func = finetune_act_func # Model parameters self.encoding_w_ = [] # list of matrices of encoding weights per layer self.encoding_b_ = [] # list of arrays of encoding biases per layer self.last_W = None self.last_b = None self.autoencoders = [] self.autoencoder_graphs = [] for l, layer in enumerate(layers): dae_str = 'dae-' + str(l + 1) self.autoencoders.append( denoising_autoencoder.DenoisingAutoencoder( n_components=layer, + '-' + dae_str, enc_act_func=expanded_args['enc_act_func'][l], dec_act_func=expanded_args['dec_act_func'][l], loss_func=expanded_args['loss_func'][l], opt=expanded_args['opt'][l], regcoef=expanded_args['regcoef'], learning_rate=expanded_args['learning_rate'][l], momentum=self.momentum, corr_type=expanded_args['corr_type'][l], corr_frac=expanded_args['corr_frac'][l], num_epochs=expanded_args['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=expanded_args['batch_size'][l])) self.autoencoder_graphs.append(tf.Graph())
def __init__(self, rbm_layers, name='dbn', do_pretrain=False, rbm_num_epochs=[10], rbm_gibbs_k=[1], rbm_gauss_visible=False, rbm_stddev=0.1, rbm_batch_size=[10], rbm_learning_rate=[0.01], finetune_dropout=1, finetune_loss_func='softmax_cross_entropy', finetune_act_func=tf.nn.sigmoid, finetune_opt='sgd', finetune_learning_rate=0.001, finetune_num_epochs=10, finetune_batch_size=20, momentum=0.5): """Constructor. :param rbm_layers: list containing the hidden units for each layer :param finetune_loss_func: Loss function for the softmax layer. string, default ['softmax_cross_entropy', 'mse'] :param finetune_dropout: dropout parameter :param finetune_learning_rate: learning rate for the finetuning. float, default 0.001 :param finetune_act_func: activation function for the finetuning phase :param finetune_opt: optimizer for the finetuning phase :param finetune_num_epochs: Number of epochs for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param finetune_batch_size: Size of each mini-batch for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param do_pretrain: True: uses variables from pretraining, False: initialize new variables. """ SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = finetune_loss_func self.learning_rate = finetune_learning_rate self.opt = finetune_opt self.num_epochs = finetune_num_epochs self.batch_size = finetune_batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.dropout = finetune_dropout self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer(finetune_opt, learning_rate=finetune_learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain self.layers = rbm_layers self.finetune_act_func = finetune_act_func # Model parameters self.encoding_w_ = [] # list of matrices of encoding weights per layer self.encoding_b_ = [] # list of arrays of encoding biases per layer self.softmax_W = None self.softmax_b = None rbm_params = { 'num_epochs': rbm_num_epochs, 'gibbs_k': rbm_gibbs_k, 'batch_size': rbm_batch_size, 'learning_rate': rbm_learning_rate } for p in rbm_params: if len(rbm_params[p]) != len(rbm_layers): # The current parameter is not specified by the user, # should default it for all the layers rbm_params[p] = [rbm_params[p][0] for _ in rbm_layers] self.rbms = [] self.rbm_graphs = [] for l, layer in enumerate(rbm_layers): rbm_str = 'rbm-' + str(l + 1) if l == 0 and rbm_gauss_visible: self.rbms.append( rbm.RBM( + '-' + rbm_str, num_hidden=layer, learning_rate=rbm_params['learning_rate'][l], num_epochs=rbm_params['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=rbm_params['batch_size'][l], gibbs_sampling_steps=rbm_params['gibbs_k'][l], visible_unit_type='gauss', stddev=rbm_stddev)) else: self.rbms.append( rbm.RBM( + '-' + rbm_str, num_hidden=layer, learning_rate=rbm_params['learning_rate'][l], num_epochs=rbm_params['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=rbm_params['batch_size'][l], gibbs_sampling_steps=rbm_params['gibbs_k'][l])) self.rbm_graphs.append(tf.Graph())
class LogisticRegression(SupervisedModel): """Simple Logistic Regression using TensorFlow. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__(self, name='lr', loss_func='cross_entropy', learning_rate=0.01, num_epochs=10, batch_size=10): """Constructor.""" SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) # Computational graph nodes self.input_data = None self.input_labels = None self.W_ = None self.b_ = None self.accuracy = None def build_model(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the computational graph. :param n_features: number of features :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features, n_classes) self._create_variables(n_features, n_classes) self.mod_y = tf.nn.softmax( tf.add(tf.matmul(self.input_data, self.W_), self.b_)) self.cost = self.loss.compile(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) self.train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( self.learning_rate).minimize(self.cost) self.accuracy = Evaluation.accuracy(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.input_labels = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_classes], name='y-input') self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_variables(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow variables for the model. :param n_features: number of features :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.W_ = tf.Variable( tf.zeros([n_features, n_classes]), name='weights') self.b_ = tf.Variable( tf.zeros([n_classes]), name='biases') def _train_model(self, train_set, train_labels, validation_set, validation_labels): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param train_labels: training labels :param validation_set: validation set :param validation_labels: validation labels :return: self """ pbar = tqdm(list(range(self.num_epochs))) for i in pbar: shuff = list(zip(train_set, train_labels)) np.random.shuffle(shuff) batches = [_ for _ in utilities.gen_batches(shuff, self.batch_size)] for batch in batches: x_batch, y_batch = list(zip(*batch)) self.train_step, feed_dict={self.input_data: x_batch, self.input_labels: y_batch}) if validation_set is not None: feed = {self.input_data: validation_set, self.input_labels: validation_labels} acc = tf_utils.run_summaries( self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.accuracy) pbar.set_description("Accuracy: %s" % (acc))
def __init__( self, layers, name='sdae', enc_act_func=[tf.nn.tanh], dec_act_func=[None], loss_func=['cross_entropy'], num_epochs=[10], batch_size=[10], opt=['sgd'], regcoef=[5e-4], learning_rate=[0.01], momentum=0.5, finetune_dropout=1, corr_type=['none'], corr_frac=[0.], finetune_loss_func='softmax_cross_entropy', finetune_act_func=tf.nn.relu, finetune_opt='sgd', finetune_learning_rate=0.001, finetune_num_epochs=10, finetune_batch_size=20, do_pretrain=False): """Constructor. :param layers: list containing the hidden units for each layer :param enc_act_func: Activation function for the encoder. [tf.nn.tanh, tf.nn.sigmoid] :param dec_act_func: Activation function for the decoder. [tf.nn.tanh, tf.nn.sigmoid, None] :param finetune_loss_func: Loss function for the softmax layer. string, default ['softmax_cross_entropy', 'mse'] :param finetune_dropout: dropout parameter :param finetune_learning_rate: learning rate for the finetuning. float, default 0.001 :param finetune_act_func: activation function for the finetuning phase :param finetune_opt: optimizer for the finetuning phase :param finetune_num_epochs: Number of epochs for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param finetune_batch_size: Size of each mini-batch for the finetuning. int, default 20 :param corr_type: Type of input corruption. string, default 'none'. ["none", "masking", "salt_and_pepper"] :param corr_frac: Fraction of the input to corrupt. float, default 0.0 :param do_pretrain: True: uses variables from pretraining, False: initialize new variables. """ # WARNING! This must be the first expression in the function or else it # will send other variables to expanded_args() # This function takes all the passed parameters that are lists and # expands them to the number of layers, if the number # of layers is more than the list of the parameter. expanded_args = utilities.expand_args(**locals()) SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = finetune_loss_func self.learning_rate = finetune_learning_rate self.opt = finetune_opt self.num_epochs = finetune_num_epochs self.batch_size = finetune_batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.dropout = finetune_dropout self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer( finetune_opt, learning_rate=finetune_learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.do_pretrain = do_pretrain self.layers = layers self.finetune_act_func = finetune_act_func # Model parameters self.encoding_w_ = [] # list of matrices of encoding weights per layer self.encoding_b_ = [] # list of arrays of encoding biases per layer self.last_W = None self.last_b = None self.autoencoders = [] self.autoencoder_graphs = [] for l, layer in enumerate(layers): dae_str = 'dae-' + str(l + 1) self.autoencoders.append( denoising_autoencoder.DenoisingAutoencoder( n_components=layer, + '-' + dae_str, enc_act_func=expanded_args['enc_act_func'][l], dec_act_func=expanded_args['dec_act_func'][l], loss_func=expanded_args['loss_func'][l], opt=expanded_args['opt'][l], regcoef=expanded_args['regcoef'], learning_rate=expanded_args['learning_rate'][l], momentum=self.momentum, corr_type=expanded_args['corr_type'][l], corr_frac=expanded_args['corr_frac'][l], num_epochs=expanded_args['num_epochs'][l], batch_size=expanded_args['batch_size'][l])) self.autoencoder_graphs.append(tf.Graph())
class ConvolutionalNetwork(SupervisedModel): """Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks using TensorFlow. The interface of the class is sklearn-like. """ def __init__( self, layers, original_shape, name='convnet', loss_func='softmax_cross_entropy', num_epochs=10, batch_size=10, opt='sgd', learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.5, dropout=0.5): """Constructor. :param layers: string used to build the model. This string is a comma-separate specification of the layers. Supported values: conv2d-FX-FY-Z-S: 2d convolution with Z feature maps as output and FX x FY filters. S is the strides size maxpool-X: max pooling on the previous layer. X is the size of the max pooling full-X: fully connected layer with X units softmax: softmax layer For example: conv2d-5-5-32,maxpool-2,conv2d-5-5-64,maxpool-2,full-128,full-128,softmax :param original_shape: original shape of the images in the dataset :param dropout: Dropout parameter """ assert(layers.split(",")[-1] == "softmax") SupervisedModel.__init__(self, name) self.loss_func = loss_func self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.opt = opt self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.batch_size = batch_size self.momentum = momentum self.loss = Loss(self.loss_func) self.trainer = Trainer( opt, learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) self.layers = layers self.original_shape = original_shape self.dropout = dropout self.W_vars = None self.B_vars = None self.accuracy = None def _train_model(self, train_set, train_labels, validation_set, validation_labels): """Train the model. :param train_set: training set :param train_labels: training labels :param validation_set: validation set :param validation_labels: validation labels :return: self """ shuff = list(zip(train_set, train_labels)) pbar = tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)) for i in pbar: np.random.shuffle(list(shuff)) batches = [_ for _ in utilities.gen_batches( shuff, self.batch_size)] for batch in batches: x_batch, y_batch = zip(*batch) self.train_step, feed_dict={self.input_data: x_batch, self.input_labels: y_batch, self.keep_prob: self.dropout}) if validation_set is not None: feed = {self.input_data: validation_set, self.input_labels: validation_labels, self.keep_prob: 1} acc = tf_utils.run_summaries( self.tf_session, self.tf_merged_summaries, self.tf_summary_writer, i, feed, self.accuracy) pbar.set_description("Accuracy: %s" % (acc)) def build_model(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the computational graph of the model. :param n_features: Number of features. :param n_classes: number of classes. :return: self """ self._create_placeholders(n_features, n_classes) self._create_layers(n_classes) self.cost = self.loss.compile(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) self.train_step = self.trainer.compile(self.cost) self.accuracy = Evaluation.accuracy(self.mod_y, self.input_labels) def _create_placeholders(self, n_features, n_classes): """Create the TensorFlow placeholders for the model. :param n_features: number of features of the first layer :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ self.input_data = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_features], name='x-input') self.input_labels = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, n_classes], name='y-input') self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, name='keep-probs') def _create_layers(self, n_classes): """Create the layers of the model from self.layers. :param n_classes: number of classes :return: self """ next_layer_feed = tf.reshape(self.input_data, [-1, self.original_shape[0], self.original_shape[1], self.original_shape[2]]) prev_output_dim = self.original_shape[2] # this flags indicates whether we are building the first dense layer first_full = True self.W_vars = [] self.B_vars = [] for i, l in enumerate(self.layers.split(',')): node = l.split('-') node_type = node[0] if node_type == 'conv2d': # ################### # # Convolutional Layer # # ################### # # fx, fy = shape of the convolutional filter # feature_maps = number of output dimensions fx, fy, feature_maps, stride = int(node[1]),\ int(node[2]), int(node[3]), int(node[4]) print('Building Convolutional layer with %d input channels\ and %d %dx%d filters with stride %d' % (prev_output_dim, feature_maps, fx, fy, stride)) # Create weights and biases W_conv = self.weight_variable( [fx, fy, prev_output_dim, feature_maps]) b_conv = self.bias_variable([feature_maps]) self.W_vars.append(W_conv) self.B_vars.append(b_conv) # Convolution and Activation function h_conv = tf.nn.relu( self.conv2d(next_layer_feed, W_conv, stride) + b_conv) # keep track of the number of output dims of the previous layer prev_output_dim = feature_maps # output node of the last layer next_layer_feed = h_conv elif node_type == 'maxpool': # ################# # # Max Pooling Layer # # ################# # ksize = int(node[1]) print('Building Max Pooling layer with size %d' % ksize) next_layer_feed = self.max_pool(next_layer_feed, ksize) elif node_type == 'full': # ####################### # # Densely Connected Layer # # ####################### # if first_full: # first fully connected layer dim = int(node[1]) shp = next_layer_feed.get_shape() tmpx = shp[1].value tmpy = shp[2].value fanin = tmpx * tmpy * prev_output_dim print('Building fully connected layer with %d in units\ and %d out units' % (fanin, dim)) W_fc = self.weight_variable([fanin, dim]) b_fc = self.bias_variable([dim]) self.W_vars.append(W_fc) self.B_vars.append(b_fc) h_pool_flat = tf.reshape(next_layer_feed, [-1, fanin]) h_fc = tf.nn.relu(tf.add( tf.matmul(h_pool_flat, W_fc), b_fc)) h_fc_drop = tf.nn.dropout(h_fc, self.keep_prob) prev_output_dim = dim next_layer_feed = h_fc_drop first_full = False else: # not first fully connected layer dim = int(node[1]) W_fc = self.weight_variable([prev_output_dim, dim]) b_fc = self.bias_variable([dim]) self.W_vars.append(W_fc) self.B_vars.append(b_fc) h_fc = tf.nn.relu(tf.add( tf.matmul(next_layer_feed, W_fc), b_fc)) h_fc_drop = tf.nn.dropout(h_fc, self.keep_prob) prev_output_dim = dim next_layer_feed = h_fc_drop elif node_type == 'softmax': # ############# # # Softmax Layer # # ############# # print('Building softmax layer with %d in units and\ %d out units' % (prev_output_dim, n_classes)) W_sm = self.weight_variable([prev_output_dim, n_classes]) b_sm = self.bias_variable([n_classes]) self.W_vars.append(W_sm) self.B_vars.append(b_sm) self.mod_y = tf.add(tf.matmul(next_layer_feed, W_sm), b_sm) @staticmethod def weight_variable(shape): """Create a weight variable.""" initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape=shape, stddev=0.1) return tf.Variable(initial) @staticmethod def bias_variable(shape): """Create a bias variable.""" initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape) return tf.Variable(initial) @staticmethod def conv2d(x, W, stride): """2D Convolution operation.""" return tf.nn.conv2d( x, W, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding='SAME') @staticmethod def max_pool(x, dim): """Max pooling operation.""" return tf.nn.max_pool( x, ksize=[1, dim, dim, 1], strides=[1, dim, dim, 1], padding='SAME')