def parse_args(args=None, namespace=None): """Parse args and run further checks on the command line.""" import logging from niworkflows.utils.spaces import Reference, SpatialReferences parser = _build_parser() opts = parser.parse_args(args, namespace) config.execution.log_level = int( max(25 - 5 * opts.verbose_count, logging.DEBUG)) config.from_dict(vars(opts)) config.loggers.init() # Initialize --output-spaces if not defined if config.execution.output_spaces is None: config.execution.output_spaces = SpatialReferences( [Reference("MNI152NLin2009cAsym", {"res": "native"})]) # Retrieve logging level build_log = config.loggers.cli if config.execution.fs_license_file is None: raise RuntimeError("""\ ERROR: a valid license file is required for FreeSurfer to run. fMRIPrep looked for an existing \ license file at several paths, in this order: 1) command line argument ``--fs-license-file``; \ 2) ``$FS_LICENSE`` environment variable; and 3) the ``$FREESURFER_HOME/license.txt`` path. Get it \ (for free) by registering at""" ) os.environ['FS_LICENSE'] = str(config.execution.fs_license_file) # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) _plugin = plugin_settings.get('plugin') if _plugin: config.nipype.plugin = _plugin config.nipype.plugin_args = plugin_settings.get('plugin_args', {}) config.nipype.nprocs = config.nipype.plugin_args.get( 'nprocs', config.nipype.nprocs) # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins if 1 < config.nipype.nprocs < config.nipype.omp_nthreads: build_log.warning( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)', config.nipype.omp_nthread, config.nipype.nprocs) bids_dir = config.execution.bids_dir output_dir = config.execution.output_dir work_dir = config.execution.work_dir version = config.environment.version if config.execution.fs_subjects_dir is None: config.execution.fs_subjects_dir = output_dir / 'freesurfer' # Wipe out existing work_dir if opts.clean_workdir and work_dir.exists(): from niworkflows.utils.misc import clean_directory build_log.log("Clearing previous fMRIPrep working directory: %s", work_dir) if not clean_directory(work_dir): build_log.warning( "Could not clear all contents of working directory: %s", work_dir) # Ensure input and output folders are not the same if output_dir == bids_dir: parser.error( 'The selected output folder is the same as the input BIDS folder. ' 'Please modify the output path (suggestion: %s).' % bids_dir / 'derivatives' / ('fmriprep-%s' % version.split('+')[0])) if bids_dir in work_dir.parents: parser.error( 'The selected working directory is a subdirectory of the input BIDS folder. ' 'Please modify the output path.') # Validate inputs if not opts.skip_bids_validation: from ..utils.bids import validate_input_dir "Making sure the input data is BIDS compliant (warnings can be ignored in most " "cases).") validate_input_dir(config.environment.exec_env, opts.bids_dir, opts.participant_label) # Setup directories config.execution.log_dir = output_dir / 'fmriprep' / 'logs' # Check and create output and working directories config.execution.log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) work_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Force initialization of the BIDSLayout config.execution.init() all_subjects = config.execution.layout.get_subjects() if config.execution.participant_label is None: config.execution.participant_label = all_subjects participant_label = set(config.execution.participant_label) missing_subjects = participant_label - set(all_subjects) if missing_subjects: parser.error( "One or more participant labels were not found in the BIDS directory: " "%s." % ", ".join(missing_subjects)) config.execution.participant_label = sorted(participant_label) config.workflow.skull_strip_template = config.workflow.skull_strip_template[ 0]
def main(): """Entry point""" from nipype import config as ncfg from nipype.pipeline.engine import Workflow from mriqc import DEFAULTS from mriqc.utils.bids import collect_bids_data from mriqc.workflows.core import build_workflow # from mriqc.reports.utils import check_reports parser = ArgumentParser(description='MRI Quality Control', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='mriqc v{}'.format(__version__)) parser.add_argument('bids_dir', action='store', help='The directory with the input dataset ' 'formatted according to the BIDS standard.') parser.add_argument( 'output_dir', action='store', help='The directory where the output files ' 'should be stored. If you are running group level analysis ' 'this folder should be prepopulated with the results of the' 'participant level analysis.') parser.add_argument( 'analysis_level', action='store', nargs='+', help='Level of the analysis that will be performed. ' 'Multiple participant level analyses can be run independently ' '(in parallel) using the same output_dir.', choices=['participant', 'group']) parser.add_argument( '--participant_label', '--subject_list', '-S', action='store', help='The label(s) of the participant(s) that should be analyzed. ' 'The label corresponds to sub-<participant_label> from the ' 'BIDS spec (so it does not include "sub-"). If this parameter ' 'is not provided all subjects should be analyzed. Multiple ' 'participants can be specified with a space separated list.', nargs="*") g_input = parser.add_argument_group('mriqc specific inputs') g_input.add_argument('-m', '--modalities', action='store', nargs='*', choices=['T1w', 'bold', 'T2w'], default=['T1w', 'bold', 'T2w']) g_input.add_argument('-s', '--session-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-r', '--run-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('--nthreads', action='store', type=int, help='number of threads') g_input.add_argument('--n_procs', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='number of threads') g_input.add_argument('--mem_gb', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='available total memory') g_input.add_argument('--write-graph', action='store_true', default=False, help='Write workflow graph.') g_input.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not run the workflow.') g_input.add_argument('--use-plugin', action='store', default=None, help='nipype plugin configuration file') g_input.add_argument('--testing', action='store_true', default=False, help='use testing settings for a minimal footprint') g_input.add_argument( '--hmc-afni', action='store_true', default=True, help='Use ANFI 3dvolreg for head motion correction (HMC)') g_input.add_argument( '--hmc-fsl', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use FSL MCFLIRT for head motion correction (HMC)') g_input.add_argument( '-f', '--float32', action='store_true', default=DEFAULTS['float32'], help= "Cast the input data to float32 if it's represented in higher precision " "(saves space and improves perfomance)") g_input.add_argument('--fft-spikes-detector', action='store_true', default=False, help='Turn on FFT based spike detector (slow).') g_outputs = parser.add_argument_group('mriqc specific outputs') g_outputs.add_argument('-w', '--work-dir', action='store', default=op.join(os.getcwd(), 'work')) g_outputs.add_argument('--report-dir', action='store') g_outputs.add_argument('--verbose-reports', default=False, action='store_true') # ANTs options g_ants = parser.add_argument_group( 'specific settings for ANTs registrations') g_ants.add_argument( '--ants-nthreads', action='store', type=int, default=DEFAULTS['ants_nthreads'], help='number of threads that will be set in ANTs processes') g_ants.add_argument('--ants-settings', action='store', help='path to JSON file with settings for ANTS') # AFNI head motion correction settings g_afni = parser.add_argument_group( 'specific settings for AFNI head motion correction') g_afni.add_argument( '--deoblique', action='store_true', default=False, help='Deoblique the functional scans during head motion ' 'correction preprocessing') g_afni.add_argument( '--despike', action='store_true', default=False, help='Despike the functional scans during head motion correction ' 'preprocessing') g_afni.add_argument( '--start-idx', action='store', type=int, help='Initial volume in functional timeseries that should be ' 'considered for preprocessing') g_afni.add_argument( '--stop-idx', action='store', type=int, help='Final volume in functional timeseries that should be ' 'considered for preprocessing') g_afni.add_argument('--correct-slice-timing', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform slice timing correction') opts = parser.parse_args() # Build settings dict bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) # Number of processes n_procs = 0 if opts.nthreads is not None: MRIQC_LOG.warn('Option --nthreads has been deprecated in mriqc 0.8.8. ' 'Please use --n_procs instead.') n_procs = opts.nthreads if opts.n_procs is not None: n_procs = opts.n_procs # Check physical memory total_memory = opts.mem_gb if total_memory < 0: try: from psutil import virtual_memory total_memory = virtual_memory().total // (1024**3) + 1 except ImportError: MRIQC_LOG.warn( 'Total physical memory could not be estimated, using %d' 'GB as default', DEFAULT_MEM_GB) total_memory = DEFAULT_MEM_GB if total_memory > 0: av_procs = total_memory // 4 if av_procs < 1: MRIQC_LOG.warn( 'Total physical memory is less than 4GB, memory allocation' ' problems are likely to occur.') n_procs = 1 elif n_procs > av_procs: n_procs = av_procs settings = { 'bids_dir': bids_dir, 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'testing': opts.testing, 'hmc_afni': opts.hmc_afni, 'hmc_fsl': opts.hmc_fsl, 'fft_spikes_detector': opts.fft_spikes_detector, 'n_procs': n_procs, 'ants_nthreads': opts.ants_nthreads, 'output_dir': op.abspath(opts.output_dir), 'work_dir': op.abspath(opts.work_dir), 'verbose_reports': opts.verbose_reports or opts.testing, 'float32': opts.float32 } if opts.hmc_afni: settings['deoblique'] = opts.deoblique settings['despike'] = opts.despike settings['correct_slice_timing'] = opts.correct_slice_timing if opts.start_idx: settings['start_idx'] = opts.start_idx if opts.stop_idx: settings['stop_idx'] = opts.stop_idx if opts.ants_settings: settings['ants_settings'] = opts.ants_settings log_dir = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'logs') analysis_levels = opts.analysis_level if opts.participant_label is None: analysis_levels.append('group') analysis_levels = list(set(analysis_levels)) if len(analysis_levels) > 2: raise RuntimeError('Error parsing analysis levels, got "%s"' % ', '.join(analysis_levels)) settings['report_dir'] = opts.report_dir if not settings['report_dir']: settings['report_dir'] = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'reports') check_folder(settings['output_dir']) if 'participant' in analysis_levels: check_folder(settings['work_dir']) check_folder(log_dir) check_folder(settings['report_dir']) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir } }) plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as pfile: plugin_settings = loadyml(pfile) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['n_procs'] == 0: settings['n_procs'] = 1 max_parallel_ants = cpu_count() // settings['ants_nthreads'] if max_parallel_ants > 1: settings['n_procs'] = max_parallel_ants if settings['n_procs'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['n_procs']} 'Running MRIQC-%s (analysis_levels=[%s], participant_label=%s)\n\tSettings=%s', __version__, ', '.join(analysis_levels), opts.participant_label, settings) # Process data types modalities = opts.modalities dataset = collect_bids_data(settings['bids_dir'], participant_label=opts.participant_label) # Set up participant level if 'participant' in analysis_levels: workflow = Workflow(name='workflow_enumerator') workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir'] wf_list = [] for mod in modalities: if not dataset[mod]: MRIQC_LOG.warn('No %s scans were found in %s', mod, settings['bids_dir']) continue wf_list.append(build_workflow(dataset[mod], mod, settings=settings)) if wf_list: workflow.add_nodes(wf_list) if not opts.dry_run:**plugin_settings) else: raise RuntimeError( 'Error reading BIDS directory (%s), or the dataset is not ' 'BIDS-compliant.' % settings['bids_dir']) # Set up group level if 'group' in analysis_levels: from mriqc.reports import group_html from mriqc.utils.misc import generate_csv, generate_pred reports_dir = check_folder(op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'reports')) derivatives_dir = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'derivatives') n_group_reports = 0 for mod in modalities: dataframe, out_csv = generate_csv(derivatives_dir, settings['output_dir'], mod) # If there are no iqm.json files, nothing to do. if dataframe is None: MRIQC_LOG.warn( 'No IQM-JSON files were found for the %s data type in %s. The group-level ' 'report was not generated.', mod, derivatives_dir) continue'Summary CSV table for the %s data generated (%s)', mod, out_csv) out_pred = generate_pred(derivatives_dir, settings['output_dir'], mod) if out_pred is not None: 'Predicted QA CSV table for the %s data generated (%s)', mod, out_pred) out_html = op.join(reports_dir, mod + '_group.html') group_html(out_csv, mod, csv_failed=op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'failed_' + mod + '.csv'), out_file=out_html)'Group-%s report generated (%s)', mod, out_html) n_group_reports += 1 if n_group_reports == 0: raise Exception( "No data found. No group level reports were generated.")
def init_mriqc(opts, retval): """Build the workflow enumerator""" from bids.grabbids import BIDSLayout from nipype import config as ncfg from nipype.pipeline.engine import Workflow from ..utils.bids import collect_bids_data from ..workflows.core import build_workflow retval['workflow'] = None retval['plugin_settings'] = None # Build settings dict bids_dir = Path(opts.bids_dir).expanduser() output_dir = Path(opts.output_dir).expanduser() # Number of processes n_procs = opts.n_procs or cpu_count() settings = { 'bids_dir': bids_dir.resolve(), 'output_dir': output_dir.resolve(), 'work_dir': opts.work_dir.expanduser().resolve(), 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'n_procs': n_procs, 'testing': opts.testing, 'hmc_afni': opts.hmc_afni, 'hmc_fsl': opts.hmc_fsl, 'fft_spikes_detector': opts.fft_spikes_detector, 'ants_nthreads': opts.ants_nthreads, 'ants_float': opts.ants_float, 'verbose_reports': opts.verbose_reports or opts.testing, 'float32': opts.float32, 'ica': opts.ica, 'no_sub': opts.no_sub, 'email':, 'fd_thres': opts.fd_thres, 'webapi_url': opts.webapi_url, 'webapi_port': opts.webapi_port, 'upload_strict': opts.upload_strict, } if opts.hmc_afni: settings['deoblique'] = opts.deoblique settings['despike'] = opts.despike settings['correct_slice_timing'] = opts.correct_slice_timing if opts.start_idx: settings['start_idx'] = opts.start_idx if opts. stop_idx: settings['stop_idx'] = opts.stop_idx if opts.ants_settings: settings['ants_settings'] = opts.ants_settings if opts.dsname: settings['dataset_name'] = opts.dsname log_dir = settings['output_dir'] / 'logs' # Create directories log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) settings['work_dir'].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': {'log_directory': str(log_dir), 'log_to_file': True}, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': str(log_dir), 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'resource_monitor': opts.profile}, }) # Plugin configuration plugin_settings = {} if n_procs == 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'Linear' if settings['ants_nthreads'] == 0: settings['ants_nthreads'] = 1 else: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': n_procs} if opts.mem_gb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_gb if settings['ants_nthreads'] == 0: # always leave one extra thread for non ANTs work, # don't use more than 8 threads - the speed up is minimal settings['ants_nthreads'] = min(settings['n_procs'] - 1, 8) # Overwrite options if --use-plugin provided if opts.use_plugin and opts.use_plugin.exists(): from yaml import load as loadyml with as pfile: plugin_settings.update(loadyml(pfile)) # Process data types modalities = opts.modalities layout = BIDSLayout(str(settings['bids_dir']), exclude=['derivatives', 'sourcedata']) dataset = collect_bids_data( layout, participant_label=opts.participant_label, session=opts.session_id, run=opts.run_id, task=opts.task_id, bids_type=modalities, ) workflow = Workflow(name='workflow_enumerator') workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir'] wf_list = [] subject_list = [] for mod in modalities: if dataset[mod]: wf_list.append(build_workflow(dataset[mod], mod, settings=settings)) subject_list += dataset[mod] retval['subject_list'] = subject_list if not wf_list: retval['return_code'] = 1 return retval workflow.add_nodes(wf_list) retval['plugin_settings'] = plugin_settings retval['workflow'] = workflow retval['return_code'] = 0 return retval
def build_workflow(opts, retval): """ Create the Nipype Workflow that supports the whole execution graph, given the inputs. All the checks and the construction of the workflow are done inside this function that has pickleable inputs and output dictionary (``retval``) to allow isolation using a ``multiprocessing.Process`` that allows fmriprep to enforce a hard-limited memory-scope. """ from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired from pkg_resources import resource_filename as pkgrf from shutil import copyfile from nipype import logging, config as ncfg from niworkflows.utils.bids import collect_participants from ..__about__ import __version__ from ..workflows.base import init_fmriprep_wf from ..viz.reports import generate_reports logger = logging.getLogger('nipype.workflow') INIT_MSG = """ Running fMRIPREP version {version}: * BIDS dataset path: {bids_dir}. * Participant list: {subject_list}. * Run identifier: {uuid}. """.format output_spaces = opts.output_space or [] # Validity of some inputs # ERROR check if use_aroma was specified, but the correct template was not if opts.use_aroma and (opts.template != 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym' or 'template' not in output_spaces): output_spaces.append('template') logger.warning( 'Option "--use-aroma" requires functional images to be resampled to MNI space. ' 'The argument "template" has been automatically added to the list of output ' 'spaces (option "--output-space").') if opts.cifti_output and (opts.template != 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym' or 'template' not in output_spaces): output_spaces.append('template') logger.warning( 'Option "--cifti-output" requires functional images to be resampled to MNI space. ' 'The argument "template" has been automatically added to the list of output ' 'spaces (option "--output-space").') # Check output_space if 'template' not in output_spaces and (opts.use_syn_sdc or opts.force_syn): msg = [ 'SyN SDC correction requires T1 to MNI registration, but ' '"template" is not specified in "--output-space" arguments.', 'Option --use-syn will be cowardly dismissed.' ] if opts.force_syn: output_spaces.append('template') msg[1] = ( ' Since --force-syn has been requested, "template" has been added to' ' the "--output-space" list.') logger.warning(' '.join(msg)) # Set up some instrumental utilities run_uuid = '%s_%s' % (strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), uuid.uuid4()) # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder bids_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.bids_dir) subject_list = collect_participants( bids_dir, participant_label=opts.participant_label) # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, } } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nthreads = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nthreads is None or opts.nthreads is not None: nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads is None or nthreads < 1: nthreads = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nthreads if opts.mem_mb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_mb / 1024 omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nthreads - 1 if nthreads > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nthreads < omp_nthreads: logger.warning( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)', omp_nthreads, nthreads) # Set up directories output_dir = op.abspath(opts.output_dir) log_dir = op.join(output_dir, 'fmriprep', 'logs') work_dir = op.abspath(opts.work_dir or 'work') # Set work/ as default # Check and create output and working directories os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'get_linked_libs': False, 'stop_on_first_crash': opts.stop_on_first_crash or opts.work_dir is None, }, 'monitoring': { 'enabled': opts.resource_monitor, 'sample_frequency': '0.5', 'summary_append': True, } }) if opts.resource_monitor: ncfg.enable_resource_monitor() retval['return_code'] = 0 retval['plugin_settings'] = plugin_settings retval['bids_dir'] = bids_dir retval['output_dir'] = output_dir retval['work_dir'] = work_dir retval['subject_list'] = subject_list retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid retval['workflow'] = None # Called with reports only if opts.reports_only: logger.log(25, 'Running --reports-only on participants %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) if opts.run_uuid is not None: run_uuid = opts.run_uuid retval['return_code'] = generate_reports(subject_list, output_dir, work_dir, run_uuid) return retval # Build main workflow logger.log( 25, INIT_MSG(version=__version__, bids_dir=bids_dir, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid)) template_out_grid = opts.template_resampling_grid if opts.output_grid_reference is not None: logger.warning( 'Option --output-grid-reference is deprecated, please use ' '--template-resampling-grid') template_out_grid = template_out_grid or opts.output_grid_reference if opts.debug: logger.warning('Option --debug is deprecated and has no effect') retval['workflow'] = init_fmriprep_wf( subject_list=subject_list, task_id=opts.task_id, echo_idx=opts.echo_idx, run_uuid=run_uuid, ignore=opts.ignore, debug=opts.sloppy, low_mem=opts.low_mem, anat_only=opts.anat_only, longitudinal=opts.longitudinal, t2s_coreg=opts.t2s_coreg, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, skull_strip_template=opts.skull_strip_template, skull_strip_fixed_seed=opts.skull_strip_fixed_seed, work_dir=work_dir, output_dir=output_dir, bids_dir=bids_dir, freesurfer=opts.run_reconall, output_spaces=output_spaces, template=opts.template, medial_surface_nan=opts.medial_surface_nan, cifti_output=opts.cifti_output, template_out_grid=template_out_grid, hires=opts.hires, use_bbr=opts.use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof=opts.bold2t1w_dof, fmap_bspline=opts.fmap_bspline, fmap_demean=opts.fmap_no_demean, use_syn=opts.use_syn_sdc, force_syn=opts.force_syn, use_aroma=opts.use_aroma, aroma_melodic_dim=opts.aroma_melodic_dimensionality, ignore_aroma_err=opts.ignore_aroma_denoising_errors, ) retval['return_code'] = 0 logs_path = Path(output_dir) / 'fmriprep' / 'logs' boilerplate = retval['workflow'].visit_desc() if boilerplate: (logs_path / '').write_text(boilerplate) logger.log( 25, 'Works derived from this fMRIPrep execution should ' 'include the following boilerplate:\n\n%s', boilerplate) # Generate HTML file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('fmriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--filter', 'pandoc-citeproc', '--metadata', 'pagetitle="fMRIPrep citation boilerplate"', str(logs_path / ''), '-o', str(logs_path / 'CITATION.html') ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.html file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) # Generate LaTex file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('fmriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--natbib', str(logs_path / ''), '-o', str(logs_path / 'CITATION.tex') ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.tex file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) else: copyfile(pkgrf('fmriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), (logs_path / 'CITATION.bib')) return retval
def build_workflow(opts, retval): """ Create the Nipype Workflow that supports the whole execution graph, given the inputs. All the checks and the construction of the workflow are done inside this function that has pickleable inputs and output dictionary (``retval``) to allow isolation using a ``multiprocessing.Process`` that allows fmriprep to enforce a hard-limited memory-scope. """ from nipype import logging, config as ncfg from import __version__ from ..workflows.base import init_fmriprep_wf from ..utils.bids import collect_participants from ..viz.reports import generate_reports logger = logging.getLogger('nipype.workflow') INIT_MSG = """ Running fMRIPREP version {version}: * BIDS dataset path: {bids_dir}. * Participant list: {subject_list}. * Run identifier: {uuid}. """.format output_spaces = opts.output_space or [] # Validity of some inputs # ERROR check if use_aroma was specified, but the correct template was not if opts.use_aroma and (opts.template != 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym' or 'template' not in output_spaces): output_spaces.append('template') logger.warning( 'Option "--use-aroma" requires functional images to be resampled to MNI space. ' 'The argument "template" has been automatically added to the list of output ' 'spaces (option "--output-space").') # Check output_space if 'template' not in output_spaces and (opts.use_syn_sdc or opts.force_syn): msg = [ 'SyN SDC correction requires T1 to MNI registration, but ' '"template" is not specified in "--output-space" arguments.', 'Option --use-syn will be cowardly dismissed.' ] if opts.force_syn: output_spaces.append('template') msg[1] = ( ' Since --force-syn has been requested, "template" has been added to' ' the "--output-space" list.') logger.warning(' '.join(msg)) # Set up some instrumental utilities run_uuid = '%s_%s' % (strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), uuid.uuid4()) # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) subject_list = collect_participants( bids_dir, participant_label=opts.participant_label) # Setting up MultiProc nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads < 1: nthreads = cpu_count() plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'n_procs': nthreads, 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, } } if opts.mem_mb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_mb / 1024 # Overload plugin_settings if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nthreads - 1 if nthreads > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nthreads < omp_nthreads: logger.warning( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)', omp_nthreads, nthreads) # Set up directories output_dir = op.abspath(opts.output_dir) log_dir = op.join(output_dir, 'fmriprep', 'logs') work_dir = op.abspath(opts.work_dir or 'work') # Set work/ as default # Check and create output and working directories os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'get_linked_libs': False, 'stop_on_first_crash': opts.stop_on_first_crash or opts.work_dir is None, }, 'monitoring': { 'enabled': opts.resource_monitor, 'sample_frequency': '0.5', 'summary_append': True, } }) if opts.resource_monitor: ncfg.enable_resource_monitor() retval['return_code'] = 0 retval['plugin_settings'] = plugin_settings retval['output_dir'] = output_dir retval['work_dir'] = work_dir retval['subject_list'] = subject_list retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid retval['workflow'] = None # Called with reports only if opts.reports_only: logger.log(25, 'Running --reports-only on participants %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) if opts.run_uuid is not None: run_uuid = opts.run_uuid retval['return_code'] = generate_reports(subject_list, output_dir, work_dir, run_uuid) return retval # Build main workflow logger.log( 25, INIT_MSG(version=__version__, bids_dir=bids_dir, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid)) template_out_grid = opts.template_resampling_grid if opts.output_grid_reference is not None: logger.warning( 'Option --output-grid-reference is deprecated, please use ' '--template-resampling-grid') template_out_grid = template_out_grid or opts.output_grid_reference retval['workflow'] = init_fmriprep_wf( subject_list=subject_list, task_id=opts.task_id, run_uuid=run_uuid, ignore=opts.ignore, debug=opts.debug, low_mem=opts.low_mem, anat_only=opts.anat_only, longitudinal=opts.longitudinal, t2s_coreg=opts.t2s_coreg, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, skull_strip_template=opts.skull_strip_template, work_dir=work_dir, output_dir=output_dir, bids_dir=bids_dir, freesurfer=opts.run_reconall, skull_kernel=opts.skull_kernel, output_spaces=output_spaces, template=opts.template, medial_surface_nan=opts.medial_surface_nan, cifti_output=opts.cifti_output, template_out_grid=template_out_grid, hires=opts.hires, use_bbr=opts.use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof=opts.bold2t1w_dof, fmap_bspline=opts.fmap_bspline, fmap_demean=opts.fmap_no_demean, use_syn=opts.use_syn_sdc, force_syn=opts.force_syn, use_aroma=opts.use_aroma, aroma_melodic_dim=opts.aroma_melodic_dimensionality, ignore_aroma_err=opts.ignore_aroma_denoising_errors, ) retval['return_code'] = 0 return retval
def main(): from ..workflows.base import init_nibetaseries_participant_wf # get commandline options opts = get_parser().parse_args() # check inputs if (opts.hrf_model == 'fir') and (opts.fir_delays is None): raise ValueError('If the FIR HRF model is selected, ' 'FIR delays must be provided.') # Set up directories # TODO: set up some sort of versioning system bids_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.bids_dir) if os.path.isdir(opts.derivatives_pipeline): derivatives_pipeline_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.derivatives_pipeline) else: derivatives_pipeline_dir = os.path.join(bids_dir, 'derivatives', opts.derivatives_pipeline) if not os.path.isdir(derivatives_pipeline_dir): msg = "{dir} is not an available directory".format( dir=derivatives_pipeline_dir) raise NotADirectoryError(msg) output_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) log_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'nibetaseries/logs') os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) if opts.work_dir: work_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.work_dir) else: work_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'nibetaseries_work') os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True) # only for a subset of subjects if opts.participant_label: subject_list = [ s[4:] if s.startswith('sub-') else s for s in opts.participant_label ] # for all subjects else: subject_dirs = glob(os.path.join(bids_dir, "sub-*")) subject_list = [ subject_dir.split("-")[-1] for subject_dir in subject_dirs ] # Nipype plugin configuration # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, } } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nthreads = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nthreads is None or opts.nthreads is not None: nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads is None or nthreads < 1: nthreads = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nthreads # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'parameterize_dirs': False }, }) # check if atlas img or atlas lut exist if opts.atlas_img and opts.atlas_lut: atlas_img = os.path.abspath(opts.atlas_img) atlas_lut = os.path.abspath(opts.atlas_lut) else: atlas_img = atlas_lut = None # check if --no-signal-scaling is set if opts.no_signal_scaling: signal_scaling = False else: signal_scaling = 0 # running participant level if opts.analysis_level == "participant": nibetaseries_participant_wf = init_nibetaseries_participant_wf( estimator=opts.estimator, atlas_img=atlas_img, atlas_lut=atlas_lut, bids_dir=bids_dir, database_path=opts.database_path, derivatives_pipeline_dir=derivatives_pipeline_dir, exclude_description_label=opts.exclude_description_label, fir_delays=opts.fir_delays, hrf_model=opts.hrf_model, high_pass=opts.high_pass, norm_betas=opts.normalize_betas, output_dir=output_dir, return_residuals=opts.return_residuals, run_label=opts.run_label, signal_scaling=signal_scaling, selected_confounds=opts.confounds, session_label=opts.session_label, smoothing_kernel=opts.smoothing_kernel, space_label=opts.space_label, subject_list=subject_list, task_label=opts.task_label, description_label=opts.description_label, work_dir=work_dir, ) if opts.graph: nibetaseries_participant_wf.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='svg', simple_form=True) if not opts.boilerplate: try:**plugin_settings) except RuntimeError as e: if "Workflow did not execute cleanly" in str(e): print("Workflow did not execute cleanly") else: raise e boilerplate = nibetaseries_participant_wf.visit_desc() if boilerplate: citation_files = { ext: Path(log_dir) / 'CITATION.{}'.format(ext) for ext in ('bib', 'tex', 'md', 'html') } # To please git-annex users and also to guarantee consistency # among different renderings of the same file, first remove any # existing one for citation_file in citation_files.values(): try: citation_file.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass citation_files['md'].write_text(boilerplate) elif opts.analysis_level == "group": raise NotImplementedError('group analysis not currently implemented') if citation_files['md'].exists(): # Generate HTML file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('nibetaseries', 'data/references.bib'), '--filter', 'pandoc-citeproc', '--metadata', 'pagetitle="NiBetaSeries citation boilerplate"', str(citation_files['md']), '-o', str(citation_files['html']) ] 'Generating an HTML version of the citation boilerplate...') try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.html file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) # Generate LaTex file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('nibetaseries', 'data/references.bib'), '--natbib', str(citation_files['md']), '-o', str(citation_files['tex']) ] 'Generating a LaTeX version of the citation boilerplate...') try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.tex file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) else: copyfile(pkgrf('nibetaseries', 'data/references.bib'), citation_files['bib']) else: logger.warning( 'NiBetaSeries could not find the markdown version of ' 'the citation boilerplate (%s). HTML and LaTeX versions' ' of it will not be available', citation_files['md'])
def parse_args(args=None, namespace=None): """Parse args and run further checks on the command line.""" import logging from niworkflows.utils.spaces import Reference, SpatialReferences from niworkflows.utils.misc import check_valid_fs_license parser = _build_parser() opts = parser.parse_args(args, namespace) config.execution.log_level = int( max(25 - 5 * opts.verbose_count, logging.DEBUG)) config.from_dict(vars(opts)) # Initialize --output-spaces if not defined if config.execution.output_spaces is None: config.execution.output_spaces = SpatialReferences( [Reference("MNI152NLin2009cAsym", {"res": "native"})]) # Retrieve logging level build_log = config.loggers.cli if not check_valid_fs_license(lic=config.execution.fs_license_file): raise RuntimeError("""\ ERROR: a valid license file is required for FreeSurfer to run. fMRIPrep looked for an existing \ license file at several paths, in this order: 1) command line argument ``--fs-license-file``; \ 2) ``$FS_LICENSE`` environment variable; and 3) the ``$FREESURFER_HOME/license.txt`` path. Get it \ (for free) by registering at""" ) # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) _plugin = plugin_settings.get("plugin") if _plugin: config.nipype.plugin = _plugin config.nipype.plugin_args = plugin_settings.get("plugin_args", {}) config.nipype.nprocs = config.nipype.plugin_args.get( "nprocs", config.nipype.nprocs) # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins if 1 < config.nipype.nprocs < config.nipype.omp_nthreads: build_log.warning( f"Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads={config.nipype.omp_nthreads}) exceed " f"total threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus={config.nipype.nprocs})") # Inform the user about the risk of using brain-extracted images if config.workflow.skull_strip_t1w == "auto": build_log.warning("""\ Option ``--skull-strip-t1w`` was set to 'auto'. A heuristic will be \ applied to determine whether the input T1w image(s) have already been skull-stripped. If that were the case, brain extraction and INU correction will be skipped for those T1w \ inputs. Please, BEWARE OF THE RISKS TO THE CONSISTENCY of results when using varying \ processing workflows across participants. To determine whether a participant has been run \ through the shortcut pipeline (meaning, brain extraction was skipped), please check the \ citation boilerplate. When reporting results with varying pipelines, please make sure you \ mention this particular variant of fMRIPrep listing the participants for which it was \ applied.""") bids_dir = config.execution.bids_dir output_dir = config.execution.output_dir work_dir = config.execution.work_dir version = config.environment.version if config.execution.fs_subjects_dir is None: config.execution.fs_subjects_dir = output_dir / "freesurfer" # Wipe out existing work_dir if opts.clean_workdir and work_dir.exists(): from niworkflows.utils.misc import clean_directory f"Clearing previous fMRIPrep working directory: {work_dir}") if not clean_directory(work_dir): build_log.warning( f"Could not clear all contents of working directory: {work_dir}" ) # Ensure input and output folders are not the same if output_dir == bids_dir: parser.error( "The selected output folder is the same as the input BIDS folder. " "Please modify the output path (suggestion: %s)." % bids_dir / "derivatives" / ("fmriprep-%s" % version.split("+")[0])) if bids_dir in work_dir.parents: parser.error( "The selected working directory is a subdirectory of the input BIDS folder. " "Please modify the output path.") # Validate inputs if not opts.skip_bids_validation: from ..utils.bids import validate_input_dir "Making sure the input data is BIDS compliant (warnings can be ignored in most " "cases).") validate_input_dir(config.environment.exec_env, opts.bids_dir, opts.participant_label) # Setup directories config.execution.log_dir = output_dir / "fmriprep" / "logs" # Check and create output and working directories config.execution.log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) work_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Force initialization of the BIDSLayout config.execution.init() all_subjects = config.execution.layout.get_subjects() if config.execution.participant_label is None: config.execution.participant_label = all_subjects participant_label = set(config.execution.participant_label) missing_subjects = participant_label - set(all_subjects) if missing_subjects: parser.error( "One or more participant labels were not found in the BIDS directory: " "%s." % ", ".join(missing_subjects)) config.execution.participant_label = sorted(participant_label) config.workflow.skull_strip_template = config.workflow.skull_strip_template[ 0]
def main(): from ..workflows.base import init_nibetaseries_participant_wf # get commandline options opts = get_parser().parse_args() # Set up directories # TODO: set up some sort of versioning system bids_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.bids_dir) derivatives_pipeline_dir = os.path.join(bids_dir, 'derivatives', opts.derivatives_pipeline) output_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(opts.output_dir, 'NiBetaSeries')) os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) log_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'logs') os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) if opts.work_dir: work_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.work_dir) else: work_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'nibetaseries_work') os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True) # only for a subset of subjects if opts.participant_label: subject_list = opts.participant_label # for all subjects else: subject_dirs = glob(os.path.join(bids_dir, "sub-*")) subject_list = [ subject_dir.split("-")[-1] for subject_dir in subject_dirs ] # Nipype plugin configuration # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, } } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nthreads = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nthreads is None or opts.nthreads is not None: nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads is None or nthreads < 1: nthreads = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nthreads # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'parameterize_dirs': False }, }) # running participant level if opts.analysis_level == "participant": nibetaseries_participant_wf = init_nibetaseries_participant_wf( atlas_img=os.path.abspath(opts.atlas_img), atlas_lut=os.path.abspath(opts.atlas_lut), bids_dir=bids_dir, derivatives_pipeline_dir=derivatives_pipeline_dir, exclude_variant_label=opts.exclude_variant_label, hrf_model=opts.hrf_model, low_pass=opts.low_pass, output_dir=output_dir, run_label=opts.run_label, selected_confounds=opts.confounds, session_label=opts.session_label, smoothing_kernel=opts.smoothing_kernel, space_label=opts.space_label, subject_list=subject_list, task_label=opts.task_label, variant_label=opts.variant_label, work_dir=work_dir, ) if opts.graph: nibetaseries_participant_wf.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='svg', simple_form=True) try:**plugin_settings) except RuntimeError as e: if "Workflow did not execute cleanly" in str(e): print("Workflow did not execute cleanly") else: raise e elif opts.analysis_level == "group": raise NotImplementedError('group analysis not currently implemented')
def main(): """Entry point""" from niworkflows.nipype import config as ncfg, logging as nlog from niworkflows.nipype.pipeline.engine import Workflow from .. import logging from ..utils.bids import collect_bids_data from ..workflows.core import build_workflow from ..utils.misc import check_folder # Run parser opts = get_parser().parse_args() # Retrieve logging level log_level = int(max(3 - opts.verbose_count, 0) * 10) if opts.verbose_count > 1: log_level = int(max(25 - 5 * opts.verbose_count, 1)) print(log_level) logging.getLogger().setLevel(log_level) log = logging.getLogger('mriqc.cli') # Build settings dict bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) # Number of processes n_procs = opts.n_procs settings = { 'bids_dir': bids_dir, 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'testing': opts.testing, 'hmc_afni': opts.hmc_afni, 'hmc_fsl': opts.hmc_fsl, 'fft_spikes_detector': opts.fft_spikes_detector, 'n_procs': n_procs, 'ants_nthreads': opts.ants_nthreads, 'output_dir': op.abspath(opts.output_dir), 'work_dir': op.abspath(opts.work_dir), 'verbose_reports': opts.verbose_reports or opts.testing, 'float32': opts.float32, 'ica': opts.ica, 'no_sub': opts.no_sub, 'email':, 'fd_thres': opts.fd_thres, 'webapi_url' : opts.webapi_url, 'webapi_port' : opts.webapi_port, 'upload_strict' : opts.upload_strict, } if opts.hmc_afni: settings['deoblique'] = opts.deoblique settings['despike'] = opts.despike settings['correct_slice_timing'] = opts.correct_slice_timing if opts.start_idx: settings['start_idx'] = opts.start_idx if opts. stop_idx: settings['stop_idx'] = opts.stop_idx if opts.ants_settings: settings['ants_settings'] = opts.ants_settings log_dir = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'logs') analysis_levels = opts.analysis_level if opts.participant_label is None: analysis_levels.append('group') analysis_levels = list(set(analysis_levels)) if len(analysis_levels) > 2: raise RuntimeError('Error parsing analysis levels, got "%s"' % ', '.join(analysis_levels)) settings['report_dir'] = opts.report_dir if not settings['report_dir']: settings['report_dir'] = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'reports') check_folder(settings['output_dir']) if 'participant' in analysis_levels: check_folder(settings['work_dir']) check_folder(log_dir) check_folder(settings['report_dir']) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': {'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True}, 'execution': {'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt'}, }) # Set nipype logging level nlog.getLogger('workflow').setLevel(log_level) nlog.getLogger('interface').setLevel(log_level) nlog.getLogger('filemanip').setLevel(log_level) callback_log_path = None plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as pfile: plugin_settings = loadyml(pfile) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['n_procs'] == 0: settings['n_procs'] = cpu_count() if settings['ants_nthreads'] == 0: if settings['n_procs'] > 1: # always leave one extra thread for non ANTs work, # don't use more than 8 threads - the speed up is minimal settings['ants_nthreads'] = min(settings['n_procs'] - 1, 8) else: settings['ants_nthreads'] = 1 if settings['n_procs'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['n_procs']} if opts.mem_gb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_gb # Process data types modalities = opts.modalities dataset = collect_bids_data( settings['bids_dir'], modalities=modalities, participant_label=opts.participant_label, session=opts.session_id, run=opts.run_id, task=opts.task_id, ) # Set up participant level if 'participant' in analysis_levels:'Participant level started...') 'Running MRIQC-%s (analysis_levels=[%s], participant_label=%s)\n\tSettings=%s', __version__, ', '.join(analysis_levels), opts.participant_label, settings) workflow = Workflow(name='workflow_enumerator') workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir'] wf_list = [] for mod in modalities: if not dataset[mod]: log.warning('No %s scans were found in %s', mod, settings['bids_dir']) continue wf_list.append(build_workflow(dataset[mod], mod, settings=settings)) if wf_list: workflow.add_nodes(wf_list) if not opts.dry_run: if plugin_settings['plugin'] == 'MultiProc' and opts.profile: import logging from niworkflows.nipype.pipeline.plugins.callback_log import log_nodes_cb plugin_settings['plugin_args']['status_callback'] = log_nodes_cb callback_log_path = op.join(log_dir, 'run_stats.log') logger = logging.getLogger('callback') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.FileHandler(callback_log_path) logger.addHandler(handler) # Warn about submitting measures BEFORE if not settings['no_sub']: log.warning( 'Anonymized quality metrics will be submitted' ' to MRIQC\'s metrics repository.' ' Use --no-sub to disable submission.') # run MRIQC**plugin_settings) # Warn about submitting measures AFTER if not settings['no_sub']: log.warning( 'Anonymized quality metrics have beeen submitted' ' to MRIQC\'s metrics repository.' ' Use --no-sub to disable submission.') if callback_log_path is not None: from niworkflows.nipype.utils.draw_gantt_chart import generate_gantt_chart generate_gantt_chart(callback_log_path, cores=settings['n_procs']) else: msg = """\ Error reading BIDS directory ({}), or the dataset is not \ BIDS-compliant.""" if opts.participant_label is not None: msg = """\ None of the supplied labels (--participant_label) matched with the \ participants found in the BIDS directory ({}).""" raise RuntimeError(msg.format(settings['bids_dir']))'Participant level finished successfully.') # Set up group level if 'group' in analysis_levels: from ..reports import group_html from ..utils.misc import generate_csv # , generate_pred'Group level started...') 'Running MRIQC-%s (analysis_levels=[%s], participant_label=%s)\n\tSettings=%s', __version__, ', '.join(analysis_levels), opts.participant_label, settings) reports_dir = check_folder(op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'reports')) derivatives_dir = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'derivatives') n_group_reports = 0 for mod in modalities: dataframe, out_csv = generate_csv(derivatives_dir, settings['output_dir'], mod) # If there are no iqm.json files, nothing to do. if dataframe is None: log.warning( 'No IQM-JSON files were found for the %s data type in %s. The group-level ' 'report was not generated.', mod, derivatives_dir) continue'Summary CSV table for the %s data generated (%s)', mod, out_csv) # out_pred = generate_pred(derivatives_dir, settings['output_dir'], mod) # if out_pred is not None: #'Predicted QA CSV table for the %s data generated (%s)', # mod, out_pred) out_html = op.join(reports_dir, mod + '_group.html') group_html(out_csv, mod, csv_failed=op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'failed_' + mod + '.csv'), out_file=out_html)'Group-%s report generated (%s)', mod, out_html) n_group_reports += 1 if n_group_reports == 0: raise Exception("No data found. No group level reports were generated.")'Group level finished successfully.')
def create_workflow(opts): """Build workflow""" import logging from fmriprep.utils import make_folder from fmriprep.viz.reports import run_reports from fmriprep.workflows.base import init_fmriprep_wf errno = 0 # set up logger logger = logging.getLogger('cli') if opts.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) run_uuid = strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S_') + str(uuid.uuid4()) # Check and create output and working directories # Using make_folder to prevent make_folder(opts.output_dir) make_folder(opts.work_dir) # nipype plugin configuration plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} nthreads = opts.nthreads if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) else: # Setup multiprocessing nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads == 0: nthreads = cpu_count() if nthreads > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': nthreads} if opts.mem_mb: plugin_settings['plugin_args'][ 'memory_gb'] = opts.mem_mb / 1024 omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nthreads - 1 if nthreads > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nthreads < omp_nthreads: print('Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads={:d}) cannot exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus={:d})'.format( omp_nthreads, nthreads)) sys.exit(1) # Determine subjects to be processed subject_list = opts.participant_label if subject_list is None or not subject_list: subject_list = [ op.basename(subdir)[4:] for subdir in glob.glob( op.join(op.abspath(opts.bids_dir), 'sub-*')) ] else: subject_list = [ sub[4:] if sub.startswith('sub-') else sub for sub in subject_list ]'Subject list: %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) # Build main workflow and run reportlets_dir = op.join(op.abspath(opts.work_dir), 'reportlets') output_dir = op.abspath(opts.output_dir) bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) fmriprep_wf = init_fmriprep_wf(subject_list=subject_list, task_id=opts.task_id, run_uuid=run_uuid, ignore=opts.ignore, debug=opts.debug, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, skull_strip_ants=opts.skull_strip_ants, reportlets_dir=reportlets_dir, output_dir=output_dir, bids_dir=bids_dir, freesurfer=opts.freesurfer, output_spaces=opts.output_space, template=opts.template, output_grid_ref=opts.output_grid_reference, hires=opts.hires, bold2t1w_dof=opts.bold2t1w_dof, fmap_bspline=opts.fmap_bspline, fmap_demean=opts.fmap_no_demean) fmriprep_wf.base_dir = op.abspath(opts.work_dir) if opts.reports_only: if opts.write_graph: fmriprep_wf.write_graph(graph2use="colored", format='svg', simple_form=True) for subject_label in subject_list: run_reports(reportlets_dir, output_dir, subject_label, run_uuid=run_uuid) sys.exit() try:**plugin_settings) except RuntimeError as e: if "Workflow did not execute cleanly" in str(e): errno = 1 else: raise (e) if opts.write_graph: fmriprep_wf.write_graph(graph2use="colored", format='svg', simple_form=True) report_errors = 0 for subject_label in subject_list: report_errors += run_reports(reportlets_dir, output_dir, subject_label, run_uuid=run_uuid) if errno == 1: assert (report_errors > 0) sys.exit(errno)
def build_workflow(opts, retval): """ Create the Nipype Workflow that supports the whole execution graph, given the inputs. All the checks and the construction of the workflow are done inside this function that has pickleable inputs and output dictionary (``retval``) to allow isolation using a ``multiprocessing.Process`` that allows fmriprep to enforce a hard-limited memory-scope. """ from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired from pkg_resources import resource_filename as pkgrf from shutil import copyfile from nipype import logging, config as ncfg from niworkflows.utils.bids import collect_participants from ..__about__ import __version__ from ..workflows.base import init_fmriprep_wf from ..viz.reports import generate_reports logger = logging.getLogger('nipype.workflow') INIT_MSG = """ Running fMRIPREP version {version}: * BIDS dataset path: {bids_dir}. * Participant list: {subject_list}. * Run identifier: {uuid}. """.format output_spaces = opts.output_space or [] # Validity of some inputs # ERROR check if use_aroma was specified, but the correct template was not if opts.use_aroma and (opts.template != 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym' or 'template' not in output_spaces): output_spaces.append('template') logger.warning( 'Option "--use-aroma" requires functional images to be resampled to MNI space. ' 'The argument "template" has been automatically added to the list of output ' 'spaces (option "--output-space").' ) if opts.cifti_output and (opts.template != 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym' or 'template' not in output_spaces): output_spaces.append('template') logger.warning( 'Option "--cifti-output" requires functional images to be resampled to MNI space. ' 'The argument "template" has been automatically added to the list of output ' 'spaces (option "--output-space").' ) # Check output_space if 'template' not in output_spaces and (opts.use_syn_sdc or opts.force_syn): msg = ['SyN SDC correction requires T1 to MNI registration, but ' '"template" is not specified in "--output-space" arguments.', 'Option --use-syn will be cowardly dismissed.'] if opts.force_syn: output_spaces.append('template') msg[1] = (' Since --force-syn has been requested, "template" has been added to' ' the "--output-space" list.') logger.warning(' '.join(msg)) # Set up some instrumental utilities run_uuid = '%s_%s' % (strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), uuid.uuid4()) # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder bids_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.bids_dir) subject_list = collect_participants( bids_dir, participant_label=opts.participant_label) # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, } } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nthreads = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nthreads is None or opts.nthreads is not None: nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads is None or nthreads < 1: nthreads = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nthreads if opts.mem_mb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_mb / 1024 omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nthreads - 1 if nthreads > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nthreads < omp_nthreads: logger.warning( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)', omp_nthreads, nthreads) # Set up directories output_dir = op.abspath(opts.output_dir) log_dir = op.join(output_dir, 'fmriprep', 'logs') work_dir = op.abspath(opts.work_dir or 'work') # Set work/ as default # Check and create output and working directories os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'get_linked_libs': False, 'stop_on_first_crash': opts.stop_on_first_crash or opts.work_dir is None, }, 'monitoring': { 'enabled': opts.resource_monitor, 'sample_frequency': '0.5', 'summary_append': True, } }) if opts.resource_monitor: ncfg.enable_resource_monitor() retval['return_code'] = 0 retval['plugin_settings'] = plugin_settings retval['bids_dir'] = bids_dir retval['output_dir'] = output_dir retval['work_dir'] = work_dir retval['subject_list'] = subject_list retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid retval['workflow'] = None # Called with reports only if opts.reports_only: logger.log(25, 'Running --reports-only on participants %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) if opts.run_uuid is not None: run_uuid = opts.run_uuid retval['return_code'] = generate_reports(subject_list, output_dir, work_dir, run_uuid) return retval # Build main workflow logger.log(25, INIT_MSG( version=__version__, bids_dir=bids_dir, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid) ) template_out_grid = opts.template_resampling_grid if opts.output_grid_reference is not None: logger.warning( 'Option --output-grid-reference is deprecated, please use ' '--template-resampling-grid') template_out_grid = template_out_grid or opts.output_grid_reference if opts.debug: logger.warning('Option --debug is deprecated and has no effect') retval['workflow'] = init_fmriprep_wf( subject_list=subject_list, task_id=opts.task_id, echo_idx=opts.echo_idx, run_uuid=run_uuid, ignore=opts.ignore, debug=opts.sloppy, low_mem=opts.low_mem, anat_only=opts.anat_only, longitudinal=opts.longitudinal, t2s_coreg=opts.t2s_coreg, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, skull_strip_template=opts.skull_strip_template, skull_strip_fixed_seed=opts.skull_strip_fixed_seed, work_dir=work_dir, output_dir=output_dir, bids_dir=bids_dir, freesurfer=opts.run_reconall, output_spaces=output_spaces, template=opts.template, medial_surface_nan=opts.medial_surface_nan, cifti_output=opts.cifti_output, template_out_grid=template_out_grid, hires=opts.hires, use_bbr=opts.use_bbr, bold2t1w_dof=opts.bold2t1w_dof, fmap_bspline=opts.fmap_bspline, fmap_demean=opts.fmap_no_demean, use_syn=opts.use_syn_sdc, force_syn=opts.force_syn, use_aroma=opts.use_aroma, aroma_melodic_dim=opts.aroma_melodic_dimensionality, ignore_aroma_err=opts.ignore_aroma_denoising_errors, ) retval['return_code'] = 0 logs_path = Path(output_dir) / 'fmriprep' / 'logs' boilerplate = retval['workflow'].visit_desc() if boilerplate: (logs_path / '').write_text(boilerplate) logger.log(25, 'Works derived from this fMRIPrep execution should ' 'include the following boilerplate:\n\n%s', boilerplate) # Generate HTML file resolving citations cmd = ['pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('fmriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--filter', 'pandoc-citeproc', str(logs_path / ''), '-o', str(logs_path / 'CITATION.html')] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.html file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) # Generate LaTex file resolving citations cmd = ['pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('fmriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--natbib', str(logs_path / ''), '-o', str(logs_path / 'CITATION.tex')] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.tex file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) else: copyfile(pkgrf('fmriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), (logs_path / 'CITATION.bib')) return retval
def main(): """Entry point""" from nipype import config as ncfg from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe from fmriprep import __version__ from fmriprep.workflows import fmriprep_single parser = ArgumentParser(description='fMRI Preprocessing workflow', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) # Arguments as specified by BIDS-Apps # required, positional arguments # IMPORTANT: they must go directly with the parser object parser.add_argument('bids_dir', action='store', default=os.getcwd()) parser.add_argument('output_dir', action='store', default=op.join(os.getcwd(), 'out')) parser.add_argument('analysis_level', choices=['participant']) # optional arguments parser.add_argument('-S', '--subject-id', '--participant_label', action='store', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='fmriprep v{}'.format(__version__)) g_input = parser.add_argument_group('fMRIprep specific arguments') g_input.add_argument('-s', '--session-id', action='store', default='single_session') g_input.add_argument('-r', '--run-id', action='store', default='single_run') g_input.add_argument('-d', '--data-type', action='store', choices=['anat', 'func']) g_input.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='run debug version of workflow') g_input.add_argument('--skull-strip-ants', action='store_true', default=False, help='run debug version of workflow') g_input.add_argument('--nthreads', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='number of threads') g_input.add_argument("--write-graph", action='store_true', default=False, help="Write workflow graph.") g_input.add_argument("--use-plugin", action='store', default=None, help='nipype plugin configuration file') g_input.add_argument('-w', '--work-dir', action='store', default=op.join(os.getcwd(), 'work')) opts = parser.parse_args() settings = { 'bids_root': op.abspath(opts.bids_dir), 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'nthreads': opts.nthreads, 'debug': opts.debug, 'skull_strip_ants': opts.skull_strip_ants, 'output_dir': op.abspath(opts.output_dir), 'work_dir': op.abspath(opts.work_dir) } # set up logger logger = logging.getLogger('cli') if opts.debug: settings['ants_t1-mni_settings'] = 't1-mni_registration_test' logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log_dir = op.join(settings['work_dir'], 'log') # Check and create output and working directories # Using locks to prevent with LockFile('.fmriprep-folders-lock'): if not op.exists(settings['output_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['output_dir']) derivatives = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'derivatives') if not op.exists(derivatives): os.makedirs(derivatives) if not op.exists(settings['work_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['work_dir']) if not op.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) logger.addHandler(logging.FileHandler(op.join(log_dir, 'run_workflow'))) # Warn for default work/output directories if (opts.work_dir == parser.get_default('work_dir') or opts.output_dir == parser.get_default('output_dir')): logger.warning("work-dir and/or output-dir not specified. Using " + opts.work_dir + " and " + opts.output_dir) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir } }) # nipype plugin configuration plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['nthreads'] == 0: settings['nthreads'] = cpu_count() if settings['nthreads'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['nthreads']} # Determine subjects to be processed subject_list = opts.subject_id if subject_list is None or not subject_list: subject_list = [ op.basename(subdir)[4:] for subdir in glob.glob(op.join(settings['bids_root'], 'sub-*')) ]"subject list: {}", ', '.join(subject_list)) # Build main workflow and run preproc_wf = fmriprep_single(subject_list, settings=settings) preproc_wf.base_dir = settings['work_dir']**plugin_settings) if opts.write_graph: preproc_wf.write_graph()
def build_workflow(opts, retval): """ Create the Nipype Workflow that supports the whole execution graph, given the inputs. All the checks and the construction of the workflow are done inside this function that has pickleable inputs and output dictionary (``retval``) to allow isolation using a ``multiprocessing.Process`` that allows smriprep to enforce a hard-limited memory-scope. """ from shutil import copyfile from os import cpu_count import uuid from time import strftime from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired from pkg_resources import resource_filename as pkgrf import json from bids import BIDSLayout from nipype import logging, config as ncfg from niworkflows.utils.bids import collect_participants from ..__about__ import __version__ from ..workflows.base import init_smriprep_wf logger = logging.getLogger("nipype.workflow") INIT_MSG = """ Running sMRIPrep version {version}: * BIDS dataset path: {bids_dir}. * Participant list: {subject_list}. * Run identifier: {uuid}. {spaces} """.format # Set up some instrumental utilities run_uuid = "%s_%s" % (strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), uuid.uuid4()) # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder bids_dir = opts.bids_dir.resolve() layout = BIDSLayout(str(bids_dir), validate=False) subject_list = collect_participants( layout, participant_label=opts.participant_label) bids_filters = (json.loads(opts.bids_filter_file.read_text()) if opts.bids_filter_file else None) # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault("plugin_args", {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { "plugin": "MultiProc", "plugin_args": { "raise_insufficient": False, "maxtasksperchild": 1, }, } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nprocs = plugin_settings["plugin_args"].get("n_procs") # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nprocs is None or opts.nprocs is not None: nprocs = opts.nprocs if nprocs is None or nprocs < 1: nprocs = cpu_count() plugin_settings["plugin_args"]["n_procs"] = nprocs if opts.mem_gb: plugin_settings["plugin_args"]["memory_gb"] = opts.mem_gb omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nprocs - 1 if nprocs > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nprocs < omp_nthreads: logger.warning( "Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total " "available CPUs (--nprocs/--ncpus=%d)", omp_nthreads, nprocs, ) # Set up directories output_dir = opts.output_dir.resolve() log_dir = output_dir / "smriprep" / "logs" work_dir = opts.work_dir.resolve() # Check and create output and working directories log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) work_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ "logging": { "log_directory": str(log_dir), "log_to_file": True }, "execution": { "crashdump_dir": str(log_dir), "crashfile_format": "txt", "get_linked_libs": False, "stop_on_first_crash": opts.stop_on_first_crash, }, "monitoring": { "enabled": opts.resource_monitor, "sample_frequency": "0.5", "summary_append": True, }, }) if opts.resource_monitor: ncfg.enable_resource_monitor() retval["return_code"] = 0 retval["plugin_settings"] = plugin_settings retval["bids_dir"] = str(bids_dir) retval["output_dir"] = str(output_dir) retval["work_dir"] = str(work_dir) retval["subject_list"] = subject_list retval["run_uuid"] = run_uuid retval["workflow"] = None # Called with reports only if opts.reports_only: from niworkflows.reports import generate_reports logger.log(25, "Running --reports-only on participants %s", ", ".join(subject_list)) if opts.run_uuid is not None: run_uuid = opts.run_uuid retval["return_code"] = generate_reports(subject_list, str(output_dir), run_uuid, packagename="smriprep") return retval output_spaces = opts.output_spaces if not output_spaces.is_cached(): output_spaces.checkpoint() logger.log( 25, INIT_MSG( version=__version__, bids_dir=bids_dir, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid, spaces=output_spaces, ), ) # Build main workflow retval["workflow"] = init_smriprep_wf( debug=opts.sloppy, fast_track=opts.fast_track, freesurfer=opts.run_reconall, fs_subjects_dir=opts.fs_subjects_dir, hires=opts.hires, layout=layout, longitudinal=opts.longitudinal, low_mem=opts.low_mem, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, output_dir=str(output_dir), run_uuid=run_uuid, skull_strip_fixed_seed=opts.skull_strip_fixed_seed, skull_strip_mode=opts.skull_strip_mode, skull_strip_template=opts.skull_strip_template[0], spaces=output_spaces, subject_list=subject_list, work_dir=str(work_dir), bids_filters=bids_filters, ) retval["return_code"] = 0 boilerplate = retval["workflow"].visit_desc() (log_dir / "").write_text(boilerplate) logger.log( 25, "Works derived from this sMRIPrep execution should " "include the following boilerplate:\n\n%s", boilerplate, ) # Generate HTML file resolving citations cmd = [ "pandoc", "-s", "--bibliography", pkgrf("smriprep", "data/boilerplate.bib"), "--citeproc", "--metadata", 'pagetitle="sMRIPrep citation boilerplate"', str(log_dir / ""), "-o", str(log_dir / "CITATION.html"), ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning("Could not generate CITATION.html file:\n%s", " ".join(cmd)) # Generate LaTex file resolving citations cmd = [ "pandoc", "-s", "--bibliography", pkgrf("smriprep", "data/boilerplate.bib"), "--natbib", str(log_dir / ""), "-o", str(log_dir / "CITATION.tex"), ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning("Could not generate CITATION.tex file:\n%s", " ".join(cmd)) else: copyfile(pkgrf("smriprep", "data/boilerplate.bib"), str(log_dir / "CITATION.bib")) return retval
def main(argv=None): # get commandline options opts = get_parser().parse_args(argv) # Set up directories # TODO: set up some sort of versioning system bids_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.bids_dir) output_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) log_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'logs') os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) if opts.work_dir: work_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.work_dir) else: work_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'complexpreproc_work') os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True) if opts.participant_label: # only for a subset of subjects subject_list = opts.participant_label else: # for all subjects subject_dirs = glob(os.path.join(bids_dir, 'sub-*')) subject_list = [ subject_dir.split('-')[-1] for subject_dir in subject_dirs ] # Nipype plugin configuration # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1 }, } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nthreads = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nthreads is None or opts.nthreads is not None: nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads is None or nthreads < 1: nthreads = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nthreads # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'parameterize_dirs': False, }, }) # running participant level participant_wf = init_preproc_workflow( bids_dir=bids_dir, output_dir=output_dir, work_dir=work_dir, subject_list=subject_list, session_label=opts.session_label, task_label=opts.task_label, run_label=opts.run_label, ) if opts.graph: participant_wf.write_graph(graph2use='flat', format='svg', simple_form=False) try:**plugin_settings) except RuntimeError as e: if 'Workflow did not execute cleanly' in str(e): print('Workflow did not execute cleanly') else: raise e
def main(): """Entry point""" parser = ArgumentParser(description='MRI Quality Control', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) g_input = parser.add_argument_group('Inputs') g_input.add_argument('-B', '--bids-root', action='store', default=os.getcwd()) g_input.add_argument('-i', '--input-folder', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-S', '--subject-id', nargs='*', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-s', '--session-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-r', '--run-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-d', '--data-type', action='store', nargs='*', choices=['anat', 'func'], default=['anat', 'func']) g_input.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show current mriqc version') g_input.add_argument('--nthreads', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='number of threads') g_input.add_argument('--write-graph', action='store_true', default=False, help='Write workflow graph.') g_input.add_argument('--test-run', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not run the workflow.') g_input.add_argument('--use-plugin', action='store', default=None, help='nipype plugin configuration file') g_input.add_argument('--save-memory', action='store_true', default=False, help='Save as much memory as possible') g_input.add_argument( '--hmc-afni', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use ANFI 3dvolreg for head motion correction (HMC) and ' 'frame displacement (FD) estimation') g_input.add_argument('--ants-settings', action='store', help='path to JSON file with settings for ANTS') g_outputs = parser.add_argument_group('Outputs') g_outputs.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', action='store') g_outputs.add_argument('-w', '--work-dir', action='store', default=op.join(os.getcwd(), 'work')) opts = parser.parse_args() bids_root = op.abspath(opts.bids_root) if opts.input_folder is not None: warn('The --input-folder flag is deprecated, please use -B instead', DeprecationWarning) if bids_root == os.getcwd(): bids_root = op.abspath(opts.input_folder) if opts.version: print('mriqc version ' + __version__) exit(0) settings = { 'bids_root': bids_root, 'output_dir': os.getcwd(), 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'save_memory': opts.save_memory, 'hmc_afni': opts.hmc_afni, 'nthreads': opts.nthreads } if opts.output_dir: settings['output_dir'] = op.abspath(opts.output_dir) if not op.exists(settings['output_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['output_dir']) settings['work_dir'] = op.abspath(opts.work_dir) with LockFile(settings['work_dir']): if not op.exists(settings['work_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['work_dir']) if opts.ants_settings: settings['ants_settings'] = opts.ants_settings log_dir = op.join(settings['work_dir'] + '_log') if not op.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir } }) plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as pfile: plugin_settings = loadyml(pfile) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['nthreads'] == 0: settings['nthreads'] = cpu_count() if settings['nthreads'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['nthreads']} for dtype in opts.data_type: ms_func = getattr(mwc, 'ms_' + dtype) workflow = ms_func(subject_id=opts.subject_id, session_id=opts.session_id, run_id=opts.run_id, settings=settings) if workflow is None: LOGGER.warn('No {} scans were found in {}', dtype, settings['bids_root']) continue workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir'] if settings.get('write_graph', False): workflow.write_graph() if not opts.test_run:**plugin_settings) if opts.subject_id is None and not opts.test_run: workflow_report(dtype, settings)
def build_recon_workflow(opts, retval): """ Create the Nipype Workflow that supports the whole execution graph, given the inputs. All the checks and the construction of the workflow are done inside this function that has pickleable inputs and output dictionary (``retval``) to allow isolation using a ``multiprocessing.Process`` that allows qsiprep to enforce a hard-limited memory-scope. """ from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired from pkg_resources import resource_filename as pkgrf from nipype import logging, config as ncfg from ..__about__ import __version__ from ..workflows.recon import init_qsirecon_wf from ..utils.bids import collect_participants logger = logging.getLogger('nipype.workflow') INIT_MSG = """ Running qsirecon version {version}: * BIDS dataset path: {bids_dir}. * Participant list: {subject_list}. * Run identifier: {uuid}. """.format # Set up some instrumental utilities run_uuid = '%s_%s' % (strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), uuid.uuid4()) # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder bids_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.bids_dir) subject_list = collect_participants( bids_dir, participant_label=opts.participant_label, bids_validate=False) # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, } } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nthreads = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nthreads is None or opts.nthreads is not None: nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads is None or nthreads < 1: nthreads = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nthreads if opts.mem_mb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_mb / 1024 omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nthreads - 1 if nthreads > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nthreads < omp_nthreads: logger.warning( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)', omp_nthreads, nthreads) # Set up directories output_dir = op.abspath(opts.output_dir) log_dir = op.join(output_dir, 'qsirecon', 'logs') work_dir = op.abspath(opts.work_dir or 'work') # Set work/ as default # Check and create output and working directories os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'get_linked_libs': False, 'stop_on_first_crash': opts.stop_on_first_crash or opts.work_dir is None, }, 'monitoring': { 'enabled': opts.resource_monitor, 'sample_frequency': '0.5', 'summary_append': True, } }) if opts.resource_monitor: ncfg.enable_resource_monitor() retval['return_code'] = 0 retval['plugin_settings'] = plugin_settings retval['bids_dir'] = bids_dir retval['output_dir'] = output_dir retval['work_dir'] = work_dir retval['subject_list'] = subject_list retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid retval['workflow'] = None # Build main workflow logger.log( 25, INIT_MSG( version=__version__, bids_dir=bids_dir, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid)) retval['workflow'] = init_qsirecon_wf( subject_list=subject_list, run_uuid=run_uuid, work_dir=work_dir, output_dir=output_dir, recon_input=opts.recon_input, recon_spec=opts.recon_spec, low_mem=opts.low_mem, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, bids_dir=bids_dir, sloppy=opts.sloppy ) retval['return_code'] = 0 logs_path = Path(output_dir) / 'qsirecon' / 'logs' boilerplate = retval['workflow'].visit_desc() (logs_path / '').write_text(boilerplate) logger.log( 25, 'Works derived from this qsiprep execution should ' 'include the following boilerplate:\n\n%s', boilerplate) # Generate HTML file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('qsiprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--filter', 'pandoc-citeproc', str(logs_path / ''), '-o', str(logs_path / 'CITATION.html') ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.html file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) # Generate LaTex file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('qsiprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--natbib', str(logs_path / ''), '-o', str(logs_path / 'CITATION.tex') ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.tex file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) return retval
def main(): """Entry point""" from niworkflows.nipype import config as ncfg, logging as nlog from niworkflows.nipype.pipeline.engine import Workflow from .. import logging from ..utils.bids import collect_bids_data from ..workflows.core import build_workflow from ..utils.misc import check_folder # Run parser opts = get_parser().parse_args() # Retrieve logging level log_level = int(max(3 - opts.verbose_count, 0) * 10) if opts.verbose_count > 1: log_level = int(max(25 - 5 * opts.verbose_count, 1)) logging.getLogger().setLevel(log_level) log = logging.getLogger('mriqc.cli') # Build settings dict bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) # Number of processes n_procs = opts.n_procs settings = { 'bids_dir': bids_dir, 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'testing': opts.testing, 'hmc_afni': opts.hmc_afni, 'hmc_fsl': opts.hmc_fsl, 'fft_spikes_detector': opts.fft_spikes_detector, 'n_procs': n_procs, 'ants_nthreads': opts.ants_nthreads, 'ants_float': opts.ants_float, 'output_dir': op.abspath(opts.output_dir), 'work_dir': op.abspath(opts.work_dir), 'verbose_reports': opts.verbose_reports or opts.testing, 'float32': opts.float32, 'ica': opts.ica, 'no_sub': opts.no_sub, 'email':, 'fd_thres': opts.fd_thres, 'webapi_url': opts.webapi_url, 'webapi_port': opts.webapi_port, 'upload_strict': opts.upload_strict, } if opts.hmc_afni: settings['deoblique'] = opts.deoblique settings['despike'] = opts.despike settings['correct_slice_timing'] = opts.correct_slice_timing if opts.start_idx: settings['start_idx'] = opts.start_idx if opts. stop_idx: settings['stop_idx'] = opts.stop_idx if opts.ants_settings: settings['ants_settings'] = opts.ants_settings log_dir = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'logs') analysis_levels = opts.analysis_level if opts.participant_label is None: analysis_levels.append('group') analysis_levels = list(set(analysis_levels)) if len(analysis_levels) > 2: raise RuntimeError('Error parsing analysis levels, got "%s"' % ', '.join(analysis_levels)) settings['report_dir'] = opts.report_dir if not settings['report_dir']: settings['report_dir'] = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'reports') check_folder(settings['output_dir']) if 'participant' in analysis_levels: check_folder(settings['work_dir']) # check_folder(log_dir) # check_folder(settings['report_dir']) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ # 'logging': {'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True}, 'execution': {#'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'resource_monitor': opts.profile}, }) # Set nipype logging level nlog.getLogger('workflow').setLevel(log_level) nlog.getLogger('interface').setLevel(log_level) nlog.getLogger('utils').setLevel(log_level) plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as pfile: plugin_settings = loadyml(pfile) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['n_procs'] == 0: settings['n_procs'] = cpu_count() if settings['ants_nthreads'] == 0: if settings['n_procs'] > 1: # always leave one extra thread for non ANTs work, # don't use more than 8 threads - the speed up is minimal settings['ants_nthreads'] = min(settings['n_procs'] - 1, 8) else: settings['ants_nthreads'] = 1 if settings['n_procs'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['n_procs']} if opts.mem_gb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_gb # Process data types modalities = opts.modalities dataset = collect_bids_data( settings['bids_dir'], modalities=modalities, participant_label=opts.participant_label, session=opts.session_id, run=opts.run_id, task=opts.task_id, ) # Set up participant level if 'participant' in analysis_levels:'Participant level started...') 'Running MRIQC-%s (analysis_levels=[%s], participant_label=%s)\n\tSettings=%s', __version__, ', '.join(analysis_levels), opts.participant_label, settings) workflow = Workflow(name='workflow_enumerator') workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir'] wf_list = [] for mod in modalities: if not dataset[mod]: log.warning('No %s scans were found in %s', mod, settings['bids_dir']) continue wf_list.append(build_workflow(dataset[mod], mod, settings=settings)) if wf_list: workflow.add_nodes(wf_list) if not opts.dry_run: # Warn about submitting measures BEFORE if not settings['no_sub']: log.warning( 'Anonymized quality metrics will be submitted' ' to MRIQC\'s metrics repository.' ' Use --no-sub to disable submission.') # run MRIQC**plugin_settings) # Warn about submitting measures AFTER if not settings['no_sub']: log.warning( 'Anonymized quality metrics have beeen submitted' ' to MRIQC\'s metrics repository.' ' Use --no-sub to disable submission.') else: msg = 'Error reading BIDS directory ({}), or the dataset is not ' \ 'BIDS-compliant.' if opts.participant_label or opts.session_id or opts.run_id or opts.task_id: msg = 'The combination of supplied labels' if opts.participant_label is not None: msg += ' (--participant_label {})'.format(" ".join(opts.participant_label)) if opts.session_id is not None: msg += ' (--session-id {})'.format(" ".join(opts.session_id)) if opts.run_id is not None: msg += ' (--run-id {})'.format(" ".join(opts.run_id)) if opts.task_id is not None: msg += ' (--task-id {})'.format(" ".join(opts.task_id)) msg += ' did not result in matches within the BIDS directory ({}).' raise RuntimeError(msg.format(settings['bids_dir']))'Participant level finished successfully.') for mod in modalities: dataframe, order, jsonfiles = generate_csv(settings['output_dir'], mod) # If there are no iqm.json files, nothing to do. if dataframe is None: log.warning( 'No IQM-JSON files were found for the %s data type in %s. The group-level ' 'report was not generated.', mod, settings['output_dir']) continue if 'jsonfile' in order: order.remove('jsonfile') base_name = 'mclf_run-20170724-191452_mod-rfc_ver-0.9.7-rc8_class-2_cv-loso' load_classifier = pkgrf( 'mriqc', 'data/mclf_run-20170724-191452_mod-rfc_ver-0.9.7-rc8_class-2_cv-' 'loso_data-all_estimator.pklz') cvhelper = CVHelper(load_clf=load_classifier, n_jobs=-1, rate_label=['rater_1'], basename=base_name) prediction = cvhelper.predict(dataframe[order]) dataframe['y_prob'] = prediction[0][:,1] dataframe['y_pred'] = prediction[1] dataframe.index = jsonfiles for jsonfile in dataframe.index.values: with open(jsonfile, 'r+') as json_file: json_dict = json.load(json_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) json_dict['y_prob'] = float(dataframe.get_value(jsonfile, 'y_prob')) json_dict['y_pred'] = float(dataframe.get_value(jsonfile, 'y_pred')) json.dump(json_dict, json_file, separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True, indent=4) json_file.truncate()
def main(): """Entry point""" parser = ArgumentParser(description='MRI Quality Control', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='mriqc v{}'.format(__version__)) parser.add_argument('bids_dir', action='store', help='The directory with the input dataset ' 'formatted according to the BIDS standard.') parser.add_argument('output_dir', action='store', help='The directory where the output files ' 'should be stored. If you are running group level analysis ' 'this folder should be prepopulated with the results of the' 'participant level analysis.') parser.add_argument('analysis_level', action='store', help='Level of the analysis that will be performed. ' 'Multiple participant level analyses can be run independently ' '(in parallel) using the same output_dir.', choices=['participant', 'group']) parser.add_argument('--participant_label', '--subject_list', '-S', action='store', help='The label(s) of the participant(s) that should be analyzed. ' 'The label corresponds to sub-<participant_label> from the ' 'BIDS spec (so it does not include "sub-"). If this parameter ' 'is not provided all subjects should be analyzed. Multiple ' 'participants can be specified with a space separated list.', nargs="*") g_input = parser.add_argument_group('mriqc specific inputs') g_input.add_argument('-d', '--data-type', action='store', nargs='*', choices=['anat', 'func'], default=['anat', 'func']) g_input.add_argument('-s', '--session-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-r', '--run-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('--nthreads', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='number of threads') g_input.add_argument('--write-graph', action='store_true', default=False, help='Write workflow graph.') g_input.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not run the workflow.') g_input.add_argument('--use-plugin', action='store', default=None, help='nipype plugin configuration file') g_input.add_argument('--testing', action='store_true', default=False, help='use testing settings for a minimal footprint') g_input.add_argument('--hmc-afni', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use ANFI 3dvolreg for head motion correction (HMC) and ' 'frame displacement (FD) estimation') g_outputs = parser.add_argument_group('mriqc specific outputs') g_outputs.add_argument('-w', '--work-dir', action='store', default=op.join(os.getcwd(), 'work')) g_outputs.add_argument('--report-dir', action='store') # ANTs options g_ants = parser.add_argument_group('specific settings for ANTs registrations') g_ants.add_argument('--ants-nthreads', action='store', type=int, help='number of threads that will be set in ANTs processes') g_ants.add_argument('--ants-settings', action='store', help='path to JSON file with settings for ANTS') opts = parser.parse_args() # Build settings dict bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) settings = { 'bids_dir': bids_dir, 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'testing': opts.testing, 'hmc_afni': opts.hmc_afni, 'nthreads': opts.nthreads, 'output_dir': op.abspath(opts.output_dir), 'work_dir': op.abspath(opts.work_dir) } if opts.ants_settings: settings['ants_settings'] = opts.ants_settings if opts.ants_nthreads: settings['ants_nthreads'] = opts.ants_nthreads log_dir = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'logs') settings['report_dir'] = opts.report_dir if not settings['report_dir']: settings['report_dir'] = op.join(settings['work_dir'], 'reports') with LockFile(op.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.mriqc-lock')): if not op.exists(settings['output_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['output_dir']) if not op.exists(settings['work_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['work_dir']) if not op.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) if not op.exists(settings['report_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['report_dir']) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': {'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True}, 'execution': {'crashdump_dir': log_dir} }) plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as pfile: plugin_settings = loadyml(pfile) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['nthreads'] == 0: settings['nthreads'] = cpu_count() if settings['nthreads'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['nthreads']} 'Running MRIQC-%s (analysis_level=%s, participant_label=%s)\n\tSettings=%s', __version__, opts.analysis_level, opts.participant_label, settings) # Set up participant level if opts.analysis_level == 'participant': for dtype in opts.data_type: ms_func = getattr(mwc, 'ms_' + dtype) workflow = ms_func(subject_id=opts.participant_label, session_id=opts.session_id, run_id=opts.run_id, settings=settings) if workflow is None: LOGGER.warn('No scans were found for the given inputs') continue workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir'] if settings.get('write_graph', False): workflow.write_graph() if not opts.dry_run:**plugin_settings) # Set up group level elif opts.analysis_level == 'group': from mriqc.reports import MRIQCReportPDF for dtype in opts.data_type: reporter = MRIQCReportPDF(dtype, settings) reporter.group_report() reporter.individual_report()
def create_workflow(opts): """Build workflow""" from niworkflows.nipype import config as ncfg from ..viz.reports import run_reports from ..workflows.base import init_fmriprep_wf from ..utils.bids import collect_participants # Set up some instrumental utilities errno = 0 run_uuid = strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S_') + str(uuid.uuid4()) # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) subject_list = collect_participants( bids_dir, participant_label=opts.participant_label) # Nipype plugin configuration plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} nthreads = opts.nthreads if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) else: # Setup multiprocessing nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads == 0: nthreads = cpu_count() if nthreads > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': nthreads} if opts.mem_mb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_mb / 1024 omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nthreads - 1 if nthreads > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nthreads < omp_nthreads: raise RuntimeError( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads={:d}) cannot exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus={:d})'.format(omp_nthreads, nthreads)) # Set up directories output_dir = op.abspath(opts.output_dir) log_dir = op.join(output_dir, 'fmriprep', 'logs') work_dir = op.abspath(opts.work_dir) # Check and create output and working directories os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(work_dir, exist_ok=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': {'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True}, 'execution': {'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt'}, }) # Called with reports only if opts.reports_only: logger.log(25, 'Running --reports-only on participants %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) report_errors = [ run_reports(op.join(work_dir, 'reportlets'), output_dir, subject_label, run_uuid=run_uuid) for subject_label in subject_list] sys.exit(int(sum(report_errors) > 0)) # Build main workflow logger.log(25, INIT_MSG( version=__version__, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid) ) fmriprep_wf = init_fmriprep_wf( subject_list=subject_list, task_id=opts.task_id, run_uuid=run_uuid, ignore=opts.ignore, debug=opts.debug, low_mem=opts.low_mem, anat_only=opts.anat_only, longitudinal=opts.longitudinal, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, skull_strip_ants=True, work_dir=work_dir, output_dir=output_dir, bids_dir=bids_dir, freesurfer=opts.freesurfer, output_spaces=opts.output_space, template=opts.template, medial_surface_nan=opts.medial_surface_nan, output_grid_ref=opts.output_grid_reference, hires=opts.hires, bold2t1w_dof=opts.bold2t1w_dof, fmap_bspline=opts.fmap_bspline, fmap_demean=opts.fmap_no_demean, use_syn=opts.use_syn_sdc, force_syn=opts.force_syn, use_aroma=opts.use_aroma, ignore_aroma_err=opts.ignore_aroma_denoising_errors, ) if opts.write_graph: fmriprep_wf.write_graph(graph2use="colored", format='svg', simple_form=True) try:**plugin_settings) except RuntimeError as e: if "Workflow did not execute cleanly" in str(e): errno = 1 else: raise(e) # Generate reports phase report_errors = [run_reports( op.join(work_dir, 'reportlets'), output_dir, subject_label, run_uuid=run_uuid) for subject_label in subject_list] if sum(report_errors): logger.warning('Errors occurred while generating reports for participants: %s.', ', '.join(['%s (%d)' % (subid, err) for subid, err in zip(subject_list, report_errors)])) errno += sum(report_errors) sys.exit(int(errno > 0))
def main(): """Entry point""" from niworkflows.nipype import config as ncfg, logging as nlog from niworkflows.nipype.pipeline.engine import Workflow from .. import logging from ..utils.bids import collect_bids_data from ..workflows.core import build_workflow from ..utils.misc import check_folder # Run parser opts = get_parser().parse_args() # Retrieve logging level log_level = int(max(3 - opts.verbose_count, 0) * 10) if opts.verbose_count > 1: log_level = int(max(25 - 5 * opts.verbose_count, 1)) print(log_level) logging.getLogger().setLevel(log_level) log = logging.getLogger('mriqc.cli') # Build settings dict bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) # Number of processes n_procs = opts.n_procs settings = { 'bids_dir': bids_dir, 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'testing': opts.testing, 'hmc_afni': opts.hmc_afni, 'hmc_fsl': opts.hmc_fsl, 'fft_spikes_detector': opts.fft_spikes_detector, 'n_procs': n_procs, 'ants_nthreads': opts.ants_nthreads, 'output_dir': op.abspath(opts.output_dir), 'work_dir': op.abspath(opts.work_dir), 'verbose_reports': opts.verbose_reports or opts.testing, 'float32': opts.float32, 'ica': opts.ica, 'no_sub': opts.no_sub, 'email':, 'fd_thres': opts.fd_thres, 'webapi_url': opts.webapi_url, 'webapi_port': opts.webapi_port, 'upload_strict': opts.upload_strict, } if opts.hmc_afni: settings['deoblique'] = opts.deoblique settings['despike'] = opts.despike settings['correct_slice_timing'] = opts.correct_slice_timing if opts.start_idx: settings['start_idx'] = opts.start_idx if opts.stop_idx: settings['stop_idx'] = opts.stop_idx if opts.ants_settings: settings['ants_settings'] = opts.ants_settings log_dir = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'logs') analysis_levels = opts.analysis_level if opts.participant_label is None: analysis_levels.append('group') analysis_levels = list(set(analysis_levels)) if len(analysis_levels) > 2: raise RuntimeError('Error parsing analysis levels, got "%s"' % ', '.join(analysis_levels)) settings['report_dir'] = opts.report_dir if not settings['report_dir']: settings['report_dir'] = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'reports') check_folder(settings['output_dir']) if 'participant' in analysis_levels: check_folder(settings['work_dir']) check_folder(log_dir) check_folder(settings['report_dir']) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'crashfile_format': 'txt' }, }) # Set nipype logging level nlog.getLogger('workflow').setLevel(log_level) nlog.getLogger('interface').setLevel(log_level) nlog.getLogger('filemanip').setLevel(log_level) callback_log_path = None plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as pfile: plugin_settings = loadyml(pfile) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['n_procs'] == 0: settings['n_procs'] = cpu_count() if settings['ants_nthreads'] == 0: if settings['n_procs'] > 1: # always leave one extra thread for non ANTs work, # don't use more than 8 threads - the speed up is minimal settings['ants_nthreads'] = min(settings['n_procs'] - 1, 8) else: settings['ants_nthreads'] = 1 if settings['n_procs'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['n_procs']} if opts.mem_gb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_gb # Process data types modalities = opts.modalities dataset = collect_bids_data( settings['bids_dir'], modalities=modalities, participant_label=opts.participant_label, session=opts.session_id, run=opts.run_id, task=opts.task_id, ) # Set up participant level if 'participant' in analysis_levels:'Participant level started...') 'Running MRIQC-%s (analysis_levels=[%s], participant_label=%s)\n\tSettings=%s', __version__, ', '.join(analysis_levels), opts.participant_label, settings) workflow = Workflow(name='workflow_enumerator') workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir'] wf_list = [] for mod in modalities: if not dataset[mod]: log.warning('No %s scans were found in %s', mod, settings['bids_dir']) continue wf_list.append(build_workflow(dataset[mod], mod, settings=settings)) if wf_list: workflow.add_nodes(wf_list) if not opts.dry_run: if plugin_settings['plugin'] == 'MultiProc' and opts.profile: import logging from niworkflows.nipype.pipeline.plugins.callback_log import log_nodes_cb plugin_settings['plugin_args'][ 'status_callback'] = log_nodes_cb callback_log_path = op.join(log_dir, 'run_stats.log') logger = logging.getLogger('callback') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.FileHandler(callback_log_path) logger.addHandler(handler) # Warn about submitting measures BEFORE if not settings['no_sub']: log.warning('Anonymized quality metrics will be submitted' ' to MRIQC\'s metrics repository.' ' Use --no-sub to disable submission.') # run MRIQC**plugin_settings) # Warn about submitting measures AFTER if not settings['no_sub']: log.warning( 'Anonymized quality metrics have beeen submitted' ' to MRIQC\'s metrics repository.' ' Use --no-sub to disable submission.') if callback_log_path is not None: from niworkflows.nipype.utils.draw_gantt_chart import generate_gantt_chart generate_gantt_chart(callback_log_path, cores=settings['n_procs']) else: msg = """\ Error reading BIDS directory ({}), or the dataset is not \ BIDS-compliant.""" if opts.participant_label is not None: msg = """\ None of the supplied labels (--participant_label) matched with the \ participants found in the BIDS directory ({}).""" raise RuntimeError(msg.format(settings['bids_dir']))'Participant level finished successfully.') # Set up group level if 'group' in analysis_levels: from ..reports import group_html from ..utils.misc import generate_csv # , generate_pred'Group level started...') 'Running MRIQC-%s (analysis_levels=[%s], participant_label=%s)\n\tSettings=%s', __version__, ', '.join(analysis_levels), opts.participant_label, settings) reports_dir = check_folder(op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'reports')) derivatives_dir = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'derivatives') n_group_reports = 0 for mod in modalities: dataframe, out_csv = generate_csv(derivatives_dir, settings['output_dir'], mod) # If there are no iqm.json files, nothing to do. if dataframe is None: log.warning( 'No IQM-JSON files were found for the %s data type in %s. The group-level ' 'report was not generated.', mod, derivatives_dir) continue'Summary CSV table for the %s data generated (%s)', mod, out_csv) # out_pred = generate_pred(derivatives_dir, settings['output_dir'], mod) # if out_pred is not None: #'Predicted QA CSV table for the %s data generated (%s)', # mod, out_pred) out_html = op.join(reports_dir, mod + '_group.html') group_html(out_csv, mod, csv_failed=op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'failed_' + mod + '.csv'), out_file=out_html)'Group-%s report generated (%s)', mod, out_html) n_group_reports += 1 if n_group_reports == 0: raise Exception( "No data found. No group level reports were generated.")'Group level finished successfully.')
def main(): from nipype import config as ncfg """Entry point""" parser = ArgumentParser(description='MRI Quality Control', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='mriqc v{}'.format(__version__)) parser.add_argument('bids_dir', action='store', help='The directory with the input dataset ' 'formatted according to the BIDS standard.') parser.add_argument('output_dir', action='store', help='The directory where the output files ' 'should be stored. If you are running group level analysis ' 'this folder should be prepopulated with the results of the' 'participant level analysis.') parser.add_argument('analysis_level', action='store', help='Level of the analysis that will be performed. ' 'Multiple participant level analyses can be run independently ' '(in parallel) using the same output_dir.', choices=['participant', 'group']) parser.add_argument('--participant_label', '--subject_list', '-S', action='store', help='The label(s) of the participant(s) that should be analyzed. ' 'The label corresponds to sub-<participant_label> from the ' 'BIDS spec (so it does not include "sub-"). If this parameter ' 'is not provided all subjects should be analyzed. Multiple ' 'participants can be specified with a space separated list.', nargs="*") g_input = parser.add_argument_group('mriqc specific inputs') g_input.add_argument('-d', '--data-type', action='store', nargs='*', choices=['anat', 'func'], default=['anat', 'func']) g_input.add_argument('-s', '--session-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-r', '--run-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('--nthreads', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='number of threads') g_input.add_argument('--write-graph', action='store_true', default=False, help='Write workflow graph.') g_input.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not run the workflow.') g_input.add_argument('--use-plugin', action='store', default=None, help='nipype plugin configuration file') g_input.add_argument('--testing', action='store_true', default=False, help='use testing settings for a minimal footprint') g_outputs = parser.add_argument_group('mriqc specific outputs') g_outputs.add_argument('-w', '--work-dir', action='store', default=op.join(os.getcwd(), 'work')) g_outputs.add_argument('--report-dir', action='store') g_outputs.add_argument('--verbose-reports', default=False, action='store_true') # ANTs options g_ants = parser.add_argument_group('specific settings for ANTs registrations') g_ants.add_argument('--ants-nthreads', action='store', type=int, help='number of threads that will be set in ANTs processes') g_ants.add_argument('--ants-settings', action='store', help='path to JSON file with settings for ANTS') # AFNI head motion correction settings g_afni = parser.add_argument_group('specific settings for AFNI head motion correction') g_afni.add_argument('--hmc-afni', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use ANFI 3dvolreg for head motion correction (HMC) and ' 'frame displacement (FD) estimation') g_afni.add_argument('--deoblique', action='store_true', default=False, help='Deoblique the functional scans during head motion ' 'correction preprocessing') g_afni.add_argument('--despike', action='store_true', default=False, help='Despike the functional scans during head motion correction ' 'preprocessing') g_afni.add_argument('--start-idx', action='store', type=int, help='Initial volume in functional timeseries that should be ' 'considered for preprocessing') g_afni.add_argument('--stop-idx', action='store', type=int, help='Final volume in functional timeseries that should be ' 'considered for preprocessing') g_afni.add_argument('--correct-slice-timing', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform slice timing correction') opts = parser.parse_args() # Build settings dict bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) settings = { 'bids_dir': bids_dir, 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'testing': opts.testing, 'hmc_afni': opts.hmc_afni, 'nthreads': opts.nthreads, 'output_dir': op.abspath(opts.output_dir), 'work_dir': op.abspath(opts.work_dir), 'verbose_reports': opts.verbose_reports or opts.testing } if opts.hmc_afni: settings['deoblique'] = opts.deoblique settings['despike'] = opts.despike settings['correct_slice_timing'] = opts.correct_slice_timing if opts.start_idx: settings['start_idx'] = opts.start_idx if opts. stop_idx: settings['stop_idx'] = opts.stop_idx if opts.ants_settings: settings['ants_settings'] = opts.ants_settings if opts.ants_nthreads: settings['ants_nthreads'] = opts.ants_nthreads log_dir = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'logs') settings['report_dir'] = opts.report_dir if not settings['report_dir']: settings['report_dir'] = op.join(settings['work_dir'], 'reports') with LockFile(op.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.mriqc-lock')): check_folder(settings['output_dir']) check_folder(settings['work_dir']) check_folder(log_dir) check_folder(settings['report_dir']) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': {'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True}, 'execution': {'crashdump_dir': log_dir} }) plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as pfile: plugin_settings = loadyml(pfile) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['nthreads'] == 0: settings['nthreads'] = cpu_count() if settings['nthreads'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['nthreads']} 'Running MRIQC-%s (analysis_level=%s, participant_label=%s)\n\tSettings=%s', __version__, opts.analysis_level, opts.participant_label, settings) # Set up participant level if opts.analysis_level == 'participant': for dtype in opts.data_type: ms_func = getattr(mwc, 'ms_' + dtype) workflow = ms_func(subject_id=opts.participant_label, session_id=opts.session_id, run_id=opts.run_id, settings=settings) if workflow is None: MRIQC_LOG.warn('No scans were found for the given inputs') continue workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir'] if settings.get('write_graph', False): workflow.write_graph() if not opts.dry_run:**plugin_settings) # Set up group level elif opts.analysis_level == 'group': from mriqc.reports import MRIQCReportPDF for dtype in opts.data_type: reporter = MRIQCReportPDF(dtype, settings) reporter.group_report() reporter.individual_report()
def create_workflow(opts): import logging from nipype import config as ncfg from fmriprep.utils import make_folder from fmriprep.viz.reports import run_reports from fmriprep.workflows.base import base_workflow_enumerator settings = { 'bids_root': op.abspath(opts.bids_dir), 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'nthreads': opts.nthreads, 'mem_mb': opts.mem_mb, 'debug': opts.debug, 'ants_nthreads': opts.ants_nthreads, 'skull_strip_ants': opts.skull_strip_ants, 'output_dir': op.abspath(opts.output_dir), 'work_dir': op.abspath(opts.work_dir), 'workflow_type': opts.workflow_type, 'skip_native': opts.skip_native } # set up logger logger = logging.getLogger('cli') if opts.debug: settings['ants_t1-mni_settings'] = 't1-mni_registration_test' logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log_dir = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'log') derivatives = op.join(settings['output_dir'], 'derivatives') # Check and create output and working directories # Using make_folder to prevent make_folder(settings['output_dir']) make_folder(settings['work_dir']) make_folder(derivatives) make_folder(log_dir) logger.addHandler(logging.FileHandler(op.join(log_dir, 'run_workflow'))) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': {'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True}, 'execution': {'crashdump_dir': log_dir, 'remove_unnecessary_outputs': False} }) # nipype plugin configuration plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['nthreads'] == 0: settings['nthreads'] = cpu_count() if settings['nthreads'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['nthreads']} if settings['mem_mb']: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = settings['mem_mb']/1024 if settings['ants_nthreads'] == 0: settings['ants_nthreads'] = cpu_count() # Determine subjects to be processed subject_list = opts.participant_label if subject_list is None or not subject_list: subject_list = [op.basename(subdir)[4:] for subdir in glob.glob( op.join(settings['bids_root'], 'sub-*'))]'Subject list: %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) # Build main workflow and run preproc_wf = base_workflow_enumerator(subject_list, task_id=opts.task_id, settings=settings) preproc_wf.base_dir = settings['work_dir']**plugin_settings) if opts.write_graph: preproc_wf.write_graph(graph2use="colored", format='svg', simple_form=True) run_reports(settings['output_dir'])
def main(): """Entry point""" parser = ArgumentParser(description='MRI Quality Control', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) g_input = parser.add_argument_group('Inputs') g_input.add_argument('-B', '--bids-root', action='store', default=os.getcwd()) g_input.add_argument('-i', '--input-folder', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-S', '--subject-id', nargs='*', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-s', '--session-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-r', '--run-id', action='store') # g_input.add_argument('-d', '--data-type', action='store', nargs='*', # choices=['anat', 'func'], default=['anat', 'func']) g_input.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show current structural_dhcp_mriqc version') g_input.add_argument('--nthreads', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='number of threads') g_input.add_argument('--write-graph', action='store_true', default=False, help='Write workflow graph.') g_input.add_argument('--use-plugin', action='store', default=None, help='nipype plugin configuration file') g_input.add_argument('--save-memory', action='store_true', default=False, help='Save as much memory as possible') g_input.add_argument('--ants-settings', action='store', help='path to JSON file with settings for ANTS') g_input.add_argument('--qc-measures', action='store', help='path to JSON file with qc measures') g_input.add_argument('--dhcp-measures', action='store', help='path to JSON file with dhcp measurements') g_outputs = parser.add_argument_group('Outputs') g_outputs.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', action='store') g_outputs.add_argument('-w', '--work-dir', action='store', default=op.join(os.getcwd(), 'work')) opts = parser.parse_args() bids_root = op.abspath(opts.bids_root) if opts.input_folder is not None: warn('The --input-folder flag is deprecated, please use -B instead', DeprecationWarning) if bids_root == os.getcwd(): bids_root = op.abspath(opts.input_folder) if opts.version: print('structural_dhcp_mriqc version ' + __version__) exit(0) settings = {'bids_root': bids_root, 'output_dir': os.getcwd(), 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'save_memory': opts.save_memory, 'nthreads': opts.nthreads} if opts.output_dir: settings['output_dir'] = op.abspath(opts.output_dir) if not op.exists(settings['output_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['output_dir']) settings['work_dir'] = op.abspath(opts.work_dir) if not op.exists(settings['work_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['work_dir']) if opts.ants_settings: settings['ants_settings'] = opts.ants_settings log_dir = op.join(settings['work_dir'] + '_log') if not op.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': {'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True}, 'execution': {'crashdump_dir': log_dir} }) plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as pfile: plugin_settings = loadyml(pfile) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['nthreads'] == 0: settings['nthreads'] = cpu_count() if settings['nthreads'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['nthreads']} dtype='anat' settings['qc_measures'] = opts.qc_measures settings['dhcp_measures'] = opts.dhcp_measures # if settings['qc_measures'] == None: # workflow = mwc.ms_anat_dhcp(subject_id=opts.subject_id, session_id=opts.session_id, # run_id=opts.run_id, settings=settings) # workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir'] # if settings.get('write_graph', False): # workflow.write_graph() #**plugin_settings) # else: # print("skipping qc calculations") workflow = mwc.ms_anat_dhcp(subject_id=opts.subject_id, session_id=opts.session_id, run_id=opts.run_id, settings=settings) workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir']**plugin_settings) if opts.subject_id is None: workflow_report(dtype, settings)
def main(): """Entry point""" parser = ArgumentParser(description='MRI Quality Control', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) g_input = parser.add_argument_group('Inputs') g_input.add_argument('-B', '--bids-root', action='store', default=os.getcwd()) g_input.add_argument('-i', '--input-folder', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-S', '--subject-id', nargs='*', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-s', '--session-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-r', '--run-id', action='store') g_input.add_argument('-d', '--data-type', action='store', nargs='*', choices=['anat', 'func'], default=['anat', 'func']) g_input.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show current mriqc version') g_input.add_argument('--nthreads', action='store', default=0, type=int, help='number of threads') g_input.add_argument('--write-graph', action='store_true', default=False, help='Write workflow graph.') g_input.add_argument('--test-run', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not run the workflow.') g_input.add_argument('--use-plugin', action='store', default=None, help='nipype plugin configuration file') g_input.add_argument('--save-memory', action='store_true', default=False, help='Save as much memory as possible') g_input.add_argument('--hmc-afni', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use ANFI 3dvolreg for head motion correction (HMC) and ' 'frame displacement (FD) estimation') g_input.add_argument('--ants-settings', action='store', help='path to JSON file with settings for ANTS') g_outputs = parser.add_argument_group('Outputs') g_outputs.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', action='store') g_outputs.add_argument('-w', '--work-dir', action='store', default=op.join(os.getcwd(), 'work')) opts = parser.parse_args() bids_root = op.abspath(opts.bids_root) if opts.input_folder is not None: warn('The --input-folder flag is deprecated, please use -B instead', DeprecationWarning) if bids_root == os.getcwd(): bids_root = op.abspath(opts.input_folder) if opts.version: print('mriqc version ' + __version__) exit(0) settings = {'bids_root': bids_root, 'output_dir': os.getcwd(), 'write_graph': opts.write_graph, 'save_memory': opts.save_memory, 'hmc_afni': opts.hmc_afni, 'nthreads': opts.nthreads} if opts.output_dir: settings['output_dir'] = op.abspath(opts.output_dir) if not op.exists(settings['output_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['output_dir']) settings['work_dir'] = op.abspath(opts.work_dir) with LockFile(settings['work_dir']): if not op.exists(settings['work_dir']): os.makedirs(settings['work_dir']) if opts.ants_settings: settings['ants_settings'] = opts.ants_settings log_dir = op.join(settings['work_dir'] + '_log') if not op.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) # Set nipype config ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': {'log_directory': log_dir, 'log_to_file': True}, 'execution': {'crashdump_dir': log_dir} }) plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as pfile: plugin_settings = loadyml(pfile) else: # Setup multiprocessing if settings['nthreads'] == 0: settings['nthreads'] = cpu_count() if settings['nthreads'] > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': settings['nthreads']} for dtype in opts.data_type: ms_func = getattr(mwc, 'ms_' + dtype) workflow = ms_func(subject_id=opts.subject_id, session_id=opts.session_id, run_id=opts.run_id, settings=settings) if workflow is None: LOGGER.warn('No {} scans were found in {}', dtype, settings['bids_root']) continue workflow.base_dir = settings['work_dir'] if settings.get('write_graph', False): workflow.write_graph() if not opts.test_run:**plugin_settings) if opts.subject_id is None and not opts.test_run: workflow_report(dtype, settings)
def parse_args(args=None, namespace=None): """Parse args and run further checks on the command line.""" from logging import DEBUG from ..utils.bids import collect_bids_data parser = _build_parser() opts = parser.parse_args(args, namespace) config.execution.log_level = int(max(25 - 5 * opts.verbose_count, DEBUG)) config.from_dict(vars(opts)) config.loggers.init() # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) _plugin = plugin_settings.get("plugin") if _plugin: config.nipype.plugin = _plugin config.nipype.plugin_args = plugin_settings.get("plugin_args", {}) config.nipype.nprocs = config.nipype.plugin_args.get( "nprocs", config.nipype.nprocs) # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins if 1 < config.nipype.nprocs < config.nipype.omp_nthreads: config.loggers.cli.warning( "Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total " "threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)", config.nipype.omp_nthreads, config.nipype.nprocs, ) bids_dir = config.execution.bids_dir output_dir = config.execution.output_dir work_dir = config.execution.work_dir version = config.environment.version # Ensure input and output folders are not the same if output_dir == bids_dir: parser.error( "The selected output folder is the same as the input BIDS folder. " "Please modify the output path (suggestion: %s)." % bids_dir / "derivatives" / ("mriqc-%s" % version.split("+")[0])) if bids_dir in work_dir.parents: parser.error( "The selected working directory is a subdirectory of the input BIDS folder. " "Please modify the output path.") # Validate inputs # if not opts.skip_bids_validation: # from ..utils.bids import validate_input_dir # # "Making sure the input data is BIDS compliant (warnings can be ignored in most " # "cases)." # ) # validate_input_dir( # config.environment.exec_env, opts.bids_dir, opts.participant_label # ) # Setup directories config.execution.log_dir = output_dir / "logs" # Check and create output and working directories config.execution.log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) work_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Force initialization of the BIDSLayout config.execution.init() all_subjects = config.execution.layout.get_subjects() if config.execution.participant_label is None: config.execution.participant_label = all_subjects participant_label = set(config.execution.participant_label) missing_subjects = participant_label - set(all_subjects) if missing_subjects: parser.error( "One or more participant labels were not found in the BIDS directory: " f"{', '.join(missing_subjects)}.") config.execution.participant_label = sorted(participant_label) # Handle analysis_level analysis_level = set(config.workflow.analysis_level) if not config.execution.participant_label: analysis_level.add("group") config.workflow.analysis_level = list(analysis_level) # List of files to be run bids_filters = { "participant_label": config.execution.participant_label, "session": config.execution.session_id, "run": config.execution.run_id, "task": config.execution.task_id, "bids_type": config.execution.modalities, } config.workflow.inputs = { mod: files for mod, files in collect_bids_data(config.execution.layout, ** bids_filters).items() if files } # Check the query is not empty if not list(config.workflow.inputs.values()): _j = "\n *" parser.error(f"""\ Querying BIDS dataset at <{config.execution.bids_dir}> got an empty result. Please, check out your currently set filters: {_j.join([''] + [': '.join((k, str(v))) for k, v in bids_filters.items()])}""") # Check no DWI or others are sneaked into MRIQC unknown_mods = set(config.workflow.inputs.keys()) - set( ("T1w", "T2w", "bold")) if unknown_mods: parser.error("MRIQC is unable to process the following modalities: " f'{", ".join(unknown_mods)}.') # Estimate the biggest file size config.workflow.biggest_file_gb = _get_biggest_file_size_gb( [i for sublist in config.workflow.inputs.values() for i in sublist])
def build_workflow(opts, retval): """ Create the Nipype Workflow that supports the whole execution graph, given the inputs. All the checks and the construction of the workflow are done inside this function that has pickleable inputs and output dictionary (``retval``) to allow isolation using a ``multiprocessing.Process`` that allows smriprep to enforce a hard-limited memory-scope. """ from shutil import copyfile from os import cpu_count import uuid from time import strftime from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired from pkg_resources import resource_filename as pkgrf import json from bids import BIDSLayout from nipype import logging, config as ncfg from niworkflows.utils.bids import collect_participants from ..__about__ import __version__ from ..workflows.base import init_smriprep_wf logger = logging.getLogger('nipype.workflow') INIT_MSG = """ Running sMRIPrep version {version}: * BIDS dataset path: {bids_dir}. * Participant list: {subject_list}. * Run identifier: {uuid}. {spaces} """.format # Set up some instrumental utilities run_uuid = '%s_%s' % (strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), uuid.uuid4()) # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder bids_dir = opts.bids_dir.resolve() layout = BIDSLayout(str(bids_dir), validate=False) subject_list = collect_participants( layout, participant_label=opts.participant_label) bids_filters = json.loads( opts.bids_filter_file.read_text()) if opts.bids_filter_file else None # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, } } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nprocs = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nprocs is None or opts.nprocs is not None: nprocs = opts.nprocs if nprocs is None or nprocs < 1: nprocs = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nprocs if opts.mem_gb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_gb omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nprocs - 1 if nprocs > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nprocs < omp_nthreads: logger.warning( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total ' 'available CPUs (--nprocs/--ncpus=%d)', omp_nthreads, nprocs) # Set up directories output_dir = opts.output_dir.resolve() log_dir = output_dir / 'smriprep' / 'logs' work_dir = opts.work_dir.resolve() # Check and create output and working directories log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) work_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': str(log_dir), 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': str(log_dir), 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'get_linked_libs': False, 'stop_on_first_crash': opts.stop_on_first_crash, }, 'monitoring': { 'enabled': opts.resource_monitor, 'sample_frequency': '0.5', 'summary_append': True, } }) if opts.resource_monitor: ncfg.enable_resource_monitor() retval['return_code'] = 0 retval['plugin_settings'] = plugin_settings retval['bids_dir'] = str(bids_dir) retval['output_dir'] = str(output_dir) retval['work_dir'] = str(work_dir) retval['subject_list'] = subject_list retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid retval['workflow'] = None # Called with reports only if opts.reports_only: from niworkflows.reports import generate_reports logger.log(25, 'Running --reports-only on participants %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) if opts.run_uuid is not None: run_uuid = opts.run_uuid retval['return_code'] = generate_reports(subject_list, str(output_dir), run_uuid, packagename="smriprep") return retval logger.log( 25, INIT_MSG(version=__version__, bids_dir=bids_dir, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid, spaces=opts.output_spaces)) # Build main workflow retval['workflow'] = init_smriprep_wf( debug=opts.sloppy, fast_track=opts.fast_track, freesurfer=opts.run_reconall, fs_subjects_dir=opts.fs_subjects_dir, hires=opts.hires, layout=layout, longitudinal=opts.longitudinal, low_mem=opts.low_mem, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, output_dir=str(output_dir), run_uuid=run_uuid, skull_strip_fixed_seed=opts.skull_strip_fixed_seed, skull_strip_mode=opts.skull_strip_mode, skull_strip_template=opts.skull_strip_template[0], spaces=opts.output_spaces, subject_list=subject_list, work_dir=str(work_dir), bids_filters=bids_filters, ) retval['return_code'] = 0 boilerplate = retval['workflow'].visit_desc() (log_dir / '').write_text(boilerplate) logger.log( 25, 'Works derived from this sMRIPrep execution should ' 'include the following boilerplate:\n\n%s', boilerplate) # Generate HTML file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('smriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--filter', 'pandoc-citeproc', '--metadata', 'pagetitle="sMRIPrep citation boilerplate"', str(log_dir / ''), '-o', str(log_dir / 'CITATION.html') ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.html file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) # Generate LaTex file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('smriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--natbib', str(log_dir / ''), '-o', str(log_dir / 'CITATION.tex') ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.tex file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) else: copyfile(pkgrf('smriprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), str(log_dir / 'CITATION.bib')) return retval
def create_workflow(opts): """Build workflow""" import logging from fmriprep.utils import make_folder from fmriprep.viz.reports import run_reports from fmriprep.workflows.base import init_fmriprep_wf errno = 0 # set up logger logger = logging.getLogger('cli') if opts.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # ERROR check if use_aroma was specified, but the correct template was not if opts.use_aroma is True and str(opts.template) != 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym': raise RuntimeError('ERROR: if use_aroma is set, the template must be set ' 'to MNI152NLin2009cAsym not %s' % opts.template) run_uuid = strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S_') + str(uuid.uuid4()) # Check and create output and working directories # Using make_folder to prevent make_folder(opts.output_dir) make_folder(opts.work_dir) # nipype plugin configuration plugin_settings = {'plugin': 'Linear'} nthreads = opts.nthreads if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) else: # Setup multiprocessing nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads == 0: nthreads = cpu_count() if nthreads > 1: plugin_settings['plugin'] = 'MultiProc' plugin_settings['plugin_args'] = {'n_procs': nthreads} if opts.mem_mb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_mb/1024 omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nthreads - 1 if nthreads > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nthreads < omp_nthreads: print('Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads={:d}) cannot exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus={:d})'.format(omp_nthreads, nthreads)) sys.exit(1) if 'template' not in opts.output_space and (opts.use_syn_sdc or opts.force_syn): logger.warn('SyN SDC correction requires T1 to MNI registration, but ' '"template" is not specified in "--output-space" arguments') if opts.force_syn: sys.exit(1) # Determine subjects to be processed subject_list = opts.participant_label if subject_list is None or not subject_list: bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) subject_list = [op.basename(subdir)[4:] for subdir in glob.glob(op.join(bids_dir, 'sub-*'))] if not subject_list: print('Could not find subjects in {}\n' 'If you are using Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows, you ' 'may need to adjust your "File sharing" preferences.'.format(bids_dir)) sys.exit(1) else: subject_list = [sub[4:] if sub.startswith('sub-') else sub for sub in subject_list]'Subject list: %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) # Build main workflow and run reportlets_dir = op.join(op.abspath(opts.work_dir), 'reportlets') output_dir = op.abspath(opts.output_dir) bids_dir = op.abspath(opts.bids_dir) fmriprep_wf = init_fmriprep_wf(subject_list=subject_list, task_id=opts.task_id, run_uuid=run_uuid, ignore=opts.ignore, debug=opts.debug, anat_only=opts.anat_only, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, skull_strip_ants=opts.skull_strip_ants, reportlets_dir=reportlets_dir, output_dir=output_dir, bids_dir=bids_dir, freesurfer=opts.freesurfer, output_spaces=opts.output_space, template=opts.template, output_grid_ref=opts.output_grid_reference, hires=opts.hires, bold2t1w_dof=opts.bold2t1w_dof, fmap_bspline=opts.fmap_bspline, fmap_demean=opts.fmap_no_demean, use_syn=opts.use_syn_sdc, force_syn=opts.force_syn, use_aroma=opts.use_aroma, ignore_aroma_err=opts.ignore_aroma_denoising_errors) fmriprep_wf.base_dir = op.abspath(opts.work_dir) if opts.reports_only: if opts.write_graph: fmriprep_wf.write_graph(graph2use="colored", format='svg', simple_form=True) for subject_label in subject_list: run_reports(reportlets_dir, output_dir, subject_label, run_uuid=run_uuid) sys.exit() try:**plugin_settings) except RuntimeError as e: if "Workflow did not execute cleanly" in str(e): errno = 1 else: raise(e) if opts.write_graph: fmriprep_wf.write_graph(graph2use="colored", format='svg', simple_form=True) report_errors = 0 for subject_label in subject_list: report_errors += run_reports(reportlets_dir, output_dir, subject_label, run_uuid=run_uuid) if errno == 1: assert(report_errors > 0) sys.exit(errno)
def build_qsiprep_workflow(opts, retval): """ Create the Nipype Workflow that supports the whole execution graph, given the inputs. All the checks and the construction of the workflow are done inside this function that has pickleable inputs and output dictionary (``retval``) to allow isolation using a ``multiprocessing.Process`` that allows qsiprep to enforce a hard-limited memory-scope. """ from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired from pkg_resources import resource_filename as pkgrf from bids import BIDSLayout from nipype import logging, config as ncfg from ..__about__ import __version__ from ..workflows.base import init_qsiprep_wf from ..utils.bids import collect_participants from ..viz.reports import generate_reports logger = logging.getLogger('nipype.workflow') INIT_MSG = """ Running qsiprep version {version}: * BIDS dataset path: {bids_dir}. * Participant list: {subject_list}. * Run identifier: {uuid}. """.format bids_dir = opts.bids_dir.resolve() output_dir = opts.output_dir.resolve() work_dir = opts.work_dir.resolve() retval['return_code'] = 1 retval['workflow'] = None retval['bids_dir'] = str(bids_dir) retval['work_dir'] = str(work_dir) retval['output_dir'] = str(output_dir) if output_dir == bids_dir: logger.error( 'The selected output folder is the same as the input BIDS folder. ' 'Please modify the output path (suggestion: %s).', bids_dir / 'derivatives' / ('qsiprep-%s' % __version__.split('+')[0])) retval['return_code'] = 1 return retval # Set up some instrumental utilities run_uuid = '%s_%s' % (strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), uuid.uuid4()) retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder layout = BIDSLayout(str(bids_dir), validate=False) subject_list = collect_participants( layout, participant_label=opts.participant_label) retval['subject_list'] = subject_list output_spaces = opts.output_space or [] force_spatial_normalization = opts.force_spatial_normalization or \ 'template' in output_spaces if 'template' in output_spaces: logger.warning("Using 'template' as an output space is no longer supported.") output_spaces = ["T1w"] # Check output_space if not force_spatial_normalization and (opts.use_syn_sdc or opts.force_syn): msg = [ 'SyN SDC correction requires T1 to MNI registration.', 'Adding T1w-based normalization' ] force_spatial_normalization = True logger.warning(' '.join(msg)) # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, } } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nthreads = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nthreads is None or opts.nthreads is not None: nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads is None or nthreads < 1: nthreads = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nthreads if opts.mem_mb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_mb / 1024 omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nthreads - 1 if nthreads > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nthreads < omp_nthreads: logger.warning( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)', omp_nthreads, nthreads) retval['plugin_settings'] = plugin_settings'Running with omp_nthreads=%d, nthreads=%d', omp_nthreads, nthreads) # Set up directories log_dir = output_dir / 'qsiprep' / 'logs' # Check and create output and working directories output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) work_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': str(log_dir), 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': str(log_dir), 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'get_linked_libs': False, 'stop_on_first_crash': opts.stop_on_first_crash or opts.work_dir is None, }, 'monitoring': { 'enabled': opts.resource_monitor, 'sample_frequency': '0.5', 'summary_append': True, } }) if opts.resource_monitor: ncfg.enable_resource_monitor() # Called with reports only if opts.reports_only: logger.log(25, 'Running --reports-only on participants %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) if opts.run_uuid is not None: run_uuid = opts.run_uuid retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid retval['return_code'] = generate_reports(subject_list, output_dir, work_dir, run_uuid) return retval # Build main workflow logger.log( 25, INIT_MSG( version=__version__, bids_dir=bids_dir, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid)) retval['workflow'] = init_qsiprep_wf( subject_list=subject_list, run_uuid=run_uuid, work_dir=work_dir, output_dir=str(output_dir), ignore=opts.ignore, hires=False, freesurfer=opts.do_reconall, debug=opts.sloppy, low_mem=opts.low_mem, anat_only=opts.anat_only, longitudinal=opts.longitudinal, b0_threshold=opts.b0_threshold, combine_all_dwis=opts.combine_all_dwis, distortion_group_merge=opts.distortion_group_merge, dwi_denoise_window=opts.dwi_denoise_window, unringing_method=opts.unringing_method, dwi_no_biascorr=opts.dwi_no_biascorr, no_b0_harmonization=opts.no_b0_harmonization, denoise_before_combining=opts.denoise_before_combining, write_local_bvecs=opts.write_local_bvecs, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, skull_strip_template=opts.skull_strip_template, skull_strip_fixed_seed=opts.skull_strip_fixed_seed, force_spatial_normalization=force_spatial_normalization, output_spaces=output_spaces, output_resolution=opts.output_resolution, template=opts.template, bids_dir=bids_dir, motion_corr_to=opts.b0_motion_corr_to, hmc_transform=opts.hmc_transform, hmc_model=opts.hmc_model, eddy_config=opts.eddy_config, shoreline_iters=opts.shoreline_iters, impute_slice_threshold=opts.impute_slice_threshold, b0_to_t1w_transform=opts.b0_to_t1w_transform, intramodal_template_iters=opts.intramodal_template_iters, intramodal_template_transform=opts.intramodal_template_transform, prefer_dedicated_fmaps=opts.prefer_dedicated_fmaps, fmap_bspline=opts.fmap_bspline, fmap_demean=opts.fmap_no_demean, use_syn=opts.use_syn_sdc, force_syn=opts.force_syn ) retval['return_code'] = 0 logs_path = Path(output_dir) / 'qsiprep' / 'logs' boilerplate = retval['workflow'].visit_desc() (logs_path / '').write_text(boilerplate) logger.log( 25, 'Works derived from this qsiprep execution should ' 'include the following boilerplate:\n\n%s', boilerplate) # Generate HTML file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('qsiprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--filter', 'pandoc-citeproc', str(logs_path / ''), '-o', str(logs_path / 'CITATION.html') ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.html file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) # Generate LaTex file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', pkgrf('qsiprep', 'data/boilerplate.bib'), '--natbib', str(logs_path / ''), '-o', str(logs_path / 'CITATION.tex') ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.tex file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) return retval
def build_workflow(opts, retval): """ Create the Nipype Workflow that supports the whole execution graph, given the inputs. All the checks and the construction of the workflow are done inside this function that has pickleable inputs and output dictionary (``retval``) to allow isolation using a ``multiprocessing.Process`` that allows fmriprep to enforce a hard-limited memory-scope. """ from bids import BIDSLayout from nipype import logging as nlogging, config as ncfg from niworkflows.utils.bids import collect_participants from niworkflows.reports import generate_reports from ..__about__ import __version__ from ..workflows.base import init_fmriprep_wf build_log = nlogging.getLogger('nipype.workflow') INIT_MSG = """ Running fMRIPREP version {version}: * BIDS dataset path: {bids_dir}. * Participant list: {subject_list}. * Run identifier: {uuid}. """.format bids_dir = opts.bids_dir.resolve() output_dir = opts.output_dir.resolve() work_dir = opts.work_dir.resolve() retval['return_code'] = 1 retval['workflow'] = None retval['bids_dir'] = str(bids_dir) retval['output_dir'] = str(output_dir) retval['work_dir'] = str(work_dir) if output_dir == bids_dir: build_log.error( 'The selected output folder is the same as the input BIDS folder. ' 'Please modify the output path (suggestion: %s).', bids_dir / 'derivatives' / ('fmriprep-%s' % __version__.split('+')[0])) retval['return_code'] = 1 return retval output_spaces = parse_spaces(opts) # Set up some instrumental utilities run_uuid = '%s_%s' % (strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), uuid.uuid4()) retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder layout = BIDSLayout(str(bids_dir), validate=False, ignore=("code", "stimuli", "sourcedata", "models", "derivatives", re.compile(r'^\.'))) subject_list = collect_participants( layout, participant_label=opts.participant_label) retval['subject_list'] = subject_list # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, } } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nthreads = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nthreads is None or opts.nthreads is not None: nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads is None or nthreads < 1: nthreads = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nthreads if opts.mem_mb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_mb / 1024 omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nthreads - 1 if nthreads > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nthreads < omp_nthreads: build_log.warning( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)', omp_nthreads, nthreads) retval['plugin_settings'] = plugin_settings # Set up directories log_dir = output_dir / 'fmriprep' / 'logs' # Check and create output and working directories output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) work_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': str(log_dir), 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': str(log_dir), 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'get_linked_libs': False, 'stop_on_first_crash': opts.stop_on_first_crash, }, 'monitoring': { 'enabled': opts.resource_monitor, 'sample_frequency': '0.5', 'summary_append': True, } }) if opts.resource_monitor: ncfg.enable_resource_monitor() # Called with reports only if opts.reports_only: build_log.log(25, 'Running --reports-only on participants %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) if opts.run_uuid is not None: run_uuid = opts.run_uuid retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid retval['return_code'] = generate_reports(subject_list, output_dir, work_dir, run_uuid, packagename='fmriprep') return retval # Build main workflow build_log.log( 25, INIT_MSG(version=__version__, bids_dir=bids_dir, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid)) retval['workflow'] = init_fmriprep_wf( anat_only=opts.anat_only, aroma_melodic_dim=opts.aroma_melodic_dimensionality, bold2t1w_dof=opts.bold2t1w_dof, cifti_output=opts.cifti_output, debug=opts.sloppy, dummy_scans=opts.dummy_scans, echo_idx=opts.echo_idx, err_on_aroma_warn=opts.error_on_aroma_warnings, fmap_bspline=opts.fmap_bspline, fmap_demean=opts.fmap_no_demean, force_syn=opts.force_syn, freesurfer=opts.run_reconall, hires=opts.hires, ignore=opts.ignore, layout=layout, longitudinal=opts.longitudinal, low_mem=opts.low_mem, medial_surface_nan=opts.medial_surface_nan, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, output_dir=str(output_dir), output_spaces=output_spaces, run_uuid=run_uuid, regressors_all_comps=opts.return_all_components, regressors_fd_th=opts.fd_spike_threshold, regressors_dvars_th=opts.dvars_spike_threshold, skull_strip_fixed_seed=opts.skull_strip_fixed_seed, skull_strip_template=opts.skull_strip_template, subject_list=subject_list, t2s_coreg=opts.t2s_coreg, task_id=opts.task_id, use_aroma=opts.use_aroma, use_bbr=opts.use_bbr, use_syn=opts.use_syn_sdc, work_dir=str(work_dir), ) retval['return_code'] = 0 logs_path = Path(output_dir) / 'fmriprep' / 'logs' boilerplate = retval['workflow'].visit_desc() if boilerplate: citation_files = { ext: logs_path / ('CITATION.%s' % ext) for ext in ('bib', 'tex', 'md', 'html') } # To please git-annex users and also to guarantee consistency # among different renderings of the same file, first remove any # existing one for citation_file in citation_files.values(): try: citation_file.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass citation_files['md'].write_text(boilerplate) build_log.log( 25, 'Works derived from this fMRIPrep execution should ' 'include the following boilerplate:\n\n%s', boilerplate) return retval
def build_workflow(opts, retval): from nipype import logging as nlogging, config as ncfg from niworkflows.utils.bids import collect_participants from niworkflows.reports import generate_reports from ..__about__ import __version__ from time import strftime import uuid from ..workflows.base import init_base_wf build_log = nlogging.getLogger('nipype.workflow') INIT_MSG = """ # Running atlasTransform version {version}: # * BIDS dataset path: {bids_dir}. # * Participant list: {subject_list}. # * Run identifier: {uuid}. # """.format pass bids_dir = opts.bids_dir.resolve() output_dir = opts.output_dir.resolve() work_dir = opts.work_dir.resolve() retval['return_code'] = 1 retval['workflow'] = None retval['bids_dir'] = str(bids_dir) retval['output_dir'] = str(output_dir) retval['work_dir'] = str(work_dir) if output_dir == bids_dir: build_log.error( 'The selected output folder is the same as the input BIDS folder. ' 'Please modify the output path (suggestion: %s).', bids_dir / 'derivatives' / ('atlasTransform-%s' % __version__.split('+')[0])) retval['return_code'] = 1 return retval # Set up some instrumental utilities run_uuid = '%s_%s' % (strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), uuid.uuid4()) retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder layout = BIDSLayout(str(bids_dir), validate=False, ignore=("code", "stimuli", "sourcedata", "models", "derivatives", re.compile(r'^\.'))) subject_list = collect_participants( layout, participant_label=opts.participant_label) retval['subject_list'] = subject_list # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, } } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nthreads = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nthreads is None or opts.nthreads is not None: nthreads = opts.nthreads if nthreads is None or nthreads < 1: nthreads = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nthreads if opts.mem_mb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_mb / 1024 omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nthreads - 1 if nthreads > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nthreads < omp_nthreads: build_log.warning( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total ' 'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)', omp_nthreads, nthreads) retval['plugin_settings'] = plugin_settings # Set up directories log_dir = output_dir / 'atlasTransform' / 'logs' # Check and create output and working directories output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) work_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config({ 'logging': { 'log_directory': str(log_dir), 'log_to_file': True }, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': str(log_dir), 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'get_linked_libs': False, 'stop_on_first_crash': opts.stop_on_first_crash, }, 'monitoring': { 'enabled': opts.resource_monitor, 'sample_frequency': '0.5', 'summary_append': True, } }) if opts.resource_monitor: ncfg.enable_resource_monitor() # Called with reports only if opts.reports_only: build_log.log(25, 'Running --reports-only on participants %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) if opts.run_uuid is not None: run_uuid = opts.run_uuid retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid retval['return_code'] = generate_reports(subject_list, output_dir, work_dir, run_uuid, packagename='atlasTransform') return retval # Build main workflow build_log.log( 25, INIT_MSG(version=__version__, bids_dir=bids_dir, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid)) retval['workflow'] = init_base_wf( opts=opts, layout=layout, run_uuid=run_uuid, subject_list=subject_list, work_dir=str(work_dir), output_dir=str(output_dir), ) retval['return_code'] = 0 logs_path = Path(output_dir) / 'atlasTransform' / 'logs' boilerplate = retval['workflow'].visit_desc() if boilerplate: citation_files = { ext: logs_path / ('CITATION.%s' % ext) for ext in ('bib', 'tex', 'md', 'html') } # To please git-annex users and also to guarantee consistency # among different renderings of the same file, first remove any # existing one for citation_file in citation_files.values(): try: citation_file.unlink() except FileNotFoundError: pass citation_files['md'].write_text(boilerplate) build_log.log( 25, 'Works derived from this atlasTransform execution should ' 'include the following boilerplate:\n\n%s', boilerplate) return retval