Ejemplo n.º 1
    def recognize(self, node: yaml.Node, expected_type: Type) -> RecResult:
        """Figure out how to interpret this node.

        This is not quite a type check. This function makes a list of \
        all types that match the expected type and also the node, and \
        returns that list. The goal here is not to test validity, but \
        to determine how to process this node further.

        That said, it will recognize built-in types only in case of \
        an exact match.

            node: The YAML node to recognize.
            expected_type: The type we expect this node to be, based \
                    on the context provided by our type definitions.

            A list of matching types.
        logger.debug('Recognizing {} as a {}'.format(node, expected_type))
        recognized_types = None
        if expected_type in [
                str, int, float, bool, bool_union_fix, datetime, None,
            recognized_types, message = self.__recognize_scalar(
                node, expected_type)
        elif is_generic_union(expected_type):
            recognized_types, message = self.__recognize_union(
                node, expected_type)
        elif is_generic_list(expected_type):
            recognized_types, message = self.__recognize_list(
                node, expected_type)
        elif is_generic_dict(expected_type):
            recognized_types, message = self.__recognize_dict(
                node, expected_type)
        elif expected_type in self.__registered_classes.values():
            recognized_types, message = self.__recognize_user_classes(
                node, expected_type)

        if recognized_types is None:
            raise RecognitionError(
                ('Could not recognize for type {},'
                 ' is it registered?').format(expected_type))
        logger.debug('Recognized types {} matching {}'.format(
            recognized_types, expected_type))
        return recognized_types, message
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __type_matches(self, obj: Any, type_: Type) -> bool:
        """Checks that the object matches the given type.

        Like isinstance(), but will work with union types using Union, \
        Dict and List.

            obj: The object to check
            type_: The type to check against

            True iff obj is of type type_
        if is_generic_union(type_):
            for t in generic_type_args(type_):
                if self.__type_matches(obj, t):
                    return True
            return False
        elif is_generic_list(type_):
            if not isinstance(obj, list):
                return False
            for item in obj:
                if not self.__type_matches(item, generic_type_args(type_)[0]):
                    return False
            return True
        elif is_generic_dict(type_):
            if not isinstance(obj, OrderedDict):
                return False
            for key, value in obj.items():
                if not isinstance(key, generic_type_args(type_)[0]):
                    return False
                if not self.__type_matches(value, generic_type_args(type_)[1]):
                    return False
            return True
        elif type_ is bool_union_fix:
            return isinstance(obj, bool)
            return isinstance(obj, type_)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __type_to_tag(self, type_: Type) -> str:
        """Convert a type to the corresponding YAML tag.

            type_: The type to convert

            A string containing the YAML tag.
        if type_ in scalar_type_to_tag:
            return scalar_type_to_tag[type_]

        if is_generic_list(type_):
            return 'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq'

        if is_generic_dict(type_):
            return 'tag:yaml.org,2002:map'

        if type_ in self._registered_classes.values():
            return '!{}'.format(type_.__name__)

        raise RuntimeError((
            'Unknown type {} in type_to_tag,'  # pragma: no cover
            ' please report a YAtiML bug.').format(type_))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __process_node(self, node: yaml.Node,
                       expected_type: Type) -> yaml.Node:
        """Processes a node.

        This is the main function that implements yatiml's \
        functionality. It figures out how to interpret this node \
        (recognition), then applies syntactic sugar, and finally \
        recurses to the subnodes, if any.

            node: The node to process.
            expected_type: The type we expect this node to be.

            The transformed node, or a transformed copy.
        logger.info('Processing node {} expecting type {}'.format(
            node, expected_type))

        # figure out how to interpret this node
        recognized_types, message = self.__recognizer.recognize(
            node, expected_type)

        if len(recognized_types) != 1:
            raise RecognitionError(message)

        recognized_type = recognized_types[0]

        # remove syntactic sugar
        logger.debug('Savorizing node {}'.format(node))
        if recognized_type in self._registered_classes.values():
            node = self.__savorize(node, recognized_type)
        logger.debug('Savorized, now {}'.format(node))

        # process subnodes
        logger.debug('Recursing into subnodes')
        if is_generic_list(recognized_type):
            if node.tag != 'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq':
                raise RecognitionError('{}{}Expected a {} here'.format(
                    node.start_mark, os.linesep, type_to_desc(expected_type)))
            for item in node.value:
        elif is_generic_dict(recognized_type):
            if node.tag != 'tag:yaml.org,2002:map':
                raise RecognitionError('{}{}Expected a {} here'.format(
                    node.start_mark, os.linesep, type_to_desc(expected_type)))
            for _, value_node in node.value:

        elif recognized_type in self._registered_classes.values():
            if (not issubclass(recognized_type, enum.Enum)
                    and not issubclass(recognized_type, str)
                    and not issubclass(recognized_type, UserString)):
                for attr_name, type_, _ in class_subobjects(recognized_type):
                    cnode = Node(node)
                    if cnode.has_attribute(attr_name):
                        subnode = cnode.get_attribute(attr_name)
                        new_subnode = self.__process_node(
                            subnode.yaml_node, type_)
                        cnode.set_attribute(attr_name, new_subnode)
            logger.debug('Not a generic class or a user-defined class, not'
                         ' recursing')

        node.tag = self.__type_to_tag(recognized_type)
        logger.debug('Finished processing node {}'.format(node))
        return node