Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_mcsat():
    x = declare_real_var('x');
    p = yices_parse_term('(= (* x x) 2)')
    s = term_to_string(p)
    print 'Assertion: {0}\n'.format(s)
    ctx = make_context()
    yices_assert_formula(ctx, p)
    status = yices_check_context(ctx, None)
    if status != STATUS_SAT:
        print 'Test failed: status = {0} != STATUS_SAT\n'.format(status)

    print 'Satisfiable!\n'

    model = yices_get_model(ctx, 1)

    print "Model:\n"
    yices_pp_model_fd(1, model, 80, 20, 0)

    #print "algebraic value of x = "
    #show_algebraic_value(model, x)
    #print "\n"

    print "Test succeeded\n"

    # cleanup
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_implicant(self):
     i1 = define_const('i1', self.int_t)
     assert_formula('(and (> i1 2) (< i1 8) (/= i1 4))', self.ctx)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param),
     mdl = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     mdlstr = yapi.yices_model_to_string(mdl, 80, 100, 0)
     self.assertEqual(mdlstr, '(= i1 7)')
     fml = yapi.yices_parse_term('(>= i1 3)')
     tvec = yapi.term_vector_t()
     yapi.yices_implicant_for_formula(mdl, fml, tvec)
     self.assertEqual(tvec.size, 1)
     implstr = yapi.yices_term_to_string(tvec.data[0], 200, 10, 0)
     self.assertEqual(implstr, '(>= (+ -3 i1) 0)')
     fml2 = yapi.yices_parse_term('(<= i1 9)')
     fmls = yapi.make_term_array([fml, fml2])
     tvec2 = yapi.term_vector_t()
     yapi.yices_implicant_for_formulas(mdl, 2, fmls, tvec2)
     self.assertEqual(tvec2.size, 2)
     implstr2 = yapi.yices_term_to_string(tvec2.data[0], 200, 10, 0)
     self.assertEqual(implstr2, '(>= (+ -3 i1) 0)')
     implstr3 = yapi.yices_term_to_string(tvec2.data[1], 200, 10, 0)
     self.assertEqual(implstr3, '(>= (+ 9 (* -1 i1)) 0)')
     tvec3 = yapi.term_vector_t()
     a_arr = yapi.term_t(i1)
     yapi.yices_generalize_model_array(mdl, 2, fmls, 1, a_arr, 0, tvec3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_scalar_models(self):
     scalar_t = yapi.yices_new_scalar_type(10)
     sc1 = define_const('sc1', scalar_t)
     sc2 = define_const('sc2', scalar_t)
     sc3 = define_const('sc3', scalar_t)
     assert_formula('(/= sc1 sc2)', self.ctx)
     assert_formula('(/= sc1 sc3)', self.ctx)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param),
     mdl = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     val1 = c_int32()
     val2 = c_int32()
     val3 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_get_scalar_value(mdl, sc1, val1)
     yapi.yices_get_scalar_value(mdl, sc2, val2)
     yapi.yices_get_scalar_value(mdl, sc3, val3)
     self.assertEqual(val1.value, 9)
     self.assertEqual(val2.value, 8)
     self.assertEqual(val3.value, 8)
     yv1 = yapi.yval_t()
     ty1 = c_int32()
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_term_is_scalar(sc1), 1)
     sc1val = yapi.yices_get_value_as_term(mdl, sc1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_term_is_scalar(sc1val), 1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_get_value(mdl, sc1, yv1), 0)
     # yapi.YVAL_SCALAR
     self.assertEqual(yv1.node_tag, yapi.YVAL_SCALAR)
     yapi.yices_val_get_scalar(mdl, yv1, val1, ty1)
     self.assertEqual(val1.value, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_int_models(self):
     ''' int32, int64 '''
     i1 = define_const('i1', self.int_t)
     i2 = define_const('i2', self.int_t)
     assert_formula('(> i1 3)', self.ctx)
     assert_formula('(< i2 i1)', self.ctx)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param),
     mdl = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     i32v1 = c_int32()
     i32v2 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_get_int32_value(mdl, i1, i32v1)
     yapi.yices_get_int32_value(mdl, i2, i32v2)
     self.assertEqual(i32v1.value, 4)
     self.assertEqual(i32v2.value, 3)
     i64v1 = c_int64()
     i64v2 = c_int64()
     yapi.yices_get_int64_value(mdl, i1, i64v1)
     yapi.yices_get_int64_value(mdl, i2, i64v2)
     self.assertEqual(i64v1.value, 4)
     self.assertEqual(i64v2.value, 3)
     yapi.yices_print_model_fd(1, mdl)
     yapi.yices_pp_model_fd(1, mdl, 80, 100, 0)
     mdlstr = yapi.yices_model_to_string(mdl, 80, 100, 0)
     self.assertEqual(mdlstr, '(= i1 4)\n(= i2 3)')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_mpz_models(self):
     i1 = define_const('i1', self.int_t)
     i2 = define_const('i2', self.int_t)
     assert_formula('(> i1 987654321987654321987654321)', self.ctx)
     assert_formula('(< i2 i1)', self.ctx)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param),
     mdl = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     mdlstr = yapi.yices_model_to_string(mdl, 80, 100, 0)
         '(= i1 987654321987654321987654322)\n(= i2 987654321987654321987654321)'
     i32v1 = c_int32()
     #iam: 9/19/2018 with self.assertRaisesRegexp(YicesAPIException,
     #iam: 9/19/2018                              'eval error: the term value does not fit the expected type'):
     #iam: 9/19/2018     yapi.yices_get_int32_value(mdl, i1, i32v1)
     errcode = yapi.yices_get_int32_value(mdl, i1, i32v1)
     error_string = yapi.yices_error_string()
     self.assertEqual(errcode, -1)
         'eval error: the term value does not fit the expected type')
     i64v1 = c_int64()
     #iam: 9/19/2018 with self.assertRaisesRegexp(YicesAPIException,
     #iam: 9/19/2018                              'eval error: the term value does not fit the expected type'):
     #iam: 9/19/2018     yapi.yices_get_int64_value(mdl, i1, i64v1)
     errcode = yapi.yices_get_int64_value(mdl, i1, i64v1)
     error_string = yapi.yices_error_string()
     self.assertEqual(errcode, -1)
         'eval error: the term value does not fit the expected type')
     gmpz1 = yapi.yices_new_mpz()
     gmpz2 = yapi.yices_new_mpz()
     yapi.yices_get_mpz_value(mdl, i1, gmpz1)
     yapi.yices_get_mpz_value(mdl, i2, gmpz2)
     mpz1 = yapi.yices_mpz(gmpz1)
     mpz2 = yapi.yices_mpz(gmpz2)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_term_to_string(mpz1, 200, 10, 0),
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_term_to_string(mpz2, 200, 10, 0),
     if not yapi.yices_has_mcsat():
     yapi.yices_pp_term_fd(1, mpz1, 100, 10, 0)
     alg1 = yapi.lp_algebraic_number_t()
     #yapi.yices_get_algebraic_number_value(mdl, i1, alg1)
     #iam: 9/19/2018 with self.assertRaisesRegexp(YicesAPIException,
     #iam: 9/19/2018                              'could not convert value \(in model\) to a term'):
     #iam: 9/19/2018     yapi.yices_get_algebraic_number_value(mdl, i1, alg1)
     errcode = yapi.yices_get_algebraic_number_value(mdl, i1, alg1)
     error_string = yapi.yices_error_string()
     self.assertEqual(errcode, -1)
                      'could not convert value (in model) to a term')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_bool_models(self):
     b1 = define_const('b1', self.bool_t)
     b2 = define_const('b2', self.bool_t)
     b3 = define_const('b3', self.bool_t)
     b_fml1 = yapi.yices_parse_term('(or b1 b2 b3)')
     yapi.yices_assert_formula(self.ctx, b_fml1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param),
     b_mdl1 = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     self.assertNotEqual(b_mdl1, None)
     # init to -1 to make sure they get updated
     bval1 = c_int32()
     bval2 = c_int32()
     bval3 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_get_bool_value(b_mdl1, b1, bval1)
     yapi.yices_get_bool_value(b_mdl1, b2, bval2)
     yapi.yices_get_bool_value(b_mdl1, b3, bval3)
     self.assertEqual(bval1.value, 0)
     self.assertEqual(bval2.value, 0)
     self.assertEqual(bval3.value, 1)
     b_fmla2 = yapi.yices_parse_term('(not b3)')
     yapi.yices_assert_formula(self.ctx, b_fmla2)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param),
     b_mdl1 = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     self.assertNotEqual(b_mdl1, None)
     yapi.yices_get_bool_value(b_mdl1, b1, bval1)
     yapi.yices_get_bool_value(b_mdl1, b2, bval2)
     yapi.yices_get_bool_value(b_mdl1, b3, bval3)
     self.assertEqual(bval1.value, 0)
     self.assertEqual(bval2.value, 1)
     self.assertEqual(bval3.value, 0)
     yv1 = yapi.yval_t()
     yapi.yices_get_value(b_mdl1, b1, yv1)
     self.assertEqual(yv1.node_tag, yapi.YVAL_BOOL)
     yapi.yices_val_get_bool(b_mdl1, yv1, bval1)
     self.assertEqual(bval1.value, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_mpq_models(self):
        r1 = define_const('r1', self.real_t)
        r2 = define_const('r2', self.real_t)
            '(> (* r1 3456666334217777794) 987654321987654321987654321)',
        assert_formula('(< r2 r1)', self.ctx)
        self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param),
        mdl = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
        mdlstr = yapi.yices_model_to_string(mdl, 80, 100, 0)
            '(= r1 987654325444320656205432115/3456666334217777794)\n(= r2 987654321987654321987654321/3456666334217777794)'
        r32num1 = c_int32()
        r32den1 = c_uint32()
        #iam: 9/19/2018 with self.assertRaisesRegexp(YicesAPIException,
        #iam: 9/19/2018                              'eval error: the term value does not fit the expected type'):
        #iam: 9/19/2018     yapi.yices_get_rational32_value(mdl, r1, r32num1, r32den1)
        errcode = yapi.yices_get_rational32_value(mdl, r1, r32num1, r32den1)
        error_string = yapi.yices_error_string()
        self.assertEqual(errcode, -1)
            'eval error: the term value does not fit the expected type')

        r64num1 = c_int64()
        r64den1 = c_uint64()
        #iam: 9/19/2018 with self.assertRaisesRegexp(YicesAPIException,
        #iam: 9/19/2018                              'eval error: the term value does not fit the expected type'):
        #iam: 9/19/2018     yapi.yices_get_rational64_value(mdl, r1, r64num1, r64den1)
        errcode = yapi.yices_get_rational64_value(mdl, r1, r64num1, r64den1)
        error_string = yapi.yices_error_string()
        self.assertEqual(errcode, -1)
            'eval error: the term value does not fit the expected type')
        gmpq1 = yapi.yices_new_mpq()
        gmpq2 = yapi.yices_new_mpq()
        yapi.yices_get_mpq_value(mdl, r1, gmpq1)
        yapi.yices_get_mpq_value(mdl, r2, gmpq2)
        mpq1 = yapi.yices_mpq(gmpq1)
        mpq2 = yapi.yices_mpq(gmpq2)
        self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_term_to_string(mpq1, 200, 10, 0),
        self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_term_to_string(mpq2, 200, 10, 0),
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _solve(self, assumptions=None):
        count = 0
        if assumptions is not None:
            bool_ass = []
            other_ass = []
            assert(len(self.yices_assumptions) == 0)
            for x in assumptions:
                if x.is_literal():
                    count += 1

            if len(other_ass) > 0:
                self.pending_pop = True
        if len(self.yices_assumptions) == 0:
            out = yicespy.yices_check_context(self.yices, self.yices_params)
            out = yicespy.yices_check_context_with_assumptions(self.yices, self.yices_params, 
        if self.model is not None:
            self.model = None
        if count != 0:
            for i in range(count):
        sres = 'unknown'
        if out == STATUS_UNKNOWN:
            raise SolverReturnedUnknownResultError()
        elif out == STATUS_SAT:
            sres = 'sat'
            self.model = yicespy.yices_get_model(self.yices, 1)
            sres = 'unsat'
        return (sres == 'sat')
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_algebraic_numbers(self):
     if not yapi.yices_has_mcsat():
     # Need a different context
     cfg = yapi.yices_new_config()
     yapi.yices_default_config_for_logic(cfg, "QF_NRA")
     yapi.yices_set_config(cfg, "mode", "one-shot")
     ctx = yapi.yices_new_context(cfg)
     x0 = define_const('x', self.real_t)
     assert_formula('(= (* x x) 2)', ctx)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(ctx, None), yapi.STATUS_SAT)
     mdl = yapi.yices_get_model(ctx, 1)
     mdlstr = yapi.yices_model_to_string(mdl, 80, 100, 0)
     self.assertEqual(mdlstr, '(= x -1.414214)')
     alg1 = yapi.lp_algebraic_number_t()
     yapi.yices_get_algebraic_number_value(mdl, x0, alg1)
     yv1 = yapi.yval_t()
     yapi.yices_get_value(mdl, x0, yv1)
     alg2 = yapi.lp_algebraic_number_t()
     yapi.yices_val_get_algebraic_number(mdl, yv1, alg2)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_bv_models(self):
     bv_t = yapi.yices_bv_type(3)
     bv1 = define_const('bv1', bv_t)
     bv2 = define_const('bv2', bv_t)
     bv3 = define_const('bv3', bv_t)
     fmla1 = yapi.yices_parse_term('(= bv1 (bv-add bv2 bv3))')
     fmla2 = yapi.yices_parse_term('(bv-gt bv2 0b000)')
     fmla3 = yapi.yices_parse_term('(bv-gt bv3 0b000)')
     yapi.yices_assert_formula(self.ctx, fmla1)
     yapi.yices_assert_formulas(self.ctx, 3,
                                yapi.make_term_array([fmla1, fmla2, fmla3]))
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param), 3)
     mdl1 = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     val1 = yapi.make_empty_int32_array(3)
     val2 = yapi.make_empty_int32_array(3)
     val3 = yapi.make_empty_int32_array(3)
     yapi.yices_get_bv_value(mdl1, bv1, val1)
     self.assertEqual(val1[0], 0)
     self.assertEqual(val1[1], 0)
     self.assertEqual(val1[2], 0)
     yapi.yices_get_bv_value(mdl1, bv2, val2)
     self.assertEqual(val2[0], 0)
     self.assertEqual(val2[1], 0)
     self.assertEqual(val2[2], 1)
     yapi.yices_get_bv_value(mdl1, bv3, val3)
     self.assertEqual(val3[0], 0)
     self.assertEqual(val3[1], 0)
     self.assertEqual(val3[2], 1)
     yv1 = yapi.yval_t()
     yapi.yices_get_value(mdl1, bv2, yv1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_bitsize(mdl1, yv1), 3)
     self.assertEqual(yv1.node_tag, yapi.YVAL_BV)
     yapi.yices_val_get_bv(mdl1, yv1, val1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_bitsize(mdl1, yv1), 3)
     self.assertEqual(val1[0], 0)
     self.assertEqual(val1[1], 0)
     self.assertEqual(val1[2], 1)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_rat_models(self):
     ''' rational32, rational64, double '''
     r1 = define_const('r1', self.real_t)
     r2 = define_const('r2', self.real_t)
     assert_formula('(> r1 3)', self.ctx)
     assert_formula('(< r1 4)', self.ctx)
     assert_formula('(< (- r1 r2) 0)', self.ctx)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param),
     mdl = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     r32v1num = c_int32()
     r32v1den = c_uint32()
     r32v2num = c_int32()
     r32v2den = c_uint32()
     yapi.yices_get_rational32_value(mdl, r1, r32v1num, r32v1den)
     yapi.yices_get_rational32_value(mdl, r2, r32v2num, r32v2den)
     # r1 = 7/2, r2 = 4/1
     self.assertEqual(r32v1num.value, 7)
     self.assertEqual(r32v1den.value, 2)
     self.assertEqual(r32v2num.value, 4)
     self.assertEqual(r32v2den.value, 1)
     r64v1num = c_int64()
     r64v1den = c_uint64()
     r64v2num = c_int64()
     r64v2den = c_uint64()
     yapi.yices_get_rational64_value(mdl, r1, r64v1num, r64v1den)
     yapi.yices_get_rational64_value(mdl, r2, r64v2num, r64v2den)
     # r1 = 7/2, r2 = 4/1
     self.assertEqual(r64v1num.value, 7)
     self.assertEqual(r64v1den.value, 2)
     self.assertEqual(r64v2num.value, 4)
     self.assertEqual(r64v2den.value, 1)
     rdoub1 = c_double()
     rdoub2 = c_double()
     yapi.yices_get_double_value(mdl, r1, rdoub1)
     yapi.yices_get_double_value(mdl, r2, rdoub2)
     self.assertEqual(rdoub1.value, 3.5)
     self.assertEqual(rdoub2.value, 4.0)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_tuple_models(self):
     tup_t = yapi.yices_tuple_type3(self.bool_t, self.real_t, self.int_t)
     t1 = define_const('t1', tup_t)
         '(ite (select t1 1) (< (select t1 2) (select t1 3)) (> (select t1 2) (select t1 3)))',
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param), 3)
     mdl = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     mdlstr = yapi.yices_model_to_string(mdl, 80, 100, 0)
     self.assertEqual(mdlstr, '(= t1 (mk-tuple false 1 0))')
     yv1 = yapi.yval_t()
     yapi.yices_get_value(mdl, t1, yv1)
     self.assertEqual(yv1.node_tag, yapi.YVAL_TUPLE)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_tuple_arity(mdl, yv1), 3)
     yvarr = yapi.make_empty_yval_array(3)
     yapi.yices_val_expand_tuple(mdl, yv1, yvarr)
     self.assertEqual(yvarr[0].node_tag, yapi.YVAL_BOOL)
     bval1 = c_int32()
     ival1 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_val_get_bool(mdl, yvarr[0], bval1)
     self.assertEqual(bval1.value, 0)
     yapi.yices_val_get_int32(mdl, yvarr[1], ival1)
     self.assertEqual(ival1.value, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_yval_numeric_models(self):
     i1 = define_const('i1', self.int_t)
     define_const('i2', self.int_t)
     assert_formula('(> i1 3)', self.ctx)
     assert_formula('(< i2 i1)', self.ctx)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param),
     mdl = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     yv1 = yapi.yval_t()
     yapi.yices_get_value(mdl, i1, yv1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_is_int32(mdl, yv1), 1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_is_int64(mdl, yv1), 1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_is_rational32(mdl, yv1), 1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_is_rational64(mdl, yv1), 1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_is_integer(mdl, yv1), 1)
     # The next four just return 0 since yval is not a bv, tuple, mapping, or function
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_bitsize(mdl, yv1), 0)
     # Note that the next three aren't real tests, since 0 is returned if the tag is wrong
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_tuple_arity(mdl, yv1), 0)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_mapping_arity(mdl, yv1), 0)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_function_arity(mdl, yv1), 0)
     bval1 = c_int32()
     #iam: 9/19/2018 with self.assertRaisesRegexp(YicesAPIException, 'invalid operation on yval'):
     #iam: 9/19/2018     yapi.yices_val_get_bool(mdl, yv1, bval1)
     errcode = yapi.yices_val_get_bool(mdl, yv1, bval1)
     error_string = yapi.yices_error_string()
     self.assertEqual(errcode, -1)
     self.assertEqual(error_string, 'invalid operation on yval')
     i32val1 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_val_get_int32(mdl, yv1, i32val1)
     self.assertEqual(i32val1.value, 4)
     i64val1 = c_int64()
     yapi.yices_val_get_int64(mdl, yv1, i64val1)
     self.assertEqual(i64val1.value, 4)
     r32num1 = c_int32()
     r32den1 = c_uint32()
     yapi.yices_val_get_rational32(mdl, yv1, r32num1, r32den1)
     self.assertEqual(r32num1.value, 4)
     self.assertEqual(r32den1.value, 1)
     r64num1 = c_int64()
     r64den1 = c_uint64()
     yapi.yices_val_get_rational64(mdl, yv1, r64num1, r64den1)
     self.assertEqual(r64num1.value, 4)
     self.assertEqual(r64den1.value, 1)
     rdoub1 = c_double()
     yapi.yices_val_get_double(mdl, yv1, rdoub1)
     self.assertEqual(rdoub1.value, 4.0)
     gmpz1 = yapi.yices_new_mpz()
     yapi.yices_val_get_mpz(mdl, yv1, gmpz1)
     mpz1 = yapi.yices_mpz(gmpz1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_term_to_string(mpz1, 200, 10, 0), '4')
     gmpq1 = yapi.yices_new_mpq()
     yapi.yices_val_get_mpq(mdl, yv1, gmpq1)
     mpq1 = yapi.yices_mpq(gmpq1)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_term_to_string(mpq1, 200, 10, 0), '4')
     #iam: 9/19/2018 with self.assertRaisesRegexp(YicesAPIException, 'invalid operation on yval'):
     #iam: 9/19/2018     yapi.yices_val_get_bv(mdl, yv1, bval1)
     errcode = yapi.yices_val_get_bv(mdl, yv1, bval1)
     error_string = yapi.yices_error_string()
     self.assertEqual(errcode, -1)
     self.assertEqual(error_string, 'invalid operation on yval')
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_function_models(self):
     funtype = yapi.yices_function_type3(self.int_t, self.bool_t,
                                         self.real_t, self.real_t)
     ftystr = yapi.yices_type_to_string(funtype, 100, 80, 0)
     yapi.yices_pp_type_fd(1, funtype, 100, 80, 0)
     self.assertEqual(ftystr, '(-> int bool real real)')
     fun1 = define_const('fun1', funtype)
     define_const('b1', self.bool_t)
     i1 = define_const('i1', self.int_t)
     r1 = define_const('r1', self.real_t)
         '(> (fun1 i1 b1 r1) (fun1 (+ i1 1) (not b1) (- r1 i1)))', self.ctx)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_check_context(self.ctx, self.param),
     mdl = yapi.yices_get_model(self.ctx, 1)
     mdlstr = yapi.yices_model_to_string(mdl, 80, 100, 0)
         '(= b1 false)\n(= i1 1463)\n(= r1 -579)\n(function fun1\n (type (-> int bool real real))\n (= (fun1 1463 false -579) 1)\n (= (fun1 1464 true -2042) 0)\n (default 2))'
     yv1 = yapi.yval_t()
     yapi.yices_get_value(mdl, fun1, yv1)
     self.assertEqual(yv1.node_tag, yapi.YVAL_FUNCTION)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_function_arity(mdl, yv1), 3)
     def1 = yapi.yval_t()
     vec1 = yapi.yval_vector_t()
     yapi.yices_val_expand_function(mdl, yv1, def1, vec1)
     self.assertEqual(def1.node_tag, yapi.YVAL_RATIONAL)
     i32val1 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_val_get_int32(mdl, def1, i32val1)
     self.assertEqual(i32val1.value, 2)
     self.assertEqual(vec1.size, 2)
     map1 = vec1.data[0]
     map2 = vec1.data[1]
     self.assertEqual(map1.node_tag, yapi.YVAL_MAPPING)
     self.assertEqual(map2.node_tag, yapi.YVAL_MAPPING)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_mapping_arity(mdl, map1), 3)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_mapping_arity(mdl, map2), 3)
     # First mapping
     args1 = yapi.make_empty_yval_array(3)
     yval1 = yapi.yval_t()
     yapi.yices_val_expand_mapping(mdl, map1, args1, yval1)
     self.assertEqual(yval1.node_tag, yapi.YVAL_RATIONAL)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_is_int32(mdl, yval1), 1)
     val1 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_val_get_int32(mdl, yval1, val1)
     self.assertEqual(val1.value, 1)
     self.assertEqual(args1[0].node_tag, yapi.YVAL_RATIONAL)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_is_int32(mdl, args1[0]), 1)
     m1arg1 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_val_get_int32(mdl, args1[0], m1arg1)
     self.assertEqual(m1arg1.value, 1463)
     self.assertEqual(args1[1].node_tag, yapi.YVAL_BOOL)
     m1arg2 = c_int()
     yapi.yices_val_get_bool(mdl, args1[1], m1arg2)
     self.assertEqual(m1arg2.value, 0)
     m1arg3 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_val_get_int32(mdl, args1[2], m1arg3)
     self.assertEqual(m1arg3.value, -579)
     # Second mapping
     args2 = yapi.make_empty_yval_array(3)
     yval2 = yapi.yval_t()
     yapi.yices_val_expand_mapping(mdl, map2, args2, yval2)
     self.assertEqual(yval2.node_tag, yapi.YVAL_RATIONAL)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_is_int32(mdl, yval2), 1)
     val2 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_val_get_int32(mdl, yval2, val2)
     self.assertEqual(val2.value, 0)
     self.assertEqual(args2[0].node_tag, yapi.YVAL_RATIONAL)
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_val_is_int32(mdl, args2[0]), 1)
     m2arg2 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_val_get_int32(mdl, args2[0], m2arg2)
     self.assertEqual(m2arg2.value, 1464)
     self.assertEqual(args2[1].node_tag, yapi.YVAL_BOOL)
     m2arg2 = c_int()
     yapi.yices_val_get_bool(mdl, args2[1], m2arg2)
     self.assertEqual(m2arg2.value, 1)
     m2arg3 = c_int32()
     yapi.yices_val_get_int32(mdl, args2[2], m2arg3)
     self.assertEqual(m2arg3.value, -2042)
     fmla = yapi.yices_parse_term('(> i1 r1)')
     self.assertEqual(yapi.yices_formula_true_in_model(mdl, fmla), 1)
     a_arr = yapi.make_term_array([i1, fmla, r1])
     b_arr = yapi.make_empty_term_array(3)
     yapi.yices_term_array_value(mdl, 3, a_arr, b_arr)
     self.assertEqual(b_arr[0], yapi.yices_int32(1463))
     self.assertEqual(b_arr[1], yapi.yices_true())
     self.assertEqual(b_arr[2], yapi.yices_int32(-579))
     yapi.yices_pp_term_array_fd(1, 3, b_arr, 100, 10, 0, 0)
     tvec3 = yapi.term_vector_t()
     yapi.yices_generalize_model(mdl, fmla, 1, a_arr, 0, tvec3)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def get_model(ctx, keep_subst):
     """Builds a model from the context ctx."""
     return yapi.yices_get_model(ctx, keep_subst)