Ejemplo n.º 1
def compare_yoda_files(ref_file, tuned_dict_files, options=None):
    tuned_dict = OrderedDict()
    ref_data = yoda.read(ref_file)

    for key,value in tuned_dict_files.iteritems():
        tuned_dict[key] = yoda.read(value)

    compare_yoda(ref_data, tuned_dict, options)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def read_histos(path):
    Load histograms from a YODA-supported file type, into a dict of path -> yoda.Histo[DataBin]
    import yoda
    from packaging import version
    if version.Version(yoda.__version__.decode()) < version.parse("1.8.0"):
        return read_yoda_pre180(path)

    histos = {}
    s2s, types = [], []
    aos = yoda.read(path, asdict=False)
        for ao in aos:
            import os
            if os.path.basename(ao.path()).startswith("_"): continue
            if "/RAW/" in ao.path(): continue
        del aos
        for s2, tp in zip(s2s, types):
            if s2.dim() != 2: continue
            bins = [
                (p.xMin(), p.xMax(), p.y(), p.yErrAvg()) for p in s2.points()
            ]  # This stores the bin heights as y-values
            histos[s2.path()] = bins
        del s2s
    except Exception as e:
        print("read_histos --- Can't load histos from file '%s': %s" %
              (path, e))
    return histos
Ejemplo n.º 3
def read_histos(path):
    "Load histograms from a YODA-supported file type, into a dict of path -> yoda.Histo[DataBin]"
    histos = {}
        import yoda
        s2s = []
        types = []
        aos = yoda.read(path, asdict=False)
        for ao in aos:
            import os
            ## Skip the Rivet cross-section and event counter objects
            # TODO: Avoid Rivet-specific behaviour by try block handling & scatter.dim requirements
            if os.path.basename(ao.path).startswith("_"): continue
            if "/RAW/" in ao.path: continue
        del aos  #< pro-active YODA memory clean-up
        for s2, tp in zip(
                s2s, types
        ):  # filter(lambda x:x.dim==2, s2s): # Filter for Scatter1D
            if s2.dim != 2: continue
            bins = [(p.xMin, p.xMax, p.y, p.yErrAvg) for p in s2.points
                    ]  # This stores the bin heights as y-values
            histos[s2.path] = bins
        del s2s  #< pro-active YODA memory clean-up
    except Exception as e:
        print("Can't load histos from file '%s': %s" % (path, e))
    return histos
Ejemplo n.º 4
def readYODA(file=None, key=None):
    Read histogram from yoda file

    :param file: path to yoda file.
    :type args: str
    :param key: histogram name.
    :type key: str
    :param alias: histogram alias used inside FP

    if not file or not key:
        raise Exception("file and key are mandatory arguments, please specify both")

    h_yoda = yoda.read(file)[key]

    if isinstance(h_yoda, yoda.Histo1D):
        #---ROOT histogram
        h_root = ROOT.TH1F(key, "", len(h_yoda.xMins()), np.append(h_yoda.xMins(), h_yoda.xMaxs()[-1]))

        #---fill visible bins
        for i, v in enumerate(h_yoda.yVals()):
            h_root.SetBinContent(i+1, v)
            h_root.SetBinError(i+1, h_yoda.yErrs()[i])

        #---fill overflow and underflow
        h_root.SetBinContent(0, h_yoda.underflow.sumW)
        h_root.SetBinError(0, h_yoda.underflow.errW)
        h_root.SetBinContent(h_root.GetNbinsX()+1, h_yoda.overflow.sumW)
        h_root.SetBinError(h_root.GetNbinsX()+1, h_yoda.overflow.errW)        
        raise Exception("Histogram type not supported: only Histo1D are currently supported")

    return h_root
def getRivetRefData(anas=None):
    "Find all Rivet reference data files"
    refhistos = {}
                "RIVET_INFO_PATH", "RIVET_PLOT_PATH"):
        if var in os.environ:
            abspaths = map(os.path.abspath, os.environ[var].split(":"))
            os.environ[var] = ":".join(abspaths)
    rivet_data_dirs = rivet.getAnalysisRefPaths()
    dirlist = []
    for d in rivet_data_dirs:
        import glob
        if anas is None:
            dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*.yoda')))
            for a in anas:
                dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, a + '*.yoda')))
    for filelist in dirlist:
        for infile in filelist:
            analysisobjects = yoda.read(infile)
            for path, ao in analysisobjects.iteritems():
                if not any(x in path for x in ['d01', 'd02', 'd03', 'd04']):
                aop = rivet.AOPath(ao.path)
                if aop.isref():
                    ao.path = aop.basepath(keepref=False)
                    refhistos[ao.path] = ao
    return refhistos
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def readInputJason(self, json_file):
        data = json.load(open(json_file))
        self.tune = TuneMngr(data['parameters'])

        # self.nRuns = str_to_int(data['nRuns'])
        self.nRuns = self.tune.generate()[0]
        print "parameters input:", data['parameters']
        print "total runs:", self.nRuns
        print "minimum for Professor:", self.tune.minimum_runs_for_Prof()
        if self.nRuns < self.tune.minimum_runs_for_Prof():
            print "!!! Increase the number of parameters' values !!!"

        self.nEventsPerRun = str_to_int(data['nEventsPerRun'])
        self.seed = data['seed']

        self.nEventsPerJob = str_to_int(data['nEventsPerJob'])
        self.nJobsPerRun = int(self.nEventsPerRun / self.nEventsPerJob)

        self.anaID = data['rivet_analysis']
        self.process = data['pythia_process']
        self.pythia_opt = data.get('pythia_options', None)
        self.js = json_file
        self.queue_name = data.get('queue', 'shared')
        self.time = data.get('time', '1:00:00')
        self.repo = data.get('repo', 'm1029')

        default_cfg = "/global/homes/x/xju/code/MCTuning/pythia/data/atlas_detector_cfg.yoda"
        detector_cfg = data.get("detector_cfg", default_cfg)
        print "reading detector configuration: ", detector_cfg
        self.detector_hist2D = yoda.read(detector_cfg)


        return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def read_hist_from_yoda(self, filename, name):
     yodafile = yoda.read(filename)
         self.hist = yodafile[name]
         print "error: \"%s\" is not in \"%s\"" % (name, filename)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getHistos(filelist):
    """Loop over all input files. Only use the first occurrence of any REF-histogram
    and the first occurrence in each MC file for every MC-histogram."""
    # return reference histograms,
    #        mchistos = mc plots, 
    #        xsec     = generated xsec and its uncertainty,    
    #        Nev      = sum of weights, sum of squared weight, number of events
    # (derived from rivet-cmphistos)
    mchistos = {}
    xsec = {}
    Nev = {}
    # for infile in filelist:
    mchistos.setdefault(filelist, {})
    analysisobjects = yoda.read(filelist)
    print len(analysisobjects), "analysisobjects in", filelist
    for path, ao in analysisobjects.iteritems():
        if path.startswith('/_EVTCOUNT'):
            Nev = ao
        if path.startswith('/_XSEC'):
            xsec = ao
            # Conventionally don't plot data objects whose names start with an
            # underscore
        if os.path.basename(path).startswith("_"):
        if path.startswith('/REF/'):
            # Reference histograms are read elsewhere.
            if path not in mchistos[filelist]:
                mchistos[filelist][path] = ao
    return mchistos, xsec, Nev
def do_binned_plots_per_region_angle(setup, rivet_files, rivet_labels):
    """Do individual binned plots"""
    region = setup.region

    unfolder = region['unfolder']
    hbc = unfolder.hist_bin_chopper

    # Iterate through pt bins - gen binning
    print("Doing YodaGenPtBinnedPlotter...")
    pt_bins = unfolder.binning_handler.get_pt_bins(binning_scheme='generator',
    gen_pt_binned_plotter = YodaGenPtBinnedPlotter(setup=setup,

    # Add RIVET & style dicts
    for rf, rl in zip(rivet_files, rivet_labels):
        yoda_dict = yoda.read(rf)
            yoda_dict, style_dict=SAMPLE_STYLE_DICTS[dataframe_yoda_key(rl)])


    return hbc
Ejemplo n.º 10
def init_ref():
    """Function to load all reference data and theory *.yoda data"""
    refFiles = []
    global scaledYet
    print "Gathering all reference Data (and Theory, if available)"
    rivet_data_dirs = rivet.getAnalysisRefPaths()
    for dirs in rivet_data_dirs:
        import glob
        refFiles.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirs, '*.yoda')))
    for fileList in refFiles:
        for f in fileList:
            aos = yoda.read(f)
            for path, ao in aos.iteritems():
                if ao.type != "Scatter2D":
                    ao = yoda.mkScatter(ao)
                if ao.type == "Scatter1D":
                    ao = util.mkScatter2D(ao)
                if path.startswith('/REF/'):
                    refObj[path] = ao
                    scaledYet[path] = False
                if path.startswith('/THY/'):
                    refObj[path] = ao
                    scaledYet[path] = False

    global REFLOAD
    REFLOAD = True
Ejemplo n.º 11
def getRivetRefData(anas=None):
    "Find all Rivet reference data files"
    refhistos = {}
        if var in os.environ:
            abspaths = map(os.path.abspath, os.environ[var].split(":"))
            os.environ[var] = ":".join(abspaths)
    rivet_data_dirs = rivet.getAnalysisRefPaths()
    dirlist = [ ]
    for d in rivet_data_dirs:
        import glob
        if anas is None:
          dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*.yoda')))
          for a in anas:
            dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, a+'*.yoda')))
    for filelist in dirlist:
        for infile in filelist:
            analysisobjects = yoda.read(infile)
            for path, ao in analysisobjects.iteritems():
                if not any(x in path for x in ['d01', 'd02', 'd03', 'd04']):  continue
                aop = rivet.AOPath(ao.path)
                if aop.isref():
                    ao.path = aop.basepath(keepref=False)
                    refhistos[ao.path] = ao
    return refhistos
Ejemplo n.º 12
def ATLAS_2017_I1519428(in_file, out_file):
    Downloaded table:
        1. change indexes [0-8] to [1-9]
        2. provide another output that contains data only i.e. y01
        3. divide luminosity, lumi = 37 fb^{-1} = 37 x 10^{12} mb^{-1}.
    data = yoda.read(in_file)
    lumi = 3.7e4 # in unit of 1/pb
    lumi_err = 0.032*lumi
    new_rivet = []
    new_ref = []
    for key, value in data.iteritems():

        # change Key
        index = int(re.search('d0(.+?)-x', key).group(1))
        new_key = key.replace('d0{}'.format(index), 'd0{}'.format(index+1))
        value.setAnnotation('Path', new_key)

        if index < 2:
            # scale to cross section of di-jet distributions

            # scale each bin only for 
            for point in value.points:
                bin_width = point.xErrs.minus + point.xErrs.plus
                if abs(point.yErrs.minus) < 1E-5:
                    # Use poisson error for observed events
                    y_err = math.sqrt(point.y)

                    # if y-axis is zero, err = 0
                    # else: error propagation
                    if abs(point.y) < 1E-5:
                        xs_err = 0.
                        xs_err = point.y/lumi * math.sqrt(1/point.y + lumi_err**2/lumi**2)

                    xs_err /= bin_width
                    point.yErrs = (xs_err, xs_err)
                    point.yErrs = (point.yErrs.minus/lumi, point.yErrs.plus/lumi)

                point.y = point.y / lumi / bin_width
            # scale bin_width for chi2 distributions
            #for p in value.points:
            #    bin_width = p.xErrs.minus + p.xErrs.plus
            #    p.y = p.y / bin_width


        if "y01" in key:

    yoda.write(new_rivet, out_file)
    yoda.write(new_ref, "ATLAS_2017_I1519428_ref.yoda")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main(arg):
	infile = arg
	outfile = arg[:-5] + '_scatter.yoda'
	aos = yoda.read(infile)
	scatter = []
	hs = [h for h in aos.values()]
	for h in hs:
		s = h.mkScatter()

	yoda.write(scatter, outfile)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def yoda_to_pickle(in_fname, out_fname, record=None):
         "using {} as input .yoda file".format(in_fname))
         "using {} as output pickle binary".format(out_fname))
    yoda_file = yoda.read(in_fname)
    pickle.dump(yoda_to_dict(yoda_file), open(out_fname, "wb"))
    if record is None: return
    info("py2_yoda_interface()", "storing record in file {}".format(record))
    rec_file = open(record, "w")
    rec_file.write(in_fname + "\n")
    rec_file.write(out_fname + "\n")
def getSRs(filename):
    sr1 = 0
    sr2 = 0
    sr3 = 0
    sr4 = 0
    sr5 = 0
    sr6 = 0
    sr7 = 0
    counters = yoda.read(filename, asdict=False)
    sr1 = counters[6].val
    sr2 = counters[7].val
    sr3 = counters[8].val
    sr4 = counters[9].val
    sr5 = counters[10].val
    sr6 = counters[11].val
    sr7 = counters[12].val
    return [sr1, sr2, sr3, sr4, sr5, sr6, sr7]
Ejemplo n.º 16
def getRivetRefData(refhistos, anas=None):
    "Find all Rivet reference data files"
    rivet_data_dirs = rivet.getAnalysisRefPaths()
    dirlist = []
    for d in rivet_data_dirs:
        if anas is None:
            import glob
            dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*.yoda')))
            dirlist.append([os.path.join(d, a + '.yoda') for a in anas])
    for filelist in dirlist:
        # TODO: delegate to getHistos?
        for infile in filelist:
            analysisobjects = yoda.read(infile)
            for path, ao in analysisobjects.iteritems():
                if path.startswith('/REF/'):
                    if path not in refhistos:
                        refhistos[path] = ao
Ejemplo n.º 17
def convert_yoda_to_json(yoda_path, json_path):
    with open(json_path, 'w+') as f:
        json_serializable = {}
        for k, v in yoda.read(yoda_path).items():
            if type(v) == yoda.core.Histo1D:
                json_serializable[k] = [b.sumW for b in v.bins]
            elif type(v) == yoda.core.Scatter1D:
                json_serializable[k] = [p.x for p in v.points]
            elif type(v) == yoda.core.Scatter2D:
                json_serializable[k] = [(p.x, p.y) for p in v.points]
            elif type(v) == yoda.core.Profile1D:
                json_serializable[k] = [b.sumWY for b in v.bins]
            elif type(v) == yoda.core.Counter:
                json_serializable[k] = v.val
                    'WARNING: yoda object of type {} encountered (no known conversion)! Object is being ignored...'
        json.dump(json_serializable, f, sort_keys=True)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def ATLAS_2014_I1268975(in_file, out_file):
    data = yoda.read(in_file)
    new_data = []
    pre_fix = '/REF/ATLAS_2014_I1268975'
    for i in range(2):
        # two jet alg. atkt4 and atkt6
        for j in range(6):
            # six y* bins
            index = "{}/d{:0=2}-x01-y0{}".format(pre_fix, i+1, j+1)
            ref_index_number = i*6 + j + 1
            ref_index = "{}/d{:0=2}-x01-y01".format(pre_fix, ref_index_number)
                scatter2D = data[ref_index]
            except KeyError:
                print(ref_index,"not found")

            scatter2D.setAnnotation('Path', index)

    yoda.write(new_data, out_file)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def init_ref():
    """Function to load all reference data into memory
    Here reference data can be either experimental data or theoretical prediction"""
    refFiles = []
    #refObj = {}
    print "Gathering all reference Data"
    rivet_data_dirs = rivet.getAnalysisRefPaths()
    for dirs in rivet_data_dirs:
        import glob
        refFiles.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirs, '*.yoda')))
    for fileList in refFiles:
        for f in fileList:
            aos = yoda.read(f)
            for path, ao in aos.iteritems():
                if path.startswith('/REF/'):
                    refObj[path] = ao
                if path.startswith('/THY/'):
                    #TODO provide this information in the first place!
                    refObj[path] = ao
    global REFLOAD
    REFLOAD = True
def main(argv):
    args = parseArgs(argv)
    for run in range(args.num):

        # Read input files
        aos = yoda.read(args.dir + os.path.sep + str(run).zfill(4) +
                        os.path.sep + args.yodafile)
        fpar = open(
            args.dir + os.path.sep + str(run).zfill(4) + os.path.sep +
            args.paramfile, 'r')
        param = {}
        for line in fpar:
            (k, v) = line.split()
            param[k.strip()] = v.strip()

        # Extract scatterplots from yoda file
        scatters = []
        for aopath, ao in aos.iteritems():
            scatterplot = ao.mkScatter()
            scatterplot.setAnnotation("Run_Directory", args.dir)
            for key, value in param.iteritems():
                scatterplot.setAnnotation("Tune_Parameter_" + key, value)

            # Check for patterns and unpatterns
            save = True
            if args.patterns != None:
                save = False
                for pattern in args.patterns:
                    if pattern in scatterplot.path:
                        save = True
            if args.unpatterns != None:
                for unpattern in args.unpatterns:
                    if unpattern in scatterplot.path:
                        save = False
            if save:
                scatters.append((aopath, scatterplot))

                       "run" + str(run).zfill(4) + "_" + args.yodafile)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def patch_yodaref(yoda_from_hepdata):
    Take a YODA file and check if the reference data contained in the file is in need of post-processing.
    If so, apply relevant post-processing steps and return.

    :param yoda_from_hepdata: YODA file containing reference data from HEPData for post-processing
    :return: YODA file with post-processed data from HEPData

    import importlib, yoda
    import rivet.hepdatapatches as hdpatch
    hepdata_content = yoda.read(yoda_from_hepdata)
    for tag in hepdata_content:
        if tag.startswith("/REF"):
            routine, tableid = tag.rstrip("/")[5:].split('/')
            if hasattr(hdpatch, routine):
                # get relevant patch function for this routine and apply patch
                routine_patcher = importlib.import_module(
                    "rivet.hepdatapatches." + routine)
                hepdata_content[tag] = routine_patcher.patch(
                    tag, hepdata_content[tag])
    return hepdata_content
Ejemplo n.º 22
def read_histos_yoda(path):
    "Load histograms from a YODA-supported file type, into a dict of path -> yoda.Histo[DataBin]"
    histos = {}
        import yoda
        s2s = []
        aos = yoda.read(path, asdict=False)
        for ao in aos:
            import os
            ## Skip the Rivet cross-section and event counter objects
            # TODO: Avoid Rivet-specific behaviour by try block handling & scatter.dim requirements
            if os.path.basename(ao.path).startswith("_"):
        del aos #< pro-active YODA memory clean-up
        for s2 in filter(lambda x:x.dim==2, s2s): # Filter for Scatter1D
            bins = [DataBin(p.xMin, p.xMax, p.y, p.yErrAvg) for p in s2.points]
            histos[s2.path] = Histo(bins, s2.path)
        del s2s #< pro-active YODA memory clean-up
    except Exception, e:
        print "Can't load histos from file '%s': %s" % (path, e)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def ATLAS_2017_I1635274(in_file, out_file):
    Divided out the bin-width for jet pT distributions
    add Poisson error on data
    data = yoda.read(in_file)
    new_rivet = []

    scaled_by_bin_width = ['d01', 'd03', 'd05', 'd07', 'd09']
    to_be_scaled_by_bin_width = ['d02', 'd04', 'd06', 'd08', 'd10', 'd11']

    for key, value in data.iteritems():
        short_key = key[25:28]
        # print(key, short_key)

        for p in value.points:
            bin_width = p.xErrs.minus + p.xErrs.plus
            if abs(p.yErrs.minus) < 1E-5:
                if short_key in scaled_by_bin_width:
                    ## such distributions have already scaled by bin-width
                    y_err = math.sqrt(p.y*bin_width)/bin_width
                    y_err = math.sqrt(p.y)
                p.yErrs = (y_err, y_err)
                p.yErrs = (p.yErrs.minus, p.yErrs.plus)

        if short_key in to_be_scaled_by_bin_width:
            # scale by bin-width
            for p in value.points:
                bin_width = p.xErrs.minus + p.xErrs.plus
                p.yErrs = (p.yErrs.minus/bin_width, p.yErrs.plus/bin_width)
                p.y = p.y / bin_width

    yoda.write(new_rivet, out_file)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    "name": "reactions",
    "values": ["BBAR0 --> D*(2010)+ LEPTON- NUBAR"]
keywords.append({"name": "observables", "values": ["WIDTH"]})
keywords.append({"name": "phrases", "values": ["Decay", "Charm Production"]})
reaction = r"$\bar{B}^0\to D^{*+}\ell^-\bar{\nu}_\ell$"

# metadata for whole submission
submission = [{"comment": comment}]

# alternative: single YAML file
single_yaml = [{"comment": comment}]

# read YODA file as a list of objects
objects = yoda.read("BELLE_2017_I1512299.yoda", asdict=False)

# loop over YODA objects, writing one YAML data table for each one
for iobj, object in enumerate(objects):

    # define variable names depending on dimension of YODA object
    if object.dim < 3:
        ind_name = r"${}$".format(variables[iobj])
        dep_name = r"$\Delta\Gamma/\Delta {}$".format(variables[iobj])
        dep_units = r"$10^{-15}$ GeV"
        dep_scale = 1e-15  # scale rates to match numbers in Table 3 of paper
        description = r"The unfolded differential rate as a function of ${}$.".format(
        ind_name = "Bin"
        dep_name = "Correlation"
def get_yoda_stats_dict(input_filename,
    """Get summary statistics from YODA file full of histograms

    input_filename : str
        YODA filename
    key_label : str
        Label to append to column names, e.g. mean_X, rms_err_X
    data_ak4_dirname : None, optional
        Name of directory with AK4 data results for delta calculation
    data_ak8_dirname : None, optional
        Name of directory with AK8 data results for delta calculation
    ignore_missing : bool, optional
        If True, fill in 0 values for missing hists; otherwise raise KeyError

        List of dicts. Each dict represents one radius/region/angle combination,
        with keys/values as metric names/values

    yoda_dict = yoda.read(input_filename)
    hname = list(yoda_dict.keys())[0]
    is_dijet = rn.DIJET_PATH in hname

    regions = rn.DIJET_REGIONS if is_dijet else rn.ZPJ_REGIONS
    pt_bins = rn.PT_BINS_DIJET if is_dijet else rn.PT_BINS_ZPJ
    path = rn.DIJET_PATH if is_dijet else rn.ZPJ_PATH
    results_dicts = []
    # print("parsing", input_filename)
    # print("regions:", regions)
    for jet_radius in rn.JET_RADII:
        algo_name = "%spuppi" % jet_radius.name.lower()
        for region in regions:
            for lambda_var in rn.LAMBDA_VARS:

                # Get data results for delta calculation
                unfolding_dict = None
                data_dirname = None
                if jet_radius.name.lower() == "ak4" and data_ak4_dirname:
                    data_dirname = data_ak4_dirname
                elif jet_radius.name.lower() == "ak8" and data_ak8_dirname:
                    data_dirname = data_ak8_dirname
                if data_dirname:
                    angle_output_dir = "%s/%s" % (region.name, lambda_var.hist_name)
                    root_filename = os.path.join(data_dirname, angle_output_dir, "unfolding_result_slim.root")
                    uproot_file = uproot.open(root_filename)
                    unfolding_dict = unpack_slim_unfolding_root_file_uproot(uproot_file, region.name, lambda_var.hist_name, pt_bins)

                # Iterate over each pt bin for this radius/region/var, get metrics
                for ibin, pt_bin in enumerate(pt_bins):
                    # print(jet_radius, lambda_var, region, ibin, pt_bin)

                    yoda_name = rn.get_plot_name(jet_radius, region, lambda_var, pt_bin)
                    yoda_name = "/%s/%s" % (path, yoda_name)
                    if yoda_name not in yoda_dict:
                        if ignore_missing:
                            print("Warning, missing", yoda_name, "filling with 0s")
                            result_dict = {
                                'jet_algo': algo_name,
                                'region': region.name,
                                'isgroomed': region.is_groomed,
                                'pt_bin': ibin,
                                'angle': lambda_var.hist_name,

                                'mean_%s' % key_label: 0,
                                'mean_err_%s' % key_label: 0,

                                'rms_%s' % key_label: 0,
                                'rms_err_%s' % key_label: 0,

                                'delta_%s' % key_label: 0,
                                'delta_err_%s' % key_label: 0,
                            raise KeyError("Missing hist %s" % yoda_name)

                    hist = yoda_dict[yoda_name]
                    areas, widths, centers, errors = metrics.yoda_hist_to_values(hist)
                    normalize_areas(areas, errors)
                    areas, centers = metrics.hist_values_to_uarray(areas, centers, errors)
                    mean_u = metrics.calc_mean_ucert(areas, centers)
                    mean, mean_err = mean_u.nominal_value, mean_u.std_dev
                    rms_u = metrics.calc_rms_ucert(areas, centers)
                    rms, rms_err = rms_u.nominal_value, rms_u.std_dev

                    if "d11-x02-y13" in yoda_name:
                        print("d11-x02-y13:", mean, mean_err)

                    if not (0 < mean < 150):
                        print("WARNING bad mean:", mean, yoda_name)

                    delta, delta_err = 0, 0
                    if unfolding_dict:
                        unfolded_hist_bin_total_errors = unfolding_dict['unfolding_total_err_hists'][ibin]
                        ematrix = scale_ematrix_by_bin_widths(unfolding_dict['unfolding_total_ematrices'][ibin].values,
                        areas_a, widths_a, centers_a, errors_a = metrics.uproot_th1_to_arrays(unfolded_hist_bin_total_errors)
                        areas_b, widths_b, centers_b, errors_b = metrics.yoda_hist_to_values(hist)
                        if areas_a.shape != areas_b.shape:
                            if ibin == 0:
                                warnings.warn(cu.pcolors.WARNING + "%s %s %s: cannot calculate delta, areas.shape mismatch" % (algo_name, region.name, lambda_var.hist_name) + cu.pcolors.ENDC)
                            # print(centers_a)
                            # print(widths_a)
                            # print(centers_b)
                            # print(widths_b)
                            delta = metrics.calc_delta_jax(areas_a, areas_b)
                            delta_err = metrics.calc_delta_correlated_error_jax(areas_a, ematrix, areas_b, errors_b)

                    result_dict = {
                        'jet_algo': algo_name,
                        'region': region.name,
                        'isgroomed': region.is_groomed,
                        'pt_bin': ibin,
                        'angle': lambda_var.hist_name,

                        'mean_%s' % key_label: mean,
                        'mean_err_%s' % key_label: mean_err,

                        'rms_%s' % key_label: rms,
                        'rms_err_%s' % key_label: rms_err,

                        'delta_%s' % key_label: float(delta),
                        'delta_err_%s' % key_label: float(delta_err),
    return results_dicts
Ejemplo n.º 26
# import ROOT
# import plotting as plot
from array import array
import math
import sys
import numpy as np
import json
# import argparse
import yoda

# hname = '/HiggsTemplateCrossSectionsStage1/HTXS_stage1_pTjet30'
hname = sys.argv[2]

aos = yoda.read("Rivet.yoda", asdict=False)
# print aos

hists = [h for h in aos if h.path.startswith(hname)]
hists = hists[1:]  # skip the first one
print hists

for h in hists:
    print h.path, h.sumW(), math.sqrt(h.sumW2())

# help(hists[0])

nbins = hists[0].numBins
vals = np.array([h.areas() for h in hists])
print vals

with open(sys.argv[1]) as jsonfile:
    pars = json.load(jsonfile)
Ejemplo n.º 27
import yoda, rivet, os
from math import sqrt

inFile  = 'OUTPUT.yoda'

hists = yoda.read( inFile )
tags = sorted(hists.keys())

# probably more fancy than it needs to be ...
def getRivetRefData(anas=None):
    "Find all Rivet reference data files"
    refhistos = {}
        if var in os.environ:
            abspaths = map(os.path.abspath, os.environ[var].split(":"))
            os.environ[var] = ":".join(abspaths)
    rivet_data_dirs = rivet.getAnalysisRefPaths()
    dirlist = [ ]
    for d in rivet_data_dirs:
        import glob
        if anas is None:
          dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*.yoda')))
          for a in anas:
            dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, a+'*.yoda')))
    for filelist in dirlist:
        for infile in filelist:
            analysisobjects = yoda.read(infile)
            for path, ao in analysisobjects.iteritems():
                if not any(x in path for x in ['d01', 'd02', 'd03', 'd04']):  continue
Ejemplo n.º 28
def readFile(path):

    inList = yoda.read(path, asdict=False)
    return inList
Ejemplo n.º 29
#! /usr/bin/env python

# Load a profile histo
import yoda
aos = yoda.read("./yoda/ZHvvbb.yoda")

do_h1 = 0
do_h2 = 0
do_p1 = 1

if do_h1:
    h = aos["/RivetHbbBJets/h1_PTnm_0"]
    assert type(h) is yoda.Histo1D
    bins = h.bins
    print bins

if do_h2:
    h = aos["/RivetHbbBJets/h2_PTmt_PTnm_0"]
    assert type(h) is yoda.Histo2D
    bins = h.bins
    print bins

if do_p1:
    h = aos["/RivetHbbBJets/p1_PTmt_PTnm_0"]
    assert type(h) is yoda.Profile1D
    bins = h.bins
    print bins

#aos = yoda.read("./yoda/ZHvvbb2.yoda")
#p = aos["/RivetHbbBJets/p1_PTm_PTnm"]
#assert type(p) is yoda.Profile1D
Ejemplo n.º 30
import yoda


aos = [ ao for ao in yoda.read("emubB_homemade.yoda", asdict=False) ]
aosHalf = [ao for ao in yoda.read("emubB_homemade0.5.yoda", asdict=False)]
aosDouble = [ao for ao in yoda.read("emubB_homemade2.0.yoda", asdict=False)]

result = [ ao.mkScatter() for ao in yoda.read("emubB_homemade.yoda", asdict=False)]

for i in range(0, len(aos)-3):
	for p in range(0, aos[i].numBins):

		errP = max(Half, Double) - aos[i].bins[p].sumW
		errM = aos[i].bins[p].sumW - min(Half, Double)
		result[i].points[p].y = aos[i].bins[p].sumW
		result[i].points[p].yErrs = [max(errM, 0), max(errP, 0)]

yoda.write(result, "emubB_homemade_scales.yoda")
Ejemplo n.º 31
        bv = x.mean
        bv = 0.0
      tp1.Fill(x.xMid, bv, x.effNumEntries)
    return tp1

if __name__ =='__main__':
  import os, sys, ROOT
  in_dir = sys.argv[1]
  in_file = [x for x in os.listdir(in_dir) if x.endswith(".yoda")]
  print in_file
  for f in in_file:
    tmp = yoda.read(f)
    key_l = tmp.keys()
    hist_l = []
    for x in key_l:
      tmp_h = tmp.get(x)
      if tmp_h.type == "Histo1D":
        tmp_h1 = Histo1D(tmp_h)
      if tmp_h.type == "Histo2D":
        tmp_h2 = Histo2D(tmp_h)
      if tmp_h.type == "Profile1D":
        tmp_p1 = Profile1D(tmp_h)

    out_f = ROOT.TFile(f.replace(".yoda", ".root").split("/")[-1], "RECREATE")
Ejemplo n.º 32
    with open(args.translate_tex) as jsonfile:
        translate_tex = json.load(jsonfile)

translate_txt = {}
if args.translate_txt is not None:
    with open(args.translate_txt) as jsonfile:
        translate_txt = json.load(jsonfile)

bin_labels = {}
if args.bin_labels is not None:
    with open(args.bin_labels) as jsonfile:
        bin_labels = json.load(jsonfile)

hname = args.hist

aos = yoda.read(args.input, asdict=True)

n_pars = len(pars)
n_hists = 1 + n_pars * 2 + (n_pars * n_pars - n_pars) / 2

hists = []
for i in xrange(n_hists):
    if args.nlo:
        hists.append(aos['%s[rw%.4i_nlo]' % (hname, i)])
        hists.append(aos['%s[rw%.4i]' % (hname, i)])

# print hists
is2D = isinstance(hists[0], yoda.Histo2D)

if args.rebin is not None and not is2D:
Ejemplo n.º 33
# Usage:
#  compute-efficiencies-pp.py <zjet-file>.yoda <dijet-file.yoda> <output.yoda>
# produce the efficiency measure from the two yoda files
# The output is under the format of another yoda file. At the moment,
# only the average weights are meaningfull.

import sys,math,re,os,yoda

if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    sys.exit("Usage: compute-efficiencies-pp-new.py Zjet.yoda dijet.yoda output.yoda")

# open the files
all_zj = yoda.read(sys.argv[1]) 
all_jj = yoda.read(sys.argv[2])

# print what the output looks like
print '{0:21s} {1:8s} {2:8s} {3:8s} {4:8s} {5:8s} {6:8s} {7:8s}'.format("#observable","jj^rej_20","jj^rej_50","zj^rej_20","zj^rej_50","s^rej","I1/2","I1/2''")

# a couple of helpers

# read from a file until the line matched a pattern 
def read_until_matching(fin, pattern):
    while not pattern.match(line):
        if not line: sys.exit()
    return line

  return output_object

parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__)
parser.add_option('-o', '--output', default='-', dest='OUTPUT_FILE')
parser.add_option('-N', '--normalize-all', action="store_true", default=False, dest='NORMALIZE_ALL')
opts, fileargs = parser.parse_args()

## Put the incoming objects into a dict from each path to a list of histos and scalings
analysisobjects_in = {}
for fa in fileargs:
    filename, scale = fa, 1.0 
    if ":" in fa: 
            filename, scale = fa.rsplit(":", 1)
            scale = float(scale)
            sys.stderr.write("Error processing arg '%s' with file:scale format\n" % fa) 
    aos = yoda.read(filename)
    for aopath, ao in aos.iteritems():
        ao.setAnnotation("yodamerge_scale", scale)
        analysisobjects_in.setdefault(aopath, []).append(ao)

analysisobjects_out = {}
for path, aos in analysisobjects_in.iteritems():
  if(path in EFFICIENCIES): analysisobjects_out[path] = MergeEfficiency(path, aos)
  else: analysisobjects_out[path] = MergeDistribution(path, aos)

yoda.writeYODA(analysisobjects_out, opts.OUTPUT_FILE)
Ejemplo n.º 35
import yoda, rivet, os
from math import sqrt

inFile = 'OUTPUT.yoda'

hists = yoda.read(inFile)
tags = sorted(hists.keys())

# probably more fancy than it needs to be ...
def getRivetRefData(anas=None):
    "Find all Rivet reference data files"
    refhistos = {}
                "RIVET_INFO_PATH", "RIVET_PLOT_PATH"):
        if var in os.environ:
            abspaths = map(os.path.abspath, os.environ[var].split(":"))
            os.environ[var] = ":".join(abspaths)
    rivet_data_dirs = rivet.getAnalysisRefPaths()
    dirlist = []
    for d in rivet_data_dirs:
        import glob
        if anas is None:
            dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*.yoda')))
            for a in anas:
                dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, a + '*.yoda')))
    for filelist in dirlist:
        for infile in filelist:
            analysisobjects = yoda.read(infile)
            for path, ao in analysisobjects.iteritems():
Ejemplo n.º 36
#   produce-Rdependence-avg.py  generator level output_file

import sys,re,yoda,os,math

if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    sys.exit("Usage: produce-Rdependence-avg.py generator level output_file")

# open the files
gen = sys.argv[1]
level = sys.argv[2]

observables=["GA_10_05", "GA_10_10", "GA_10_20"]
flavours=["uu", "gg"]
Rvalues=[2,4, 6, 8,10]

for flavour in flavours:
    for observable in observables:
        separation_scatter = yoda.Scatter2D(title=observable, path="/Rdependence/"+flavour+"_"+observable)
        dict_all=yoda.read(gen+"/"+level+"/"+flavour+"-200.yoda", True)
        for Rval in Rvalues:
            separation_scatter.addPoint(0.1*Rval, dict_all[hnamebase+str(Rval)].xMean(), xerrs=0.1)
            # add that for stddev as errorbars: , yerrs=dict_all[hnamebase+str(Rval)].xStdDev())

Ejemplo n.º 37
import yoda
import math

aos = [ ao for ao in yoda.read("WWbBPOWHEG.yoda", asdict=False) ]
result = [ ao.mkScatter() for ao in yoda.read("WWbBPOWHEG.yoda", asdict=False)]

for i in range(0, len(aos)-3):
	for p in range(0, aos[i].numBins):
		result[i].points[p].y = aos[i].bins[p].sumW
		result[i].points[p].yErrs = [math.sqrt(aos[i].bins[p].sumW2), math.sqrt(aos[i].bins[p].sumW2)]

yoda.write(result, "WWbBPOWHEGScatter.yoda")
Ejemplo n.º 38
def toList(h):
    return map(yoda.HistoBin1D.area, h.bins())

def readHists(d, names):
    return concat([toList(d[name]) for name in names])

def readHistsWithVars(d, names, varnames):
    return \
      ( readHists(d, names)
      , { varname : readHists(d, [name + "[%s]" % varname for name in names]) for varname in varnames }

aos = yoda.read(infile)

histvariations = readHistsWithVars(aos, histnames, varnames)

def setMin(c):
    def f(h):
        return lmap(lambda x: max(c, x), h)

    return f

def setKey(k, v, d):
    d[k] = v
    return d
Ejemplo n.º 39
import yoda
import math

fi=yoda.read("Rivet.yoda", asdict=False)

aos = []
for h in fi:
    if h.annotation("Type") == "Histo1D":

	for a in h.annotations:
	  s.setAnnotation(a, h.annotation(a))
	s.setAnnotation("Type", "Scatter2D")

	for b in h.bins:
	  x = b.xMid
	  ex = x - b.xMin
	  y = b.height
	  ey = b.heightErr

    else: aos.append(h)

print aos
yoda.write(aos, "Rivet_scatter.yoda")
Ejemplo n.º 40

import sys,re,yoda,os,math

if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    sys.exit("Usage: produce-Qdependence-avg.py generator level output_file")

# open the files
gen = sys.argv[1]
level = sys.argv[2]

observables=["GA_10_05_R6", "GA_10_10_R6", "GA_10_20_R6"]
flavours=["uu", "gg"]

for flavour in flavours:
    for observable in observables:
        separation_scatter = yoda.Scatter2D(title=observable, path="/Qdependence/"+flavour+"_"+observable)
        for Q in [50,100,200,400,800]:
            dict_all=yoda.read(gen+"/"+level+"/"+flavour+"-"+str(Q)+".yoda", True)
            separation_scatter.addPoint(Q, dict_all[hname].xMean(), xerrs=[Q-Qmin,Qmax-Q])
            # add that for stddev as errorbars: , yerrs=dict_all[hname].xStdDev())


binning = {
    "Mass3l": [4],
    "dEtajj": [2],
    "mjj": [5],
    "zep3l": [2],
    "zepj3": [2],
    "dRjj": [2],

for filename in filenames:
    fullname = "/".join([data_path, filename])
    hists = yoda.read(fullname)
    for name, hist in hists.iteritems():
        name = name.split("/")[-1]
        if not type(hist) is yoda.Histo1D:
        key = name.split("_")[-1]
        if key not in binning.keys():
    yoda.write(hists, fullname.replace(".yoda", "_REBIN.yoda"))