Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_fresh_updates(package_name="", version=""):
    userpath = expanduser("~")
    now = datetime.now()

    # Do we have a cache ?
    if isfile(userpath + "/.qyolk"):
        f = open(userpath + "/.qyolk", "r")
        cache = cPickle.load(f)
        check_time = now - timedelta(hours=24)
        if cache[0] > check_time:
            # fresh cache, use it
            return cache[1]

    # No cache, get updates and create the cache
    ret = []
    pypi = CheeseShop()
    dists = Distributions()
    for pkg in get_pkglist():
        for (dist, active) in dists.get_distributions(
                "all", pkg, dists.get_highest_installed(pkg)):
             versions) = pypi.query_versions_pypi(dist.project_name)
            if versions:
                newest = get_highest_version(versions)
                if newest != dist.version:
                    if pkg_resources.parse_version(
                            dist.version) < pkg_resources.parse_version(
                        ret.append([project_name, dist.version, newest])

    f = open(userpath + "/.qyolk", "w")
    cPickle.dump([now, ret], f)

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_latest_vulndb(self):
        dists = Distributions()
        pkg = 'vulndb'
        found = None
        pypi = CheeseShop(False)
        all_dists = dists.get_distributions('all', pkg,

        for dist, active in all_dists:
            project_name, versions = pypi.query_versions_pypi(

            if versions:
                # PyPI returns them in chronological order,
                # but who knows if its guaranteed in the API?
                # Make sure we grab the highest version:
                newest = get_highest_version(versions)
                if newest != dist.version:

                    # We may have newer than what PyPI knows about

                    if pkg_resources.parse_version(dist.version) < \
                        found = True

        if found:
            self.assertTrue(False, MESSAGE)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_fresh_updates(package_name="", version=""):
    userpath = expanduser("~")
    now = datetime.now()

    # Do we have a cache ?
    if isfile(userpath + "/.qyolk"):
        f = open(userpath + "/.qyolk", "r")
        cache = cPickle.load(f)
        check_time = now - timedelta(hours=24)
        if cache[0] > check_time:
            # fresh cache, use it
            return cache[1]

    # No cache, get updates and create the cache
    ret = []
    pypi = CheeseShop()
    dists = Distributions()
    for pkg in get_pkglist():
        for (dist, active) in dists.get_distributions("all", pkg, dists.get_highest_installed(pkg)):
            (project_name, versions) = pypi.query_versions_pypi(dist.project_name)
            if versions:
                newest = get_highest_version(versions)
                if newest != dist.version:
                    if pkg_resources.parse_version(dist.version) < pkg_resources.parse_version(newest):
                        ret.append([project_name, dist.version, newest])

    f = open(userpath + "/.qyolk", "w")
    cPickle.dump([now, ret], f)

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_latest_vulndb(self):
        dists = Distributions()
        pkg = 'vulndb'
        found = None
        pypi = CheeseShop(False)
        all_dists = dists.get_distributions('all', pkg,

        for dist, active in all_dists:
            project_name, versions = pypi.query_versions_pypi(dist.project_name)

            if versions:
                # PyPI returns them in chronological order,
                # but who knows if its guaranteed in the API?
                # Make sure we grab the highest version:
                newest = get_highest_version(versions)
                if newest != dist.version:

                    #We may have newer than what PyPI knows about

                    if pkg_resources.parse_version(dist.version) < \
                        found = True

        if found:
            self.assertTrue(False, MESSAGE)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def show_updates(self):
        Check installed packages for available updates on PyPI

        @param project_name: optional package name to check; checks every
                             installed pacakge if none specified
        @type project_name: string

        @returns: None
        dists = Distributions()
        if self.project_name:
            #Check for a single package
            pkg_list = [self.project_name]
            #Check for every installed package
            pkg_list = get_pkglist()
        found = None
        for pkg in pkg_list:
            for (dist, active) in dists.get_distributions("all", pkg,
                (project_name, versions) = \
                if versions:

                    #PyPI returns them in chronological order,
                    #but who knows if its guaranteed in the API?
                    #Make sure we grab the highest version:

                    newest = get_highest_version(versions)
                    if newest != dist.version:

                        #We may have newer than what PyPI knows about

                        if pkg_resources.parse_version(dist.version) < \
                            found = True
                            print " %s %s (%s)" % (project_name, dist.version,
        if not found and self.project_name:
            self.logger.info("You have the latest version installed.")
        elif not found:
            self.logger.info("No newer packages found at The Cheese Shop")
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def show_updates(self):
        Check installed packages for available updates on PyPI

        @param project_name: optional package name to check; checks every
                             installed pacakge if none specified
        @type project_name: string

        @returns: None
        dists = Distributions()
        if self.project_name:
            #Check for a single package
            pkg_list = [self.project_name]
            #Check for every installed package
            pkg_list = get_pkglist()
        found = None
        for pkg in pkg_list:
            for (dist, active) in dists.get_distributions(
                    "all", pkg, dists.get_highest_installed(pkg)):
                (project_name, versions) = \
                if versions:

                    #PyPI returns them in chronological order,
                    #but who knows if its guaranteed in the API?
                    #Make sure we grab the highest version:

                    newest = get_highest_version(versions)
                    if newest != dist.version:

                        #We may have newer than what PyPI knows about

                        if pkg_resources.parse_version(dist.version) < \
                            found = True
                            print " %s %s (%s)" % (project_name, dist.version,
        if not found and self.project_name:
            self.logger.info("You have the latest version installed.")
        elif not found:
            self.logger.info("No newer packages found at The Cheese Shop")
        return 0