def __call__(self, ori_img): # img to tensor assert isinstance(ori_img, np.ndarray), "input must be a numpy array!" # 转换类型 img = ori_img.astype(np.float) / 255. img = cv2.resize(img, self.size) # # 将numpy的格式转化为tensor格式 # permute(dims) 将tensor的维度换位 # unsqueeze()这个函数主要是对数据维度进行扩充。 ??? img = torch.from_numpy(img).float().permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0) # forward with torch.no_grad(): img = out_boxes = boxes = get_all_boxes(out_boxes, self.conf_thresh,, use_cuda=self.use_cuda)[0] boxes = nms(boxes, self.nms_thresh) # print(boxes) # plot boxes if self.is_plot: return self.plot_bbox(ori_img, boxes) if len(boxes) == 0: return None, None, None height, width = ori_img.shape[:2] boxes = np.vstack(boxes) bbox = np.empty_like(boxes[:, :4]) if self.is_xywh: # bbox x y w h bbox[:, 0] = boxes[:, 0] * width bbox[:, 1] = boxes[:, 1] * height bbox[:, 2] = boxes[:, 2] * width bbox[:, 3] = boxes[:, 3] * height else: # bbox xmin ymin xmax ymax bbox[:, 0] = (boxes[:, 0] - boxes[:, 2] / 2.0) * width bbox[:, 1] = (boxes[:, 1] - boxes[:, 3] / 2.0) * height bbox[:, 2] = (boxes[:, 0] + boxes[:, 2] / 2.0) * width bbox[:, 3] = (boxes[:, 1] + boxes[:, 3] / 2.0) * height cls_conf = boxes[:, 5] cls_ids = boxes[:, 6] # print(cls_ids) return bbox, cls_conf, cls_ids
def __call__(self, ori_img): # img to tensor assert isinstance(ori_img, np.ndarray), "input must be a numpy array!" img = ori_img.astype(np.float) / 255. img = cv2.resize(img, self.size) img = torch.from_numpy(img).float().permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0) # forward with torch.no_grad(): img = out_boxes = boxes = get_all_boxes(out_boxes, self.conf_thresh,, self.use_cuda)[0] boxes = nms(boxes, self.nms_thresh) print(type(boxes)) re_boxes = boxes # print(boxes) # plot boxes if self.is_plot: return self.plot_bbox(ori_img, boxes) if len(boxes) == 0: return None, None, None height, width = ori_img.shape[:2] boxes = np.vstack(boxes) bbox = np.empty_like(boxes[:, :4]) if self.is_xywh: # bbox x y w h bbox[:, 0] = boxes[:, 0] * width bbox[:, 1] = boxes[:, 1] * height bbox[:, 2] = boxes[:, 2] * width bbox[:, 3] = boxes[:, 3] * height else: # bbox xmin ymin xmax ymax bbox[:, 0] = (boxes[:, 0] - boxes[:, 2] / 2.0) * width bbox[:, 1] = (boxes[:, 1] - boxes[:, 3] / 2.0) * height bbox[:, 2] = (boxes[:, 0] + boxes[:, 2] / 2.0) * width bbox[:, 3] = (boxes[:, 1] + boxes[:, 3] / 2.0) * height cls_conf = boxes[:, 5] cls_ids = boxes[:, 6] # print(bbox[:,0], bbox[:,1], bbox[:,2], bbox[:,3]) # return bbox, cls_conf, cls_ids return re_boxes, cls_conf, cls_ids
def yolo_crop(from_mat): height, width = from_mat.shape[:2] original_image = from_mat # original_image = cv2.cvtColor(original_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) original_image_size = original_image.shape[:2] image_data = utils.image_preporcess(np.copy(original_image), [input_size, input_size]) image_data = image_data[np.newaxis, ...] pred_sbbox, pred_mbbox, pred_lbbox = [return_tensors[1], return_tensors[2], return_tensors[3]], feed_dict={return_tensors[0]: image_data}) # print(pred_sbbox.shape, pred_mbbox.shape, pred_lbbox.shape) pred_bbox = np.concatenate([np.reshape(pred_sbbox, (-1, 5 + num_classes)), np.reshape(pred_mbbox, (-1, 5 + num_classes)), np.reshape(pred_lbbox, (-1, 5 + num_classes))], axis=0) # bboxes: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, score, class) bboxes = utils.postprocess_boxes(pred_bbox, original_image_size, input_size, 0.3) bboxes = utils.nms(bboxes, 0.45, method='nms') # image = utils.draw_bbox(original_image, bboxes) # img_arr = image # image = Image.fromarray(image) for (x, y, xm, ym, score, cls) in bboxes: low_res = False out_bounds = False relaxed_fit = False # BB new crop 4 if False: w = xm - x h = ym - y x_mid = (x + xm) * 0.5 y_mid = (ym - (xm - x) * 0.5) s = w crop_x = int(x_mid - s * 1.2) crop_x2 = crop_x + int(s * 2.4) crop_y2 = int(y_mid + s * 1.1) crop_y = crop_y2 - int(s * 2.4) if crop_x < 0: crop_x = 0 out_bounds = True if crop_y < 0: crop_y = 0 out_bounds = True if crop_x2 > width: crop_x2 = width out_bounds = True if crop_y2 > height: crop_y2 = height out_bounds = True # cropped = from_mat[crop_y:crop_y2, crop_x:crop_x2] elif True: # halfway between bbn4 and no expanding w = xm - x h = ym - y x_mid = (x + xm) * 0.5 y_mid = (ym - (xm - x) * 0.5) s = w crop_x = int(x_mid - s * 0.9) crop_x2 = crop_x + int(s * 1.8) crop_y2 = int(y_mid + s * 0.825) crop_y = crop_y2 - int(s * 1.8) if crop_x < 0: crop_x = 0 out_bounds = True if crop_y < 0: crop_y = 0 out_bounds = True if crop_x2 > width: crop_x2 = width out_bounds = True if crop_y2 > height: crop_y2 = height out_bounds = True else: print("ERRROR ERROR NO CROP SELECTED") exit() # need to return to match fa.face_detector.detect_from_image # [[min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, prob]...] # basic crop # yield [x, y, xm, ym, score] # crop above yield [crop_x, crop_y, crop_x2, crop_y2, score]