def getComments(self, id):
     response, content = self._req('GET', '/issue/' + id + '/comment')
     xml = minidom.parseString(content)
     return [
         youtrack.Comment(e, self) for e in xml.documentElement.childNodes
         if e.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
def to_youtrack_comment(project_ID, trac_comment):
    This method converts trac comment to youtrack comment

        trac_comment: Trac comment to convert

        YT comment, which has same author as initial comment. If initial comment
        author was anonymous, comment is added from behalf of guest user. YT comment
        gets same creation date as trac comment.
    comment = youtrack.Comment()
    if == "anonymous": = "guest"
    else: =

    comment.text = trac_comment.content

    # translate Trac wiki ticket link format to YouTrack id format
    comment.text = re.sub(r'\#(\d+)', project_ID+'-'+r'\1', comment.text)

    # translate trac preformatted blocks, {{{ and }}}
    # opening tag done as two lines for python 2.7 that doesn't really support optional capture group
    comment.text = re.sub(r'{{{\s*#!(\w+)', r'```\1', comment.text)
    comment.text = re.sub(r'{{{', r'```', comment.text)
    comment.text = re.sub(r'}}}', r'```', comment.text)

    comment.created = str(trac_comment.time)
    return comment
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _add_journals(self, issue, journals):
     if not journals:
     for rec in journals:
         if rec.notes is not None and rec.notes != '':
             comment = youtrack.Comment()
             comment.text = rec.notes
    = self._create_user(rec.user).login
             comment.created = str(to_unixtime(rec.created_on))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _add_journals(self, issue, journals):
     if not journals:
     for rec in journals:
         if hasattr(rec, 'notes') and rec.notes is not None and rec.notes != '':
             comment = youtrack.Comment()
             if self._params.get('use_markdown'):
                 comment.markdown = "true"
             comment.text = rec.notes
    = self._create_user(rec.user).login
             comment.created = str(to_unixtime(rec.created_on))
 def build_comment(self, comment):
     yt_comment = youtrack.Comment()
     yt_comment.text = comment['body']
     comment_author_name = "guest"
     if 'author' in comment:
         comment_author = comment['author']
         create_user(, comment_author)
         comment_author_name = comment_author['name'] = comment_author_name.replace(' ', '_')
     yt_comment.created = to_unix_date(comment['created'])
     yt_comment.updated = to_unix_date(comment['updated'])
     return yt_comment
def to_youtrack_comment(trac_comment):
    This method converts trac comment to youtrack comment

        trac_comment: Trac comment to convert

        YT comment, which has same author as initial comment. If initial comment
        author was anonymous, comment is added from behalf of guest user. YT comment
        gets same creation date as trac comment.
    comment = youtrack.Comment()
    if == "anonymous": = "guest"
    else: =
    comment.text = trac_comment.content
    comment.created = str(trac_comment.time)
    return comment
def migrate_tasks_to_issues(a_conn, yt_conn, a_work, yt_proj, yt_login):
    """ Asana Tasks can be in multiple Projects, yet YouTrack Issues can be in only one Subsystem.  Thus, we will
     use the 1st Project in the Asana list to use as the YouTrack Subsystem """

    # We must filter tasks by project, tag, or assignee + workspace, so we'll use the last option and migrate tasks
    # one user at a time
    numberInProject = 0
    for a_id, a_user in _a_users.iteritems():
        a_tasks = [
            i for i in a_conn.tasks.find_all(params={
                'workspace': a_work['id'],
                'assignee': a_id
        if len(a_tasks) == 0:
        msg = "Fetching details for {} Asana Tasks assigned to {} in Workspace {}"
        print msg.format(len(a_tasks), a_user['email'], a_work['name'])
        a_tasks = get_task_details(a_conn, a_tasks)
        # print "Asana task details: {}".format(a_tasks)

        # Add to map
        merge_into_map(a_tasks, 'name', _task_map)
        global _a_tasks
        for i in a_tasks:
            _a_tasks[i['id']] = i.copy()

        print "Fetching existing YouTrack tasks"
        # Checking existing issues in YouTrack
        yt_filter = "Assignee: {}".format(
        yt_issues = [
            i for i in yt_conn.getIssues(, yt_filter, 0, 1000)
        # yt_issues = [yt_conn.getIssue( for i in yt_conn.getIssues(, yt_filter, 0, 1000)]
        merge_into_map(yt_issues, 'summary', _task_map)
        merge_into_map(yt_issues, 'AsanaID', _asana_id_map)
        global _yt_issues
        for i in yt_issues:
            _yt_issues[i.numberInProject] = i
            numberInProject = max(numberInProject, int(i.numberInProject))
        numberInProject += 1

        # print "Task details: {}".format(yt_issues)
        # Now add Issues from all Tasks
        new_issues = []
        print 'Fetching Asana stories for each task...'
        for a in a_tasks:
            # Skip adding tasks where task name matches issue summary
            if 'yt' in _task_map[a['name']] or str(a['id']) in _asana_id_map:
                print "Skipping task import : {}".format(

            # Look at Asana Story to find out who the YouTrack Issue reporterName should be
            a_stories = get_task_stories(a_conn, a)
            a_stories = get_story_details(a_conn, a_stories)

            # Save for later
            _a_tasks[a['id']]['stories'] = a_stories
            # Establish our comments and who created this Task
            comments = []
            reporter_name = None
            for s in a_stories:
                if s['type'] == 'comment':
                    comment = yt.Comment()
           = a_id_to_yt_login(s['created_by']['id'])
                    # _user_map[_a_users[s['created_by']['id']]['email']]['yt'].login
                    comment.text = s['text']
                    comment.created = a_to_yt_time(s['created_at'])
                elif s['type'] == 'system' and reporter_name is None and s[
                        'text'][:9] in ['assigned ', 'added to ', 'added sub']:
                    # TODO if subtask, link to other YT Issue
                    reporter_name = a_id_to_yt_login(s['created_by']['id'])

            # Build a list for bulk importing later
            """[{'numberInProject':'1', 'summary':'some problem', 'description':'some description', 'priority':'1',
                                    'fixedVersion':['1.0', '2.0'],
                                    'comment':[{'author':'yamaxim', 'text':'comment text', 'created':'1267030230127'}]},
                                   {'numberInProject':'2', 'summary':'some problem', 'description':'some description', 'priority':'1'}]"""

            if reporter_name is None:
                if a.get('asignee', None) is not None:
                    reporter_name = a_id_to_yt_login(a['assignee']['id'])
                    reporter_name = yt_login

            new_issue = yt.Issue()
            new_issue.comments = comments
            new_issue.reporterName = reporter_name
            new_issue['AsanaID'] = str(a['id'])
            new_issue.numberInProject = str(numberInProject)
            new_issue.summary = a.get('name', '')
            new_issue.description = a.get('notes', '')
            new_issue.state = 'Fixed' if a.get('completed',
                                               False) is True else 'Submitted'
            new_issue.assignee = a_id_to_yt_login(a['assignee']['id'])
            if a['due_on'] is not None:
                new_issue['Due Date'] = a_to_yt_date(a['due_on'])
            # new_issue = dict(numberInProject=str(a['id']), summary=a.get('name', ''), description=a.get('notes', ''),
            #                  state='Fixed' if a.get('completed', False) is True else 'Submitted')
            if 'created_at' in a:
                # created = datetime.strptime(a['created_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
                # created = "{}{}".format(created.strftime('%s'), created.strftime('%f'))[:-3]
                new_issue.created = a_to_yt_time(a['created_at'])
            if 'modified_at' in a:
                # updated = datetime.strptime(a['modified_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
                # updated = "{}{}".format(updated.strftime('%s'), updated.strftime('%f'))[:-3]
                # new_issue.updated = updated
                new_issue.updated = a_to_yt_time(a['modified_at'])
            if a.get('completed_at', None) is not None:
                # resolved = datetime.strptime(a['completed_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
                # resolved = "{}{}".format(resolved.strftime('%s'), resolved.strftime('%f'))[:-3]
                # new_issue.resolved = resolved
                new_issue.resolved = a_to_yt_time(a['completed_at'])
            if 'projects' in a and len(a['projects']) > 0:
                new_issue['subsystem'] = a['projects'][0]['name']

            numberInProject += 1
        print 'Creating new YouTrack Issues for {} (Asana IDs: {})'.format(
            a_user['email'], [n.AsanaID for n in new_issues])
        print yt_conn.importIssues(, None, new_issues, test=False)