Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_mon_mult_random():


    #test with random matrices
    possible_dim = np.random.randint(1,5, (1,10))
    dim = possible_dim[0, np.random.randint(1,9)]

    shape = list()
    for i in range(dim):
    matrix1 = np.random.randint(1,11,(shape))
    M1 = MultiPower(matrix1)

    shape2 = list()
    for i in range(dim):
    matrix2 = np.ones(shape2)
    M2 = MultiPower(matrix2)

    M3 = M1*M2

    for index, i in np.ndenumerate(M2.coeff):
        if sum(index) == 0:
            M4 = MultiPower.mon_mult(M1, index)
            M4 = M4 + MultiPower.mon_mult(M1, index)

    if M3.shape != M4.shape:
        new_M3_coeff, new_M4_coeff = utils.match_size(M3.coeff,M4.coeff)
        new_M3_coeff, new_M4_coeff = M3.coeff, M4.coeff

    assert np.allclose(new_M3_coeff, new_M4_coeff)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_add():
    a1 = np.arange(27).reshape((3,3,3))
    Test2 = MultiPower(a1)
    a2 = np.ones((3,3,3))
    Test3 = MultiPower(a2)
    addTest = Test2 + Test3
    assert (addTest.coeff == (Test2.coeff + Test3.coeff)).all()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_mult():
    test1 = np.array([[0,1],[2,1]])
    test2 = np.array([[2,2],[3,0]])
    p1 = MultiPower(test1)
    p2 = MultiPower(test2)
    new_poly = p1*p2
    truth = MultiPower(np.array([[0, 2, 2],[4,9,2],[6,3,0]]))
    assert np.allclose(new_poly.coeff, truth.coeff)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_evaluate_grid1():
    #Evaluate 2 + yx^2 + 3y^2 - xy on grid (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (2,0), (2,1), (2,2)
    poly = MultiPower(np.array([[2,0,3],
    x = np.arange(3)
    xy = np.column_stack([x,x])
    sol = np.array([[2,5,14],
    assert(np.all(poly.evaluate_grid(xy) == sol))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_roots_at_inf():
    g = MultiPower(np.array([[0, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 0]]).T)  #f(x,y) = x^2 - y
    assert roots_at_inf(g) == [(0, 1)]

    f = MultiPower(np.array([[0, 1]]))  #f(x,y) = y
    g = MultiPower(np.array([[0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0]]))  #f(x,y) = x - y^2
    assert roots_at_inf(f) == [(1, 0)]
    assert roots_at_inf(g) == [(1, 0)]

    f = MultiPower(np.array([[5, 6, 2], [9, 3, 0], [1, 0, 0]]))
    assert roots_at_inf(f) == [(-2, 1), (-1, 1)]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_sorted_polys_coeff():
    A = MultiPower(np.array([[2,0,-3,0,0],
    B = MultiPower(np.array([[3,0,-5,0,0,4,2,-6,3,-6],

    assert([A,B] == ut.sorted_polys_coeff([A,B]))

    C = MultiPower(np.array([[1]]))
    assert([C,A,B] == ut.sorted_polys_coeff([A,B,C]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def getPoly(deg, power):
    A helper function for testing. Returns a random 1D polynomial of the given degree.
    power is a boolean indicating whether or not the polynomial should be MultiPower.
    coeff = np.random.random_sample(deg + 1)
    if power:
        return MultiPower(coeff)
        return MultiCheb(coeff)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_common_root_at_inf():

    f = MultiPower(np.array([[0, 1]]))  #f(x,y) = y
    g = MultiPower(np.array([[0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0]]))  #f(x,y) = x - y^2
    #assert common_root_at_inf([f,g]) == True

    f = MultiPower(np.array([[0, 1]]))  #f(x,y) = y
    g = MultiPower(np.array([[0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0]]).T)  #f(x,y) = x^2 - y
    #assert common_root_at_inf([f,g]) == False

    #from ./Easy/dpdx-dpdy_ex016.mat, which is a dupliate of ./Easy/dpdx-dpdy_ex007.mat and almost the same as ./Easy/dpdx-dpdy_ex008.mat
    f = MultiPower(
        np.array([[-0.21875, 0., 1.3125, 0., -1.09375, 0., 0.21875],
                  [0., -2.625, 0., 4.375, 0., -1.3125, 0.],
                  [1.3125, 0., -6.5625, 0., 3.28125, 0., 0.],
                  [0., 4.375, 0., -4.375, 0., 0., 0.],
                  [-1.09375, 0., 3.28125, 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., -1.3125, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0.21875, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]))
    g = MultiPower(
        np.array([[0., -0.65625, 0., 1.09375, 0., -0.328125],
                  [0.65625, 0., -3.28125, 0., 1.640625, 0.],
                  [0., 3.28125, 0., -3.28125, 0., 0.],
                  [-1.09375, 0., 3.28125, 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0., -1.640625, 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0.328125, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]))
    assert common_root_at_inf([f, g]) == True

    #from ./Easy/dpdx-dpdy_C1.mat
    f = MultiPower(
        np.array([[0., 1., -1.5, -0.5, -1.875, 0., 0.875],
                  [0., -3., 1.5, 1.5, -0.625, 0., 0.],
                  [-0.125, 2.5, 0.375, -1.5, 1.25, 0., 0.],
                  [0.125, 0.5, -0.75, 0.5, 0., 0., 0.],
                  [0.125, -1.5, 0.375, 0., 0., 0., 0.],
                  [-0.125, 0.5, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]))
    g = MultiPower(
        np.array([[0., 0.25, 9.], [0., 0., 0.], [-0.75, -1., 0.], [0, 0, 0]]))
    assert common_root_at_inf([f, g]) == False

    f = MultiPower(np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]]))
    g = MultiPower(np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 1.25]]))
    assert common_root_at_inf([f, g]) == True
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_mon_mult():
    Tests monomial multiplication using normal polynomial multiplication.


    #Simple 2D test cases
    cheb1 = MultiCheb(np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]))
    mon1 = (1, 1)
    result1 = cheb1.mon_mult(mon1)
    truth1 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.25, 0, 0.25], [0, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0.25, 0, 0.25]])

    assert np.allclose(result1.coeff, truth1)

    #test with random matrices
    cheb2 = np.random.randint(-9, 9, (4, 4))
    C1 = MultiCheb(cheb2)
    C2 = cheb2poly(C1)
    C3 = MultiCheb.mon_mult(C1, (1, 1))
    C4 = MultiPower.mon_mult(C2, (1, 1))
    C5 = poly2cheb(C4)

    assert np.allclose(C3.coeff, C5.coeff)

    # test results of chebyshev mult compared to power multiplication
    cheb3 = np.random.randn(5, 4)
    c1 = MultiCheb(cheb3)
    c2 = MultiCheb(np.ones((4, 2)))
    for index, i in np.ndenumerate(c2.coeff):
        if sum(index) == 0:
            c3 = c1.mon_mult(index)
            c3 = c3 + c1.mon_mult(index)
    p1 = cheb2poly(c1)
    p2 = cheb2poly(c2)
    p3 = p1 * p2
    p4 = cheb2poly(c3)
    assert np.allclose(p3.coeff, p4.coeff)

    # test results of chebyshev mult compared to power multiplication in 3D
    cheb4 = np.random.randn(3, 3, 3)
    a1 = MultiCheb(cheb4)
    a2 = MultiCheb(np.ones((3, 3, 3)))
    for index, i in np.ndenumerate(a2.coeff):
        if sum(index) == 0:
            a3 = a1.mon_mult(index)
            a3 = a3 + a1.mon_mult(index)
    q1 = cheb2poly(a1)
    q2 = cheb2poly(a2)
    q3 = q1 * q2
    q4 = cheb2poly(a3)
    assert np.allclose(q3.coeff, q4.coeff)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_evaluate():
    # Evaluate .5xyz + 2x + y + z at (4,2,1)
    poly = MultiPower(np.array([[[0,1,0],

    assert(poly((4,2,1)) == 15)

    assert(np.allclose(poly([[4,2,1],[1,1,2]]), [15,6]))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_evaluate2():
    # Evaluate -.5x^2y + 2xy^2 - 3z^2 + yz at (7.4,2.33,.25)
    poly = MultiPower(np.array([[[0,0,-3],

    assert(np.isclose(poly((7.4, 2.33, .25)), 16.94732))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_evaluate_grid2():
    #Evaluate zy^2 + 3z^2 + 3x + zx^2y^2 on grid {0, 1, 2}X{0, 1, 2}X{0, 1, 2}
    poly = MultiPower(np.array([[[0,0,3],
    x = np.arange(3)
    xyz = np.column_stack([x,x,x])
    sol = np.array([[[0,3,12],
    assert(np.all(poly.evaluate_grid(xyz) == sol))
def polyqeps(Q, eps):
    dim = Q.shape[0]
    polys = []
    for i in range(dim):
        coeff = np.zeros([3] * dim)
        spot = [0] * dim
        for j in range(dim):
            spot[j] = 1
            coeff[tuple(spot)] = Q[i, j] * eps
            spot[j] = 0
        spot[i] = 2
        coeff[tuple(spot)] = 1
    return polys
def spolyqeps(Q, eps):
    dim = Q.shape[0]
    polys = []
    const = (np.eye(dim) - eps * Q).sum(axis=1)
    for i in range(dim):
        coeff = np.zeros([3] * dim)
        spot = [0] * dim
        coeff[tuple(spot)] = const[i]
        for j in range(dim):
            spot[j] = 1
            coeff[tuple(spot)] = Q[i, j] * eps
            if i == j:
                coeff[tuple(spot)] -= 2
            spot[j] = 0
        spot[i] = 2
        coeff[tuple(spot)] = 1
    return polys
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_poly2cheb():

    P = MultiPower(np.array([[1, -1, -2], [0, 0, 0], [-2, 2, 4]]))
    c_new = poly2cheb(P)
    truth = np.array(np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1]]))
    assert np.allclose(truth, c_new.coeff)

    p3 = MultiPower(
        np.array([[5, -19, -4, 20], [7, -3, 2, 8], [-12, -2, 24, 16]]))
    p4 = poly2cheb(p3)
    truth2 = np.array([[3, 1, 4, 7], [8, 3, 1, 2], [0, 5, 6, 2]])
    assert np.allclose(truth2, p4.coeff)

    p5 = MultiPower(
        np.array([[0, -9, 12, 12, -16], [2, -6, 0, 8, 0],
                  [12, -4, -108, 8, 128]]))
    p6 = poly2cheb(p5)
    truth3 = np.array([[3, 1, 3, 4, 6], [2, 0, 0, 2, 0], [3, 1, 5, 1, 8]])
    assert np.allclose(truth3, p6.coeff)

    #test4 Random 1-D
    matrix2 = np.random.randint(1, 100, np.random.randint(1, 10))
    p7 = MultiPower(matrix2)
    p8 = poly2cheb(p7)
    p9 = cheb2poly(p8)
    assert np.allclose(p7.coeff, p9.coeff)

    #test5 Random 2D
    shape = list()
    for i in range(2):
        shape.append(np.random.randint(2, 10))
    matrix1 = np.random.randint(1, 50, (shape))
    p10 = MultiPower(matrix1)
    p11 = poly2cheb(p10)
    p12 = cheb2poly(p11)
    assert np.allclose(p10.coeff, p12.coeff)

    #test6 Random 4D
    shape = list()
    for i in range(4):
        shape.append(np.random.randint(2, 10))
    matrix1 = np.random.randint(1, 50, (shape))
    p13 = MultiPower(matrix1)
    p14 = poly2cheb(p13)
    p15 = cheb2poly(p14)
    assert np.allclose(p13.coeff, p15.coeff)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _random_poly(_type, dim):
    Generates a random linear polynomial that has the form
    c_1x_1 + c_2x_2 + ... + c_nx_n where n = dim and each c_i is a randomly
    chosen integer between 0 and 1000.

    _type : string
        Type of Polynomial to generate. "MultiCheb" or "MultiPower".
    dim : int
        Degree of polynomial to generate (?).

        Randomly generated Polynomial.
    _vars = get_var_list(dim)

    random_poly_shape = [2 for i in range(dim)]

    # random_poly_coeff = np.zeros(tuple(random_poly_shape), dtype=int)
    # for var in _vars:
    #     random_poly_coeff[var] = np.random.randint(1000)

    random_poly_coeff = np.zeros(tuple(random_poly_shape), dtype=float)

    coeffs = np.random.rand(dim)
    coeffs /= np.linalg.norm(coeffs)
    for i, var in enumerate(_vars):
        random_poly_coeff[var] = coeffs[i]

    if _type == 'MultiCheb':
        return MultiCheb(random_poly_coeff), _vars
        return MultiPower(random_poly_coeff), _vars
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_sorted_polys_monomial():
    A = MultiPower(np.array([[3,0,-5,0,0,4,2,-6,3,-6],
    x = sorted_polys_monomial([A])
    assert(A == x[0])

    B = MultiPower(np.array([[2,0,-3,0,0],
    assert(list((B,A)) == sorted_polys_monomial([B,A]))

    C = MultiPower(np.array([[0,0,-3,0,0],
    assert(list((C,B,A)) == sorted_polys_monomial([A,B,C]))

    D = MultiPower(np.array([[2,0,-3,0,0],
    assert(list((C,B,D,A)) == sorted_polys_monomial([B,D,C,A]))

    E = MultiPower(np.array([[3,0,-5,0,0,4,2,-6,3,-6],
    assert(list((C,B,D,A,E)) == sorted_polys_monomial([B,D,E,C,A]))

    F = MultiPower(np.array([[3,0,-5,0,0,0,2,-6,3,-6],
    assert(list((C,B,D,F,A,E)) == sorted_polys_monomial([F,B,D,E,C,A]))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_mon_mult():
    Tests monomial multiplication using normal polynomial multiplication.

    mon = (1,2)
    Poly = MultiPower(np.array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]]))
    mon_matr = MultiPower(np.array([[0,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]))
    P1 = mon_matr*Poly
    P2 = MultiPower.mon_mult(Poly, mon)

    mon2 = (0,1,1)
    Poly2 = MultiPower(np.arange(1,9).reshape(2,2,2))
    mon_matr2 = MultiPower(np.array([[[0,0],[0,1]],[[0,0],[0,0]]]))
    T1 = mon_matr2*Poly2
    T2 = MultiPower.mon_mult(Poly2, mon2)

    assert np.allclose(P1.coeff, P2.coeff, atol = 1.0e-10)
    assert np.allclose(T1.coeff, T2.coeff, atol = 1.0e-10)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def run_one_dimension(args, radius, eigvals):
    num_points = args.num_points
    eps = args.eps
    power = args.power
    real = args.real
    by_coeffs = args.coeffs

    root_pts = {}
    residuals = {}
    if by_coeffs:
        coeffs = (np.random.random(num_points + 1) * 2 - 1) * radius
        powerpoly = MultiPower(coeffs)
        chebpoly = MultiCheb(coeffs)
        r = np.sqrt(np.random.random(num_points)) * radius + eps
        angles = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random(num_points)
        if power and not real:
            roots = r * np.exp(angles * 1j)
            roots = 2 * r - radius
        root_pts = {'roots': roots}

        powerpoly = MultiPower(polyfromroots(roots))
        chebpoly = MultiCheb(chebfromroots(roots))
    n = 1000
    x = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, 1j * x)

    for solver in all_solvers:
        if isinstance(solver, OneDSolver):
            if (solver.basis == 'cheb' and args.cheb) and ((not eigvals)
                                                           or solver.eigvals):
                name = str(solver)
                root_pts[name] = solver(chebpoly, eigvals)
                residuals[name] = maximal_residual(chebpoly, root_pts[name])
            if (solver.basis == 'power'
                    and args.power) and ((not eigvals) or solver.eigvals):
                name = str(solver)
                root_pts[name] = solver(powerpoly, eigvals)
                residuals[name] = maximal_residual(powerpoly, root_pts[name])

    if args.hist:
        evaluations = {}
        for k, v in root_pts.items():
            if k == 'roots': continue
            poly = powerpoly if 'power' in k else chebpoly
            evaluations[k] = np.abs(poly(root_pts[k]))
        ncols = len(evaluations)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, ncols, sharey=True, figsize=(12, 4))
        minimal = -20
        maximal = 1
        for i, (k, v) in enumerate(evaluations.items()):
            ax[i].hist(np.clip(np.log10(v), minimal, maximal),
                       range=(minimal, maximal),
        plt.suptitle("Eigenvalues" if eigvals else "Eigenvectors")

    return root_pts, residuals
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_makePolyCoeffMatrix():
    A = MultiPower('1')
    B = MultiPower(np.array([1]))
    assert (A.coeff==B.coeff).all()

    A = MultiPower('2x0+x1+x0*x1')
    B = MultiPower(np.array([[0,2],[1,1]]))
    assert (A.coeff==B.coeff).all()

    A = MultiPower('-4.7x0*x1+2x1+5x0+-3')
    B = MultiPower(np.array([[-3,5],[2,-4.7]]))
    assert (A.coeff==B.coeff).all()

    A = MultiPower('x0^2+-x1^2')
    B = MultiPower(np.array([[0,0,1],[0,0,0],[-1,0,0]]))
    assert (A.coeff==B.coeff).all()

    A = MultiPower('x0+2x1+3x2+4x3')
    B = MultiPower(np.array(
    assert (A.coeff==B.coeff).all()

    A = MultiPower('1+x0')
    B = MultiPower('1+x1')
    A1 = MultiPower(np.array([1,1]))
    B1 = MultiPower(np.array([[1],[1]]))

    assert (A.coeff==A1.coeff).all() and (B.coeff==B1.coeff).all()
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_paper_example():

    #Power form of the polys
    p1 = MultiPower(np.array([[1, -4, 0], [0, 3, 0], [1, 0,
                                                      0]]))  #y^2 + 3xy - 4x +1
    p2 = MultiPower(np.array([[3, 0, -2], [6, -6, 0],
                              [0, 0, 0]]))  #-6xy -2x^2 + 6y +3

    #Cheb form of the polys
    c1 = MultiCheb(np.array([[2, 0, -1], [6, -6, 0], [0, 0,
                                                      0]]))  #p1 in Cheb form
    c2 = MultiCheb(np.array([[1.5, -4, 0], [0, 3, 0], [.5, 0,
                                                       0]]))  #p2 in Cheb form

    right_number_of_roots = 4

    #~ ~ ~ Power Form, Mx Matrix ~ ~ ~
    power_mult_roots = pr.solve([p1, p2], MSmatrix=1)
    assert len(power_mult_roots) == right_number_of_roots
    for root in power_mult_roots:
        assert np.isclose(0, p1(root), atol=1.e-8)
        assert np.isclose(0, p2(root), atol=1.e-8)

    #~ ~ ~ Cheb Form, Mx Matrix ~ ~ ~
    cheb_mult_roots = pr.solve([c1, c2], MSmatrix=1)
    assert len(cheb_mult_roots) == right_number_of_roots
    for root in cheb_mult_roots:
        assert np.isclose(0, c1(root), atol=1.e-8)
        assert np.isclose(0, c1(root), atol=1.e-8)

    #~ ~ ~ Power Form, My Matrix ~ ~ ~
    power_multR_roots = pr.solve([p1, p2], MSmatrix=2)
    assert len(power_multR_roots) == right_number_of_roots
    for root in power_multR_roots:
        assert np.isclose(0, p1(root), atol=1.e-8)
        assert np.isclose(0, p2(root), atol=1.e-8)

    #~ ~ ~ Cheb Form, My Matrix ~ ~ ~
    cheb_multR_roots = pr.solve([c1, c2], MSmatrix=2)
    assert len(cheb_multR_roots) == right_number_of_roots
    for root in cheb_multR_roots:
        assert np.isclose(0, c1(root), atol=1.e-8)
        assert np.isclose(0, c1(root), atol=1.e-8)

    #~ ~ ~ Power Form, Pseudorandom Multiplication Matrix ~ ~ ~
    power_multrand_roots = pr.solve([p1, p2], MSmatrix=0)
    assert len(power_multrand_roots) == right_number_of_roots
    for root in power_multrand_roots:
        assert np.isclose(0, p1(root), atol=1.e-8)
        assert np.isclose(0, p2(root), atol=1.e-8)

    #~ ~ ~ Cheb Form, Pseudorandom Multiplication Matrix ~ ~ ~
    cheb_multrand_roots = pr.solve([c1, c2], MSmatrix=0)
    assert len(cheb_multrand_roots) == right_number_of_roots
    for root in cheb_multrand_roots:
        assert np.isclose(0, c1(root), atol=1.e-8)
        assert np.isclose(0, c1(root), atol=1.e-8)

    #~ ~ ~ Power Form, Division Matrix ~ ~ ~
    power_div_roots = pr.solve([p1, p2], MSmatrix=-1)
    assert len(power_div_roots) == right_number_of_roots
    for root in power_div_roots:
        assert np.isclose(0, p1(root), atol=1.e-8)
        assert np.isclose(0, p2(root), atol=1.e-8)

    #~ ~ ~ Cheb Form, Division Matrix ~ ~ ~
    cheb_div_roots = pr.solve([c1, c2], MSmatrix=-1)
    assert len(cheb_div_roots) == right_number_of_roots
    for root in cheb_div_roots:
        assert np.isclose(0, c1(root), atol=1.e-8)
        assert np.isclose(0, c2(root), atol=1.e-8)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def build_macaulay(initial_poly_list, verbose=False):
    """Constructs the unreduced Macaulay matrix. Removes linear polynomials by
    substituting in for a number of variables equal to the number of linear

    initial_poly_list: list
        The polynomials in the system we are solving.
    verbose : bool
        Prints information about how the roots are computed.
    matrix : 2d ndarray
        The Macaulay matrix
    matrix_terms : 2d integer ndarray
        Array containing the ordered basis, where the ith row contains the
        exponent/degree of the ith basis monomial
    cut : int
        Where to cut the Macaulay matrix for the highest-degree monomials
    varsToRemove : list
        The variables removed with removing linear polynomials
    A : 2d ndarray
        A matrix giving the linear relations between the removed variables and
        the remaining variables
    Pc : 1d integer ndarray
        Array containing the order of the variables as the appear in the columns
        of A
    power = is_power(initial_poly_list)
    dim = initial_poly_list[0].dim
    poly_coeff_list = []
    degree = find_degree(initial_poly_list)

    linear_polys = [poly for poly in initial_poly_list if poly.degree == 1]
    nonlinear_polys = [poly for poly in initial_poly_list if poly.degree != 1]
    #Choose which variables to remove if things are linear, and add linear polys to matrix
    if len(linear_polys) >= 1:  #Linear polys involved
        #get the row rededuced linear coefficients
        A, Pc = nullspace(linear_polys)
        varsToRemove = Pc[:len(A)].copy()
        #add to macaulay matrix
        for row in A:
            #reconstruct a polynomial for each row
            coeff = np.zeros([2] * dim)
            coeff[tuple(get_var_list(dim))] = row[:-1]
            coeff[tuple([0] * dim)] = row[-1]
            if not power:
                poly = MultiCheb(coeff)
                poly = MultiPower(coeff)
            poly_coeff_list = add_polys(degree, poly, poly_coeff_list)
    else:  #no linear
        A, Pc = None, None
        varsToRemove = []

    #add nonlinear polys to poly_coeff_list
    for poly in nonlinear_polys:
        poly_coeff_list = add_polys(degree, poly, poly_coeff_list)

    #Creates the matrix
    # return (*create_matrix(poly_coeff_list, degree, dim, varsToRemove), A, Pc)
    return create_matrix(poly_coeff_list, degree, dim, varsToRemove)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def MSMultMatrix(polys,
    Finds the multiplication matrix using the reduced Macaulay matrix.

    polys : array-like
        The polynomials to find the common zeros of
    poly_type : string
        The type of the polynomials in polys
    verbose : bool
        Prints information about how the roots are computed.
    MSmatrix : int
        Controls which Moller-Stetter matrix is constructed. The options are:
            0 (default) -- The Moller-Stetter matrix of a random polynomial
            Some positive integer i < dimension -- The Moller-Stetter matrix of x_i
    max_cond_num : float
        The maximum condition number of the Macaulay Matrix Reduction
    macaulay_zero_tol : float
        What is considered 0 in the macaulay matrix reduction.
    multiplicationMatrix : 2D numpy array
        The multiplication matrix for a random polynomial f
    var_dict : dictionary
        Maps each variable to its position in the vector space basis
    basisDict : dict
        A dictionary of terms not in the vector basis a matrixes of things in the vector basis that the term
        can be reduced to.
    VB : numpy array
        The terms in the vector basis, each row being a term.

    ConditioningError if MacaulayReduction(...) raises a ConditioningError.
        basisDict, VB, varsRemoved = MacaulayReduction(
    except ConditioningError as e:
        raise e

    dim = max(f.dim for f in polys)

    # Get the polynomial to make the MS matrix of
    if MSmatrix == 0:  #random poly
        f = _random_poly(poly_type, dim)[0]
    else:  #multiply by x_i where i is determined by MSmatrix
        xi_ind = np.zeros(dim, dtype=int)
        xi_ind[MSmatrix - 1] = 1
        coef = np.zeros((2, ) * dim)
        coef[tuple(xi_ind)] = 1
        if poly_type == "MultiPower":
            f = MultiPower(np.array(coef))
        elif poly_type == "MultiCheb":
            f = MultiCheb(np.array(coef))
            raise ValueError()

    if verbose:
            "\nCoefficients of polynomial whose Moller-Stetter matrix we construt\n",

    #Dictionary of terms in the vector basis their spots in the matrix.
    VBdict = {}
    spot = 0
    for row in VB:
        VBdict[tuple(row)] = spot
        spot += 1

    # Build multiplication matrix m_f
    mMatrix = np.zeros((len(VB), len(VB)))
    for i in range(VB.shape[0]):
        f_coeff = f.mon_mult(VB[i], returnType='Matrix')
        for term in zip(*np.where(f_coeff != 0)):
            if term in VBdict:
                mMatrix[VBdict[term]][i] += f_coeff[term]
                mMatrix[:, i] -= f_coeff[term] * basisDict[term]

    # Construct var_dict
    var_dict = {}
    for i in range(len(VB)):
        mon = VB[i]
        if np.sum(mon) == 1 or np.sum(mon) == 0:
            var_dict[tuple(mon)] = i

    return mMatrix, var_dict, basisDict, VB
Ejemplo n.º 24
def run_n_dimension(args, radius, eigvals):
    num_points = args.num_points
    eps = args.eps
    power = args.power
    real = args.real
    by_coeffs = args.coeffs
    dim = args.dimension

    root_pts = {}
    residuals = {}
    powerpolys = []
    chebpolys = []
    if by_coeffs:
        for i in range(dim):
            from yroots.polynomial import getPoly
            powerpolys.append(getPoly(num_points, dim, power=True))
            chebpolys.append(getPoly(num_points, dim, power=False))
        r = np.random.random((num_points, dim)) * radius + eps
        roots = 2 * r - radius

        root_pts = {'roots': np.array(list(product(*np.rot90(roots))))}

        for i in range(dim):
            coeffs = np.zeros((num_points + 1, ) * dim)
            idx = [
            ] * dim
            idx[i] = 0
            coeffs[tuple(idx)] = polyfromroots(roots[:, i])
            lt = [0] * dim
            lt[i] = num_points
                MultiPower(coeffs))  #, lead_term=lt, clean_zeros=False))

            coeffs[tuple(idx)] = chebfromroots(roots[:, i])
                MultiCheb(coeffs))  #, lead_term=lt, clean_zeros=False))
            # plt.subplot(121);plt.imshow(coeffs);plt.subplot(122);plt.imshow(chebpolys[0].coeff);plt.show()

    for solver in all_solvers:
        if not isinstance(solver, OneDSolver) and solver.basis in [
                'power', 'both'
            # if ((not eigvals) or solver.eigvals):
            name = str(solver) + ' Power'
            root_pts[name] = solver(powerpolys)
            residuals[name] = maximal_residual(powerpolys, root_pts[name])

    for solver in all_solvers:
        if not isinstance(solver, OneDSolver) and solver.basis in [
                'cheb', 'both'
            # if ((not eigvals) or solver.eigvals):
            name = str(solver) + ' Cheb'
            root_pts[name] = solver(chebpolys)
            residuals[name] = maximal_residual(chebpolys, root_pts[name])

    if args.hist:
        evaluations = {}
        for k, v in root_pts.items():
            if k == 'roots': continue
            # evaluations[k] = []
            polys = powerpolys if 'Power' in k else chebpolys
            # for poly in polys:
            evaluations[k] = sum(np.abs(poly(root_pts[k])) for poly in polys)
        ncols = len(evaluations)
        # plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, ncols, sharey=True, figsize=(12, 4))
        minimal = -15
        maximal = 1
        for i, (k, v) in enumerate(evaluations.items()):
            ax[i].hist(np.clip(np.log10(v), minimal, maximal),
                       range=(minimal, maximal),
        plt.suptitle("Eigenvalues" if eigvals else "Eigenvectors")

    return root_pts, residuals
Ejemplo n.º 25
def MacaulayReduction(initial_poly_list,
    """Reduces the Macaulay matrix to find a vector basis for the system of polynomials.

    initial_poly_list: list
        The polynomials in the system we are solving.
    max_cond_num : float
        The maximum condition number of the Macaulay Matrix Reduction
    macaulay_zero_tol : float
        What is considered 0 in the macaulay matrix reduction.
    verbose : bool
        Prints information about how the roots are computed.
    basisDict : dict
        A dictionary of terms not in the vector basis a matrixes of things in the vector basis that the term
        can be reduced to.
    VB : numpy array
        The terms in the vector basis, each row being a term.
    varsToRemove : list
        The variables to remove from the basis because we have linear polysnomials

    ConditioningError if rrqr_reduceMacaulay(...) raises a ConditioningError.
    power = is_power(initial_poly_list)
    dim = initial_poly_list[0].dim
    poly_coeff_list = []
    degree = find_degree(initial_poly_list)

    linear_polys = [poly for poly in initial_poly_list if poly.degree == 1]
    nonlinear_polys = [poly for poly in initial_poly_list if poly.degree != 1]
    #Choose which variables to remove if things are linear, and add linear polys to matrix
    if len(linear_polys) == 1:  #one linear
        varsToRemove = [
        poly_coeff_list = add_polys(degree, linear_polys[0], poly_coeff_list)
    elif len(linear_polys) > 1:  #multiple linear
        #get the row rededuced linear coefficients
        A, Pc = nullspace(linear_polys)
        varsToRemove = Pc[:len(A)].copy()
        #add to macaulay matrix
        for row in A:
            #reconstruct a polynomial for each row
            coeff = np.zeros([2] * dim)
            coeff[get_var_list(dim)] = row[:-1]
            coeff[tuple([0] * dim)] = row[-1]
            if power:
                poly = MultiPower(coeff)
                poly = MultiCheb(coeff)
            poly_coeff_list = add_polys(degree, poly, poly_coeff_list)
    else:  #no linear
        varsToRemove = []

    #add nonlinear polys to poly_coeff_list
    for poly in nonlinear_polys:
        poly_coeff_list = add_polys(degree, poly, poly_coeff_list)

    #Creates the matrix
    matrix, matrix_terms, cuts = create_matrix(poly_coeff_list, degree, dim,

    if verbose:
        np.set_printoptions(suppress=False, linewidth=200)
        print('\nStarting Macaulay Matrix\n', matrix)
            '\nColumns in Macaulay Matrix\nFirst element in tuple is degree of x, Second element is degree of y\n',
            '\nLocation of Cuts in the Macaulay Matrix into [ Mb | M1* | M2* ]\n',

        matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulay(
    except ConditioningError as e:
        raise e

    # TODO: rrqr_reduceMacaulay2 is not working when expected.
    # if np.allclose(matrix[cuts[0]:,:cuts[0]], 0):
    #     matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulay2(matrix, matrix_terms, cuts, accuracy = accuracy)
    # else:
    #     matrix, matrix_terms = rrqr_reduceMacaulay(matrix, matrix_terms, cuts, accuracy = accuracy)

    if verbose:
        np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, linewidth=200)
        print("\nFinal Macaulay Matrix\n", matrix)
        print("\nColumns in Macaulay Matrix\n", matrix_terms)

    VB = matrix_terms[matrix.shape[0]:]
    basisDict = makeBasisDict(matrix, matrix_terms, VB, power)

    return basisDict, VB, varsToRemove