def test_etc():


    ds = data_dir_load(ETC)
    A = 3000.
    exp_time = 1.0e5
    redshift = 0.1

    apec_model = TableApecModel(APEC, 0.1, 20.0, 2000)
    tbabs_model = TableAbsorbModel(TBABS, 0.1)

    sphere = ds.sphere("max", (0.5, "mpc"))

    thermal_model = ThermalPhotonModel(apec_model, Zmet=0.3)
    photons = PhotonList.from_scratch(sphere, redshift, A, exp_time,

    events = photons.project_photons([0.0,0.0,1.0],

    def photons_test(): return photons.photons
    def events_test(): return

    for test in [GenericArrayTest(ds, photons_test),
                 GenericArrayTest(ds, events_test)]:
        test_etc.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
def test_gasoline():
    cosmology_parameters = dict(current_redshift = 0.0,
                                omega_lambda = 0.728,
                                omega_matter = 0.272,
                                hubble_constant = 0.702)
    kwargs = dict(cosmology_parameters = cosmology_parameters,
                  unit_base = {'length': (1.0/60.0, "Mpccm/h")},
                  n_ref = 64)
    ds = data_dir_load(gasoline, TipsyDataset, (), kwargs)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "agora_1e11.00400"
    dso = [ None, ("sphere", ("c", (0.3, 'unitary')))]
    dd = ds.all_data()
    yield assert_equal, dd["Coordinates"].shape, (10550576, 3)
    tot = sum(dd[ptype,"Coordinates"].shape[0]
              for ptype in ds.particle_types if ptype != "all")
    yield assert_equal, tot, 10550576
    for dobj_name in dso:
        for field in _fields:
            for axis in [0, 1, 2]:
                for weight_field in [None]:
                    yield PixelizedProjectionValuesTest(
                        ds, axis, field, weight_field,
            yield FieldValuesTest(ds, field, dobj_name)
        dobj = create_obj(ds, dobj_name)
        s1 = dobj["ones"].sum()
        s2 = sum(mask.sum() for block, mask in dobj.blocks)
        yield assert_equal, s1, s2
def test_zp():
    ds = data_dir_load(zp)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "plt32.2d.hdf5"
    for test in small_patch_amr(zp, _zp_fields, input_center="c",
        test_zp.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_cantor_5():
    ds = data_dir_load(c5)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "c5"
    dso = [ None, ("sphere", ("c", (0.1, 'unitary'))),
                  ("sphere", ("c", (0.2, 'unitary')))]
    dd = ds.all_data()
    yield assert_almost_equal, ds.index.get_smallest_dx(), 0.00411522633744843, 10
    yield assert_equal, dd["x"].shape[0], 63*63*63
    yield assert_almost_equal, \
        dd["cell_volume"].in_units("code_length**3").sum(dtype="float64").d, \
        1.0, 10
    for offset_1 in [1e-9, 1e-4, 0.1]:
        for offset_2 in [1e-9, 1e-4, 0.1]:
            DLE = ds.domain_left_edge
            DRE = ds.domain_right_edge
            ray = ds.ray(DLE + offset_1 * DLE.uq,
                         DRE - offset_2 * DRE.uq)
            yield assert_almost_equal, ray["dts"].sum(dtype="float64"), 1.0, 8
    for i, p1 in enumerate(np.random.random((5, 3))):
        for j, p2 in enumerate(np.random.random((5, 3))):
            ray = ds.ray(p1, p2)
            yield assert_almost_equal, ray["dts"].sum(dtype="float64"), 1.0, 8
    for field in _fields:
        for dobj_name in dso:
            yield FieldValuesTest(c5, field, dobj_name)
def test_galaxy0030():
    ds = data_dir_load(g30)
    yield check_color_conservation(ds)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "galaxy0030"
    for test in big_patch_amr(g30, _fields):
        test_galaxy0030.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
def test_nuclei_density_fields():
    ds = data_dir_load(ecp)
    ad = ds.all_data()
    yield assert_array_equal, ad["H_nuclei_density"], \
      (ad["H_number_density"] + ad["H_p1_number_density"])
    yield assert_array_equal, ad["He_nuclei_density"], \
      (ad["He_number_density"] + ad["He_p1_number_density"] +
 def setup(self):
     cosmology_parameters = dict(current_redshift = 0.0,
                                 omega_lambda = 0.728,
                                 omega_matter = 0.272,
                                 hubble_constant = 0.702)
     kwargs = dict(cosmology_parameters = cosmology_parameters,
                   unit_base = {'length': (1.0/60.0, "Mpccm/h")},
                   n_ref = 64)
     self.ds = data_dir_load(self.dsname, yt.TipsyDataset, (), kwargs)
def test_d9p():
    ds = data_dir_load(d9p)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "10MpcBox_HartGal_csf_a0.500.d"
    for test in big_patch_amr(d9p, _fields):
        test_d9p.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
    dso = [None, ("sphere", ("max", (0.1, 'unitary')))]
    for field in _fields:
        for axis in [0, 1, 2]:
            for dobj_name in dso:
                for weight_field in [None, "density"]:
                    yield PixelizedProjectionValuesTest(
                        d9p, axis, field, weight_field,

    ad = ds.all_data()
    # 'Ana' variable values output from the ART Fortran 'ANA' analysis code
    AnaNStars = 6255
    yield assert_equal, ad[('stars','particle_type')].size, AnaNStars
    yield assert_equal, ad[('specie4', 'particle_type')].size, AnaNStars
    AnaNDM = 2833405
    yield assert_equal, ad[('darkmatter','particle_type')].size, AnaNDM
    yield assert_equal, ad[('specie0', 'particle_type')].size + \
        ad[('specie1', 'particle_type')].size + \
        ad[('specie2', 'particle_type')].size + \
        ad[('specie3', 'particle_type')].size, AnaNDM

    AnaBoxSize = yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity(7.1442196564,'Mpc')
    AnaVolume = yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity(364.640074656,'Mpc**3')
    Volume = 1
    for i in ds.domain_width.in_units('Mpc'):
        yield assert_almost_equal, i, AnaBoxSize
        Volume *= i
    yield assert_almost_equal, Volume, AnaVolume

    AnaNCells = 4087490
    yield assert_equal, len(ad[('index','cell_volume')]), AnaNCells

    AnaTotDMMass = yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity(1.01191786811e+14,'Msun')
    yield assert_almost_equal, ad[('darkmatter','particle_mass')].sum()\
        .in_units('Msun'), AnaTotDMMass

    AnaTotStarMass = yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity(1776251.,'Msun')
    yield assert_almost_equal, ad[('stars','particle_mass')].sum()\
        .in_units('Msun'), AnaTotStarMass

    AnaTotStarMassInitial = yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity(2422854.,'Msun')
    yield assert_almost_equal, ad[('stars','particle_mass_initial')].sum()\
        .in_units('Msun'), AnaTotStarMass

    AnaTotGasMass = yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity(1.781994e+13,'Msun')
    yield assert_almost_equal, ad[('gas','cell_mass')].sum()\
        .in_units('Msun'), AnaTotGasMass

    AnaTotTemp = yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity(1.5019e11, 'K') #just leaves
    yield assert_equal, ad[('gas','temperature')].sum(), AnaTotTemp
def test_M7_offaxis():
    ds = data_dir_load(M7)
    szprj = SZProjection(ds, freqs)
    szprj.off_axis(np.array([0.1,-0.2,0.4]), nx=100)
    def offaxis_array_func():
    def offaxis_image_func(filename_prefix):
    for test in [GenericArrayTest(ds, offaxis_array_func),
                 GenericImageTest(ds, offaxis_image_func, 3)]:
        test_M7_offaxis.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
def test_attributes_wt():
    plot_field = 'density'
    decimals = 3

    ds = data_dir_load(WT)
    ax = 'z'
    for attr_name in ATTR_ARGS.keys():
        for args in ATTR_ARGS[attr_name]:
            yield PlotWindowAttributeTest(ds, plot_field, ax, attr_name,
                                          args, decimals)
            for n, r in CALLBACK_TESTS:
                yield PlotWindowAttributeTest(ds, plot_field, ax, attr_name,
                    args, decimals, callback_id=n, callback_runners=r)
def test_attributes():
    """Test plot member functions that aren't callbacks"""
    plot_field = 'density'
    decimals = 3

    ds = data_dir_load(M7)
    for ax in 'xyz':
        for attr_name in ATTR_ARGS.keys():
            for args in ATTR_ARGS[attr_name]:
                test = PlotWindowAttributeTest(ds, plot_field, ax, attr_name,
                                               args, decimals)
                test_attributes.__name__ = test.description
                yield test
                for n, r in CALLBACK_TESTS:
                    yield PlotWindowAttributeTest(ds, plot_field, ax, attr_name,
                        args, decimals, callback_id=n, callback_runners=r)
def test_output_00080():
    ds = data_dir_load(output_00080)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "info_00080"
    dso = [ None, ("sphere", ("max", (0.1, 'unitary')))]
    for dobj_name in dso:
        for field in _fields:
            for axis in [0, 1, 2]:
                for weight_field in [None, "density"]:
                    yield PixelizedProjectionValuesTest(
                        output_00080, axis, field, weight_field,
            yield FieldValuesTest(output_00080, field, dobj_name)
        dobj = create_obj(ds, dobj_name)
        s1 = dobj["ones"].sum()
        s2 = sum(mask.sum() for block, mask in dobj.blocks)
        yield assert_equal, s1, s2
def test_sizmbhloz():
    ds = data_dir_load(sizmbhloz)
    ds.max_range = 1024*1024
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), ""
    dso = [ None, ("sphere", ("max", (0.1, 'unitary')))]
    for dobj_name in dso:
        for field in _fields:
            for axis in [0, 1, 2]:
                for weight_field in [None, "density"]:
                    yield PixelizedProjectionValuesTest(
                        sizmbhloz, axis, field, weight_field,
            yield FieldValuesTest(sizmbhloz, field, dobj_name)
        dobj = create_obj(ds, dobj_name)
        s1 = dobj["ones"].sum()
        s2 = sum(mask.sum() for block, mask in dobj.blocks)
        yield assert_equal, s1, s2
def test_snapshot_033():
    ds = data_dir_load(os33)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "snap_033"
    dso = [ None, ("sphere", ("c", (0.1, 'unitary')))]
    dd = ds.all_data()
    yield assert_equal, dd["particle_position"].shape[0], 2*(128*128*128)
    yield assert_equal, dd["particle_position"].shape[1], 3
    tot = sum(dd[ptype,"particle_position"].shape[0]
              for ptype in ds.particle_types if ptype != "all")
    yield assert_equal, tot, (2*128*128*128)
    for dobj_name in dso:
        for field in _fields:
            for axis in [0, 1, 2]:
                for weight_field in [None, "density"]:
                    yield PixelizedProjectionValuesTest(
                        os33, axis, field, weight_field,
            yield FieldValuesTest(os33, field, dobj_name)
        dobj = create_obj(ds, dobj_name)
        s1 = dobj["ones"].sum()
        s2 = sum(mask.sum() for block, mask in dobj.blocks)
        yield assert_equal, s1, s2
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_light_cone():

    prng = RandomState(0x4d3d3d3)

    ds = data_dir_load(etc)

    A = 2000.
    exp_time = 1.0e5
    fov = (0.5, "deg")

    lc = XrayLightCone('%s/32Mpc_32.enzo' % etc[:-14], 'Enzo', 0., 0.1,

    source_model = ThermalSourceModel("apec", 0.1, 10.0, 1000, prng=prng)

    events = lc.generate_events(A, exp_time, fov, source_model, (30.0, 45.0),
                                absorb_model="wabs", nH=0.02,
                                sigma_pos=0.5, prng=prng)

    return_events = return_data(

    test = GenericArrayTest(ds, return_events, args=["events"])
    test_light_cone.__name__ = test.description
    yield test
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_A2052():
    ds = data_dir_load(A2052, cls=SkyDataFITSDataset)
    assert_equal(str(ds), "A2052_merged_0.3-2_match-core_tmap_bgecorr.fits")
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _fields_A2052, input_center="c", input_weight="ones"):
        test_A2052.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_grs():
    ds = data_dir_load(grs, cls=SpectralCubeFITSDataset, kwargs={"nan_mask":0.0})
    assert_equal(str(ds), "grs-50-cube.fits")
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _fields_grs, input_center="c", input_weight="ones"):
        test_grs.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_EagleDataset():
    ds = data_dir_load(s28)
    assert isinstance(ds, EagleDataset)
    psc = ParticleSelectionComparison(ds)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_stripping():
    ds = data_dir_load(stripping, kwargs={"units_override": uo_stripping})
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "rps.0062"
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _fields_stripping):
        test_stripping.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_star():
    ds = data_dir_load(star)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "plrd01000"
    for test in small_patch_amr(star, _fields):
        test_star.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_MoabHex8Dataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(c5), MoabHex8Dataset)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_NyxDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(LyA), NyxDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_RT_particles():
    ds = data_dir_load(RT_particles)
    assert_equal(str(ds), "plt00050")
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _castro_fields):
        test_RT_particles.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_SkyDataFITSDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(A2052), SkyDataFITSDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_EventsFITSDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(acis), EventsFITSDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_SpectralCubeFITSDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(grs), SpectralCubeFITSDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_FITSDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(vf), FITSDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_sloshing():

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    curdir = os.getcwd()

    prng = RandomState(0x4d3d3d3)

    ds = data_dir_load(gslr)
    A = 2000.
    exp_time = 1.0e4
    redshift = 0.1

    sphere = ds.sphere("c", (0.1, "Mpc"))
    sphere.set_field_parameter("X_H", 0.75)

    thermal_model = ThermalSourceModel("apec", 0.1, 11.0, 10000, Zmet=0.3,
                                       thermal_broad=False, prng=prng)
    photons1 = PhotonList.from_data_source(sphere, redshift, A, exp_time,

    return_photons = return_data(photons1.photons)

    nphots = 0
    for i in range(4):
        phots = PhotonList.from_data_source(sphere, redshift, A, 0.25*exp_time,

        phots.write_h5_file("split_photons_%d.h5" % i)
        nphots += len(phots.photons["energy"])

    merge_files(["split_photons_%d.h5" % i for i in range(4)],
                "merged_photons.h5", add_exposure_times=True,

    merged_photons = PhotonList.from_file("merged_photons.h5")
    assert len(merged_photons.photons["energy"]) == nphots
    assert merged_photons.parameters["fid_exp_time"] == exp_time

    events1 = photons1.project_photons([1.0,-0.5,0.2], [30., 45.],
                                       absorb_model="tbabs", nH=0.1, prng=prng)

    return_events = return_data(

    events1.write_spectrum("test_events_spec.fits", 0.2, 10.0, 2000)

    f ="test_events_spec.fits")
    return_spec = return_data(f["SPECTRUM"].data["COUNTS"])

    events1.write_fits_image("test_events_img.fits", (20.0, "arcmin"), 

    f ="test_events_img.fits")
    return_img = return_data(f[0].data)

    tests = [GenericArrayTest(ds, return_photons, args=["photons"]),
             GenericArrayTest(ds, return_events, args=["events"]),
             GenericArrayTest(ds, return_spec, args=["spec"]),
             GenericArrayTest(ds, return_img, args=["img"])]

    for test in tests:
        test_sloshing.__name__ = test.description
        yield test

    events1.write_fits_file("test_events.fits", 20.0, 1024)

    photons2 = PhotonList.from_file("test_photons.h5")
    events2 = EventList.from_h5_file("test_events.h5")
    events3 = EventList.from_fits_file("test_events.fits")

    for k in photons1.keys():
        if k == "energy":
            arr1 = uconcatenate(photons1[k])
            arr2 = uconcatenate(photons2[k])
            arr1 = photons1[k]
            arr2 = photons2[k]
        assert_array_equal(arr1, arr2)
    for k in events2.keys():
        assert_array_equal(events1[k], events2[k])
        assert_allclose(events2[k], events3[k], rtol=1.0e-6)

    nevents = 0

    for i in range(4):
        events = photons1.project_photons([1.0, -0.5, 0.2], [30., 45.],
                                          absorb_model="tbabs", nH=0.1,
        events.write_h5_file("split_events_%d.h5" % i)
        nevents += len(events["xsky"])

    merge_files(["split_events_%d.h5" % i for i in range(4)],
                "merged_events.h5", add_exposure_times=True,

    merged_events = EventList.from_h5_file("merged_events.h5")
    assert len(merged_events["xsky"]) == nevents
    assert merged_events.parameters["exp_time"] == 4.0*exp_time

def test_RockstarDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(r1), RockstarDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_CastroDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(RT_particles), CastroDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def test_xray_binaries():

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    curdir = os.getcwd()

    prng = 25

    ds = data_dir_load(galaxy)

    def _age(field, data):
        z_s = 1.0 / data["PartType4", "StellarFormationTime"] - 1.0
        age = data.ds.cosmology.t_from_z(0.0) - data.ds.cosmology.t_from_z(z_s)
        return age

    ds.add_field(("PartType4", "particle_age"), function=_age, units="Gyr", 

    sp = ds.sphere("max", (0.25, "Mpc"))

    scale_length = (1.0, "kpc")
    age_field = ("PartType4", "particle_age")

    new_ds = make_xrb_particles(sp, age_field, scale_length, prng=prng)

    dd = new_ds.all_data()

    area = ds.quan(25000.0, "cm**2")
    exp_time = ds.quan(300.0, "ks")
    emin = 0.1
    emax = 10.0
    redshift = 0.01

    photons_xrb = make_xrb_photons(new_ds, redshift, area, 
                                   exp_time, emin, emax,
                                   cosmology=ds.cosmology, prng=prng)

    D_L = ds.cosmology.luminosity_distance(0.0, redshift)

    kappa = convert_bands(alpha_lmxb, emin_hmxb, emax_hmxb,
                          emin_lmxb, emax_lmxb)

    E = uconcatenate(photons_xrb["energy"])

    lmxb_idxs = dd["particle_spectral_index"] < 2.0
    hmxb_idxs = np.logical_not(lmxb_idxs)

    flux = dd["particle_luminosity"][lmxb_idxs].sum()*kappa/bc_lmxb
    flux += dd["particle_luminosity"][hmxb_idxs].sum()/bc_hmxb
    flux /= 4.0*np.pi*D_L*D_L

    idxs = E*(1.0+redshift) > 2.0
    E_mean = E[idxs].mean().to("erg")
    n1 = flux*exp_time*area/E_mean
    n2 = idxs.sum()
    dn = np.sqrt(n2)

    assert np.abs(n1-n2) < 1.645*dn

Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_WarpXDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(plasma), WarpXDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def test_radtube():
    ds = data_dir_load(rt)
    assert_equal(str(ds), "plt00500")
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _orion_fields):
        test_radtube.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_star():
    ds = data_dir_load(star)
    assert_equal(str(ds), "plrd01000")
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _orion_fields):
        test_star.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 35
def test_PlutoDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(kho), PlutoDataset)
def test_velocity_field():
    ds = data_dir_load(vf, cls=FITSDataset)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "velocity_field_20.fits"
    for test in small_patch_amr(vf, _fields_vels, input_center="c", input_weight="ones"):
        test_velocity_field.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 37
def test_namelist_reading_should_not_fail():

    for ds_name in (ramses_empty_record, output_00080):
        # Test that the reading does not fail for malformed namelist.txt files
        ds = data_dir_load(ds_name)
        ds.index  # should work
def test_cloud():
    ds = data_dir_load(cloud)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "Cloud.0050"
    for test in small_patch_amr(cloud, _fields_cloud):
        test_cloud.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 39
def test_fields_g1():
    ds = data_dir_load(g1)
    assert_equal(str(ds), os.path.basename(g1))
    for field in _fields:
        yield FieldValuesTest(g1, field, particle_type=True)
def test_stripping():
    ds = data_dir_load(stripping, kwargs={"units_override":uo_stripping})
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "rps.0062"
    for test in small_patch_amr(stripping, _fields_stripping):
        test_stripping.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 41
def test_kh2d():
    ds = data_dir_load(kh2d)
    assert_equal(str(ds), 'DD0011')
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, ds.field_list):
        test_toro1d.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 42
def test_velocity_field():
    ds = data_dir_load(vf, cls=FITSDataset)
    assert_equal(str(ds), "velocity_field_20.fits")
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _fields_vels, input_center="c", input_weight="ones"):
        test_velocity_field.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
def test_FITSDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(grs), FITSDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 44
def test_simulated_halo_mass_function():
    ds = data_dir_load(enzotiny)
    for finder in ["fof", "hop"]:
        yield SimulatedHaloMassFunctionTest(ds, finder)
def test_blast():
    ds = data_dir_load(blast)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "Blast.0100"
    for test in small_patch_amr(blast, _fields_blast):
        test_blast.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 46
def test_analytic_halo_mass_function():
    ds = data_dir_load(enzotiny)
    for fit in range(1, 6):
        yield AnalyticHaloMassFunctionTest(ds, fit)
def test_AthenaDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(cloud), AthenaDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def test_ecp():
    ds = data_dir_load(ecp)
    # Now we test our species fields
    yield check_color_conservation(ds)
def test_fields_r1():
    ds = data_dir_load(r1)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), os.path.basename(r1)
    for field in _fields:
        yield FieldValuesTest(r1, field, particle_type=True)
Ejemplo n.º 50
def test_EnzoDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(enzotiny), EnzoDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def test_cloud():
    ds = data_dir_load(cloud)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "Cloud.0050"
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _fields_cloud):
        test_cloud.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 52
def test_tb():
    ds = data_dir_load(tb)
    assert_equal(str(ds), "data.0005.3d.hdf5")
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _fields):
        test_tb.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
def test_GadgetDataset():
    kwargs = dict(bounding_box=[[-3,3], [-3,3], [-3,3]])
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(isothermal, kwargs=kwargs),
Ejemplo n.º 54
def test_kho():
    ds = data_dir_load(kho)
    assert_equal(str(ds), "data.0004.hdf5")
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _fields):
        test_kho.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 55
def test_radtube():
    ds = data_dir_load(rt)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "plt00500"
    for test in small_patch_amr(rt, _fields):
        test_radtube.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 56
def test_ChomboDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(zp), ChomboDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 57
def test_OrionDataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(rt), OrionDataset)
Ejemplo n.º 58
def test_Orion2Dataset():
    assert isinstance(data_dir_load(gc), Orion2Dataset)
Ejemplo n.º 59
def test_moving7():
    ds = data_dir_load(m7)
    assert_equal(str(ds), "moving7_0010")
    for test in small_patch_amr(m7, _fields):
        test_moving7.__name__ = test.description
        yield test
Ejemplo n.º 60
def test_blast():
    ds = data_dir_load(blast)
    yield assert_equal, str(ds), "Blast.0100"
    for test in small_patch_amr(ds, _fields_blast):
        test_blast.__name__ = test.description
        yield test