Ejemplo n.º 1
    def render(self, camera, zbuffer=None):
        """Renders an image using the provided camera

        camera: :class:`yt.visualization.volume_rendering.camera.Camera` instance
            A volume rendering camera. Can be any type of camera.
        zbuffer: :class:`yt.visualization.volume_rendering.zbuffer_array.Zbuffer` instance
            A zbuffer array. This is used for opaque sources to determine the
            z position of the source relative to other sources. Only useful if
            you are manually calling render on multiple sources. Scene.render
            uses this internally.

        A :class:`yt.data_objects.image_array.ImageArray` instance containing
        the rendered image.

        vertices = self.positions
        if zbuffer is None:
            empty = camera.lens.new_image(camera)
            z = np.empty(empty.shape[:2], dtype='float64')
            empty[:] = 0.0
            z[:] = np.inf
            zbuffer = ZBuffer(empty, z)
            empty = zbuffer.rgba
            z = zbuffer.z

        px, py, dz = camera.lens.project_to_plane(camera, vertices)

        px = px.astype('int64')
        py = py.astype('int64')

        if len(px.shape) == 1:
            zlines(empty, z, px, py, dz, self.colors.astype('float64'),
            # For stereo-lens, two sets of pos for each eye are contained
            # in px...pz
            zlines(empty, z, px[0, :], py[0, :], dz[0, :],
                   self.colors.astype('float64'), self.color_stride)
            zlines(empty, z, px[1, :], py[1, :], dz[1, :],
                   self.colors.astype('float64'), self.color_stride)

        self.zbuffer = zbuffer
        return zbuffer
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def render(self, camera, zbuffer=None):
        """Renders an image using the provided camera

        camera: :class:`yt.visualization.volume_rendering.camera.Camera` instance
            A volume rendering camera. Can be any type of camera.
        zbuffer: :class:`yt.visualization.volume_rendering.zbuffer_array.Zbuffer` instance
            A zbuffer array. This is used for opaque sources to determine the
            z position of the source relative to other sources. Only useful if
            you are manually calling render on multiple sources. Scene.render
            uses this internally.

        A :class:`yt.data_objects.image_array.ImageArray` instance containing
        the rendered image.

        center = camera.focus
        # Get positions at the focus
        positions = np.zeros([6, 3])
        positions[:] = center

        # Create vectors in the x,y,z directions
        for i in range(3):
            positions[2 * i + 1,
                      i] += camera.width.in_units('code_length').d[i] / 16.0

        # Project to the image plane
        px, py, dz = camera.lens.project_to_plane(camera, positions)

        if len(px.shape) == 1:
            dpx = px[1::2] - px[::2]
            dpy = py[1::2] - py[::2]

            # Set the center of the coordinates to be in the lower left of the image
            lpx = camera.resolution[0] / 8
            lpy = camera.resolution[
                1] - camera.resolution[1] / 8  # Upside-downsies

            # Offset the pixels according to the projections above
            px[::2] = lpx
            px[1::2] = lpx + dpx
            py[::2] = lpy
            py[1::2] = lpy + dpy
            dz[:] = 0.0
            # For stereo-lens, two sets of pos for each eye are contained in px...pz
            dpx = px[:, 1::2] - px[:, ::2]
            dpy = py[:, 1::2] - py[:, ::2]

            lpx = camera.resolution[0] / 16
            lpy = camera.resolution[
                1] - camera.resolution[1] / 8  # Upside-downsies

            # Offset the pixels according to the projections above
            px[:, ::2] = lpx
            px[:, 1::2] = lpx + dpx
            px[1, :] += camera.resolution[0] / 2
            py[:, ::2] = lpy
            py[:, 1::2] = lpy + dpy
            dz[:, :] = 0.0

        # Create a zbuffer if needed
        if zbuffer is None:
            empty = camera.lens.new_image(camera)
            z = np.empty(empty.shape[:2], dtype='float64')
            empty[:] = 0.0
            z[:] = np.inf
            zbuffer = ZBuffer(empty, z)
            empty = zbuffer.rgba
            z = zbuffer.z

        # Draw the vectors

        px = px.astype('int64')
        py = py.astype('int64')

        if len(px.shape) == 1:
            zlines(empty, z, px, py, dz, self.colors.astype('float64'),
            # For stereo-lens, two sets of pos for each eye are contained
            # in px...pz
            zlines(empty, z, px[0, :], py[0, :], dz[0, :],
                   self.colors.astype('float64'), self.color_stride)
            zlines(empty, z, px[1, :], py[1, :], dz[1, :],
                   self.colors.astype('float64'), self.color_stride)

        # Set the new zbuffer
        self.zbuffer = zbuffer
        return zbuffer