Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _yield_halos(self, njobs="auto", dynamic=False):

        my_size = self.comm.size

        if njobs == "auto":
            # use task queue if odd number of cores more than 2
            my_dynamic = my_size > 2 and my_size % 2
            my_njobs = -1
            my_dynamic = dynamic
            my_njobs = njobs

        for chunk in self.data_source.chunks([], "io"):

            if self.comm.rank == 0:

            if my_size > 1:
                fdata = self.comm.comm.bcast(chunk.field_data, root=0)

            target_indices = range(chunk[self.halo_field_type,
            my_indices = parallel_objects(target_indices,

            for my_index in my_indices:
                my_halo = Halo(self, chunk, my_index)
                yield my_halo
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs):
        r"""Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets."""

        only_on_root(mylog.info, "Checking %d potential outputs.",

        my_outputs = {}
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(potential_outputs,
            if self.parameters['DataDumpDir'] in output:
                dir_key = self.parameters['DataDumpDir']
                output_key = self.parameters['DataDumpName']
                dir_key = self.parameters['RedshiftDumpDir']
                output_key = self.parameters['RedshiftDumpName']
            index = output[output.find(dir_key) + len(dir_key):]
            filename = os.path.join(self.parameters['GlobalDir'],
                                    "%s%s" % (dir_key, index),
                                    "%s%s" % (output_key, index))
            if os.path.exists(filename):
                    ds = load(filename)
                    if ds is not None:
                        my_storage.result = {
                            'filename': filename,
                            'time': ds.current_time.in_units("s")
                        if ds.cosmological_simulation:
                            my_storage.result['redshift'] = ds.current_redshift
                except YTOutputNotIdentified:
                    mylog.error('Failed to load %s', filename)
        my_outputs = [my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values() \
                      if my_output is not None]

        return my_outputs
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs):
        Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets.

        only_on_root(mylog.info, "Checking %d potential outputs.",

        my_outputs = {}
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(potential_outputs,
            if os.path.exists(output):
                    ds = load(output)
                    if ds is not None:
                        my_storage.result = {
                            "filename": output,
                            "time": ds.current_time.in_units("s")
                        if ds.cosmological_simulation:
                            my_storage.result["redshift"] = ds.current_redshift
                except YTOutputNotIdentified:
                    mylog.error("Failed to load %s", output)
        my_outputs = [my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values() \
                      if my_output is not None]
        return my_outputs
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs):
        Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets.

        only_on_root(mylog.info, "Checking %d potential outputs.",

        my_outputs = {}
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(potential_outputs,
            if os.path.exists(output):
                    ds = load(output)
                    if ds is not None:
                        num_steps = ds.num_steps
                        my_storage.result = {
                            "filename": output,
                            "num_steps": num_steps
                except YTOutputNotIdentified:
                    mylog.error("Failed to load %s", output)
        my_outputs = [
            my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values()
            if my_output is not None
        return my_outputs
    def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs):
        Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets.

        only_on_root(mylog.info, "Checking %d potential outputs.", 

        my_outputs = {}
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(potential_outputs, 
            if self.parameters['DataDumpDir'] in output:
                dir_key = self.parameters['DataDumpDir']
                output_key = self.parameters['DataDumpName']
                dir_key = self.parameters['RedshiftDumpDir']
                output_key = self.parameters['RedshiftDumpName']
            index = output[output.find(dir_key) + len(dir_key):]
            filename = os.path.join(self.parameters['GlobalDir'],
                                    "%s%s" % (dir_key, index),
                                    "%s%s" % (output_key, index))
            if os.path.exists(filename):
                    ds = load(filename)
                    if ds is not None:
                        my_storage.result = {'filename': filename,
                                             'time': ds.current_time.in_units("s")}
                        if ds.cosmological_simulation:
                            my_storage.result['redshift'] = ds.current_redshift
                except YTOutputNotIdentified:
                    mylog.error('Failed to load %s', filename)
        my_outputs = [my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values() \
                      if my_output is not None]

        return my_outputs
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs):
        Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets.

        only_on_root(mylog.info, "Checking %d potential outputs.",

        my_outputs = {}
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(potential_outputs,
                ds = load(output)
            except (FileNotFoundError, YTUnidentifiedDataType):
                mylog.error("Failed to load %s", output)
            my_storage.result = {
                "filename": output,
                "time": ds.current_time.in_units("s"),
            if ds.cosmological_simulation:
                my_storage.result["redshift"] = ds.current_redshift

        my_outputs = [
            my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values()
            if my_output is not None
        return my_outputs
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs):
        Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets.

        only_on_root(mylog.info, "Checking %d potential outputs.", 

        my_outputs = {}
        llevel = mylog.level
        # suppress logging as we load every dataset, unless set to debug
        if llevel > 10 and llevel < 40:
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(potential_outputs, 
            if os.path.exists(output):
                    ds = load(output)
                    if ds is not None:
                        my_storage.result = {"filename": output,
                                             "time": ds.current_time.in_units("s")}
                        if ds.cosmological_simulation:
                            my_storage.result["redshift"] = ds.current_redshift
                except YTUnidentifiedDataType:
                    mylog.error("Failed to load %s", output)
        my_outputs = [my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values() \
                      if my_output is not None]
        return my_outputs
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def add_fields(self, fields):
        """Add fields to profile

        fields : list of field names
            A list of fields to create profile histograms for
        fields = self.data_source._determine_fields(fields)
        for f in fields:
            self.field_info[f] = self.data_source.ds.field_info[f]
        temp_storage = ProfileFieldAccumulator(len(fields), self.size)
        citer = self.data_source.chunks([], "io")
        for chunk in parallel_objects(citer):
            self._bin_chunk(chunk, fields, temp_storage)
        self._finalize_storage(fields, temp_storage)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs):
        Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets.

            mylog.info, "Checking %d potential outputs.", len(potential_outputs)

        my_outputs = {}
        llevel = mylog.level
        # suppress logging as we load every dataset, unless set to debug
        if llevel > 10 and llevel < 40:
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(
            potential_outputs, storage=my_outputs
            if self.parameters["DataDumpDir"] in output:
                dir_key = self.parameters["DataDumpDir"]
                output_key = self.parameters["DataDumpName"]
                dir_key = self.parameters["RedshiftDumpDir"]
                output_key = self.parameters["RedshiftDumpName"]
            index = output[output.find(dir_key) + len(dir_key) :]
            filename = os.path.join(
                ds = load(filename)
            except (FileNotFoundError, YTUnidentifiedDataType):
                mylog.error("Failed to load %s", filename)
            my_storage.result = {
                "filename": filename,
                "time": ds.current_time.in_units("s"),
            if ds.cosmological_simulation:
                my_storage.result["redshift"] = ds.current_redshift
        my_outputs = [
            my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values() if my_output is not None

        return my_outputs
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """Calculate results for the derived quantity"""
     self.count_values(*args, **kwargs)
     chunks = self.data_source.chunks([], chunking_style="io")
     storage = {}
     for sto, ds in parallel_objects(chunks, -1, storage = storage):
         sto.result = self.process_chunk(ds, *args, **kwargs)
     # Now storage will have everything, and will be done via pickling, so
     # the units will be preserved.  (Credit to Nathan for this
     # idea/implementation.)
     values = [ [] for i in range(self.num_vals) ]
     for key in sorted(storage):
         for i in range(self.num_vals):
     # These will be YTArrays
     values = [self.data_source.ds.arr(values[i]) for i in range(self.num_vals)]
     values = self.reduce_intermediate(values)
     return values
def prep_field_data(ds, field, offset=1):
    Prepare the grid data. Read the field data grid by grid, remove bad values.
    Return the numpy array with shape [ngrid, nx, ny, nz].
    mylog.info('Calculating field: %s', field)
    comm = communication_system.communicators[-1]
    dtype = 'float64'
    # data.shape should be (ngrid, nxb, nyb, nzb)
    data = np.zeros([ds.index.num_grids, *ds.index.grid_dimensions[0]],
    # Go through all the grids in the index
    if comm.rank == 0:
        t0 = time.time()
        t1_prev = t0
    for g in parallel_objects(ds.index.grids, njobs=0):
        if comm.rank == 0:
            t1 = time.time()
            sys.stdout.write('\rWorking on Grid %7i / %7i - %7.3f s' %
                             (g.id, ds.index.num_grids, t1 - t1_prev))
            t1_prev = t1
        # Print the grid if nan or inf is in it
        #if np.nan in g[field].v or np.inf in g[field].v:
        #    mylog.warning('Encountered non-physical values in %s', g) # g[field].v)
        # Calculate the field values in each grid
        # Use numpy nan_to_num to convert the bad values anyway
        # Transpose the array since the array in FLASH is fortran-ordered
        #data[g.id-offset] = np.nan_to_num(g[field].in_units('Jy/cm/arcsec**2').v.transpose())
        data[g.id - offset] = np.nan_to_num(g[field].v.transpose())
    if comm.rank == 0:
        sys.stdout.write(' - mpi_reduce')
        t2 = time.time()
    temp = data.copy()
    comm.comm.Reduce([temp, get_mpi_type(dtype)],
                     [data, get_mpi_type(dtype)],
    if comm.rank == 0:
        t3 = time.time()
            ' - Done!\nGrid Calculation: %.1f MPI: %.1f Total: %.1f\n' %
            (t2 - t0, t3 - t2, t3 - t0))

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     """Calculate results for the derived quantity"""
     self.count_values(*args, **kwargs)
     chunks = self.data_source.chunks([], chunking_style="io")
     storage = {}
     for sto, ds in parallel_objects(chunks, -1, storage=storage):
         sto.result = self.process_chunk(ds, *args, **kwargs)
     # Now storage will have everything, and will be done via pickling, so
     # the units will be preserved.  (Credit to Nathan for this
     # idea/implementation.)
     values = [[] for i in range(self.num_vals)]
     for key in sorted(storage):
         for i in range(self.num_vals):
     # These will be YTArrays
     values = [
         self.data_source.ds.arr(values[i]) for i in range(self.num_vals)
     values = self.reduce_intermediate(values)
     return values
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def _initialize_coarse_index(self):
     max_hsml = 0.0
     pb = get_pbar("Initializing coarse index ", len(self.data_files))
     for i, data_file in parallel_objects(enumerate(self.data_files)):
         pb.update(i + 1)
         for ptype, pos in self.io._yield_coordinates(data_file):
             ds = self.ds
             if hasattr(ds, "_sph_ptypes") and ptype == ds._sph_ptypes[0]:
                 hsml = self.io._get_smoothing_length(
                     data_file, pos.dtype, pos.shape)
                 if hsml is not None and hsml.size > 0.0:
                     max_hsml = max(max_hsml, hsml.max())
                 hsml = None
             self.regions._coarse_index_data_file(pos, hsml,
     self.regions.masks = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(self.regions.masks,
     self.regions.particle_counts = self.comm.mpi_allreduce(
         self.regions.particle_counts, op="sum")
     for data_file in self.data_files:
     if max_hsml > 0.0 and len(self.data_files) > 1:
         # By passing this in, we only allow index_order2 to be increased by
         # two at most, never increased.  One place this becomes particularly
         # useful is in the case of an extremely small section of gas
         # particles embedded in a much much larger domain.  The max
         # smoothing length will be quite small, so based on the larger
         # domain, it will correspond to a very very high index order, which
         # is a large amount of memory!  Having multiple indexes, one for
         # each particle type, would fix this.
         new_order2 = self.regions.update_mi2(max_hsml,
                                              ds.index_order[1] + 2)
         mylog.info("Updating index_order2 from %s to %s",
                    ds.index_order[1], new_order2)
         self.ds.index_order = (self.ds.index_order[0], new_order2)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs):
        Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets.

        only_on_root(mylog.info, "Checking %d potential outputs.",

        my_outputs = {}
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(potential_outputs,
                ds = load(output)
            except (FileNotFoundError, YTUnidentifiedDataType):
                mylog.error("Failed to load %s", output)
            my_storage.result = {"filename": output, "num_steps": ds.num_steps}

        my_outputs = [
            my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values()
            if my_output is not None
        return my_outputs
    def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs):
        Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets.

        only_on_root(mylog.info, "Checking %d potential outputs.", 

        my_outputs = {}
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(potential_outputs, 
            if os.path.exists(output):
                    ds = load(output)
                    if ds is not None:
                        my_storage.result = {"filename": output,
                                             "time": ds.current_time.in_units("s")}
                        if ds.cosmological_simulation:
                            my_storage.result["redshift"] = ds.current_redshift
                except YTOutputNotIdentified:
                    mylog.error("Failed to load %s", output)
        my_outputs = [my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values() \
                      if my_output is not None]
        return my_outputs
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def from_data_source(cls, data_source, redshift, area,
                         exp_time, source_model, point_sources=False,
                         parameters=None, center=None, dist=None, 
                         cosmology=None, velocity_fields=None):
        Initialize a :class:`~pyxsim.photon_list.PhotonList` from a yt data
        source. The redshift, collecting area, exposure time, and cosmology
        are stored in the *parameters* dictionary which is passed to the
        *source_model* function.

        data_source : :class:`~yt.data_objects.data_containers.YTSelectionContainer`
            The data source from which the photons will be generated.
        redshift : float
            The cosmological redshift for the photons.
        area : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            The collecting area to determine the number of photons. If units are
            not specified, it is assumed to be in cm^2.
        exp_time : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            The exposure time to determine the number of photons. If units are
            not specified, it is assumed to be in seconds.
        source_model : :class:`~pyxsim.source_models.SourceModel`
            A source model used to generate the photons.
        point_sources : boolean, optional
            If True, the photons will be assumed to be generated from the exact
            positions of the cells or particles and not smeared around within
            a volume. Default: False
        parameters : dict, optional
            A dictionary of parameters to be passed for the source model to use,
            if necessary.
        center : string or array_like, optional
            The origin of the photon spatial coordinates. Accepts "c", "max", or
            a coordinate. If not specified, pyxsim attempts to use the "center"
            field parameter of the data_source.
        dist : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            The angular diameter distance, used for nearby sources. This may be
            optionally supplied instead of it being determined from the
            *redshift* and given *cosmology*. If units are not specified, it is
            assumed to be in kpc. To use this, the redshift must be set to zero.
        cosmology : :class:`~yt.utilities.cosmology.Cosmology`, optional
            Cosmological information. If not supplied, we try to get the
            cosmology from the dataset. Otherwise, LCDM with the default yt 
            parameters is assumed.
        velocity_fields : list of fields
            The yt fields to use for the velocity. If not specified, the 
            following will be assumed:
            ['velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z'] for grid datasets
            ['particle_velocity_x', 'particle_velocity_y', 'particle_velocity_z'] for particle datasets

        >>> thermal_model = ThermalSourceModel(apec_model, Zmet=0.3)
        >>> redshift = 0.05
        >>> area = 6000.0 # assumed here in cm**2
        >>> time = 2.0e5 # assumed here in seconds
        >>> sp = ds.sphere("c", (500., "kpc"))
        >>> my_photons = PhotonList.from_data_source(sp, redshift, area,
        ...                                          time, thermal_model)
        ds = data_source.ds

        if parameters is None:
            parameters = {}
        if cosmology is None:
            if hasattr(ds, 'cosmology'):
                cosmo = ds.cosmology
                cosmo = Cosmology()
            cosmo = cosmology
        if dist is None:
            if redshift <= 0.0:
                msg = "If redshift <= 0.0, you must specify a distance to the " \
                      "source using the 'dist' argument!"
                raise ValueError(msg)
            D_A = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(0.0, redshift).in_units("Mpc")
            D_A = parse_value(dist, "kpc")
            if redshift > 0.0:
                mylog.warning("Redshift must be zero for nearby sources. "
                              "Resetting redshift to 0.0.")
                redshift = 0.0

        if isinstance(center, string_types):
            if center == "center" or center == "c":
                parameters["center"] = ds.domain_center
            elif center == "max" or center == "m":
                parameters["center"] = ds.find_max("density")[-1]
        elif iterable(center):
            if isinstance(center, YTArray):
                parameters["center"] = center.in_units("code_length")
            elif isinstance(center, tuple):
                if center[0] == "min":
                    parameters["center"] = ds.find_min(center[1])[-1]
                elif center[0] == "max":
                    parameters["center"] = ds.find_max(center[1])[-1]
                    raise RuntimeError
                parameters["center"] = ds.arr(center, "code_length")
        elif center is None:
            if hasattr(data_source, "left_edge"):
                parameters["center"] = 0.5*(data_source.left_edge+data_source.right_edge)
                parameters["center"] = data_source.get_field_parameter("center")

        parameters["fid_exp_time"] = parse_value(exp_time, "s")
        parameters["fid_area"] = parse_value(area, "cm**2")
        parameters["fid_redshift"] = redshift
        parameters["fid_d_a"] = D_A
        parameters["hubble"] = cosmo.hubble_constant
        parameters["omega_matter"] = cosmo.omega_matter
        parameters["omega_lambda"] = cosmo.omega_lambda

        if redshift > 0.0:
            mylog.info("Cosmology: h = %g, omega_matter = %g, omega_lambda = %g" %
                       (cosmo.hubble_constant, cosmo.omega_matter, cosmo.omega_lambda))
            mylog.info("Observing local source at distance %s." % D_A)

        D_A = parameters["fid_d_a"].in_cgs()
        dist_fac = 1.0/(4.*np.pi*D_A.value*D_A.value*(1.+redshift)**2)
        spectral_norm = parameters["fid_area"].v*parameters["fid_exp_time"].v*dist_fac

        source_model.setup_model(data_source, redshift, spectral_norm)

        p_fields, v_fields, w_field = determine_fields(ds,

        if velocity_fields is not None:
            v_fields = velocity_fields

        if p_fields[0] == ("index", "x"):
            parameters["data_type"] = "cells"
            parameters["data_type"] = "particles"

        citer = data_source.chunks([], "io")

        photons = defaultdict(list)

        for chunk in parallel_objects(citer):

            chunk_data = source_model(chunk)

            if chunk_data is not None:
                ncells, number_of_photons, idxs, energies = chunk_data
                if w_field is None:


        photon_units = {"pos": ds.field_info[p_fields[0]].units,
                        "vel": ds.field_info[v_fields[0]].units,
                        "energy": "keV"}
        if w_field is None:
            photon_units["dx"] = "kpc"
            photon_units["dx"] = ds.field_info[w_field].units

        concatenate_photons(ds, photons, photon_units)

        c = parameters["center"].to("kpc")

        if sum(ds.periodicity) > 0:
            # Fix photon coordinates for regions crossing a periodic boundary
            dw = ds.domain_width.to("kpc")
            le, re = find_object_bounds(data_source)
            for i in range(3):
                if ds.periodicity[i] and photons["pos"].shape[0] > 0:
                    tfl = photons["pos"][:,i] < le[i]
                    tfr = photons["pos"][:,i] > re[i]
                    photons["pos"][tfl,i] += dw[i]
                    photons["pos"][tfr,i] -= dw[i]

        # Re-center all coordinates
        if photons["pos"].shape[0] > 0:
            photons["pos"] -= c

        mylog.info("Finished generating photons.")
        mylog.info("Number of photons generated: %d" % int(np.sum(photons["num_photons"])))
        mylog.info("Number of cells with photons: %d" % photons["dx"].size)

        return cls(photons, parameters, cosmo)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def trace_ancestors(self, halo_type, root_ids, fields=None, filename=None):
        Trace the ancestry of a given set of halos.

        A merger-tree for a specific set of halos will be created,
        starting with the last halo catalog and moving backward.

        halo_type : string
            The type of halo, typically "FOF" for FoF groups or
            "Subfind" for subhalos.
        root_ids : integer or array of integers
            The halo IDs from the last halo catalog for the
            targeted halos.
        fields : optional, list of strings
            List of additional fields to be saved to halo catalogs.
        filename : optional, string
            Directory in which merger-tree catalogs will be saved.

        output_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
        if self.comm.rank == 0 and len(output_dir) > 0:

        all_outputs = self.ts.outputs[::-1]
        ds1 = None

        for i, fn2 in enumerate(all_outputs[1:]):
            fn1 = all_outputs[i]
            target_filename = get_output_filename(
                filename, "%s.%d" % (_get_tree_basename(fn1), 0), ".h5")
            catalog_filename = get_output_filename(
                filename, "%s.%d" % (_get_tree_basename(fn2), 0), ".h5")
            if os.path.exists(catalog_filename):

            if ds1 is None:
                ds1 = self._load_ds(fn1, index_ptype=halo_type)
            ds2 = self._load_ds(fn2, index_ptype=halo_type)

            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                _print_link_info(ds1, ds2)

            if ds2.index.particle_count[halo_type] == 0:
                mylog.info("%s has no halos of type %s, ending." %
                           (ds2, halo_type))

            if i == 0:
                target_ids = root_ids
                if not iterable(target_ids):
                    target_ids = np.array([target_ids])
                if isinstance(target_ids, YTArray):
                    target_ids = target_ids.d
                if target_ids.dtype != np.int64:
                    target_ids = target_ids.astype(np.int64)
                mylog.info("Loading target ids from %s.", target_filename)
                ds_target = yt_load(target_filename)
                target_ids = \
                del ds_target

            id_store = []
            target_halos = []
            ancestor_halos = []

            njobs = min(self.comm.size, target_ids.size)
            pbar = get_pbar("Linking halos", target_ids.size, parallel=True)
            my_i = 0
            for halo_id in parallel_objects(target_ids, njobs=njobs):
                my_halo = ds1.halo(halo_type, halo_id)

                my_ancestors = self._find_ancestors(my_halo,
                my_i += njobs

            if i == 0:
                for halo in target_halos:
                    halo.descendent_identifier = -1
                self._save_catalog(filename, ds1, target_halos, fields)
            self._save_catalog(filename, ds2, ancestor_halos, fields)

            if len(ancestor_halos) == 0:

            ds1 = ds2
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def trace_descendents(self, halo_type, fields=None, filename=None):
        Trace the descendents of all halos.

        A merger-tree for all halos will be created, starting
        with the first halo catalog and moving forward.

        halo_type : string
            The type of halo, typically "FOF" for FoF groups or
            "Subfind" for subhalos.
        fields : optional, list of strings
            List of additional fields to be saved to halo catalogs.
        filename : optional, string
            Directory in which merger-tree catalogs will be saved.

        output_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
        if self.comm.rank == 0 and len(output_dir) > 0:

        all_outputs = self.ts.outputs[:]
        ds1 = ds2 = None

        for i, fn2 in enumerate(all_outputs[1:]):
            fn1 = all_outputs[i]
            target_filename = get_output_filename(
                filename, "%s.%d" % (_get_tree_basename(fn1), 0), ".h5")
            catalog_filename = get_output_filename(
                filename, "%s.%d" % (_get_tree_basename(fn2), 0), ".h5")
            if os.path.exists(target_filename):

            if ds1 is None:
                ds1 = self._load_ds(fn1, index_ptype=halo_type)
            ds2 = self._load_ds(fn2, index_ptype=halo_type)

            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                _print_link_info(ds1, ds2)

            target_halos = []
            if ds1.index.particle_count[halo_type] == 0:
                self._save_catalog(filename, ds1, target_halos, fields)
                ds1 = ds2

            target_ids = \
              ds1.r[halo_type, "particle_identifier"].d.astype(np.int64)

            njobs = min(self.comm.size, target_ids.size)
            pbar = get_pbar("Linking halos", target_ids.size, parallel=True)
            my_i = 0
            for halo_id in parallel_objects(target_ids, njobs=njobs):
                my_halo = ds1.halo(halo_type, halo_id)

                self._find_descendent(my_halo, ds2)
                my_i += njobs

            self._save_catalog(filename, ds1, target_halos, fields)
            ds1 = ds2

        if os.path.exists(catalog_filename):

        if ds2 is None:
            ds2 = self._load_ds(fn2, index_ptype=halo_type)
        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            self._save_catalog(filename, ds2, halo_type, fields)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def from_data_source(cls,
        Initialize a :class:`~pyxsim.photon_list.PhotonList` from a yt data
        source. The redshift, collecting area, exposure time, and cosmology
        are stored in the *parameters* dictionary which is passed to the
        *source_model* function.

        data_source : :class:`~yt.data_objects.data_containers.YTSelectionContainer`
            The data source from which the photons will be generated.
        redshift : float
            The cosmological redshift for the photons.
        area : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            The collecting area to determine the number of photons. If units are
            not specified, it is assumed to be in cm^2.
        exp_time : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            The exposure time to determine the number of photons. If units are
            not specified, it is assumed to be in seconds.
        source_model : :class:`~pyxsim.source_models.SourceModel`
            A source model used to generate the photons.
        point_sources : boolean, optional
            If True, the photons will be assumed to be generated from the exact
            positions of the cells or particles and not smeared around within
            a volume. Default: False
        parameters : dict, optional
            A dictionary of parameters to be passed for the source model to use,
            if necessary.
        center : string or array_like, optional
            The origin of the photon spatial coordinates. Accepts "c", "max", or
            a coordinate. If not specified, pyxsim attempts to use the "center"
            field parameter of the data_source.
        dist : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            The angular diameter distance, used for nearby sources. This may be
            optionally supplied instead of it being determined from the
            *redshift* and given *cosmology*. If units are not specified, it is
            assumed to be in kpc. To use this, the redshift must be set to zero.
        cosmology : :class:`~yt.utilities.cosmology.Cosmology`, optional
            Cosmological information. If not supplied, we try to get the
            cosmology from the dataset. Otherwise, LCDM with the default yt 
            parameters is assumed.
        velocity_fields : list of fields
            The yt fields to use for the velocity. If not specified, the 
            following will be assumed:
            ['velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z'] for grid datasets
            ['particle_velocity_x', 'particle_velocity_y', 'particle_velocity_z'] for particle datasets

        >>> thermal_model = ThermalSourceModel(apec_model, Zmet=0.3)
        >>> redshift = 0.05
        >>> area = 6000.0 # assumed here in cm**2
        >>> time = 2.0e5 # assumed here in seconds
        >>> sp = ds.sphere("c", (500., "kpc"))
        >>> my_photons = PhotonList.from_data_source(sp, redshift, area,
        ...                                          time, thermal_model)
        ds = data_source.ds

        if parameters is None:
            parameters = {}
        if cosmology is None:
            if hasattr(ds, 'cosmology'):
                cosmo = ds.cosmology
                cosmo = Cosmology()
            cosmo = cosmology
        if dist is None:
            if redshift <= 0.0:
                msg = "If redshift <= 0.0, you must specify a distance to the " \
                      "source using the 'dist' argument!"
                raise ValueError(msg)
            D_A = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(0.0,
            D_A = parse_value(dist, "kpc")
            if redshift > 0.0:
                mylog.warning("Redshift must be zero for nearby sources. "
                              "Resetting redshift to 0.0.")
                redshift = 0.0

        if isinstance(center, string_types):
            if center == "center" or center == "c":
                parameters["center"] = ds.domain_center
            elif center == "max" or center == "m":
                parameters["center"] = ds.find_max("density")[-1]
        elif iterable(center):
            if isinstance(center, YTArray):
                parameters["center"] = center.in_units("code_length")
            elif isinstance(center, tuple):
                if center[0] == "min":
                    parameters["center"] = ds.find_min(center[1])[-1]
                elif center[0] == "max":
                    parameters["center"] = ds.find_max(center[1])[-1]
                    raise RuntimeError
                parameters["center"] = ds.arr(center, "code_length")
        elif center is None:
            if hasattr(data_source, "left_edge"):
                parameters["center"] = 0.5 * (data_source.left_edge +
                parameters["center"] = data_source.get_field_parameter(

        parameters["fid_exp_time"] = parse_value(exp_time, "s")
        parameters["fid_area"] = parse_value(area, "cm**2")
        parameters["fid_redshift"] = redshift
        parameters["fid_d_a"] = D_A
        parameters["hubble"] = cosmo.hubble_constant
        parameters["omega_matter"] = cosmo.omega_matter
        parameters["omega_lambda"] = cosmo.omega_lambda

        if redshift > 0.0:
                "Cosmology: h = %g, omega_matter = %g, omega_lambda = %g" %
                (cosmo.hubble_constant, cosmo.omega_matter,
            mylog.info("Observing local source at distance %s." % D_A)

        D_A = parameters["fid_d_a"].in_cgs()
        dist_fac = 1.0 / (4. * np.pi * D_A.value * D_A.value *
                          (1. + redshift)**2)
        spectral_norm = parameters["fid_area"].v * parameters[
            "fid_exp_time"].v * dist_fac

        source_model.setup_model(data_source, redshift, spectral_norm)

        p_fields, v_fields, w_field = determine_fields(
            ds, source_model.source_type, point_sources)

        if velocity_fields is not None:
            v_fields = velocity_fields

        if p_fields[0] == ("index", "x"):
            parameters["data_type"] = "cells"
            parameters["data_type"] = "particles"

        citer = data_source.chunks([], "io")

        photons = defaultdict(list)

        for chunk in parallel_objects(citer):

            chunk_data = source_model(chunk)

            if chunk_data is not None:
                ncells, number_of_photons, idxs, energies = chunk_data
                        chunk[p_fields[0]].d[idxs], chunk[p_fields[1]].d[idxs],
                        chunk[v_fields[0]].d[idxs], chunk[v_fields[1]].d[idxs],
                if w_field is None:


        photon_units = {
            "pos": ds.field_info[p_fields[0]].units,
            "vel": ds.field_info[v_fields[0]].units,
            "energy": "keV"
        if w_field is None:
            photon_units["dx"] = "kpc"
            photon_units["dx"] = ds.field_info[w_field].units

        concatenate_photons(ds, photons, photon_units)

        c = parameters["center"].to("kpc")

        if sum(ds.periodicity) > 0:
            # Fix photon coordinates for regions crossing a periodic boundary
            dw = ds.domain_width.to("kpc")
            le, re = find_object_bounds(data_source)
            for i in range(3):
                if ds.periodicity[i] and photons["pos"].shape[0] > 0:
                    tfl = photons["pos"][:, i] < le[i]
                    tfr = photons["pos"][:, i] > re[i]
                    photons["pos"][tfl, i] += dw[i]
                    photons["pos"][tfr, i] -= dw[i]

        # Re-center all coordinates
        if photons["pos"].shape[0] > 0:
            photons["pos"] -= c

        mylog.info("Finished generating photons.")
        mylog.info("Number of photons generated: %d" %
        mylog.info("Number of cells with photons: %d" % photons["dx"].size)

        return cls(photons, parameters, cosmo)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def setup_model(self, data_source, redshift, spectral_norm):
        self.redshift = redshift
        ptype = None
        if not self.nei and not isinstance(self.Zmet, float):
            Z_units = str(data_source.ds._get_field_info(self.Zmet).units)
            if Z_units in ["dimensionless", "", "code_metallicity"]:
                self.Zconvert = 1.0 / metal_abund[self.abund_table]
            elif Z_units == "Zsun":
                self.Zconvert = 1.0
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "I don't understand metallicity units of %s!" % Z_units)
        if self.num_var_elem > 0:
            for key, value in self.var_elem.items():
                if not isinstance(value, float):
                    if "^" in key:
                        elem = key.split("^")[0]
                        elem = key
                    n_elem = elem_names.index(elem)
                    m_units = str(data_source.ds._get_field_info(value).units)
                    if m_units in ["dimensionless", "", "code_metallicity"]:
                        self.mconvert[key] = atomic_weights[1] / (
                            self.atable[n_elem] * atomic_weights[n_elem] *
                    elif m_units == "Zsun":
                        self.mconvert[key] = 1.0
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "I don't understand units of %s for element %s!" %
                            (m_units, key))
        if self.emission_measure_field is None:
            found_dfield = [
                fd for fd in particle_dens_fields
                if fd in data_source.ds.field_list
            if len(found_dfield) > 0:
                ptype = found_dfield[0][0]

                def _emission_measure(field, data):
                    nenh = data[found_dfield[0]] * data['particle_mass']
                    nenh /= mp * mp
                    if data.has_field_parameter("X_H"):
                        X_H = data.get_field_parameter("X_H")
                        X_H = primordial_H_abund
                    if (ptype,
                            'ElectronAbundance') in data_source.ds.field_list:
                        nenh *= X_H * data[ptype, 'ElectronAbundance']
                        nenh *= X_H * (1. -
                                       data[ptype, 'NeutralHydrogenAbundance'])
                        nenh *= 0.5 * (1. + X_H) * X_H
                    return nenh

                data_source.ds.add_field((ptype, 'emission_measure'),
                self.emission_measure_field = (ptype, 'emission_measure')
                self.emission_measure_field = ('gas', 'emission_measure')
        mylog.info("Using emission measure field '(%s, %s)'." %
        if self.temperature_field is None:
            found_tfield = [
                fd for fd in particle_temp_fields
                if fd in data_source.ds.derived_field_list
            if len(found_tfield) > 0:
                self.temperature_field = found_tfield[0]
                # What we have to do here is make sure that the temperature is set correctly
                # for SPH datasets that don't have the temperature field defined. What this
                # means is that we must set the mean molecular weight to the value for a
                # fully ionized gas if the ionization fraction is not available in the dataset.
                if self.temperature_field not in data_source.ds.field_list and ptype is not None:
                    if (ptype, 'ElectronAbundance'
                        ) not in data_source.ds.field_list:
                        if data_source.has_field_parameter("X_H"):
                            X_H = data_source.get_field_parameter("X_H")
                            X_H = 0.76
                            "mean_molecular_weight", 4.0 / (5 * X_H + 3))
                self.temperature_field = ('gas', 'temperature')
        mylog.info("Using temperature field '(%s, %s)'." %
        self.spectral_norm = spectral_norm
        if self.kT_scale == "linear":
            self.kT_bins = np.linspace(self.kT_min,
                                       num=self.n_kT + 1)
        elif self.kT_scale == "log":
            self.kT_bins = np.logspace(np.log10(self.kT_min),
                                       num=self.n_kT + 1)
        self.dkT = np.diff(self.kT_bins)
        citer = data_source.chunks([], "io")
        num_cells = 0
        T_min = self.kT_min * K_per_keV
        T_max = self.kT_max * K_per_keV
        for chunk in parallel_objects(citer):
            T = chunk[self.temperature_field].d
            num_cells += np.count_nonzero((T > T_min) & (T < T_max))
        num_cells = comm.mpi_allreduce(num_cells)
        self.source_type = data_source.ds._get_field_info(
        self.pbar = get_pbar("Processing cells/particles ", num_cells)
    def __call__(self, data_source, parameters):

        ds = data_source.ds

        exp_time = parameters["FiducialExposureTime"]
        area = parameters["FiducialArea"]
        redshift = parameters["FiducialRedshift"]
        D_A = parameters["FiducialAngularDiameterDistance"].in_cgs()
        dist_fac = 1.0/(4.*np.pi*D_A.value*D_A.value*(1.+redshift)**2)
        src_ctr = parameters["center"]

        my_kT_min, my_kT_max = data_source.quantities.extrema("kT")

        emid = self.spectral_model.emid
        ebins = self.spectral_model.ebins
        nchan = len(emid)

        citer = data_source.chunks([], "io")

        photons = {}
        photons["x"] = []
        photons["y"] = []
        photons["z"] = []
        photons["vx"] = []
        photons["vy"] = []
        photons["vz"] = []
        photons["dx"] = []
        photons["Energy"] = []
        photons["NumberOfPhotons"] = []

        spectral_norm = area.v*exp_time.v*dist_fac

        tot_num_cells = data_source.ires.shape[0]

        pbar = get_pbar("Generating photons ", tot_num_cells)

        cell_counter = 0

        for chunk in parallel_objects(citer):

            kT = chunk["kT"].v
            num_cells = len(kT)
            if num_cells == 0:
            vol = chunk["cell_volume"].in_cgs().v
            EM = (chunk["density"]/mp).v**2
            EM *= 0.5*(1.+self.X_H)*self.X_H*vol

            if isinstance(self.Zmet, string_types):
                metalZ = chunk[self.Zmet].v
                metalZ = self.Zmet*np.ones(num_cells)

            idxs = np.argsort(kT)

            kT_bins = np.linspace(kT_min, max(my_kT_max, kT_max), num=n_kT+1)
            dkT = kT_bins[1]-kT_bins[0]
            kT_idxs = np.digitize(kT[idxs], kT_bins)
            kT_idxs = np.minimum(np.maximum(1, kT_idxs), n_kT) - 1
            bcounts = np.bincount(kT_idxs).astype("int")
            bcounts = bcounts[bcounts > 0]
            n = int(0)
            bcell = []
            ecell = []
            for bcount in bcounts:
                n += bcount
            kT_idxs = np.unique(kT_idxs)

            cell_em = EM[idxs]*spectral_norm

            number_of_photons = np.zeros(num_cells, dtype="uint64")
            energies = np.zeros(self.photons_per_chunk)

            start_e = 0
            end_e = 0

            for ibegin, iend, ikT in zip(bcell, ecell, kT_idxs):

                kT = kT_bins[ikT] + 0.5*dkT

                n_current = iend-ibegin

                cem = cell_em[ibegin:iend]

                cspec, mspec = self.spectral_model.get_spectrum(kT)

                tot_ph_c = cspec.d.sum()
                tot_ph_m = mspec.d.sum()

                u = np.random.random(size=n_current)

                cell_norm_c = tot_ph_c*cem
                cell_norm_m = tot_ph_m*metalZ[ibegin:iend]*cem
                cell_norm = np.modf(cell_norm_c + cell_norm_m)
                cell_n = np.uint64(cell_norm[1]) + np.uint64(cell_norm[0] >= u)

                number_of_photons[ibegin:iend] = cell_n

                end_e += int(cell_n.sum())

                if end_e > self.photons_per_chunk:
                    raise RuntimeError("Number of photons generated for this chunk "+
                                       "exceeds photons_per_chunk (%d)! " % self.photons_per_chunk +
                                       "Increase photons_per_chunk!")

                if self.method == "invert_cdf":
                    cumspec_c = np.cumsum(cspec.d)
                    cumspec_m = np.cumsum(mspec.d)
                    cumspec_c = np.insert(cumspec_c, 0, 0.0)
                    cumspec_m = np.insert(cumspec_m, 0, 0.0)

                ei = start_e
                for cn, Z in zip(number_of_photons[ibegin:iend], metalZ[ibegin:iend]):
                    if cn == 0: continue
                    if self.method == "invert_cdf":
                        cumspec = cumspec_c + Z*cumspec_m
                        cumspec /= cumspec[-1]
                        randvec = np.random.uniform(size=cn)
                        cell_e = np.interp(randvec, cumspec, ebins)
                    elif self.method == "accept_reject":
                        tot_spec = cspec.d+Z*mspec.d
                        tot_spec /= tot_spec.sum()
                        eidxs = np.random.choice(nchan, size=cn, p=tot_spec)
                        cell_e = emid[eidxs]
                    energies[ei:ei+cn] = cell_e
                    cell_counter += 1
                    ei += cn

                start_e = end_e

            active_cells = number_of_photons > 0
            idxs = idxs[active_cells]

            photons["Energy"].append(ds.arr(energies[:end_e].copy(), "keV"))


        for key in photons:
            if len(photons[key]) > 0:
                photons[key] = uconcatenate(photons[key])
            elif key == "NumberOfPhotons":
                photons[key] = np.array([])
                photons[key] = YTArray([], photon_units[key])

        mylog.info("Number of photons generated: %d" % int(np.sum(photons["NumberOfPhotons"])))
        mylog.info("Number of cells with photons: %d" % len(photons["x"]))

        return photons
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def _initialize_refined_index(self):
     mask = self.regions.masks.sum(axis=1).astype("uint8")
     max_npart = max(
         sum(d.total_particles.values()) for d in self.data_files) * 28
     sub_mi1 = np.zeros(max_npart, "uint64")
     sub_mi2 = np.zeros(max_npart, "uint64")
     pb = get_pbar("Initializing refined index", len(self.data_files))
     mask_threshold = getattr(self, "_index_mask_threshold", 2)
     count_threshold = getattr(self, "_index_count_threshold", 256)
         "Using estimated thresholds of %s and %s for refinement",
     total_refined = 0
     total_coarse_refined = (
         (mask >= 2) &
         (self.regions.particle_counts > count_threshold)).sum()
         "This should produce roughly %s zones, for %s of the domain",
         100 * total_coarse_refined / mask.size,
     storage = {}
     for sto, (i, data_file) in parallel_objects(enumerate(self.data_files),
         coll = None
         pb.update(i + 1)
         nsub_mi = 0
         for ptype, pos in self.io._yield_coordinates(data_file):
             if pos.size == 0:
             if hasattr(self.ds,
                        "_sph_ptypes") and ptype == self.ds._sph_ptypes[0]:
                 hsml = self.io._get_smoothing_length(
                     data_file, pos.dtype, pos.shape)
                 hsml = None
             nsub_mi, coll = self.regions._refined_index_data_file(
             total_refined += nsub_mi
         sto.result_id = i
         if coll is None:
             coll_str = b""
             coll_str = coll.dumps()
         sto.result = (data_file.file_id, coll_str)
     for i in sorted(storage):
         file_id, coll_str = storage[i]
         coll = BoolArrayCollection()
         self.regions.bitmasks.append(file_id, coll)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def piter(self, storage=None):
        r"""Iterate over time series components in parallel.

        This allows you to iterate over a time series while dispatching
        individual components of that time series to different processors or
        processor groups.  If the parallelism strategy was set to be
        multi-processor (by "parallel = N" where N is an integer when the
        DatasetSeries was created) this will issue each dataset to an
        N-processor group.  For instance, this would allow you to start a 1024
        processor job, loading up 100 datasets in a time series and creating 8
        processor groups of 128 processors each, each of which would be
        assigned a different dataset.  This could be accomplished as shown in
        the examples below.  The *storage* option is as seen in
        which is a mechanism for storing results of analysis on an individual
        dataset and then combining the results at the end, so that the entire
        set of processors have access to those results.

        Note that supplying a *store* changes the iteration mechanism; see

        storage : dict
            This is a dictionary, which will be filled with results during the
            course of the iteration.  The keys will be the dataset
            indices and the values will be whatever is assigned to the *result*
            attribute on the storage during iteration.

        Here is an example of iteration when the results do not need to be
        stored.  One processor will be assigned to each dataset.

        >>> ts = DatasetSeries("DD*/DD*.index")
        >>> for ds in ts.piter():
        ...    SlicePlot(ds, "x", "Density").save()
        This demonstrates how one might store results:

        >>> def print_time(ds):
        ...     print ds.current_time
        >>> ts = DatasetSeries("DD*/DD*.index",
        ...             setup_function = print_time )
        >>> my_storage = {}
        >>> for sto, ds in ts.piter(storage=my_storage):
        ...     v, c = ds.find_max("density")
        ...     sto.result = (v, c)
        >>> for i, (v, c) in sorted(my_storage.items()):
        ...     print "% 4i  %0.3e" % (i, v)

        This shows how to dispatch 4 processors to each dataset:

        >>> ts = DatasetSeries("DD*/DD*.index",
        ...                     parallel = 4)
        >>> for ds in ts.piter():
        ...     ProjectionPlot(ds, "x", "Density").save()

        dynamic = False
        if self.parallel == False:
            njobs = 1
            if self.parallel == True: njobs = -1
            else: njobs = self.parallel
        return parallel_objects(self,
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def project_light_cone(self, field_of_view, image_resolution, field,
                           weight_field=None, photon_field=False,
                           save_stack=True, save_final_image=True,
                           njobs=1, dynamic=False):
        r"""Create projections for light cone, then add them together.

        field_of_view : YTQuantity or tuple of (float, str)
            The field of view of the image and the units.
        image_resolution : YTQuantity or tuple of (float, str)
            The size of each image pixel and the units.
        field : string
            The projected field.
        weight_field : string
            the weight field of the projection.  This has the same meaning as
            in standard projections.
            Default: None.
        photon_field : bool
            if True, the projection data for each slice is decremented by 4 Pi
            R^2`, where R is the luminosity distance between the observer and
            the slice redshift.
            Default: False.
        save_stack : bool
            if True, the light cone data including each individual
            slice is written to an hdf5 file.
            Default: True.
        save_final_image : bool
            if True, save an image of the final light cone projection.
            Default: True.
        save_slice_images : bool
            save images for each individual projection slice.
            Default: False.
        cmap_name : string
            color map for images.
            Default: "algae".
        njobs : int
            The number of parallel jobs over which the light cone projection
            will be split.  Choose -1 for one processor per individual
            projection and 1 to have all processors work together on each
            Default: 1.
        dynamic : bool
            If True, use dynamic load balancing to create the projections.
            Default: False.


        if isinstance(field_of_view, tuple) and len(field_of_view) == 2:
            field_of_view = self.simulation.quan(field_of_view[0],
        elif not isinstance(field_of_view, YTArray):
          raise RuntimeError("field_of_view argument must be either a YTQauntity " +
                             "or a tuple of type (float, str).")
        if isinstance(image_resolution, tuple) and len(image_resolution) == 2:
            image_resolution = self.simulation.quan(image_resolution[0],
        elif not isinstance(image_resolution, YTArray):
          raise RuntimeError("image_resolution argument must be either a YTQauntity " +
                             "or a tuple of type (float, str).")
        # Calculate number of pixels on a side.
        pixels = (field_of_view / image_resolution).in_units("")

        # Clear projection stack.
        projection_stack = []
        projection_weight_stack = []
        if "object" in self.light_cone_solution[-1]:
            del self.light_cone_solution[-1]["object"]

        # for q, output in enumerate(self.light_cone_solution):
        all_storage = {}
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(self.light_cone_solution,
            output["object"] = load(output["filename"])

            # Calculate fraction of box required for width corresponding to
            # requested image size.
            proper_box_size = self.simulation.box_size / \
              (1.0 + output["redshift"])
            output["box_width_fraction"] = (output["box_width_per_angle"] *
            frb = _light_cone_projection(output, field, pixels,

            if photon_field:
                # Decrement the flux by the luminosity distance.
                # Assume field in frb is in erg/s/cm^2/Hz
                dL = self.cosmology.luminosity_distance(self.observer_redshift,
                proper_box_size = self.simulation.box_size / \
                  (1.0 + output["redshift"])
                pixel_area = (proper_box_size.in_cgs() / pixels)**2 #in proper cm^2
                factor = pixel_area / (4.0 * np.pi * dL.in_cgs()**2)
                mylog.info("Distance to slice = %s" % dL)
                frb[field] *= factor #in erg/s/cm^2/Hz on observer"s image plane.

            if weight_field is None:
                my_storage.result = {"field": frb[field]}
                my_storage.result = {"field": (frb[field] *
                                     "weight_field": frb["weight_field"]}

            del output["object"]

        # Combine results from each slice.
        all_slices = list(all_storage.keys())
        for my_slice in all_slices:
            if save_slice_images:
                name = os.path.join(self.output_dir,
                                    "%s_%04d_%04d" %
                                     my_slice, len(self.light_cone_solution)))
                if weight_field is None:
                    my_image = all_storage[my_slice]["field"]
                    my_image = all_storage[my_slice]["field"] / \
                only_on_root(write_image, np.log10(my_image),
                             "%s_%s.png" % (name, field), cmap_name=cmap_name)

            if weight_field is not None:

        projection_stack = self.simulation.arr(projection_stack)
        projection_weight_stack = self.simulation.arr(projection_weight_stack)
        # Add up slices to make light cone projection.
        if (weight_field is None):
            light_cone_projection = projection_stack.sum(axis=0)
            light_cone_projection = \
              projection_stack.sum(axis=0) / \

        filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.output_prefix)

        # Write image.
        if save_final_image:
            only_on_root(write_image, np.log10(light_cone_projection),
                         "%s_%s.png" % (filename, field), cmap_name=cmap_name)

        # Write stack to hdf5 file.
        if save_stack:
            self._save_light_cone_stack(field, weight_field,
                projection_stack, projection_weight_stack,
                attrs={"field_of_view": str(field_of_view),
                       "image_resolution": str(image_resolution)})
Ejemplo n.º 25
def parallel_tree_nodes(tree, group="forest", njobs=0, dynamic=False):
    Iterate over nodes in a single tree in parallel.

    Nodes are divided up between the available processor groups. Analysis
    field values can then be assigned to each node (halo).

    Note, unlike the parallel_trees and parallel_nodes function, no saving
    is performed internally. Results saving with the
    :func:`~ytree.data_structures.arbor.Arbor.save_arbor` must be done

    This uses the yt
    function, which is parallelized with MPI underneath and so is suitable
    for parallelism across compute nodes.

    tree : :class:`~ytree.data_structures.tree_node.TreeNode`
        The tree whose nodes will be iterated over.
    group : optional, str ("forest", "tree", or "prog")
        Determines the nodes to be iterated over in the tree: "forest" for
        all nodes in the forest, "tree" for all nodes in the tree, or "prog"
        for all nodes in the line of main progenitors.
        Default: "forest"
    njobs : optional, int
        The number of process groups for parallel iteration. Set to 0 to make
        the same number of process groups as available processors. Hence,
        each node will be allocated to a single processor. Set to a number
        less than the total number of processors to create groups with multiple
        processors, which will allow for further parallelization. For example,
        running with 8 processors and setting njobs to 4 will result in 4
        groups of 2 processors each.
        Default: 0
    dynamic : optional, bool
        Set to False to divide iterations evenly among process groups. Set to
        True to allocate iterations with a task queue. If True, the number of
        processors available will be one fewer than the total as one will act
        as the task queue server.
        Default: False


    >>> import ytree
    >>> a = ytree.load("arbor/arbor.h5")
    >>> a.add_analysis_field("test_field", default=-1, units="Msun")
    >>> trees = list(a[:])
    >>> for tree in trees:
    ...     for node in ytree.parallel_tree_nodes(tree):
    ...         node["test_field"] = 2 * node["mass"] # some analysis

    See Also
    parallel_trees, parallel_nodes


    afields = _get_analysis_fields(tree.arbor)

    my_halos = list(tree[group])

    tree_storage = {}
    for halo_store, ihalo in parallel_objects(range(len(my_halos)),

        my_halo = my_halos[ihalo]
        yield my_halo
        if is_root():
            halo_store.result_id = my_halo.tree_id
            halo_store.result = {field: my_halo[field] for field in afields}
            halo_store.result_id = -1

    # combine results for this tree
    if is_root():
        for tree_id, result in sorted(tree_storage.items()):
            if tree_id == -1:
            my_halo = tree.get_node("forest", tree_id)

            for field, value in result.items():
                my_halo[field] = value
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def project_light_cone(self,
        r"""Create projections for light cone, then add them together.

        field_of_view : YTQuantity or tuple of (float, str)
            The field of view of the image and the units.
        image_resolution : YTQuantity or tuple of (float, str)
            The size of each image pixel and the units.
        field : string
            The projected field.
        weight_field : string
            the weight field of the projection.  This has the same meaning as
            in standard projections.
            Default: None.
        photon_field : bool
            if True, the projection data for each slice is decremented by 4 Pi
            R^2`, where R is the luminosity distance between the observer and
            the slice redshift.
            Default: False.
        save_stack : bool
            if True, the light cone data including each individual
            slice is written to an hdf5 file.
            Default: True.
        save_final_image : bool
            if True, save an image of the final light cone projection.
            Default: True.
        save_slice_images : bool
            save images for each individual projection slice.
            Default: False.
        cmap_name : string
            color map for images.
            Default: your default colormap.
        njobs : int
            The number of parallel jobs over which the light cone projection
            will be split.  Choose -1 for one processor per individual
            projection and 1 to have all processors work together on each
            Default: 1.
        dynamic : bool
            If True, use dynamic load balancing to create the projections.
            Default: False.


        if cmap_name is None:
            cmap_name = ytcfg.get("yt", "default_colormap")

        if isinstance(field_of_view, tuple) and len(field_of_view) == 2:
            field_of_view = self.simulation.quan(field_of_view[0],
        elif not isinstance(field_of_view, YTArray):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "field_of_view argument must be either a YTQuantity " +
                "or a tuple of type (float, str).")
        if isinstance(image_resolution, tuple) and len(image_resolution) == 2:
            image_resolution = self.simulation.quan(image_resolution[0],
        elif not isinstance(image_resolution, YTArray):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "image_resolution argument must be either a YTQuantity " +
                "or a tuple of type (float, str).")

        # Calculate number of pixels on a side.
        pixels = int((field_of_view / image_resolution).in_units(""))

        # Clear projection stack.
        projection_stack = []
        projection_weight_stack = []
        if "object" in self.light_cone_solution[-1]:
            del self.light_cone_solution[-1]["object"]

        # for q, output in enumerate(self.light_cone_solution):
        all_storage = {}
        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(self.light_cone_solution,
            output["object"] = load(output["filename"])

            # Calculate fraction of box required for width corresponding to
            # requested image size.
            proper_box_size = self.simulation.box_size / \
              (1.0 + output["redshift"])
            output["box_width_fraction"] = (output["box_width_per_angle"] *

            frb = _light_cone_projection(output,

            if photon_field:
                # Decrement the flux by the luminosity distance.
                # Assume field in frb is in erg/s/cm^2/Hz
                dL = self.cosmology.luminosity_distance(
                    self.observer_redshift, output["redshift"])
                proper_box_size = self.simulation.box_size / \
                  (1.0 + output["redshift"])
                pixel_area = (proper_box_size.in_cgs() /
                              pixels)**2  #in proper cm^2
                factor = pixel_area / (4.0 * np.pi * dL.in_cgs()**2)
                mylog.info("Distance to slice = %s" % dL)
                frb[field] *= factor  #in erg/s/cm^2/Hz on observer"s image plane.

            if weight_field is None:
                my_storage.result = {"field": frb[field]}
                my_storage.result = {
                    "field": (frb[field] * frb["weight_field"]),
                    "weight_field": frb["weight_field"]

            del output["object"]

        # Combine results from each slice.
        all_slices = list(all_storage.keys())
        for my_slice in all_slices:
            if save_slice_images:
                name = os.path.join(
                    "%s_%04d_%04d" % (self.output_prefix, my_slice,
                if weight_field is None:
                    my_image = all_storage[my_slice]["field"]
                    my_image = all_storage[my_slice]["field"] / \
                             "%s_%s.png" % (name, field),

            if weight_field is not None:

        projection_stack = self.simulation.arr(projection_stack)
        projection_weight_stack = self.simulation.arr(projection_weight_stack)

        # Add up slices to make light cone projection.
        if (weight_field is None):
            light_cone_projection = projection_stack.sum(axis=0)
            light_cone_projection = \
              projection_stack.sum(axis=0) / \

        filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.output_prefix)

        # Write image.
        if save_final_image:
                         "%s_%s.png" % (filename, field),

        # Write stack to hdf5 file.
        if save_stack:
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __call__(self, data_source, parameters):

        ds = data_source.ds

        exp_time = parameters["FiducialExposureTime"]
        area = parameters["FiducialArea"]
        redshift = parameters["FiducialRedshift"]
        D_A = parameters["FiducialAngularDiameterDistance"].in_cgs()
        dist_fac = 1.0 / (4. * np.pi * D_A.value * D_A.value *
                          (1. + redshift)**2)
        src_ctr = parameters["center"]

        my_kT_min, my_kT_max = data_source.quantities.extrema("kT")

        emid = self.spectral_model.emid
        ebins = self.spectral_model.ebins
        nchan = len(emid)

        citer = data_source.chunks([], "io")

        photons = {}
        photons["x"] = []
        photons["y"] = []
        photons["z"] = []
        photons["vx"] = []
        photons["vy"] = []
        photons["vz"] = []
        photons["dx"] = []
        photons["Energy"] = []
        photons["NumberOfPhotons"] = []

        spectral_norm = area.v * exp_time.v * dist_fac

        tot_num_cells = data_source.ires.shape[0]

        pbar = get_pbar("Generating photons ", tot_num_cells)

        cell_counter = 0

        for chunk in parallel_objects(citer):

            kT = chunk["kT"].v
            num_cells = len(kT)
            if num_cells == 0:
            vol = chunk["cell_volume"].in_cgs().v
            EM = (chunk["density"] / mp).in_cgs().v**2
            EM *= 0.5 * (1. + self.X_H) * self.X_H * vol

            if isinstance(self.Zmet, string_types):
                metalZ = chunk[self.Zmet].v
                metalZ = self.Zmet * np.ones(num_cells)

            idxs = np.argsort(kT)

            kT_bins = np.linspace(kT_min,
                                  max(my_kT_max.v, kT_max),
                                  num=n_kT + 1)
            dkT = kT_bins[1] - kT_bins[0]
            kT_idxs = np.digitize(kT[idxs], kT_bins)
            kT_idxs = np.minimum(np.maximum(1, kT_idxs), n_kT) - 1
            bcounts = np.bincount(kT_idxs).astype("int")
            bcounts = bcounts[bcounts > 0]
            n = int(0)
            bcell = []
            ecell = []
            for bcount in bcounts:
                ecell.append(n + bcount)
                n += bcount
            kT_idxs = np.unique(kT_idxs)

            cell_em = EM[idxs] * spectral_norm

            number_of_photons = np.zeros(num_cells, dtype="uint64")
            energies = np.zeros(self.photons_per_chunk)

            start_e = 0
            end_e = 0

            for ibegin, iend, ikT in zip(bcell, ecell, kT_idxs):

                kT = kT_bins[ikT] + 0.5 * dkT

                n_current = iend - ibegin

                cem = cell_em[ibegin:iend]

                cspec, mspec = self.spectral_model.get_spectrum(kT)

                tot_ph_c = cspec.d.sum()
                tot_ph_m = mspec.d.sum()

                u = self.prng.uniform(size=n_current)

                cell_norm_c = tot_ph_c * cem
                cell_norm_m = tot_ph_m * metalZ[ibegin:iend] * cem
                cell_norm = np.modf(cell_norm_c + cell_norm_m)
                cell_n = np.uint64(cell_norm[1]) + np.uint64(cell_norm[0] >= u)

                number_of_photons[ibegin:iend] = cell_n

                end_e += int(cell_n.sum())

                if end_e > self.photons_per_chunk:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Number of photons generated for this chunk " +
                        "exceeds photons_per_chunk (%d)! " %
                        self.photons_per_chunk + "Increase photons_per_chunk!")

                if self.method == "invert_cdf":
                    cumspec_c = np.cumsum(cspec.d)
                    cumspec_m = np.cumsum(mspec.d)
                    cumspec_c = np.insert(cumspec_c, 0, 0.0)
                    cumspec_m = np.insert(cumspec_m, 0, 0.0)

                ei = start_e
                for cn, Z in zip(number_of_photons[ibegin:iend],
                    if cn == 0: continue
                    # The rather verbose form of the few next statements is a
                    # result of code optimization and shouldn't be changed
                    # without checking for performance degradation. See
                    # https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/pull-requests/1766
                    # for details.
                    if self.method == "invert_cdf":
                        cumspec = cumspec_c
                        cumspec += Z * cumspec_m
                        norm_factor = 1.0 / cumspec[-1]
                        cumspec *= norm_factor
                        randvec = self.prng.uniform(size=cn)
                        cell_e = np.interp(randvec, cumspec, ebins)
                    elif self.method == "accept_reject":
                        tot_spec = cspec.d
                        tot_spec += Z * mspec.d
                        norm_factor = 1.0 / tot_spec.sum()
                        tot_spec *= norm_factor
                        eidxs = self.prng.choice(nchan, size=cn, p=tot_spec)
                        cell_e = emid[eidxs]
                    energies[int(ei):int(ei + cn)] = cell_e
                    cell_counter += 1
                    ei += cn

                start_e = end_e

            active_cells = number_of_photons > 0
            idxs = idxs[active_cells]

            photons["Energy"].append(ds.arr(energies[:end_e].copy(), "keV"))
                (chunk["x"][idxs] - src_ctr[0]).in_units("kpc"))
                (chunk["y"][idxs] - src_ctr[1]).in_units("kpc"))
                (chunk["z"][idxs] - src_ctr[2]).in_units("kpc"))


        for key in photons:
            if len(photons[key]) > 0:
                photons[key] = uconcatenate(photons[key])
            elif key == "NumberOfPhotons":
                photons[key] = np.array([])
                photons[key] = YTArray([], photon_units[key])

        mylog.info("Number of photons generated: %d" %
        mylog.info("Number of cells with photons: %d" % len(photons["x"]))


        return photons
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def _add_lines_to_spectrum(self, field_data, use_peculiar_velocity,
                               output_absorbers_file, store_observables,
                               subgrid_resolution=10, observing_redshift=0.,
                               njobs=-1, min_tau=1e-3):
        Add the absorption lines to the spectrum.

        if len(self.line_list) == 0:

        if self.bin_space == 'velocity':
            wavelength_zero_point = self.line_list[0]['wavelength']

        # Change the redshifts of individual absorbers to account for the
        # redshift at which the observer sits
        redshift, redshift_eff = self._apply_observing_redshift(field_data,
                                 use_peculiar_velocity, observing_redshift)

        # step through each ionic transition (e.g. HI, HII, MgII) specified
        # and deposit the lines into the spectrum
        for store, line in parallel_objects(self.line_list, njobs=njobs,
            column_density = field_data[line['field_name']] * field_data['dl']
            if (column_density < 0).any():
                    "Setting negative densities for field %s to 0! Bad!" % line['field_name'])
                np.clip(column_density, 0, np.inf, out=column_density)
            if (column_density == 0).all():
                mylog.info("Not adding line %s: insufficient column density" % line['label'])

            # redshift_eff field combines cosmological and velocity redshifts
            # so delta_lambda gives the offset in angstroms from the rest frame
            # wavelength to the observed wavelength of the transition
            if use_peculiar_velocity:
                delta_lambda = line['wavelength'] * redshift_eff
                delta_lambda = line['wavelength'] * redshift
            # lambda_obs is central wavelength of line after redshift
            lambda_obs = (line['wavelength'] + delta_lambda).to('angstrom')

            # either the observed wavelength or velocity offset
            if self.bin_space == 'wavelength':
                my_obs = lambda_obs[:]
            elif self.bin_space == 'velocity':
                my_obs = c_kms * \
                  (lambda_obs - wavelength_zero_point) / \
                raise RuntimeError('What bin_space is this?')

            # the total number of absorbers per transition
            n_absorbers = len(lambda_obs)

            # thermal broadening b parameter
            thermal_b =  np.sqrt((2 * boltzmann_constant_cgs *
                                  field_data['temperature']) /

            # the actual thermal width of the lines
            thermal_width = (lambda_obs * thermal_b /

            # Sanitize units for faster runtime of the tau_profile machinery.
            lambda_0 = line['wavelength'].d  # line's rest frame; angstroms
            cdens = column_density.in_units("cm**-2").d # cm**-2
            thermb = thermal_b.to('cm/s').d  # thermal b coefficient; cm / s
            dlambda = delta_lambda.d  # lambda offset; angstroms
            # Array to store sum of the tau values for each index in the
            # light ray that is deposited to the final spectrum
            if store_observables:
                tau_ray = np.zeros(cdens.size)
            if use_peculiar_velocity:
                vlos = field_data['velocity_los'].in_units("km/s").d # km/s
                vlos = np.zeros(field_data['temperature'].size)

            # When we actually deposit the voigt profile, sometimes we will
            # have underresolved lines (ie lines with smaller widths than
            # the spectral bin size).  Here, we create virtual wavelength bins
            # small enough in width to well resolve each line, deposit the
            # voigt profile into them, then numerically integrate their tau
            # values and sum them to redeposit them into the actual spectral
            # bins.

            # virtual bins (vbins) will be:
            # 1) <= the bin_width; assures at least as good as spectral bins
            # 2) <= 1/10th the thermal width; assures resolving voigt profiles
            #   (actually 1/subgrid_resolution value, default is 1/10)
            # 3) a bin width will be divisible by vbin_width times a power of
            #    10; this will assure we don't get spikes in the deposited
            #    spectra from uneven numbers of vbins per bin

            if self.bin_space == 'wavelength':
                my_width = thermal_width
            elif self.bin_space == 'velocity':
                my_width = thermal_b
                raise RuntimeError('What bin space is this?')

            resolution = my_width / self.bin_width
            n_vbins_per_bin = (10 ** (np.ceil( np.log10( subgrid_resolution /
                               resolution) ).clip(0, np.inf) ) ).astype('int')
            vbin_width = self.bin_width.d / n_vbins_per_bin

            # a note to the user about which lines components are unresolved
            if (my_width < self.bin_width).any():
                mylog.info("%d out of %d line components will be " +
                            "deposited as unresolved lines.",
                            (my_width < self.bin_width).sum(),

            # Keep track of the lambda field before depositing a new line
            # so we can add the current_tau_field and the tau_field together.
            last_lambda_field = self.lambda_field

            # provide a progress bar with information about lines processsed
            pbar = get_pbar("Adding line - %s [%f A]: " % \
                            (line['label'], line['wavelength']), n_absorbers)

            # for a given transition, step through each location in the
            # observed spectrum where it occurs and deposit a voigt profile
            for i in parallel_objects(np.arange(n_absorbers), njobs=-1):

                # if there is a ray element with temperature = 0 or column
                # density = 0, skip it
                if (thermal_b[i] == 0.) or (cdens[i] == 0.):

                # the virtual window into which the line is deposited initially
                # spans a region of 2 coarse spectral bins
                # (one on each side of the center_index) but the window
                # can expand as necessary.
                # it will continue to expand until the tau value in the far
                # edge of the wings is less than the min_tau value or it
                # reaches the edge of the spectrum
                window_width_in_bins = 2

                # Widen wavelength window until optical depth falls below min_tau
                # value at the ends to assure that the wings of a line have been
                # fully resolved.
                while True:

                    # calculate wavelength window
                    if self._auto_lambda and self.lambda_field is None:
                        my_lambda_min = my_obs[i] - \
                          window_width_in_bins * self.bin_width / 2
                        # round off to multiple of bin_width
                        my_lambda_min = self.bin_width * \
                          np.ceil(my_lambda_min / self.bin_width)
                        my_lambda = my_lambda_min + \
                          self.bin_width * np.arange(window_width_in_bins)

                        my_lambda = self.lambda_field

                    # we want to know the bin index in the lambda_field array
                    # where each line has its central wavelength after being
                    # redshifted.  however, because we don't know a priori how wide
                    # a line will be (ie DLAs), we have to include bin indices
                    # *outside* the spectral range of the AbsorptionSpectrum
                    # object.  Thus, we find the "equivalent" bin index, which
                    # may be <0 or >the size of the array.  In the end, we deposit
                    # the bins that actually overlap with the AbsorptionSpectrum's
                    # range in lambda.

                    left_index, center_index, right_index = \
                          my_lambda, self.bin_width,
                          my_obs[i], window_width_in_bins)
                    n_vbins = window_width_in_bins * n_vbins_per_bin[i]

                    # the array of virtual bins in lambda space
                    vbins = \
                        np.linspace(my_lambda.d[0] + self.bin_width.d * left_index,
                                    my_lambda.d[0] + self.bin_width.d * right_index,
                                    n_vbins, endpoint=False)

                    if self.bin_space == 'wavelength':
                        my_vbins = vbins
                    elif self.bin_space == 'velocity':
                        my_vbins = vbins * \
                          wavelength_zero_point.d / c_kms.d + \
                        raise RuntimeError('What bin_space is this?')

                    # the virtual bins and their corresponding opacities
                    my_vbins, vtau = \
                            lambda_0, line['f_value'], line['gamma'],
                            thermb[i], cdens[i],
                            delta_lambda=dlambda[i], lambda_bins=my_vbins)

                    # If tau has not dropped below min tau threshold by the
                    # edges (ie the wings), then widen the wavelength
                    # window and repeat process.
                    if (vtau[0] < min_tau and vtau[-1] < min_tau):
                        if self._auto_lambda:
                                left_index, right_index, my_lambda)
                            left_index, center_index, right_index = \
                                  self.lambda_field, self.bin_width,
                                  my_obs[i], window_width_in_bins)

                    window_width_in_bins *= 2

                if center_index is None:

                # Numerically integrate the virtual bins to calculate a
                # virtual "equivalent width" of optical depth; then sum these
                # virtual equivalent widths in tau and deposit back into each
                # original spectral tau bin
                # Please note: this is not a true equivalent width in the
                # normal use of the word by observers.  It is an equivalent
                # with in tau, not in flux, and is only used internally in
                # this subgrid deposition as EW_tau.
                vEW_tau = vtau * vbin_width[i]
                EW_tau = np.zeros(right_index - left_index)
                EW_tau_indices = np.arange(left_index, right_index)
                for k, val in enumerate(EW_tau_indices):
                    EW_tau[k] = vEW_tau[n_vbins_per_bin[i] * k:
                                        n_vbins_per_bin[i] * (k + 1)].sum()
                EW_tau = EW_tau/self.bin_width.d

                # only deposit EW_tau bins that actually intersect the original
                # spectral wavelength range (i.e. lambda_field)

                # if EW_tau bins don't intersect the original spectral range at
                # all then skip the deposition
                if ((left_index >= self.lambda_field.size) or \
                    (right_index < 0)):

                # otherwise, determine how much of the original spectrum
                # is intersected by the expanded line window to be deposited,
                # and deposit the Equivalent Width in tau into that intersecting
                # window in the original spectrum's tau array
                    intersect_left_index = max(left_index, 0)
                    intersect_right_index = min(right_index, self.lambda_field.size)
                    EW_tau_deposit = EW_tau[(intersect_left_index - left_index): \
                                            (intersect_right_index - left_index)]
                    self.current_tau_field[intersect_left_index:intersect_right_index] \
                        += EW_tau_deposit
                    if store_observables:
                        tau_ray[i] = np.sum(EW_tau_deposit)
                # write out absorbers to file if the column density of
                # an absorber is greater than the specified "label_threshold"
                # of that absorption line
                if output_absorbers_file and \
                   line['label_threshold'] is not None and \
                   cdens[i] >= line['label_threshold']:

                    if use_peculiar_velocity:
                        peculiar_velocity = vlos[i]
                        peculiar_velocity = 0.0
                    self.absorbers_list.append({'label': line['label'],
                                                'wavelength': (lambda_0 + dlambda[i]),
                                                'column_density': column_density[i],
                                                'b_thermal': thermal_b[i],
                                                'redshift': redshift[i],
                                                'redshift_eff': redshift_eff[i],
                                                'v_pec': peculiar_velocity})

            # Expand the tau_field array to match the updated wavelength
            # array from the last line deposition.
            self._adjust_field_array(last_lambda_field, self.lambda_field,

            if self.current_tau_field is not None:
                # Now add the current_tau_field.
                self.tau_field += self.current_tau_field

            ## Check keyword before storing any observables
            if store_observables:
                # If running in parallel, make sure that the observable
                # quantities for the dictionary are combined correctly.
                comm = _get_comm(())

                if self._auto_lambda:
                    global_lambda_field = self._get_global_lambda_field(comm=comm)
                    self._adjust_field_array(self.lambda_field, global_lambda_field,

                if comm.size > 1:
                    obs_dict_fields = \
                      [column_density, tau_ray, self.current_tau_field,
                       delta_lambda, lambda_obs, thermal_b, thermal_width]
                    obs_dict_fields = [comm.mpi_allreduce(field,op="sum")
                                       for field in obs_dict_fields]

                # Calculate the flux decrement equivalent width (the true
                # equivalent width!) for use in post-processing
                if self.current_tau_field is None:
                    EW = 0.
                    EW = np.sum(1-np.exp(-self.current_tau_field))*self.bin_width
                # Update the line_observables_dict with values for this line
                obs_dict = {"column_density":column_density,
                if self.bin_space == 'velocity':
                    obs_dict['velocity_offset'] = my_obs
                store.result_id = line['label']
                store.result = obs_dict
                ## Can only delete these if in this statement:
                del obs_dict, tau_ray

            self.current_tau_field = None

            # These always need to be deleted
            del column_density, delta_lambda, lambda_obs, my_obs, \
                thermal_b, thermal_width, cdens, thermb, dlambda, \
                vlos, resolution, vbin_width, n_vbins, n_vbins_per_bin

        comm = _get_comm(())
        if self._auto_lambda:
            new_lambda = self._get_global_lambda_field(comm=comm)
            self._adjust_field_array(self.lambda_field, new_lambda,
            self.lambda_field = new_lambda
        self.tau_field = comm.mpi_allreduce(self.tau_field, op="sum")
        if output_absorbers_file:
            self.absorbers_list = comm.par_combine_object(
                self.absorbers_list, "cat", datatype="list")
Ejemplo n.º 29
def _write_fields_to_gdf(ds,

    for field_name in fields:
        # add field info to field_types group
        g = fhandle["field_types"]
        # create the subgroup with the field's name
        if isinstance(field_name, tuple):
            field_name = field_name[1]
        fi = ds._get_field_info(field_name)
            sg = g.create_group(field_name)
        except ValueError:
            print("Error - File already contains field called " + field_name)

        # grab the display name and units from the field info container.
        display_name = fi.display_name
        units = fi.units

        # check that they actually contain something...
        if display_name:
            sg.attrs["field_name"] = np.string_(display_name)
            sg.attrs["field_name"] = np.string_(field_name)
        if units:
            sg.attrs["field_units"] = np.string_(units)
            sg.attrs["field_units"] = np.string_("None")
        # @todo: is this always true?
        sg.attrs["staggering"] = 0

    # first we must create the datasets on all processes.
    g = fhandle["data"]
    for grid in ds.index.grids:
        for field_name in fields:

            # sanitize get the field info object
            if isinstance(field_name, tuple):
                field_name = field_name[1]
            fi = ds._get_field_info(field_name)

            grid_group = g["grid_%010i" % (grid.id - grid._id_offset)]
            particles_group = grid_group["particles"]
            pt_group = particles_group[particle_type_name]

            if fi.particle_type:  # particle data
            else:  # a field

    # now add the actual data, grid by grid
    g = fhandle["data"]
    data_source = ds.all_data()
    citer = data_source.chunks([], "io", local_only=True)
    for region in parallel_objects(citer):
        # is there a better way to the get the grids on each chunk?
        for chunk in ds.index._chunk_io(region):
            for grid in chunk.objs:
                for field_name in fields:

                    # sanitize and get the field info object
                    if isinstance(field_name, tuple):
                        field_name = field_name[1]
                    fi = ds._get_field_info(field_name)

                    # set field parameters, if specified
                    if field_parameters is not None:
                        for k, v in field_parameters.items():
                            grid.set_field_parameter(k, v)

                    grid_group = g["grid_%010i" % (grid.id - grid._id_offset)]
                    particles_group = grid_group["particles"]
                    pt_group = particles_group[particle_type_name]
                    # add the field data to the grid group
                    # Check if this is a real field or particle data.
                    units = fhandle["field_types"][field_name].attrs[
                    if fi.particle_type:  # particle data
                        dset = pt_group[field_name]
                        dset[:] = grid[field_name].in_units(units)
                    else:  # a field
                        dset = grid_group[field_name]
                        dset[:] = grid[field_name].in_units(units)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def _write_fields_to_gdf(ds, fhandle, fields, particle_type_name,

    for field_name in fields:
        # add field info to field_types group
        g = fhandle["field_types"]
        # create the subgroup with the field's name
        if isinstance(field_name, tuple):
            field_name = field_name[1]
        fi = ds._get_field_info(field_name)
            sg = g.create_group(field_name)
        except ValueError:
            print("Error - File already contains field called " + field_name)

        # grab the display name and units from the field info container.
        display_name = fi.display_name
        units = fi.units

        # check that they actually contain something...
        if display_name:
            sg.attrs["field_name"] = np.string_(display_name)
            sg.attrs["field_name"] = np.string_(field_name)
        if units:
            sg.attrs["field_units"] = np.string_(units)
            sg.attrs["field_units"] = np.string_("None")
        # @todo: is this always true?
        sg.attrs["staggering"] = 0

    # first we must create the datasets on all processes.
    g = fhandle["data"]
    for grid in ds.index.grids:
        for field_name in fields:

            # sanitize get the field info object
            if isinstance(field_name, tuple):
                field_name = field_name[1]
            fi = ds._get_field_info(field_name)

            grid_group = g["grid_%010i" % (grid.id - grid._id_offset)]
            particles_group = grid_group["particles"]
            pt_group = particles_group[particle_type_name]

            if fi.particle_type:  # particle data
                pt_group.create_dataset(field_name, grid.ActiveDimensions,
            else:  # a field
                grid_group.create_dataset(field_name, grid.ActiveDimensions,

    # now add the actual data, grid by grid
    g = fhandle["data"]
    data_source = ds.all_data()
    citer = data_source.chunks([], "io", local_only=True)
    for chunk in parallel_objects(citer):
        # is there a better way to the get the grids on each chunk?
        for grid in list(ds.index._chunk_io(chunk))[0].objs:
            for field_name in fields:

                # sanitize and get the field info object
                if isinstance(field_name, tuple):
                    field_name = field_name[1]
                fi = ds._get_field_info(field_name)

                # set field parameters, if specified
                if field_parameters is not None:
                    for k, v in field_parameters.iteritems():
                        grid.set_field_parameter(k, v)

                grid_group = g["grid_%010i" % (grid.id - grid._id_offset)]
                particles_group = grid_group["particles"]
                pt_group = particles_group[particle_type_name]
                # add the field data to the grid group
                # Check if this is a real field or particle data.
                units = fhandle["field_types"][field_name].attrs["field_units"]
                if fi.particle_type:  # particle data
                    dset = pt_group[field_name]
                    dset[:] = grid[field_name].in_units(units)
                else:  # a field
                    dset = grid_group[field_name]
                    dset[:] = grid[field_name].in_units(units)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def setup_model(self, data_source, redshift, spectral_norm):
     self.redshift = redshift
     ptype = None
     if not self.nei and not isinstance(self.Zmet, float):
         Z_units = str(data_source.ds._get_field_info(self.Zmet).units)
         if Z_units in ["dimensionless", "", "code_metallicity"]:
             self.Zconvert = 1.0/metal_abund[self.abund_table]
         elif Z_units == "Zsun":
             self.Zconvert = 1.0
             raise RuntimeError("I don't understand metallicity units of %s!" % Z_units)
     if self.num_var_elem > 0:
         for key, value in self.var_elem.items():
             if not isinstance(value, float):
                 if "^" in key:
                     elem = key.split("^")[0]
                     elem = key
                 n_elem = elem_names.index(elem)
                 m_units = str(data_source.ds._get_field_info(value).units)
                 if m_units in ["dimensionless", "", "code_metallicity"]:
                     self.mconvert[key] = atomic_weights[1]/(self.atable[n_elem] *
                                                             atomic_weights[n_elem] *
                 elif m_units == "Zsun":
                     self.mconvert[key] = 1.0
                     raise RuntimeError("I don't understand units of %s for element %s!" % (m_units, key))
     if self.emission_measure_field is None:
         found_dfield = [fd for fd in particle_dens_fields if fd in data_source.ds.field_list]
         if len(found_dfield) > 0:
             ptype = found_dfield[0][0]
             def _emission_measure(field, data):
                 nenh = data[found_dfield[0]]*data['particle_mass']
                 nenh /= mp*mp
                 if data.has_field_parameter("X_H"):
                     X_H = data.get_field_parameter("X_H")
                     X_H = primordial_H_abund
                 if (ptype, 'ElectronAbundance') in data_source.ds.field_list:
                     nenh *= X_H * data[ptype, 'ElectronAbundance']
                     nenh *= X_H * (1.-data[ptype, 'NeutralHydrogenAbundance'])
                     nenh *= 0.5*(1.+X_H)*X_H
                 return nenh
             data_source.ds.add_field((ptype, 'emission_measure'),
             self.emission_measure_field = (ptype, 'emission_measure')
             self.emission_measure_field = ('gas', 'emission_measure')
     mylog.info("Using emission measure field '(%s, %s)'." % self.emission_measure_field)
     if self.temperature_field is None:
         found_tfield = [fd for fd in particle_temp_fields if fd in data_source.ds.derived_field_list]
         if len(found_tfield) > 0:
             self.temperature_field = found_tfield[0]
             # What we have to do here is make sure that the temperature is set correctly
             # for SPH datasets that don't have the temperature field defined. What this
             # means is that we must set the mean molecular weight to the value for a
             # fully ionized gas if the ionization fraction is not available in the dataset.
             if self.temperature_field not in data_source.ds.field_list and ptype is not None:
                 if (ptype, 'ElectronAbundance') not in data_source.ds.field_list:
                     if data_source.has_field_parameter("X_H"):
                         X_H = data_source.get_field_parameter("X_H")
                         X_H = 0.76
                     data_source.set_field_parameter("mean_molecular_weight", 4.0/(5*X_H+3))
             self.temperature_field = ('gas', 'temperature')
     mylog.info("Using temperature field '(%s, %s)'." % self.temperature_field)
     self.spectral_norm = spectral_norm
     if self.kT_scale == "linear":
         self.kT_bins = np.linspace(self.kT_min, self.kT_max, num=self.n_kT+1)
     elif self.kT_scale == "log":
         self.kT_bins = np.logspace(np.log10(self.kT_min), np.log10(self.kT_max), 
     self.dkT = np.diff(self.kT_bins)
     citer = data_source.chunks([], "io")
     num_cells = 0
     T_min = self.kT_min*K_per_keV
     T_max = self.kT_max*K_per_keV
     for chunk in parallel_objects(citer):
         T = chunk[self.temperature_field].d
         num_cells += np.count_nonzero((T > T_min) & (T < T_max))
     num_cells = comm.mpi_allreduce(num_cells)
     self.source_type = data_source.ds._get_field_info(self.emission_measure_field).name[0]
     self.pbar = get_pbar("Processing cells/particles ", num_cells)
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self,
                 width=(1.0, "unitary"),
                 depth=(1.0, "unitary"),
        r""" Initialize a PPVCube object.

        ds : dataset
            The dataset.
        normal : array_like or string
            The normal vector along with to make the projections. If an array, it
            will be normalized. If a string, it will be assumed to be along one of the
            principal axes of the domain ("x", "y", or "z").
        field : string
            The field to project.
        velocity_bounds : tuple
            A 4-tuple of (vmin, vmax, nbins, units) for the velocity bounds to
            integrate over. 
        center : A sequence of floats, a string, or a tuple.
            The coordinate of the center of the image. If set to 'c', 'center' or
            left blank, the plot is centered on the middle of the domain. If set to
            'max' or 'm', the center will be located at the maximum of the
            ('gas', 'density') field. Centering on the max or min of a specific
            field is supported by providing a tuple such as ("min","temperature") or
            ("max","dark_matter_density"). Units can be specified by passing in *center*
            as a tuple containing a coordinate and string unit name or by passing
            in a YTArray. If a list or unitless array is supplied, code units are
        width : float, tuple, or YTQuantity.
            The width of the projection. A float will assume the width is in code units.
            A (value, unit) tuple or YTQuantity allows for the units of the width to be
            specified. Implies width = height, e.g. the aspect ratio of the PPVCube's 
            spatial dimensions is 1.
        dims : integer, optional
            The spatial resolution of the cube. Implies nx = ny, e.g. the 
            aspect ratio of the PPVCube's spatial dimensions is 1.
        thermal_broad : boolean, optional
            Whether or not to broaden the line using the gas temperature. Default: False.
        atomic_weight : float, optional
            Set this value to the atomic weight of the particle that is emitting the line
            if *thermal_broad* is True. Defaults to 56 (Fe).
        depth : A tuple or a float, optional
            A tuple containing the depth to project through and the string
            key of the unit: (width, 'unit').  If set to a float, code units
            are assumed. Only for off-axis cubes.
        depth_res : integer, optional
            The resolution of integration along the line of sight for off-axis cubes. Default: 256
        method : string, optional
            Set the projection method to be used.
            "integrate" : line of sight integration over the line element.
            "sum" : straight summation over the line of sight.
        weight_field : string, optional
            The name of the weighting field.  Set to None for no weight.
        no_shifting : boolean, optional
            If set, no shifting due to velocity will occur but only thermal broadening.
            Should not be set when *thermal_broad* is False, otherwise nothing happens!
        north_vector : a sequence of floats
            A vector defining the 'up' direction. This option sets the orientation of 
            the plane of projection. If not set, an arbitrary grid-aligned north_vector 
            is chosen. Ignored in the case of on-axis cubes.
        no_ghost: bool, optional
            Optimization option for off-axis cases. If True, homogenized bricks will
            extrapolate out from grid instead of interpolating from
            ghost zones that have to first be calculated.  This can
            lead to large speed improvements, but at a loss of
            accuracy/smoothness in resulting image.  The effects are
            less notable when the transfer function is smooth and
            broad. Default: True

        >>> i = 60*np.pi/180.
        >>> L = [0.0,np.sin(i),np.cos(i)]
        >>> cube = PPVCube(ds, L, "density", (-5.,4.,100,"km/s"), width=(10.,"kpc"))

        self.ds = ds
        self.field = field
        self.width = width
        self.particle_mass = atomic_weight * mh
        self.thermal_broad = thermal_broad
        self.no_shifting = no_shifting

        if not isinstance(normal, string_types):
            width = ds.coordinates.sanitize_width(normal, width, depth)
            width = tuple(el.in_units('code_length').v for el in width)

        if no_shifting and not thermal_broad:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "no_shifting cannot be True when thermal_broad is False!")

        self.center = ds.coordinates.sanitize_center(center, normal)[0]

        self.nx = dims
        self.ny = dims
        self.nv = velocity_bounds[2]

        if method not in ["integrate", "sum"]:
            raise RuntimeError("Only the 'integrate' and 'sum' projection +"
                               "methods are supported in PPVCube.")

        dd = ds.all_data()
        fd = dd._determine_fields(field)[0]
        self.field_units = ds._get_field_info(fd).units

        self.vbins = ds.arr(
            np.linspace(velocity_bounds[0], velocity_bounds[1],
                        velocity_bounds[2] + 1), velocity_bounds[3])

        self._vbins = self.vbins.copy()
        self.vmid = 0.5 * (self.vbins[1:] + self.vbins[:-1])
        self.vmid_cgs = self.vmid.in_cgs().v
        self.dv = self.vbins[1] - self.vbins[0]
        self.dv_cgs = self.dv.in_cgs().v

        self.current_v = 0.0

        _vlos = create_vlos(normal, self.no_shifting)
        self.ds.add_field(("gas", "v_los"), function=_vlos, units="cm/s")

        _intensity = self._create_intensity()
        self.ds.add_field(("gas", "intensity"),

        if method == "integrate" and weight_field is None:
            self.proj_units = str(ds.quan(1.0, self.field_units + "*cm").units)
        elif method == "sum":
            self.proj_units = self.field_units

        storage = {}
        pbar = get_pbar("Generating cube.", self.nv)
        for sto, i in parallel_objects(range(self.nv), storage=storage):
            self.current_v = self.vmid_cgs[i]
            if isinstance(normal, string_types):
                prj = ds.proj("intensity",
                buf = prj.to_frb(width, self.nx,
                buf = off_axis_projection(ds,
                                          width, (self.nx, self.ny, depth_res),
                                          weight=weight_field).swapaxes(0, 1)
            sto.result_id = i
            sto.result = buf

        self.data = ds.arr(np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nv)),
        if is_root():
            for i, buf in sorted(storage.items()):
                self.data[:, :, i] = buf.transpose()

        self.axis_type = "velocity"

        # Now fix the width
        if iterable(self.width):
            self.width = ds.quan(self.width[0], self.width[1])
        elif not isinstance(self.width, YTQuantity):
            self.width = ds.quan(self.width, "code_length")

        self.ds.field_info.pop(("gas", "intensity"))
        self.ds.field_info.pop(("gas", "v_los"))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def parallel_trees(trees,
    Iterate over a list of trees in parallel.

    Trees are divided up between the available processor groups. Analysis
    field values can then be assigned to halos within the tree. The trees
    will be saved either at the end of the loop or after a number of trees
    given by the ``save_every`` keyword are completed.

    This uses the yt
    function, which is parallelized with MPI underneath and so is suitable
    for parallelism across compute nodes.

    trees : list of :class:`~ytree.data_structures.tree_node.TreeNode` objects
        The trees to be iterated over in parallel.
    save_every : optional, int or False
        Number of trees to be completed before results are saved. This is
        used to save intermediate results in case scripts need to be restarted.
        If None, save will only occur after iterating over all trees. If False,
        no saving will be done.
        Default: None
    filename : optional, string
        The name of the new arbor to be saved. If None, the naming convention
        will follow the filename keyword of the
        :func:`~ytree.data_structures.arbor.Arbor.save_arbor` function.
        Default: None
    njobs : optional, int
        The number of process groups for parallel iteration. Set to 0 to make
        the same number of process groups as available processors. Hence,
        each tree will be allocated to a single processor. Set to a number
        less than the total number of processors to create groups with multiple
        processors, which will allow for further parallelization within a tree.
        For example, running with 8 processors and setting njobs to 4 will result
        in 4 groups of 2 processors each.
        Default: 0
    dynamic : optional, bool
        Set to False to divide iterations evenly among process groups. Set to
        True to allocate iterations with a task queue. If True, the number of
        processors available will be one fewer than the total as one will act
        as the task queue server.
        Default: False


    >>> import ytree
    >>> a = ytree.load("arbor/arbor.h5")
    >>> a.add_analysis_field("test_field", default=-1, units="Msun")
    >>> trees = list(a[:])
    >>> for tree in ytree.parallel_trees(trees):
    ...     for node in tree["forest"]:
    ...         node["test_field"] = 2 * node["mass"] # some analysis

    See Also
    parallel_tree_nodes, parallel_nodes


    arbor = trees[0].arbor
    afields = _get_analysis_fields(arbor)

    nt = len(trees)
    save = True
    if save_every is None:
        save_every = nt
    elif save_every is False:
        save_every = nt
        save = False
    nb = int(np.ceil(nt / save_every))

    for ib in range(nb):
        start = ib * save_every
        end = min(start + save_every, nt)

        arbor_storage = {}
        for tree_store, itree in parallel_objects(range(start, end),

            my_tree = trees[itree]
            yield my_tree

            if is_root():
                my_root = my_tree.find_root()
                tree_store.result_id = (my_root._arbor_index, my_tree.tree_id)

                # If the tree is not a root, only save the "tree" selection
                # as we could overwrite other trees in the forest.
                if my_tree.is_root:
                    selection = "forest"
                    selection = "tree"

                tree_store.result = {
                    field: my_tree[selection, field]
                    for field in afields

                tree_store.result_id = None

        # combine results for all trees
        if is_root():
            for itree in range(start, end):
                my_tree = trees[itree]
                my_root = my_tree.find_root()
                key = (my_root._arbor_index, my_tree.tree_id)
                data = arbor_storage[key]

                if my_tree.is_root:
                    indices = slice(None)
                    indices = [my_tree._tree_field_indices]

                for field in afields:
                    if field not in my_root.field_data:
                            my_root, field)
                    my_root.field_data[field][indices] = data[field]

            if save:
                fn = arbor.save_arbor(filename=filename, trees=trees)
                arbor = ytree_load(fn)
                trees = [
                    regenerate_node(arbor, tree, new_index=i)
                    for i, tree in enumerate(trees)
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def make_light_ray(self,
        Create a light ray and get field values for each lixel.  A light
        ray consists of a list of field values for cells intersected by
        the ray and the path length of the ray through those cells.
        Light ray data can be written out to an hdf5 file.

        seed : int
            Seed for the random number generator.
            Default: None.
        start_position : list of floats
            Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset.
            The coordinates of the starting position of the ray.
            Default: None.
        end_position : list of floats
            Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset.
            The coordinates of the ending position of the ray.
            Default: None.
        trajectory : list of floats
            Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset.
            The (r, theta, phi) direction of the light ray.  Use either 
            end_position or trajectory, not both.
            Default: None.
        fields : list
            A list of fields for which to get data.
            Default: None.
        solution_filename : string
            Path to a text file where the trajectories of each
            subray is written out.
            Default: None.
        data_filename : string
            Path to output file for ray data.
            Default: None.
        get_los_velocity : bool
            If True, the line of sight velocity is calculated for
            each point in the ray.
            Default: True.
        njobs : int
            The number of parallel jobs over which the segments will 
            be split.  Choose -1 for one processor per segment.
            Default: -1.


        >>> from yt.mods import *
        >>> from yt.analysis_modules.cosmological_analysis.light_ray.api import \
        ...     LightRay
        >>> my_ray = LightRay('enzo_tiny_simulation/32Mpc_32.enzo', 'Enzo',
        ...                   0., 0.1, time_data=False)
        >>> my_ray.make_light_ray(seed=12345,
        ...                       solution_filename='solution.txt',
        ...                       data_filename='my_ray.h5',
        ...                       fields=['temperature', 'density'],
        ...                       get_los_velocity=True)

        # Calculate solution.

        # Initialize data structures.
        self._data = {}
        if fields is None: fields = []
        data_fields = fields[:]
        all_fields = fields[:]
        all_fields.extend(['dl', 'dredshift', 'redshift'])
        if get_los_velocity:
                ['x-velocity', 'y-velocity', 'z-velocity', 'los_velocity'])
            data_fields.extend(['x-velocity', 'y-velocity', 'z-velocity'])

        all_ray_storage = {}
        for my_storage, my_segment in parallel_objects(self.light_ray_solution,

            # Load dataset for segment.
            ds = load(my_segment['filename'])
            my_segment["start"] = ds.domain_width * my_segment["start"] + \
            my_segment["end"] = ds.domain_width * my_segment["end"] + \

            if self.near_redshift == self.far_redshift:
                next_redshift = my_segment["redshift"] - \
                                       ds.domain_width[0].in_units("Mpccm / h") *
            elif my_segment['next'] is None:
                next_redshift = self.near_redshift
                next_redshift = my_segment['next']['redshift']

            mylog.info("Getting segment at z = %s: %s to %s." %
                       (my_segment['redshift'], my_segment['start'],

            # Break periodic ray into non-periodic segments.
            sub_segments = periodic_ray(my_segment['start'],

            # Prepare data structure for subsegment.
            sub_data = {}
            sub_data['segment_redshift'] = my_segment['redshift']
            for field in all_fields:
                sub_data[field] = []

            # Get data for all subsegments in segment.
            for sub_segment in sub_segments:
                mylog.info("Getting subsegment: %s to %s." %
                           (list(sub_segment[0]), list(sub_segment[1])))
                sub_ray = ds.ray(sub_segment[0], sub_segment[1])
                asort = np.argsort(sub_ray["t"])
                    sub_ray['dts'][asort] *
                    vector_length(sub_ray.start_point, sub_ray.end_point))
                for field in data_fields:

                if get_los_velocity:
                    line_of_sight = sub_segment[1] - sub_segment[0]
                    line_of_sight /= ((line_of_sight**2).sum())**0.5
                    sub_vel = ds.arr([
                        sub_ray['x-velocity'], sub_ray['y-velocity'],
                        (np.rollaxis(sub_vel, 1) *
                    del sub_vel

                del sub_ray, asort

            for key in sub_data:
                if key in "xyz": continue
                sub_data[key] = ds.arr(sub_data[key]).in_cgs()

            # Get redshift for each lixel.  Assume linear relation between l and z.
            sub_data['dredshift'] = (my_segment['redshift'] - next_redshift) * \
                (sub_data['dl'] / vector_length(my_segment['start'],
            sub_data['redshift'] = my_segment['redshift'] - \
              sub_data['dredshift'].cumsum() + sub_data['dredshift']

            # Remove empty lixels.
            sub_dl_nonzero = sub_data['dl'].nonzero()
            for field in all_fields:
                sub_data[field] = sub_data[field][sub_dl_nonzero]
            del sub_dl_nonzero

            # Add to storage.
            my_storage.result = sub_data

            del ds

        # Reconstruct ray data from parallel_objects storage.
        all_data = [my_data for my_data in all_ray_storage.values()]
        # This is now a list of segments where each one is a dictionary
        # with all the fields.
        all_data.sort(key=lambda a: a['segment_redshift'], reverse=True)
        # Flatten the list into a single dictionary containing fields
        # for the whole ray.
        all_data = _flatten_dict_list(all_data,

        if data_filename is not None:
            self._write_light_ray(data_filename, all_data)

        self._data = all_data
        return all_data
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def make_light_ray(self,
        Actually generate the LightRay by traversing the desired dataset.

        A light ray consists of a list of field values for cells
        intersected by the ray and the path length of the ray through
        those cells. Light ray data must be written out to an hdf5 file.


        :seed: optional, int

            Seed for the random number generator.
            Default: None.

        :periodic: optional, bool

            If True, ray trajectories will make use of periodic
            boundaries.  If False, ray trajectories will not be
            Default : True.

        :left_edge: optional, iterable of floats or YTArray

            The left corner of the region in which rays are to be
            generated.  If None, the left edge will be that of the
            domain.  If specified without units, it is assumed to
            be in code units.
            Default: None.

        :right_edge: optional, iterable of floats or YTArray

            The right corner of the region in which rays are to be
            generated.  If None, the right edge will be that of the
            domain.  If specified without units, it is assumed to
            be in code units.
            Default: None.

        :min_level: optional, int

            The minimum refinement level of the spatial region in which
            the ray passes.  This can be used with zoom-in simulations
            where the high resolution region does not keep a constant
            Default: None.

        :start_position: optional, iterable of floats or YTArray.

            Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset.
            The coordinates of the starting position of the ray.
            If specified without units, it is assumed to be in code units.
            Default: None.

        :end_position: optional, iterable of floats or YTArray.

            Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset.
            The coordinates of the ending position of the ray.
            If specified without units, it is assumed to be in code units.
            Default: None.

        :trajectory: optional, list of floats

            Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset.
            The (r, theta, phi) direction of the light ray.  Use either
            end_position or trajectory, not both.
            Default: None.

        :fields: optional, list

            A list of fields for which to get data.
            Default: None.

        :setup_function: optional, callable, accepts a ds

            This function will be called on each dataset that is loaded
            to create the light ray.  For, example, this can be used to
            add new derived fields.
            Default: None.

        :solution_filename: optional, string

            Path to a text file where the trajectories of each
            subray is written out.
            Default: None.

        :data_filename: optional, string

            Path to output file for ray data.
            Default: None.

        :use_peculiar_velocity: optional, bool

            If True, the peculiar velocity along the ray will be sampled for
            calculating the effective redshift combining the cosmological
            redshift and the doppler redshift.
            Default: True.

        :redshift: optional, float

            Used with light rays made from single datasets to specify a
            starting redshift for the ray.  If not used, the starting
            redshift will be 0 for a non-cosmological dataset and
            the dataset redshift for a cosmological dataset.
            Default: None.

        :field_parameters: optional, dict
            Used to set field parameters in light rays. For example,
            if the 'bulk_velocity' field parameter is set, the relative
            velocities used to calculate peculiar velocity will be adjusted
            Default: None.

        :njobs: optional, int

            The number of parallel jobs over which the segments will
            be split.  Choose -1 for one processor per segment.
            Default: -1.


        Make a light ray from multiple datasets:

        >>> import yt
        >>> from trident import LightRay
        >>> my_ray = LightRay("enzo_tiny_cosmology/32Mpc_32.enzo", "Enzo",
        ...                   0., 0.1, time_data=False)
        >>> my_ray.make_light_ray(seed=12345,
        ...                       solution_filename="solution.txt",
        ...                       data_filename="my_ray.h5",
        ...                       fields=["temperature", "density"],
        ...                       use_peculiar_velocity=True)

        Make a light ray from a single dataset:

        >>> import yt
        >>> from trident import LightRay
        >>> my_ray = LightRay("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030")
        >>> my_ray.make_light_ray(start_position=[0., 0., 0.],
        ...                       end_position=[1., 1., 1.],
        ...                       solution_filename="solution.txt",
        ...                       data_filename="my_ray.h5",
        ...                       fields=["temperature", "density"],
        ...                       use_peculiar_velocity=True)


        if self.simulation_type is None:
            domain = self.ds
            domain = self.simulation

        assumed_units = "code_length"
        if left_edge is None:
            left_edge = domain.domain_left_edge
        elif not hasattr(left_edge, 'units'):
            left_edge = domain.arr(left_edge, assumed_units)

        if right_edge is None:
            right_edge = domain.domain_right_edge
        elif not hasattr(right_edge, 'units'):
            right_edge = domain.arr(right_edge, assumed_units)

        if start_position is not None:
            if hasattr(start_position, 'units'):
                start_position = start_position
                start_position = self.ds.arr(start_position, assumed_units)

        if end_position is not None:
            if hasattr(end_position, 'units'):
                end_position = end_position
                end_position = self.ds.arr(end_position, assumed_units)

        if get_los_velocity is not None:
            use_peculiar_velocity = get_los_velocity
            mylog.warn("'get_los_velocity' kwarg is deprecated. " + \
                       "Use 'use_peculiar_velocity' instead.")

        # Calculate solution.

        if field_parameters is None:
            field_parameters = {}

        # Initialize data structures.
        self._data = {}
        # temperature field is automatically added to fields
        if fields is None: fields = []
        if (('gas', 'temperature') not in fields) and \
           ('temperature' not in fields):
            fields.append(('gas', 'temperature'))
        data_fields = fields[:]
        all_fields = fields[:]
        all_fields.extend(['l', 'dl', 'redshift'])
        all_fields.extend(['x', 'y', 'z'])
        data_fields.extend(['x', 'y', 'z'])
        if use_peculiar_velocity:
                'relative_velocity_x', 'relative_velocity_y',
                'relative_velocity_z', 'velocity_los', 'redshift_eff',
                'relative_velocity_x', 'relative_velocity_y',

        all_ray_storage = {}
        for my_storage, my_segment in parallel_objects(self.light_ray_solution,

            # In case of simple rays, use the already loaded dataset: self.ds,
            # otherwise, load dataset for segment.
            if self.ds is None:
                ds = load(my_segment['filename'], **self.load_kwargs)
                ds = self.ds

            if redshift is not None:
                if ds.cosmological_simulation and redshift != ds.current_redshift:
                        "Generating light ray with different redshift than " +
                        "the dataset itself.")
                my_segment["redshift"] = redshift

            if setup_function is not None:

            if not ds.cosmological_simulation:
                next_redshift = my_segment["redshift"]
            elif self.near_redshift == self.far_redshift:
                if isinstance(my_segment["traversal_box_fraction"], YTArray) and \
                  not my_segment["traversal_box_fraction"].units.is_dimensionless:
                    segment_length = \
                      my_segment["traversal_box_fraction"].in_units("Mpccm / h")
                    segment_length = my_segment["traversal_box_fraction"] * \
                      ds.domain_width[0].in_units("Mpccm / h")
                next_redshift = my_segment["redshift"] - \
            elif my_segment.get("next", None) is None:
                next_redshift = self.near_redshift
                next_redshift = my_segment['next']['redshift']

            # Make sure start, end, left, right
            # are using the dataset's unit system.
            my_start = ds.arr(my_segment['start'])
            my_end = ds.arr(my_segment['end'])
            my_left = ds.arr(left_edge)
            my_right = ds.arr(right_edge)
            mylog.info("Getting segment at z = %s: %s to %s." %
                       (my_segment['redshift'], my_start, my_end))

            # Break periodic ray into non-periodic segments.
            sub_segments = periodic_ray(my_start,

            # Prepare data structure for subsegment.
            sub_data = {}
            # Put supplementary data that we want communicated across
            # processors in here.
            sub_data['extra_data'] = {}
            sub_data['extra_data']['segment_redshift'] = \
            sub_data['extra_data']['unique_identifier'] = \
            for field in all_fields:
                sub_data[field] = []

            # Get data for all subsegments in segment.
            for sub_segment in sub_segments:
                mylog.info("Getting subsegment: %s to %s." %
                           (list(sub_segment[0]), list(sub_segment[1])))
                sub_ray = ds.ray(sub_segment[0], sub_segment[1])
                for key, val in field_parameters.items():
                    sub_ray.set_field_parameter(key, val)
                asort = np.argsort(sub_ray["t"])
                    sub_ray['t'][asort] *
                    vector_length(sub_ray.start_point, sub_ray.end_point))
                    sub_ray['dts'][asort] *
                    vector_length(sub_ray.start_point, sub_ray.end_point))

                for field in data_fields:

                if use_peculiar_velocity:
                    line_of_sight = sub_segment[0] - sub_segment[1]
                    line_of_sight /= ((line_of_sight**2).sum())**0.5
                    sub_vel = ds.arr([
                    # Line of sight velocity = vel_los
                    sub_vel_los = (np.rollaxis(sub_vel, 1) * \

                    # doppler redshift:
                    # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift and
                    # Peebles eqns: 5.48, 5.49

                    # 1 + redshift_dopp = (1 + v*cos(theta)/c) /
                    # sqrt(1 - v**2/c**2)

                    # where v is the peculiar velocity (ie physical velocity
                    # without the hubble flow, but no hubble flow in sim, so
                    # just the physical velocity).

                    # the bulk of the doppler redshift is from line of sight
                    # motion, but there is a small amount from time dilation
                    # of transverse motion, hence the inclusion of theta (the
                    # angle between line of sight and the velocity).
                    # theta is the angle between the ray vector (i.e. line of
                    # sight) and the velocity vectors: a dot b = ab cos(theta)

                    sub_vel_mag = sub_ray['velocity_magnitude']
                    cos_theta = line_of_sight.dot(sub_vel) / sub_vel_mag
                    # Protect against stituations where velocity mag is exactly
                    # zero, in which case zero / zero = NaN.
                    cos_theta = np.nan_to_num(cos_theta)
                    redshift_dopp = \
                        (1 + sub_vel_mag * cos_theta / speed_of_light_cgs) / \
                         np.sqrt(1 - sub_vel_mag**2 / speed_of_light_cgs**2) - 1
                    del sub_vel, sub_vel_los, sub_vel_mag, cos_theta, \

                del sub_ray, asort

            for key in sub_data:
                if key == "extra_data":
                sub_data[key] = ds.arr(sub_data[key]).in_cgs()

            # Get redshift for each lixel.  Assume linear relation between l
            # and z.  so z = z_start - (l * (z_range / l_range))
            sub_data['redshift'] = my_segment['redshift'] - \
              (sub_data['l'] * \
              (my_segment['redshift'] - next_redshift) / \
              vector_length(my_start, my_end).in_cgs())

            # When using the peculiar velocity, create effective redshift
            # (redshift_eff) field combining cosmological redshift and
            # doppler redshift.

            # then to add cosmological redshift and doppler redshifts, follow
            # eqn 3.75 in Peacock's Cosmological Physics:
            # 1 + z_eff = (1 + z_cosmo) * (1 + z_doppler)

            if use_peculiar_velocity:
                sub_data['redshift_eff'] = ((1 + sub_data['redshift_dopp']) * \
                                             (1 + sub_data['redshift'])) - 1

            # Remove empty lixels.
            sub_dl_nonzero = sub_data['dl'].nonzero()
            for field in all_fields:
                sub_data[field] = sub_data[field][sub_dl_nonzero]
            del sub_dl_nonzero

            # Add to storage.
            my_storage.result = sub_data

            del ds

        # Reconstruct ray data from parallel_objects storage.
        all_data = [my_data for my_data in all_ray_storage.values()]
        # This is now a list of segments where each one is a dictionary
        # with all the fields.
        all_data.sort(key=lambda a: a['extra_data']['segment_redshift'],

        # Gather segment data to add to the light ray solution.
        for segment_data, my_segment in \
          zip(all_data, self.light_ray_solution):
            my_segment["unique_identifier"] = \

        # Flatten the list into a single dictionary containing fields
        # for the whole ray.
        all_data = _flatten_dict_list(all_data, exceptions=['extra_data'])

        self._data = all_data

        if data_filename is not None:
            self._write_light_ray(data_filename, all_data)
            ray_ds = load(data_filename)
            return ray_ds
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def _add_lines_to_spectrum(self,
        Add the absorption lines to the spectrum.

        # Change the redshifts of individual absorbers to account for the
        # redshift at which the observer sits
        redshift, redshift_eff = self._apply_observing_redshift(
            field_data, use_peculiar_velocity, observing_redshift)

        # Widen wavelength window until optical depth falls below this tau
        # value at the ends to assure that the wings of a line have been
        # fully resolved.
        min_tau = 1e-3

        # step through each ionic transition (e.g. HI, HII, MgII) specified
        # and deposit the lines into the spectrum
        for line in parallel_objects(self.line_list, njobs=njobs):
            column_density = field_data[line['field_name']] * field_data['dl']
            if (column_density < 0).any():
                    "Setting negative densities for field %s to 0! Bad!" %
                np.clip(column_density, 0, np.inf, out=column_density)
            if (column_density == 0).all():
                mylog.info("Not adding line %s: insufficient column density" %

            # redshift_eff field combines cosmological and velocity redshifts
            # so delta_lambda gives the offset in angstroms from the rest frame
            # wavelength to the observed wavelength of the transition
            if use_peculiar_velocity:
                delta_lambda = line['wavelength'] * redshift_eff
                delta_lambda = line['wavelength'] * redshift
            # lambda_obs is central wavelength of line after redshift
            lambda_obs = line['wavelength'] + delta_lambda
            # the total number of absorbers per transition
            n_absorbers = len(lambda_obs)

            # we want to know the bin index in the lambda_field array
            # where each line has its central wavelength after being
            # redshifted.  however, because we don't know a priori how wide
            # a line will be (ie DLAs), we have to include bin indices
            # *outside* the spectral range of the AbsorptionSpectrum
            # object.  Thus, we find the "equivalent" bin index, which
            # may be <0 or >the size of the array.  In the end, we deposit
            # the bins that actually overlap with the AbsorptionSpectrum's
            # range in lambda.

            # this equation gives us the "equivalent" bin index for each line
            # if it were placed into the self.lambda_field array
            center_index = (lambda_obs.in_units('Angstrom').d - self.lambda_min) \
                            / self.bin_width.d
            center_index = np.ceil(center_index).astype('int')

            # thermal broadening b parameter
            thermal_b = np.sqrt(
                (2 * boltzmann_constant_cgs * field_data['temperature']) /

            # the actual thermal width of the lines
            thermal_width = (lambda_obs * thermal_b /

            # Sanitize units for faster runtime of the tau_profile machinery.
            lambda_0 = line['wavelength'].d  # line's rest frame; angstroms
            cdens = column_density.in_units("cm**-2").d  # cm**-2
            thermb = thermal_b.in_cgs().d  # thermal b coefficient; cm / s
            dlambda = delta_lambda.d  # lambda offset; angstroms
            if use_peculiar_velocity:
                vlos = field_data['velocity_los'].in_units("km/s").d  # km/s
                vlos = np.zeros(field_data['temperature'].size)

            # When we actually deposit the voigt profile, sometimes we will
            # have underresolved lines (ie lines with smaller widths than
            # the spectral bin size).  Here, we create virtual wavelength bins
            # small enough in width to well resolve each line, deposit the
            # voigt profile into them, then numerically integrate their tau
            # values and sum them to redeposit them into the actual spectral
            # bins.

            # virtual bins (vbins) will be:
            # 1) <= the bin_width; assures at least as good as spectral bins
            # 2) <= 1/10th the thermal width; assures resolving voigt profiles
            #   (actually 1/subgrid_resolution value, default is 1/10)
            # 3) a bin width will be divisible by vbin_width times a power of
            #    10; this will assure we don't get spikes in the deposited
            #    spectra from uneven numbers of vbins per bin
            resolution = thermal_width / self.bin_width
            n_vbins_per_bin = (10**(np.ceil(
                np.log10(subgrid_resolution / resolution)).clip(
                    0, np.inf))).astype('int')
            vbin_width = self.bin_width.d / n_vbins_per_bin

            # a note to the user about which lines components are unresolved
            if (thermal_width < self.bin_width).any():
                    "%d out of %d line components will be " +
                    "deposited as unresolved lines.",
                    (thermal_width < self.bin_width).sum(), n_absorbers)

            # provide a progress bar with information about lines processed
            pbar = get_pbar("Adding line - %s [%f A]: " % \
                            (line['label'], line['wavelength']), n_absorbers)

            # for a given transition, step through each location in the
            # observed spectrum where it occurs and deposit a voigt profile
            for i in parallel_objects(np.arange(n_absorbers), njobs=-1):

                # if there is a ray element with temperature = 0 or column
                # density = 0, skip it
                if (thermal_b[i] == 0.) or (cdens[i] == 0.):

                # the virtual window into which the line is deposited initially
                # spans a region of 2 coarse spectral bins
                # (one on each side of the center_index) but the window
                # can expand as necessary.
                # it will continue to expand until the tau value in the far
                # edge of the wings is less than the min_tau value or it
                # reaches the edge of the spectrum
                window_width_in_bins = 2

                while True:
                    left_index = (center_index[i] - window_width_in_bins // 2)
                    right_index = (center_index[i] + window_width_in_bins // 2)
                    n_vbins = (right_index - left_index) * n_vbins_per_bin[i]

                    # the array of virtual bins in lambda space
                    vbins = \
                        np.linspace(self.lambda_min + self.bin_width.d * left_index,
                                    self.lambda_min + self.bin_width.d * right_index,
                                    n_vbins, endpoint=False)

                    # the virtual bins and their corresponding opacities
                    vbins, vtau = \
                            lambda_0, line['f_value'], line['gamma'],
                            thermb[i], cdens[i],
                            delta_lambda=dlambda[i], lambda_bins=vbins)

                    # If tau has not dropped below min tau threshold by the
                    # edges (ie the wings), then widen the wavelength
                    # window and repeat process.
                    if (vtau[0] < min_tau and vtau[-1] < min_tau):
                    window_width_in_bins *= 2

                # numerically integrate the virtual bins to calculate a
                # virtual equivalent width; then sum the virtual equivalent
                # widths and deposit into each spectral bin
                vEW = vtau * vbin_width[i]
                EW = np.zeros(right_index - left_index)
                EW_indices = np.arange(left_index, right_index)
                for k, val in enumerate(EW_indices):
                    EW[k] = vEW[n_vbins_per_bin[i] * k: \
                                n_vbins_per_bin[i] * (k + 1)].sum()
                EW = EW / self.bin_width.d

                # only deposit EW bins that actually intersect the original
                # spectral wavelength range (i.e. lambda_field)

                # if EW bins don't intersect the original spectral range at all
                # then skip the deposition
                if ((left_index >= self.n_lambda) or \
                    (right_index < 0)):

                # otherwise, determine how much of the original spectrum
                # is intersected by the expanded line window to be deposited,
                # and deposit the Equivalent Width data into that intersecting
                # window in the original spectrum's tau
                    intersect_left_index = max(left_index, 0)
                    intersect_right_index = min(right_index, self.n_lambda - 1)
                    self.tau_field[intersect_left_index:intersect_right_index] \
                        += EW[(intersect_left_index - left_index): \
                              (intersect_right_index - left_index)]

                # write out absorbers to file if the column density of
                # an absorber is greater than the specified "label_threshold"
                # of that absorption line
                if output_absorbers_file and \
                   line['label_threshold'] is not None and \
                   cdens[i] >= line['label_threshold']:

                    if use_peculiar_velocity:
                        peculiar_velocity = vlos[i]
                        peculiar_velocity = 0.0
                        'wavelength': (lambda_0 + dlambda[i]),

            del column_density, delta_lambda, lambda_obs, center_index, \
                thermal_b, thermal_width, cdens, thermb, dlambda, \
                vlos, resolution, vbin_width, n_vbins, n_vbins_per_bin

        comm = _get_comm(())
        self.tau_field = comm.mpi_allreduce(self.tau_field, op="sum")
        if output_absorbers_file:
            self.absorbers_list = comm.par_combine_object(self.absorbers_list,
    def _run(self, save_halos, save_catalog, njobs=-1, dynamic=False):
        Run the requested halo analysis.

        save_halos : bool
            If True, a list of all Halo objects is retained under the "halo_list"
            attribute.  If False, only the compiles quantities are saved under the
            "catalog" attribute.
        save_catalog : bool
            If True, save the final catalog to disk.
        njobs : int
            The number of jobs over which to divide halo analysis.  Choose -1
            to allocate one processor per halo.
            Default: -1
        dynamic : int
            If False, halo analysis is divided evenly between all available processors.
            If True, parallelism is performed via a task queue.
            Default: False

        See Also
        create, load

        self.catalog = []
        if save_halos: self.halo_list = []

        if self.halos_ds is None:
            # Find the halos and make a dataset of them
            self.halos_ds = self.finder_method(self.data_ds)
            if self.halos_ds is None:
                mylog.warning('No halos were found for {0}'.format(\
                if save_catalog:
                    self.halos_ds = self.data_ds
                    self.halos_ds = None

            # Assign ds and data sources appropriately
            self.data_source = self.halos_ds.all_data()

            # Add all of the default quantities that all halos must have

        my_index = np.argsort(self.data_source["all", "particle_identifier"])
        for i in parallel_objects(my_index, njobs=njobs, dynamic=dynamic):
            new_halo = Halo(self)
            halo_filter = True
            for action_type, action in self.actions:
                if action_type == "callback":
                elif action_type == "filter":
                    halo_filter = action(new_halo)
                    if not halo_filter: break
                elif action_type == "quantity":
                    key, quantity = action
                    if quantity in self.halos_ds.field_info:
                        new_halo.quantities[key] = \
                    elif callable(quantity):
                        new_halo.quantities[key] = quantity(new_halo)
                    raise RuntimeError("Action must be a callback, filter, or quantity.")

            if halo_filter:

            if save_halos and halo_filter:
                del new_halo

        self.catalog.sort(key=lambda a:a['particle_identifier'].to_ndarray())
        if save_catalog:
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def _run(self, save_halos, save_catalog, njobs=-1, dynamic=False):
        Run the requested halo analysis.

        save_halos : bool
            If True, a list of all Halo objects is retained under the "halo_list"
            attribute.  If False, only the compiles quantities are saved under the
            "catalog" attribute.
        save_catalog : bool
            If True, save the final catalog to disk.
        njobs : int
            The number of jobs over which to divide halo analysis.  Choose -1
            to allocate one processor per halo.
            Default: -1
        dynamic : int
            If False, halo analysis is divided evenly between all available processors.
            If True, parallelism is performed via a task queue.
            Default: False

        See Also
        create, load

        self.catalog = []
        if save_halos: self.halo_list = []

        if self.halos_ds is None:
            # Find the halos and make a dataset of them
            self.halos_ds = self.finder_method(self.data_ds)
            if self.halos_ds is None:
                mylog.warning('No halos were found for {0}'.format(\
                if save_catalog:
                    self.halos_ds = self.data_ds
                    self.halos_ds = None

            # Assign ds and data sources appropriately
            self.data_source = self.halos_ds.all_data()

            # Add all of the default quantities that all halos must have

        my_index = np.argsort(self.data_source["all", "particle_identifier"])
        for i in parallel_objects(my_index, njobs=njobs, dynamic=dynamic):
            new_halo = Halo(self)
            halo_filter = True
            for action_type, action in self.actions:
                if action_type == "callback":
                elif action_type == "filter":
                    halo_filter = action(new_halo)
                    if not halo_filter: break
                elif action_type == "quantity":
                    key, quantity = action
                    if quantity in self.halos_ds.field_info:
                        new_halo.quantities[key] = \
                    elif callable(quantity):
                        new_halo.quantities[key] = quantity(new_halo)
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Action must be a callback, filter, or quantity.")

            if halo_filter:
                for quantity in new_halo.quantities.values():

            if save_halos and halo_filter:
                del new_halo

        self.catalog.sort(key=lambda a: a['particle_identifier'].to_ndarray())
        if save_catalog:
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def make_light_ray(self, seed=None,
                       start_position=None, end_position=None,
                       fields=None, setup_function=None,
                       solution_filename=None, data_filename=None,
                       get_los_velocity=True, redshift=None,
        make_light_ray(seed=None, start_position=None, end_position=None,
                       trajectory=None, fields=None, setup_function=None,
                       solution_filename=None, data_filename=None,
                       get_los_velocity=True, redshift=None,

        Create a light ray and get field values for each lixel.  A light
        ray consists of a list of field values for cells intersected by
        the ray and the path length of the ray through those cells.
        Light ray data can be written out to an hdf5 file.

        seed : optional, int
            Seed for the random number generator.
            Default: None.
        start_position : optional, list of floats
            Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset.
            The coordinates of the starting position of the ray.
            Default: None.
        end_position : optional, list of floats
            Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset.
            The coordinates of the ending position of the ray.
            Default: None.
        trajectory : optional, list of floats
            Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset.
            The (r, theta, phi) direction of the light ray.  Use either 
            end_position or trajectory, not both.
            Default: None.
        fields : optional, list
            A list of fields for which to get data.
            Default: None.
        setup_function : optional, callable, accepts a ds
            This function will be called on each dataset that is loaded 
            to create the light ray.  For, example, this can be used to 
            add new derived fields.
            Default: None.
        solution_filename : optional, string
            Path to a text file where the trajectories of each
            subray is written out.
            Default: None.
        data_filename : optional, string
            Path to output file for ray data.
            Default: None.
        get_los_velocity : optional, bool
            If True, the line of sight velocity is calculated for
            each point in the ray.
            Default: True.
        redshift : optional, float
            Used with light rays made from single datasets to specify a 
            starting redshift for the ray.  If not used, the starting 
            redshift will be 0 for a non-cosmological dataset and 
            the dataset redshift for a cosmological dataset.
            Default: None.
        njobs : optional, int
            The number of parallel jobs over which the segments will 
            be split.  Choose -1 for one processor per segment.
            Default: -1.


        Make a light ray from multiple datasets:
        >>> import yt
        >>> from yt.analysis_modules.cosmological_observation.light_ray.api import \
        ...     LightRay
        >>> my_ray = LightRay("enzo_tiny_cosmology/32Mpc_32.enzo", "Enzo",
        ...                   0., 0.1, time_data=False)
        >>> my_ray.make_light_ray(seed=12345,
        ...                       solution_filename="solution.txt",
        ...                       data_filename="my_ray.h5",
        ...                       fields=["temperature", "density"],
        ...                       get_los_velocity=True)

        Make a light ray from a single dataset:

        >>> import yt
        >>> from yt.analysis_modules.cosmological_observation.light_ray.api import \
        ...     LightRay
        >>> my_ray = LightRay("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030")
        >>> my_ray.make_light_ray(start_position=[0., 0., 0.],
        ...                       end_position=[1., 1., 1.],
        ...                       solution_filename="solution.txt",
        ...                       data_filename="my_ray.h5",
        ...                       fields=["temperature", "density"],
        ...                       get_los_velocity=True)

        # Calculate solution.

        # Initialize data structures.
        self._data = {}
        if fields is None: fields = []
        data_fields = fields[:]
        all_fields = fields[:]
        all_fields.extend(['dl', 'dredshift', 'redshift'])
        if get_los_velocity:
            all_fields.extend(['velocity_x', 'velocity_y',
                               'velocity_z', 'velocity_los'])
            data_fields.extend(['velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z'])

        all_ray_storage = {}
        for my_storage, my_segment in parallel_objects(self.light_ray_solution,

            # Load dataset for segment.
            ds = load(my_segment['filename'], **self.load_kwargs)

            my_segment['unique_identifier'] = ds.unique_identifier
            if redshift is not None:
                if ds.cosmological_simulation and redshift != ds.current_redshift:
                    mylog.warn("Generating light ray with different redshift than " +
                               "the dataset itself.")
                my_segment["redshift"] = redshift

            if setup_function is not None:

            if start_position is not None:
                my_segment["start"] = ds.arr(my_segment["start"], "code_length")
                my_segment["end"] = ds.arr(my_segment["end"], "code_length")
                my_segment["start"] = ds.domain_width * my_segment["start"] + \
                my_segment["end"] = ds.domain_width * my_segment["end"] + \

            if not ds.cosmological_simulation:
                next_redshift = my_segment["redshift"]
            elif self.near_redshift == self.far_redshift:
                next_redshift = my_segment["redshift"] - \
                                       ds.domain_width[0].in_units("Mpccm / h") *
            elif my_segment.get("next", None) is None:
                next_redshift = self.near_redshift
                next_redshift = my_segment['next']['redshift']

            mylog.info("Getting segment at z = %s: %s to %s." %
                       (my_segment['redshift'], my_segment['start'],

            # Break periodic ray into non-periodic segments.
            sub_segments = periodic_ray(my_segment['start'], my_segment['end'],

            # Prepare data structure for subsegment.
            sub_data = {}
            sub_data['segment_redshift'] = my_segment['redshift']
            for field in all_fields:
                sub_data[field] = []

            # Get data for all subsegments in segment.
            for sub_segment in sub_segments:
                mylog.info("Getting subsegment: %s to %s." %
                           (list(sub_segment[0]), list(sub_segment[1])))
                sub_ray = ds.ray(sub_segment[0], sub_segment[1])
                asort = np.argsort(sub_ray["t"])
                sub_data['dl'].extend(sub_ray['dts'][asort] *
                for field in data_fields:

                if get_los_velocity:
                    line_of_sight = sub_segment[1] - sub_segment[0]
                    line_of_sight /= ((line_of_sight**2).sum())**0.5
                    sub_vel = ds.arr([sub_ray['velocity_x'],
                    sub_data['velocity_los'].extend((np.rollaxis(sub_vel, 1) *
                    del sub_vel

                del sub_ray, asort

            for key in sub_data:
                sub_data[key] = ds.arr(sub_data[key]).in_cgs()

            # Get redshift for each lixel.  Assume linear relation between l and z.
            sub_data['dredshift'] = (my_segment['redshift'] - next_redshift) * \
                (sub_data['dl'] / vector_length(my_segment['start'], 
            sub_data['redshift'] = my_segment['redshift'] - \
              sub_data['dredshift'].cumsum() + sub_data['dredshift']

            # Remove empty lixels.
            sub_dl_nonzero = sub_data['dl'].nonzero()
            for field in all_fields:
                sub_data[field] = sub_data[field][sub_dl_nonzero]
            del sub_dl_nonzero

            # Add to storage.
            my_storage.result = sub_data

            del ds

        # Reconstruct ray data from parallel_objects storage.
        all_data = [my_data for my_data in all_ray_storage.values()]
        # This is now a list of segments where each one is a dictionary
        # with all the fields.
        all_data.sort(key=lambda a:a['segment_redshift'], reverse=True)
        # Flatten the list into a single dictionary containing fields
        # for the whole ray.
        all_data = _flatten_dict_list(all_data, exceptions=['segment_redshift'])

        if data_filename is not None:
            self._write_light_ray(data_filename, all_data)

        self._data = all_data
        return all_data
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def piter(self, storage=None, dynamic=False):
        r"""Iterate over time series components in parallel.

        This allows you to iterate over a time series while dispatching
        individual components of that time series to different processors or
        processor groups.  If the parallelism strategy was set to be
        multi-processor (by "parallel = N" where N is an integer when the
        DatasetSeries was created) this will issue each dataset to an
        N-processor group.  For instance, this would allow you to start a 1024
        processor job, loading up 100 datasets in a time series and creating 8
        processor groups of 128 processors each, each of which would be
        assigned a different dataset.  This could be accomplished as shown in
        the examples below.  The *storage* option is as seen in
        which is a mechanism for storing results of analysis on an individual
        dataset and then combining the results at the end, so that the entire
        set of processors have access to those results.

        Note that supplying a *store* changes the iteration mechanism; see

        storage : dict
            This is a dictionary, which will be filled with results during the
            course of the iteration.  The keys will be the dataset
            indices and the values will be whatever is assigned to the *result*
            attribute on the storage during iteration.
        dynamic : boolean
            This governs whether or not dynamic load balancing will be
            enabled.  This requires one dedicated processor; if this
            is enabled with a set of 128 processors available, only
            127 will be available to iterate over objects as one will
            be load balancing the rest.

        Here is an example of iteration when the results do not need to be
        stored.  One processor will be assigned to each dataset.

        >>> ts = DatasetSeries("DD*/DD*.index")
        >>> for ds in ts.piter():
        ...    SlicePlot(ds, "x", ("gas", "density")).save()

        This demonstrates how one might store results:

        >>> def print_time(ds):
        ...     print(ds.current_time)
        >>> ts = DatasetSeries("DD*/DD*.index",
        ...             setup_function = print_time )
        >>> my_storage = {}
        >>> for sto, ds in ts.piter(storage=my_storage):
        ...     v, c = ds.find_max(("gas", "density"))
        ...     sto.result = (v, c)
        >>> for i, (v, c) in sorted(my_storage.items()):
        ...     print("% 4i  %0.3e" % (i, v))

        This shows how to dispatch 4 processors to each dataset:

        >>> ts = DatasetSeries("DD*/DD*.index",
        ...                     parallel = 4)
        >>> for ds in ts.piter():
        ...     ProjectionPlot(ds, "x", ("gas", "density")).save()

        if not self.parallel:
            njobs = 1
        elif not dynamic:
            if self.parallel:
                njobs = -1
                njobs = self.parallel
            my_communicator = communication_system.communicators[-1]
            nsize = my_communicator.size
            if nsize == 1:
                self.parallel = False
                dynamic = False
                njobs = 1
                njobs = nsize - 1

        for output in parallel_objects(self._pre_outputs,
            if storage is not None:
                sto, output = output

            if isinstance(output, str):
                ds = self._load(output, **self.kwargs)
                ds = output

            if storage is not None:
                next_ret = (sto, ds)
                next_ret = ds

            yield next_ret
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def __init__(self, ds, normal, field, velocity_bounds, center="c", 
                 width=(1.0,"unitary"), dims=100, thermal_broad=False,
                 atomic_weight=56., depth=(1.0,"unitary"), depth_res=256,
                 method="integrate", weight_field=None, no_shifting=False,
                 north_vector=None, no_ghost=True):
        r""" Initialize a PPVCube object.

        ds : dataset
            The dataset.
        normal : array_like or string
            The normal vector along with to make the projections. If an array, it
            will be normalized. If a string, it will be assumed to be along one of the
            principal axes of the domain ("x", "y", or "z").
        field : string
            The field to project.
        velocity_bounds : tuple
            A 4-tuple of (vmin, vmax, nbins, units) for the velocity bounds to
            integrate over. 
        center : A sequence of floats, a string, or a tuple.
            The coordinate of the center of the image. If set to 'c', 'center' or
            left blank, the plot is centered on the middle of the domain. If set to
            'max' or 'm', the center will be located at the maximum of the
            ('gas', 'density') field. Centering on the max or min of a specific
            field is supported by providing a tuple such as ("min","temperature") or
            ("max","dark_matter_density"). Units can be specified by passing in *center*
            as a tuple containing a coordinate and string unit name or by passing
            in a YTArray. If a list or unitless array is supplied, code units are
        width : float, tuple, or YTQuantity.
            The width of the projection. A float will assume the width is in code units.
            A (value, unit) tuple or YTQuantity allows for the units of the width to be
            specified. Implies width = height, e.g. the aspect ratio of the PPVCube's 
            spatial dimensions is 1.
        dims : integer, optional
            The spatial resolution of the cube. Implies nx = ny, e.g. the 
            aspect ratio of the PPVCube's spatial dimensions is 1.
        thermal_broad : boolean, optional
            Whether or not to broaden the line using the gas temperature. Default: False.
        atomic_weight : float, optional
            Set this value to the atomic weight of the particle that is emitting the line
            if *thermal_broad* is True. Defaults to 56 (Fe).
        depth : A tuple or a float, optional
            A tuple containing the depth to project through and the string
            key of the unit: (width, 'unit').  If set to a float, code units
            are assumed. Only for off-axis cubes.
        depth_res : integer, optional
            The resolution of integration along the line of sight for off-axis cubes. Default: 256
        method : string, optional
            Set the projection method to be used.
            "integrate" : line of sight integration over the line element.
            "sum" : straight summation over the line of sight.
        weight_field : string, optional
            The name of the weighting field.  Set to None for no weight.
        no_shifting : boolean, optional
            If set, no shifting due to velocity will occur but only thermal broadening.
            Should not be set when *thermal_broad* is False, otherwise nothing happens!
        north_vector : a sequence of floats
            A vector defining the 'up' direction. This option sets the orientation of 
            the plane of projection. If not set, an arbitrary grid-aligned north_vector 
            is chosen. Ignored in the case of on-axis cubes.
        no_ghost: bool, optional
            Optimization option for off-axis cases. If True, homogenized bricks will
            extrapolate out from grid instead of interpolating from
            ghost zones that have to first be calculated.  This can
            lead to large speed improvements, but at a loss of
            accuracy/smoothness in resulting image.  The effects are
            less notable when the transfer function is smooth and
            broad. Default: True

        >>> i = 60*np.pi/180.
        >>> L = [0.0,np.sin(i),np.cos(i)]
        >>> cube = PPVCube(ds, L, "density", (-5.,4.,100,"km/s"), width=(10.,"kpc"))

        self.ds = ds
        self.field = field
        self.width = width
        self.particle_mass = atomic_weight*mh
        self.thermal_broad = thermal_broad
        self.no_shifting = no_shifting

        if not isinstance(normal, string_types):
            width = ds.coordinates.sanitize_width(normal, width, depth)
            width = tuple(el.in_units('code_length').v for el in width)

        if no_shifting and not thermal_broad:
            raise RuntimeError("no_shifting cannot be True when thermal_broad is False!")

        self.center = ds.coordinates.sanitize_center(center, normal)[0]

        self.nx = dims
        self.ny = dims
        self.nv = velocity_bounds[2]

        if method not in ["integrate","sum"]:
            raise RuntimeError("Only the 'integrate' and 'sum' projection +"
                               "methods are supported in PPVCube.")

        dd = ds.all_data()
        fd = dd._determine_fields(field)[0]
        self.field_units = ds._get_field_info(fd).units

        self.vbins = ds.arr(np.linspace(velocity_bounds[0],
                                        velocity_bounds[2]+1), velocity_bounds[3])

        self._vbins = self.vbins.copy()
        self.vmid = 0.5*(self.vbins[1:]+self.vbins[:-1])
        self.vmid_cgs = self.vmid.in_cgs().v
        self.dv = self.vbins[1]-self.vbins[0]
        self.dv_cgs = self.dv.in_cgs().v

        self.current_v = 0.0

        _vlos = create_vlos(normal, self.no_shifting)
        self.ds.add_field(("gas","v_los"), function=_vlos, units="cm/s")

        _intensity = self._create_intensity()
        self.ds.add_field(("gas","intensity"), function=_intensity, units=self.field_units)

        if method == "integrate" and weight_field is None:
            self.proj_units = str(ds.quan(1.0, self.field_units+"*cm").units)
        elif method == "sum":
            self.proj_units = self.field_units

        storage = {}
        pbar = get_pbar("Generating cube.", self.nv)
        for sto, i in parallel_objects(range(self.nv), storage=storage):
            self.current_v = self.vmid_cgs[i]
            if isinstance(normal, string_types):
                prj = ds.proj("intensity", ds.coordinates.axis_id[normal], method=method,
                buf = prj.to_frb(width, self.nx, center=self.center)["intensity"]
                buf = off_axis_projection(ds, self.center, normal, width,
                                          (self.nx, self.ny, depth_res), "intensity",
                                          north_vector=north_vector, no_ghost=no_ghost,
                                          method=method, weight=weight_field).swapaxes(0,1)
            sto.result_id = i
            sto.result = buf

        self.data = ds.arr(np.zeros((self.nx,self.ny,self.nv)), self.proj_units)
        if is_root():
            for i, buf in sorted(storage.items()):
                self.data[:,:,i] = buf.transpose()

        self.axis_type = "velocity"

        # Now fix the width
        if iterable(self.width):
            self.width = ds.quan(self.width[0], self.width[1])
        elif not isinstance(self.width, YTQuantity):
            self.width = ds.quan(self.width, "code_length")
