Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    variable_names = sys.argv[1].split(',')
    constraint_strs = sys.argv[2].split(',')
    constraints = []

    for var in variable_names:
        exec('{n} = z3.Int(\'{n}\')'.format(n=var))

    for constraint in constraint_strs:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def part2(inp):
    import z3

    inps = [(i, x) for i, x in enumerate(inp) if x != "x"]

    ts = z3.Int("t")

    cs = [ts > 0]

    for a, n in inps:
        cs.append(((ts + a) % n) == 0)

def doZ3ForConcolicFuzzing():
    first set the Z3 configs 
    assert z3.get_version() >= (4, 8, 6, 0)  #set version
                  'z3str3')  # tell what string solver you will use
    z3.set_option('timeout', 60 * 1000)  ### 60 seconds = 1 minute
    declare symbolic variables 
    z_inp = z3.Int('inp')
    add constraints 
    z_inp < 0  # correpsonds to one branch of `inp < 0`
    z3.Not(z_inp < 0)  # correpsonds to the other branch of `inp < 0`
    solve() only gives  a solution 
    soln = z3.solve(z_inp < 0)
    print(soln, dir(soln))
    print('=' * 50)
    predicates = [z3.Not(z_inp < 0), z3.Not(z_inp == 0), z3.Not(z_inp == 1)]
    As solve() only gives  a solution , we need more using Solver() 
    solverObj = z3.Solver()
    # solverObj.add( z3.Not( z_inp < 0 ) , z3.Not( z_inp == 0  ), z3.Not( z_inp == 1 ) )
    solverObj.add(predicates[0:-1] + [z3.Not(predicates[-1])])
    if solverObj.check() == z3.sat and solverObj.check() != z3.unknown:
        m_ = solverObj.model()
        for decl_ in m_.decls():
            print("Constraint variable(%s)=%s" % (decl_.name(), m_[decl_]))
        print("Solution not found. Oops!")
Ejemplo n.º 4
f = Or(And(-i + x == 0, -i + n - 1 == 0, i - 2 >= 0),
       And(-n + x + 2 == 0, -i + n - 3 >= 0, i >= 0),
       And(x >= 0, n - x - 3 >= 0, i - x - 1 >= 0),
       And(-i + x == 0, -i + n - 2 == 0, i - 1 >= 0),
       And(-n + x + 1 == 0, -i + n - 2 >= 0, n - 3 >= 0, i >= 0),
       And(-i + x - 1 >= 0, n - x - 3 >= 0, i >= 0),
       And(-n + x + 1 == 0, n - 3 >= 0, i - n >= 0),
       And(-i + x == 0, -i + n - 3 >= 0, i >= 0))
g = And(n > 2, ForAll(x, Implies(And(x >= 0, x < n), f)))
h = apply(And, qe(g)[0])

h2 = And(n > 2, i >= 0, i <= n - 2)
#h2neg = Or(n<=2, i<=-1, i>=n-1)

print qe(ForAll(x, Implies(h, h2)))
print qe(ForAll(x, Implies(h2, h)))

from z3 import solve
solve(And(h, Not(h2)))
solve(And(h2, Not(h)))

simplify = Repeat(Then('nnf', 'ctx-solver-simplify'))
h3 = apply(And, simplify(h)[0])

simplify = Then(
    Tactic('simplify'), Tactic('propagate-values'),
    ParThen(Repeat(OrElse(Tactic('split-clause'), Tactic('skip'))),

#print tactic(ForAll(x,Or(h2neg,h)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    """Lantern demo"""

    # Initialize a PyTorch network
    # Lantern currently supports: Linear, ReLU, Hardtanh, Dropout, Identity
    net = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2, 5), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(5, 1), nn.ReLU())

    print("A PyTorch network:")

    # Normally, we would train this network to compute some function. However,
    # for this demo, we'll just use the initialized weights.
    print("Network parameters:")

    # lantern.as_z3(model) returns a triple of z3 constraints, input variables,
    # and output variables that directly correspond to the behavior of the
    # given PyTorch network. By default, latnern assumes Real-sorted variables.
    constraints, in_vars, out_vars = lantern.as_z3(net)

    print("Z3 constraints, input variables, output variables (Real-sorted):")

    # The 'payoff' is that we can prove theorems about our network with z3.
    # Trivially, we can ask for a satisfying assignment of variables
    print("A satisfying assignment to the variables in this network:")

    # However, we can run the network "backwards"; e.g. what is an *input* that
    # causes the network to output the value 0 (if such an input exists)?
    constraints.append(out_vars[0] == 0)
    print("An assignment such that the output variable is 0:")

    # To more precisely represent the underlying computations, consider using
    # an appropriate floating-point sort; PyTorch defaults to single precision.
    # To speed up satisfiability computations, models can be 'rounded', which
    # truncates the mantissa of every PyTorch model parameter. Note that the
    # exponent part remains the same (11 bits) so that the result can be
    # returned as a Python float. Here, we truncate to 10 bits (half precision).
    rounded_net = lantern.round_model(net, 10)
    constraints, in_vars, out_vars = lantern.as_z3(rounded_net,
                                                   sort=z3.FPSort(11, 10))
    print("Z3 constraints, input, output (FPSort(11, 10)):")

    # We add the constraint that the output must be 0.0, and solve using a
    # solver for FloatingPoint theory.
    print("An assignment such that the output variable is 0.0:")
    constraints.append(out_vars[0] == 0.0)
    z3.solve_using(z3.SolverFor("QF_FP"), *constraints)

    # Note that the constraints, and variables are all 'ordinary' Z3Py objects.
    print("Happy hacking!")
Ejemplo n.º 6
    print('rightUnique preds:', rUnique)

    print('type(x) = {}, {}:\n'.format(type(x), x))
    print('type(y) = {}, {}:\n'.format(type(y), y))
    # print('type(xx) = {}, {}:\n'.format(type(xx), xx))

    # print('y\'s children:')
    # gg = y[1].children()
    # gh = z3.Solver()
    # gh.add(gg[-3] != gg[-2])
    # print(gh.check().r == -1)
    # print('-----')

    z3.solve(x != y)
    s = z3.Solver()
    s.add(x != y)
    # s.add(z3.Or(z3.Not(y[1]), x[1]) != True)

    # s.check.r(): 1 (eq is true...PCs are inqeuiv) or -1 (eq is false...PCSs are equiv)
    print(s.check().r == -1)
    # If above prints False, the eqs are INEQ, else if it prints True, they're EQUIV

# Uncomment the code below to run the implication checker on each PC:
    # If the two PCs are INEQUIV
    if s.check().r == 1:

        a_preamble, b_preamble, a_rem, b_rem = [], [], [], []
        # Get preambles for both PCs
        for i in range(len(a_clean)):
Ejemplo n.º 7
def euler185():
    import z3
    x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16 = z3.Ints(
        "x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16")
    #x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 = z3.Ints("x1 x2 x3 x4 x5")
    variables = [
        x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16

    #variables = [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5]

    def none_correct(arr):
        return reduce(z3.And,
                      [arr[i] != variables[i] for i in range(len(arr))])

    def one_correct(arr):
        return reduce(z3.Or, [
            reduce(z3.And, [
                arr[j] != variables[j] if i != j else arr[j] == variables[j]
                for j in range(len(arr))
            ]) for i in range(len(arr))

    def two_correct(arr):
        out = []
        for i in range(len(arr)):
            for j in range(len(arr)):
                if i < j:
                        reduce(z3.And, [
                            arr[k] == variables[k] if
                            (k == i or k == j) else arr[k] != variables[k]
                            for k in range(len(arr))
        return reduce(z3.Or, out)

    def three_correct(arr):
        out = []
        for i in range(len(arr)):
            for j in range(len(arr)):
                for k in range(len(arr)):
                    if i < j < k:
                            reduce(z3.And, [
                                arr[l] == variables[l] if
                                (l == i or l == j
                                 or l == k) else arr[l] != variables[l]
                                for l in range(len(arr))
        return reduce(z3.Or, out)

    s = []
    for i in variables:
        s.append(0 <= i)
        s.append(i <= 9)
    # s.append(z3.simplify(two_correct([int(i) for i in "90342"])))
    # s.append(z3.simplify(none_correct([int(i) for i in "70794"])))
    # s.append(z3.simplify(two_correct([int(i) for i in "39458"])))
    # s.append(z3.simplify(one_correct([int(i) for i in "34109"])))
    # s.append(z3.simplify(two_correct([int(i) for i in "51545"])))
    # s.append(z3.simplify(one_correct([int(i) for i in "12531"])))
    # print z3.solve(reduce(z3.And,s))
    5616185650518293 ;2 correct
    3847439647293047 ;1 correct
    5855462940810587 ;3 correct
    9742855507068353 ;3 correct
    4296849643607543 ;3 correct
    3174248439465858 ;1 correct
    4513559094146117 ;2 correct
    7890971548908067 ;3 correct
    8157356344118483 ;1 correct
    2615250744386899 ;2 correct
    8690095851526254 ;3 correct
    6375711915077050 ;1 correct
    6913859173121360 ;1 correct
    6442889055042768 ;2 correct
    2321386104303845 ;0 correct
    2326509471271448 ;2 correct
    5251583379644322 ;2 correct
    1748270476758276 ;3 correct
    4895722652190306 ;1 correct
    3041631117224635 ;3 correct
    1841236454324589 ;3 correct
    2659862637316867 ;2 correct

    guesses = "5616185650518293  3847439647293047  5855462940810587  9742855507068353  4296849643607543  3174248439465858  4513559094146117  7890971548908067  8157356344118483  2615250744386899  8690095851526254  6375711915077050  6913859173121360  6442889055042768  2321386104303845  2326509471271448  5251583379644322  1748270476758276  4895722652190306  3041631117224635  1841236454324589  2659862637316867".split(
        "  ")
    guesses = zip(
        [2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2])
    for (i, j) in guesses:
        print i
        if j == 0:
            s.append(z3.simplify(none_correct([int(k) for k in i])))
        elif j == 1:
            s.append(z3.simplify(one_correct([int(k) for k in i])))
        elif j == 2:
            s.append(z3.simplify(two_correct([int(k) for k in i])))
            s.append(z3.simplify(three_correct([int(k) for k in i])))
    return sorted(z3.solve(reduce(z3.And, s)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
import z3

feed = z3.Int("feed")
clean = z3.Int("clean")
play = z3.Int("play")

solver = z3.Solver()

  (feed * 10) - (play * 2) == 72,
  (feed * 2) + (play * 4) - (clean * 1) == 30,
  (clean * 6) - (feed * 1) - (play * 1) == 0)

# clean = 2, play = 4, feed = 8   
Ejemplo n.º 9
import z3

if __name__ == '__main__':
    x = z3.Real('x')
    const = z3.RealVal(1) / 3
    z3.solve(x + const == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def simpl(f):
    l = Then(qe, simplify)(f)[0]
    if len(l) == 0:
        return True
    elif len(l) == 1:
        return l[0]
        return apply(And, l)

middle3 = And(middle2, 0 <= y, y < n, n >= 2)
middle4 = And(p >= -1, p < y, y < q, q <= n, n >= 2)
middle5 = simpl(middle3)

# middle3 <=> middle4
print solve(And(middle4, Not(middle3)))
# no solution
print solve(And(middle3, Not(middle4)))
# no solution

print "middle:", middle5
# middle3 <=> middle4
print solve(And(middle4, Not(middle5)))
# no solution
print solve(And(middle5, Not(middle4)))
# no solution

# simpl(middle3)
# And(Or(p == -1, p >= 0),
#   -1*p + y >= 1,
Ejemplo n.º 11
import z3

def print_expression(exp):
    print("num args: ", exp.num_args())
    print("children: ", exp.children())
    print("1st child:", exp.arg(0))
    print("2nd child:", exp.arg(1))
    print("operator: ", exp.decl())
    print("op name:  ", exp.decl().name())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    What to prove:
    x > 2, y < 10, x + 2*y == 7
    x = z3.Int('x')
    y = z3.Int('y')

    exps = [x > 2, y < 10, x + 2 * y == 7]

    for exp in exps:

Ejemplo n.º 12
from z3 import Int, solve

from Z3 import *
if __name__ == '__main__':
    x = Int('x')
    y = Int('y')
    s = solve(x > 2, y < 10, x + 2 * y == 7)
params, ret = get_annotations(if_triangle)
params, ret
    int: (z3.Int, z3.IntVal),
    float: (z3.Real, z3.RealVal),
    str: (z3.String, z3.StringVal)

def get_symbolicparams(fn):
    params, ret = get_annotations(fn)
    return [SYM_VARS[typ][0](name)
            for name, typ in params], SYM_VARS[ret][0]('__return__')

(a, b, c), r = get_symbolicparams(if_triangle)
a, b, c, r

################################################################ FINDING SOLUTIONS FOR THE PATH
z3.solve(a > b, b > c, c > b)  # no solution
z3.solve(a < b, b < c, c > a)
z3.solve(b > c, a > b, c < a)
# Generate all possible paths from fnenter to all paths in the function.
symfz_ct = SimpleSymbolicFuzzer(if_triangle)
paths = symfz_ct.get_all_paths(symfz_ct.fnenter)

for i in range(0, len(paths)):
Ejemplo n.º 14
def check0(num):
    v1 = num + 35881
    return v1 == (-144734034 ^ (4286 * (4294932349 + 1167)))

def check1(a1):
    v1 = (4294960452 + a1)
    return v1 == (1182247522 ^ (52074 * (37454 + 4294907139)))

def check2(a1):
    v1 = (4294927469 + 4294923120)
    return (7606 * (a1 + 46494)) == (-3648869 ^ v1)

def check3(a1):
    v1 = (4294956380 + 59384)
    return (13921 * (34208 + a1)) == (-414417428 ^ v1)

a = z3.BitVec("a", 32)
b = z3.BitVec("b", 32)
c = z3.BitVec("c", 32)
d = z3.BitVec("d", 32)
solve(check0(a), check1(-b), check2(-c), check3(-d))

key = list(map(hex, [52253, 48220, 46021, 63976]))

flag = b'cc1d-bc5c-b3c5-f9e8'
Ejemplo n.º 15
import z3

x = z3.Int('x')
y = z3.Int('y')
z3.solve(x > 2, y < 10, x + 2 * y == 7)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def triangle(x, y, z):
    return z3.And(x > 0, y > 0, z > 0, x + y + z == 180)

def acute(x, y, z):
    return z3.And(x < 90, y < 90, z < 90)

def abs(x):
    return z3.If(x > 0, x, -x)

def almost_right(x, y, z):
    return z3.Or(abs(x - 90) <= 15, abs(y - 90) <= 15, abs(z - 90) <= 15)

def almost_isosceles(x, y, z):
    return z3.Or(abs(x - y) <= 15, abs(x - z) <= 15, abs(y - z) <= 15)

x = z3.Real("x")
y = z3.Real("y")
z = z3.Real("z")

    triangle(x, y, z),
    acute(x, y, z),
    z3.Not(almost_right(x, y, z)),
    z3.Not(almost_isosceles(x, y, z)),
Ejemplo n.º 17
import z3

if __name__ == '__main__':
    And, Or, Not, Implies, If, Bi-Implies: ==
    0: p -> q     :=> ~p or q
    1: r <-> ~q   :=> (~r and ~q) and (q and r)
    2: ~p or r
    Theoretically, in 3-way logics, we got:
    0: true; 1: false; 2: not-sure;
    For p -> q statements:
      if p is true  |= q is deterministic.
      if p is false |= we have no idea about q.
        i.e., q is undeterministic.
        "undeterministic" is 1 in binary logic.
    p, q, r = [z3.Bool(x) for x in 'pqr']
    exps = [z3.Implies(p, q), r == z3.Not(q), z3.Or(z3.Not(p), r)]
    z3.solve(*exps)  # unsat!
Ejemplo n.º 18
def dec(dic):
    out = ''
    for i in dic:
        m = i
        x = z3.Int("x")
        z3.solve(x>0, m == 5 * x**2 + 6 * x - 8)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    str: (z3.String, z3.StringVal)

def get_symbolicparams(fn):
    params, ret = get_annotations(fn)
    return [SYM_VARS[typ][0](name)
            for name, typ in params], SYM_VARS[ret][0]('__return__')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    (a, b, c), r = get_symbolicparams(check_triangle)
    a, b, c, r

if __name__ == '__main__':
    z3.solve(a == b, a == c, b == c)

from .ConcolicFuzzer import ArcCoverage  # minor dependency

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with ArcCoverage() as cov:
        assert check_triangle(0, 0, 0) == 'Equilateral'
    cov._trace, cov.arcs()

### The CFG with Path Taken

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('\n### The CFG with Path Taken')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    show_cfg(check_triangle, arcs=cov.arcs())
Ejemplo n.º 20
        left = self.value
        right = other.value
        expr = left == right
        return klara.inference.InferenceResult.load_result(Z3Proxy(expr))

    def __k_bool__(self):
        yield klara.inference.InferenceResult(self, status=True)

AST2Z3TYPE_MAP = {"int": z3.Int, "float": z3.Real, "bool": z3.Bool, "str": z3.String}

def _infer_arg(node: klara.Arg, context):
    name = node.arg
    z3_var_type = AST2Z3TYPE_MAP[str(node.annotation)]
    z3_var = z3_var_type(name)
    proxy = Z3Proxy(z3_var)
    yield klara.inference.InferenceResult.load_result(proxy)

klara.MANAGER.register_transform(klara.Arg, _infer_arg)

source = """
    def foo(a: int):
        return a + 2 == 12
tree = klara.parse(source)
for res in tree.body[0].infer_return_value():