Ejemplo n.º 1
def builtin_say_eoa(g, pe):
    """ say_eoa ( +Lang, +Str, [+Score] ) """

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN say_eoa', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args

    if len(args) < 2:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('say_eoa: at least 2 args expected.')
    if len(args) > 3:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('say_eoa: max 3 args expected.')

    arg_L = pe.prolog_eval(args[0], g.env).name
    arg_S = pe.prolog_get_string(args[1], g.env)

    _queue_action(g, [Predicate('say'), arg_L, arg_S])

    score = 0.0
    if len(args) > 2:
        score = pe.prolog_get_float(args[2], g.env)

    _eoa(g, pe, score)

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def builtin_tokenize(g, pe):
    """ tokenize (+Lang, +Str, -Tokens) """

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN tokenize', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    if len(args) != 3:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('tokenize: 3 args expected.', g.location)

    arg_lang = pe.prolog_eval(args[0], g.env, g.location)
    if not isinstance(arg_lang, Predicate) or len(arg_lang.args) > 0:
        raise PrologRuntimeError(
            'tokenize: first argument: constant expected, %s found instead.' %
            repr(args[0]), g.location)

    arg_str = pe.prolog_get_string(args[1], g.env, g.location)
    arg_tokens = pe.prolog_get_variable(args[2], g.env, g.location)

    tokens = list(
        map(lambda s: StringLiteral(s), tokenize(arg_str, lang=arg_lang.name)))

    g.env[arg_tokens] = ListLiteral(tokens)

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _eoa(g, pe, score):

    if not (ACTION_VARNAME in g.env):
        raise PrologRuntimeError('eoa: no action defined.')

    pe.end_action(g.env[ACTION_VARNAME], score)

    del g.env[ACTION_VARNAME]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _prolog_from_json(o):

    if o['pt'] == 'Constant':
        return Predicate(o['name'])
    if o['pt'] == 'StringLiteral':
        return StringLiteral(o['s'])
    if o['pt'] == 'NumberLiteral':
        return NumberLiteral(o['f'])
    if o['pt'] == 'ListLiteral':
        return ListLiteral(o['l'])

    raise PrologRuntimeError('cannot convert from json: %s .' % repr(o))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def builtin_r_sayv(g, pe):
    """" r_sayv (+Context, +Var, +Fmt) """

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN r_sayv', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    if len(args) != 3:
        raise PrologRuntimeError(
            'r_sayv: 3 args (+Context, +Var, +Fmt) expected.', g.location)

    arg_context = pe.prolog_eval(args[0], g.env, g.location)
    arg_var = pe.prolog_eval(args[1], g.env, g.location)
    arg_fmt = pe.prolog_get_constant(args[2], g.env, g.location)

    if not isinstance(arg_var, Literal):
        raise PrologRuntimeError(
            u'r_sayv: failed to eval "%s"' % unicode(args[1]), g.location)

    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    res = {}

    if isinstance(arg_var, StringLiteral):
        v = arg_var.s
        v = unicode(arg_var)

    if arg_fmt == 'd':
        v = unicode(int(float(v)))
    elif arg_fmt == 'f':
        v = unicode(float(v))

    res = do_assertz(g.env,
                         'c_say', [arg_context, StringLiteral(v)]),

    return [res]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def builtin_action_context_push(pe, args):
    """ context_push(+Name, +Value) """

    logging.debug('CALLED BUILTIN ACTION context_push %s' % repr(args))

    if len(args) != 2:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('context_push: 2 args expected.')

    key = args[0].name
    value = args[1]

    # print u"builtin_set_context: %s -> %s" % (key, unicode(value))
    pe.push_context(key, value)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def builtin_uriref(g, pe):

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN uriref', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    if len(args) != 2:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('uriref: 2 args expected.')

    if not isinstance(args[0], Predicate):
        raise PrologRuntimeError(
            'uriref: first argument: predicate expected, %s found instead.' %

    if not isinstance(args[1], Variable):
        raise PrologRuntimeError(
            'uriref: second argument: variable expected, %s found instead.' %

    g.env[args[1].name] = StringLiteral(

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
def builtin_context_get_fn(pred, env, rt):
    """ context_get(+Name) """

    rt._trace_fn('CALLED FUNCTION context_get', g)

    args = pred.args
    if len(args) != 1:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('context_get: 1 arg expected.')

    key = args[0].name

    v = pe.read_context(key)
    if not v:
        return ListLiteral([])

    return v
Ejemplo n.º 9
def builtin_say(g, pe):
    """ say ( +Lang, +Str ) """

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN say', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    if len(args) != 2:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('say: 2 args expected.')

    arg_L = pe.prolog_eval(args[0], g.env).name
    arg_S = pe.prolog_get_string(args[1], g.env)

    _queue_action(g, [Predicate('say'), arg_L, arg_S])

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 10
def builtin_edit_distance(g, pe):
    """" edit_distance (+Tokens1, +Tokens2, -Distance) """

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN edit_distance', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    if len(args) != 3:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('edit_distance: 3 args expected.', g.location)

    arg_tok1 = pe.prolog_get_list(args[0], g.env, g.location)
    arg_tok2 = pe.prolog_get_list(args[1], g.env, g.location)
    arg_dist = pe.prolog_get_variable(args[2], g.env, g.location)

    g.env[arg_dist] = NumberLiteral(edit_distance(arg_tok1.l, arg_tok2.l))

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
def builtin_eoa(g, pe):
    """ eoa ( [+Score] ) """

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN eoa', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args

    if len(args) > 1:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('eoa: max 1 arg expected.')

    score = 0.0
    if len(args) > 0:
        score = pe.prolog_get_float(args[0], g.env)

    _eoa(g, pe, score)

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 12
def builtin_action_rdf_assert(pe, args):
    """ rdf_assert (+S, +P, +O) """

    logging.debug('CALLED BUILTIN ACTION rdf_assert %s' % repr(args))

    if len(args) != 3:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('rdf_assert: 3 args expected, got %d args' %

    arg_s = args[0]
    arg_p = args[1]
    arg_o = args[2]

    quads = [(pl_to_rdf(arg_s, {}, pe, {},
                        pe.kb), pl_to_rdf(arg_p, {}, pe, {}, pe.kb),
              pl_to_rdf(arg_o, {}, pe, {}, pe.kb), pe.context_gn)]

Ejemplo n.º 13
def builtin_context_get(g, pe):
    """ context_get(+Name, -Value) """

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN context_get', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    if len(args) != 2:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('context_get: 2 args expected.')

    key = args[0].name
    arg_v = pe.prolog_get_variable(args[1], g.env)

    v = pe.read_context(key)
    if not v:
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        return False

    g.env[arg_v] = v

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
def rdf_to_pl(l):

    value = unicode(l)

    if isinstance(l, rdflib.Literal):
        if l.datatype:

            datatype = str(l.datatype)

            if datatype == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal':
                value = NumberLiteral(float(value))
            elif datatype == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float':
                value = NumberLiteral(float(value))
            elif datatype == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer':
                value = NumberLiteral(float(value))
            elif datatype == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime':
                dt = dateutil.parser.parse(value)
                value = NumberLiteral(time.mktime(dt.timetuple()))
            elif datatype == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date':
                dt = dateutil.parser.parse(value)
                value = NumberLiteral(time.mktime(dt.timetuple()))
            elif datatype == DT_LIST:
                value = json.JSONDecoder(
            elif datatype == DT_CONSTANT:
                value = Predicate(value)
                raise PrologRuntimeError(
                    'sparql_query: unknown datatype %s .' % datatype)
            if l.value is None:
                value = ListLiteral([])
                value = StringLiteral(value)

        value = StringLiteral(value)

    return value
Ejemplo n.º 15
def builtin_r_say(g, pe):
    """" r_say (+Context, +Token) """

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN r_say', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    if len(args) != 2:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('r_say: 2 args (+Context, +Token) expected.',

    arg_context = pe.prolog_eval(args[0], g.env, g.location)
    arg_token = pe.prolog_eval(args[1], g.env, g.location)

    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    res = {}

    res = do_assertz(g.env,
                     Clause(Predicate('c_say', [arg_context, arg_token]),

    return [res]
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _rdf_exec(g, pe, generate_lists=False):

    # rdflib.plugins.sparql.parserutils.CompValue
    # class CompValue(OrderedDict):
    #     def __init__(self, name, **values):
    # SelectQuery(
    #   p =
    #     Project(
    #       p =
    #         LeftJoin(
    #           p2 =
    #             BGP(
    #               triples = [(rdflib.term.Variable(u'leaderobj'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://dbpedia.org/ontology/leader'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'leader'))]
    #               _vars = set([rdflib.term.Variable(u'leaderobj'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'leader')])
    #             )
    #           expr =
    #             TrueFilter(
    #               _vars = set([])
    #             )
    #           p1 =
    #             BGP(
    #               triples = [(rdflib.term.Variable(u'leader'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://schema.org/Person')), (rdflib.term.Variable(u'leader'), rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'label'))]
    #               _vars = set([rdflib.term.Variable(u'label'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'leader')])
    #             )
    #           _vars = set([rdflib.term.Variable(u'leaderobj'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'label'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'leader')])
    #         )
    #       PV = [rdflib.term.Variable(u'leader'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'label'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'leaderobj')]
    #       _vars = set([rdflib.term.Variable(u'leaderobj'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'label'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'leader')])
    #     )
    #   datasetClause = None
    #   PV = [rdflib.term.Variable(u'leader'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'label'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'leaderobj')]
    #   _vars = set([rdflib.term.Variable(u'leaderobj'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'label'), rdflib.term.Variable(u'leader')])
    # )

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    # if len(args) == 0 or len(args) % 3 != 0:
    #     raise PrologRuntimeError('rdf: one or more argument triple(s) expected, got %d args' % len(args))

    distinct = False
    triples = []
    optional_triples = []
    filters = []
    limit = 0
    offset = 0

    arg_idx = 0
    var_map = {}  # string -> rdflib.term.Variable

    while arg_idx < len(args):

        arg_s = args[arg_idx]

        # check for optional structure
        if isinstance(arg_s, Predicate) and arg_s.name == 'optional':

            s_args = arg_s.args

            if len(s_args) != 3:
                raise PrologRuntimeError('rdf: optional: triple arg expected')

            arg_s = s_args[0]
            arg_p = s_args[1]
            arg_o = s_args[2]

            logging.debug('rdf: optional arg triple: %s' % repr(
                (arg_s, arg_p, arg_o)))

                (pl_to_rdf(arg_s, g.env, pe, var_map,
                           pe.kb), pl_to_rdf(arg_p, g.env, pe, var_map, pe.kb),
                 pl_to_rdf(arg_o, g.env, pe, var_map, pe.kb)))

            arg_idx += 1

        # check for filter structure
        elif isinstance(arg_s, Predicate) and arg_s.name == 'filter':

            logging.debug('rdf: filter structure detected: %s' %

            s_args = arg_s.args

            # transform multiple arguments into explicit and-tree

            pl_expr = s_args[0]
            for a in s_args[1:]:
                pl_expr = Predicate('and', [pl_expr, a])

                prolog_to_filter_expression(pl_expr, g.env, pe, var_map,

            arg_idx += 1

        # check for distinct
        elif isinstance(arg_s, Predicate) and arg_s.name == 'distinct':

            s_args = arg_s.args
            if len(s_args) != 0:
                raise PrologRuntimeError(
                    'rdf: distinct: unexpected arguments.')

            distinct = True
            arg_idx += 1

        # check for limit/offset
        elif isinstance(arg_s, Predicate) and arg_s.name == 'limit':

            s_args = arg_s.args
            if len(s_args) != 1:
                raise PrologRuntimeError('rdf: limit: one argument expected.')

            limit = pe.prolog_get_int(s_args[0], g.env)
            arg_idx += 1

        elif isinstance(arg_s, Predicate) and arg_s.name == 'offset':

            s_args = arg_s.args
            if len(s_args) != 1:
                raise PrologRuntimeError('rdf: offset: one argument expected.')

            offset = pe.prolog_get_int(s_args[0], g.env)
            arg_idx += 1


            if arg_idx > len(args) - 3:
                raise PrologRuntimeError(
                    'rdf: not enough arguments for triple')

            arg_p = args[arg_idx + 1]
            arg_o = args[arg_idx + 2]

            logging.debug('rdf: arg triple: %s' % repr((arg_s, arg_p, arg_o)))

                (pl_to_rdf(arg_s, g.env, pe, var_map,
                           pe.kb), pl_to_rdf(arg_p, g.env, pe, var_map, pe.kb),
                 pl_to_rdf(arg_o, g.env, pe, var_map, pe.kb)))

            arg_idx += 3

    logging.debug('rdf: triples: %s' % repr(triples))
    logging.debug('rdf: optional_triples: %s' % repr(optional_triples))
    logging.debug('rdf: filters: %s' % repr(filters))

    if len(triples) == 0:
        raise PrologRuntimeError(
            'rdf: at least one non-optional triple expected')

    var_list = var_map.values()
    var_set = set(var_list)

    p = CompValue('BGP', triples=triples, _vars=var_set)

    for t in optional_triples:
        p = CompValue('LeftJoin',
                      p2=CompValue('BGP', triples=[t], _vars=var_set),
                      expr=CompValue('TrueFilter', _vars=set([])))

    for f in filters:
        p = CompValue('Filter', p=p, expr=f, _vars=var_set)

    if limit > 0:
        p = CompValue('Slice', start=offset, length=limit, p=p, _vars=var_set)

    if distinct:
        p = CompValue('Distinct', p=p, _vars=var_set)

    algebra = CompValue('SelectQuery',

    result = pe.kb.query_algebra(algebra)

    logging.debug('rdf: result (len: %d): %s' % (len(result), repr(result)))

    if len(result) == 0:
        return False

    if generate_lists:

        # bind each variable to list of values

        for binding in result:

            for v in binding.labels:

                l = binding[v]

                value = rdf_to_pl(l)

                if not v in g.env:
                    g.env[v] = ListLiteral([])


        return True


        # turn result into list of bindings

        res_bindings = []
        for binding in result:

            res_binding = {}

            for v in binding.labels:

                l = binding[v]

                value = rdf_to_pl(l)

                res_binding[v] = value


        if len(res_bindings) == 0 and len(result) > 0:
            res_bindings.append({})  # signal success

        logging.debug('rdf: res_bindings: %s' % repr(res_bindings))

        return res_bindings
Ejemplo n.º 17
def builtin_weather_data (g, pe):

    """ weather_data (PLACE, TSTART, TEND, CODE, PREC, TEMP_MIN, TEMP_MAX, CLOUDS) """

    pe._trace ('CALLED BUILTIN weather_data', g)

    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    if len(args) != 8:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('weather_data: expected 8 args, %d args found.' % len(args), g.location)

    arg_Place     = pe.prolog_eval         (args[0], g.env, g.location)
    arg_TStart    = pe.prolog_get_string   (args[1], g.env, g.location)
    arg_TEnd      = pe.prolog_get_string   (args[2], g.env, g.location)

    tstart = dateutil.parser.parse(arg_TStart)
    tend   = dateutil.parser.parse(arg_TEnd)

    arg_code      = pe.prolog_get_variable (args[3], g.env, g.location)
    arg_prec      = pe.prolog_get_variable (args[4], g.env, g.location)
    arg_temp_min  = pe.prolog_get_variable (args[5], g.env, g.location)
    arg_temp_max  = pe.prolog_get_variable (args[6], g.env, g.location)
    arg_clouds    = pe.prolog_get_variable (args[7], g.env, g.location)

    wevs = pe.search_predicate('weather_events', [arg_Place, '_1', '_2', '_3', '_4', '_5', '_6', '_7'])

    cnt      = 0
    code     = ''
    prec     = 0.0
    temp_min = 10000.0
    temp_max = -10000.0
    clouds   = 0.0

    for wev in wevs:


        unbound_values = False
        for k in ['_1', '_2', '_3', '_4', '_5', '_6', '_7']:
            if not k in wev:
                unbound_values = True
        if unbound_values:
            logging.debug ("skipping: unbound values found.")

        wev_tstart     = dateutil.parser.parse(wev['_1'].s)
        wev_tend       = dateutil.parser.parse(wev['_2'].s)

        if (wev_tstart > tend) or (wev_tend < tstart):
            # logging.info ('ignoring wev %s' % repr(wev))
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        wev_code       = wev['_3'].s[:2]
        wev_prec       = wev['_4'].f
        wev_temp_min   = wev['_5'].f 
        wev_temp_max   = wev['_6'].f 
        wev_clouds     = wev['_7'].f 
        if wev_temp_min < temp_min:
            temp_min = wev_temp_min
        if wev_temp_max > temp_max:
            temp_max = wev_temp_max
        if wev_code > code:
            code = wev_code
        prec += wev_prec
        clouds += wev_clouds

        cnt += 1

    if cnt == 0:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('weather_data: no data found.', g.location)

    prec   /= float(cnt)
    clouds /= float(cnt)

    g.env[arg_code]     = StringLiteral(code)
    g.env[arg_prec]     = NumberLiteral(prec)
    g.env[arg_temp_min] = NumberLiteral(temp_min)
    g.env[arg_temp_max] = NumberLiteral(temp_max)
    g.env[arg_clouds]   = NumberLiteral(clouds)

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 18
def builtin_context_score(g, pe):
    """ context_score(+Name, ?Value, +Points, ?Score [, +MinPoints]) """

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN context_score', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    if len(args) < 4:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('context_score: at least 4 args expected.')
    if len(args) > 5:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('context_score: max 5 args expected.')

    key = args[0].name
    value = pe.prolog_eval(args[1], g.env)
    points = pe.prolog_get_float(args[2], g.env)
    scorev = pe.prolog_get_variable(args[3], g.env)

    if len(args) == 5:
        min_score = pe.prolog_get_float(args[4], g.env)
        min_score = 0.0

    score = g.env[scorev].f if scorev in g.env else 0.0

    if value:

        stack = pe.read_context(key)

        if stack:
            i = 1
            for v in stack.l:
                if v == value:
                    score += points / float(i)
                i += 1

        if score < min_score:
            return False
        g.env[scorev] = NumberLiteral(score)
        return True

    if not isinstance(args[1], Variable):
        raise PrologRuntimeError(
            u'score_context: arg 2 literal or variable expected, %s found instead.'
            % unicode(args[1]))

    res = []

    stack = pe.read_context(key)
    if stack:
        i = 1
        for v in stack.l:
            s = score + points / float(i)
            if s >= min_score:
                    args[1].name: v,
                    scorev: NumberLiteral(score + points / float(i))
            i += 1
        if score >= min_score:
                args[1].name: ListLiteral([]),
                scorev: NumberLiteral(score)

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 19
def builtin_ner(g, pe):

    global ner_dict
    """ ner (+Lang, +Cat, +TS, +TE, +Tokens, -Entity, -Score) """

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN ner', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args

    if len(args) != 7:
        raise PrologRuntimeError(
            'ner: 7 args ( +Lang, +Cat, +TS, +TE, +Tokens, -Entity, -Score ) expected.',

    # extract args, tokens

    arg_Lang = pe.prolog_get_constant(args[0], g.env, g.location)
    arg_Class = pe.prolog_eval(args[1], g.env, g.location)
    arg_TStart = pe.prolog_get_int(args[2], g.env, g.location)
    arg_TEnd = pe.prolog_get_int(args[3], g.env, g.location)
    arg_Tokens = pe.prolog_get_list(args[4], g.env, g.location)
    arg_Entity = pe.prolog_get_variable(args[5], g.env, g.location)
    arg_Score = pe.prolog_get_variable(args[6], g.env, g.location)

    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    if not ner_dict:

    if not arg_Lang in ner_dict:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('ner: lang %s unknown.' % arg_Lang,

    tokens = list(map(lambda x: x.s, arg_Tokens.l))

    res = []
    if isinstance(arg_Class, Variable):

        for c in ner_dict[arg_Lang]:

            for entity, score in ner(arg_Lang, c, arg_TStart, arg_TEnd,

                r = {
                    arg_Class.name: Predicate(c),
                    arg_Entity: Predicate(entity),
                    arg_Score: NumberLiteral(score)


        if not arg_Class.name in ner_dict[arg_Lang]:
            raise PrologRuntimeError('ner: class %s unknown.' % arg_Class.name,

        for entity, score in _ner(arg_Lang, arg_Class.name, arg_TStart,
                                  arg_TEnd, tokens):
            r = {
                arg_Entity: Predicate(entity),
                arg_Score: NumberLiteral(score)

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_module(self, module_name, run_trace=False, test_name=None):


        m = self.modules[module_name]

        logging.info('running tests of module %s ...' % (module_name))

        num_tests = 0
        num_fails = 0
        for tc in self.session.query(
                model.TestCase).filter(model.TestCase.module == module_name):

            if test_name:
                if tc.name != test_name:
                    logging.info('skipping test %s' % tc.name)

            num_tests += 1

            rounds = json.loads(tc.rounds)
            prep = json_to_prolog(tc.prep)

            round_num = 0
            prev_context = None
            res = {}

            for t_in, t_out, test_actions in rounds:

                test_in = u' '.join(t_in)
                test_out = u' '.join(t_out)

                logging.info("nlp_test: %s round %d test_in     : %s" %
                             (tc.name, round_num, repr(test_in)))
                logging.info("nlp_test: %s round %d test_out    : %s" %
                             (tc.name, round_num, repr(test_out)))
                logging.info("nlp_test: %s round %d test_actions: %s" %
                             (tc.name, round_num, repr(test_actions)))

                #if round_num>0:
                #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                res, cur_context = self._setup_context(
                # prep

                if prep:
                    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                    # self.rt.set_trace(True)
                    for p in prep:
                        solutions = self.rt.search(Clause(
                            None, p, location=self.dummyloc),
                        if len(solutions) != 1:
                            raise (PrologRuntimeError(
                                'Expected exactly one solution from preparation code for test "%s", got %d.'
                                % (tc.name, len(solutions))))
                        res = solutions[0]

                # inp / resp

                inp = self._compute_net_input(res, cur_context)

                # look up code in DB

                acode = None
                matching_resp = False
                for tdr in self.session.query(model.TrainingData).filter(
                        model.TrainingData.lang == tc.lang,
                        model.TrainingData.inp == json.dumps(inp)):
                    if acode:
                            u'%s: more than one acode for test_in "%s" found in DB!'
                            % (tc.name, test_in))

                    acode = json.loads(tdr.resp)
                    pcode = self._reconstruct_prolog_code(acode)
                    clause = Clause(None, pcode, location=self.dummyloc)
                    solutions = self.rt.search(clause, env=res)
                    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

                    for solution in solutions:

                        actual_out, actual_actions, score = self._extract_response(
                            cur_context, solution)

                        # logging.info("nlp_test: %s round %d %s" % (clause.location, round_num, repr(abuf)) )

                        if len(test_out) > 0:
                            if len(actual_out) > 0:
                                actual_out = u' '.join(
                                    tokenize(u' '.join(actual_out), tc.lang))
                                "nlp_test: %s round %d actual_out  : %s (score: %f)"
                                % (tc.name, round_num, actual_out, score))
                            if actual_out != test_out:
                                    "nlp_test: %s round %d UTTERANCE MISMATCH."
                                    % (tc.name, round_num))
                                continue  # no match

                            "nlp_test: %s round %d UTTERANCE MATCHED!" %
                            (tc.name, round_num))

                        # check actions

                        if len(test_actions) > 0:

                                "nlp_test: %s round %d actual acts : %s" %
                                (tc.name, round_num, repr(actual_actions)))
                            # print repr(test_actions)

                            actions_matched = True
                            act = None
                            for action in test_actions:
                                for act in actual_actions:
                                    # print "    check action match: %s vs %s" % (repr(action), repr(act))
                                    if action == act:
                                if action != act:
                                    actions_matched = False

                            if not actions_matched:
                                    "nlp_test: %s round %d ACTIONS MISMATCH." %
                                    (tc.name, round_num))

                                "nlp_test: %s round %d ACTIONS MATCHED!" %
                                (tc.name, round_num))

                        matching_resp = True
                        res = solution

                    if matching_resp:

                if acode is None:
                    logging.error('failed to find db entry for %s' %
                        u'Error: %s: no training data for test_in "%s" found in DB!'
                        % (tc.name, test_in))
                    num_fails += 1

                if not matching_resp:
                        u'nlp_test: %s round %d no matching response found.' %
                        (tc.name, round_num))
                    num_fails += 1

                prev_context = cur_context
                round_num += 1


        return num_tests, num_fails
Ejemplo n.º 21
def builtin_sparql_query(g, pe):

    pe._trace('CALLED BUILTIN sparql_query', g)

    pred = g.terms[g.inx]
    args = pred.args
    if len(args) < 1:
        raise PrologRuntimeError('sparql_query: at least 1 argument expected.')

    query = pe.prolog_get_string(args[0], g.env)

    # logging.debug("builtin_sparql_query called, query: '%s'" % query)

    # run query

    result = pe.kb.query(query)

    # logging.debug("builtin_sparql_query result: '%s'" % repr(result))

    if len(result) == 0:
        return False

    # turn result into lists of literals we can then bind to prolog variables

    res_map = {}
    res_vars = {}  # variable idx -> variable name

    for binding in result:

        for v in binding.labels:

            l = binding[v]

            value = rdf_to_pl(l)

            if not v in res_map:
                res_map[v] = []
                res_vars[binding.labels[v]] = v


    # logging.debug("builtin_sparql_query res_map : '%s'" % repr(res_map))
    # logging.debug("builtin_sparql_query res_vars: '%s'" % repr(res_vars))

    # apply bindings to environment vars

    v_idx = 0

    for arg in args[1:]:

        sparql_var = res_vars[v_idx]
        prolog_var = pe.prolog_get_variable(arg, g.env)
        value = res_map[sparql_var]

        # logging.debug("builtin_sparql_query mapping %s -> %s: '%s'" % (sparql_var, prolog_var, value))

        g.env[prolog_var] = ListLiteral(value)

        v_idx += 1

    return True