Ejemplo n.º 1
def _regress_out_chunk(data):
    # data is a tuple containing the selected columns from adata.X
    # and the regressors dataFrame
    data_chunk = data[0]
    regressors = data[1]
    variable_is_categorical = data[2]

    responses_chunk_list = []
    import statsmodels.api as sm
    from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import PerfectSeparationError

    for col_index in range(data_chunk.shape[1]):
        if variable_is_categorical:
            regres = np.c_[np.ones(regressors.shape[0]), regressors[:,
            regres = regressors
            result = sm.GLM(data_chunk[:, col_index],
            new_column = result.resid_response
        except PerfectSeparationError:  # this emulates R's behavior
                'Encountered PerfectSeparationError, setting to 0 as in R.')
            new_column = np.zeros(data_chunk.shape[0])


    return np.vstack(responses_chunk_list)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def regress_out(adata, keys, n_jobs=None, copy=False):
    """Regress out unwanted sources of variation.

    Uses simple linear regression. This is inspired by Seurat's `regressOut`
    function in R [Satija15].

    adata : :class:`~anndata.AnnData`
        The annotated data matrix.
    keys : `str` or list of `str`
        Keys for observation annotation on which to regress on.
    n_jobs : `int` or `None`, optional. If None is given, then the n_jobs seting is used (default: `None`)
        Number of jobs for parallel computation.
    copy : `bool`, optional (default: `False`)
        If an :class:`~anndata.AnnData` is passed, determines whether a copy
        is returned.

    Depending on `copy` returns or updates `adata` with the corrected data matrix.
    logg.info('regressing out', keys, r=True)
    if issparse(adata.X):
        logg.info('    sparse input is densified and may '
                  'lead to high memory use')
    adata = adata.copy() if copy else adata
    if isinstance(keys, str):
        keys = [keys]

    if issparse(adata.X):
        adata.X = adata.X.toarray()

    n_jobs = sett.n_jobs if n_jobs is None else n_jobs

    # regress on a single categorical variable
    variable_is_categorical = False
    if keys[0] in adata.obs_keys() and is_categorical_dtype(
        if len(keys) > 1:
            raise ValueError('If providing categorical variable, '
                             'only a single one is allowed. For this one '
                             'we regress on the mean for each category.')
        logg.msg('... regressing on per-gene means within categories')
        regressors = np.zeros(adata.X.shape, dtype='float32')
        for category in adata.obs[keys[0]].cat.categories:
            mask = (category == adata.obs[keys[0]]).values
            for ix, x in enumerate(adata.X.T):
                regressors[mask, ix] = x[mask].mean()
        variable_is_categorical = True
    # regress on one or several ordinal variables
        # create data frame with selected keys (if given)
        if keys:
            regressors = adata.obs[keys]
            regressors = adata.obs.copy()

        # add column of ones at index 0 (first column)
        regressors.insert(0, 'ones', 1.0)

    len_chunk = np.ceil(min(1000, adata.X.shape[1]) / n_jobs).astype(int)
    n_chunks = np.ceil(adata.X.shape[1] / len_chunk).astype(int)

    tasks = []
    # split the adata.X matrix by columns in chunks of size n_chunk (the last chunk could be of smaller
    # size than the others)
    chunk_list = np.array_split(adata.X, n_chunks, axis=1)
    if variable_is_categorical:
        regressors_chunk = np.array_split(regressors, n_chunks, axis=1)
    for idx, data_chunk in enumerate(chunk_list):
        # each task is a tuple of a data_chunk eg. (adata.X[:,0:100]) and
        # the regressors. This data will be passed to each of the jobs.
        if variable_is_categorical:
            regres = regressors_chunk[idx]
            regres = regressors
        tasks.append(tuple((data_chunk, regres, variable_is_categorical)))

    if n_jobs > 1 and n_chunks > 1:
        import multiprocessing
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(n_jobs)
        res = pool.map_async(_regress_out_chunk, tasks).get(9999999)

        res = list(map(_regress_out_chunk, tasks))

    # res is a list of vectors (each corresponding to a regressed gene column).
    # The transpose is needed to get the matrix in the shape needed
    adata.X = np.vstack(res).T.astype(adata.X.dtype)
    logg.info('    finished', t=True)
    return adata if copy else None