Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):

        # PyMQI is an optional dependency so let's import it here rather than on module level
            import pymqi
        except ImportError:
            self.pymqi = None
            self.pymqi = pymqi

        self.host = ''
        self.port = None
        self.username = None
        self.password = None
        self.server_auth = None
        self.basic_auth_expected = None
        self.server_port = None
        self.server_path = None
        self.server_address = '{}{}'

        self.lock = RLock()
        self.logger = None
        self.parent_pid = getppid()
        self.keyutils = KeyUtils('zato-wmq', self.parent_pid)

        self.connections = {}
        self.outconns = {}
        self.channels = {}

        self.outconn_id_to_def_id = {} # Maps outgoing connection IDs to their underlying definition IDs
        self.channel_id_to_def_id = {} # Ditto but for channels
        self.outconn_name_to_id = {}   # Maps outgoing connection names to their IDs

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        self.host = None
        self.port = None
        self.crypto_manager = None
        self.odb = None
        self.odb_data = None
        self.config = None
        self.repo_location = None
        self.user_conf_location = None
        self.sql_pool_store = None
        self.soap11_content_type = None
        self.soap12_content_type = None
        self.plain_xml_content_type = None
        self.json_content_type = None
        self.internal_service_modules = None  # Zato's own internal services
        self.service_modules = None  # Set programmatically in Spring
        self.service_sources = None  # Set in a config file
        self.base_dir = None
        self.tls_dir = None
        self.static_dir = None
        self.hot_deploy_config = None
        self.pickup = None
        self.fs_server_config = None
        self.fs_sql_config = None
        self.pickup_config = None
        self.logging_config = None
        self.logging_conf_path = None
        self.sio_config = None
        self.sso_config = None
        self.connector_server_grace_time = None
        self.id = None
        self.name = None
        self.worker_id = None
        self.worker_pid = None
        self.cluster = None
        self.cluster_id = None
        self.kvdb = None
        self.startup_jobs = None
        self.worker_store = None
        self.request_dispatcher_dispatch = None
        self.deployment_lock_expires = None
        self.deployment_lock_timeout = None
        self.deployment_key = ''
        self.app_context = None
        self.has_gevent = None
        self.delivery_store = None
        self.static_config = None
        self.component_enabled = Bunch()
        self.client_address_headers = [
        self.broker_client = None
        self.return_tracebacks = None
        self.default_error_message = None
        self.time_util = None
        self.preferred_address = None
        self.crypto_use_tls = None
        self.servers = None
        self.zato_lock_manager = None
        self.pid = None
        self.sync_internal = None
        self.ipc_api = IPCAPI(False)
        self.ipc_forwarder = IPCAPI(True)
        self.wmq_ipc_tcp_port = None
        self.fifo_response_buffer_size = None  # Will be in megabytes
        self.is_first_worker = None
        self.shmem_size = -1.0
        self.server_startup_ipc = ServerStartupIPC()
        self.keyutils = KeyUtils()
        self.sso_api = None
        self.is_sso_enabled = False
        self.audit_pii = audit_pii
        self.startup_callable_tool = None
        self.default_internal_pubsub_endpoint_id = None
        self._hash_secret_method = None
        self._hash_secret_rounds = None
        self._hash_secret_salt_size = None

        # Allows users store arbitrary data across service invocations
        self.user_ctx = Bunch()
        self.user_ctx_lock = gevent.lock.RLock()

        self.access_logger = logging.getLogger('zato_access_log')
        self.access_logger_log = self.access_logger._log
        self.needs_access_log = self.access_logger.isEnabledFor(INFO)
        self.has_pubsub_audit_log = logging.getLogger(
        self.is_enabled_for_warn = logging.getLogger('zato').isEnabledFor(

        # The main config store
        self.config = ConfigStore()

        gevent.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.destroy)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        self.host = None
        self.port = None
        self.crypto_manager = None
        self.odb = None
        self.odb_data = None
        self.config = None
        self.repo_location = None
        self.user_conf_location = None
        self.sql_pool_store = None
        self.soap11_content_type = None
        self.soap12_content_type = None
        self.plain_xml_content_type = None
        self.json_content_type = None
        self.service_modules = None # Set programmatically in Spring
        self.service_sources = None # Set in a config file
        self.base_dir = None        # type: unicode
        self.tls_dir = None         # type: unicode
        self.static_dir = None      # type: unicode
        self.json_schema_dir = None # type: unicode
        self.hot_deploy_config = None
        self.pickup = None
        self.fs_server_config = None
        self.fs_sql_config = None
        self.pickup_config = None
        self.logging_config = None
        self.logging_conf_path = None
        self.sio_config = None
        self.sso_config = None
        self.connector_server_grace_time = None
        self.id = None
        self.name = None
        self.worker_id = None
        self.worker_pid = None
        self.cluster = None
        self.cluster_id = None
        self.kvdb = None
        self.startup_jobs = None
        self.worker_store = None # type: WorkerStore
        self.service_store = None # type: ServiceStore
        self.request_dispatcher_dispatch = None
        self.deployment_lock_expires = None
        self.deployment_lock_timeout = None
        self.deployment_key = ''
        self.has_gevent = None
        self.delivery_store = None
        self.static_config = None
        self.component_enabled = Bunch()
        self.client_address_headers = ['HTTP_X_ZATO_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'REMOTE_ADDR']
        self.broker_client = None
        self.return_tracebacks = None
        self.default_error_message = None
        self.time_util = None
        self.preferred_address = None
        self.crypto_use_tls = None
        self.servers = None
        self.zato_lock_manager = None
        self.pid = None
        self.sync_internal = None
        self.ipc_api = IPCAPI()
        self.fifo_response_buffer_size = None # Will be in megabytes
        self.is_first_worker = None
        self.shmem_size = -1.0
        self.server_startup_ipc = ServerStartupIPC()
        self.connector_config_ipc = ConnectorConfigIPC()
        self.keyutils = KeyUtils()
        self.sso_api = None
        self.is_sso_enabled = False
        self.audit_pii = audit_pii
        self.has_fg = False
        self.startup_callable_tool = None
        self.default_internal_pubsub_endpoint_id = None
        self._hash_secret_method = None
        self._hash_secret_rounds = None
        self._hash_secret_salt_size = None

        # Our arbiter may potentially call the cleanup procedure multiple times
        # and this will be set to True the first time around.
        self._is_process_closing = False

        # Allows users store arbitrary data across service invocations
        self.user_ctx = Bunch()
        self.user_ctx_lock = gevent.lock.RLock()

        # Connectors
        self.connector_ibm_mq = IBMMQIPC(self)
        self.connector_sftp   = SFTPIPC(self)

        # HTTP methods allowed as a Python list
        self.http_methods_allowed = []

        # As above, but as a regular expression pattern
        self.http_methods_allowed_re = ''

        self.access_logger = logging.getLogger('zato_access_log')
        self.access_logger_log = self.access_logger._log
        self.needs_access_log = self.access_logger.isEnabledFor(INFO)
        self.has_pubsub_audit_log = logging.getLogger('zato_pubsub_audit').isEnabledFor(INFO)
        self.is_enabled_for_warn = logging.getLogger('zato').isEnabledFor(WARN)

        # The main config store
        self.config = ConfigStore()
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ConnectionContainer(object):
    def __init__(self):

        # PyMQI is an optional dependency so let's import it here rather than on module level
            import pymqi
        except ImportError:
            self.pymqi = None
            self.pymqi = pymqi

        self.host = ''
        self.port = None
        self.username = None
        self.password = None
        self.server_auth = None
        self.basic_auth_expected = None
        self.server_port = None
        self.server_path = None
        self.server_address = '{}{}'

        self.lock = RLock()
        self.logger = None
        self.parent_pid = getppid()
        self.keyutils = KeyUtils('zato-wmq', self.parent_pid)

        self.connections = {}
        self.outconns = {}
        self.channels = {}

        self.outconn_id_to_def_id = {} # Maps outgoing connection IDs to their underlying definition IDs
        self.channel_id_to_def_id = {} # Ditto but for channels
        self.outconn_name_to_id = {}   # Maps outgoing connection names to their IDs


    def set_config(self):
        """ Sets self attributes, as configured in keyring by our parent process.
        config = self.keyutils.user_get()
        config = loads(config)
        config = bunchify(config)

        self.username = config.username
        self.password = config.password
        self.server_auth = (self.username, self.password)

        self.base_dir = config.base_dir
        self.port = config.port
        self.server_port = config.server_port
        self.server_path = config.server_path
        self.server_address = self.server_address.format(self.server_port, self.server_path)

        with open(config.logging_conf_path) as f:
            logging_config = yaml.load(f)

        # IBM MQ logging configuration is new in Zato 3.0, so it's optional.
        if not 'zato_ibm_mq' in logging_config['loggers']:
            logging_config = default_logging_config


# ################################################################################################################################

    def set_up_logging(self, config):

        logger_conf = config['loggers']['zato_ibm_mq']
        wmq_handler_conf = config['handlers']['ibm_mq']
        del wmq_handler_conf['formatter']
        wmq_handler_conf.pop('class', False)
        formatter_conf = config['formatters']['default']['format']

        self.logger = getLogger(logger_conf['qualname'])
        self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, logger_conf['level']))

        formatter = Formatter(formatter_conf)

        wmq_handler_conf['filename'] = path.abspath(path.join(self.base_dir, wmq_handler_conf['filename']))
        wmq_handler = RotatingFileHandler(**wmq_handler_conf)

        stdout_handler = StreamHandler(sys.stdout)


# ################################################################################################################################

    def on_mq_message_received(self, msg_ctx, _post=post):
        _post(self.server_address, data=dumps({
            'msg': msg_ctx.mq_msg.to_dict(),
            'channel_id': msg_ctx.channel_id,
            'queue_name': msg_ctx.queue_name,
            'service_name': msg_ctx.service_name,
            'data_format': msg_ctx.data_format,
        }), auth=self.server_auth)

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _create_definition(self, msg, needs_connect=True):
        """ A low-level method to create connection definitions. Must be called with self.lock held.
        msg.pop('cluster_id', None)
        msg.pop('old_name', None)
        id = msg.pop('id')
        msg['needs_jms'] = msg.pop('use_jms', False)
        msg.pop('_encryption_needed', False)
        msg.pop('_encrypted_in_odb', False)

        # We always create and add a connetion ..
        conn = WebSphereMQConnection(**msg)
        self.connections[id] = conn

        # .. because even if it fails here, it will be eventually established during one of .send or .receive,
        # however, it is possible that our caller already knows that the connection will fail so we need
        # to take it into account too.
        if needs_connect:

        return conn

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _on_DEFINITION_WMQ_CREATE(self, msg):
        """ Creates a new connection to IBM MQ.
        if not self.pymqi:
            return Response(_http_503, 'Could not find pymqi module, MQ connections will not start')

        with self.lock:
            except Exception as e:
                return Response(_http_503, str(e.message))
                return Response()

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _on_DEFINITION_WMQ_EDIT(self, msg):
        """ Updates an existing definition - close the current one, including channels and outconns,
        and creates a new one in its place.
        with self.lock:
            def_id = msg.id
            old_conn = self.connections[def_id]

            # Edit messages don't carry passwords
            msg.password = old_conn.password

            # It's possible that we are editing a connection that has no connected yet,
            # e.g. if password was invalid, so this needs to be guarded by an if.
            if old_conn.is_connected:

            # Overwrites the previous connection object
            new_conn = self._create_definition(msg, old_conn.is_connected)

            # Stop and start all channels using this definition.
            for channel_id, _def_id in self.channel_id_to_def_id.items():
                if def_id == _def_id:
                    channel = self.channels[channel_id]
                    channel.conn = new_conn

            return Response()

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _on_DEFINITION_WMQ_DELETE(self, msg):
        """ Deletes an IBM MQ MQ definition along with its associated outconns and channels.
        with self.lock:
            def_id = msg.id

            # Stop all connections ..
            except Exception:
                    del self.connections[def_id]
                except Exception:

                # .. continue to delete outconns regardless of errors above ..
                for outconn_id, outconn_def_id in self.outconn_id_to_def_id.items():
                    if outconn_def_id == def_id:
                        del self.outconn_id_to_def_id[outconn_id]
                        del self.outconns[outconn_id]

                # .. delete channels too.
                for channel_id, channel_def_id in self.channel_id_to_def_id.items():
                    if channel_def_id == def_id:
                        del self.channel_id_to_def_id[channel_id]
                        del self.channels[channel_id]

            return Response()

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _on_DEFINITION_WMQ_CHANGE_PASSWORD(self, msg):
        with self.lock:
                conn = self.connections[msg.id]
                conn.password = msg.password
            except Exception as e:
                return Response(_http_503, str(e.message), 'text/plain')
                return Response()

# ################################################################################################################################

    def _on_DEFINITION_WMQ_PING(self, msg):
        """ Pings a remote IBM MQ manager.
        except WebSphereMQException, e:
            return Response(_http_503, str(e.message), 'text/plain')