Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _add_worker(self, worker_id, service_name, ttl, worker_type, log_added=True):
        """ Adds worker-related configuration, no matter if it is an internal or a ZeroMQ-based one.
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        expires_at = now + timedelta(seconds=ttl)
        wd = WorkerData(worker_type, worker_id, service_name, now, None, expires_at)

        # Add to details of workers
        self.workers[wd.id] = wd

        # Add to the list of workers for that service (but do not forget that the service may not have a client yet possibly)
        service = self.services.setdefault(service_name, Service(service_name))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def on_event_disconnect(self, worker_id, data):
        """ A worker wishes to disconnect - we need to remove it from all the places that still reference it, if any.
        with self.lock:
            wrapped_id = WorkerData.wrap_worker_id(const.worker_type.zmq, worker_id)

            # Need 'None' because the worker may not exist
            self.workers.pop(wrapped_id, None)

            for service in self.services.values():

                # Likewise, this worker may not exist at all
                if wrapped_id in service.workers:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def on_event_ready(self, worker_id, service_name):
        """ A worker informs the broker that it is ready to handle messages destined for a given service.
        Must be called with self.lock held.
        service_name = service_name[0]

        if self.has_info:
            logger.info('Worker `%r` ready for `%s`',
                WorkerData.wrap_worker_id(const.worker_type.zmq, worker_id), service_name)

        with self.lock:
            self._add_worker(worker_id, service_name, const.ttl, const.worker_type.zmq)

Ejemplo n.º 4
    def on_event_heartbeat(self, worker_id, _ignored):
        """ Updates heartbeat data for a worker.
        with self.lock:
            wrapped_id = WorkerData.wrap_worker_id(const.worker_type.zmq, worker_id)
            worker = self.workers.get(wrapped_id)

            if not worker:
                logger.warn('No worker found for HB `%s`', wrapped_id)

            now = datetime.utcnow()
            expires_at = now + timedelta(seconds=const.ttl)

            worker.last_hb_received = now
            worker.expires_at = expires_at