Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_extract(body, ctype):
    Read two JSON files merged with a LINEFEED, and use the specification
    to extract an array from the JSON source

    Sample queries:
    * curl --request POST --data-binary @- http://localhost:8880/load.extract.json < test/data/load/json_plus_spec.dat
    file1, file2 = body.split('\f')
    file1_parsed = []
    if ejsonify.is_json(file1, file1_parsed):
        file1_parsed = file1_parsed[0]
        file2_parsed = []
        if not file2 or ejsonify.is_json(file2, file2_parsed):
            if file2:
                file2_parsed = file2_parsed[0]
                file2_parsed = None
            result = ejsonify.pull_ejson_by_patterns(file1_parsed, file2_parsed)
            items = result[u'items']
            profile = add_ejson_profile(items)
            result = json.dumps({'items': items, 'data_profile': profile}, indent=4)
            return result
    raise ValueError('Unable to process content')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def json_nav_prep(body, ctype):
    Read and analyze a JSON file to support the UI for having the user
    navigate and select an array for extract (see load_extract)

    Sample queries:
    * curl --request POST --data-binary @- http://localhost:8880/json.nav.prep.json < test/data/load/somefeed.json
    ejsonify_output = []
    if ejsonify.is_json(body, ejsonify_output):
        obj = ejsonify_output[0]
        result = ejsonify.analyze_for_nav(obj)
        result = json.dumps(result, indent=4)
        return result
        raise ValueError('Unable to process content')
Ejemplo n.º 3
        lead = body.strip()
        if lead.startswith('%%') or lead.startswith('@'):
            cmdline = 'bib2xml'
            process = Popen(cmdline, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True)
            mods, perr = process.communicate(input=body)
            if not mods:
                #FIXME: L10N
                raise ValueError('Empty output from the command line.  Probably a failure.  Command line: "%s"'%cmdline)
            #print >> sys.stderr, mods[:100]
            data, diag_info = mods2json(body, diagnostics)
            imt = 'application/x-bibtex'
            ejsonify_output = []
            if ejsonify.is_json(body, ejsonify_output):
                obj = ejsonify_output[0]
                data = obj[u'items']
                fixup_obj_labels = False
                imt = 'application/json'
                #FIXME: how to deal with CSV character sets?
                data = readcsv(body)

    if maxcount:
        data = data[:int(maxcount)]

    #FIXME: Following redundant now that we have add_ejson_profile
    #Keeping it to avoid breaking what's working for now
    objkeys = dict([ (k, k) for obj in data for k in obj ])
    #FIXME: reduce from 3 full passes through obj to 2 (don't think we can go lower than 2)