Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, stackParams: dict, nodeReg: Dict[str, HA]):
        self.name = stackParams["name"]
        self.bootstrapped = False

        self.nodeStackParams = stackParams
        self.nodestack = None  # type: Stack

        self.lastcheck = {}  # type: Dict[int, Tuple[int, float]]
        self.ratchet = Ratchet(a=8, b=0.198, c=-4, base=8, peak=3600)
        self.nodeReg = nodeReg

        # holds the last time we checked remotes
        self.nextCheck = 0

        self._conns = set()  # type: Set[str]
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def eventually(coroFunc: FlexFunc,
                     retryWait: float=0.1,
                     timeout: float=5,
                     ratchetSteps: Optional[int]=None,
                     verbose=True) -> T:

    if acceptableExceptions and not isinstance(acceptableExceptions, Iterable):
            acceptableExceptions = [acceptableExceptions]
    # TODO make smarter. Have an optional initial_wait. ratchet up to timeout
    start = time.perf_counter()

    ratchet = Ratchet.fromGoalDuration(retryWait, ratchetSteps, timeout).gen() if ratchetSteps else None

    def remaining():
        return start + timeout - time.perf_counter()

    fname = getFuncName(coroFunc)
    while True:
            remain = remaining()
            if remain < 0:
                # this provides a convenient breakpoint for a debugger
                logger.warning("{} last try...".format(fname))
            # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
            res = coroFunc(*args)
            if isawaitable(res):
                res = await res
            if verbose:
                logger.debug("{} succeeded with {:.2f} seconds to spare".
                             format(fname, remain))
            return res
        except Exception as ex:
            if acceptableExceptions and type(ex) not in acceptableExceptions:
            if remain >= 0:
                if verbose:
                    logger.trace("{} not succeeded yet, {:.2f} seconds "
                                 "remaining...".format(fname, remain))
                await asyncio.sleep(next(ratchet) if ratchet else retryWait)
                logger.error("{} failed; not trying any more because {} "
                             "seconds have passed; args were {}".
                             format(fname, timeout, args))
                raise ex
Ejemplo n.º 3
class NodeStacked(Batched):
    Behaviors that provides Node Stack functionality to Nodes and Clients

    def __init__(self, stackParams: dict, nodeReg: Dict[str, HA]):
        self.name = stackParams["name"]
        self.bootstrapped = False

        self.nodeStackParams = stackParams
        self.nodestack = None  # type: Stack

        self.lastcheck = {}  # type: Dict[int, Tuple[int, float]]
        self.ratchet = Ratchet(a=8, b=0.198, c=-4, base=8, peak=3600)
        self.nodeReg = nodeReg

        # holds the last time we checked remotes
        self.nextCheck = 0

        self._conns = set()  # type: Set[str]

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name

    def conns(self) -> Set[str]:
        Get the connections of this node.

        :return: set of names of the connected nodes
        return self._conns

    def conns(self, value: Set[str]) -> None:
        Updates the connection count of this node if not already done.
        if not self._conns == value:
            old = self._conns
            self._conns = value
            ins = value - old
            outs = old - value
            self._connsChanged(ins, outs)

    def checkConns(self):
        Evaluate the connected nodes
        self.conns = self.nodestack.connecteds()

    def _connsChanged(self, ins: Set[str], outs: Set[str]) -> None:
        A series of operations to perform once a connection count has changed.

        - Set f to max number of failures this system can handle.
        - Set status to one of started, started_hungry or starting depending on
            the number of protocol instances.
        - Check protocol instances. See `checkProtocolInstaces()`

        :param ins: new nodes connected
        :param outs: nodes no longer connected
        for o in outs:
            logger.info("{} disconnected from {}".format(self, o), extra={"cli": "IMPORTANT"})
        for i in ins:
            logger.info("{} now connected to {}".format(self, i), extra={"cli": "IMPORTANT"})
        self.onConnsChanged(ins, outs)

    def onConnsChanged(self, ins: Set[str], outs: Set[str]):
        Subclasses can override

    def notConnectedNodes(self) -> Set[str]:
        Returns the names of nodes in the registry this node is NOT connected
        return set(self.nodeReg.keys()) - self.conns

    def startNodestack(self):
        self.nodestack = self.stackType().newStack(self.nodeStackParams)
            "{} listening for other nodes at {}:{}".format(self, *self.nodestack.ha), extra={"cli": "LOW_STATUS"}
        self.nodestack.msgHandler = self.handleOneNodeMsg

        if self.nodestack.name in self.nodeReg:
            # remove this node's registation from the Node Registry
            # (no need to connect to itself)
            del self.nodeReg[self.nodestack.name]

    def connect(self, name) -> int:
        Connect to the node specified by name.

        :param name: name of the node to connect to
        :type name: str or (HA, tuple)
        :return: the uid of the remote estate
        if isinstance(name, (HA, tuple)):
            other_node_ha = name
        elif isinstance(name, str):
            other_node_ha = self.nodeReg[name]
            raise AttributeError()
        remote = RemoteEstate(stack=self.nodestack, ha=other_node_ha)
        # updates the store time so the join timer is accurate
        self.nodestack.join(uid=remote.uid, cascade=True, timeout=60)
        logger.info("{} looking for {} at {}:{}".format(self.name, name, *other_node_ha), extra={"cli": "PLAIN"})
        return remote.uid

    def sign(self, msg: Mapping) -> Mapping:
        No signing is implemented in NodeStacked. Returns the msg as it is.

        :param msg: the message to sign
        return msg  # don't sign by default

    def prepForSending(self, msg: Mapping) -> Mapping:
        Return a dictionary form of the message

        :param msg: the message to be sent
        :raises: ValueError if msg cannot be converted to an appropriate format for transmission
        if isinstance(msg, TaggedTupleBase):
            tmsg = msg.melted()
        elif isinstance(msg, Request):
            tmsg = msg.__getstate__()
            raise ValueError("Message cannot be converted to an appropriate format for transmission")
        smsg = self.sign(tmsg)
        return smsg

    def handleOneNodeMsg(self, wrappedMsg):
        raise NotImplementedError("{} must implement this method".format(self))

    async def serviceLifecycle(self) -> None:
        Async function that does the following activities if the node is going:
        (See `Status.going`)

        - check connections (See `checkConns`)
        - maintain connections (See `maintainConnections`)
        if self.isGoing():

    def maintainConnections(self):
        Try to connect to all the nodes.

    def _retryConnections(self):
        Try connecting to disconnected nodes again.

        :return: whether the retry attempt was successful
        cur = time.perf_counter()
        if cur > self.nextCheck:
            if any(r.joinInProcess() or r.allowInProcess() for r in self.nodestack.remotes.values()):
                    "{} joins or allows already in process, so " "waiting to check for reconnects".format(self)
                self.nextCheck = cur + 3
                return False
            self.nextCheck = cur + 15
            # check again in 15 seconds,
            # unless sooner because of retries below

            conns, disconns = self.remotesByConnected()

            for disconn in disconns:
                if disconn.name not in self.nodeReg:
                        "{} skipping reconnect on {} because "
                        "it's not found in the registry".format(self, disconn.name)
                count, last = self.lastcheck.get(disconn.uid, (0, 0))
                secsSinceLastCheck = cur - last
                secsToWait = self.ratchet.get(count)
                secsToWaitNext = self.ratchet.get(count + 1)
                if secsSinceLastCheck > secsToWait:
                    dname = self.getRemoteName(disconn)
                        "{} retrying to connect with {}".format(self.name, dname)
                        + (
                            if not last
                            else "; needed to wait at "
                            "least {} and waited "
                            "{} (next try will "
                            "be {} seconds)".format(
                                round(secsToWait, 2), round(secsSinceLastCheck, 2), round(secsToWaitNext, 2)
                    self.lastcheck[disconn.uid] = count + 1, cur
                    self.nextCheck = min(self.nextCheck, cur + secsToWaitNext)
                    if disconn.joinInProcess():
                        logger.debug("waiting, because join is already in " "progress")
                        logger.info("{} reconnecting to {} at {}:{}".format(self, dname, *disconn.ha))
                        # update the store time so the allow timer works
                        self.nodestack.allow(uid=disconn.uid, cascade=True)
            # remove items that have been connected
            for connected in conns:
                self.lastcheck.pop(connected.uid, None)

            logger.debug("{} next check for retries in {:.2f} seconds".format(self, self.nextCheck - cur))
            return True
        return False

    def bootstrap(self, forced: bool = None):
        Connect to all nodes in the node registry.
        logging.info("{} is bootstrapping, forced is {}".format(self, forced), extra={"cli": False})
        missing = self.reconcileNodeReg()
        if missing:
            logger.debug("{} found the following missing connections: {}".format(self, ", ".join(missing)))
            if not forced:
                names = list(self.nodeReg.keys())
                nices = set(distributedConnectionMap(names)[self.name])
                for name in nices:
                    logger.debug("{} being nice and waiting for {} to join".format(self, name))
                missing = missing.difference(nices)
            for name in missing:
        self.bootstrapped = True

    def reconcileNodeReg(self):
        Handle remotes missing from the node registry and clean up old remotes no longer in this node's registry.

        :return: the missing remotes
        matches = set()  # good matches found in nodestack remotes
        legacy = set()  # old remotes that are no longer in registry
        conflicts = set()  # matches found, but the ha conflicts
        logging.debug("{}'s nodereg is {}".format(self, self.nodeReg.items()))
        logging.debug("{}'s nodestack is {}".format(self, self.nodestack.remotes.values()))
        for r in self.nodestack.remotes.values():
            if r.name in self.nodeReg:
                if r.ha == self.nodeReg[r.name]:
                    logging.debug("matched remote is {} {}".format(r.uid, r.ha))
                    conflicts.add((r.name, r.ha))
                    error("ha for {} doesn't match".format(r.name))
                regName = [nm for nm, ha in self.nodeReg.items() if ha == r.ha]
                logging.debug("unmatched remote is {} {}".format(r.uid, r.ha))
                # assert len(regName) == 1
                if regName:
                        "forgiving name mismatch for {} with same "
                        "ha {} using another name {}".format(regName, r.ha, r.name)
                    logger.debug("{} found a legacy remote {} " "without a matching ha {}".format(self, r.name, r.ha))

        # missing from remotes... need to connect
        missing = set(nm for nm, ha in self.nodeReg.items() if nm not in matches)

        if len(missing) + len(matches) + len(conflicts) != len(self.nodeReg):
            logger.error("Error reconciling nodeReg with remotes")
            logger.error("missing: {}".format(missing))
            logger.error("matches: {}".format(matches))
            logger.error("conflicts: {}".format(conflicts))
            logger.error("nodeReg: {}".format(self.nodeReg.keys()))
            error("Error reconciling nodeReg with remotes; see logs")

        if conflicts:
            error("found conflicting address information {} in registry".format(conflicts))
        if legacy:
            for l in legacy:
                    "{} found legacy entry [{}, {}] in remotes, " "that were not in registry".format(self, l.name, l.ha)

                # TODO Remove this. Why are we raising error. Someone might
                # attempt to connect to a node and might end up in its nodestack

                # error("found legacy entries {} in remotes, that were not "
                #       "in registry".format(legacy))
                # this could happen if we are somehow re-using the same temp directory
        return missing

    def stackType():
        Return the type of the stack
        return Stack

    def remotesByConnected(self):
        conns, disconns = [], []
        for r in self.nodestack.remotes.values():
            array = conns if Stack.isRemoteConnected(r) else disconns
        return conns, disconns

    def getRemoteName(self, remote):
        if remote.name not in self.nodeReg:
            find = [name for name, ha in self.nodeReg.items() if ha == remote.ha]
            assert len(find) == 1
            return find[0]
        return remote.name