Ejemplo n.º 1
def send_initial_realm_messages(realm):
    # type: (Realm) -> None
    welcome_bot = get_system_bot(settings.WELCOME_BOT)
    # Make sure each stream created in the realm creation process has at least one message below
    # Order corresponds to the ordering of the streams on the left sidebar, to make the initial Home
    # view slightly less overwhelming
    welcome_messages = [
         'topic': "welcome",
         'content': "This is a message on stream `%s` with the topic `welcome`. We'll use this stream "
         "for system-generated notifications." % (Realm.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_STREAM_NAME,)},
        {'stream': "core team",
         'topic': "private streams",
         'content': "This is a private stream. Only admins and people you invite "
         "to the stream will be able to see that this stream exists."},
        {'stream': "general",
         'topic': "welcome",
         'content': "Welcome to #**general**."},
        {'stream': "new members",
         'topic': "onboarding",
         'content': "A #**new members** stream is great for onboarding new members.\n\nIf you're "
         "reading this and aren't the first person here, introduce yourself in a new thread "
         "using your name as the topic! Type `c` or click on `New Topic` at the bottom of the "
         "screen to start a new topic."},
        {'stream': "zulip",
         'topic': "topic demonstration",
         'content': "Here is a message in one topic. Replies to this message will go to this topic."},
        {'stream': "zulip",
         'topic': "topic demonstration",
         'content': "A second message in this topic. With [turtles](/static/images/cute/turtle.png)!"},
        {'stream': "zulip",
         'topic': "second topic",
         'content': "This is a message in a second topic.\n\nTopics are similar to email subjects, "
         "in that each conversation should get its own topic. Keep them short, though; one "
         "or two words will do it!"},
    ]  # type: List[Dict[str, Text]]
    messages = [internal_prep_stream_message(
        realm, welcome_bot,
        message['stream'], message['topic'], message['content']) for message in welcome_messages]
    message_ids = do_send_messages(messages)

    # We find the one of our just-sent messages with turtle.png in it,
    # and react to it.  This is a bit hacky, but works and is kinda a
    # 1-off thing.
    turtle_message = Message.objects.get(
        subject='topic demonstration',
    do_add_reaction_legacy(welcome_bot, turtle_message, 'turtle')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def send_initial_realm_messages(realm: Realm) -> None:
    welcome_bot = get_system_bot(settings.WELCOME_BOT)
    # Make sure each stream created in the realm creation process has at least one message below
    # Order corresponds to the ordering of the streams on the left sidebar, to make the initial Home
    # view slightly less overwhelming
    welcome_messages = [
         'topic': "welcome",
         'content': "This is a message on stream `%s` with the topic `welcome`. We'll use this stream "
         "for system-generated notifications." % (Realm.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_STREAM_NAME,)},
        {'stream': Realm.INITIAL_PRIVATE_STREAM_NAME,
         'topic': "private streams",
         'content': "This is a private stream. Only admins and people you invite "
         "to the stream will be able to see that this stream exists."},
        {'stream': "general",
         'topic': "welcome",
         'content': "Welcome to #**general**."},
        {'stream': "new members",
         'topic': "onboarding",
         'content': "A #**new members** stream is great for onboarding new members.\n\nIf you're "
         "reading this and aren't the first person here, introduce yourself in a new thread "
         "using your name as the topic! Type `c` or click on `New Topic` at the bottom of the "
         "screen to start a new topic."},
        {'stream': "zulip",
         'topic': "topic demonstration",
         'content': "Here is a message in one topic. Replies to this message will go to this topic."},
        {'stream': "zulip",
         'topic': "topic demonstration",
         'content': "A second message in this topic. With [turtles](/static/images/cute/turtle.png)!"},
        {'stream': "zulip",
         'topic': "second topic",
         'content': "This is a message in a second topic.\n\nTopics are similar to email subjects, "
         "in that each conversation should get its own topic. Keep them short, though; one "
         "or two words will do it!"},
    ]  # type: List[Dict[str, str]]
    messages = [internal_prep_stream_message(
        realm, welcome_bot,
        message['topic'], message['content'],
    ) for message in welcome_messages]
    message_ids = do_send_messages(messages)

    # We find the one of our just-sent messages with turtle.png in it,
    # and react to it.  This is a bit hacky, but works and is kinda a
    # 1-off thing.
    turtle_message = get_turtle_message(message_ids=message_ids)
    do_add_reaction_legacy(welcome_bot, turtle_message, 'turtle')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def send_initial_realm_messages(realm: Realm) -> None:
    welcome_bot = get_system_bot(settings.WELCOME_BOT)
    # Make sure each stream created in the realm creation process has at least one message below
    # Order corresponds to the ordering of the streams on the left sidebar, to make the initial Home
    # view slightly less overwhelming
    welcome_messages = [
        {'stream': Realm.INITIAL_PRIVATE_STREAM_NAME,
         'topic': "private streams",
         'content': "This is a private stream, as indicated by the "
         "lock icon next to the stream name. Private streams are only visible to stream members. "
         "\n\nTo manage this stream, go to [Stream settings](#streams/subscribed) and click on "
         'topic': "topic demonstration",
         'content': "This is a message on stream #**%(default_notification_stream_name)s** with the "
         "topic `topic demonstration`."},
         'topic': "topic demonstration",
         'content': "Topics are a lightweight tool to keep conversations organized. "
         "You can learn more about topics at [Streams and topics](/help/about-streams-and-topics). "},
        {'stream': realm.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_STREAM_NAME,
         'topic': "swimming turtles",
         'content': "This is a message on stream #**%(default_notification_stream_name)s** with the "
         "topic `swimming turtles`. "
         "\n\n[Start a new topic](/help/start-a-new-topic) any time you're not replying to a "
         "previous message."},
    ]  # type: List[Dict[str, str]]
    messages = [internal_prep_stream_message_by_name(
        realm, welcome_bot, message['stream'], message['topic'],
        message['content'] % {
            'initial_private_stream_name': Realm.INITIAL_PRIVATE_STREAM_NAME,
            'default_notification_stream_name': Realm.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_STREAM_NAME,
    ) for message in welcome_messages]
    message_ids = do_send_messages(messages)

    # We find the one of our just-sent messages with turtle.png in it,
    # and react to it.  This is a bit hacky, but works and is kinda a
    # 1-off thing.
    turtle_message = Message.objects.get(
    do_add_reaction_legacy(welcome_bot, turtle_message, 'turtle')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_reaction_legacy(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                        message_id: int, emoji_name: Text) -> HttpResponse:

    # access_message will throw a JsonableError exception if the user
    # cannot see the message (e.g. for messages to private streams).
    message, user_message = access_message(user_profile, message_id)

    check_valid_emoji(message.sender.realm, emoji_name)

    # We could probably just make this check be a try/except for the
    # IntegrityError from it already existing, but this is a bit cleaner.
    if Reaction.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile,
        raise JsonableError(_("Reaction already exists"))

    if user_message is None:
        create_historical_message(user_profile, message)

    do_add_reaction_legacy(user_profile, message, emoji_name)

    return json_success()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_reaction_legacy(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile,
                        message_id: int, emoji_name: Text) -> HttpResponse:

    # access_message will throw a JsonableError exception if the user
    # cannot see the message (e.g. for messages to private streams).
    message, user_message = access_message(user_profile, message_id)

    check_valid_emoji(message.sender.realm, emoji_name)

    # We could probably just make this check be a try/except for the
    # IntegrityError from it already existing, but this is a bit cleaner.
    if Reaction.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile,
        raise JsonableError(_("Reaction already exists"))

    if user_message is None:
        create_historical_message(user_profile, message)

    do_add_reaction_legacy(user_profile, message, emoji_name)

    return json_success()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def add_message_formatting_conversation(self) -> None:
        realm = get_realm('zulip')
        stream, _ = create_stream_if_needed(realm, 'zulip features')

        starr = do_create_user('*****@*****.**', 'password', realm,
                               'Ada Starr', '')
        self.set_avatar(starr, 'static/images/features/starr.png')
        fisher = do_create_user('*****@*****.**', 'password', realm,
                                'Bel Fisher', '')
        self.set_avatar(fisher, 'static/images/features/fisher.png')
        twitter_bot = do_create_user('*****@*****.**',
                                     'Twitter Bot',
        self.set_avatar(twitter_bot, 'static/images/features/twitter.png')


        staged_messages = [
                "Hey @**Bel Fisher**, check out Zulip's Markdown formatting! "
                "You can have:\n* bulleted lists\n  * with sub-bullets too\n"
                "* **bold**, *italic*, and ~~strikethrough~~ text\n"
                "* LaTeX for mathematical formulas, both inline -- $$O(n^2)$$ -- and displayed:\n"
                "```math\n\\int_a^b f(t)\, dt=F(b)-F(a)\n```"
                "My favorite is the syntax highlighting for code blocks\n"
                "```python\ndef fib(n):\n    # returns the n-th Fibonacci number\n"
                "    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)\n```"
                "I think you forgot your base case there, Bel :laughing:\n"
                "```quote\n```python\ndef fib(n):\n    # returns the n-th Fibonacci number\n"
                "    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)\n```\n```"
                "I'm also a big fan of inline link, tweet, video, and image previews. "
                "Check out this picture of Çet Whalin[](/static/images/features/whale.png)!"
                "I just set up a custom linkifier, "
                "so `#1234` becomes [#1234](github.com/zulip/zulip/1234), "
                "a link to the corresponding GitHub issue."
                "Oops, the Twitter bot I set up shouldn't be posting here. Let me go fix that."
        ]  # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]

        messages = [
            internal_prep_stream_message(realm, message['sender'], stream.name,
                                         'message formatting',
            for message in staged_messages

        message_ids = do_send_messages(messages)

        preview_message = Message.objects.get(
            id__in=message_ids, content__icontains='image previews')
        do_add_reaction_legacy(starr, preview_message, 'whale')

        twitter_message = Message.objects.get(id__in=message_ids,
        # Setting up a twitter integration in dev is a decent amount of work. If you need
        # to update this tweet, either copy the format below, or send the link to the tweet
        # to chat.zulip.org and ask an admin of that server to get you the rendered_content.
        twitter_message.rendered_content = (
            '<div class="inline-preview-twitter"><div class="twitter-tweet">'
            '<a><img class="twitter-avatar" '
            '<p>Great blog post about Zulip\'s use of mypy: '
            '<span>- Guido van Rossum (@gvanrossum)</span></div></div>')

        # Put a short pause between the whale reaction and this, so that the
        # thumbs_up shows up second
        do_add_reaction_legacy(starr, preview_message, 'thumbs_up')
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def add_message_formatting_conversation(self) -> None:
        realm = get_realm('zulip')
        stream, _ = create_stream_if_needed(realm, 'zulip features')

        starr = do_create_user('*****@*****.**', 'password', realm, 'Ada Starr', '')
        self.set_avatar(starr, 'static/images/features/starr.png')
        fisher = do_create_user('*****@*****.**', 'password', realm, 'Bel Fisher', '')
        self.set_avatar(fisher, 'static/images/features/fisher.png')
        twitter_bot = do_create_user('*****@*****.**', 'password', realm, 'Twitter Bot', '',
        self.set_avatar(twitter_bot, 'static/images/features/twitter.png')

        bulk_add_subscriptions([stream], list(UserProfile.objects.filter(realm=realm)))

        staged_messages = [
            {'sender': starr,
             'content': "Hey @**Bel Fisher**, check out Zulip's Markdown formatting! "
             "You can have:\n* bulleted lists\n  * with sub-bullets too\n"
             "* **bold**, *italic*, and ~~strikethrough~~ text\n"
             "* LaTeX for mathematical formulas, both inline -- $$O(n^2)$$ -- and displayed:\n"
             "```math\n\\int_a^b f(t)\, dt=F(b)-F(a)\n```"},
            {'sender': fisher,
             'content': "My favorite is the syntax highlighting for code blocks\n"
             "```python\ndef fib(n: int) -> int:\n    # returns the n-th Fibonacci number\n"
             "    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)\n```"},
            {'sender': starr,
             'content': "I think you forgot your base case there, Bel :laughing:\n"
             "```quote\n```python\ndef fib(n: int) -> int:\n    # returns the n-th Fibonacci number\n"
             "    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)\n```\n```"},
            {'sender': fisher,
             'content': "I'm also a big fan of inline link, tweet, video, and image previews. "
             "Check out this picture of Çet Whalin[](/static/images/features/whale.png)!"},
            {'sender': starr,
             'content': "I just set up a custom linkifier, "
                        "so `#1234` becomes [#1234](github.com/zulip/zulip/1234), "
             "a link to the corresponding GitHub issue."},
            {'sender': twitter_bot,
             'content': 'https://twitter.com/gvanrossum/status/786661035637772288'},
            {'sender': fisher,
             'content': "Oops, the Twitter bot I set up shouldn't be posting here. Let me go fix that."},
        ]  # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]

        messages = [internal_prep_stream_message(
            realm, message['sender'], stream.name, 'message formatting', message['content']
        ) for message in staged_messages]

        message_ids = do_send_messages(messages)

        preview_message = Message.objects.get(id__in=message_ids, content__icontains='image previews')
        do_add_reaction_legacy(starr, preview_message, 'whale')

        twitter_message = Message.objects.get(id__in=message_ids, content__icontains='gvanrossum')
        # Setting up a twitter integration in dev is a decent amount of work. If you need
        # to update this tweet, either copy the format below, or send the link to the tweet
        # to chat.zulip.org and ask an admin of that server to get you the rendered_content.
        twitter_message.rendered_content = (
            '<div class="inline-preview-twitter"><div class="twitter-tweet">'
            '<a><img class="twitter-avatar" '
            '<p>Great blog post about Zulip\'s use of mypy: '
            '<span>- Guido van Rossum (@gvanrossum)</span></div></div>')

        # Put a short pause between the whale reaction and this, so that the
        # thumbs_up shows up second
        do_add_reaction_legacy(starr, preview_message, 'thumbs_up')