Ejemplo n.º 1

f = foo()
f.a = (1, 2, 3)

# method 1 -- StreamWriter is an uncompressed StringIO
x = xml_pickle.dumps(f)

# check header (to ensure correct method used) + contents
#if x[0:5] == '<?xml':
#print "OK"
#print "ERROR"

g = xml_pickle.loads(x)
if g.a == (1, 2, 3):
    print "OK"
    print "ERROR"

# method 2 -- StreamWriter is a compressed StringIO
#x = xml_pickle.dumps(f,1)

## check header + contents
#if x[0:2] == '\037\213':
#print "OK"
#print "ERROR"
Ejemplo n.º 2

foo.ul = UserList.UserList()
foo.ul.append(re.compile('(bored yet)?'))

foo.tup = (re.compile('this is [not]? '), re.compile('a [tuple|list]'))

#print "---PRE-PICKLE---"

x1 = xml_pickle.dumps(foo)
#print x1

#print "---POST-PICKLE---"
bar = xml_pickle.loads(x1)
#print str(dir(bar))

checkfoo(foo, bar)

# same thing on copy
x2 = xml_pickle.dumps(bar)
baz = xml_pickle.loads(x2)

checkfoo(bar, baz)

#print "---XML from original---"
#print x1

#print "---XML from copy---"
Ejemplo n.º 3
        self.f = a_test_function
        self.k = a_test_class

# always show the family tag so I can make sure it's right

f = foo()

# dump an object containing bools
s = xmp.dumpsp(f)
    print s

x = xmp.loads(s)
#print "Expect False, True, None, func, class: ",x.a,x.b,x.c,x.f,x.k

# check it
for attr in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'f', 'k']:
    if getattr(f, attr) != getattr(x, attr):
        raise "ERROR(1)"

# dump builtin obj containing bools
s = xmp.dumpsp((True, False))
    print s

x = xmp.loads(s)
#print "Expect True, False: ",x[0],x[1]
Ejemplo n.º 4
        self.b = True
        self.c = None
        self.f = a_test_function
        self.k = a_test_class

# If this Python doesn't have True/False, then the unpickler
# will return 1/0 instead
#if not pyconfig.Have_TrueFalse():
#    True = 1
#    False = 0

# the tests are portable versions of those in test_bools.py

# bools inside an object
x = xmp.loads(x1)

# check it
if x.a != False or x.b != True or x.c != None or \
   x.f != a_test_function or x.k != a_test_class:
    #print x.__dict__
    raise "ERROR(1)"

# bools inside a toplevel bltin
x = xmp.loads(x2)
if x[0] != True or x[1] != False:
    raise "ERROR(2)"

# bool as toplevel
x = xmp.loads(x3)
if x != True:
Ejemplo n.º 5
foo.l.append(date.DateTime(2006, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.12))

foo.ul = UserList.UserList()
foo.ul.append(date.DateTime(2007, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.13))
foo.ul.append(date.DateTime(2008, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.14))

foo.tup = (date.DateTime(2009, 10, 11, 12, 13,
                         14.15), date.DateTime(2010, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.16))

#print "---PRE-PICKLE---"

x1 = xml_pickle.dumps(foo)
#print x1

#print "---POST-PICKLE---"
bar = xml_pickle.loads(x1)

testfoo(foo, bar)

x2 = xml_pickle.dumps(bar)

#print "---XML from original---"
#print x1

#print "---XML from copy---"
#print x2

print "** OK **"
Ejemplo n.º 6
import funcs


class foo: pass


f = foo()

f.b = test_ftypes_i.gimme_bfunc()
f.p = test_ftypes_i.gimme_pfunc()
f.f = foo

print f.b, f.p, f.f

x = xml_pickle.dumps(f)
print x

g = xml_pickle.loads(x)

print g.b, g.p, g.f

# check it
for attr in ['b','p','f']:
    if getattr(f,attr) != getattr(g,attr):
        raise "ERROR(1)"

print "** OK **"

Ejemplo n.º 7

class foo:

# so we can unpickle foo

# test the obvious self-refs
l = [1, 2]
#print l
x = xml_pickle.dumps(l)
print x
g = xml_pickle.loads(x)
print g
# check values & ref
if g[0] != l[0] or g[1] != l[1] or id(g[2]) != id(g):
    raise "ERROR(1)"

d = {'a': 1}
d['b'] = d
#print d
x = xml_pickle.dumps(d)
#print x
g = xml_pickle.loads(x)
#print g
# check values & ref
if g['a'] != 1 or id(g['b']) != id(g):
    raise "ERROR(2)"
Ejemplo n.º 8
import zif.sedna.persistence.pickle as xml_pickle

class Test:

o1 = Test()
o1.s = "o1"

o2 = Test()
o2.s = "o2"

o1.obj1 = o2
o1.obj2 = o2
o2.obj3 = o1
o2.obj4 = o1

xml = xml_pickle.dumps(o1)
#print xml

z = xml_pickle.loads(xml)

# check it
if z.s != o1.s or z.obj1.s != o1.obj1.s or \
   z.obj2.s != o1.obj2.s or z.obj1.obj3.s != o1.obj1.obj3.s or \
   z.obj2.obj4.s != o1.obj2.obj4.s:
    raise "ERROR(1)"

print "** OK **"
Ejemplo n.º 9
        raise "ERROR(%d)" % NR

x = Foo(1, 'abc', [1, 2, 3], ('a', 'b', 'c'))

# python-pickle
p = pickle.dumps(x)
x2 = pickle.loads(p)

# test: .a and .b should match x; .c and .d should match
# values from __getinitargs__
check_foo(x, x2, 1)

# xml-pickle
px = xml_pickle.dumpsp(x)
x3 = xml_pickle.loads(px)

print px

print x3.a, x3.b, x3.c, x3.d
print x2.a, x2.b, x2.c, x2.d
# test: .a and .b should match x; .c and .d should match
# values from __getinitargs__
check_foo(x, x3, 2)

# make sure all call counts are correct
# 1 __init__ per loads(), plus original object = 3
# 1 __getinitargs__ per dumps(), plus 2 extra calls per test = 6
    raise "ERROR(3)"
Ejemplo n.º 10
import lxml.objectify as xo
import zif.sedna.persistence.pickle as xp
from StringIO import StringIO
import funcs


xml = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Spam SYSTEM "spam.dtd" >
  <Eggs>Some text about eggs.</Eggs>
  <MoreSpam>Ode to Spam</MoreSpam>

fh = StringIO(xml)
o = xo.fromstring(xml)
s = xp.dumps(o)
#print "---------- xml_objectify'd object, xml_pickle'd ----------"
#print s
o2 = xp.loads(s)
#print "---------- object after the pickle/unpickle cycle --------"
#print xp.dumps(o2)

if o.Eggs.PCDATA != o2.Eggs.PCDATA or \
   o.MoreSpam.PCDATA != o2.MoreSpam.PCDATA:
    raise "ERROR(1)"

print "** OK **"
Ejemplo n.º 11
o = C()
o.lst = [1, 2]
o.dct = {'spam': 'eggs'}

s = xml_pickle.dumps(o)
print "--------------- Uncompressed xml_pickle: (%s bytes)---------------" % len(
print s

s = xml_pickle.dumps(o, 1)
print "--------------- Compressed xml_pickle: (%s bytes)-----------------" % len(
print ` s `

# Third: make sure compressed pickle makes it through restore cycle
print "------------------------------------------------------"
    xml_pickle.loads(xml_pickle.dumps(o, 1))
    print "Pickle/restore cycle with compression:  OK"
    print "Pickle/restore cycle with compression:  FAILED!"

    xml_pickle.loads('CORRUPT' + xml_pickle.dumps(o))
    print "Pickle/restore corrupt data with compression:  OK"
    print "Pickle/restore corrupt data with compression:  FAILED!"
Ejemplo n.º 12
xml = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Spam SYSTEM "spam.dtd" >
  <Eggs>Some text about eggs.</Eggs>
  <MoreSpam>Ode to Spam</MoreSpam>

fh = StringIO(xml)
o = xo.fromstring(xml)
s = xp.dumps(o)
#print "---------- xml_objectify'd object, xml_pickle'd ----------"
#print s
o2 = xp.loads(s)
#print "---------- object after the pickle/unpickle cycle --------"
#print xp.dumps(o2)

if o.Eggs.PCDATA != o2.Eggs.PCDATA or \
   o.MoreSpam.PCDATA != o2.MoreSpam.PCDATA:
    raise "ERROR(1)"

print "** OK **"

Ejemplo n.º 13
#raise "ERROR(5)"

## dump & make sure modname doesn't stick
#s = xml_pickle.dumps(p)
##print s
#if re.search('module',s):
#raise "ERROR(6)"

## remove so it won't be found again below

## now, make sure we haven't broken modnames showing up when they SHOULD :-)
##print "My namespace (__main__) -- SHOULD SEE MODULE NAME IN XML"
## allow it to load my Foo
p = xml_pickle.loads(ud_xml)
# print it so we can see the modname
#print "Fullname = "+str(p)
if str(p.__class__) != '__main__.Foo':
    raise "ERROR(7)"

# dump & make sure module name is written
s = xml_pickle.dumps(p)
print s
if not re.search('module="__main__"', s):
    raise "ERROR(8)"
if not re.search('class="Foo"', s):
    raise "ERROR(9)"

print "** OK **"
Ejemplo n.º 14
ustring = u"Alef: %s, Omega: %s" % (unichr(1488), unichr(969))
pstring = "Only US-ASCII characters"
estring = "Only US-ASCII with line breaks\n\tthat was a tab"
class C:
    def __init__(self, ustring, pstring, estring):
        self.ustring = ustring
        self.pstring = pstring
        self.estring = estring
o = C(ustring, pstring, estring)

#-- Try standard pickling cycle (default setInBody() settings)
#print '\n------------* Pickle with Python and Unicode strings *------------------'
xml = dumps(o)
#print xml,
#print '------------* Restored attributes from different strings *--------------'
o2 = loads(xml)
# check types explicitly, since comparison will coerce types
if not isinstance(o2.ustring,UnicodeType):
    raise "AAGH! Didn't get UnicodeType"
if not isinstance(o2.pstring,StringType):
    raise "AAGH! Didn't get StringType for pstring"
if not isinstance(o2.estring,StringType):
    raise "AAGH! Didn't get StringType for estring"

#print "UNICODE:", `o2.ustring`, type(o2.ustring)
#print "PLAIN:  ", o2.pstring, type(o2.pstring)
#print "ESCAPED:", o2.estring, type(o2.estring)

if o.ustring != o2.ustring or \
   o.pstring != o2.pstring or \
   o.estring != o2.estring:
Ejemplo n.º 15
# show we do the same thing

sp = pickle.dumps(f)

sx = xml_pickle.dumpsp(f)
#del f
#import time
#j = open('setstate_xml.xml','w')

print sx

g = xml_pickle.loads(sx)
h = pickle.loads(sp)

#print sx
print t1, t2, t3, t4
p1 = g.r.random()
p2 = g.l1[1].random()
p3 = g.l2[0].random()
p4 = g.d['Two'].random()

print p1,p2,p3,p4

if t1!=p1 or t2!=p2 or t3!=p3 or t4!=p4:
    raise "ERROR(1)"

#print t1, t2, t3, t4
Ejemplo n.º 16
#from gnosis.xml.pickle.util import setInBody
from types import *

class Foo:
    def __init__(self,s):
        self.s = s

class WeirdUni(unicode):
#    def __init__(self,s):
#        unicode.__init__(self,s)

# show that I didn't screw up normal strings
f = Foo('OK')
x = xml_pickle.dumps(f)
o = xml_pickle.loads(x)
print o.s, type(o.s)

f = Foo(u'OK')
x = xml_pickle.dumps(f)
o = xml_pickle.loads(x)
print o.s, type(o.s)

f = Foo(WeirdUni(u'OK'))
x = xml_pickle.dumps(f)
o = xml_pickle.loads(x)
print o.s, type(o.s)

# pickler should catch all these unpickleable cases.
# (to be fixed in gnosis 1.2.x)
Ejemplo n.º 17
           o1.a != o2.a or o1.a.a != o2.a.a or \
           o1.a.b != o2.a.b or \
           o1.a.zz != o2.a.zz:
        raise "ERROR(1)"
# test all coredata+attr classes
#print "* LCOMBO"
x = top()
x.a = lcombo([4,5,6],1,2)
x.a.zz = 10
#print x.a, x.a.a, x.a.b, x.a.zz
s = xml_pickle.dumpsp(x)
print s
g = xml_pickle.loads(s)
#print g.a, g.a.a, g.a.b, g.a.zz

#print "* DCOMBO"
x = top()
x.a = dcombo({'a':1,'b':2,'c':3},1,2)
x.a.zz = 10
#print x.a, x.a.a, x.a.b, x.a.zz
s = xml_pickle.dumps(x)
#print s
g = xml_pickle.loads(s)
#print g.a, g.a.a, g.a.b, g.a.zz

#print "* TCOMBO"
Ejemplo n.º 18
def unpickling():
    obj = xml_pickle.loads(thepickle)
Ejemplo n.º 19
foo.ul = UserList.UserList()
foo.ul.append( date.DateTime(2007,8,9,10,11,12.13) )
foo.ul.append( date.DateTime(2008,9,10,11,12,13.14) )

foo.tup = (date.DateTime(2009,10,11,12,13,14.15),

#print "---PRE-PICKLE---"

x1 = xml_pickle.dumps(foo)
#print x1

#print "---POST-PICKLE---"
bar = xml_pickle.loads(x1)


x2 = xml_pickle.dumps(bar)

#print "---XML from original---"
#print x1

#print "---XML from copy---"
#print x2

print "** OK **"

Ejemplo n.º 20
class C:
    def __init__(self, ustring, pstring, estring):
        self.ustring = ustring
        self.pstring = pstring
        self.estring = estring

o = C(ustring, pstring, estring)

#-- Try standard pickling cycle (default setInBody() settings)
#print '\n------------* Pickle with Python and Unicode strings *------------------'
xml = dumps(o)
#print xml,
#print '------------* Restored attributes from different strings *--------------'
o2 = loads(xml)
# check types explicitly, since comparison will coerce types
if not isinstance(o2.ustring, UnicodeType):
    raise "AAGH! Didn't get UnicodeType"
if not isinstance(o2.pstring, StringType):
    raise "AAGH! Didn't get StringType for pstring"
if not isinstance(o2.estring, StringType):
    raise "AAGH! Didn't get StringType for estring"

#print "UNICODE:", `o2.ustring`, type(o2.ustring)
#print "PLAIN:  ", o2.pstring, type(o2.pstring)
#print "ESCAPED:", o2.estring, type(o2.estring)

if o.ustring != o2.ustring or \
   o.pstring != o2.pstring or \
   o.estring != o2.estring:
Ejemplo n.º 21
def unpickling():
    obj = xml_pickle.loads(thepickle)
Ejemplo n.º 22
           o2.d != o1.__getinitargs__()[3]:
        raise "ERROR(%d)" % NR
x = Foo(1,'abc',[1,2,3],('a','b','c'))

# python-pickle
p = pickle.dumps(x)
x2 = pickle.loads(p)

# test: .a and .b should match x; .c and .d should match
# values from __getinitargs__
check_foo(x, x2, 1)

# xml-pickle
px = xml_pickle.dumpsp(x)
x3 = xml_pickle.loads(px)

print px

print x3.a, x3.b, x3.c, x3.d
print x2.a, x2.b, x2.c, x2.d
# test: .a and .b should match x; .c and .d should match
# values from __getinitargs__
check_foo(x, x3, 2)

# make sure all call counts are correct
# 1 __init__ per loads(), plus original object = 3
# 1 __getinitargs__ per dumps(), plus 2 extra calls per test = 6
    raise "ERROR(3)"
Ejemplo n.º 23
c = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': [100, 200, 300]}
dd = c['d']  # make sure subitems get refchecked
uu = UserList([10, 11, 12])

u = UserList([[uu, c, b, a], [a, b, c, uu], [c, a, b, uu], dd])
#print u

# allow xml_pickle to read our namespace

# by default, with references
x1 = xml_pickle.dumpsp(u)
print x1
#del u

g = xml_pickle.loads(x1)
#print g

if u != g:
    raise "ERROR(1)"

# next, using DEEPCOPY
#print "------ DEEP COPY ------"
x2 = xml_pickle.dumps(g)
#print x
#del g

z = xml_pickle.loads(x2)

# deepcopy version should be significantly larger
Ejemplo n.º 24
        self.c = None
        self.f = a_test_function
        self.k = a_test_class
# always show the family tag so I can make sure it's right

f = foo()

# dump an object containing bools
s = xmp.dumpsp(f)
    print s

x = xmp.loads(s)
#print "Expect False, True, None, func, class: ",x.a,x.b,x.c,x.f,x.k

# check it
for attr in ['a','b','c','f','k']:
    if getattr(f,attr) != getattr(x,attr):
        raise "ERROR(1)"
# dump builtin obj containing bools
s = xmp.dumpsp( (True,False) )
    print s

x = xmp.loads( s )
#print "Expect True, False: ",x[0],x[1]
Ejemplo n.º 25
# Second: look at actual compressed and uncompressed (small) pickles
o = C()
o.lst = [1,2]
o.dct = {'spam':'eggs'}

s = xml_pickle.dumps(o)
print "--------------- Uncompressed xml_pickle: (%s bytes)---------------" % len(s)
print s

s = xml_pickle.dumps(o,1)
print "--------------- Compressed xml_pickle: (%s bytes)-----------------" % len(s)
print `s`

# Third: make sure compressed pickle makes it through restore cycle
print "------------------------------------------------------"
    print "Pickle/restore cycle with compression:  OK"
    print "Pickle/restore cycle with compression:  FAILED!"

    print "Pickle/restore corrupt data with compression:  OK"
    print "Pickle/restore corrupt data with compression:  FAILED!"

Ejemplo n.º 26
foo.ul.append( re.compile('[+\-][0-9]+') )
foo.ul.append( re.compile('(bored yet)?') )

foo.tup = ( re.compile('this is [not]? '), re.compile('a [tuple|list]') )

#print "---PRE-PICKLE---"

# turn off extensions so that SREs will be saved as rawpickles

x1 = xml_pickle.dumps(foo)
#print x1

#print "---POST-PICKLE---"
bar = xml_pickle.loads(x1)


# same thing on copy
x2 = xml_pickle.dumps(bar)
baz = xml_pickle.loads(x2)


#print "---XML from original---"
#print x1

#print "---XML from copy---"
#print x2
Ejemplo n.º 27
c = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3,'d':[100,200,300]}
dd = c['d'] # make sure subitems get refchecked
uu = UserList([10,11,12])

u = UserList([[uu,c,b,a],[a,b,c,uu],[c,a,b,uu],dd])
#print u

# allow xml_pickle to read our namespace

# by default, with references
x1 = xml_pickle.dumpsp(u)
print x1
#del u

g = xml_pickle.loads(x1)
#print g

if u != g:
    raise "ERROR(1)"

# next, using DEEPCOPY
#print "------ DEEP COPY ------"
x2 = xml_pickle.dumps(g)
#print x
#del g

z = xml_pickle.loads(x2)

# deepcopy version should be significantly larger
Ejemplo n.º 28
import zif.sedna.persistence.pickle as xml_pickle
class Test: pass

o1 = Test()
o1.s = "o1"

o2 = Test()
o2.s = "o2"

o1.obj1 = o2
o1.obj2 = o2
o2.obj3 = o1
o2.obj4 = o1

xml = xml_pickle.dumps(o1)
#print xml

z = xml_pickle.loads(xml)

# check it
if z.s != o1.s or z.obj1.s != o1.obj1.s or \
   z.obj2.s != o1.obj2.s or z.obj1.obj3.s != o1.obj1.obj3.s or \
   z.obj2.obj4.s != o1.obj2.obj4.s:
    raise "ERROR(1)"

print "** OK **"

Ejemplo n.º 29
    o2.tup2 = o2.tup
    o2.num = 2 + 2j
    o2.dct = {"this": "that", "spam": "eggs", 3.14: "about PI"}
    o2.dct2 = o2.dct
    o.obj = o2

    #print '------* Print python-defined pickled object *-----'
    # pickle it
    s = xml_pickle.dumpsp(o)
    #print '------* Load it and print it again *-----'
    #print '------ should look approximately the same ---'
    print s
    # unpickle it
    #for attr in ['num','str','lst','lst2','dtm','date']:
    #print attr, getattr(o,attr)
    t = xml_pickle.loads(s)

    # sanity, can't possibly happen
    if id(o) == id(t) or id(o.obj) == id(t.obj):
        raise "ERROR(0)"

    # check that it is the same
    for attr in [
            'num', 'str', 'lst', 'lst2', 'dtm', 'children', 'married',
            'divorced', 'c_names', 'pet_names', 'date', 'dtm'
        if getattr(o, attr) != getattr(t, attr):
            #print getattr(o,attr), getattr(t,attr)
            raise "ERROR(1)"

    for attr in ['tup', 'tup2', 'num', 'dct', 'dct2']:
Ejemplo n.º 30
    o2.tup2 = o2.tup
    o2.num = 2+2j
    o2.dct = { "this": "that", "spam": "eggs", 3.14: "about PI" }
    o2.dct2 = o2.dct
    o.obj = o2

    #print '------* Print python-defined pickled object *-----'
    # pickle it
    s = xml_pickle.dumpsp(o)
    #print '------* Load it and print it again *-----'
    #print '------ should look approximately the same ---'
    print s
    # unpickle it
    #for attr in ['num','str','lst','lst2','dtm','date']:
        #print attr, getattr(o,attr)
    t = xml_pickle.loads(s)

    # sanity, can't possibly happen
    if id(o) == id(t) or id(o.obj) == id(t.obj):
        raise "ERROR(0)"

    # check that it is the same
    for attr in ['num','str','lst','lst2','dtm','children','married','divorced',
        if getattr(o,attr) != getattr(t,attr):
            #print getattr(o,attr), getattr(t,attr)
            raise "ERROR(1)"

    for attr in ['tup','tup2','num','dct','dct2']:
        if getattr(o.obj,attr) != getattr(t.obj,attr):
Ejemplo n.º 31
    #raise "ERROR(5)"

## dump & make sure modname doesn't stick
#s = xml_pickle.dumps(p)
##print s
#if re.search('module',s):
    #raise "ERROR(6)"

## remove so it won't be found again below

## now, make sure we haven't broken modnames showing up when they SHOULD :-)
##print "My namespace (__main__) -- SHOULD SEE MODULE NAME IN XML"
## allow it to load my Foo
p = xml_pickle.loads(ud_xml)
# print it so we can see the modname
#print "Fullname = "+str(p)
if str(p.__class__) != '__main__.Foo':
    raise "ERROR(7)"

# dump & make sure module name is written
s = xml_pickle.dumps(p)
print s
if not re.search('module="__main__"',s):
    raise "ERROR(8)"
if not re.search('class="Foo"',s):
    raise "ERROR(9)"

print "** OK **"