Ejemplo n.º 1
  def test_sort(self):
    unsorted_arg = { '{}'.format(n): ['f1', 'f2', 'f0'] for n in range(9, -1, -1) }
    expected = ('foo:\n30 items\n' +
                ''.join('{n} -> f0\n{n} -> f1\n{n} -> f2\n'.format(n=n) for n in range(0, 10)))

    def do_test(elem):
      # The values of a single key should be sorted in memory.
      for n in range(0, 9):
        self.assertEquals(['f0', 'f1', 'f2'], elem.args[0]['{}'.format(n)])
      # And the keys themselves (and their values) should be sorted when writing.
      buf = StringIO.StringIO()
      output = buf.getvalue()
      self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected, output)

    always_sorted_elem = self.FakeElement([unsorted_arg], always_sort=True)

    # Unsorted elements must still sort if the environment var is set.
    with environment_as(ZINCUTILS_SORTED_ANALYSIS='1'):
      unsorted_elem = self.FakeElement([unsorted_arg])
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def test_sort(self):
    unsorted_arg = { '{}'.format(n): ['f1', 'f2', 'f0'] for n in range(9, -1, -1) }
    expected = ('foo:\n30 items\n' +
                ''.join('{n} -> f0\n{n} -> f1\n{n} -> f2\n'.format(n=n) for n in range(0, 10)))

    def do_test(elem):
      # The values of a single key should be sorted in memory.
      for n in range(0, 9):
        self.assertEquals(['f0', 'f1', 'f2'], elem.args[0]['{}'.format(n)])
      # And the keys themselves (and their values) should be sorted when writing.
      buf = StringIO.StringIO()
      output = buf.getvalue()
      self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected, output)

    always_sorted_elem = self.FakeElement([unsorted_arg], always_sort=True)

    # Unsorted elements must still sort if the environment var is set.
    with environment_as(ZINCUTILS_SORTED_ANALYSIS='1'):
      unsorted_elem = self.FakeElement([unsorted_arg])
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def test_simple(self):
    with environment_as(ZINCUTILS_SORTED_ANALYSIS='1'):
      def get_test_analysis_path(name):
        return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testdata', 'simple', name)

      def get_analysis_text(name):
        with open(get_test_analysis_path(name), 'r') as fp:
          return fp.read()

      def parse_analyis(name):
        return ZincAnalysisParser().parse_from_path(get_test_analysis_path(name))

      def analysis_to_string(analysis):
        buf = StringIO.StringIO()
        return buf.getvalue()

      full_analysis = parse_analyis('simple.analysis')

      analysis_splits = full_analysis.split([
      self.assertEquals(len(analysis_splits), 2)

      def compare_split(i):
        expected_filename = 'simple_split{0}.analysis'.format(i)

        # First compare as objects.  This verifies that __eq__ works, but is weaker than the
        # text comparison because in some cases there can be small text differences that don't
        # affect logical equivalence.
        expected_analyis = parse_analyis(expected_filename)

        # Then compare as text.  In this simple case we expect them to be byte-for-byte equal.
        expected = get_analysis_text(expected_filename)
        actual = analysis_to_string(analysis_splits[i])
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected, actual)


      # Now merge and check that we get what we started with.
      merged_analysis = ZincAnalysis.merge(analysis_splits)
      # Check that they compare as objects.
      # Check that they compare as text.
      expected = get_analysis_text('simple.analysis')
      actual = analysis_to_string(merged_analysis)
      self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected, actual)

      # Now check rebasing.
      orig = iter(get_analysis_text('simple.analysis').splitlines(True))
      expected_rebased = get_analysis_text('simple.rebased.analysis')
      buf = StringIO.StringIO()
      ZincAnalysisParser().rebase(orig, buf, b'/src/pants', b'$PANTS_HOME')
      rebased = buf.getvalue()
      self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected_rebased, rebased)

      # And rebasing+filtering.
      orig = iter(get_analysis_text('simple.analysis').splitlines(True))
      expected_filtered_rebased = get_analysis_text('simple.rebased.filtered.analysis')
      buf = StringIO.StringIO()
      ZincAnalysisParser().rebase(orig, buf, b'/src/pants', b'$PANTS_HOME',
      filtered_rebased = buf.getvalue()
      self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected_filtered_rebased, filtered_rebased)

      # Check parse_deps is returning both bin and src dependencies.
      infile = iter(get_analysis_text('simple.analysis').splitlines(True))
      deps = ZincAnalysisParser().parse_deps(infile, '')
      f = '/src/pants/examples/src/scala/org/pantsbuild/example/hello/exe/Exe.scala'
      self.assertItemsEqual(deps[f], [
Ejemplo n.º 4
  def test_complex(self):
    with environment_as(ZINCUTILS_SORTED_ANALYSIS='1'):
      if os.environ.get(_TEST_DATA_SOURCE_ENV_VAR):
        print('\n>>>>>>>>> {} set: skipping test, generating canonical test data instead.'.format(

      parser = ZincAnalysisParser()

      with _temp_test_dir('complex.zip') as testdir:
        # Parse analysis files.
        analysis_files = [os.path.join(testdir, f)
                          for f in os.listdir(testdir)
                          if f.endswith(b'.analysis') and not f.endswith(b'.merged.analysis')]
        num_analyses = len(analysis_files)

        def parse(f):
          return parser.parse_from_path(f)

        analyses = self._time(lambda: [parse(f) for f in analysis_files],
                              'Parsed %d files' % num_analyses)

        # Write them back out individually.
        writeout_dir = os.path.join(testdir, b'write')
        def write(file_name, analysis):
          outpath = os.path.join(writeout_dir, file_name)

        def _write_all():
          for analysis_file, analysis in zip(analysis_files, analyses):
            write(os.path.basename(analysis_file), analysis)

        self._time(_write_all, 'Wrote %d files' % num_analyses)

        # Merge them.
        merged_analysis = self._time(lambda: ZincAnalysis.merge(analyses),
                                     'Merged %d files' % num_analyses)

        # Write merged analysis to file.
        merged_analysis_path = os.path.join(writeout_dir, b'merged.analysis')
        self._time(lambda: merged_analysis.write_to_path(merged_analysis_path),
                   'Wrote merged analysis to %s' % merged_analysis_path)

        # Read merged analysis from file.
        merged_analysis2 = self._time(lambda: parser.parse_from_path(merged_analysis_path),
                                      'Read merged analysis from %s' % merged_analysis_path)

        # Read the expected merged analysis from file.
        expected_merged_analysis_path = os.path.join(testdir, b'all.merged.analysis')
        expected_merged_analysis = self._time(
          lambda: parser.parse_from_path(expected_merged_analysis_path),
          'Read expected merged analysis from %s' % expected_merged_analysis_path)

        # Compare the merge result with the re-read one.
        diffs = merged_analysis.diff(merged_analysis2)
        self.assertTrue(merged_analysis.is_equal_to(merged_analysis2), ''.join(
          [unicode(diff) for diff in diffs]))

        # Compare the merge result with the expected.
        diffs = expected_merged_analysis.diff(merged_analysis2)
        self.assertTrue(expected_merged_analysis.is_equal_to(merged_analysis2), ''.join(
          [unicode(diff) for diff in diffs]))

        # Split the merged analysis back to individual analyses.
        sources_per_analysis = [a.stamps.sources.keys() for a in analyses]
        split_analyses = self._time(lambda: merged_analysis2.split(
          sources_per_analysis, catchall=True),
          'Split back into %d analyses' % num_analyses)

        self.assertEquals(num_analyses + 1, len(split_analyses))  # +1 for the catchall.
        catchall_analysis = split_analyses[-1]

        # We expect an empty catchall.
        self.assertEquals(0, len(catchall_analysis.stamps.sources))

        # Diff the original analyses and the split ones.

        # Write the split to the tmpdir, for ease of debugging on failure.
        splits_dir = os.path.join(testdir, b'splits')
        for analysis_file, analysis, split_analysis in zip(analysis_files, analyses, split_analyses):
          outfile_path = os.path.join(splits_dir, os.path.basename(analysis_file))
          diffs = analysis.diff(split_analysis)
          # Note that it's not true in general that merging splits and then splitting them back out
          # should yield the exact same analysis. Some small differences can happen. For example:
          # splitA may have an external src->class on a class from a source file in splitB; When
          # merging, that becomes a src->src dependency; And when splitting back out that src
          # dependency becomes a dependency on a representative class, which may not be
          # the original class SplitA depended on.
          # This comparison works here only because we've taken care to prepare test data for which
          # it should hold. See _generate_testworthy_splits below for how to do so.
                          ''.join([unicode(diff) for diff in diffs]))

      print('Total time: %f seconds' % self.total_time)
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def test_simple(self):
    with environment_as(ZINCUTILS_SORTED_ANALYSIS='1'):
      def get_test_analysis_path(name):
        return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testdata', 'simple', name)

      def get_analysis_text(name):
        with open(get_test_analysis_path(name), 'r') as fp:
          return fp.read()

      def parse_analyis(name):
        return ZincAnalysisParser().parse_from_path(get_test_analysis_path(name))

      def analysis_to_string(analysis):
        buf = StringIO.StringIO()
        return buf.getvalue()

      full_analysis = parse_analyis('simple.analysis')

      analysis_splits = full_analysis.split([
      self.assertEquals(len(analysis_splits), 2)

      def compare_split(i):
        expected_filename = 'simple_split{0}.analysis'.format(i)

        # First compare as objects.  This verifies that __eq__ works, but is weaker than the
        # text comparison because in some cases there can be small text differences that don't
        # affect logical equivalence.
        expected_analyis = parse_analyis(expected_filename)

        # Then compare as text.  In this simple case we expect them to be byte-for-byte equal.
        expected = get_analysis_text(expected_filename)
        actual = analysis_to_string(analysis_splits[i])
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected, actual)


      # Now merge and check that we get what we started with.
      merged_analysis = ZincAnalysis.merge(analysis_splits)
      # Check that they compare as objects.
      # Check that they compare as text.
      expected = get_analysis_text('simple.analysis')
      actual = analysis_to_string(merged_analysis)
      self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected, actual)

      # Now check rebasing.
      orig = iter(get_analysis_text('simple.analysis').splitlines(True))
      expected_rebased = get_analysis_text('simple.rebased.analysis')
      buf = StringIO.StringIO()
      ZincAnalysisParser().rebase(orig, buf, b'/src/pants', b'$PANTS_HOME')
      rebased = buf.getvalue()
      self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected_rebased, rebased)

      # And rebasing+filtering.
      orig = iter(get_analysis_text('simple.analysis').splitlines(True))
      expected_filtered_rebased = get_analysis_text('simple.rebased.filtered.analysis')
      buf = StringIO.StringIO()
      ZincAnalysisParser().rebase(orig, buf, b'/src/pants', b'$PANTS_HOME',
      filtered_rebased = buf.getvalue()
      self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected_filtered_rebased, filtered_rebased)
Ejemplo n.º 6
  def test_complex(self):
    with environment_as(ZINCUTILS_SORTED_ANALYSIS='1'):
      if os.environ.get(_TEST_DATA_SOURCE_ENV_VAR):
        print('\n>>>>>>>>> {} set: skipping test, generating canonical test data instead.'.format(

      parser = ZincAnalysisParser()

      with _temp_test_dir('complex.zip') as testdir:
        # Parse analysis files.
        analysis_files = [os.path.join(testdir, f)
                          for f in os.listdir(testdir)
                          if f.endswith(b'.analysis') and not f.endswith(b'.merged.analysis')]
        num_analyses = len(analysis_files)

        def parse(f):
          return parser.parse_from_path(f)

        analyses = self._time(lambda: [parse(f) for f in analysis_files],
                              'Parsed %d files' % num_analyses)

        # Write them back out individually.
        writeout_dir = os.path.join(testdir, b'write')
        def write(file_name, analysis):
          outpath = os.path.join(writeout_dir, file_name)

        def _write_all():
          for analysis_file, analysis in zip(analysis_files, analyses):
            write(os.path.basename(analysis_file), analysis)

        self._time(_write_all, 'Wrote %d files' % num_analyses)

        # Merge them.
        merged_analysis = self._time(lambda: ZincAnalysis.merge(analyses),
                                     'Merged %d files' % num_analyses)

        # Write merged analysis to file.
        merged_analysis_path = os.path.join(writeout_dir, b'merged.analysis')
        self._time(lambda: merged_analysis.write_to_path(merged_analysis_path),
                   'Wrote merged analysis to %s' % merged_analysis_path)

        # Read merged analysis from file.
        merged_analysis2 = self._time(lambda: parser.parse_from_path(merged_analysis_path),
                                      'Read merged analysis from %s' % merged_analysis_path)

        # Read the expected merged analysis from file.
        expected_merged_analysis_path = os.path.join(testdir, b'all.merged.analysis')
        expected_merged_analysis = self._time(
          lambda: parser.parse_from_path(expected_merged_analysis_path),
          'Read expected merged analysis from %s' % expected_merged_analysis_path)

        # Compare the merge result with the re-read one.
        diffs = merged_analysis.diff(merged_analysis2)
        self.assertTrue(merged_analysis.is_equal_to(merged_analysis2), ''.join(
          [unicode(diff) for diff in diffs]))

        # Compare the merge result with the expected.
        diffs = expected_merged_analysis.diff(merged_analysis2)
        self.assertTrue(expected_merged_analysis.is_equal_to(merged_analysis2), ''.join(
          [unicode(diff) for diff in diffs]))

        # Split the merged analysis back to individual analyses.
        sources_per_analysis = [a.stamps.sources.keys() for a in analyses]
        split_analyses = self._time(lambda: merged_analysis2.split(
          sources_per_analysis, catchall=True),
          'Split back into %d analyses' % num_analyses)

        self.assertEquals(num_analyses + 1, len(split_analyses))  # +1 for the catchall.
        catchall_analysis = split_analyses[-1]

        # We expect an empty catchall.
        self.assertEquals(0, len(catchall_analysis.stamps.sources))

        # Diff the original analyses and the split ones.

        # Write the split to the tmpdir, for ease of debugging on failure.
        splits_dir = os.path.join(testdir, b'splits')
        for analysis_file, analysis, split_analysis in zip(analysis_files, analyses, split_analyses):
          outfile_path = os.path.join(splits_dir, os.path.basename(analysis_file))
          diffs = analysis.diff(split_analysis)
          # Note that it's not true in general that merging splits and then splitting them back out
          # should yield the exact same analysis. Some small differences can happen. For example:
          # splitA may have an external src->class on a class from a source file in splitB; When
          # merging, that becomes a src->src dependency; And when splitting back out that src
          # dependency becomes a dependency on a representative class, which may not be
          # the original class SplitA depended on.
          # This comparison works here only because we've taken care to prepare test data for which
          # it should hold. See _generate_testworthy_splits below for how to do so.
                          ''.join([unicode(diff) for diff in diffs]))

      print('Total time: %f seconds' % self.total_time)