Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_rpc_session_1_to_N():
    global port

    iface                       = ""

    # Create 0MQ transport
    context                     = zmq.Context()
    cli                         = context.socket( zmq.REQ )
    cli.connect( "tcp://localhost:%d" % ( port ))

    # Create the test server and connect client to it
    svr                         = context.socket( zmq.XREP )
    svr.bind( "tcp://%s:%d" % ( iface, port ))
    port                       += 1
    pool                        = 5

    # Create a server_session, allowing access to globals (including 'boo').
    # Uses one port for the master socket, one for the monitor socket, plus
    # 'pool' ports for the server pool sockets.
    svrthr                      = zmqjsonrpc.server_session_thread(
        root=globals(), socket=svr, pool=pool, iface=iface, port=port )
    port                        += 1 + pool

    # Create a client_session, attempting to access methods of "boo"
    remses                      = zmqjsonrpc.client_session( socket=cli, name="boo" )

    result                      = remses.first( "all", "good", "boys", 
                                                "deserve", 1, "fudge" )
    assert result.endswith( "all, good, boys, deserve, 1, fudge" )

    del remses
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_rpc_session_1_to_N():
    global port

    iface = ""

    # Create 0MQ transport
    context = zmq.Context()
    cli = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
    cli.connect("tcp://localhost:%d" % (port))

    # Create the test server and connect client to it
    svr = context.socket(zmq.XREP)
    svr.bind("tcp://%s:%d" % (iface, port))
    port += 1
    pool = 5

    # Create a server_session, allowing access to globals (including 'boo').
    # Uses one port for the master socket, one for the monitor socket, plus
    # 'pool' ports for the server pool sockets.
    svrthr = zmqjsonrpc.server_session_thread(root=globals(),
    port += 1 + pool

    # Create a client_session, attempting to access methods of "boo"
    remses = zmqjsonrpc.client_session(socket=cli, name="boo")

    result = remses.first("all", "good", "boys", "deserve", 1, "fudge")
    assert result.endswith("all, good, boys, deserve, 1, fudge")

    del remses
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_rpc_sessions_M_to_S_x_N():
    Test M client Threads accessing N server Threads, with sessions
    assigned persistently to each client 'til completion.  We'll use a
    single server_session_thread with a pool size of 5, with the
    client_session connecting.
    global port

    iface = ""

    # There are more (M) client than (S*N) server threads, so later clients will
    # be forced to wait for server pool sessions to be released.  Invoke X RPCs
    # in each client session, ensuring that the same server thread executes
    # every call.
    M = 10
    S = 2
    N = 3
    X = 1000

    # Create S server_session pools with N Threads.  After this block,
    # 'servers' will contain the addresses of all server_thread pools
    # which all client_session should connect to.
    contexts = []
    threads = []
    servers = []
    for _ in xrange(S):
        # Allocate the server_session pool's master socket
        servers.append("tcp://%s:%d" % (iface, port))
        port += 1
        socket = contexts[-1].socket(zmq.XREP)

        # Create a server_session on the master socket, allowing access to
        # globals (including 'boo').  Used one port for the monitor socket, plus
        # 'N' ports for the server pool, starting at 'port'.
        port += 1 + N

    # Create M client_session Threads, eacho attempting to access
    # methods of "boo" via any available sessions from the
    # server_session pools.
    for m in xrange(M):
        # Create the client_session's socket, connecting it to every
        # server_session pool's master socket.
        socket = contexts[-1].socket(zmq.REQ)
        for address in servers:

        def target(m, X, socket):
            print "Client %2d: starts" % (m)
            remote = zmqjsonrpc.client_session(socket=socket, name="boo")
            print "Client %2d: obtains session" % (m)
            first = None
            for _ in xrange(X):
                result = remote.first("all", "good", "boys", "deserve", m,
                if first is None:
                    first = result
                    print "Client %2d: %s" % (m, first)
                assert result == first
            print "Client %2d: done" % (m)

                                 "m": m,
                                 "X": X,
                                 "socket": socket,

    # Start all threads, then join in reversed order -- clients first, then
    # servers.  All contexts should then close cleanly.
    for t in threads:
    for t in reversed(threads):
    for c in contexts:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_rpc_sessions_M_to_S_x_N():
    Test M client Threads accessing N server Threads, with sessions
    assigned persistently to each client 'til completion.  We'll use a
    single server_session_thread with a pool size of 5, with the
    client_session connecting.
    global port

    iface                       = ""

    # There are more (M) client than (S*N) server threads, so later clients will
    # be forced to wait for server pool sessions to be released.  Invoke X RPCs
    # in each client session, ensuring that the same server thread executes
    # every call.
    M                           = 10
    S                           = 2
    N                           = 3
    X                           = 1000

    # Create S server_session pools with N Threads.  After this block,
    # 'servers' will contain the addresses of all server_thread pools
    # which all client_session should connect to.
    contexts                    = []
    threads                     = []
    servers                     = []
    for _ in xrange( S ):
        # Allocate the server_session pool's master socket
        contexts.append( zmq.Context() )
        servers.append( "tcp://%s:%d" % ( iface, port ))
        port                   += 1
        socket                 = contexts[-1].socket( zmq.XREP )
        socket.bind( servers[-1] )

        # Create a server_session on the master socket, allowing access to
        # globals (including 'boo').  Used one port for the monitor socket, plus
        # 'N' ports for the server pool, starting at 'port'.
        threads.append( zmqjsonrpc.server_session_thread(
                root=globals(), socket=socket, pool=N, iface=iface, port=port ))
        port                   += 1 + N

    # Create M client_session Threads, eacho attempting to access
    # methods of "boo" via any available sessions from the
    # server_session pools.
    for m in xrange( M ):
        # Create the client_session's socket, connecting it to every
        # server_session pool's master socket.
        contexts.append( zmq.Context() )
        socket                  = contexts[-1].socket( zmq.REQ )
        for address in servers:
            socket.connect( address )

        def target( m, X, socket ):
            print "Client %2d: starts" % ( m )
            remote              = zmqjsonrpc.client_session( socket=socket, name="boo" )
            print "Client %2d: obtains session" % ( m )
            first               = None
            for _ in xrange( X ):
                result          = remote.first( "all", "good", "boys", 
                                                "deserve", m, "fudge" )
                if first is None:
                    first       = result
                    print "Client %2d: %s" % ( m, first )
                assert result == first
            print "Client %2d: done" % ( m )

        threads.append( threading.Thread(
                target=target, kwargs={ "m": m, "X": X, "socket": socket, } ))

    # Start all threads, then join in reversed order -- clients first, then
    # servers.  All contexts should then close cleanly.
    for t in threads:
    for t in reversed( threads ):
    for c in contexts: