Ejemplo n.º 1
class FlourishReportReferenceView(WideContainerPage, ReportReferenceView):

    def done_link(self):
        return absoluteURL(self.context, self.request) + '/manage'

    def rows(self):
        self.collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
        utility = getReportRegistrationUtility()
        app = self.context
        rows = {}
        for group_key, group_reports in utility.reports_by_group.items():
            reference_url = reportLinksURL(app, self.request, name=group_key)
            for report in group_reports:
                group = report['group']
                name = report['name']
                row = {
                    'url': reference_url,
                    'group': group,
                    'title': report['title'],
                    'file_type': report['file_type'].upper(),
                    'description': report['description'],
                # XXX: this check is needed to override old skin
                #      report links with flourish ones
                if (group, name) not in rows or \
                   report['layer'] is IFlourishLayer:
                    rows[group, name] = row
        return sorted(rows.values(), key=self.sortKey)

    def sortKey(self, row):
        return self.collator.key(row['group']), self.collator.key(row['title'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
class FlourishReportReferenceView(WideContainerPage, ReportReferenceView):
    def done_link(self):
        return absoluteURL(self.context, self.request) + '/manage'

    def rows(self):
        self.collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
        utility = getReportRegistrationUtility()
        app = self.context
        rows = {}
        for group_key, group_reports in utility.reports_by_group.items():
            reference_url = reportLinksURL(app, self.request, name=group_key)
            for report in group_reports:
                group = report['group']
                name = report['name']
                row = {
                    'url': reference_url,
                    'group': group,
                    'title': report['title'],
                    'file_type': report['file_type'].upper(),
                    'description': report['description'],
                # XXX: this check is needed to override old skin
                #      report links with flourish ones
                if (group, name) not in rows or \
                   report['layer'] is IFlourishLayer:
                    rows[group, name] = row
        return sorted(rows.values(), key=self.sortKey)

    def sortKey(self, row):
        return self.collator.key(row['group']), self.collator.key(row['title'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
class FlourishGroupsViewlet(Viewlet, ActiveSchoolYearContentMixin):
    """A flourish viewlet showing the groups a person is in."""

    template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/f_groupsviewlet.pt')
    render = lambda self, *a, **kw: self.template(*a, **kw)

    def app_states(self, key):
        app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
        states = IRelationshipStateContainer(app)[key]
        return states

    def group_current_states(self, link_info, app_states):
        states = []
        for date, active, code in link_info.state.all():
            state = app_states.states.get(code)
            title = state.title if state is not None else ''
                'date': date,
                'title': title,
        return states

    def update(self):
        self.collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
        relationships = Membership.bind(member=self.context).all().relationships
        group_states = self.app_states('group-membership')
        student_states = self.app_states('student-enrollment')
        schoolyears_data = {}
        for link_info in relationships:
            group = removeSecurityProxy(link_info.target)
            if ISection.providedBy(group) or not canAccess(group, 'title'):
            sy = ISchoolYear(group.__parent__)
            if sy not in schoolyears_data:
                schoolyears_data[sy] = []
            schoolyears_data[sy].append((group, link_info))
        self.schoolyears = []
        for sy in sorted(schoolyears_data, key=lambda x:x.first, reverse=True):
            sy_info = {
                'obj': sy,
                'css_class': 'active' if sy is self.schoolyear else 'inactive',
                'groups': [],
            for group, link_info in sorted(schoolyears_data[sy],
                                           key=lambda x:self.collator.key(
                is_students = group.__name__ == 'students'
                app_states = student_states if is_students else group_states
                states = self.group_current_states(link_info, app_states)
                group_info = {
                    'obj': group,
                    'title': group.title,
                    'states': states,

    def canModify(self):
        return canAccess(self.context.__parent__, '__delitem__')
Ejemplo n.º 4
class IndexedLocaleAwareGetterColumn(IndexedGetterColumn):

    _cached_collator = None

    def getSortKey(self, item, formatter):
        if not self._cached_collator:
            self._cached_collator = ICollator(formatter.request.locale)
        s = super(IndexedLocaleAwareGetterColumn, self).getSortKey(item, formatter)
        return s and self._cached_collator.key(s)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def ptos(self):
     collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
     ptos_dict = {}
     for resource in sorted(self.context.values(),
                            key=lambda x:collator.key(x.title)):
         if ILocation(resource, None) is not None:
             resource_type = _('Location')
         elif IEquipment(resource, None) is not None:
             resource_type = _('Equipment')
             resource_type = _('Resource')
         pto = ptos_dict.setdefault(resource_type, {
             'type': resource_type,
             'rows': [],
             'title': resource.title,
             'description': resource.description,
     return [ptos_dict[k] for k in sorted(ptos_dict.keys(),
                                          key=lambda x:collator.key(x))]
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def ptos(self):
     collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
     ptos_dict = {}
     for resource in sorted(self.context.values(),
                            key=lambda x: collator.key(x.title)):
         if ILocation(resource, None) is not None:
             resource_type = _('Location')
         elif IEquipment(resource, None) is not None:
             resource_type = _('Equipment')
             resource_type = _('Resource')
         pto = ptos_dict.setdefault(resource_type, {
             'type': resource_type,
             'rows': [],
             'title': resource.title,
             'description': resource.description,
     return [
         for k in sorted(ptos_dict.keys(), key=lambda x: collator.key(x))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def rows(self):
        collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
        utility = getReportRegistrationUtility()
        app = self.context

        rows = []
        for group_key, group_reports in utility.reports_by_group.items():
            reference_url = reportLinksURL(app, self.request, name=group_key)
            for report in group_reports:
                row = {
                    'url': reference_url,
                    'group': report['group'],
                    'title': report['title'],
                    'description': report['description'],

        return [row for group, title, row in sorted(rows)]
Ejemplo n.º 8
class FlourishGroupsViewlet(Viewlet, ActiveSchoolYearContentMixin):
    """A flourish viewlet showing the groups a person is in."""

    template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/f_groupsviewlet.pt')
    render = lambda self, *a, **kw: self.template(*a, **kw)

    def app_states(self, key):
        app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
        states = IRelationshipStateContainer(app)[key]
        return states

    def group_current_states(self, link_info, app_states):
        states = []
        for date, active, code in link_info.state.all():
            state = app_states.states.get(code)
            title = state.title if state is not None else ''
                'date': date,
                'title': title,
        return states

    def update(self):
        self.collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
        relationships = Membership.bind(
        group_states = self.app_states('group-membership')
        student_states = self.app_states('student-enrollment')
        schoolyears_data = {}
        for link_info in relationships:
            group = removeSecurityProxy(link_info.target)
            if ISection.providedBy(group) or not canAccess(group, 'title'):
            sy = ISchoolYear(group.__parent__)
            if sy not in schoolyears_data:
                schoolyears_data[sy] = []
            schoolyears_data[sy].append((group, link_info))
        self.schoolyears = []
        for sy in sorted(schoolyears_data, key=lambda x: x.first,
            sy_info = {
                'obj': sy,
                'css_class': 'active' if sy is self.schoolyear else 'inactive',
                'groups': [],
            for group, link_info in sorted(
                    key=lambda x: self.collator.key(x[0].title)):
                is_students = group.__name__ == 'students'
                app_states = student_states if is_students else group_states
                states = self.group_current_states(link_info, app_states)
                group_info = {
                    'obj': group,
                    'title': group.title,
                    'states': states,

    def canModify(self):
        return canAccess(self.context.__parent__, '__delitem__')
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def getSortKey(self, item, formatter):
     collator = ICollator(formatter.request.locale)
     s = self.getter(item, formatter)
     return s and collator.key(s)
Ejemplo n.º 10
class FlourishCompletedCoursesViewlet(Viewlet, ActiveSchoolYearContentMixin):
    """A flourish viewlet showing the courses a person completed."""

    template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/f_completedcoursesviewlet.pt')
    body_template = None

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        Viewlet.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
        self.collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)

    def render(self, *args, **kw):
        if not self.courses:
            return ''
        return self.template(*args, **kw)

    def update(self):
        self.courses = self.collectCourses()

    def completed_state_codes(self):
        app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
        states = IRelationshipStateContainer(app)['section-membership']
        codes = [state.code for state in states
                 if states.overlap(COMPLETED, state.active)]
        return codes

    def collectCourses(self):
        today = self.request.util.today
        codes = self.completed_state_codes
        completed_sections = [
            for relationship in Membership.relationships(member=student)
            if relationship.state.has(today, codes)
        schoolyears_data = {}
        for section in completed_sections:
            section = removeSecurityProxy(section)
            sy = ISchoolYear(section)
            if sy not in schoolyears_data:
                schoolyears_data[sy] = {}
            term = ITerm(section)
            if term not in schoolyears_data[sy]:
                schoolyears_data[sy][term] = []
        result = []
        sortingKey = lambda course: self.collator.key(course.title)
        for sy in sorted(schoolyears_data, key=lambda x:x.first, reverse=True):
            sy_info = {
                'obj': sy,
                'css_class': 'active' if sy is self.schoolyear else 'inactive',
                'terms': [],
            for term in sorted(schoolyears_data[sy],
                               key=lambda x:x.first,
                term_info = {'obj': term, 'courses': []}
                for course in sorted(schoolyears_data[sy][term],
                    course_info = {
                        'obj': course,
                        'title': course.title,
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 11
class FlourishCoursesViewlet(Viewlet, ActiveSchoolYearContentMixin):
    """A flourish viewlet showing the courses a person is in."""

    template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/f_coursesviewlet.pt')
    render = lambda self, *a, **kw: self.template(*a, **kw)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(FlourishCoursesViewlet, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
        self.collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)

    def update(self):
        self.instructorOf = self.sectionsAsTeacher()
        self.learnerOf = self.sectionsAsLearner()

    def isTeacher(self):
        """Find out if the person is an instructor for any sections."""
        return bool(self.instructorOf)

    def isLearner(self):
        """Find out if the person is a member of any sections."""
        return bool(self.learnerOf)

    def sectionsAsTeacher(self):
        """Get the sections the person instructs."""
        app_states = self.app_states('section-instruction')
        relationships = Instruction.bind(instructor=self.context).all().relationships
        return self.sectionsAs(app_states, relationships)

    def sectionsAsLearner(self):
        """Get the sections the person is a member of."""
        app_states = self.app_states('section-membership')
        relationships = Membership.bind(member=self.context).all().relationships
        return self.sectionsAs(app_states, relationships)

    def sectionsAs(self, app_states, relationships):
        schoolyears_data = {}
        for link_info in relationships:
            if not ISection.providedBy(link_info.target):
            section = removeSecurityProxy(link_info.target)
            sy = ISchoolYear(section)
            if sy not in schoolyears_data:
                schoolyears_data[sy] = {}
            term = ITerm(section)
            if term not in schoolyears_data[sy]:
                schoolyears_data[sy][term] = []
            schoolyears_data[sy][term].append((section, link_info))
        result = []
        for sy in sorted(schoolyears_data, key=lambda x:x.first, reverse=True):
            sy_info = {
                'obj': sy,
                'css_class': 'active' if sy is self.schoolyear else 'inactive',
                'terms': [],
            for term in sorted(schoolyears_data[sy],
                               key=lambda x:x.first,
                term_info = {'obj': term, 'sections': []}
                for section, link_info in sorted(schoolyears_data[sy][term],
                    states = self.section_current_states(
                        section, app_states, link_info)
                    section_info = {
                        'obj': section,
                        'title': section.title,
                        'states': states,
        return result

    def sortingKey(self, t):
        section, link = t
        course_title = ', '.join([c.title for c in section.courses])
        return (self.collator.key(course_title),

    def app_states(self, key):
        app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
        states = IRelationshipStateContainer(app)[key]
        return states

    def section_current_states(self, section, app_states, link_info):
        states = []
        for date, active, code in link_info.state.all():
            state = app_states.states.get(code)
            title = state.title if state is not None else ''
                'date': date,
                'title': title,
        return states