Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_locatability():
    """For a simple scenario : /obj:grandfather/obj:father/obj:me
    request = TestRequest(path='/somepath')
    grandfather = Location()
    father = Location()
    me = Location()

    me.__parent__ = father
    me.__name__ = 'Grok'

    father.__parent__ = grandfather
    father.__name__ = 'Krao'

    grandfather.__name__ = 'Ghran'

    with pytest.raises(LookupError) as e:
        """The Publication root is not defined
        dolmen.location.get_absolute_url(me, request)

    assert str(e.value.message) == (
        "The path of the application root could not be resolved.")

    # We define a publication root.
    directlyProvides(grandfather, IPublicationRoot)
    assert dolmen.location.get_absolute_url(me, request) == (
def test_locatability():
    """For a simple scenario : /obj:grandfather/obj:father/obj:me
    request = TestRequest(path='/somepath')
    grandfather = Location()
    father = Location()
    me = Location()

    me.__parent__ = father
    me.__name__ = 'Grok'

    father.__parent__ = grandfather
    father.__name__ = 'Krao'

    grandfather.__name__ = 'Ghran'

    with pytest.raises(LookupError) as e:
        """The Publication root is not defined
        cromlech.location.get_absolute_url(me, request)

    assert str(e.value.message) == (
        "The path of the application root could not be resolved.")

    # We define a publication root.
    directlyProvides(grandfather, IPublicationRoot)
    assert cromlech.location.get_absolute_url(
        me, request) == ("http://localhost/Krao/Grok")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_lineage_infinite_loop():

    paul = Location()
    isabel = Location()
    juliana = Location()

    # Love triangle !
    juliana.__parent__ = paul
    paul.__parent__ = isabel
    isabel.__parent__ = paul
    with pytest.raises(LookupError) as e:
    assert str(e.value.message) == (
        'The lineage chain could not be completed. ' +
        'An infinite loop as been detected')
def test_lineage_infinite_loop():

    paul = Location()
    isabel = Location()
    juliana = Location()

    # Love triangle !
    juliana.__parent__ = paul
    paul.__parent__ = isabel
    isabel.__parent__ = paul

    with pytest.raises(LookupError) as e:
    assert str(
        e.value.message) == ('The lineage chain could not be completed. ' +
                             'An infinite loop as been detected')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_lineage_chain():

   elder = Location()
   old = Location()
   old.__parent__ = elder

   mature = Location()
   mature.__parent__ = old

   young = Location()
   young.__parent__ = mature
   baby = Location()
   baby.__parent__ = young

   from types import GeneratorType
   iterable = dolmen.location.lineage(baby)
   assert type(iterable) == GeneratorType

   chain = list(iterable)
   assert chain == [baby, young, mature, old, elder]
   assert chain == dolmen.location.lineage_chain(baby)
def test_lineage_chain():

    elder = Location()

    old = Location()
    old.__parent__ = elder

    mature = Location()
    mature.__parent__ = old

    young = Location()
    young.__parent__ = mature

    baby = Location()
    baby.__parent__ = young

    from types import GeneratorType
    iterable = cromlech.location.lineage(baby)
    assert type(iterable) == GeneratorType

    chain = list(iterable)
    assert chain == [baby, young, mature, old, elder]
    assert chain == cromlech.location.lineage_chain(baby)