Ejemplo n.º 1
    def anchor(value, item, formatter):
        """ anchor method will return a html formated anchor"""
        if value is None:
            return u''
        if type(item) is dict:
            item = item['obj']
        if ISuperclass.providedBy(value):
            item = value
            value = item.ikName
            myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((item, formatter.request),
            if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(myAdapter,'render'):
                url = absoluteURL(item, formatter.request) + '/' + view
                return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, value)
#                view = "details.html"
                myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((item, formatter.request),
                if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(myAdapter,'render'):
                    url = absoluteURL(item, formatter.request) + '/' + "details.html"
                    return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, value)
                    return u'%s' % (value)
        except Exception:
            return u'%s' % (value)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getActionBotton_UpDown(item, formatter):
    """Action Buttons for Overview in Web-Browser
    if type(item) is dict:
        item = item["obj"]
    retHtml = u""
    parentIsOrderd = IOrderedContainer.providedBy(item.__parent__)
    resource_path = getAdapter(formatter.request, name='pics')()
    if parentIsOrderd:
        up_url = absoluteURL(item, formatter.request) + '/@@moveup.html'
        myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((item, formatter.request),
        if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(myAdapter,'render') and \
           item.__parent__.keys()[0] != item.objectID: # not the first element
            up_html = u'<a href="%s">' %  (up_url) + \
                    u'<img alt="Up" src="%s/Up.png" /></a>' % \
            up_html = u'<img alt="Up" src="%s/Up_gray.png" />' % \
        retHtml += up_html

        down_url = absoluteURL(item, formatter.request) + '/@@movedown.html'
        myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((item, formatter.request),
        if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(myAdapter,'render') and \
           item.__parent__.keys()[-1] != item.objectID: # not the last element
            down_html = u'<a href="%s">' %  (down_url) + \
                      u'<img alt="Down" src="%s/Down.png" /></a>' % \
            down_html = u'<img alt="Down" src="%s/Down_gray.png" />' %\
        retHtml += down_html
    return retHtml
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def writable(self, name):
     if name in self._dir:
         f = IWriteFile(self._dir[name], None)
         if f is not None:
             return canAccess(f, 'write')
         return False
     d = IWriteDirectory(self.context, None)
     return canAccess(d, '__setitem__')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def readable(self, name):
     if name in self._dir:
         f = IReadFile(self._dir[name], None)
         if f is not None:
             return canAccess(f, 'read')
         d = IReadDirectory(self._dir[name], None)
         if d is not None:
             return canAccess(d, 'get')
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def items(self):
        """Return items to be shown in the calendar overlay.

        Does not include "my calendar".

        Each item is a dict with the following keys:

            'title' - title of the calendar

            'calendar' - the calendar object

            'color1', 'color2' - colors assigned to this calendar

            'id' - identifier for form controls

            'checked' - was this item checked for display (either "checked" or

        person = IPerson(self.request.principal)
        items = [((item.calendar.title, getPath(item.calendar.__parent__)),
                  {'title': item.calendar.title,
                   'id': getPath(item.calendar.__parent__),
                   'calendar': item.calendar,
                   'checked': item.show and "checked" or '',
                   'color1': item.color1,
                   'color2': item.color2})
                 for item in person.overlaid_calendars
                 if canAccess(item.calendar, '__iter__')]
        return [i[-1] for i in items]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __call__(self):
        app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
        person = IPerson(self.request.principal, None)
        if not person:
            raise Unauthorized("Only logged in users can book resources.")
        cal = ISchoolToolCalendar(person)
        if self.request.has_key('event_id'):
            event = cal.find(self.request['event_id'])
            start_date = self.request.get('start_date')
            start_time = self.request.get('start_time')
            title = self.request.get('title')
            start_datetime = "%s %s" % (start_date, start_time)
            start_datetime = datetime(*strptime(start_datetime,
                                                "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")[0:6])
            start_datetime = self.timezone.localize(start_datetime)
            start_datetime = start_datetime.astimezone(pytz.UTC)
            duration = timedelta(seconds=int(self.request.get('duration')))
            event = CalendarEvent(dtstart = start_datetime,
                                  duration = duration,
                                  title = title)

        if event:
            resource = app["resources"].get(self.request['resource_id'])
            if resource is not None:
                resource_calendar = ISchoolToolCalendar(resource)
                if not canAccess(resource_calendar, "addEvent"):
                    raise Unauthorized("You don't have the right to"
                                       " book this resource!")
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def update(self):
     self.collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
     relationships = Membership.bind(member=self.context).all().relationships
     group_states = self.app_states('group-membership')
     student_states = self.app_states('student-enrollment')
     schoolyears_data = {}
     for link_info in relationships:
         group = removeSecurityProxy(link_info.target)
         if ISection.providedBy(group) or not canAccess(group, 'title'):
         sy = ISchoolYear(group.__parent__)
         if sy not in schoolyears_data:
             schoolyears_data[sy] = []
         schoolyears_data[sy].append((group, link_info))
     self.schoolyears = []
     for sy in sorted(schoolyears_data, key=lambda x:x.first, reverse=True):
         sy_info = {
             'obj': sy,
             'css_class': 'active' if sy is self.schoolyear else 'inactive',
             'groups': [],
         for group, link_info in sorted(schoolyears_data[sy],
                                        key=lambda x:self.collator.key(
             is_students = group.__name__ == 'students'
             app_states = student_states if is_students else group_states
             states = self.group_current_states(link_info, app_states)
             group_info = {
                 'obj': group,
                 'title': group.title,
                 'states': states,
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getActionBotton_Detail(item, formatter, isRequirement=False):
    """Action Buttons for Overview in Web-Browser
    if type(item) is dict:
        item = item["obj"]
    resource_path = getAdapter(formatter.request, name='pics')()
    ttid = u"details" + item.getObjectId()
    view_url = absoluteURL(item, formatter.request) + '/@@details.html'
    myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((item, formatter.request),
    if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(myAdapter,'render'):
        view_html = u'<a href="%s">' %  (view_url) + \
                  u'<img id="%s" alt="Info" src="%s/Info.png" /></a>' % \
                  (ttid, resource_path)
        if isRequirement and item.ikComment is not None:
            tooltip_text = item.ikComment.replace("\r\n", "<br />")
            tooltip_text = _(u'details of this object')
        view_html = u'<img id="%s" alt="Details" src="%s/Info_gr.png" />' % \
                  (ttid, resource_path)
        tooltip_text = _(u'viewing details is not permitted')
    tooltip = u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">tt_%s = new YAHOO." \
            u"widget.Tooltip('tt_%s', { autodismissdelay:'15000', " \
            u"context:'%s', text:'%s' });</script>" \
            % (ttid, ttid, ttid, tooltip_text)
    return view_html + tooltip
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def items(self):
        """Return items to be shown in the calendar overlay.

        Does not include "my calendar".

        Each item is a dict with the following keys:

            'title' - title of the calendar

            'calendar' - the calendar object

            'color1', 'color2' - colors assigned to this calendar

            'id' - identifier for form controls

            'checked' - was this item checked for display (either "checked" or

        person = IPerson(self.request.principal)
        items = [((item.calendar.title, getPath(item.calendar.__parent__)), {
            'title': item.calendar.title,
            'id': getPath(item.calendar.__parent__),
            'calendar': item.calendar,
            'checked': item.show and "checked" or '',
            'color1': item.color1,
            'color2': item.color2
        }) for item in person.overlaid_calendars
                 if canAccess(item.calendar, '__iter__')]
        return [i[-1] for i in items]
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def update(self):
        self.collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
        groups = [
            group for group in self.context.groups
            if (canAccess(group, 'title') and not ISection.providedBy(group))

        schoolyears_data = {}
        for group in groups:
            sy = ISchoolYear(group.__parent__)
            if sy not in schoolyears_data:
                schoolyears_data[sy] = []

        self.schoolyears = []
        for sy in sorted(schoolyears_data, key=lambda x: x.first,
            sy_info = {
                       key=lambda x: x.title)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def getActionBotton_Delete(item, formatter):
    """Action Buttons for Overview in Web-Browser
    if type(item) is dict:
        item = item["obj"]
    resource_path = getAdapter(formatter.request, name='pics')()
    ttid = u"delete" + item.getObjectId()
    trash_url = absoluteURL(item, formatter.request) + '/@@delete.html'
    myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((item, formatter.request),
    if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(myAdapter,'render') \
       and item.canBeDeleted():
        trash_html = u'<a href="%s">' %  (trash_url) + \
                  u'<img id="%s" alt="Trash" src="%s/Trash.png" /></a>' % \
                   (ttid, resource_path)
        tooltip_text = _(u'delete this object')
        trash_html = u'<img id="%s" alt="Trash" src="%s/Trash_gr.png" />' % \
                   (ttid, resource_path)
        tooltip_text = _(u'deleting this object is not permitted')
        if not item.canBeDeleted():
            tooltip_text += _(u',<br/>referenced by other objects')
    tooltip = u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">tt_%s = new YAHOO." \
            u"widget.Tooltip('tt_%s', { autodismissdelay:'15000', " \
            u"context:'%s', text:'%s' });</script>" \
            % (ttid, ttid, ttid, tooltip_text)
    return trash_html + tooltip
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def objs(self):
     """List of Content objects"""
     objWithPermisson = []
     #        allObj = getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(ISuperclass)
     #        allObj = getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(Interface, context=self.context)
     smFolder = self.context.getParent()
     allObj = smFolder.values()
     for obj in allObj:
         if ISuperclass.providedBy(obj):
             if canAccess(obj, 'ikName'):
                 myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((obj, self.request),
                 if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(
                         myAdapter, 'render'):
     return objWithPermisson
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def allowRename(self):
        if IRenameNotAllowed.providedBy(self.context):
            return False

        container = self.context.__parent__
        return (IWriteContainer.providedBy(container) and
                not IContainerNamesContainer.providedBy(container) and
                canAccess(container, '__setitem__'))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def getApplicationCalendar(self):
     if self.user is None:
         return None
     app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
     calendar = ISchoolToolCalendar(app)
     if not canAccess(calendar, '__iter__'):
         return None
     return calendar
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def canAccess(self):
     """See z3c.form.interfaces.IDataManager"""
     context = self.context
     if self.field.interface is not None:
         context = self.field.interface(context)
     if isinstance(context, Proxy):
         return canAccess(context, self.field.__name__)
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def getApplicationCalendar(self):
     if self.user is None:
         return None
     app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
     calendar = ISchoolToolCalendar(app)
     if not canAccess(calendar, '__iter__'):
         return None
     return calendar
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def render(self):
     """Return the template with the option 'menus'"""
     objWithPermisson = []
     utilManager = getUtility(IUtilManager)
     smFolder = utilManager.getParent()
     allObj = smFolder.values()
     for obj in allObj:
         if ISuperclass.providedBy(obj):
             if canAccess(obj, 'ikName'):
                 myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((obj, self.request),
                 if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(
                         myAdapter, 'render'):
     if len(objWithPermisson) > 0:
         return self.template()
         return u''
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def objs(self):
     """List of Content objects"""
     objWithPermisson = []
     allObj = getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(ISuperclass)
     for obj in allObj:
         myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((obj, self.request),
         if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(myAdapter, 'render'):
     return objWithPermisson
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def getResourceCalendars(self):
     if self.user is None:
         return []
     app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
     result = []
     for obj in app['resources'].values():
         calendar = ISchoolToolCalendar(obj)
         if canAccess(calendar, '__iter__'):
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def getResourceCalendars(self):
     if self.user is None:
         return []
     app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
     result = []
     for obj in app['resources'].values():
         calendar = ISchoolToolCalendar(obj)
         if canAccess(calendar, '__iter__'):
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def can_write(self):
     """Can the current user write to the attribute."""
     if canWrite(self.context, self.attribute_name):
         return True
     elif self.mutator_method_name is not None:
         # The user may not have write access on the attribute itself, but
         # the REST API may have a mutator method configured, such as
         # transitionToAssignee.
         return canAccess(self.context, self.mutator_method_name)
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def can_write(self):
     """Can the current user write to the attribute."""
     if canWrite(self.context, self.attribute_name):
         return True
     elif self.mutator_method_name is not None:
         # The user may not have write access on the attribute itself, but
         # the REST API may have a mutator method configured, such as
         # transitionToAssignee.
         return canAccess(self.context, self.mutator_method_name)
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def anchor(value, item, formatter):
     """ anchor method will return a html formated anchor"""
         myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((item, formatter.request),
         if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(myAdapter, 'render'):
             url = absoluteURL(item, formatter.request) + '/' + view
             return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, value)
             return u'%s' % (value)
     except Exception:
         return u'%s' % (value)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def getApplicationCalendar(self):
        """Return the application calendar.

        Returns None if the user lacks sufficient permissions.
        user = IPerson(self.request.principal, None)
        if user:
            app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
            calendar = ISchoolToolCalendar(app)
            if canAccess(calendar, '__iter__'):
                return {'title': app.title,
                        'selected': calendar in user.overlaid_calendars,
                        'calendar': calendar}
        return {}
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def year(self):
     year = self.schoolyear
     if year is not None:
         return {
             'title': _(u'School Year: ${year_title}',
                      mapping={'year_title': year.title}),
             'first': year.first,
             'last': year.last,
             'empty': not bool(tuple(year.values())),
             'canModify': canAccess(year, '__delitem__'),
             'addurl': absoluteURL(year, self.request) + '/add.html',
             'alt': _(u'Add a new term to ${year_title}',
                      mapping={'year_title': year.title}),
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def getApplicationCalendar(self):
        """Return the application calendar.

        Returns None if the user lacks sufficient permissions.
        user = IPerson(self.request.principal, None)
        if user:
            app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)
            calendar = ISchoolToolCalendar(app)
            if canAccess(calendar, '__iter__'):
                return {
                    'title': app.title,
                    'selected': calendar in user.overlaid_calendars,
                    'calendar': calendar
        return {}
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def getCalendars(self, container):
        """List all calendars from a given container."""
        user = removeSecurityProxy(IPerson(self.request.principal, None))
        if user is None:
            return []
        app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)

        result = []
        for obj in app[container].values():
            calendar = ISchoolToolCalendar(obj)
            if obj is not user and canAccess(calendar, '__iter__'):
                    {'id': obj.__name__,
                     'title': obj.title,
                     'selected': calendar in user.overlaid_calendars,
                     'calendar': calendar})
        return sorted(result, key=lambda item: (item['title'], item['id']))
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def getCalendars(self, container):
        """List all calendars from a given container."""
        user = removeSecurityProxy(IPerson(self.request.principal, None))
        if user is None:
            return []
        app = ISchoolToolApplication(None)

        result = []
        for obj in app[container].values():
            calendar = ISchoolToolCalendar(obj)
            if obj is not user and canAccess(calendar, '__iter__'):
                    'id': obj.__name__,
                    'title': obj.title,
                    'selected': calendar in user.overlaid_calendars,
                    'calendar': calendar
        return sorted(result, key=lambda item: (item['title'], item['id']))
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def update(self):
        self.collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
        groups = [
            group for group in self.context.groups
            if (canAccess(group, 'title') and
                not ISection.providedBy(group))]

        schoolyears_data = {}
        for group in groups:
            sy = ISchoolYear(group.__parent__)
            if sy not in schoolyears_data:
                schoolyears_data[sy] = []

        self.schoolyears = []
        for sy in sorted(schoolyears_data, key=lambda x:x.first, reverse=True):
            sy_info = {'obj': sy,
                       'groups': sorted(schoolyears_data[sy],
                                        key=lambda x:x.title)}
Ejemplo n.º 30
def getActionBotton_History(item, formatter):
    """Action Buttons for Overview in Web-Browser
    resource_path = getAdapter(formatter.request, name='pics')()
    ttid = u"history" + item.getObjectId()
    hist_url = absoluteURL(item, formatter.request) + '/@@history.html'
    myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((item, formatter.request),
    if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(myAdapter, 'render'):
        hist_html = u'<a href="%s">' %  (hist_url) + \
                  u'<img id="%s" alt="History" src="%s/Doc.png" /></a>' % \
                  (ttid, resource_path)
        tooltip_text = _(u'history this object')
        hist_html = u'<img id="%s" alt="History" src="%s/Doc_gr.png" />' % \
                  (ttid, resource_path)
        tooltip_text = _(u'viewing the history is not permitted')
    tooltip = u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">tt_%s = new YAHOO." \
            u"widget.Tooltip('tt_%s', { autodismissdelay:'15000', " \
            u"context:'%s', text:'%s' });</script>" \
            % (ttid, ttid, ttid, tooltip_text)
    return hist_html + tooltip
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def update(self):
     self.collator = ICollator(self.request.locale)
     relationships = Membership.bind(
     group_states = self.app_states('group-membership')
     student_states = self.app_states('student-enrollment')
     schoolyears_data = {}
     for link_info in relationships:
         group = removeSecurityProxy(link_info.target)
         if ISection.providedBy(group) or not canAccess(group, 'title'):
         sy = ISchoolYear(group.__parent__)
         if sy not in schoolyears_data:
             schoolyears_data[sy] = []
         schoolyears_data[sy].append((group, link_info))
     self.schoolyears = []
     for sy in sorted(schoolyears_data, key=lambda x: x.first,
         sy_info = {
             'obj': sy,
             'css_class': 'active' if sy is self.schoolyear else 'inactive',
             'groups': [],
         for group, link_info in sorted(
                 key=lambda x: self.collator.key(x[0].title)):
             is_students = group.__name__ == 'students'
             app_states = student_states if is_students else group_states
             states = self.group_current_states(link_info, app_states)
             group_info = {
                 'obj': group,
                 'title': group.title,
                 'states': states,
Ejemplo n.º 32
def getActionBotton_Edit(item, formatter):
    """Action Buttons for Overview in Web-Browser
    if type(item) is dict:
        item = item["obj"]
    resource_path = getAdapter(formatter.request, name='pics')()
    ttid = u"edit" + item.getObjectId()
    edit_url = absoluteURL(item, formatter.request) + '/@@edit.html'
    myAdapter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((item, formatter.request),
    if myAdapter is not None and canAccess(myAdapter,'render'):
        edit_html = u'<a href="%s">' %  (edit_url) + \
                  u'<img id="%s" alt="Edit" src="%s/Hand.png" /></a>' % \
                  (ttid, resource_path)
        tooltip_text = _(u'edit this object')
        edit_html = u'<img id="%s" alt="Edit" src="%s/Hand_gr.png" />' % \
                  (ttid, resource_path)
        tooltip_text = _(u'editing is not permitted')
    tooltip = u"<script type=\"text/javascript\">tt_%s = new YAHOO." \
            u"widget.Tooltip('tt_%s', { autodismissdelay:'15000', " \
            u"context:'%s', text:'%s' });</script>" \
            % (ttid, ttid, ttid, tooltip_text)
    return edit_html + tooltip
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def canModify(self):
     return canAccess(self.container, '__delitem__')
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def canAccess(self):
     (name, context) = self._name_and_context()
     if isinstance(context, Proxy):
         return canAccess(context, name)
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def test_cannot_setBranch(self):
     sourcepackage = self.factory.makeSourcePackage()
         canAccess(sourcepackage, 'setBranch'),
         "setBranch should only be available to admins and uploaders")
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def test_canWrite_canAccess(self):
        # the canWrite and canAccess functions are conveniences.  Often code
        # wants to check if a certain option is open to a user before
        # presenting it.  If the code relies on a certain permission, the
        # Zope 3 goal of keeping knowledge of security assertions out of the
        # code and only in the zcml assertions is broken.  Instead, ask if the
        # current user canAccess or canWrite some pertinent aspect of the
        # object.  canAccess is used for both read access on an attribute
        # and call access to methods.

        # For example, consider this humble pair of class and object.
        class SomeClass(object):
        obj = SomeClass()

        # We will establish a checker for the class.  This is the standard
        # name-based checker, and works by specifying two dicts, one for read
        # and one for write.  Each item in the dictionary should be an
        # attribute name and the permission required to read or write it.

        # For these tests, the SecurityPolicy defined at the top of this file
        # is in place.  It is a stub.  Normally, the security policy would
        # have knowledge of interactions and participants, and would determine
        # on the basis of the particpants and the object if a certain permission
        # were authorized.  This stub simply says that the 'test_allowed'
        # permission is authorized and nothing else is, for any object you pass
        # it.

        # Therefore, according to the checker created here, the current
        # 'interaction' (as stubbed out in the security policy) will be allowed
        # to access and write foo, and access bar.  The interaction is
        # unauthorized for accessing baz and writing bar.  Any other access or
        # write is not merely unauthorized but forbidden--including write access
        # for baz.
        checker = Checker(
            {'foo':'test_allowed', # these are the read settings
            {'foo':'test_allowed', # these are the write settings
        defineChecker(SomeClass, checker)

        # so, our hapless interaction may write and access foo...
        self.assert_(canWrite(obj, 'foo'))
        self.assert_(canAccess(obj, 'foo'))

        # ...may access, but not write, bar...
        self.assert_(not canWrite(obj, 'bar'))
        self.assert_(canAccess(obj, 'bar'))

        # ...and may access baz.
        self.assert_(not canAccess(obj, 'baz'))

        # there are no security assertions for writing or reading shazam, so
        # checking these actually raises Forbidden.  The rationale behind
        # exposing the Forbidden exception is primarily that it is usually
        # indicative of programming or configuration errors.
        self.assertRaises(Forbidden, canAccess, obj, 'shazam')
        self.assertRaises(Forbidden, canWrite, obj, 'shazam')

        # However, we special-case canWrite when an attribute has a Read
        # setting but no Write setting.  Consider the 'baz' attribute from the
        # checker above: it is readonly.  All users are forbidden to write
        # it.  This is a very reasonable configuration.  Therefore, canWrite
        # will hide the Forbidden exception if and only if there is a
        # setting for accessing the attribute.
        self.assert_(not canWrite(obj, 'baz'))

        # The reverse is not true at the moment: an unusal case like the
        # write-only 'bing' attribute will return a boolean for canWrite,
        # but canRead will simply raise a Forbidden exception, without checking
        # write settings.
        self.assert_(not canWrite(obj, 'bing'))
        self.assertRaises(Forbidden, canAccess, obj, 'bing')
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def test_canWrite_canAccess(self):
        # the canWrite and canAccess functions are conveniences.  Often code
        # wants to check if a certain option is open to a user before
        # presenting it.  If the code relies on a certain permission, the
        # Zope 3 goal of keeping knowledge of security assertions out of the
        # code and only in the zcml assertions is broken.  Instead, ask if the
        # current user canAccess or canWrite some pertinent aspect of the
        # object.  canAccess is used for both read access on an attribute
        # and call access to methods.

        # For example, consider this humble pair of class and object.
        class SomeClass(object):

        obj = SomeClass()

        # We will establish a checker for the class.  This is the standard
        # name-based checker, and works by specifying two dicts, one for read
        # and one for write.  Each item in the dictionary should be an
        # attribute name and the permission required to read or write it.

        # For these tests, the SecurityPolicy defined at the top of this file
        # is in place.  It is a stub.  Normally, the security policy would
        # have knowledge of interactions and participants, and would determine
        # on the basis of the particpants and the object if a certain permission
        # were authorized.  This stub simply says that the 'test_allowed'
        # permission is authorized and nothing else is, for any object you pass
        # it.

        # Therefore, according to the checker created here, the current
        # 'interaction' (as stubbed out in the security policy) will be allowed
        # to access and write foo, and access bar.  The interaction is
        # unauthorized for accessing baz and writing bar.  Any other access or
        # write is not merely unauthorized but forbidden--including write access
        # for baz.
        checker = Checker(
                'foo': 'test_allowed',  # these are the read settings
                'bar': 'test_allowed',
                'baz': 'you_will_not_have_this_permission'
                'foo': 'test_allowed',  # these are the write settings
                'bar': 'you_will_not_have_this_permission',
                'bing': 'you_will_not_have_this_permission'
        defineChecker(SomeClass, checker)

        # so, our hapless interaction may write and access foo...
        self.assert_(canWrite(obj, 'foo'))
        self.assert_(canAccess(obj, 'foo'))

        # ...may access, but not write, bar...
        self.assert_(not canWrite(obj, 'bar'))
        self.assert_(canAccess(obj, 'bar'))

        # ...and may access baz.
        self.assert_(not canAccess(obj, 'baz'))

        # there are no security assertions for writing or reading shazam, so
        # checking these actually raises Forbidden.  The rationale behind
        # exposing the Forbidden exception is primarily that it is usually
        # indicative of programming or configuration errors.
        self.assertRaises(Forbidden, canAccess, obj, 'shazam')
        self.assertRaises(Forbidden, canWrite, obj, 'shazam')

        # However, we special-case canWrite when an attribute has a Read
        # setting but no Write setting.  Consider the 'baz' attribute from the
        # checker above: it is readonly.  All users are forbidden to write
        # it.  This is a very reasonable configuration.  Therefore, canWrite
        # will hide the Forbidden exception if and only if there is a
        # setting for accessing the attribute.
        self.assert_(not canWrite(obj, 'baz'))

        # The reverse is not true at the moment: an unusal case like the
        # write-only 'bing' attribute will return a boolean for canWrite,
        # but canRead will simply raise a Forbidden exception, without checking
        # write settings.
        self.assert_(not canWrite(obj, 'bing'))
        self.assertRaises(Forbidden, canAccess, obj, 'bing')
 def test_cannot_setBranch(self):
     sourcepackage = self.factory.makeSourcePackage()
         canAccess(sourcepackage, 'setBranch'),
         "setBranch should only be available to admins and uploaders")
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def authorized(self, result):
     obj = result.object()
     defaultview = getDefaultViewName(obj, self.request)
     view = queryMultiAdapter((ProxyFactory(obj), self.request),
     return canAccess(view, "__call__")
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def getPersons(self):
     return [member for member in self.context.members
             if canAccess(member, 'title')]
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def canModify(self):
     return canAccess(self.context.__parent__, '__delitem__')
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def canAccess(self):
     (name, context) = self._name_and_context()
     if isinstance(context, Proxy):
         return canAccess(context, name)
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def can_delete(self):
     container = self.context.__parent__
     if not IWriteContainer.providedBy(container):
         raise NotImplementedError()
     return canAccess(container, '__delitem__')
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def canAccess(self):
     """See z3c.form.interfaces.IDataManager"""
     context = self.adapted_context
     if isinstance(context, Proxy):
         return canAccess(context, self.field.__name__)
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def canModify(self):
     return canAccess(self.context.__parent__, '__delitem__')
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def traverse(self, name, furtherPath=()):
     return [item for item in self.context
             if canAccess(item, name)]
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def traverse(self, name, furtherPath=()):
     """Returns True if self.context.(name) can be accessed."""
     return canAccess(self.context, name)
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def render(self):
     # This check is necessary because the user can be a leader
     # of the context group, which gives him schooltool.edit on it
     if canAccess(self.context.__parent__, '__delitem__'):
         if self.renderable_items:
             return super(GroupManageActionsLinks, self).render()
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def authorized(self, result):
     obj = result.object()
     defaultview = getDefaultViewName(obj, self.request)
     view = queryMultiAdapter((ProxyFactory(obj), self.request),
     return canAccess(view, "__call__")
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def canDisplay(self, attr_name):
     """ object can and should be displayed
     return canAccess(self.context, attr_name)
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def render(self):
     # This check is necessary because the user can be a leader
     # of the context course, which gives him schooltool.edit on it
     if canAccess(self.context.__parent__, '__delitem__'):
         return super(CourseActionsLinks, self).render()