Ejemplo n.º 1
radius = get_radius(modelname, step)
nodez = len(radius)
#print radius

### slice the capfile for all layers ###
for cap in range(12):
    capfile = get_capfile(modelname, cap, step)
    exist = 1
    for layer in range(nodez):
        zfile = zslice.zslicefile(capfile, layer)
        exist = exist and os.path.isfile(zfile)

    if not exist:
        #print 'Creating zslice files'

### create great circle path ###
gcproj = great_circle_proj()
gcfile = 'circle.xyp'
az_resolution = 0.5
command = 'project %(gcproj)s -G%(az_resolution)f > %(gcfile)s' % vars()

### create cross section along the great circle ###

## range of layers to plot
botlayer = 0
toplayer = nodez - 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
step = int(sys.argv[3])
layer = int(sys.argv[4])

## read model parameters
infile = '%s.cap%02d.%d' % (modelname, 0, step)
nodex, nodey, nodez = read_params(infile)

## slice the capfile(s), results saved in zfile
import zslice
all_zfiles = ''
for cap in range(caps):
    capfile = '%s.cap%02d.%d' % (modelname, cap, step)
    zfile = zslice.zslicefile(capfile, layer)
    all_zfiles = all_zfiles + ' ' + zfile
    if not os.path.exists(zfile):
        zslice.zslice(capfile, layer)

# define GMT parameters

## width of the plot
mapwidth = 6.0

if caps == 1:
    ## find min/max of the coordinate
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = find_minmax(zfile, nodex, nodey)
    bounds = '%f/%f/%f/%f' % (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    proj = 'M%f' % mapwidth
    resolution = '%f/%f' % ((xmax - xmin) / nodex, (ymax - ymin) / nodey)
Ejemplo n.º 3
### get radius ###
radius = get_radius(modelname, step)
nodez = len(radius)
#print radius

### slice the capfile for all layers ###
for cap in range(12):
    capfile = get_capfile(modelname, cap, step)
    exist = 1
    for layer in range(nodez):
        zfile = zslice.zslicefile(capfile, layer)
        exist = exist and os.path.isfile(zfile)

    if not exist:
        #print 'Creating zslice files'

### create great circle path ###
gcproj = great_circle_proj()
gcfile = 'circle.xyp'
az_resolution = 0.5
command = 'project %(gcproj)s -G%(az_resolution)f > %(gcfile)s' % vars()

### create cross section along the great circle ###

## range of layers to plot
botlayer = 0
toplayer = nodez - 1

## min/max values to truncate temperature field
Ejemplo n.º 4
layer = int(sys.argv[4])

## read model parameters
infile = '%s.cap%02d.%d' % (modelname, 0, step)
nodex, nodey, nodez = read_params(infile)

## slice the capfile(s), results saved in zfile
import zslice
all_zfiles = ''
for cap in range(caps):
    capfile = '%s.cap%02d.%d' % (modelname, cap, step)
    zfile = zslice.zslicefile(capfile, layer)
    all_zfiles = all_zfiles + ' ' + zfile
    if not os.path.exists(zfile):
        zslice.zslice(capfile, layer)

# define GMT parameters

## width of the plot
mapwidth = 6.0

if caps == 1:
    ## find min/max of the coordinate
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = find_minmax(zfile, nodex, nodey)
    bounds = '%f/%f/%f/%f' % (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)
    proj = 'M%f' % mapwidth
    resolution = '%f/%f' % ( (xmax-xmin)/nodex, (ymax-ymin)/nodey )