Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_ref_name_check_rules(self):
        # See man git-check-ref-format for the rules referenced here
        test_strings = [
            ('refs/heads/normal', True),
            ('refs/heads/.bad', False),  # rule 1
            ('refs/heads/bad.lock', False),  # rule 1
            ('refs/heads/good.locked', True),
            ('refs/heads/go.od', True),
            ('refs/heads//bad', False),  # rule 6
            ('refs/heads/b?d', False),  # rule 5
            ('refs/heads/b[d', False),  # rule 5
            ('refs/heads/b..ad', False),  # rule 3
            ('bad', False),  # rule 2
            ('refs/heads/\nbad', False),  # rule 4
            ('/refs/heads/bad', False),  # rule 6
            ('refs/heads/bad/', False),  # rule 6
            ('refs/heads/bad.', False),  # rule 7
            ('.refs/heads/bad', False),  # rule 1
            ('refs/he@{ads/bad', False),  # rule 8
            ('@', False),  # rule 9
            ('refs\\heads/bad', False)  # rule 10

        for ref, accepted in test_strings:
                accepted, GerritConnection._checkRefFormat(ref),
                ref + ' shall be ' + ('accepted' if accepted else 'rejected'))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run_query(self, files, expected_patches, _ssh_mock):
        gerrit_config = {
            'user': '******',
            'server': 'localhost',
        driver = GerritDriver()
        gerrit = GerritConnection(driver, 'review_gerrit', gerrit_config)

        calls, values = read_fixtures(files)
        _ssh_mock.side_effect = values

        result = gerrit.simpleQuery('project:openstack-infra/zuul')

        self.assertEqual(len(calls), _ssh_mock.call_count,
                         '_ssh should be called %d times' % len(calls))
        self.assertIsNotNone(result, 'Result is not none')
        self.assertEqual(len(result), expected_patches,
                         'There must be %d patches.' % expected_patches)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_getGitURL(self):
     gerrit_config = {
         'user': '******',
         'server': 'localhost',
         'password': '******',
     # The 1/ in the password ensures we test the url encoding
     # path; this is the format of password we get from
     # googlesource.com.
     driver = GerritDriver()
     gerrit = GerritConnection(driver, 'review_gerrit', gerrit_config)
     project = gerrit.source.getProject('org/project')
     url = gerrit.source.getGitUrl(project)
         'https://*****:*****@localhost/org/project', url)