Example #1
def computeRepetitiveHopRecursion(board, origini, originj, hopi, hopj,
                                  pastPosition, possibleMoveBoard):
    hopMoves = findLegalHop(board, hopi, hopj)
    if hopMoves is not None:
        for hopMove in hopMoves:
            (nexti, nextj) = hopMove
            if (nexti, nextj) not in pastPosition:
                #print "piece " + str(hopi) + " " + str(hopj) + " going " + str(nexti) + " " + str(nextj)
                pastPosition[(nexti, nextj)] = 1
                futureBoard = copy.deepcopy(board.board)
                futureBoard[hopi][hopj] = 0
                futureBoard[nexti][nextj] = 1
                possibleMoveBoard.append((origini, originj, nexti, nextj))
                if board.fullGame == 0:
                    futureboard = boardState(options='smallGame',
                elif board.fullGame == 1:
                    futureboard = boardState(options='fullGame',
                    futureboard = boardState(options='midGame',
                computeRepetitiveHopRecursion(board, origini, originj, nexti,
                                              nextj, pastPosition,
 def __init__(self, parent, options = 0):
     Frame.__init__(self, parent)   
     if options == 0:
         self.full = 0
         self.game = boardState(options = 'smallGame')
         self.HEIGHT = pieceSize * self.game.height + 2 * margin
         self.WIDTH = pieceSize * self.game.mid_width_max + 2 * margin
     elif options == 1:
         self.full = 1
         self.game = boardState(options = 'fullGame')
         self.HEIGHT = pieceSize * self.game.height + 2 * margin
         self.WIDTH = pieceSize * self.game.mid_width_max + 2 * margin
     self.row, self.col = -1, -1
     self.parent = parent
def computeRepetitiveHopRecursion(board, origini, originj, hopi, hopj, pastPosition, possibleMoveBoard):
	hopMoves= findLegalHop(board, hopi, hopj)
	if hopMoves is not None:
		for hopMove in hopMoves:
			(nexti, nextj) = hopMove
			if (nexti, nextj) not in pastPosition:
				#print "piece " + str(hopi) + " " + str(hopj) + " going " + str(nexti) + " " + str(nextj)
				pastPosition[(nexti, nextj)] = 1
				futureBoard = copy.deepcopy(board.board)
				futureBoard[hopi][hopj] = 0
				futureBoard[nexti][nextj] = 1
				possibleMoveBoard.append((origini, originj,nexti, nextj))	
				if board.fullGame == 0:
					futureboard = boardState(options = 'smallGame', inputBoard = futureBoard)
					futureboard = boardState(options = 'fullGame', inputBoard = futureBoard)
				computeRepetitiveHopRecursion(board, origini, originj, nexti, nextj, pastPosition, possibleMoveBoard)
def computeRepetitiveHop(board, hopi, hopj):
	possibleMoveBoard = []
	pastPosition = {}
	pastPosition[(hopi, hopj)] = 1
	for (basei, basej) in board.allPosition:
		hopMove= findLegalHop(board, hopi, hopj, basei, basej)
		if hopMove is not None:
			(nexti, nextj) = hopMove
			if (nexti, nextj) not in pastPosition:
				pastPosition[(nexti, nextj)] = 1
				futureBoard = copy.deepcopy(board.board)
				futureBoard[hopi][hopj] = 0
				futureBoard[nexti][nextj] = 1	
				possibleMoveBoard.append(((hopi,hopj),(nexti, nextj)))
				if board.fullGame == 0:
					futureboard = boardState(options = 'smallGame', inputBoard = futureBoard)
					futureboard = boardState(options = 'fullGame', inputBoard = futureBoard)
				computeRepetitiveHopRecursion(board, hopi, hopj, nexti, nextj, pastPosition, possibleMoveBoard)
	return possibleMoveBoard
Example #5
from boardState import *
from computeLegalMove import *
from computeFeatures import * 

board1 = boardState(options = 'fullGame')
print "Orginal Board"

print computeFeaturesFull(board1, 1)
print computeFeaturesFull(board1, 2)
Example #6
from boardState import *
from computeLegalMove import *
from computeFeatures import *
from computeMinimax import *
import numpy as np
import copy
import time

print "################################################################################"
boardStart = boardState(options='smallGame')  # fullGame, smallGame
print "Orginal Board"
boardNow = boardStart
player = 1
turn = 0
weights = np.ones(5)
weights[0] = -1.69853196
weights[1] = 0.06633986
weights[2] = 0.09230491
weights[3] = -0.01052756
weights[4] = 0.23913056
cantGo1 = []
cantGo2 = []
while ((not boardNow.isEnd()) and turn < 100):
    turn = turn + 1
    timeStart = time.time()
    features = computeFeaturesFull(boardNow)
    scoreRaw = np.inner(features, weights)
    if (player == 1):
        (scoreMiniMax, moveList,
         recursions) = computeMinimax(boardNow, player, weights, 4, cantGo1)
Example #7

from boardState import *
from computeLegalMove import * 
from computeFeatures import *
from computeMinimax import *
import numpy as np 
import copy
import time
from randomMove import * 

weights = np.ones(3)
# weights[0] = 10
depth = 4
stplength = 0.1
boardStart = boardState(options = 'midGame') # fullGame, smallGame, midGame

boardboard = boardStart.board
boardboard[0][5] = 2
boardboard[1][4] = 2
boardboard[1][6] = 2
boardboard[2][3] = 2
boardboard[2][5] = 2
boardboard[2][7] = 2
boardboard[8][3] = 1
boardboard[8][5] = 1
boardboard[8][7] = 0
boardboard[9][4] = 1
boardboard[9][6] = 1
boardboard[10][5] = 1
boardboard[5][2] = 1
Example #8
Player One's weights: 
aaaaa = [10, 1, 1]
weights1 = np.array(aaaaa)
weights1 = weights1 / np.linalg.norm(weights1)
Player Two's weights: 
aaaaa = [10, 1, 1]
weights2 = np.array(aaaaa)
weights2 = weights2 / np.linalg.norm(weights2)

while gameCount[0] < totalGames:
    print "################################################################################"
    gameCount[0] += 1
    boardNow = boardState(
        options='midGame')  # options can be fullGame, midGame, smallGame
    turn = 0
    player = 1
    timeGameStart = time.time()
    while ((not boardNow.isEnd()) and turn < 250):
        turn = turn + 1
        timeTurnStart = time.time()
        print('\nGame No. ' + str(gameCount[0]) + ', turn No. ' + str(turn))
        if (player == 1):
            # move = findMove_GreedyRandom(boardNow, player, 1)
            move = findMove_GreedyRandom(boardNow, player, 2)
            # move = findMove_MiniMax(boardNow, player, weights1, 2, cantGo1)	## Minimax strategy throughout
            #move = findMove_Advanced(boardNow, player, weights1, 2, cantGo2)		## Most advanced strategy
            if (len(cantGo1) >= 5):
Example #9
board[0][8] = 0
board[2][10] = 0
board[4][10] = 2
board[7][7] = 2
board[9][9] = 2
board[16][8] = 0
board[14][10] = 0
board[13][11] = 0
board[13][9] = 0
board[13][5] = 0
board[12][10] = 1
board[12][8] = 1
board[12][6] = 1
board[11][5] = 1
board[10][6] = 1
board1 = boardState(options='fullGame', inputBoard=board)
boardNow = board1
    '\n ##################### \n Endgame Begins!!!! \n #####################')
player = 2
while ((not boardNow.isEnd())):
    print('player = {}'.format(player))

    timeStart = time.time()
    print('All possible moves = {}'.format(computeLegalMove(boardNow, player)))
    print('legal move forward = {}'.format(
        computeLegalMoveForward(boardNow, player, 0)))
    (scoreGreedy, moveList, recursions) = findMoveGreedy(boardNow, player, 3)
Example #10
# This file is used to test a weight. To be specific, both players play the game with this weights, and this file will keep track of each step

print "################################################################################"

from boardState import *
from computeLegalMove import *
from computeFeatures import *
from strategies import *
from strategiesHelpers import *
import numpy as np
import copy
import time

boardNow = boardState(options='smallGame')  # fullGame, smallGame, midGame
player = 1
turn = 0
aaaaa = [10, 1, 1]
weights = np.array(aaaaa)
weights = weights / np.linalg.norm(weights)
cantGo1 = []
cantGo2 = []
depth = 2  #Can only be even numbers: 2, 4, 6, ...

## Startgame begins!
while (turn < 249):
    turn = turn + 1
    timeStart = time.time()

    print('turn = {}'.format(turn))
    print('player = {}'.format(player))
Example #11
from boardState import *
from computeLegalMove import *
from computeFeatures import *
from computeMinimax import *
from randomMove import *

board1 = boardState(options='fullGame')
print randomMove(board1, 1)
Example #12
from boardState import *
from computeFeatures import *
from computeLegalMove import *

x = boardState(options='midGame')

# x.board[2,3] = 2; x.board[1,2] = 0;
# x.board[3,2] = 1; x.board[5,2] = 0;
# x.board[4,6] = 2; x.board[3,7] = 0;
# x.board[12,6] = 1; x.board[13,7] = 0;
''' isEnd testing'''
# x.printBoard()
# print 'game ends? {}'.format(x.isEnd())
''' feature testing '''
print 'position One {}'.format(x.PositionOne)
print 'position Two {}'.format(x.PositionTwo)
print 'possible moves for player 1:'
print computeLegalMove(x, 1)
print 'possible moves for player 2:'
print computeLegalMove(x, 2)
# x.board[2,3] = 1; x.board[1,2] = 0;
# x.board[3,2] = 2; x.board[5,2] = 0;
# x.printBoard()
# x.PositionOne = []; x.PositionTwo = []
# for i in range(x.height):
# 	for j in range(x.mid_width_max):
# 		if x.board[i,j] == 1:
# 			x.PositionOne.append((i,j))
# 		if x.board[i,j] == 2:
# 			x.PositionTwo.append((i,j))
Example #13

from new_eleusis import *
from boardState import *
from God import God
from standAlone import *
from attribute import *
from trainingData import *
import collections
import random
from random import randint
from math import *

god = God()
board = boardState()
# create Instance of attribute class
a = attribute()
# Generate Rule Map
ruleMap = getMap()
keyRule = ruleMap.keys()
""" =============================== Initialize all the variables ========================================="""
cardDeck = []
cardsPlayed = 0
firstPlay = False
godRule = ""
playerRule = ""
attributeMap = {}
gotRule = False
myrulelist = []
__boardState = []
Example #14
weightsSum = np.zeros(3)
depth = 2 #Can only be even numbers: 2, 4, 6, ...
totalGames = 40

# Learn the weights using linear regression
gameCount = 0
AARVec = []
RSquareVec = []
weightsGradVec = []
predErrorVec = []
while gameCount < totalGames:
	print "################################################################################"
	gameCount += 1
	print('Game = No. {}'.format(gameCount))
	boardNow = boardState(options = 'smallGame') # fullGame, smallGame, midGame
	error = 0
	player = 1
	turn = 0
	cantGo1 = []
	cantGo2 = []
	print ('weightsNow = {}'.format(weights))

	while ((not boardNow.isEnd()) and turn < 249) :
		turn = turn + 1
		# print('\nGame No. ' + str(gameCount) + ', turn No. ' + str(turn))
		# boardNow.printBoard()
		timeStart = time.time()
		if (player == 1) :
			(scoreMaxiMax, move, recursions) = computeMaximax(boardNow, player, weights, depth / 2, cantGo1)
Example #15
from boardState import *
from computeFeatures import *
from computeLegalMove import *
x = boardState(options = 'midGame')

# x.board[2,3] = 2; x.board[1,2] = 0;
# x.board[3,2] = 1; x.board[5,2] = 0;
# x.board[4,6] = 2; x.board[3,7] = 0;
# x.board[12,6] = 1; x.board[13,7] = 0;

''' isEnd testing'''
# x.printBoard()
# print 'game ends? {}'.format(x.isEnd())

''' feature testing '''
print 'position One {}'.format(x.PositionOne)
print 'position Two {}'.format(x.PositionTwo)
print 'possible moves for player 1:'
print  computeLegalMove(x,1)
print 'possible moves for player 2:'
print  computeLegalMove(x,2)
# x.board[2,3] = 1; x.board[1,2] = 0;
# x.board[3,2] = 2; x.board[5,2] = 0;
# x.printBoard()
# x.PositionOne = []; x.PositionTwo = []
# for i in range(x.height):
# 	for j in range(x.mid_width_max):
# 		if x.board[i,j] == 1:
# 			x.PositionOne.append((i,j))
# 		if x.board[i,j] == 2:
Example #16
from boardState import *
from computeLegalMove import * 
from computeFeatures import *
from computeMinimax import *
import numpy as np 
import copy
import time

weights = np.ones(4)
weights[0] = 10
weights = weights / np.linalg.norm(weights)
stplength = 0.1

boardStart = boardState(options = 'smallGame') # fullGame, smallGame
print "Orginal Board"

errors = []
boardNow = boardStart
player = 1
turn = 0
weights1 = weights
cantGo1 = []
cantGo2 = []
while ((not boardNow.isEnd()) and turn < 100) :
	turn = turn + 1
	timeStart = time.time()
	features = computeFeaturesFull(boardNow)
	scoreRaw = np.inner(features, weights)
Example #17
from boardState import *
from computeFeatures import *
from computeLegalMove import *
x = boardState(options='smallGame')

# x.board[2,3] = 2; x.board[1,2] = 0;
# x.board[3,2] = 1; x.board[5,2] = 0;
# x.board[4,6] = 2; x.board[3,7] = 0;
# x.board[12,6] = 1; x.board[13,7] = 0;
''' isEnd testing'''
# x.printBoard()
# print 'game ends? {}'.format(x.isEnd())
''' feature testing '''
print 'position One {}'.format(x.PositionOne)
print 'position Two {}'.format(x.PositionTwo)
x.board[2, 3] = 1
x.board[1, 2] = 0
x.board[3, 2] = 2
x.board[5, 2] = 0
x.PositionOne = []
x.PositionTwo = []
for i in range(x.height):
    for j in range(x.mid_width_max):
        if x.board[i, j] == 1:
            x.PositionOne.append((i, j))
        if x.board[i, j] == 2:
            x.PositionTwo.append((i, j))
x.allPosition = x.PositionOne + x.PositionTwo
# x.PositionOne[1] = (2,3);
Example #18
## used by Siun to test his code 

## You can run the file, but do NOT change if you are not sijun 

from boardState import *

x = boardState(options = 'smallGame')
print "Orginal Board"
possibleMoveBoard = x.computeLegalMove()
for move in possibleMoveBoard:
	print move

print possibleMoveBoard[2]
((oldi, oldj),(newi, newj)) = possibleMoveBoard[2]
test = x.takeMove(oldi, oldj, newi, newj)
twoSteps = test.computeLegalMove()
for twoStep in twoSteps:
	print twoStep
Example #19
board[0][8] = 0
board[2][10] = 0
board[4][10] = 2
board[7][7] = 2
board[10][8] = 2
board[16][8] = 0
board[14][10] = 0
board[13][11] = 0
board[13][9] = 0
board[13][5] = 0
board[12][10] = 1
board[12][8] = 1
board[12][6] = 1
board[11][5] = 1
board[10][6] = 1
board1 = boardState(options = 'fullGame', inputBoard = board)
boardNow = board1
print('\n ##################### \n Endgame Begins!!!! \n #####################')
player = 2
while ((not boardNow.isEnd())) :
	print('player = {}'.format(player))

	timeStart = time.time()
	print ('All possible moves = {}'.format(computeLegalMove(boardNow, player)))
	print ('legal move forward = {}'.format(computeLegalMoveForward(boardNow, player, 0)))
	(scoreGreedy, moveList, recursions) = findMoveGreedy(boardNow, player, 3)
	timeEnd = time.time()
	print('scoreGreedy = {}'.format(scoreGreedy))