Example #1
def r(u):  # Boundary condition residuals--see Eq. (8.7)
    r = zeros(len(u), type=Float64)
    X, Y = bulStoer(F, xStart, initCond(u), xStop, H)
    y = Y[len(Y) - 1]
    r[0] = y[0]
    r[1] = y[2]
    return r
Example #2
def r(u):  # Boundary condition residuals--see Eq. (8.7)
    r = zeros(len(u),type=Float64)
    X,Y = bulStoer(F,xStart,initCond(u),xStop,H)
    y = Y[len(Y) - 1]
    r[0] = y[0]   
    r[1] = y[2]
    return r
Example #3
    return array([0.0, u[0], 0.0, u[1]])

def r(u):  # Boundary condition residuals--see Eq. (8.7)
    r = zeros(len(u), type=Float64)
    X, Y = bulStoer(F, xStart, initCond(u), xStop, H)
    y = Y[len(Y) - 1]
    r[0] = y[0]
    r[1] = y[2]
    return r

def F(x, y):  # First-order differential equations
    F = zeros((4), type=Float64)
    F[0] = y[1]
    F[1] = y[2]
    F[2] = y[3]
    F[3] = x
    return F

xStart = 0.0  # Start of integration
xStop = 1.0  # End of integration
u = array([0.0, 1.0])  # Initial guess for {u}
H = 0.5  # Printout incremant
freq = 1  # Printout frequency
u = newtonRaphson2(r, u, 1.0e-4)
X, Y = bulStoer(F, xStart, initCond(u), xStop, H)
printSoln(X, Y, freq)
raw_input("\nPress return to exit")
Example #4
## example7_11
from bulStoer import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def F(x, y):
    F = np.zeros(2)
    F[0] = y[1]
    F[1] = (-y[1] - y[0] / 0.45 + 9.0) / 2.0
    return F

H = 0.25
xStop = 10.0
x = 0.0
y = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
X, Y = bulStoer(F, x, y, xStop, H)
plt.plot(X, Y[:, 1], '-o')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Current (A)')
input("\nPress return to exit")
Example #5
def initCond(u):  # Initial values of [y,y',y",y"'];
                  # use 'u' if unknown
    return array([0.0, u[0], 0.0, u[1]])

def r(u):  # Boundary condition residuals--see Eq. (8.7)
    r = zeros(len(u),type=Float64)
    X,Y = bulStoer(F,xStart,initCond(u),xStop,H)
    y = Y[len(Y) - 1]
    r[0] = y[0]   
    r[1] = y[2]
    return r
def F(x,y):  # First-order differential equations                   
    F = zeros((4),type=Float64)
    F[0] = y[1]
    F[1] = y[2]
    F[2] = y[3]
    F[3] = x
    return F

xStart = 0.0               # Start of integration        
xStop = 1.0                # End of integration
u = array([0.0, 1.0])      # Initial guess for {u}
H = 0.5                    # Printout incremant
freq = 1                   # Printout frequency
u = newtonRaphson2(r,u,1.0e-4)
X,Y = bulStoer(F,xStart,initCond(u),xStop,H)
raw_input("\nPress return to exit")
Example #6
## example7_11
from bulStoer import *
from numarray import array,zeros,Float64
from printSoln import *

def F(x,y):
    F = zeros((2),type=Float64) 
    F[0] = y[1]
    F[1] =(-y[1] - y[0]/0.45 + 9.0)/2.0
    return F

H = 0.5
xStop = 10.0
x = 0.0
y = array([0.0, 0.0])
X,Y = bulStoer(F,x,y,xStop,H)
raw_input("\nPress return to exit")