Example #1
def updateinfo(options, to_remove_files, to_keep_files, logfile):
    to_remove = []
    for book in to_remove_files:
    to_keep = []
    for book in to_keep_files:

    for field in FIELDS_TO_UPDATE_INFO:
        data = None

        # Get available data
        for book in to_remove:
            book_data = getattr(book, field[0])

            if options["debug"]:
                logfile.write('  rem: ' + book.FileName + ': ' + field[0] +
                              ' = ' + ToString(book_data) + '\n')

            if book_data:
                data = book_data

        if not data:

            data = field[1](data)
            if options["verbose"]:
                    'updating... Could not convert data to correct type ' +
                    field[0] + ' = ' + ToString(data) + '\n')

        # Set in missing books
        for book in to_keep:
            book_data = getattr(book, field[0])

            if options["debug"]:
                logfile.write('  keep: ' + book.FileName + ': ' + field[0] +
                              ' = ' + ToString(book_data) + '\n')

            if not book_data:
                if not options["updateinfo"]:
                    logfile.write('[simulation] ')
                logfile.write('updating... ' + book.FileName + ': ' +
                              field[0] + ' = ' + ToString(data) + '\n')

                if options["updateinfo"]:
                    setattr(book.raw, field[0], data)
def updateinfo(options, to_remove_files, to_keep_files, logfile):
    to_remove = []
    for book in to_remove_files:
    to_keep = []
    for book in to_keep_files:
    for field in FIELDS_TO_UPDATE_INFO:
        data = None
        # Get available data
        for book in to_remove:
            book_data = getattr(book, field[0])
            if options["debug"]:
                logfile.write('  rem: ' + book.FileName + ': ' + field[0] + ' = ' + ToString(book_data) + '\n')
            if book_data:
                data = book_data
        if not data:
            data = field[1](data)
            if options["verbose"]:
                logfile.write('updating... Could not convert data to correct type ' + field[0] + ' = ' + ToString(data) + '\n')
        # Set in missing books
        for book in to_keep:
            book_data = getattr(book, field[0])
            if options["debug"]:
                logfile.write('  keep: ' + book.FileName + ': ' + field[0] + ' = ' + ToString(book_data) + '\n')
            if not book_data:
                if not options["updateinfo"]:
                    logfile.write('[simulation] ')
                logfile.write('updating... ' + book.FileName + ': ' + field[0] + ' = ' + ToString(data) + '\n')
                if options["updateinfo"]:
                    setattr(book.raw, field[0], data)
def ProcessDuplicates(books, logfile):
    # Getting comics info
    comiclist = []
    for book in books:
        b = dmBookWrapper(book)
        # re.sub(r'^0+','',b.Number) -> removes leading 0's
        series = b.Series
        if b.Volume:
            series += ' Vol.' + b.Volume
        series += ' ' + b.Format

    logfile.write('Parsing '+str(len(comiclist))+ ' ecomics\n')


    # Setting intial options values

    options = {"movefiles":MOVEFILES,
    # Main Loop

        # Load rules file
        rules = LoadRules(logfile, options)


        # Massage comics to get a list of dupes groups
        ''' Now we group books looking for dupes! '''
        ''' begin sorting and sort the list '''

                # TODO: I need to cleanup the series names and issues 1/2, 0.5, etc...
                # TODO: Also, check for CVDB items first!

        cl = {}
        ''' temp dictionary'''
        for key, group in groupby(comiclist, lambda x: x[SERIES]):
                cl[key] = list(group)
                '''groups by series'''
                ''' cl is a dictionary that now has 'series' as keys'''
                ''' we remove series with only one ecomic '''
        logfile.write('============= Begining dupes identification ==================================\n\n')             
        logfile.write('Parsing '+str(len(comiclist))+ ' ecomics\n')
        logfile.write('Found '+str(len(cl))+ ' different series\n')
        if options["verbose"]:
            for series in sorted(cl.keys()):
        remove = []
        for series in cl.keys():
                if len(cl[series])==1:
        for series in remove:
                del cl[series]
        logfile.write('Found '+str(len(cl))+ ' different series with more than one issue\n')
        if options["verbose"]:
            for series in sorted(cl.keys()):
        ''' we now regroup each series looking for dupe issues '''
        # We need to use a different list or sometimes python duplicates entries
        temp_cl = {}
        for series in cl.keys():
                temp_dict = {} 
                for key, group in groupby(cl[series], lambda x: x[NUMBER]):
                        temp_dict[key] = list(group)
                temp_cl[series] = temp_dict
        cl = temp_cl
        ''' cleaning issues without dupes '''
        remove = []
        for series in cl.keys():
                for number in cl[series]:
                        if len(cl[series][number])==1:
        for a in remove:
                del cl[a[0]][a[1]]
        ''' now a second go for series without issues after non-dupe removal '''
        remove = []
        for i in cl:
                if len(cl[i])==0:
        for i in remove:
                del cl[i]

        logfile.write('Found '+str(len(cl))+ ' different series with dupes\n')
        if options["verbose"]:
            for series in sorted(cl.keys()):
        ''' Now I have them sorted, I convert them to a simple list of lists (groups)...
        each item in this list is a list of dupes '''
        dupe_groups = []
        for i in cl:
                for j in cl[i]:
        logfile.write('Found '+str(len(dupe_groups)) +' groups of dupes, with a total of '+ str(len(reduce(list.__add__, dupe_groups, [])))+ ' ecomics.\n')
        if options["verbose"]:
                for group in sorted(dupe_groups):
                        logfile.write('\t'+group[0][SERIES]+' #'+group[0][NUMBER]+'\n')
                        for comic in group:


        logfile.write('\n============= End of dupes identification=====================================\n\n\n\n')
        logfile.write('============= Beginning dupes processing =====================================\n\n')
        del cl
        #      Exception handling

    except NoRulesFileException, ex:
        MessageBox.Show('ERROR: '+ str(ex), "ERROR in Rules File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
        logfile.write('\n\nERROR in Rules File:\n')
        traceback.print_exc(None, logfile, False)
def ProcessDuplicates(books, logfile):

    # Getting comics info

    comiclist = []
    for book in books:

        b = dmBookWrapper(book)
        # re.sub(r'^0+','',b.Number) -> removes leading 0's
        series = b.Series
        if b.Volume:
            series += ' Vol.' + b.Volume
        series += ' ' + b.Format
            (cleanupseries(series), re.sub(r'^0+', '',
                                           b.Number), b.Volume, b.FileName,
             b.PageCount, b.FileSize / 1048576.0, b.ID, b.CVDB_ID, b.FilePath,
             book.Tags, book.Notes, b.FileFormat, b.ScanInformation, book))

    logfile.write('Parsing ' + str(len(comiclist)) + ' ecomics\n')


    # Setting intial options values

    options = {
        "movefiles": MOVEFILES,
        "removefromlib": REMOVEFROMLIB,
        "updateinfo": UPDATEINFO,
        "verbose": VERBOSE,
        "debug": DEBUG,
        "sizemargin": SIZEMARGIN,
        "coverpages": COVERPAGES,
        "c2c_noads_gap": C2C_NOADS_GAP

    # Main Loop


        # Load rules file

        rules = LoadRules(logfile, options)


        # Massage comics to get a list of dupes groups
        ''' Now we group books looking for dupes! '''
        ''' begin sorting and sort the list '''

        # TODO: I need to cleanup the series names and issues 1/2, 0.5, etc...
        # TODO: Also, check for CVDB items first!

        cl = {}
        ''' temp dictionary'''
        for key, group in groupby(comiclist, lambda x: x[SERIES]):
            cl[key] = list(group)
            '''groups by series'''
            ''' cl is a dictionary that now has 'series' as keys'''
            ''' we remove series with only one ecomic '''

            '============= Begining dupes identification ==================================\n\n'

        logfile.write('Parsing ' + str(len(comiclist)) + ' ecomics\n')
        logfile.write('Found ' + str(len(cl)) + ' different series\n')

        if options["verbose"]:
            for series in sorted(cl.keys()):
                logfile.write('\t' + series + '\n')

        remove = []
        for series in cl.keys():
            if len(cl[series]) == 1:
        for series in remove:
            del cl[series]
        logfile.write('Found ' + str(len(cl)) +
                      ' different series with more than one issue\n')

        if options["verbose"]:
            for series in sorted(cl.keys()):
                logfile.write('\t' + series + '\n')
        ''' we now regroup each series looking for dupe issues '''
        # We need to use a different list or sometimes python duplicates entries
        temp_cl = {}
        for series in cl.keys():
            temp_dict = {}
            for key, group in groupby(cl[series], lambda x: x[NUMBER]):
                temp_dict[key] = list(group)
            temp_cl[series] = temp_dict
        cl = temp_cl
        ''' cleaning issues without dupes '''
        remove = []
        for series in cl.keys():
            for number in cl[series]:
                if len(cl[series][number]) == 1:
                    remove.append([series, number])

        for a in remove:
            del cl[a[0]][a[1]]
        ''' now a second go for series without issues after non-dupe removal '''
        remove = []
        for i in cl:
            if len(cl[i]) == 0:
        for i in remove:
            del cl[i]

        logfile.write('Found ' + str(len(cl)) +
                      ' different series with dupes\n')
        if options["verbose"]:
            for series in sorted(cl.keys()):
                logfile.write('\t' + series + '\t(' + str(cl[series].keys()) +
        ''' Now I have them sorted, I convert them to a simple list of lists (groups)...
        each item in this list is a list of dupes '''

        dupe_groups = []
        for i in cl:
            for j in cl[i]:

        logfile.write('Found ' + str(len(dupe_groups)) +
                      ' groups of dupes, with a total of ' +
                      str(len(reduce(list.__add__, dupe_groups, []))) +
                      ' ecomics.\n')
        if options["verbose"]:
            for group in sorted(dupe_groups):
                logfile.write('\t' + group[0][SERIES] + ' #' +
                              group[0][NUMBER] + '\n')
                for comic in group:
                    logfile.write('\t\t' + comic[FILENAME] + '\n')


            '\n============= End of dupes identification=====================================\n\n\n\n'
            '============= Beginning dupes processing =====================================\n\n'

        del cl


        #      Exception handling

    except NoRulesFileException, ex:
        MessageBox.Show('ERROR: ' + str(ex), "ERROR in Rules File",
                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
        logfile.write('\n\nERROR in Rules File:\n')
        traceback.print_exc(None, logfile, False)