Example #1
  def convertPipeArgumentsToToolArguments(self, arguments, shortForms, pipelineArguments, verbose):
    er        = errors()
    shortForm = ''
    value     = ''

    for argument in self.instanceData:
      if argument == 'description': self.description = self.instanceData[argument]
        if argument in arguments:
          shortForm = arguments[argument]['short form argument']
          value     = self.instanceData[argument]
        elif argument in shortForms:
          shortForm = argument
          argument  = shortForms[argument]
          value     = self.instanceData[shortForm]
          er.invalidArgumentInInstance(verbose, self.instanceName, argument)

        # Determine the tool and argument to which the pipeline argument points.
        tool = arguments[argument]['link to this task']
        if tool == 'pipeline':
          pipelineArguments[argument] = value
          toolArgument = arguments[argument]['link to this argument']
          if tool not in self.arguments: self.arguments[tool] = {}
          if toolArgument not in self.arguments[tool]: self.arguments[tool][toolArgument] = []
          if type(value) == list:
            for entry in value: self.arguments[tool][toolArgument].append(entry)
          else: self.arguments[tool][toolArgument].append(value)
Example #2
  def __init__(self):
    self.errors                  = errors()
    self.toolArgumentLinks       = {}
    self.arguments               = {}
    self.argumentInformation     = {}
    self.constructFilenames      = {}
    self.deleteFiles             = {}
    self.description             = ''
    self.instances               = {}
    self.isPipeline              = False
    self.linkage                 = {}
    self.pipelineName            = ''
    self.shortForms              = {}
    self.taskToTool              = {}
    self.toolsOutputtingToStream = []
    self.workflow                = []

    # Define the fields that are allowed for each argument in the linkage section of the
    # configuration file.  The Boolean value describes if the field is required or not.
    self.allowedLinkageFields                          = {}
    self.allowedLinkageFields['link to this task']     = True
    self.allowedLinkageFields['link to this argument'] = True
    self.allowedLinkageFields['json block']            = False
    self.allowedLinkageFields['extension']             = False

    # Define the fields that are allowed for each argument in the construct filenames section
    # of the configuration file.  The Boolean value describes if the field is required or not.
    self.allowedConstructFields                                    = {}
    self.allowedConstructFields['filename root']                   = True
    self.allowedConstructFields['filename root text']              = False
    self.allowedConstructFields['get root from task']              = False
    self.allowedConstructFields['get root from argument']          = False
    self.allowedConstructFields['remove input extension']          = False
    self.allowedConstructFields['additional text from parameters'] = False
    self.allowedConstructFields['output extension']                = False
Example #3
  def checkInstanceInformation(self, instances, storedInstances, filename):
    er = errors()

    if 'instances' not in instances:
      er.instancesFileHasNoInstances(False, filename)

    instances = instances['instances']
    givenType     = type(instances)
    if givenType != dict:
      er.differentDataTypeInConfig(False, filename, '', 'instances', givenType, dict)

    # Loop over the instances and add them to the storedInstances structure.
    for instance in instances:

      # Check that the instances in the instances file do not have the same name as any in the
      # configuration file.
      if instance in storedInstances:
        er.instanceNameAlreadyExists(False, instance, filename)
      storedInstances[instance] = instances[instance]

      # Also store the instance name in the externalInstances structure.  This keeps track of
      # the instances in the instances file (and not in the configuration file), if the instances
      # file gets modified (using the export instance functionality).
Example #4
def determineAdditionalFiles(additionalFiles, workflow, taskToTool, arguments, dependencies, outputs, verbose):
  er = errors()

  # Loop over each tool in turn and check for additional output files.
  for task in workflow:
    if task not in outputs: outputs[task] = []
    tool = taskToTool[task]
    if tool in additionalFiles:

      # There are different formats for building up output files.  Each of these can
      # be dealt with separately.
      # 1. If the output file can be constructed from a value given to one of the
      # tools command line arguments.
      if 'from input arguments' in additionalFiles[tool]:
        for field in additionalFiles[tool]['from input arguments']:

          # Check that the command which should be used to determine the file name exists
          # and has a value defined.
          fileType = field['type']
          argument = field['link to this argument']
          filename = arguments[task][argument][0]

          # In constructing the output file name, the extension associated with the associated
          # file name can be stripped off and a new extension can be appended if requested.
          # Determine and enact the appropriate steps.
          if field['remove extension']: filename = filename.rpartition('.')[0]
          if field['add extension']:
            extension = field['output extension']
            filename += '.' + extension

          # If the file is a dependency, add to the dependency string, otherwise add to the
          # output string.
          if fileType == 'dependency': dependencies[task].append(filename)
          elif fileType == 'output': outputs[task].append(filename)
  def __init__(self, sourcePath):

    # Command line modes
    self.resourceModes = [ "add-resource", "remove-resource", "update-resource" ]
    self.allModes      = [ "build", "update" ] + self.resourceModes

    # Setup help/usage descriptions
    self.modeDescriptions = {}
    self.modeDescriptions["build"]           = "Initialize gkno. This step is required to run any other operations."
    self.modeDescriptions["update"]          = "Update gkno itself, its internal tools, and any tracked organism resources."
    self.modeDescriptions["add-resource"]    = "Download resource data for an organism and track it for updated releases."
    self.modeDescriptions["remove-resource"] = "Delete resource data for an organism and stop tracking it."
    self.modeDescriptions["update-resource"] = "Update resource data for an organism."

    # General data members
    self.error        = errors()
    self.isRequested  = False
    self.isVerbose    = False
    self.mode         = ""
    self.userSettings = { }

    # Commonly used path names
    self.sourcePath    = sourcePath 
    self.resourcesPath = sourcePath + "/resources/"
    self.toolsPath     = sourcePath + "/tools/"
    self.logsPath      = sourcePath + "/logs/"
    # Import user settings from file (or initialize defaults if file doesn't exist)

    # Make sure our common directories exist
 def __init__(self):
   self.arguments          = {}
   self.argumentList       = []
   self.data               = []
   self.errors             = errors()
   self.ID                 = 0
   self.numberOfIterations = 0
   self.tasks              = []
   self.usingInternalLoop  = False
Example #7
  def __init__(self):

    # Get general error writing and termination methods.
    self.errors = errors()

    # The error messages are stored in the following list.
    self.text = []

    # For a list of all error code values, see adminErrors.py.
    self.errorCode = '12'
Example #8
  def getInstanceArguments(self, path, name, instances, verbose):
    er = errors()

    if self.instanceName not in instances:
      externalInstancesFilename = name + '_instances.json'
      io = files()
      data = io.getJsonData(path + externalInstancesFilename, False)
      if data == '':
        er.noInstanceInformation(verbose, path, name, self.instanceName)
      self.externalInstance = True
      self.instanceData     = data['instances'][self.instanceName]
    else: self.instanceData = instances[self.instanceName]
  def checkExportName(self, tl, io):
    er = errors()

    self.outputName = tl.toolArguments['pipeline']['--export-config']

    # Check that the filename ends with '.json'.
    if self.outputName[-5:len(self.outputName)] != '.json': self.outputName += '.json'

    # Check that the configuration file does not already exist.
    for json in io.jsonPipelineFiles:
      if self.outputName == json:
        er.outputJsonExists(True, "\t", io, self.outputName)
Example #10
  def getInformation(self, verbose):
    er = errors()

    # Attempt to open the json file containing the information.
    io = files()
    data = io.getJsonData(self.filename, False)
    if data == '':
      er.noMultipleRunFile(False, self.filename)

    # The multiple runs file should contain two sections: 'format of data list' and 'data list'.
    # Check that these exist and store the information
    if 'format of data list' not in data:
      er.missingSectionMultipleRunsFile(False, self.filename, 'format of data list')

    if 'data list' not in data:
      er.missingSectionMultipleRunsFile(False, self.filename, 'data list')

    # Check that the "format of data list" is well formed and store.
    givenType = type(data['format of data list'])
    if givenType != list:
      er.differentDataTypeInConfig(False, self.filename, '', 'format of data list', list, givenType)

    # Ensure that the long form of the argument is used in the argumentFormats structure.
    for argument in data['format of data list']:

    # Now check the data for the "data list" and store the information.
    givenType = type(data['data list'])
    if givenType != list:
      er.differentDataTypeInConfig(False, self.filename, '', 'data list', list, givenType)

    # Check that there is a valid number of entries in the list.  For example, if the argumentFormats list
    # has two entries, the data list must contain two entries for each run (i.e. one value for each argument
    # defined in the formats for each run).  Thus the number of entries in the 'data list' must be a
    # multiple of the number of entries in the 'format of data list' section.
    if len(data['data list']) % len(self.argumentFormats) != 0:
      er.incorrectNumberOfEntriesInMultipleJson(False, self.filename)
    self.numberDataSets = len(data['data list']) / len(self.argumentFormats)

    count = 0
    for argument in data['data list']:
      if self.argumentFormats[count] not in self.argumentData: self.argumentData[self.argumentFormats[count]] = []
      count += 1
      if count == len(self.argumentFormats): count = 0
Example #11
  def checkInformation(self, singleTask, arguments, shortForms, verbose):
    er              = errors()
    longFormFormats = []
    longFormData    = {}

    for argument in self.argumentData:
      values = self.argumentData[argument]

      # Check that the argument is valid.
      if argument in arguments:
        longForm  = argument
        shortForm = arguments[argument]['short form argument']
      elif argument in shortForms: 
        longForm  = shortForms[argument]
        shortForm = argument
        er.unknownArgumentInMultipleRuns(False, self.filename, argument)

      if 'link to this task' in arguments[longForm]:
        task = arguments[longForm]['link to this task']
        link = arguments[longForm]['link to this argument']
        task = singleTask
        link = longForm

      # Now check the data associated with this argument.
      dataType = arguments[longForm]['type']
      for value in self.argumentData[argument]:
        success = checkDataType(dataType, value)
        if not success:
          if dataType == 'flag': er.flagGivenInvalidValueMultiple(verbose, self.filename, argument, shortForm, value)
          elif dataType == 'bool': er.incorrectBooleanValueInMultiple(verbose, self.filename, argument, shortForm, value)
          elif dataType == 'integer': er.incorrectDataTypeInMultiple(verbose, self.filename, argument, shortForm, value, dataType)
          elif dataType == 'float': er.incorrectDataTypeInMultiple(verbose, self.filename, argument, shortForm, value, dataType)
          elif dataType == 'string': er.incorrectDataTypeInMultiple(verbose, self.filename, argument, shortForm, value, dataType)
          else: print('error with data type 2')

      # Add the values to the data structures.
      longFormData[longForm] = self.argumentData[argument]
      if task not in self.allArguments: self.allArguments[task] = {}
      self.allArguments[task][link] = self.argumentData[argument]

    # Replace the original argumentFormats structure with the longFormFormats to ensure that 
    # the list only contains the long forms of the arguments.
    self.argumentFormats = longFormFormats
    self.argumentData    = longFormData
Example #12
  def getExecutablePath(self, paths, taskToTool, taskBlock):
    er       = errors()
    self.pathList = []

    for task in taskBlock:
      tool = taskToTool[task]
      path = paths[tool]

      # Only print out the path if it isn't defined as 'null'.  Unix commands will
      # be defined as 'null' as they do not need to include a path, for example.
      pathVariable = ''
      if path != 'no path':
        pathVariable = (tool.replace(" ", "_")  + '_PATH').upper()
        print(pathVariable, "=$(TOOL_BIN)/", path, sep = "" , file = self.makeFilehandle)

Example #13
  def getInstanceName(self, uniqueArguments, argumentList, verbose):
    er = errors()
    # Check if the --instance (-is) command appears on the command line.
    if '--instance' in uniqueArguments:

      # If multiple instances have been requested, fail.
      if uniqueArguments['--instance'] != 1:
      # Find the name of the requested instance and check that it is valid.
      for argument, instance in argumentList:
        if argument == '--instance':
          self.instanceName = instance
    else: self.instanceName = 'default'
Example #14
def checkInputLists(argumentInformation, workflow, taskToTool, arguments, verbose):
  er                = errors()
  modifiedArguments = deepcopy(arguments)
  argumentsToRemove = []

  for task in workflow:
    tool = taskToTool[task]
    if task not in modifiedArguments: modifiedArguments[task] = {}
    for argument in arguments[task]:
      isList = False
      if argument != 'json parameters':
        if 'list of input files' in argumentInformation[tool][argument]:
          if argumentInformation[tool][argument]['list of input files'] == True: isList = True

      if isList:
        repeatArgument = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['apply by repeating this argument']

        # Check that the file exists, open and read the contents.  The file should
        # be a simple json list.  Only do this is a file is given.
        filename = arguments[task][argument][0]
        io       = files()
        data     = io.getJsonData(filename, False)
        if data == '':
          er.noInputFileList(verbose, filename)
        if 'filename list' not in data: er.hasError = True
          if not isinstance(data['filename list'], list): er.hasError = True
        if er.hasError:
          er.malformedFilenameList(verbose, filename, task, tool, argument)

        # All of the data has been read in and is valid, so can be added to the
        # lists of values for the specified argument.
        if repeatArgument not in modifiedArguments[task]: modifiedArguments[task][repeatArgument] = []
        for inputFile in data['filename list']:

        # Having accounted for all the files in the list, this option can be removed
        # from the tools data structure.
        argumentsToRemove.append((task, argument))

  for task, argument in argumentsToRemove:
    del modifiedArguments[task][argument]

  return modifiedArguments
Example #15
def determineFilesToDelete(arguments, deleteFiles, verbose):
  er     = errors()
  output = {}

  # Check to see if the configuration file has the 'delete files' section.
  if len(deleteFiles) != 0:
    for task in deleteFiles:
      for information in deleteFiles[task]:
        argument        = information[0]
        deleteAfterTask = information[1]
        extension       = information[2]

        if deleteAfterTask not in output: output[deleteAfterTask] = {}
        if argument not in output[deleteAfterTask]: output[deleteAfterTask][argument] = []
        for value in arguments[task][argument]:
          output[deleteAfterTask][argument].append(value + extension)

  return output
Example #16
  def checkForMultipleRuns(self, uniqueArguments, argumentList, verbose):
    er = errors()

    # First, check if multiple runs have been requested.
    if '--multiple-runs' in uniqueArguments:
      self.hasMultipleRuns = True

      # Get the name of the file containing the required information for the multiple runs and check that
      # the file exists and is a valid json.
      for argument, value in argumentList:
        if argument == '--multiple-runs':
          self.filename = value

      # If the --multiple-runs argument was not given a value on the command line, terminate.
      if self.filename == '':
        er.missingArgumentValue(verbose, '', 'pipeline', '--multiple-runs', '-mr', '', '', 'string')
Example #17
    def __init__(self):

        # Set logging
        verbose(self, self.__class__.__name__, loglevel=10, screen=True)
        self.vout.debug("Logging enabled.")

        self.pagedata = None
        self.err = errors(self)

        # Set browser session
        self.br = requests.Session()

        #Set session headers
        headers = {}
        headers['content-type'] = "application/json"
        headers['User-agent'] = (
            'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:' +
            ' Gecko/2008071615' + ' Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9' + ' Firefox/3.0.1')
Example #18
  def __init__(self):
    self.errors = errors()

    # Set up a list of top level fields that must be present for all tools.
    self.requiredFields = []

    # The configuration file contains arguments for each tool.  Each argument also has a
    # set of required fields that must be checked.
    self.requiredArgumentFields = []

    # Setup some structures to hold information on each of the tools.
    self.additionalFiles            = {}
    self.arguments                  = {}
    self.argumentInformation        = {}
    self.argumentDelimiters         = {}
    self.argumentOrder              = {}
    self.availableTools             = []
    self.descriptions               = {}
    self.executables                = {}
    self.generatedFiles             = {}
    self.instances                  = {}
    self.modifiers                  = {}
    self.paths                      = {}
    self.precommands                = {}
    self.shortForms                 = {}
    self.hiddenTools                = {}
    self.tool                       = ''
    self.toolsDemandingInputStream  = {}
    self.toolsDemandingOutputStream = {}
    def checkInstanceFile(self, argumentList, filename, instances, verbose):  # , toolFiles, pipelineFiles, verbose):
        er = errors()
        for argument, value in argumentList:
            if argument == "--export-instance":
                self.name = value

        # Set the filename.
        self.filename = filename + "_instances.json"

        # If no filename was supplied for the output configuration file, terminate.
        if self.name == "":
            er.noInstanceNameInExport(verbose, instanceName, self.filename)

        # Check that an instance of the given name doesn't already exist.
        for instance in instances:
            if self.name == instance:
                er.instanceNameExists(verbose, self.name)
Example #20
  def checkInstanceArguments(self, taskToTool, arguments, shortForms, verbose):
    er                = errors()
    shortForm         = ''
    value             = ''
    modifiedArguments = {}

    # Clear the instanceData structure as it is no longer required.
    self.instanceData = {}
    for task in self.arguments:
      modifiedArguments[task] = {}
      tool                    = taskToTool[task]
      for argument in self.arguments[task]:
        for value in self.arguments[task][argument]:

          # Ensure that the argument is in the long form.
          if argument in arguments[tool]:
            shortForm = arguments[tool][argument]['short form argument'] if 'short form argument' in arguments[tool][argument] else ''
          elif argument in shortForms[tool]:
            shortForm = argument
            argument  = shortForms[tool][argument]
            er.unknownArgumentInInstance(verbose, self.instanceName, argument)
          # Check the data type.
          dataType = arguments[tool][argument]['type']
          success  = checkDataType(dataType, value)
          if not success:
            if dataType == 'flag': er.flagGivenInvalidValueInstance(verbose, argument, shortForm, value)
            elif dataType == 'bool': er.incorrectBooleanValueInInstance(verbose, self.instanceName, argument, shortForm, value)
            elif dataType == 'integer': er.incorrectDataTypeInInstance(verbose, self.instanceName, task, argument, shortForm, value, dataType)
            elif dataType == 'float': er.incorrectDataTypeInInstance(verbose, self.instanceName, task, argument, shortForm, value, dataType)
            elif dataType == 'string': er.incorrectDataTypeInInstance(verbose, self.instanceName, task, argument, shortForm, value, dataType)
            else: print('error with data type 1', givenType)
            if argument not in modifiedArguments[task]: modifiedArguments[task][argument] = []

    # Update the arguments structrue to contain the modifiedArguments (where all arguments are in their long forms).
    self.arguments = modifiedArguments
Example #21
def checkExtension(argumentInformation, shortForms, links, task, tool, argument, isOutput, filename, verbose):
  er      = errors()
  correct = False

  # First check if the filename is a stub.
  isStub = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['stub'] if 'stub' in argumentInformation[tool][argument] else False

  # Only find the extension and check the files if the filename isn't a stub.
  if not isStub:

    # The extension could be a list of allowable extensions separated by pipes.
    # Split the extension on the pipes and check the files extension against
    # all the allowed extensions.
    extensions = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['extension'].split('|')

    # If the extension is listed as null, do not check the extension as it is
    # permitted to be anything.
    if (len(extensions) == 1) and (extensions[0] == 'no extension'): next
      for extension in extensions:
        extension = '.' + extension
        if filename.endswith(extension):
          correct = True

      # If all the extensions have been checked and the files extension did not
      # match any of them, throw an error.
      if not correct and isOutput: filename += '.' + extensions[0]
      elif not correct:

        # Find the short form of the argument, as well as the pipeline version of the argument if one exists.
        shortForm    = shortForms[argument] if argument in shortForms else ''
        pipelineLink = ''
        if task in links:
          if argument in links[task]: pipelineLink = links[task][argument]
        er.fileExtensionError(verbose, task, argument, shortForm, pipelineLink, filename, argumentInformation[tool][argument]['extension'])

  return filename
Example #22
  def getJsonData(self, filename, fail):
    er        = errors()
    inputData = ''

    # Check that the file exists.
    try: jsonData = open(filename)
    except: er.hasError = True
    if er.hasError and fail:
      er.missingFile(True, filename)

    if not er.hasError:
      try: inputData = json.load(jsonData)
        er.hasError = True
        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()

      # If the json file has a problem, terminate the script with an error.
      if er.hasError:
        er.jsonOpenError(True, exc_value, filename)

    return inputData
Example #23
def constructFilenameFromInput(task, tool, argumentInformation, arguments, outputFile, inputArgument, verbose):
  er = errors()
  # Check if the input file that is to be used for constructing the output filename is
  # blank.  If so, terminate gkno as the output filename cannot be determined.
  if len(arguments[task][inputArgument]) == 0: return

  # If the output filename is to be generated from an input file, but there are
  # multiple files, use the first file in the list for generating the output
  # filename.
  inputFile      = arguments[task][inputArgument][0].split('/')[-1]
  inputExtension = ''
  for extension in argumentInformation[tool][inputArgument]['extension'].split('|'):
    if inputFile.endswith(extension):
      inputExtension = extension

  # Strip off the extension.
  if inputExtension != '': inputFile = inputFile[0:(len(inputFile) - len(extension) - 1)]

  # Add the output extension unless the output is a stub.
  isStub = argumentInformation[tool][outputFile]['stub'] if 'stub' in argumentInformation[tool][outputFile] else False
  if isStub: arguments[task][outputFile].append(inputFile)
  else: arguments[task][outputFile].append(inputFile + '.' + argumentInformation[tool][outputFile]['extension'].split('|')[0])
Example #24
def infodisc(web):

    print " [!] Module Selected : Information Disclosure\n\n"
    print ''
    v = raw_input('' + GR + '  [#] \033[1;4mTID\033[0m' + GR + ' :> ' +
    print ''
    if v == '1':
        print C + ' [!] Type Selected :' + B + ' Credit Card Enumeration'
        print '\n\n'

    elif v == '2':
        print C + ' [!] Type Selected :' + B + ' Extract All Emails'
        print '\n\n'

    elif v == '3':
        print C + ' [!] Type Selected :' + B + ' Enumerate Errors + FPD'
        print '\n\n'

    elif v == '4':
        print C + ' [!] Type Selected :' + B + ' Internal IP disclosure'
        print '\n\n'

    elif v == '5':
        print C + ' [!] Type Selected :' + B + ' Phone Numbers Extract'
        print '\n\n'

    elif v == '6':
        print C + ' [!] Type Selected :' + B + ' Social Security Numbers'
        print '\n\n'

    elif v == 'A':
        print C + ' [!] Type Selected :' + B + ' All Modules'
        print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + B + ' Credit Cards'
        print C + ' [!] Module Completed -->' + B + ' Credit Cards\n'

        print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + B + ' Email Extraction'
        print C + ' [!] Module Completed -->' + B + ' Email Hunt\n'

        print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + B + ' Errors Enumeration + FPD'
        print C + ' [!] Module Completed -->' + B + ' Errors Enumeration\n'

        print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + B + ' Extract Phone Numbers'
        print C + ' [!] Module Completed -->' + B + ' Extract Phone Numbers\n'

        print C + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + B + ' Extract Social Security Numbers'
        print C + ' [!] Module Completed -->' + B + ' Extract SSN\n'

        print C + ' [!] All scantypes have been tested on target...'
        print C + ' [*] Going back to menu...'

    elif v == '99':
        print C + ' [*] Back to the menu !'

        dope = [
            'You high dude?', 'Shit! Enter a valid option',
            'Whoops! Thats not an option', 'Sorry! You just typed shit'
        print dope[randint(0, 3)]
Example #25
  def generateCommand(self, argumentInformation, delimiters, precommands, executables, modifiers, argumentOrder, taskToTool, linkage, taskBlock, verbose):
    er           = errors()
    useStdout    = False
    lineStart    = "\t"
    firstCommand = True
    for task, path in zip(taskBlock, self.pathList):
      if firstCommand:
        if len(taskBlock) == 1:
          print("\t@echo -e \"Executing task: ", taskBlock[-1], '...\\c"', sep = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
          print("\t@echo -e \"Executing piped tasks (", taskBlock[0], ' --> ', taskBlock[-1], ')...\\c"', sep = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
      tool      = taskToTool[task]
      delimiter = delimiters[tool] if tool in delimiters else ' '

      # Print out the command line.
      print(lineStart, end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)

      # If this is a single command, or the first command in a set of piped commands, 
      # start the line with the '@' character.  This will stop make 'echoing' the command
      # to the screen.
      if firstCommand: print('@', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)

      # Write the command line.
      if tool in precommands:
        print(precommands[tool], ' ', sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
      executable = executables[tool]
      if path == '': print(executable, sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
      else: print("$(", path, ")/", executable, sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
      if tool in modifiers: print(' ', modifiers[tool], sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
      # Check if the order in which the parameters appear matters.  For certain
      # tools, the command line is built up of a list of arguments, but each
      # argument isn't given an option.  For example, renaming a file has a 
      # command line 'mv A B', where A and B are filenames that have to appear
      # in the correct order.
      toolArgumentOrder = []
      if tool in argumentOrder:
        for argument in argumentOrder[tool]:
          if argument in self.arguments[task]:
            if self.arguments[task][argument] != '': toolArgumentOrder.append(argument)
        for argument in self.arguments[task]: toolArgumentOrder.append(argument)

#      argumentDict  = {}
#      for argument in tl.toolInfo[tool]['arguments']: argumentDict[argument] = True
#      if 'argument order' in tl.toolInfo[tool]:
#        for argument in tl.toolInfo[tool]['argument order']:
#          if argument in tl.toolArguments[task]:
#            argumentOrder.append(argument)
#            del(argumentDict[argument])
#          else:
#            self.error = False
#            # If the argument is for an input or output, it is possible that these arguments
#            # have been removed if dealing with the stream.  Check if this is the case and
#            # if so, do not terminate.
#            if 'if output to stream' in tl.toolInfo[tool]['arguments'][argument]:
#              if tl.toolInfo[tool]['arguments'][argument]['if output to stream'] == 'do not include': del(argumentDict[argument])
#              else: self.error = True
#            elif 'if input is stream' in tl.toolInfo[tool]['arguments'][argument]:
#              if tl.toolInfo[tool]['arguments'][argument]['if input is stream'] == 'do not include': del(argumentDict[argument])
#              else: self.error = True
#            else: self.error = True
#            if self.error:
#              er.unknownArgumentInArgumentOrder(newLine, filename, tool, argument)
#              er.terminate()
#        # Having stepped through all of the arguments included in the ordered list, check
#        # if there are any arguments left in the argumentDict dictionary.  This dictionary
#        # was built from all of the arguments for this tool and if it is not empty, then
#        # some of the arguments for this tool are not included in the list and thus would
#        # not be included in the command line.  Terminate with an error if this is the case,
#        if len(argumentDict) != 0:
#          #TODO Check this error.
#          er.missingArgumentsInOrderList(newLine, task, tool, argumentDict)
#          er.terminate()
#      else:
#        for argument in tl.toolArguments[task]: argumentOrder.append(argument)

      # Include all of the set options.
      for argument in toolArgumentOrder:

        # Check if the option is a flag.
        isFlag = False
        # Check if this argument is in the toolInfo structure.  Arguments dealing with
        # the stream may not be contained.
        inInfo    = True if argument in argumentInformation[tool] else False
        isReplace = False
        if tool in self.addedInformation:
          if argument in self.addedInformation[tool]: isReplace = True
            #if argumentInformation[tool][argument] == 'replacement': isReplace = True

        if argument == 'json parameters':
          # If a json file is being used to generate parameters, the configuration file
          # needs to contain a 'json block' argument.  This tells the script the name of
          # the block in the json file from which to extract parameters.
          jsonBlock = linkage[task]['json parameters']['json block']
          print(" \\\n\t`python $(GKNO_PATH)/getParameters.py ", end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
          print(self.arguments[task][argument][0], ' ', jsonBlock, '`', sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)

        # If the argument is a replacement to handle a stream, do not interrogate the
        # tl.toolInfo structure as it doesn't contain the required values (the other
        # entries contain information on flags, data types etc).
        elif isReplace:

          # If the line is blank, do not print to file.
          if not ((argument == '') and (self.arguments[task][argument] == '')):
            if self.arguments[task][argument][0] == 'no value': print(" \\\n\t", argument, sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
            else: print(" \\\n\t", argument, delimiter, self.arguments[task][argument][0], sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
          # Some tools do not require a --argument or -argument in front of each value,
          # but just demand a particular order.  The configuration file contains an
          # argument for these for bookkeeping purposes, but they should not be printed
          # to the command line. Also, commands can be included for instructing gkno to
          # print to stdout (e.g. use '>') or stderr ('2>').
          hideArgument = False
          writeNothing = False
          useStdout    = False
          useStderr    = False
          if inInfo:
            if 'modify argument name on command line' in argumentInformation[tool][argument]:
              hideArgument = True if argumentInformation[tool][argument]['modify argument name on command line'] == 'hide' else False
              useStdout    = True if argumentInformation[tool][argument]['modify argument name on command line'] == 'stdout' else False
              useStderr    = True if argumentInformation[tool][argument]['modify argument name on command line'] == 'stderr' else False
              writeNothing = True if argumentInformation[tool][argument]['modify argument name on command line'] == 'omit' else False

            if argumentInformation[tool][argument]['type'] == 'flag': isFlag = True

          # If the command is a flag, check if the value is 'set' or 'unset'.  If 'set',
          # write out the command.
          if isFlag:
            if self.arguments[task][argument][0] == 'set': print(" \\\n\t", argument, sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
            # Some command lines allow multiple options to be set and the command line can
            # therefore be repeated multiple times.  If the defined value is a list, this
            # is the case and the command should be written out once for each value in the
            # list.
            for value in self.arguments[task][argument]:
              if hideArgument: print(" \\\n\t", value, sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
              elif writeNothing: pass
              elif useStdout: print(" \\\n\t> ", value, sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
              elif useStderr: print(" \\\n\t2> ", value, sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
              else: print(" \\\n\t", argument, delimiter, value, sep = '', end = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
        if task     != taskBlock[-1]: lineStart = " \\\n\t| "
        firstCommand = False

    # Write the stdout and stderr to file.
    print(' \\', file = self.makeFilehandle)
    if not useStdout: print("\t", self.redirect, ' ', self.outputID, '.stdout \\', sep = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
    print("\t2", self.redirect, ' ', self.outputID, '.stderr', sep = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
    print("\t@echo -e \"completed successfully.\"", sep = '', file = self.makeFilehandle)
Example #26
 Sest, Aest, Oest = trRGMCA(X, Aori, Afix=1)  #Oracle
 if np.linalg.norm(Oest) == 0:
     Oest = X - Aest.dot(Sest)
 SDRMinAW[indexParam, indexIte], SDRMedAW[
     indexParam, indexIte], SIRMinAW[indexParam, indexIte], SIRMedAW[
         indexIte], SNRMinAW[indexParam, indexIte], SNRMedAW[
             indexIte], SARMinAW[indexParam, indexIte], SARMedAW[
                 indexIte], OmseAW[indexParam, indexIte], deltaAW[
                     indexParam, indexIte], angle5MaxAW[
                         indexIte], angle5MedAW[indexParam,
                                                indexIte] = errors(
                                                    Oest, Sest, Aest,
                                                    outL, S, Aori)
 plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
          label=r'Initial $S_1\Phi_S^T$')
          label='Estimated Oracle')
 plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
 plt.plot(outL[0], 'r', linewidth=2, label=r'Initial $O_1\Phi_O^T$')
 plt.plot(Oest[0], 'g--', linewidth=2, label='Estimated Oracle')
Example #27
def determinePiping(arguments, argumentInformation, toolsDemandingInputStream, toolsDemandingOutputStream, workflow, taskToTool, toolsOutputtingToStream, verbose):
  er               = errors()
  addArguments     = {}
  addedInformation = {}
  hasPipes         = False
  streamedOutputs  = {}

  if len(toolsOutputtingToStream) != 0:
    hasPipes = True
    for taskCounter, task in enumerate(workflow):
      if task in toolsOutputtingToStream:
        streamedOutputs[task] = True
        tool                  = taskToTool[task]
        canOutputToStream     = False

        # If the tool only deals with the stream for inputs and outputs, skip the
        # following search.  There is no input or output commands as the tool is
        # expecting to be receiving and outputting to the stream.
        if tool in toolsDemandingOutputStream: canOutputToStream = True
        if not canOutputToStream:

          # Check if the tool allows the output to be sent to a stream.
          for argument in argumentInformation[tool]:
            isOutput = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['output']
            if isOutput:
              if 'if output to stream' in argumentInformation[tool][argument]:
                if canOutputToStream:
                  er.multipleOutputsToStream(True, "\t", task, tool)
                canOutputToStream = True

                # If the entry in the configuration file is 'do not include', just
                # remove this argument from the toolArguments structure.
                if argumentInformation[tool][argument]['if output to stream'] == 'do not include': del(arguments[task][argument])

                # Otherwise, handle as appropriate.
                  print('NOT YET HANDLED THIS STREAM OPTION', task, argument, file = sys.stdout)

        # Now check that the subsequent tool can accept the stream as an input.  If
        # this was the last task in the pipeline, fail as the output needs to pipe
        # somewhere.
        if (taskCounter + 1) == len(workflow):
          er.lastTaskOutputsToPipe(True, "\t", task)

        nextTask        = workflow[taskCounter + 1]
        nextTool        = taskToTool[nextTask]
        canAcceptStream = False

        # If the current tool outputs to the stream, we need to check that the following
        # tool is set up to handle the stream.  This information is contained in the
        # information for one of the input files in the next tool.  If the next tool
        # demands the stream, then there are no input or output command line arguments as
        # the stream is assumed and so this check is unnecessary.
        if nextTool in toolsDemandingInputStream: canAcceptStream = True

        for argument in argumentInformation[nextTool]:
          isInput = argumentInformation[nextTool][argument]['input']
          if isInput:
            if 'if input is stream' in argumentInformation[nextTool][argument]:
              if canAcceptStream:
                er.multipleInputsAcceptStream(True, "\t", task, tool)
              canAcceptStream = True

              # If the entry in the configuration file is 'do not include', just
              # remove this argument from the toolArguments structure.
              if argumentInformation[nextTool][argument]['if input is stream'] == 'do not include': del(arguments[nextTask][argument])

              # If the entry is 'replace', then the argument needs to be removed and
              # replaced with that provided.  When the Makefile is generated, the
              # tl.toolInfo structure is interogated.  This replacement value should
              # not be present in the structure, so a value needs to be input.
              elif argumentInformation[nextTool][argument]['if input is stream'] == 'replace':
                replacementArgument = argumentInformation[nextTool][argument]['replace argument with']['argument']
                replacementValue    = argumentInformation[nextTool][argument]['replace argument with']['value']
                if replacementArgument not in arguments[nextTask]:
                  arguments[nextTask][replacementArgument] = []
                  if replacementArgument in argumentInformation[nextTool]:
                    er.replacementArgumentAlreadyPresent(True, "\t", nextTask, tool, replacementArgument)
                    if nextTool not in addArguments: addArguments[nextTool] = {}
                    addArguments[nextTool] = replacementArgument

              # If the entry is neither 'do not include' or 'replace', just use this value
              # as the value for the argument.
                arguments[nextTask][argument] = []
                arguments[nextTask][argument].append(argumentInformation[nextTool][argument]['if input is stream'])

        # If no instructions are provided on how to handle a streaming input, terminate.
        if not canOutputToStream:
          er.noOutputStreamInstructions(True, "\t", task, tool)

        if not canAcceptStream:
          er.noInputStreamInstructions(True, "\t", nextTask, nextTool)

    # Having determined all arguments that are modified, add the necessary arguments to the
    # tl.toolInfo structure (these weren't added before as the dictionary cannot be modified
    # while it was being used).  Keep track of added arguments as they need to be removed
    # once the makefile has been created, to reset the toolInfo structure back to its original
    # form before rerunning the pipeline if multiple runs are being performed.
    for task in addArguments:
      if task not in addedInformation: addedInformation[task] = []

  return hasPipes, addedInformation
Example #28
 def __init__(self, tl, admin):
   self.arguments       = {}
   self.argumentList    = []
   self.errors          = errors()
   self.linkedArguments = {}
   self.uniqueArguments = {}

    if params['fittingApertureY'] % 2 == 0:	# fittingApertureY must be odd

    logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=getattr(logging, params['logLevel'].upper()))

    # get L2 environment variables
    L2_bin_dir_path = os.getenv("L2_BIN_DIR")
    # set L2 paths
    L2_bin_frpeakfinder = L2_bin_dir_path + "/frpeakfinder"

    im_err = errors()
    arcFile = FITSFile(params['pathToArcFile'], im_err)
    if arcFile.openFITSFile():
        if not arcFile.getHeaders(0):
        if not arcFile.getData(0):

    ## L2
    ## process with frpeakfinder
    logging.info("(__main__) executing frpeakfinder") 
Example #30
def determineDependencies(argumentInformation, workflow, taskToTool, toolsOutputtingToStream, arguments):
  er           = errors()
  previousTask = ''
  dependencies = {}
  outputs      = {}

  for task in workflow:
    tool               = taskToTool[task]
    dependencies[task] = []
    outputs[task]      = []

    for argument in arguments[task]:
      if argument == 'json parameters':
        value      = arguments[task][argument][0]

        # Check if the file is an input or an output file, or is listed as a dependent
        # file.  If it is an output, the file should be added to the string containing
        # all outputs from this tool.  If it is an input or dependent file, this will
        # be added to the string containing all files required for this tool to run.
        isInput     = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['input']
        isOutput    = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['output']
        isResource  = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['resource']
        isDependent = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['dependent']
        isFlag      = True if argumentInformation[tool][argument]['type'] == 'flag' else False

        # Determine if the input and output from this task are the stream.  If so, the
        # dependencies and outputs structures do not need to be updated to include these
        # arguments
        outputToStream = True if task in toolsOutputtingToStream else False
        inputIsStream  = True if (previousTask != '') and (previousTask in toolsOutputtingToStream) else False

        if isInput or isDependent or isOutput or isResource:

          # If the input/output file is defined, check that the extension is as expected.
          value = arguments[task][argument][0]

          # If this file needs to be added to one of the string, check to see if it is a stub
          # or not.  If so, all of the files associated with the stub need to be added to the
          # string.
          isStub = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['stub'] if 'stub' in argumentInformation[tool][argument] else False

          # If this is a stub, create the string containing all of the files.
          if isStub:

            # Do not add the output to the self.outputs structure if the task is outputting
            # to the stream.  Only add these values if it has been defined (i.e. value is not
            # and empty string).
            if value != '':
              for name in argumentInformation[tool][argument]['outputs']:
                if isOutput:
                  if not outputToStream: outputs[task].append(value + name)
                elif isInput:
                  if not inputIsStream: dependencies[task].append(value + name)

          # If the filename is not a stub, just include the value.
            if (value != '') and not isFlag:
              if isOutput:
                if not outputToStream: outputs[task].append(value)
              elif isInput:
               if not inputIsStream: dependencies[task].append(value)

    # Update the previous task and previous tool to be the task and tool just evaluated.
    previousTask = task
    previousTool = tool

  return dependencies, outputs
Example #31
def checkParameters(gknoHelp, task, tool, argumentInformation, arguments, isPipeline, workflow, toolsOutputtingToStream, links, checkRequired, verbose):
  er = errors()

  for argument in arguments[task]:
    if argument == 'json parameters': continue

    # Check if the argument has been given a value.
    isArgumentSet = False if len(arguments[task][argument]) == 0 else True

    # If the argument is an input file (not from the stream) or an output file,
    # check that it does not contain the ':' character as this is a special
    # character in the Makefile.  If it does, replace the ':' with a '_'.
    isInput  = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['input']
    isOutput = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['output']
    if isInput or isOutput:
      modifiedList = []
      for value in arguments[task][argument]:
        if ':' in value: modifiedList.append(value.replace(':', '_'))
        else: modifiedList.append(value)
      arguments[task][argument] = deepcopy(modifiedList)

    # If the value is required and no value has been provided, terminate.
    if checkRequired and not isArgumentSet:

      # Check if the argument is an input file and if so, if the input is coming from
      # the stream.  If so, this does not need to be set.
      inputIsStream = False
      if isInput:
        previousTask = ''
        for currentTask in workflow:
          if currentTask == task: break
          else: previousTask = currentTask
        if previousTask in toolsOutputtingToStream: inputIsStream = True

      # Find the short form of the argument if one exists.
      shortForm = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['short form argument'] if 'short form argument' in argumentInformation[tool][argument] else ''

      # If the input to task is not a stream and the input is not set,
      # terminate with an error.
      if not inputIsStream:
        pipelineArgument  = ''
        pipelineShortForm = ''
        if task in links:
          if argument in links[task]:
            pipelineArgument  = links[task][argument][0]
            pipelineShortForm = links[task][argument][1]
        er.missingRequiredValue(verbose, task, argument, shortForm, isPipeline, pipelineArgument, pipelineShortForm)

      # If the input to this task is a stream, check if this particular argument has
      # instructions on how to handle the stream.  If it doesn't have any, then this
      # input still needs to be set.
        ignoreInput = True if 'input is stream' in argumentInformation[tool][argument] else False
        if not ignoreInput:
          pipelineArgument  = ''
          pipelineShortForm = ''
          if task in links:
            if argument in links[task]:
              pipelineArgument  = links[task][argument][0]
              pipelineShortForm = links[task][argument][1]
          er.missingRequiredValue(verbose, task, argument, shortForm, isPipeline, pipelineArgument, pipelineShortForm)
Example #32
def constructFilename(task, tool, argument, constructFilenames, arguments, argumentInformation, taskToTool, verbose):
  er           = errors()
  basename     = ''
  construction = ''
  separator    = '_'

  filenameRoot   = constructFilenames[task][argument]['filename root']
  additionalText = constructFilenames[task][argument]['additional text from parameters'] if 'additional text from parameters' in \
  constructFilenames[task][argument] else ''

  # If the basename is 'from argument', the 'tool', 'argument' and 'remove extension'
  # variables must be set.  Take the value from the specified tool/argument, remove
  # the extension if requested, then add the additional text if there is any to be
  # added.  Remove the path if one exists.
  if filenameRoot == 'from argument':
    linkedTask      = constructFilenames[task][argument]['get root from task']
    linkedArgument  = constructFilenames[task][argument]['get root from argument']
    removeExtension = constructFilenames[task][argument]['remove input extension']

    # If the argument for the linked task is unset, the filename cannot be constructed, so return from
    # the routine without having constructed the new filename.  The unset filenames will be caught later
    # and gkno terminated if they were required.
    if len(arguments[linkedTask][linkedArgument]) != 1:

    # If the linked argument is set (and has only one name), construct the new filename.
    construction = arguments[linkedTask][linkedArgument][0].split('/')[-1]
    if removeExtension:
      linkedTool = taskToTool[linkedTask]
      extension  = argumentInformation[linkedTool][linkedArgument]['extension']

      # If there is a '|' symbol in the extension, break up all the allowable extensions
      # and check if the name ends with any of them and if so, remove the extension.
      extensions = extension.split('|')
      for extension in extensions:
        if construction.endswith(extension):
          construction = construction[0:(len(construction) - len(extension) - 1)]

  elif filenameRoot == 'from text':
    construction = constructFilenames[task][argument]['filename root text']

  # If there is additional text to add to the name, the additionalText variable will have
  # a value.  If this is the case, a list of tool/argument pairs needs to be provided.  These
  # values will be added to the name separated by the separator variable.
  if len(additionalText) != 0:

    # Determine the separator to be used when joining the values together.  If no separator
    # is provided, use '_'.
    if 'separator' in additionalText: separator = additionalText['separator']

   # Determine the order of the variables to add.
    order = additionalText['order']

    for field in order:
      if field != 'filename root' and field != 'separator':

        # If the text isn't 'filename root' or 'separator', then it refers to a variable used in the pipeline.
        additionalTask            = additionalText[field]['get parameter from task']
        additionalArgument        = additionalText[field]['get parameter from argument']
        additionalRemoveExtension = additionalText[field]['remove extension']
        additionalTool            = taskToTool[additionalTask]

        # Now get the variable if it exists.
        value = ''
        if additionalArgument in arguments[additionalTask]: value = arguments[additionalTask][additionalArgument][0]

        # If the parameter being used in the output filename is itself a filename,
        # it should contain a path.  If this is the case, remove the path from the
        # name before using in the construction.
        value = value.split('/')[-1]

        # If the extension is to be removed, check that the input argument defines a file
        # with an extension and if so, remove the extension if requested.
        if additionalRemoveExtension:
          extension = argumentInformation[additionalTool][additionalArgument]['extension']

          # If there is a '|' symbol in the extension, break up all the allowable extensions
          # and check if the name ends with any of them and if so, remove the extension.
          if extension != '' and extension != 'no extension':
            extensions = extension.split('|')
            for extension in extensions:
              if value.endswith(extension):
                value = value[0:(len(value) - len(extension) - 1)]
        if value != '': construction += separator + str(value)

  # Determine if the output file is a stub.  If not, add the extension to the output file.
  isStub = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['stub'] if 'stub' in argumentInformation[tool][argument] else False
  if not isStub:
    extension = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['extension']

    # Some tools can operate on any file (e.g. gzip) and so have the extension listed as
    # 'no extension'.  If this is the case, check if the output extension is given in the
    # pipeline configuration file.  If so, use this extension, if not, do not add an
    # extension.
    if extension == 'no extension':
      outputExtension = constructFilenames[task][argument]['output extension'] if 'output extension' in constructFilenames[task][argument] else ''
      if outputExtension != '': construction += '.' + str(outputExtension)

    else: construction += '.' + str(extension)

  # Having built the filename, set the value in the tl.toolArguments data structure.
Example #33
def constructFilenames(task, tool, arguments, argumentInformation, constructFilenames, links, taskToTool, verbose):
  er = errors()

  # First identify the input and output files and how their names should be constructed.
  filenameConstructor = ''
  inputFiles          = []
  outputFiles         = {}
  for argument in arguments[task]:
    if argument != 'json parameters':
      isInput  = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['input']
      isOutput = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['output']

      # If this is an input file, check to see if it is to be used for building filenames.
      if isInput:
        if 'use for filenames' in argumentInformation[tool][argument]:
          if argumentInformation[tool][argument]['use for filenames']:
            # If there was an input file previous designated as the file to use for
            # constructing output filenames for this tool, gkno cannot determine which
            # file to use and so terminates.
            if filenameConstructor != '':
              er.multipleFilenameConstructors(verbose, task, tool, argument, filenameConstructor)
            else: filenameConstructor = argument

      # If the argument is an output, check to see if it has already been defined.  If
      # not, store this as a filename to be constructed.
      if isOutput:
        if len(arguments[task][argument]) == 0:
          # For pipelines, check if the 'construct filenames' block exists and describes
          # how to build this filename.
          if task in constructFilenames:
            for constructArgument in constructFilenames[task]:
              if constructArgument == argument: outputFiles[argument] = 'construct'

          # If the argument to be built has no instructions on how to construct the filename.
          if argument not in outputFiles:
            # If the configuration file specifically states not to construct the filename from
            # the input file, terminate as the user needs to input the output filename.  Otherwise
            # use the input file.
            if 'do not construct filename from input' in argumentInformation[tool][argument]:
              shortForm = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['short form argument'] if 'short form argument' in \
              argumentInformation[tool][argument] else ''
              if task in links:
                pipelineArgument = ''
                if argument in links[task]:
                  pipelineArgument  = links[task][argument][0]
                  pipelineShortForm = links[task][argument][1]
              er.missingFilenameNotToBeConstructed(verbose, task, tool, argument, shortForm, pipelineArgument, pipelineShortForm)
            else: outputFiles[argument] = 'from input'
  # Now all of the output files have been identified and the method of filename generation
  # determined, build the filenames.
  for outputFile in outputFiles:

    # If to be constructed using information from the configuration file, construct.
    if outputFiles[outputFile] == 'construct':
      constructFilename(task, tool, outputFile, constructFilenames, arguments, argumentInformation, taskToTool, verbose)

    elif outputFiles[outputFile] == 'from input':

      # If the output filename is to be generated using an input file from this task and there
      # are no input files designated as to be used for generating the filename, check what
      # input files there are.  If there is only one input for this task, use this file to
      # generate the filenames.  If there are multiple or no input file arguments, terminate.
      if filenameConstructor == '':
        if len(inputFiles) == 1:
          constructFilenameFromInput(task, tool, argumentInformation, arguments, outputFile, inputFiles[0], verbose)
        #  er.unknownFilenameConstructor(verbose, task, tool, outputFile)
        #  er.terminate()

        constructFilenameFromInput(task, tool, argumentInformation, arguments, outputFile, filenameConstructor, verbose)