def ft_mpd_parser(retry_srv, retry_num, video_name):
    error_num = 0
    rsts = ''
    while (not rsts) and (error_num < retry_num):
        rsts = mpd_parser(retry_srv, video_name)
        error_num += 1

    return rsts
def ft_mpd_parser(retry_srv, retry_num, video_name):
	error_num = 0
	rsts = ''
	while (not rsts) and (error_num < retry_num):
		rsts = mpd_parser(retry_srv, video_name)
		error_num += 1

	return rsts
Example #3
def cqas_dash(cache_agent, server_addrs, candidates, port, videoName, clientID, alpha):
	# Initialize servers' qoe
	cache_agent_ip = server_addrs[cache_agent]
	qoe_vector = query_QoE(cache_agent_ip, port)
	server_qoes = get_server_QoE(qoe_vector, server_addrs, candidates)

	# Selecting a server with maximum QoE
	selected_srv = max(server_qoes.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
	pre_selected_srv = selected_srv
	selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]

	rsts = mpd_parser(selected_srv_ip, videoName)
	vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
	minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
	reps = rsts['representations']

	vidBWs = {}
def ant_dash(cache_agent, server_addrs, candidates, port, videoName, clientID,
    # Initialize servers' qoe
    cache_agent_ip = server_addrs[cache_agent]
    qoe_vector = query_QoE(cache_agent_ip, port)
    server_qoes = get_server_QoE(qoe_vector, server_addrs, candidates)
    print "Server QoE evaluations: ", server_qoes

    # Selecting a server with maximum QoE
    selected_srv = select_ant_srv(server_qoes)
    selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]

    rsts = mpd_parser(selected_srv_ip, videoName)
    vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
    minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
    reps = rsts['representations']

    vidBWs = {}

    for rep in reps:
        if not 'audio' in rep:
            vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])
            audioID = rep
            audioInit = reps[rep]['initialization']
            start = reps[rep]['start']
            audioName = reps[rep]['name']

    sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

    minID = sortedVids[0][0]
    vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
    maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

    # Read common parameters for all chunks
    timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
    chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
    chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

    # Start downloading video and audio chunks
    curBuffer = 0
    chunk_download = 0
    loadTS = time.time()
    print "[CQAS-DASH] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    print "[CQAS-DASH] Selected server for next 5 chunks is :" + selected_srv
    vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidInit)
    startTS = time.time()
    print "[CQAS-DASH] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
    print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|"
    preTS = startTS
    chunk_download += 1
    curBuffer += chunkLen

    ## Traces to write out
    client_tr = {}
    srv_qoe_tr = {}

    while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength):
        nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)
        vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
        loadTS = time.time()
        vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidChunk)
        curTS = time.time()
        rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
        est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
        time_elapsed = curTS - preTS
        if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
            freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
            curBuffer = 0
            freezingTime = 0
            curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

        # Compute QoE of a chunk here
        curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
        chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)
        # Update QoE evaluations on local client
        server_qoes[selected_srv] = server_qoes[selected_srv] * (
            1 - alpha) + alpha * chunk_QoE
        print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(
            chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(
                chunk_QoE), "---|---", str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(
                    freezingTime), "---|---", selected_srv, "---|"
        client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS),
        srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = server_qoes

        # Count Previous QoE average
        if chunkNext % 5 == 0 and chunkNext > 4:
            mnQoE = averageQoE(client_tr, selected_srv)
            qoe_vector = update_QoE(cache_agent_ip, port, mnQoE, selected_srv)
            server_qoes = get_server_QoE(qoe_vector, server_addrs, candidates)
            print "[ANT-DASH] Received Server QoE is :" + json.dumps(
            print "[ANT-DASH] Selected server for next 5 chunks is :" + selected_srv

            # Selecting a server with probability proportional to server QoE
            selected_srv = select_ant_srv(server_qoes)
            selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]

        # Update iteration information
        curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
        if curBuffer > 30:
        preTS = curTS
        chunk_download += 1
        chunkNext += 1

    trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + ".json"
    with open(trFileName, 'w') as outfile:
    srv_qoe_tr_filename = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + "_srvqoe.json"
    with open(srv_qoe_tr_filename, 'w') as outfile:
    return client_tr
def cqas_dash(cache_agent, server_addrs, candidates, port, videoName, clientID, alpha):
	# Initialize servers' qoe
	cache_agent_ip = server_addrs[cache_agent]
	qoe_vector = query_QoE(cache_agent_ip, port)
	server_qoes = get_server_QoE(qoe_vector, server_addrs, candidates)

	# Selecting a server with maximum QoE
	selected_srv = max(server_qoes.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
	pre_selected_srv = selected_srv
	selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]

	rsts = mpd_parser(selected_srv_ip, videoName)
	vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
	minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
	reps = rsts['representations']

	vidBWs = {}
        good_chunks = {}

        for c in candidates:
                good_chunks[c] = 0

	for rep in reps:
		if not 'audio' in rep:
			vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])		
			audioID = rep
			audioInit = reps[rep]['initialization']
			start = reps[rep]['start']
			audioName = reps[rep]['name']

	sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

	minID = sortedVids[0][0]
	vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
	maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

	# Read common parameters for all chunks
	timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
	chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
	chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

	# Start downloading video and audio chunks
	curBuffer = 0
	chunk_download = 0
	loadTS = time.time()
	print "[CQAS-DASH] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	print "[CQAS-DASH] Selected server for next 5 chunks is :" + selected_srv
	vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidInit)
	startTS = time.time()
	print "[CQAS-DASH] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
	print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|"
	preTS = startTS
	chunk_download += 1
	curBuffer += chunkLen

	## Traces to write out
	client_tr = {}
	srv_qoe_tr = {}

	while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength) :
		nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)

		# Greedily increase the bitrate because server is switched to a better one
		if (pre_selected_srv != selected_srv):
                        prob = good_chunks[selected_srv] / float(vidLength/chunkLen)
                        rnd = random.random()
                        ## Probabilistic switching
                        if rnd < prob:
                                print "[CQAS-DASH] Stick with the previous server! The probability is : " + str(prob)
                                selected_srv = pre_selected_srv
                             print "[CQAS-DASH]Switch server! The probability is : " + str(prob)
			     nextRep = increaseRep(sortedVids, nextRep)

		vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
		loadTS = time.time();
		vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidChunk)
		curTS = time.time()
		rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
		est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
		time_elapsed = curTS - preTS
		if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
			freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
			curBuffer = 0
			# print "[AGENP] Client freezes for " + str(freezingTime)
			freezingTime = 0
			curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

		# Compute QoE of a chunk here
		curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
		chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)
		# print "[AGENP] Current QoE for chunk #" + str(chunkNext) + " is " + str(chunk_QoE)
                # Update QoE evaluations on local client
                server_qoes[selected_srv] = server_qoes[selected_srv] * (1 - alpha) + alpha * chunk_QoE
		print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(chunk_QoE), "---|---", str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(freezingTime), "---|---", selected_srv, "---|"
		client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS), Representation=nextRep, QoE=chunk_QoE, Buffer=curBuffer, Freezing=freezingTime, Server=selected_srv, Response=rsp_time)
		srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = server_qoes

                if chunk_QoE > 4.0:
                        good_chunks[selected_srv] = good_chunks[selected_srv] + 1

		# Count Previous QoE average
		if chunkNext%10 == 0 and chunkNext > 4:
			# mnQoE = averageQoE(client_tr, selected_srv)
			## qoe_vector = update_QoE(cache_agent_ip, mnQoE, selected_srv)
			qoe_vector = update_srv_QoEs(cache_agent_ip, port, server_qoes)
			server_qoes = get_server_QoE(qoe_vector, server_addrs, candidates)
			print "[CQAS-DASH] Received Server QoE is :" + json.dumps(server_qoes)
			print "[CQAS-DASH] Selected server for next 10 chunks is :" + selected_srv

		# Selecting a server with maximum QoE
		if chunkNext > 4:
			# Selecting a server with maximum QoE
        		pre_selected_srv = selected_srv
			selected_srv = max(server_qoes.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
                	selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]
                	print "[CQAS-DASH] Update Server QoEs ar :" + json.dumps(server_qoes)
                	# print "[AGENP] Selected server for next 10 chunks is :" + selected_srv

		# Update iteration information
		curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
		if curBuffer > 30:
		preTS = curTS
		chunk_download += 1
		chunkNext += 1

	# trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + "_" + str(time.time()) + ".json"
	## Writer out traces files and upload to google cloud
	trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + ".json"
	with open(trFileName, 'w') as outfile:
		json.dump(client_tr, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii=False)
	srv_qoe_tr_filename = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + "_srvqoe.json"
	with open(srv_qoe_tr_filename, 'w') as outfile:
		json.dump(srv_qoe_tr, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii = False)
def qas_dash(cache_agent, server_addrs, candidates, port, videoName, clientID, alpha):
	# Initialize servers' qoe
        cache_agent_ip = server_addrs[cache_agent]
	server_qoes = {}
	for key in candidates:
		if key is cache_agent:
			server_qoes[key] = 5
			server_qoes[key] = 4

        # Selecting a server with maximum QoE
        selected_srv = max(server_qoes.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
        pre_selected_srv = selected_srv
        selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]

        rsts = mpd_parser(selected_srv_ip, videoName)
        vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
        minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
        reps = rsts['representations']

        vidBWs = {}
        for rep in reps:
                if not 'audio' in rep:
                        vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])
                        audioID = rep
                        audioInit = reps[rep]['initialization']
                        start = reps[rep]['start']
                        audioName = reps[rep]['name']

        sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

        minID = sortedVids[0][0]
        vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
        maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

        # Read common parameters for all chunks
        timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
        chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
        chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

        # Start downloading video and audio chunks
        curBuffer = 0
        chunk_download = 0
        loadTS = time.time()
        print "[AGENP] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        # print "[AGENP] Selected server for next 5 chunks is :" + selected_srv
        # achunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, audioInit)
        vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidInit)
        startTS = time.time()
        print "[QAS-DASH] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
        # print "[AGENP] Estimated bandwidth is : " + str(est_bw) + " at chunk #init"
        print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|"
        preTS = startTS
        chunk_download += 1
        curBuffer += chunkLen

	# Traces to write out.
        client_tr = {}
	srv_qoe_tr = {}

        while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength) :
		# Compute the representation for the next chunk to be downloaded                
		nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)

		# Greedily increase the bitrate because server is switched to a better one
		if (pre_selected_srv != selected_srv):
			nextRep = increaseRep(sortedVids, nextRep)

                vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
                loadTS = time.time();
                vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidChunk)
                curTS = time.time()
                est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
                time_elapsed = curTS - preTS
                # print "[AGENP] Time Elapsed when downloading :" + str(time_elapsed)
                if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
                        freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
                        curBuffer = 0
                        # print "[AGENP] Client freezes for " + str(freezingTime)
                        freezingTime = 0
                        curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

                # Compute QoE of a chunk here
                curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
                chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)

                # Update QoE evaluations on local client
                server_qoes[selected_srv] = server_qoes[selected_srv] * (1 - alpha) + alpha * chunk_QoE
                # print "[AGENP] Current QoE for chunk #" + str(chunkNext) + " is " + str(chunk_QoE)
                print "|---", str(int(curTS)),  "---|---", str(chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(chunk_QoE), "---|---", str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(freezingTime), "---|---", selected_srv, "---|"

		# Write out traces
                client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS), Representation=nextRep, QoE=chunk_QoE, Buffer=curBuffer, Freezing=freezingTime, Server=selected_srv)
		# Assign values but not dictionary pointer
		new_srv_qoes = {}
		for c in candidates:
			new_srv_qoes[c] = server_qoes[c]
		srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = new_srv_qoes
		# srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = server_qoes
		# Switching servers only after two chunks
		if chunkNext > 4:
			# Selecting a server with maximum QoE
        		pre_selected_srv = selected_srv
			selected_srv = max(server_qoes.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
                	selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]
                	print "[QAS-DASH] Update Server QoEs ar :" + json.dumps(server_qoes)
                	# print "[AGENP] Selected server for next 5 chunks is :" + selected_srv

                # Update iteration information
                curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
                if curBuffer > 30:
                preTS = curTS
                chunk_download += 1
                chunkNext += 1

	## Write trace files out and upload to google cloud storage
        trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + ".json"
        with open(trFileName, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(client_tr, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii=False)

	srv_qoe_tr_filename = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + "_srvqoe.json"
	with open(srv_qoe_tr_filename, 'w') as outfile:
		json.dump(srv_qoe_tr, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)

def dash(cache_agent, server_addrs, selected_srv, port, videoName, clientID):
	# Initialize server addresses
	srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]

	# Read MPD file
	rsts = mpd_parser(srv_ip, videoName)
        vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
        minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
        reps = rsts['representations']

        vidBWs = {}

        for rep in reps:
                if not 'audio' in rep:
                        vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])
                        audioID = rep
                        audioInit = reps[rep]['initialization']
                        start = reps[rep]['start']
                        audioName = reps[rep]['name']

        sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

        minID = sortedVids[0][0]
        vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
        maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

        # Read common parameters for all chunks
        timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
        chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
        chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

        # Start downloading video and audio chunks
        curBuffer = 0
        chunk_download = 0
        loadTS = time.time()
        print "[DASH] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_ip, videoName, vidInit)
        startTS = time.time()
        print "[DASH] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
        print "|-- TS -- |-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Server --|"
        preTS = startTS
        chunk_download += 1
        curBuffer += chunkLen
	# Traces to write to google cloud
        client_tr = {}

        while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength) :
                nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)
                vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
                loadTS = time.time();
                vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_ip, videoName, vidChunk)
                curTS = time.time()
                est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
                time_elapsed = curTS - preTS
                # print "[AGENP] Time Elapsed when downloading :" + str(time_elapsed)
                if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
                        freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
                        curBuffer = 0
                        # print "[AGENP] Client freezes for " + str(freezingTime)
                        freezingTime = 0
                        curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

                # Compute QoE of a chunk here
                curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
                chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)
                # print "[AGENP] Current QoE for chunk #" + str(chunkNext) + " is " + str(chunk_QoE)
                print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(chunk_QoE), "---|---", str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(freezingTime), "---|---", selected_srv, "---|"

                client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS), Representation=nextRep, QoE=chunk_QoE, Buffer=curBuffer, Freezing=freezingTime, Server=selected_srv)

                # Update iteration information
                curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
                if curBuffer > 30:
                preTS = curTS
                chunk_download += 1
                chunkNext += 1

        trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + ".json"
	with open(trFileName, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(client_tr, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii=False)

def switching_progressive_downloader(candidates, videoName, clientID, repIdx):
	# Initialize the selection of server
        selected_srv = candidates.keys()[0]
	srv_ip = candidates[selected_srv]
        candidates_num = len(candidates.keys())

	# Read MPD file
	rsts = mpd_parser(srv_ip, videoName)
        vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
        minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
        reps = rsts['representations']

        vidBWs = {}

        for rep in reps:
                if not 'audio' in rep:
                        vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])
                        audioID = rep
                        audioInit = reps[rep]['initialization']
                        start = reps[rep]['start']
                        audioName = reps[rep]['name']

        sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
        # print sortedVids

        repID = sortedVids[repIdx][0]

        vidInit = reps[repID]['initialization']
        maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

        # Read common parameters for all chunks
        timescale = int(reps[repID]['timescale'])
        chunkLen = int(reps[repID]['length']) / timescale
        chunkNext = int(reps[repID]['start'])

        # Start downloading video and audio chunks
        curBuffer = 0
        chunk_download = 0
        loadTS = time.time()
        print "[DASH] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_ip, videoName, vidInit)
        startTS = time.time()
        print "[DASH] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
        print "|-- TS -- |-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Server --|-- Response Time --|"
        preTS = startTS
        chunk_download += 1
        curBuffer += chunkLen
	# Traces to write to google cloud
        client_tr = {}

        while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength):
                # Get the selected server for this chunk
                selected_srv_id = chunkNext % candidates_num
                selected_srv = candidates.keys()[selected_srv_id]
                srv_ip = candidates[selected_srv]

                vidChunk = reps[repID]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
                loadTS = time.time();
                vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_ip, videoName, vidChunk)
                curTS = time.time()
		rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
                est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
                time_elapsed = curTS - preTS
                if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
                        freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
                        curBuffer = 0
                        freezingTime = 0
                        curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

                # Compute QoE of a chunk here
                curBW = num(reps[repID]['bw'])
                chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)
                print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(chunkNext), "---|---", repID, "---|---", str(chunk_QoE), "---|---", str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(freezingTime), "---|---", selected_srv, "---|---", str(rsp_time), "---|"

                client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS), Representation=repID, QoE=chunk_QoE, Buffer=curBuffer, Freezing=freezingTime, Server=selected_srv, Response=rsp_time)

                # Update iteration information
                curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
                if curBuffer > 30:
                preTS = curTS
                chunk_download += 1
                chunkNext += 1

        trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + ".json"
	with open(trFileName, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(client_tr, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii=False)


        return client_tr
def client_agent(cache_agent_obj, video_id, method, expID=None):
	## Read info from cache_agent_obj
	cache_agent_ip = cache_agent_obj['ip']
	cache_agent = cache_agent_obj['name']

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Client name and info
	## ==================================================================================================
	client = str(socket.gethostname())
	if expID:
		client_ID = client + "_" + expID + "_" + method
		cur_ts = time.strftime("%m%d%H%M")
		client_ID = client + "_" + cur_ts + "_" + method
	videoName = 'st'

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Get the initial streaming server
	## ==================================================================================================
	srv_info = get_srv(cache_agent_ip, video_id, method)

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Cache agent failure handler
	## ==================================================================================================
	if not srv_info:
		srv_info = srv_failover(client_ID, video_id, method, cache_agent_ip)

	## If the failover has taken action but still not get the srv_info, it says the cache agent is done.
	if (not srv_info) and (method is 'qoe'):"[" + client_ID + "]Agens client fails to get the server for video " + str(video_id) + " 10 times. Trying to reconnect to a new cache agent!!!")
		# Attache to a new cache agent.
		cache_agent_obj = attach_cache_agent()
		if cache_agent_obj:
			cache_agent_ip = cache_agent_obj['ip']
			cache_agent = cache_agent_obj['name']
			srv_info = srv_failover(client_ID, video_id, method, cache_agent_ip)

	## If the srv_info is stil not got yet
	if not srv_info:
		reportErrorQoE(client_ID, cache_agent_obj['name'])
	## ==================================================================================================

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Parse the mpd file for the streaming video
	## ==================================================================================================
	rsts = mpd_parser(srv_info['ip'], videoName)

	### ===========================================================================================================
	## Add mpd_parser failure handler
	### ===========================================================================================================
	if not rsts:"[" + client_ID + "]Agens client can not download mpd file for video " + videoName + " from server " + srv_info['srv'] + \
					"Stop and exit the streaming for methods other than QoE. For qoe methods, get new srv_info!!!")

		if method == "qoe":
			trial_time = 0
			while (not rsts) and (trial_time < 10):
				update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], 0, 0.9)
				srv_info = srv_failover(client_ID, video_id, method, cache_agent_ip)
				if srv_info:
					rsts = mpd_parser(srv_info['ip'], videoName)
					rsts = ''
					# Attache to a new cache agent.
					cache_agent_obj = attach_cache_agent()
					if cache_agent_obj:
						cache_agent_ip = cache_agent_obj['ip']
						cache_agent = cache_agent_obj['name']
				trial_time = trial_time + 1

			if not rsts:
				reportErrorQoE(client_ID, srv_info['srv'])
			update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], 0, 0.9)
			reportErrorQoE(client_ID, srv_info['srv'])
	### ===========================================================================================================
	### Connecting to the qoe.db
	full_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
	path, fn = os.path.split(full_path)
	db_name = path + "/qoe.db"

	con = lite.connect(db_name)
	cur = con.cursor()

	### ===========================================================================================================

	vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
	minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
	reps = rsts['representations']

	# Get video bitrates in each representations
	vidBWs = {}
	for rep in reps:
		if not 'audio' in rep:
			vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])		

	sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

	# Start streaming from the minimum bitrate
	minID = sortedVids[0][0]
	vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
	maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

	# Read common parameters for all chunks
	timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
	chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
	chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

	## ==================================================================================================
	# Start downloading the initial video chunk
	## ==================================================================================================
	curBuffer = 0
	chunk_download = 0
	loadTS = time.time()
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Selected server for next 12 chunks is :" + srv_info['srv']
	vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidInit)
	startTS = time.time()
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
	print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|-- Chunk Response Time --|"
	preTS = startTS
	chunk_download += 1
	curBuffer += chunkLen

	## Traces to write out
	client_tr = {}
	srv_qoe_tr = {}
	alpha = 0.1

	## ==================================================================================================
	# Start streaming the video
	## ==================================================================================================
	while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength) :
		nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)
		vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
		loadTS = time.time();
		vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidChunk)
		## Try 10 times to download the chunk
		error_num = 0
		while (vchunk_sz == 0) and (error_num < 10):
			# Try to download again the chunk
			vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidChunk)
			error_num = error_num + 1

		### ===========================================================================================================
		## Failover control for the timeout of chunk request
		### ===========================================================================================================
		if vchunk_sz == 0:"[" + client_ID + "]Agens client can not download chunks video " + videoName + " from server " + srv_info['srv'] + \
			" 3 times. Stop and exit the streaming!!!")

			## Retry to download the chunk
			if method == "qoe":
				trial_time = 0
				while (vchunk_sz == 0) and (trial_time < 10):
					update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], 0, 0.9)"[" + client_ID + "]Agens client failed to download chunk from " + srv_info['srv'] + ". Update bad QoE and rechoose server from cache agent " + cache_agent + "!!!")
					srv_info = srv_failover(client_ID, video_id, method, cache_agent_ip)
					if srv_info:"[" + client_ID + "]Agens choose a new server " + srv_info['srv'] + " for video " + str(video_id) + " from cache agent " + cache_agent + "!!!")
						vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidChunk)
						vchunk_sz = 0
						# Attache to a new cache agent.
						cache_agent_obj = attach_cache_agent()
						if cache_agent_obj:
							cache_agent_ip = cache_agent_obj['ip']
							cache_agent = cache_agent_obj['name']"[" + client_ID + "]Agens client can not contact cache agent and reconnects to cache agent " + cache_agent + "!!")
					trial_time = trial_time + 1
				if vchunk_sz == 0:
					reportErrorQoE(client_ID, srv_info['srv'], trace=client_tr)
			## Write out 0 QoE traces for clients.
				update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], 0, 0.9)
				reportErrorQoE(client_ID, srv_info['srv'], trace=client_tr)
			error_num = 0
		### ===========================================================================================================

		curTS = time.time()
		rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
		est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
		time_elapsed = curTS - preTS

		# Compute freezing time
		if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
			freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
			curBuffer = 0
			# print "[AGENP] Client freezes for " + str(freezingTime)
			freezingTime = 0
			curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

		# Compute QoE of a chunk here
		curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
		chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)

		print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(chunk_QoE), "---|---", \
						str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(freezingTime), "---|---", srv_info['srv'], "---|---", str(rsp_time), "---|"
		client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS), Representation=nextRep, QoE=chunk_QoE, Buffer=curBuffer, \
			Freezing=freezingTime, Server=srv_info['srv'], Response=rsp_time)
		srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = chunk_QoE

		# Select server for next 12 chunks
		if chunkNext%6 == 0 and chunkNext > 3:
			mnQoE = averageQoE(srv_qoe_tr)
			update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], mnQoE, alpha)

			## Update the average QoE for 6 chunks to the qoe.db
			cur.execute("INSERT INTO QoE(vidID, srvName, srvIP, QoE, TS) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (video_id, srv_info['srv'], srv_info['ip'], mnQoE,

			if method == "qoe":
				new_srv_info = get_srv(cache_agent_ip, video_id, method)
				if 'ip' in new_srv_info.keys():
					print "[" + client_ID + "] Selected server for next 6 chunks is :" + srv_info['srv']
					srv_info = new_srv_info
				else:"[" + client_ID + "]Agens client failed to choose server for video " + str(video_id) + " from cache agent " + cache_agent + "!!!")

		# Update iteration information
		curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
		if curBuffer > 30:
		preTS = curTS
		chunk_download += 1
		chunkNext += 1

	## Write out traces after finishing the streaming
	writeTrace(client_ID, client_tr)

	## If tmp path exists, deletes it.
	if os.path.exists('./tmp'):

	## Close the connection to database.

def coop_ft_srv_mpd(cache_agent_ip, srv_info, video_id, v_peers, p_peers):
	## Excluding the video server issue
	vclient = get_rnd_peer(v_peers)
	vclient_latest = get_peer_latest(vclient['ip'])
	client_name = socket.gethostname()

	## ===================================================================
	# Check if the server is running to serve other clients
	# Resolve the fault type and log to both local logger and cfds-logger
	cur_v_peers = v_peers
	while (not vclient_latest) and cur_v_peers:
		vclient = get_rnd_peer(v_peers)
		vclient_latest = get_peer_latest(vclient['ip'])

	vpeer_qoe = float(vclient_latest['qoe'])
	fault_msg_obj = {}
	if vpeer_qoe > 0:
		msg_type = 6
		msg = "The redirector directs video request to a server that does not cache the video."
		msg_type = 4
		msg = "The video server is not running."
	fault_msg_obj['client'] = client_name
	fault_msg_obj['node'] = srv_info['ip']
	fault_msg_obj['video'] = video_id
	fault_msg_obj['qoe'] = -1
	fault_msg_obj['msg'] = msg
	fault_msg_obj['msg_type'] = msg_type


	## ===================================================================
	## Tolerate the fault by finding another video server serving video_id
	start_time = time.time()
	cur_p_peers = p_peers
	rsts = ''

	while (not rsts) and cur_p_peers:
		new_srv_info = {}
		selected_p_peer = get_rnd_peer(cur_p_peers)
		pclient_vid = get_peer_info_by_vid(selected_p_peer['ip'], video_id)

		while (not pclient_vid) and cur_p_peers:
			print "Cannot get video info for video id = ", str(video_id) + " from p_peer: " + \
					selected_p_peer['name'] + " Removing it from list!"
			selected_p_peer = get_rnd_peer(cur_p_peers)
			pclient_vid = get_peer_info_by_vid(selected_p_peer['ip'], video_id)

		if pclient_vid:
			print "New server name is: " + pclient_vid["srvName"]
			new_srv_info['srv'] = pclient_vid["srvName"]
			new_srv_info['ip'] = pclient_vid["srv"]
			new_srv_info['vidName'] = srv_info['vidName']
			rsts = mpd_parser(new_srv_info['ip'], new_srv_info['vidName'])

	recovery_time = time.time() - start_time
	if not rsts:
		fault_msg_obj = {}
		fault_msg_obj['client'] = client_name
		fault_msg_obj['node'] = srv_info['ip']
		fault_msg_obj['video'] = video_id
		fault_msg_obj['qoe'] = -1
		fault_msg_obj['msg'] = "Tried all closeby peer clients and cannot fix the fault in downloading \
		mpd file for video: " + srv_info['vidName'] + "\n" + "\n".join(p_peers.keys())
		fault_msg_obj['msg_type'] = 1

	# client, fault_node, recovery_node, qoe, recovery_qoe, recovery_time, vidID, msg, fault_type
	recovery_msg_obj = {}
	recovery_msg_obj['client'] = client_name
	recovery_msg_obj['faulty_node'] = srv_info['ip'] 
	recovery_msg_obj['recovery_node'] = new_srv_info['ip']
	recovery_msg_obj['recovery_peer'] = selected_p_peer['name']
	recovery_msg_obj['qoe'] = -1
	recovery_msg_obj['recovery_qoe'] = -1
	recovery_msg_obj['recovery_time'] = recovery_time
	recovery_msg_obj['video'] = video_id
	recovery_msg_obj['msg'] = "Recovery fault type " + str(msg_type) + " on server " + \
								srv_info['ip'] + " with time period : " + "{:10.4f}".format(recovery_time) + " seconds!"
	recovery_msg_obj['msg_type'] = msg_type


	return (new_srv_info, rsts)
Example #11
def cqas_dash(cache_agent, server_addrs, candidates, port, videoName, clientID,
    # Initialize servers' qoe
    cache_agent_ip = server_addrs[cache_agent]
    qoe_vector = query_QoE(cache_agent_ip, port)
    server_qoes = get_server_QoE(qoe_vector, server_addrs, candidates)

    # Selecting a server with maximum QoE
    selected_srv = max(server_qoes.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
    pre_selected_srv = selected_srv
    selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]

    rsts = mpd_parser(selected_srv_ip, videoName)
    vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
    minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
    reps = rsts['representations']

    vidBWs = {}
    good_chunks = {}

    for c in candidates:
        good_chunks[c] = 0

    for rep in reps:
        if not 'audio' in rep:
            vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])
            audioID = rep
            audioInit = reps[rep]['initialization']
            start = reps[rep]['start']
            audioName = reps[rep]['name']

    sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

    minID = sortedVids[0][0]
    vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
    maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

    # Read common parameters for all chunks
    timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
    chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
    chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

    # Start downloading video and audio chunks
    curBuffer = 0
    chunk_download = 0
    loadTS = time.time()
    print "[CQAS-DASH] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    print "[CQAS-DASH] Selected server for next 5 chunks is :" + selected_srv
    vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidInit)
    startTS = time.time()
    print "[CQAS-DASH] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
    print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|"
    preTS = startTS
    chunk_download += 1
    curBuffer += chunkLen

    ## Traces to write out
    client_tr = {}
    srv_qoe_tr = {}

    while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength):
        nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)

        # Greedily increase the bitrate because server is switched to a better one
        if (pre_selected_srv != selected_srv):
            # nextRep = increaseRep(sortedVids, nextRep)
            prob = good_chunks[selected_srv] / float(vidLength / chunkLen)
            rnd = random.random()
            ## Probabilistic switching
            if rnd < prob:
                print "[CQAS-DASH] Stick with the previous server! The probability is : " + str(
                selected_srv = pre_selected_srv
                print "[CQAS-DASH]Switch server! The probability is : " + str(
                nextRep = increaseRep(sortedVids, nextRep)

        vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
        loadTS = time.time()
        vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidChunk)
        curTS = time.time()
        est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
        time_elapsed = curTS - preTS
        if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
            freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
            curBuffer = 0
            # print "[AGENP] Client freezes for " + str(freezingTime)
            freezingTime = 0
            curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

        # Compute QoE of a chunk here
        curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
        chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)
        # print "[AGENP] Current QoE for chunk #" + str(chunkNext) + " is " + str(chunk_QoE)
        # Update QoE evaluations on local client
        server_qoes[selected_srv] = server_qoes[selected_srv] * (
            1 - alpha) + alpha * chunk_QoE
        print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(
            chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(
                chunk_QoE), "---|---", str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(
                    freezingTime), "---|---", selected_srv, "---|"

        client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS),
        srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = server_qoes

        if chunk_QoE > 4.0:
            good_chunks[selected_srv] = good_chunks[selected_srv] + 1

        # Count Previous QoE average
        if chunkNext % 10 == 0 and chunkNext > 4:
            # mnQoE = averageQoE(client_tr, selected_srv)
            ## qoe_vector = update_QoE(cache_agent_ip, mnQoE, selected_srv)
            qoe_vector = update_srv_QoEs(cache_agent_ip, port, server_qoes)
            server_qoes = get_server_QoE(qoe_vector, server_addrs, candidates)
            print "[CQAS-DASH] Received Server QoE is :" + json.dumps(
            print "[CQAS-DASH] Selected server for next 10 chunks is :" + selected_srv

        # Selecting a server with maximum QoE
        if chunkNext > 4:
            # Selecting a server with maximum QoE
            pre_selected_srv = selected_srv
            selected_srv = max(server_qoes.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
            selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]
            print "[CQAS-DASH] Update Server QoEs ar :" + json.dumps(

# print "[AGENP] Selected server for next 10 chunks is :" + selected_srv

        # Update iteration information
        curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
        if curBuffer > 30:
        preTS = curTS
        chunk_download += 1
        chunkNext += 1

    # trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + "_" + str(time.time()) + ".json"
    ## Writer out traces files and upload to google cloud
    trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + ".json"
    with open(trFileName, 'w') as outfile:
    srv_qoe_tr_filename = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + "_srvqoe.json"
    with open(srv_qoe_tr_filename, 'w') as outfile:

Example #12
def dash(cache_agent, server_addrs, selected_srv, port, videoName, clientID):
    # Initialize server addresses
    srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]

    # Read MPD file
    rsts = mpd_parser(srv_ip, videoName)
    vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
    minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
    reps = rsts['representations']

    vidBWs = {}

    for rep in reps:
        if not 'audio' in rep:
            vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])
            audioID = rep
            audioInit = reps[rep]['initialization']
            start = reps[rep]['start']
            audioName = reps[rep]['name']

    sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

    minID = sortedVids[0][0]
    vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
    maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

    # Read common parameters for all chunks
    timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
    chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
    chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

    # Start downloading video and audio chunks
    curBuffer = 0
    chunk_download = 0
    loadTS = time.time()
    print "[DASH] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_ip, videoName, vidInit)
    startTS = time.time()
    print "[DASH] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
    print "|-- TS -- |-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Server --|"
    preTS = startTS
    chunk_download += 1
    curBuffer += chunkLen

    # Traces to write to google cloud
    client_tr = {}

    while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength):
        nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)
        vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
        loadTS = time.time()
        vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_ip, videoName, vidChunk)
        curTS = time.time()
        est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
        time_elapsed = curTS - preTS
        # print "[AGENP] Time Elapsed when downloading :" + str(time_elapsed)
        if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
            freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
            curBuffer = 0
            # print "[AGENP] Client freezes for " + str(freezingTime)
            freezingTime = 0
            curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

        # Compute QoE of a chunk here
        curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
        chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)
        # print "[AGENP] Current QoE for chunk #" + str(chunkNext) + " is " + str(chunk_QoE)
        print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(
            chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(
                chunk_QoE), "---|---", str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(
                    freezingTime), "---|---", selected_srv, "---|"

        client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS),

        # Update iteration information
        curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
        if curBuffer > 30:
        preTS = curTS
        chunk_download += 1
        chunkNext += 1

    trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + ".json"
    with open(trFileName, 'w') as outfile:

Example #13
def coop_client(cache_agent_obj, video_id, method, expID=None, COOP_PERIOD=6):

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Client name and info
	client = str(socket.gethostname())
	if expID:
		client_ID = "coop_" + client + "_" + expID + "_" + method
		cur_ts = time.strftime("%m%d%H%M")
		client_ID = "coop_" + client + "_" + cur_ts + "_" + method

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Get the initial streaming server
	srv_info = get_srv(cache_agent_obj['ip'], video_id, "rtt")

	## The cache agent does not give a server for streaming
	## Try to change the cache agent by cooperating with closeby peers.
	if not srv_info:
		cache_agent_obj, srv_info = ft_cache_agent(cache_agent_obj, video_id)

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Get closeby clients from the closest cache agent.
	## We by default assume the p_peers list will be obtained if cache agent is on.
	p_peers = get_peers(cache_agent_obj['ip'], "pclient")
	if not p_peers:
		p_peers = ft_pv_peers(cache_agent_obj['ip'], "pclient")

	## Get peer client from the streaming server. We by default assume the v_peers list will be obtained
	# if the cache agent on this streaming server is on.
	# If our agent is not running, we report the error directly as redirector fault.
	v_peers = get_peers(srv_info['ip'], "vclient")
	if not v_peers:
		v_peers = ft_pv_peers(srv_info['ip'], "vclient") 

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Parse the mpd file for the streaming video
	videoName = srv_info['vidName']

	## Debugging the bw issue
	#srv_info['vidName'] = 'BBB'
	#videoName = 'BBB'

	rsts = mpd_parser(srv_info['ip'], videoName)

	## Add mpd_parser failure handler
	if not rsts:
		## If the client can not download the mpd file for the video, the server is probably down or there
		# might be byzantine faults where
		[srv_info, rsts] = coop_ft_srv_mpd(cache_agent_obj['ip'], srv_info, video_id, v_peers, p_peers)

	### ===========================================================================================================
	vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
	minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
	reps = rsts['representations']

	# Get video bitrates in each representations
	vidBWs = {}
	for rep in reps:
		if not 'audio' in rep:
			vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])		

	sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

	# Start streaming from the minimum bitrate
	minID = sortedVids[0][0]
	vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
	maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

	# Read common parameters for all chunks
	timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
	chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
	chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

	## ==================================================================================================
	# Start downloading the initial video chunk
	## ==================================================================================================
	curBuffer = 0
	chunk_download = 0
	loadTS = time.time()
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Selected server for next 12 chunks is :" + srv_info['srv']
	vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidInit)
	startTS = time.time()
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
	print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|-- Chunk Response Time --|"
	preTS = startTS
	chunk_download += 1
	curBuffer += chunkLen

	## Traces to write out
	client_tr = {}
	srv_qoe_tr = {}
	alpha = 0.1

	## ==================================================================================================
	# Start streaming the video
	## ==================================================================================================
	while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength) :
		nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)
		vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
		loadTS = time.time();
		vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidChunk)
		## Try 10 times to download the chunk
		error_num = 0
		while (vchunk_sz == 0) and (error_num < 2):
			# Try to download again the chunk
			vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidChunk)
			error_num = error_num + 1

		### ===========================================================================================================
		## Client Cooperation based Fault Tolerance the timeout of chunk request
		### ===========================================================================================================
		if vchunk_sz == 0:"[" + client_ID + "]Agens client can not download chunks video " + videoName + " from server " + srv_info['srv'] + \
			" 3 times. Stop and exit the streaming!!!")

			(srv_info, vchunk_sz) = coop_ft_srv_chunk(srv_info, video_id, vidChunk, v_peers, p_peers)
			error_num = 0
		### ===========================================================================================================

		curTS = time.time()
		rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
		est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
		time_elapsed = curTS - preTS

		# Compute freezing time
		if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
			freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
			curBuffer = 0
			# print "[AGENP] Client freezes for " + str(freezingTime)
			freezingTime = 0
			curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

		# Compute QoE of a chunk here
		curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
		chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)

		print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(chunk_QoE), "---|---", \
						str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(freezingTime), "---|---", srv_info['srv'], "---|---", str(rsp_time), "---|"
		client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS), Representation=nextRep, QoE=chunk_QoE, Buffer=curBuffer, \
			Freezing=freezingTime, Server=srv_info['srv'], Response=rsp_time)
		srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = chunk_QoE

		# Select server for next 12 chunks
		if chunkNext%COOP_PERIOD == 0 and chunkNext > (COOP_PERIOD - 1):
			mnQoE = averageQoE(srv_qoe_tr)
			update_qoe(cache_agent_obj['ip'], srv_info['srv'], mnQoE, alpha)

			## Update the average QoE for 6 chunks to the qoe.db
			insert_qoe(video_id, srv_info['srv'], srv_info['ip'], mnQoE)

			## Client Cooperation based Adaptive Server Selection
			srv_info = coop_qoe_srv_selection(mnQoE, srv_info, video_id, p_peers, v_peers)

		# Update iteration information
		curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
		if curBuffer > 30:
		preTS = curTS
		chunk_download += 1
		chunkNext += 1

	## Write out traces after finishing the streaming
	writeTrace(client_ID, client_tr)

def client_agent(cache_agent_obj, video_id, method, expID=None):
    ## Read info from cache_agent_obj
    cache_agent_ip = cache_agent_obj['ip']
    cache_agent = cache_agent_obj['name']

    ## ==================================================================================================
    ## Client name and info
    ## ==================================================================================================
    client = str(socket.gethostname())
    if expID:
        client_ID = client + "_" + expID + "_" + method
        cur_ts = time.strftime("%m%d%H%M")
        client_ID = client + "_" + cur_ts + "_" + method
    videoName = 'st'

    ## ==================================================================================================
    ## Get the initial streaming server
    ## ==================================================================================================
    srv_info = get_srv(cache_agent_ip, video_id, method)

    ## ==================================================================================================
    ## Cache agent failure handler
    ## ==================================================================================================
    if not srv_info:
        srv_info = srv_failover(client_ID, video_id, method, cache_agent_ip)

    ## If the failover has taken action but still not get the srv_info, it says the cache agent is done.
    if (not srv_info) and (method is 'qoe'):"[" + client_ID +
                     "]Agens client fails to get the server for video " +
                     str(video_id) +
                     " 10 times. Trying to reconnect to a new cache agent!!!")
        # Attache to a new cache agent.
        cache_agent_obj = attach_cache_agent()
        if cache_agent_obj:
            cache_agent_ip = cache_agent_obj['ip']
            cache_agent = cache_agent_obj['name']
            srv_info = srv_failover(client_ID, video_id, method,

    ## If the srv_info is stil not got yet
    if not srv_info:
        reportErrorQoE(client_ID, cache_agent_obj['name'])
    ## ==================================================================================================

    ## ==================================================================================================
    ## Parse the mpd file for the streaming video
    ## ==================================================================================================
    rsts = mpd_parser(srv_info['ip'], videoName)

    ### ===========================================================================================================
    ## Add mpd_parser failure handler
    ### ===========================================================================================================
    if not rsts:"[" + client_ID + "]Agens client can not download mpd file for video " + videoName + " from server " + srv_info['srv'] + \
           "Stop and exit the streaming for methods other than QoE. For qoe methods, get new srv_info!!!")

        if method == "qoe":
            trial_time = 0
            while (not rsts) and (trial_time < 10):
                update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], 0, 0.9)
                srv_info = srv_failover(client_ID, video_id, method,
                if srv_info:
                    rsts = mpd_parser(srv_info['ip'], videoName)
                    rsts = ''
                    # Attache to a new cache agent.
                    cache_agent_obj = attach_cache_agent()
                    if cache_agent_obj:
                        cache_agent_ip = cache_agent_obj['ip']
                        cache_agent = cache_agent_obj['name']
                trial_time = trial_time + 1

            if not rsts:
                reportErrorQoE(client_ID, srv_info['srv'])
            update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], 0, 0.9)
            reportErrorQoE(client_ID, srv_info['srv'])

    ### ===========================================================================================================
    ### Connecting to the qoe.db
    full_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
    path, fn = os.path.split(full_path)
    db_name = path + "/qoe.db"

    con = lite.connect(db_name)
    cur = con.cursor()

    ### ===========================================================================================================

    vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
    minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
    reps = rsts['representations']

    # Get video bitrates in each representations
    vidBWs = {}
    for rep in reps:
        if not 'audio' in rep:
            vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])

    sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

    # Start streaming from the minimum bitrate
    minID = sortedVids[0][0]
    vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
    maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

    # Read common parameters for all chunks
    timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
    chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
    chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

    ## ==================================================================================================
    # Start downloading the initial video chunk
    ## ==================================================================================================
    curBuffer = 0
    chunk_download = 0
    loadTS = time.time()
    print "[" + client_ID + "] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    print "[" + client_ID + "] Selected server for next 12 chunks is :" + srv_info[
    vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidInit)
    startTS = time.time()
    print "[" + client_ID + "] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
    print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|-- Chunk Response Time --|"
    preTS = startTS
    chunk_download += 1
    curBuffer += chunkLen

    ## Traces to write out
    client_tr = {}
    srv_qoe_tr = {}
    alpha = 0.1

    ## ==================================================================================================
    # Start streaming the video
    ## ==================================================================================================
    while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength):
        nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)
        vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
        loadTS = time.time()
        vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidChunk)

        ## Try 10 times to download the chunk
        error_num = 0
        while (vchunk_sz == 0) and (error_num < 10):
            # Try to download again the chunk
            vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidChunk)
            error_num = error_num + 1

        ### ===========================================================================================================
        ## Failover control for the timeout of chunk request
        ### ===========================================================================================================
        if vchunk_sz == 0:
  "[" + client_ID + "]Agens client can not download chunks video " + videoName + " from server " + srv_info['srv'] + \
            " 3 times. Stop and exit the streaming!!!")

            ## Retry to download the chunk
            if method == "qoe":
                trial_time = 0
                while (vchunk_sz == 0) and (trial_time < 10):
                    update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], 0, 0.9)
                        "[" + client_ID +
                        "]Agens client failed to download chunk from " +
                        srv_info['srv'] +
                        ". Update bad QoE and rechoose server from cache agent "
                        + cache_agent + "!!!")
                    srv_info = srv_failover(client_ID, video_id, method,
                    if srv_info:
              "[" + client_ID +
                                     "]Agens choose a new server " +
                                     srv_info['srv'] + " for video " +
                                     str(video_id) + " from cache agent " +
                                     cache_agent + "!!!")
                        vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName,
                        vchunk_sz = 0
                        # Attache to a new cache agent.
                        cache_agent_obj = attach_cache_agent()
                        if cache_agent_obj:
                            cache_agent_ip = cache_agent_obj['ip']
                            cache_agent = cache_agent_obj['name']
                                "[" + client_ID +
                                "]Agens client can not contact cache agent and reconnects to cache agent "
                                + cache_agent + "!!")
                    trial_time = trial_time + 1
                if vchunk_sz == 0:
                    reportErrorQoE(client_ID, srv_info['srv'], trace=client_tr)
            ## Write out 0 QoE traces for clients.
                update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], 0, 0.9)
                reportErrorQoE(client_ID, srv_info['srv'], trace=client_tr)
            error_num = 0
        ### ===========================================================================================================

        curTS = time.time()
        rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
        est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
        time_elapsed = curTS - preTS

        # Compute freezing time
        if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
            freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
            curBuffer = 0
            # print "[AGENP] Client freezes for " + str(freezingTime)
            freezingTime = 0
            curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

        # Compute QoE of a chunk here
        curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
        chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)

        print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(chunk_QoE), "---|---", \
            str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(freezingTime), "---|---", srv_info['srv'], "---|---", str(rsp_time), "---|"

        client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS), Representation=nextRep, QoE=chunk_QoE, Buffer=curBuffer, \
         Freezing=freezingTime, Server=srv_info['srv'], Response=rsp_time)
        srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = chunk_QoE

        # Select server for next 12 chunks
        if chunkNext % 6 == 0 and chunkNext > 3:
            mnQoE = averageQoE(srv_qoe_tr)
            update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], mnQoE, alpha)

            ## Update the average QoE for 6 chunks to the qoe.db
                "INSERT INTO QoE(vidID, srvName, srvIP, QoE, TS) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
                (video_id, srv_info['srv'], srv_info['ip'], mnQoE,

            if method == "qoe":
                new_srv_info = get_srv(cache_agent_ip, video_id, method)
                if 'ip' in new_srv_info.keys():
                    print "[" + client_ID + "] Selected server for next 6 chunks is :" + srv_info[
                    srv_info = new_srv_info
                        "[" + client_ID +
                        "]Agens client failed to choose server for video " +
                        str(video_id) + " from cache agent " + cache_agent +

        # Update iteration information
        curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
        if curBuffer > 30:
        preTS = curTS
        chunk_download += 1
        chunkNext += 1

    ## Write out traces after finishing the streaming
    writeTrace(client_ID, client_tr)

    ## If tmp path exists, deletes it.
    if os.path.exists('./tmp'):

    ## Close the connection to database.

def switching_progressive_downloader(candidates, videoName, clientID, repIdx):
    # Initialize the selection of server
    selected_srv = candidates.keys()[0]
    srv_ip = candidates[selected_srv]
    candidates_num = len(candidates.keys())

    # Read MPD file
    rsts = mpd_parser(srv_ip, videoName)
    vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
    minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
    reps = rsts['representations']

    vidBWs = {}

    for rep in reps:
        if not 'audio' in rep:
            vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])
            audioID = rep
            audioInit = reps[rep]['initialization']
            start = reps[rep]['start']
            audioName = reps[rep]['name']

    sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
    # print sortedVids

    repID = sortedVids[repIdx][0]

    vidInit = reps[repID]['initialization']
    maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

    # Read common parameters for all chunks
    timescale = int(reps[repID]['timescale'])
    chunkLen = int(reps[repID]['length']) / timescale
    chunkNext = int(reps[repID]['start'])

    # Start downloading video and audio chunks
    curBuffer = 0
    chunk_download = 0
    loadTS = time.time()
    print "[DASH] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_ip, videoName, vidInit)
    startTS = time.time()
    print "[DASH] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
    print "|-- TS -- |-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Server --|-- Response Time --|"
    preTS = startTS
    chunk_download += 1
    curBuffer += chunkLen

    # Traces to write to google cloud
    client_tr = {}

    while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength):
        # Get the selected server for this chunk
        selected_srv_id = chunkNext % candidates_num
        selected_srv = candidates.keys()[selected_srv_id]
        srv_ip = candidates[selected_srv]

        vidChunk = reps[repID]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
        loadTS = time.time()
        vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_ip, videoName, vidChunk)
        curTS = time.time()
        rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
        est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
        time_elapsed = curTS - preTS
        if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
            freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
            curBuffer = 0
            freezingTime = 0
            curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

        # Compute QoE of a chunk here
        curBW = num(reps[repID]['bw'])
        chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)
        print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(
            chunkNext), "---|---", repID, "---|---", str(
                chunk_QoE), "---|---", str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(
                    freezingTime), "---|---", selected_srv, "---|---", str(
                        rsp_time), "---|"

        client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS),

        # Update iteration information
        curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
        if curBuffer > 30:
        preTS = curTS
        chunk_download += 1
        chunkNext += 1

    trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + ".json"
    with open(trFileName, 'w') as outfile:


    return client_tr
def http_client(cache_agent_ip, srv_info, video_name, bitrate_lvl, period=30):

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Client name and info
	client = str(socket.gethostname())
	cur_ts = time.strftime("%m%d%H%M")
	client_ID = client + "_" + cur_ts + "_simple"

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Parse the mpd file for the streaming video
	## ==================================================================================================
	rsts = mpd_parser(srv_info['ip'], video_name)

	### ===========================================================================================================
	## Add mpd_parser failure handler
	### ===========================================================================================================
	trial_time = 0
	while (not rsts) and (trial_time < 10):
		rsts = mpd_parser(srv_info['ip'], video_name)
		trial_time = trial_time + 1

	if not rsts:
		update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['ip'], 0, 0.9)

	### ===========================================================================================================
	vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
	minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
	reps = rsts['representations']

	# Get video bitrates in each representations
	vidBWs = {}
	for rep in reps:
		if not 'audio' in rep:
			vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])		

	sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

	# Start streaming from the denoted bitrate lvl
	vidInit = reps[str(bitrate_lvl)]['initialization']
	maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

	# Read common parameters for all chunks
	timescale = int(reps[str(bitrate_lvl)]['timescale'])
	chunkLen = int(reps[str(bitrate_lvl)]['length']) / timescale
	chunkNext = int(reps[str(bitrate_lvl)]['start'])

	## ==================================================================================================
	# Start downloading the initial video chunk
	## ==================================================================================================
	curBuffer = 0
	chunk_download = 0
	loadTS = time.time()
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Start downloading video " + video_name + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Selected server for next 12 chunks is :" + srv_info['srv']
	vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], video_name, vidInit)
	startTS = time.time()
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
	print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|-- Chunk Response Time --|"
	preTS = startTS
	chunk_download += 1
	curBuffer += chunkLen

	## Traces to write out
	client_tr = {}
	srv_qoe_tr = {}
	alpha = 0.1

	## ==================================================================================================
	# Start streaming the video
	## ==================================================================================================
	while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength) :
		vidChunk = reps[str(bitrate_lvl)]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
		loadTS = time.time();
		vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], video_name, vidChunk)
		## Try 10 times to download the chunk
		error_num = 0
		while (vchunk_sz == 0) and (error_num < 10):
			# Try to download again the chunk
			vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], video_name, vidChunk)
			error_num = error_num + 1

		### ===========================================================================================================
		## Failover control for the timeout of chunk request
		### ===========================================================================================================
		if vchunk_sz == 0:
			update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], 0, 0.9)
			error_num = 0
		### ===========================================================================================================

		curTS = time.time()
		rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
		est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
		time_elapsed = curTS - preTS

		# Compute freezing time
		if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
			freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
			curBuffer = 0
			# print "[AGENP] Client freezes for " + str(freezingTime)
			freezingTime = 0
			curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

		# Compute QoE of a chunk here
		curBW = num(reps[str(bitrate_lvl)]['bw'])
		chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)

		print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(chunkNext), "---|---", str(bitrate_lvl), "---|---", str(chunk_QoE), "---|---", \
						str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(freezingTime), "---|---", srv_info['srv'], "---|---", str(rsp_time), "---|"
		client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS), Representation=str(bitrate_lvl), QoE=chunk_QoE, Buffer=curBuffer, \
			Freezing=freezingTime, Server=srv_info['srv'], Response=rsp_time)
		srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = chunk_QoE

		# Report QoE every chunk or 30 seconds.
		if chunkLen > period:
			update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], chunk_QoE, alpha)
			intvl = int(period/chunkLen)
			if chunkNext%intvl == 0:
				mnQoE = averageQoE(srv_qoe_tr, intvl)
				update_qoe(cache_agent_ip, srv_info['srv'], mnQoE, alpha)
		# Update iteration information
		curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
		if curBuffer > 30:
		preTS = curTS
		chunk_download += 1
		chunkNext += 1

	## Write out traces after finishing the streaming
	writeTrace(client_ID, client_tr)

	## If tmp path exists, deletes it.
	if os.path.exists('./tmp'):

def rnd_qas_dash(candidates, videoName, clientID, alpha):
    # Initialize servers' qoe
    server_qoes = {}
    for key in candidates:
        server_qoes[key] = 4

# Selecting a server randomly
    selected_srv = random.choice(candidates.keys())
    pre_selected_srv = selected_srv
    selected_srv_ip = candidates[selected_srv]

    rsts = mpd_parser(selected_srv_ip, videoName)
    vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
    minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
    reps = rsts['representations']

    vidBWs = {}
    for rep in reps:
        if not 'audio' in rep:
            vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])
            audioID = rep
            audioInit = reps[rep]['initialization']
            start = reps[rep]['start']
            audioName = reps[rep]['name']

    sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

    minID = sortedVids[0][0]
    vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
    maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

    # Read common parameters for all chunks
    timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
    chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
    chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

    # Start downloading video and audio chunks
    curBuffer = 0
    chunk_download = 0
    loadTS = time.time()
    print "[AGENP] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidInit)
    startTS = time.time()
    print "[QAS-DASH] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
    print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|"
    preTS = startTS
    chunk_download += 1
    curBuffer += chunkLen

    # Traces to write out.
    client_tr = {}
    srv_qoe_tr = {}

    while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength):
        # Compute the representation for the next chunk to be downloaded
        nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)

        # Greedily increase the bitrate because server is switched to a better one
        if (pre_selected_srv != selected_srv):
            nextRep = increaseRep(sortedVids, nextRep)

        vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
        loadTS = time.time()
        vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidChunk)
        curTS = time.time()
        rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
        est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
        time_elapsed = curTS - preTS
        if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
            freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
            curBuffer = 0
            freezingTime = 0
            curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

# Compute QoE of a chunk here
        curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
        chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)

        # Update QoE evaluations on local client
        server_qoes[selected_srv] = server_qoes[selected_srv] * (
            1 - alpha) + alpha * chunk_QoE
        print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(
            chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(
                chunk_QoE), "---|---", str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(
                    freezingTime), "---|---", selected_srv, "---|"

        # Write out traces
        client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS),
        # Assign values but not dictionary pointer
        new_srv_qoes = {}
        for c in candidates:
            new_srv_qoes[c] = server_qoes[c]
        srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = new_srv_qoes

        # Switching servers only after two chunks
        if chunkNext > 4:
            # Selecting a server with maximum QoE
            pre_selected_srv = selected_srv
            selected_srv = max(server_qoes.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
            selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]
            print "[QAS-DASH] Update Server QoEs ar :" + json.dumps(

# Update iteration information
        curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
        if curBuffer > 30:
        preTS = curTS
        chunk_download += 1
        chunkNext += 1

    ## Write trace files out and upload to google cloud storage
    trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + ".json"
    with open(trFileName, 'w') as outfile:

    srv_qoe_tr_filename = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + "_srvqoe.json"
    with open(srv_qoe_tr_filename, 'w') as outfile:

from mpd_parser import *

# Server Name
server_address = ''
videoName = 'st'

reps = mpd_parser(server_address, videoName)

for item in reps:
	print item
def dash_client(cache_agent_obj, video_id, method, expID=None, DASH_PERIOD=6):

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Client name and info
	client = str(socket.gethostname())
	if expID:
		client_ID = client + "_" + expID + "_" + method
		cur_ts = time.strftime("%m%d%H%M")
		client_ID = client + "_" + cur_ts + "_" + method

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Get the initial streaming server
	srv_info = get_srv(cache_agent_obj['ip'], video_id, method)

	## The cache agent does not give a server for streaming
	## Try to change the cache agent by cooperating with closeby peers.
	#if not srv_info:
	#	cache_agent_obj, srv_info = ft_cache_agent(cache_agent_obj, video_id)

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Get closeby clients from the closest cache agent.
	## We by default assume the p_peers list will be obtained if cache agent is on.
	#p_peers = get_peers(cache_agent_obj['ip'], "pclient")
	#if not p_peers:
	#	p_peers = ft_pv_peers(cache_agent_obj['ip'], "pclient")

	## Get peer client from the streaming server. We by default assume the v_peers list will be obtained
	# if the cache agent on this streaming server is on.
	# If our agent is not running, we report the error directly as redirector fault.
	#v_peers = get_peers(srv_info['ip'], "vclient")
	#if not v_peers:
	#	v_peers = ft_pv_peers(srv_info['ip'], "vclient") 

	## ==================================================================================================
	## Parse the mpd file for the streaming video
	videoName = srv_info['vidName']

	## Debugging the bw issue
	#srv_info['vidName'] = 'BBB'
	#videoName = 'BBB'

	rsts = mpd_parser(srv_info['ip'], videoName)

	## Add mpd_parser failure handler
	#if not rsts:
		## If the client can not download the mpd file for the video, the server is probably down or there
		# might be byzantine faults where
	#	[srv_info, rsts] = coop_ft_srv_mpd(cache_agent_obj['ip'], srv_info, video_id, v_peers, p_peers)

	### ===========================================================================================================
	vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
	minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
	reps = rsts['representations']

	# Get video bitrates in each representations
	vidBWs = {}
	for rep in reps:
		if not 'audio' in rep:
			vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])		

	sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

	# Start streaming from the minimum bitrate
	minID = sortedVids[0][0]
	vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
	maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

	# Read common parameters for all chunks
	timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
	chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
	chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

	## ==================================================================================================
	# Start downloading the initial video chunk
	## ==================================================================================================
	curBuffer = 0
	chunk_download = 0
	loadTS = time.time()
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Selected server for next 12 chunks is :" + srv_info['srv']
	vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidInit)
	startTS = time.time()
	print "[" + client_ID + "] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
	print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|-- Chunk Response Time --|"
	preTS = startTS
	chunk_download += 1
	curBuffer += chunkLen

	## Traces to write out
	client_tr = {}
	srv_qoe_tr = {}
	alpha = 0.1

	## ==================================================================================================
	# Start streaming the video
	## ==================================================================================================
	while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength) :
		nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)
		vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
		loadTS = time.time();
		vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidChunk)
		## Try 10 times to download the chunk
		error_num = 0
		while (vchunk_sz == 0) and (error_num < 2):
			# Try to download again the chunk
			vchunk_sz = download_chunk(srv_info['ip'], videoName, vidChunk)
			error_num = error_num + 1

		### ===========================================================================================================
		## Client Cooperation based Fault Tolerance the timeout of chunk request
		### ===========================================================================================================
		#if vchunk_sz == 0:
		#"[" + client_ID + "]Agens client can not download chunks video " + videoName + " from server " + srv_info['srv'] + \
		#	" 3 times. Stop and exit the streaming!!!")
		#	(srv_info, vchunk_sz) = coop_ft_srv_chunk(srv_info, video_id, vidChunk, v_peers, p_peers)
		#	error_num = 0
		### ===========================================================================================================

		curTS = time.time()
		rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
		est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
		time_elapsed = curTS - preTS

		# Compute freezing time
		if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
			freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
			curBuffer = 0
			# print "[AGENP] Client freezes for " + str(freezingTime)
			freezingTime = 0
			curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

		# Compute QoE of a chunk here
		curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
		chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)

		print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(chunk_QoE), "---|---", \
						str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(freezingTime), "---|---", srv_info['srv'], "---|---", str(rsp_time), "---|"
		client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS), Representation=nextRep, QoE=chunk_QoE, Buffer=curBuffer, \
			Freezing=freezingTime, Server=srv_info['srv'], Response=rsp_time)
		srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = chunk_QoE

		# Select server for next 12 chunks
		if chunkNext%DASH_PERIOD == 0 and chunkNext > (DASH_PERIOD - 1):
			mnQoE = averageQoE(srv_qoe_tr)
			update_qoe(cache_agent_obj['ip'], srv_info['srv'], mnQoE, alpha)

			## Update the average QoE for 6 chunks to the qoe.db
			insert_qoe(video_id, srv_info['srv'], srv_info['ip'], mnQoE)

			## Client Cooperation based Adaptive Server Selection
			# srv_info = coop_qoe_srv_selection(mnQoE, srv_info, video_id, p_peers, v_peers)

		# Update iteration information
		curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
		if curBuffer > 30:
		preTS = curTS
		chunk_download += 1
		chunkNext += 1

	## Write out traces after finishing the streaming
	writeTrace(client_ID, client_tr)

def ant_dash(cache_agent, server_addrs, candidates, port, videoName, clientID, alpha):
	# Initialize servers' qoe
	cache_agent_ip = server_addrs[cache_agent]
	qoe_vector = query_QoE(cache_agent_ip, port)
	server_qoes = get_server_QoE(qoe_vector, server_addrs, candidates)
	print "Server QoE evaluations: ", server_qoes

	# Selecting a server with maximum QoE
	selected_srv = select_ant_srv(server_qoes)
	selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]

	rsts = mpd_parser(selected_srv_ip, videoName)
	vidLength = int(rsts['mediaDuration'])
	minBuffer = num(rsts['minBufferTime'])
	reps = rsts['representations']

	vidBWs = {}

	for rep in reps:
		if not 'audio' in rep:
			vidBWs[rep] = int(reps[rep]['bw'])		
			audioID = rep
			audioInit = reps[rep]['initialization']
			start = reps[rep]['start']
			audioName = reps[rep]['name']

	sortedVids = sorted(vidBWs.items(), key=itemgetter(1))

	minID = sortedVids[0][0]
	vidInit = reps[minID]['initialization']
	maxBW = sortedVids[-1][1]

	# Read common parameters for all chunks
	timescale = int(reps[minID]['timescale'])
	chunkLen = int(reps[minID]['length']) / timescale
	chunkNext = int(reps[minID]['start'])

	# Start downloading video and audio chunks
	curBuffer = 0
	chunk_download = 0
	loadTS = time.time()
	print "[CQAS-DASH] Start downloading video " + videoName + " at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(loadTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	print "[CQAS-DASH] Selected server for next 5 chunks is :" + selected_srv
	vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidInit)
	startTS = time.time()
	print "[CQAS-DASH] Start playing video at " + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(startTS)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (startTS - loadTS)
	print "|-- TS --|-- Chunk # --|- Representation -|-- QoE --|-- Buffer --|-- Freezing --|-- Selected Server --|"
	preTS = startTS
	chunk_download += 1
	curBuffer += chunkLen

	## Traces to write out
	client_tr = {}
	srv_qoe_tr = {}

	while (chunkNext * chunkLen < vidLength):
		nextRep = findRep(sortedVids, est_bw, curBuffer, minBuffer)
		vidChunk = reps[nextRep]['name'].replace('$Number$', str(chunkNext))
		loadTS = time.time()
		vchunk_sz = download_chunk(selected_srv_ip, videoName, vidChunk)
		curTS = time.time()
		rsp_time = curTS - loadTS
		est_bw = vchunk_sz * 8 / (curTS - loadTS)
		time_elapsed = curTS - preTS
		if time_elapsed > curBuffer:
			freezingTime = time_elapsed - curBuffer
			curBuffer = 0
			freezingTime = 0
			curBuffer = curBuffer - time_elapsed

		# Compute QoE of a chunk here
		curBW = num(reps[nextRep]['bw'])
		chunk_QoE = computeQoE(freezingTime, curBW, maxBW)
		# Update QoE evaluations on local client
		server_qoes[selected_srv] = server_qoes[selected_srv] * (1 - alpha) + alpha * chunk_QoE
		print "|---", str(int(curTS)), "---|---", str(chunkNext), "---|---", nextRep, "---|---", str(chunk_QoE), "---|---", str(curBuffer), "---|---", str(freezingTime), "---|---", selected_srv, "---|"
		client_tr[chunkNext] = dict(TS=int(curTS), Representation=nextRep, QoE=chunk_QoE, Buffer=curBuffer, Freezing=freezingTime, Server=selected_srv, Response=rsp_time)
		srv_qoe_tr[chunkNext] = server_qoes

		# Count Previous QoE average
		if chunkNext%5 == 0 and chunkNext > 4:
			mnQoE = averageQoE(client_tr, selected_srv)
			qoe_vector = update_QoE(cache_agent_ip, port, mnQoE, selected_srv)
			server_qoes = get_server_QoE(qoe_vector, server_addrs, candidates)
			print "[ANT-DASH] Received Server QoE is :" + json.dumps(server_qoes)
			print "[ANT-DASH] Selected server for next 5 chunks is :" + selected_srv

			# Selecting a server with probability proportional to server QoE
			selected_srv = select_ant_srv(server_qoes)
			selected_srv_ip = server_addrs[selected_srv]

		# Update iteration information
		curBuffer = curBuffer + chunkLen
		if curBuffer > 30:
		preTS = curTS
		chunk_download += 1
		chunkNext += 1
	trFileName = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + ".json"
	with open(trFileName, 'w') as outfile:
		json.dump(client_tr, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii=False)
	srv_qoe_tr_filename = "./data/" + clientID + "_" + videoName + "_srvqoe.json"
	with open(srv_qoe_tr_filename, 'w') as outfile:
		json.dump(srv_qoe_tr, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii = False)
	return client_tr