Example #1
def main():
    print "Entity Linking System in Web Tables with Multiple Linked Knowledge Bases"
    print "Version 2.1"
    print "Copyright @2017/3/1 Shengjia Yan. All Rights Reserved."

    # mark()
    # preprocess()
    # candidate_generation()
Example #2
def QLearning(num_episodes, e, gamma, lr, Q, GenerateAction1):

    for epi in range(0, num_episodes):

        i = 0
        done = False
        reward = 0
        action1 = {}
        action2 = {}
        Grade1, Grade2, player1, player2 = Grade()
        [level1, rank1] = Grade1
        # if level1 > 1:
        # 	action111 = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        # if level1 == 1:
        # 	action111 = (1, 0, 0)
        [level, rank] = GradetheAgent()
        winnerp = judge(Grade1, Grade2)
        action = (0, 1, 2, 3)
        if GenerateAction1 == 1:
            action111 = genact1(level1, rank1)
        if GenerateAction1 == 2:
            action111 = genact2(level1, rank1)
        if GenerateAction1 == 3:
            action111 = genact3(level1, rank1)

        #action1[0] = random.choice(action)
        action1[0] = action111[0]
        pot = 30
        R = 0
        delta = 10

        if action1[0] == 0 or action1[0] == 3:
            done = True
            action2[0] = 0
            #reward = result(action1, action2, winnerp)
        if action1[0] == 1:
            pot = 10
            delta = 10
        if action1[0] == 2:
            pot = 20
            delta = 20
        state = state2[pot][R][delta][level][rank]

        while not done:
            if action1[i] == 0 or action1[i] == 3:
                reward = result(action1, action2, winnerp)
                Q[state][0] = Q[state][0] + lr * reward
                Q[state][1] = Q[state][1] + lr * reward
                Q[state][2] = Q[state][2] + lr * reward
                Q[state][3] = Q[state][3] + lr * reward
            if action1[i] == 1 or action1[i] == 2:
                a = random.random()
                if a < 1 - 4 / 3 * e:
                    action2[i] = np.argmax(Q[state])
                    action2[i] = random.choice(action)

                #action1[i+1] = random.choice(action)
                action1[i + 1] = action111[i + 1]

                QA = np.zeros(4)

                #if (action2[i] == 0 or action2[i] == 3) or R == 4:
                if (action2[i] == 0 or action2[i] == 3) or R == 2:
                    reward = result(action1, action2, winnerp)
                    Q[state][action2[i]] = Q[state][action2[i]] + lr * reward

                if action2[i] == 1:
                    if action1[i + 1] == 1:
                        pot = pot + 2 * delta
                    if action1[i + 1] == 2:
                        pot = pot + 3 * delta
                        delta = 2 * delta
                if action2[i] == 2:
                    if action1[i + 1] == 1:
                        pot = pot + 4 * delta
                        delta = 2 * delta
                    if action1[i + 1] == 2:
                        pot = pot + 6 * delta
                        delta = 4 * delta

            statep = state2[pot][R][delta][level][rank]
            for actionp in range(0, 4):
                QA[actionp] = Q[statep][actionp]
            Q[state][action2[i]] = Q[state][action2[i]] + lr * (
                reward + gamma * max(QA) - Q[state][action2[i]])
            state = statep
            R = R + 1
            i = i + 1

        # if epi > 999900:
        # 	print(action2)
    return Q
Example #3
        # print('cards of Player1:')
        # print(player1)
        [level, rank] = Grade2
        winnerp = judge(Grade1, Grade2)
        action = (0, 1, 2, 3)
        action1 = {}
        action2 = {}
        pot = 20
        delta = 10
        #for R in range(0, 5):
        for R in range(0, 3):

            action1[R] = random.randint(0, 3)
            if action1[R] == 0 or action1[R] == 3:
                action2[R] = 0
                reward = result(action1, action2, winnerp)
            if action1[R] == 1:
                pot = pot + delta
                state = state2[pot][R][delta][level][rank]
                action2[R] = np.argmax(Q[state])
                if action2[R] == 1:
                    pot = pot + delta
                if action2[R] == 2:
                    pot = pot + 2 * delta
                    delta = 2 * delta

            if action1[R] == 2:
                pot = pot + 2 * delta
                delta = 2 * delta
                state = state2[pot][R][delta][level][rank]
from result import *
import pickle

for depth in [2,3,4]:
    for branches in [11]:
        print depth,branches,p[0],p[1][0],p[1][1],p[1][2],p[1][3]
        del p
        del r
Example #5
from result import *
import pickle

for depth in [2, 3, 4]:
    for branches in [11]:
        r = result(s, branches, depth)
        p = r.finalResult
        print depth, branches, p[0], p[1][0], p[1][1], p[1][2], p[1][3]
        del p
        del r
Example #6
    hheaders1 = ['alumno']
    vheaders1 = ['segundos']

    times2 = vr.timesFor('weekdays')
    hheaders2 = ['dia']
    vheaders2 = ['segundos']

    times3 = vr.timesFor('blocks')
    hheaders3 = ['bloque']
    vheaders3 = ['segundos']

    times4 = vr.timesFor('subjects')
    hheaders4 = ['materia']
    vheaders4 = ['segundos']
    times5 = vr.timesFor('observers','subjects')
    hheaders5 = ['alumno\\materia']
    vheaders5 = list(np.unique(vr._get_('videos','observer._id_')))

    hheaders = [hheaders1,hheaders2,hheaders3,hheaders4,hheaders5]
    vheaders = [vheaders1,vheaders2,vheaders3,vheaders4,vheaders5]
    times = [times1,times2,times3,times4,times5]

    res = result('tiempos de grabacion', hheaders, vheaders, times)