Example #1
def binstatus2(items):
    while items != [0,0,0,0]:
        open = door()
        #for each element of the items array
        for i in range(1, 4):
            #check if the object is equal to the bottom compartment category
            if items[i-1] == i:
                platenumber = i
                #if object matches compartment category, empty the compartment
                items[i] = 0
            if open == True:
Example #2
 def next_batch(self, batch_size, phase):
     # Get next batch of image (path) and labels
     if phase == 'train':
         if self.train_ptr + batch_size < self.train_size:
             paths = self.train_image[self.train_ptr:self.train_ptr + batch_size]
             labels = self.train_label[self.train_ptr:self.train_ptr + batch_size]
             self.train_ptr += batch_size
             new_ptr = (self.train_ptr + batch_size)%self.train_size
             paths = self.train_image[self.train_ptr:] + self.train_image[:new_ptr]
             labels = self.train_label[self.train_ptr:] + self.train_label[:new_ptr]
             self.train_ptr = new_ptr
     elif phase == 'test':
         if self.test_ptr + batch_size < self.test_size:
             paths = self.test_image[self.test_ptr:self.test_ptr + batch_size]
             labels = self.test_label[self.test_ptr:self.test_ptr + batch_size]
             self.test_ptr += batch_size
             new_ptr = (self.test_ptr + batch_size)%self.test_size
             paths = self.test_image[self.test_ptr:] + self.test_image[:new_ptr]
             labels = self.test_label[self.test_ptr:] + self.test_label[:new_ptr]
             self.test_ptr = new_ptr
         return None, None
     # Read images
     images = np.ndarray([batch_size, self.crop_size, self.crop_size, 3])
     for i in xrange(len(paths)):
         img = cv2.imread(paths[i])
         h, w, c = img.shape
         assert c==3
         if phase == 'train':
             angle = np.random.rand()*20 -10
             img = rotate(img, angle)
             img = cv2.resize(img, (self.scale_size, self.scale_size))
             img = img.astype(np.float32)
             img -= self.mean
 #            shift = int((self.scale_size-self.crop_size)/2)
             shift1 = np.random.randint(0,self.scale_size-self.crop_size+1)
             shift2 = np.random.randint(0,self.scale_size-self.crop_size+1)
             img_crop = img[shift1:shift1+self.crop_size, shift2:shift2+self.crop_size, :]
             images[i] = img_crop
             img = cv2.resize(img, (self.crop_size, self.crop_size))
             img = img.astype(np.float32)
             img -= self.mean
             images[i] = img
     # Expand labels
     one_hot_labels = np.zeros((batch_size, self.n_classes))
     for i in xrange(len(labels)):
         one_hot_labels[i][labels[i]] = 1
     return images, one_hot_labels
Example #3
def STA(funfcn, Best, SE, Range, Iterations):
    alpha_max = 1
    alpha_min = 1e-4
    alpha = alpha_max
    beta = 1
    gamma = 1
    delta = 1
    fc = 2
    history = np.empty((Iterations, 1))
    fBest = funfcn(Best[0])  # 用一种奇怪的方式调用矩阵中的数

    for iter in range(Iterations):
        Best, fBest = expand(funfcn, Best, fBest, SE, Range, beta, gamma)
        Best, fBest = rotate(funfcn, Best, fBest, SE, Range, alpha, beta)
        Best, fBest = axesion(funfcn, Best, fBest, SE, Range, beta, delta)
        history[iter] = fBest
        alpha = alpha / fc if alpha > alpha_min else alpha_max

    return Best, fBest, history
Example #4
    _, head, _, tail = car

    # park小车车
    if park(head, destination.des, 70) == 'P':
        comBlutooth('P', port)
        comBlutooth('S', port)

    # rotate小车车
    th = thin(img)
    cv2.imshow('thin', th)

    op, l, m, r = rotate(th, 40,22, tail, head, oldOp)
    oldOp = op
    comBlutooth(op, port)

    cv2.circle(img, tuple(head), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1)
    cv2.circle(img, tuple(tail), 3, (255, 225, 0), -1)
    cv2.circle(img, tuple(l), 5, (127, 0, 127), -1)
    cv2.circle(img, tuple(m), 5, (0, 127, 127), -1)
    cv2.circle(img, tuple(r), 5, (127, 127, 0), -1)
    cv2.imshow("l & m & r & head & tail", img)

    if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
        comBlutooth('P', port)
        comBlutooth('S', port)
Example #5
def teach(problem, solution, step):
    step_now = solution.split(' ')[step]
    config = [problem[i * 9:(i + 1) * 9] for i in range(6)]
    config = rotate(config, step_now)
    problem = ('').join(config)
    return problem
    # ############## img的canny变换  @ input:img       output:edges  img并没有变化
    # cv2.imshow('edges', edges)
    # ############## img的canny变换  @ input:img       output:edges  img并没有变化
    undistorted_img = img[0:90, 0:90]
    cv2.imshow('undistorted_img', undistorted_img)
    if img[45 - kuandu:45 + kuandu,
           0:90].sum() / 255 - 2 * kuandu * 90 * baifenbi >= 0 and img[
               0:90, 45 - kuandu:45 +
               kuandu].sum() / 255 - 2 * kuandu * 90 * baifenbi:
        shiziflag = 1
        shiziflag = 0
# *** *** *** *** 十字检测任何时刻都在检测,没有flag
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
    loc[1], shuzhe[1] = guoxian(undistorted_img, 0, shuzhe[1])
    loc[2], shuzhe[2] = guoxian(rotate(undistorted_img, 10), 0, shuzhe[2])
    loc[3], shuzhe[3] = guoxian(rotate(undistorted_img, -10), 0, shuzhe[3])

    shuzhe[0][0] = shuzhe[0][1]
    shuzhe[0][1] = shuzhe[0][2]
    shuzhe[0][2] = max(shuzhe[1][2], shuzhe[2][2], shuzhe[3][2])

    finalloc = []
    loc[0] = [loc[1], loc[2], loc[3]]
    for i in loc[0]:
        if str(i) == 'nan':
    if len(finalloc) == 0:
        finalloc = np.nan
Example #7
 lower = np.array(lower, dtype="uint8")
 upper = np.array(upper, dtype="uint8")
 mask = cv2.inRange(img, lower, upper)
 img = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask)
 # ############## img的色彩提取 @ input:img     output:img
 img = cv2.resize(img, DIM)
 map1, map2 = cv2.fisheye.initUndistortRectifyMap(K, D, np.eye(3), K, DIM,
 img = cv2.remap(img,
 # ############## img的畸变矫正 @ input:img   output:img
 cv2.imshow('img', img)
 cv2.imshow('rotate', rotate(img, 10))
 # cv2.imshow('imgcopy', img[0:160, 0:90])
 # img = img[0:90, 0:90]
 img = rotate(img, 10)
 img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
 wtf, img = cv2.threshold(img, 120, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
 # cv2.imshow('erzhi', img)
 # ############## img灰度化加二值化 # input:img     output:img
 cany = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (13, 13), 0)
 edges = cv2.Canny(cany, 50, 70, apertureSize=3)
 # ############## img的canny变换  @ input:img       output:edges  img并没有变化
 cv2.imshow('edges', edges)
 # ############## img的canny变换  @ input:img       output:edges  img并没有变化
 undistorted_img = img
 cv2.imshow('shizi', img)
 if img[45 - kuandu:45 + kuandu,