Example #1
    def decode(self, work):
        if work:
            job = Object()

            if not "target" in work:
                work["target"] = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000"

            binary_data = work["data"].decode("hex")
            data0 = np.zeros(64, np.uint32)
            data0 = np.insert(data0, [0] * 16, unpack("IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII", binary_data[:64]))

            job.target = np.array(unpack("IIIIIIII", work["target"].decode("hex")), dtype=np.uint32)
            job.header = binary_data[:68]
            job.merkle_end = np.uint32(unpack("I", binary_data[64:68])[0])
            job.time = np.uint32(unpack("I", binary_data[68:72])[0])
            job.difficulty = np.uint32(unpack("I", binary_data[72:76])[0])
            job.state = sha256(STATE, data0)
            job.f = np.zeros(9, np.uint32)
            job.state2 = partial(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time, job.difficulty, job.f)
            job.targetQ = 2 ** 256 / int("".join(list(chunks(work["target"], 2))[::-1]), 16)

            if self.phatk2:
                calculateF2(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time, job.difficulty, job.f, job.state2)
                calculateF(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time, job.difficulty, job.f, job.state2)

            return job
     def _getblobfilename(self, blobid):
         if self.blobdir is None:
             raise RuntimeError("no blobs seen, so no blob directory created")
-        # XXX should escape ":" for windows
-        return os.path.join(self.blobdir, "blob-" + blobid)
+        h = sha256(blobid).hexdigest()
+        h_comp = list(grouper(h, 3, ''))
Example #3
	def decode(self, server, block_header, target, job_id = None, extranonce2 = None):
		if block_header:
			job = Object()
			binary_data = block_header.decode('hex')
			data0 = np.zeros(64, np.uint32)
			data0 = np.insert(data0, [0] * 16, unpack('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', binary_data[:64]))
			job.target      = np.array(unpack('IIIIIIII', target.decode('hex')), dtype=np.uint32)
			job.header      = binary_data[:68]
			job.merkle_end  = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[64:68])[0])
			job.time        = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[68:72])[0])
			job.difficulty  = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[72:76])[0])
			job.state       = sha256(STATE, data0)
			job.f           = np.zeros(8, np.uint32)
			job.state2      = partial(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time, job.difficulty, job.f)
			job.targetQ     = 2**256 / int(''.join(list(chunks(target, 2))[::-1]), 16)
			job.job_id      = job_id
			job.extranonce2 = extranonce2
			job.server      = server
			calculateF(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time, job.difficulty, job.f, job.state2)

			if job.difficulty != self.difficulty:
			return job
Example #4
def test_sha256():
    msg = string_to_bytes("abc")
    h = sha256(msg)
    assert h == 0xBA7816BF8F01CFEA414140DE5DAE2223B00361A396177A9CB410FF61F20015AD

    msg = string_to_bytes("abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq")
    h = sha256(msg)
    assert h == 0x248d6a61d20638b8e5c026930c3e6039a33ce45964ff2167f6ecedd419db06c1

    msg = string_to_bytes("abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu")
    h = sha256(msg)
    assert h == 0xcf5b16a778af8380036ce59e7b0492370b249b11e8f07a51afac45037afee9d1

    # 1024 bit message
    msg = string_to_bytes("9l5mXBb7Lprxjzb62CEvl2rBWGoFa5dmE45TmMFPQyjgM4wgZy2rmAK51sSCAAzcw5bw1S4k5MG8PZJr1lr6ZPdjPIzhHZnH79qvLcbBPFbkgF8l1HCL9FNKQMJ8aqyl")
    h = sha256(msg)
    assert h == 0x60342523c09563657e7063cb2ec72dd32bf57318c18e6410eb7a538b63906250
Example #5
def ticket531(key):
	job64 = attachment(key,'531','job')
	job = base64.b64decode(job64)
	mac = attachment(key,'531','mac')
	lenData = (16+len(job))*8
	lenP = 64-((16+len(job)%64))
	p = []
	for i in range(lenP-3):
	p.append(lenData>>8 & 0xff)
	p.append(lenData & 0xff)
	s= [ 0x0 ]
	newJob = list(job) + p + s
	newmac = sha256(s=bytes(s),IV=mac).hexdigest()
Example #6
File: client.py Project: elyl/pac
 def ticket562(self):
     job64 = self.srequest('GET', '/bin/police_hq/ticket/562/attachment/job', {}, 'police')
     job = base64.b64decode(job64)
     mac = self.srequest('GET', '/bin/police_hq/ticket/562/attachment/mac', {}, 'police')
     lenData = (16+len(job))*8
     lenP = 64-((16+len(job)%64))
     p = []
     for i in range(lenP-3):
     p.append(lenData>>8 & 0xff)
     p.append(lenData & 0xff)
     s= [ 0x0 ]
     newJob = list(job) + p + s
     newmac = sha256(s=bytes(s),IV=mac).hexdigest()
     print(self.srequest('POST','/dev/pr1nt0rz',{'job':base64.b64encode(bytes(newJob)).decode(),'mac':newmac}, 'police'))
Example #7
def ticket531test(key,mac2):
	job = "This is the job"
	clef = "Ceci est la clef" 
	#mac = sha256((clef+job).encode()).hexdigest()
	lenData = (16+len(job))*8
	lenP = 64-((16+len(job)%64))
	p = []
	for i in range(lenP-3):
	p.append(lenData>>8 & 0xff)
	p.append(lenData & 0xff)
	s= [ 0x0 ]
	newJob = list(clef.encode()) + list(job.encode())
	newJob += p
	newJob += s
	#newmac = sha256(bytes(s),IV=mac2).hexdigest()
	realmac = sha256(bytes(newJob)).hexdigest()
Example #8
    def decode(self,
        if block_header:
            job = Object()

            binary_data = block_header.decode('hex')
            data0 = np.zeros(64, np.uint32)
            data0 = np.insert(data0, [0] * 16,
                              unpack('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', binary_data[:64]))

            job.target = np.array(unpack('IIIIIIII', target.decode('hex')),
            job.header = binary_data[:68]
            job.merkle_end = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[64:68])[0])
            job.time = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[68:72])[0])
            job.difficulty = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[72:76])[0])
            job.state = sha256(STATE, data0)
            job.f = np.zeros(8, np.uint32)
            job.state2 = partial(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time,
                                 job.difficulty, job.f)
            job.targetQ = 2**256 / int(''.join(list(chunks(target, 2))[::-1]),
            job.job_id = job_id
            job.extranonce2 = extranonce2
            job.server = server

            calculateF(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time, job.difficulty,
                       job.f, job.state2)

            if job.difficulty != self.difficulty:

            return job
Example #9
	def decode(self, work):
		if work:
			job = Object()

			if not 'target' in work:
				work['target'] = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000'

			binary_data = work['data'].decode('hex')
			data0 = np.zeros(64, np.uint32)
			data0 = np.insert(data0, [0] * 16, unpack('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', binary_data[:64]))

			job.target     = np.array(unpack('IIIIIIII', work['target'].decode('hex')), dtype=np.uint32)
			job.header     = binary_data[:68]
			job.merkle_end = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[64:68])[0])
			job.time       = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[68:72])[0])
			job.difficulty = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[72:76])[0])
			job.state      = sha256(STATE, data0)
			job.f          = np.zeros(8, np.uint32)
			job.state2     = partial(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time, job.difficulty, job.f)
			job.targetQ    = 2**256 / int(''.join(list(chunks(work['target'], 2))[::-1]), 16)

			calculateF(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time, job.difficulty, job.f, job.state2)

			return job
Example #10
	def decode(self, work):
		if work:
			job = Object()

			if not 'target' in work:
				work['target'] = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000'

			binary_data = work['data'].decode('hex')
			data0 = np.zeros(64, np.uint32)
			data0 = np.insert(data0, [0] * 16, unpack('IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', binary_data[:64]))

			job.target     = np.array(unpack('IIIIIIII', work['target'].decode('hex')), dtype=np.uint32)
			job.header     = binary_data[:68]
			job.merkle_end = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[64:68])[0])
			job.time       = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[68:72])[0])
			job.difficulty = np.uint32(unpack('I', binary_data[72:76])[0])
			job.state      = sha256(STATE, data0)
			job.f          = np.zeros(8, np.uint32)
			job.state2     = partial(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time, job.difficulty, job.f)
			job.targetQ    = 2**256 / int(''.join(list(chunks(work['target'], 2))[::-1]), 16)

			calculateF(job.state, job.merkle_end, job.time, job.difficulty, job.f, job.state2)

			return job
Example #11
def origSha256(string):
    return sha256(string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
Example #12
from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

from sha256 import * # from https://github.com/thomdixon/pysha2/blob/master/sha2/sha256.py
hash0, hash1, hash2, hash3 = (0x37833c82aec93c6d, 0x668592081ed67c95, 0x2219c1888c430c17, 0x77aebde7e52e924f)

aeskey0, aeskey1, aeskey2, aeskey3 = (0x3e434b0b0aa93bb2, 0x82b03e164d85ce2a, 0x845d334203640aee, 0x2011a08bd4310e26)

# encrypted data from server
serverdata = binascii.a2b_hex("9095410de22a3275db680010ba0c9942e28a84ca1264f2a222529d7d992e67fba149bb634882b48495bd783c6852d132b637c0d9413969518fbcfd5823e545c7")
cr = AES.new(struct.pack(">QQQQ", aeskey0, aeskey1, aeskey2, aeskey3), AES.MODE_ECB)
keydata = cr.decrypt(serverdata)

# keydata goes through one internal round of SHA256 but initial values are nonstandard
h = sha256()
h._h = (hash0 >> 32, hash0 & 0xffffffff, hash1 >> 32, hash1 & 0xffffffff, hash2 >> 32, hash2 & 0xffffffff, hash3 >> 32, hash3 & 0xffffffff)

# decrypt creds.txt file
iv0, iv1 = (0xb6fa1d15ed46055d, 0x96e7f1e8cb561781)
ct = open("creds.txt", "rb").read()
cr = AES.new(struct.pack(">IIIIIIII", h._h[0], h._h[1], h._h[2], h._h[3], h._h[4], h._h[5], h._h[6], h._h[7]), AES.MODE_CBC, struct.pack(">QQ", iv0, iv1))
print cr.decrypt(ct)

# decrypt hacked message with 3DES
key0, key1, key2, iv = (0x6011b396042a187a, 0xafebe6d990f0c393, 0x7e7b44705a7100e1, 0x92097f6e08112274)
data = open("a.out", "rb").read()
ct = data[0x2010:0x2e38]
cr = DES3.new(struct.pack(">QQQ", key0, key1, key2), DES3.MODE_CBC, struct.pack(">Q", iv))
         self.blobdir = None
+        self.compress = compress
+        self.blob_tree = blob_tree
+        self.blob_tree_depth = blob_tree_depth
     def setup(self):
         """Setup before processing any streams."""
@@ -187,12 +200,24 @@ class HgImportProcessor(processor.Import
     def _getblobfilename(self, blobid):
         if self.blobdir is None:
             raise RuntimeError("no blobs seen, so no blob directory created")
-        # XXX should escape ":" for windows
-        return os.path.join(self.blobdir, "blob-" + blobid)
+        h = sha256(blobid).hexdigest()
+        h_comp = list(grouper(h, 3, ''))
+        if len(h_comp) > self.blob_tree_depth:
+            h_comp = h_comp[:self.blob_tree_depth] + [''.join(list(itertools.chain(*h_comp[self.blob_tree_depth:])))]
+        #self.ui.status("mapping blobid %s to %s\n" % (blobid, h))
+        return os.path.join(self.blobdir, *[''.join(x) for x in h_comp])
     def getblob(self, fileid):
         (commitid, blobid) = fileid
-        f = open(self._getblobfilename(blobid), "rb")
+        fn = self._getblobfilename(blobid)
+        try:
+            if self.compress:
+                f = gzip.open(fn, "rb")
+            else:
+                f = open(fn, "rb")
Example #14
hash0, hash1, hash2, hash3 = (0x37833c82aec93c6d, 0x668592081ed67c95,
                              0x2219c1888c430c17, 0x77aebde7e52e924f)

aeskey0, aeskey1, aeskey2, aeskey3 = (0x3e434b0b0aa93bb2, 0x82b03e164d85ce2a,
                                      0x845d334203640aee, 0x2011a08bd4310e26)

# encrypted data from server
serverdata = binascii.a2b_hex(
cr = AES.new(struct.pack(">QQQQ", aeskey0, aeskey1, aeskey2, aeskey3),
keydata = cr.decrypt(serverdata)

# keydata goes through one internal round of SHA256 but initial values are nonstandard
h = sha256()
h._h = (hash0 >> 32, hash0 & 0xffffffff, hash1 >> 32, hash1 & 0xffffffff,
        hash2 >> 32, hash2 & 0xffffffff, hash3 >> 32, hash3 & 0xffffffff)

# decrypt creds.txt file
iv0, iv1 = (0xb6fa1d15ed46055d, 0x96e7f1e8cb561781)
ct = open("creds.txt", "rb").read()
cr = AES.new(
    struct.pack(">IIIIIIII", h._h[0], h._h[1], h._h[2], h._h[3], h._h[4],
                h._h[5], h._h[6], h._h[7]), AES.MODE_CBC,
    struct.pack(">QQ", iv0, iv1))
print cr.decrypt(ct)

# decrypt hacked message with 3DES
key0, key1, key2, iv = (0x6011b396042a187a, 0xafebe6d990f0c393,
Example #15
padlen = 512 - (len(tot.encode()) * 8) % 512 - 64
padlen = int(padlen / 8) - 2
print("padd len = ", padlen)
tot_len = (len(tot.encode()) * 8 + padlen) / 8
print("longueure totale", tot_len)
print(hex(len(tot) * 8))
i = int(hex(len(tot) * 8), base=16)
h = "{0:016x}".format(i)
padding = b'\x80\x00' + padlen * b'\x00' + base64.b16decode(h)
##Ok on a le bon badding, maintenant il nous faut le suffixe

s1 = sha256(tot.encode() + padding)
h1 = s1.hexdigest()

tot2 = (k2 + asser['query']).encode() + padding + my_query.encode()

i = int(hex(len(tot2) * 8), base=16)
h = "{0:016x}".format(i)
padlen = 512 - (len(tot2) * 8) % 512 - 64
padlen = int(padlen / 8) - 2
paddingleft = b'\x80\x00' + padlen * b'\x00' + base64.b16decode(h)
print(c.post(bin, M=base64.b64encode(tot2 + paddingleft).decode()))
final = my_query.encode() + paddingleft