def recognizeFile(filePath, resultFilePath, language, outputFormat):
    processor = AbbyyOnlineSdk()

    if "ABBYY_APPID" in os.environ:
        processor.ApplicationId = os.environ["ABBYY_APPID"]

    if "ABBYY_PWD" in os.environ:
        processor.Password = os.environ["ABBYY_PWD"]

    # Proxy settings
    if "http_proxy" in os.environ:
        proxyString = os.environ["http_proxy"]
        print "Using proxy at %s" % proxyString
        processor.Proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http": proxyString})

    print "Uploading.."
    settings = ProcessingSettings()
    settings.Language = language
    settings.OutputFormat = outputFormat
    task = processor.ProcessImage(filePath, settings)
    if task == None:
        print "Error"
    print "Id = %s" % task.Id
    print "Status = %s" % task.Status

    # Wait for the task to be completed
    # Note: it's recommended that your application waits at least 2 seconds
    # before making the first getTaskStatus request and also between such requests
    # for the same task. Making requests more often will not improve your
    # application performance.
    # Note: if your application queues several files and waits for them
    # it's recommended that you use listFinishedTasks instead (which is described
    # at

    while task.IsActive() == True:
        task = processor.GetTaskStatus(task)

    print "Status = %s" % task.Status

    if task.Status == "Completed":
        if task.DownloadUrl != None:
            processor.DownloadResult(task, resultFilePath)
            print "Result was written to %s" % resultFilePath
        print "Error processing task"
Example #2
# if "ABBYY_APPID" in os.environ:
# 	processor.ApplicationId = os.environ["ABBYY_APPID"]
processor.ApplicationId = "frameConverter"

# if "ABBYY_PWD" in os.environ:
# 	processor.Password = os.environ["ABBYY_PWD"]
processor.Password = "******"

# Proxy settings
if "http_proxy" in os.environ:
	proxyString = os.environ["http_proxy"]
	print "Using proxy at %s" % proxyString
	processor.Proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler( { "http" : proxyString })

# Recognize a file at filePath and save result to resultFilePath
def recognizeFile( filePath, resultFilePath, language, outputFormat ):
	print "Uploading.."
	settings = ProcessingSettings()
	settings.Language = language
	settings.OutputFormat = outputFormat
	task = processor.ProcessImage( filePath, settings )
	if task == None:
		print "Error"
	print "Id = %s" % task.Id
	print "Status = %s" % task.Status
Example #3
from AbbyyOnlineSdk import *

processor = AbbyyOnlineSdk()

#if "ABBYY_APPID" in os.environ:
processor.ApplicationId = 'Email Signature Finder and Parser'  #os.environ["ABBYY_APPID"]

#if "ABBYY_PWD" in os.environ:
processor.Password = '******'  #os.environ["ABBYY_PWD"]

# Proxy settings
if "http_proxy" in os.environ:
    proxyString = os.environ["http_proxy"]
    print "Using proxy at %s" % proxyString
    processor.Proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http": proxyString})

# Recognize a file at filePath and save result to resultFilePath
def recognizeFile(filePath, resultFilePath, language, outputFormat):
    print "Uploading.."
    settings = ProcessingSettings()
    settings.Language = language
    settings.OutputFormat = outputFormat
    #task = processor.ProcessImage( filePath, settings )
    task = processor.processBusinessCard(filePath, settings)
    if task == None:
        print "Error"
    print "Id = %s" % task.Id
    print "Status = %s" % task.Status
Example #4
from AbbyyOnlineSdk import *

processor = AbbyyOnlineSdk()

if "ABBYY_APPID" in os.environ:
	processor.ApplicationId = os.environ["ABBYY_APPID"]

if "ABBYY_PWD" in os.environ:
	processor.Password = os.environ["ABBYY_PWD"]

# Proxy settings
if "http_proxy" in os.environ:
	proxyString = os.environ["http_proxy"]
	print("Using proxy at %s" % proxyString)
	processor.Proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler( { "http" : proxyString })

# Recognize a file at filePath and save result to resultFilePath
def recognizeFile( filePath, resultFilePath, language, outputFormat ):
	settings = ProcessingSettings()
	settings.Language = language
	settings.OutputFormat = outputFormat
	task = processor.ProcessImage( filePath, settings )
	if task == None:
	print("Id = %s" % task.Id)
	print("Status = %s" % task.Status)