Example #1
    def verify_ambiguity(self, mingp, minlp, minsen, duration=None):
        print "==> verify grammar %s with minimiser %s \n" % \
                (mingp, self._sin.minp)
        self._sin.lex = Lexer.parse(open(self._sin.lp, 'r').read())
        self._sin.cfg = CFG.parse(self._sin.lex, open(self._sin.gp, "r").read())
        self._sin.parser = Accent.compile(self._sin.gp, self._sin.lp)

        minlex = Lexer.parse(open(minlp, 'r').read())
        mincfg = CFG.parse(minlex, open(mingp, 'r').read())
        seq = mincfg.get_rule('root').seqs[0]
        # check if the root rule of minimised cfg == root of original cfg
        if (len(seq) == 1) and (str(seq[0]) == self._sin.cfg.start_rulen):
            out = Accent.run(self._sin.parser, minsen)
            if Accent.was_ambiguous(out):
                print "** verified **"

        minbend = "%sm" % self._sin.backend
        if minbend in Backends.BACKENDS:
            bend = Backends.BACKENDS[minbend](self._sin, mincfg, minsen)
            bend = Backends.WGTBACKENDS[minbend](self._sin, mincfg, minsen)

        # we keep trying until we hit the subseq
        while not bend.found:
            bend.run(self._sin.t_depth, self._sin.wgt, duration)

        print "** verified **"
Example #2
    def run_accent(self, sen, gp, lp):
        """ build parser in td using gp+lp, and parse sentence sen."""

        parser = Accent.compile(gp, lp)
        ptrees = Accent.run(parser, sen)
        ambi_parse = AmbiParse.parse(lp, self._sin.lex_ws, ptrees)
        _gp = tempfile.mktemp('.acc', dir=self._sin.td)
        _lp = tempfile.mktemp('.lex', dir=self._sin.td)
        self.write_cfg_lex(ambi_parse, _gp, _lp)

        return _gp, _lp, ambi_parse
Example #3
    def run_accent(self, sen, gp, lp, td):
        """ build parser in td using gp+lp, and parse sentence sen."""

        parser = Accent.compile(gp, lp)
        out = Accent.run(parser, sen)
        ambiparse = AmbiParse.parse(self, out)
        _gp = tempfile.mktemp('.acc', dir=td)
        _lp = tempfile.mktemp('.lex', dir=td)
        MiniUtils.write_cfg_lex(ambiparse.min_cfg, _gp, lp, _lp)

        return _gp, _lp
Example #4
    def run_accent(self, sen, gf, lf):
        """ build parser in td using gf+lf, and parse sentence sen."""

        parser = Accent.compile(gf, lf)
        ptrees = Accent.run(parser, sen)
        ambi_parse = AmbiParse.parse(lf, self._sin.lex_ws, ptrees, sen)
        #_gp = tempfile.mktemp('.acc', dir=self._sin.td)
        #_lp = tempfile.mktemp('.lex', dir=self._sin.td)
        #_ambstrp = os.path.join(self._sin.td, "%s.ambs" % 'accent')
        #self.write_cfg_lex(ambi_parse, _gp, _lp, _ambstrp)

        return ambi_parse