def getLaunchTime(apk_name,profile): apk_folder = Constant.apk_path + apk_name manifest = apk_folder + "\\" + apk_name +"\\AndroidManifest.xml" print manifest if not os.path.exists(manifest): decompile(apk_name) apko = ApkOpearate(apk_name,apk_folder) package = apko.getPackage() main = apko.getMain() print "MainActivity is "+ main os.system('adb shell am force-stop '+package) os.system('adb shell am start -n' +package+'/'+main) end = start p = os.popen('adb shell dumpsys activity | findstr "mFocusedActivity"') res = loadRes = while loadRes == res: p = os.popen('adb shell dumpsys activity | findstr "mFocusedActivity"') res = if (end - start).seconds >10: print 'No splash Activity' end = start break f=open(profile,'a') #f.write("\n") f.write("[#application launch time --more than splash time]\n") if start == end: print "sleeptime 1000" f.write("sleeptime:1000\n") else: gap = (end - start).seconds * 1000 print "sleeptime " +str(gap) f.write("sleeptime:"+str(gap)+'\n') f.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys from ApkOpearate import * from Calculator import * from common.constant import * if __name__ == '__main__': apk_name = sys.argv[1] apk_folder = Constant.apk_path + apk_name apk_path = apk_folder + "\\" + apk_name apk_info_path = Constant.file_path + apk_name + "\\" apko = ApkOpearate(apk_name, apk_folder) apko.get_methods() package = apko.getPackage() main = apko.getMain() instrument_log = apk_info_path + Constant.info_path + Constant.instrument_log instrument_log_this = apk_info_path + Constant.info_path + Constant.instrument_log_this instrument_log_this_target = apk_info_path + Constant.info_path + Constant.instrument_log_this_target cal = Calculator(apk_name, instrument_log_this, package.replace('.', '/')) cal.filterInstrumentLog(instrument_log, instrument_log_this) cal.filterTestInstrumentLog(instrument_log_this, instrument_log_this_target) cal.getCoverage()
removeFile(instrument_log) removeFile(instrument_log_this) removeFile(instrument_log_this_target) removeFile(re_auto_file) removeFile(re_stake_file) removeFile(re_calculate_file) #write file about package and classname apko = ApkOpearate(apk_name, apk_folder) apko.get_methods() acts = apko.getAct() package = apko.getPackage() #package name of app under testing main = apko.getMain() #main activity name of app under testing print "push file to phone" os.system("adb push " + name_file + " sdcard/getName.txt") os.system("adb push " + manifestStartFlagFile + " sdcard/manifestStartFlag.txt") os.system("adb push " + profile + " sdcard/profile.txt") os.system("adb push " + EditTextFile + " sdcard/EditTextFile.txt") print "start exploration\n" print "adb shell am instrument -e class " + package + ".test." + Constant.bfs_preparefile + " -w " + package + ".test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner >>" + Constant.re_auto_file command = "adb shell am instrument -e class " + package + ".test." + Constant.bfs_preparefile + " -w " + package + ".test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner" os.system("echo " + command) os.system(command)