def CropImageAroundEdges(InputImage):
	# convert the input image to black
	InputImage = InputImage.convert('L')

	# extract the edges of the letters
	RawImage = PILToCV2(InputImage)
	GrayImage = cv2.cvtColor(RawImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
	# convert back to a PIL image
	ImageEdges = Image.fromarray(InvertColor(cv2.Canny(GrayImage, 50, 150, apertureSize = 3)))

	CharacterHorizontalArray = Array.HorizontalArrayFromImage(ImageEdges)
	CharacterVerticalArray = Array.VerticalArrayFromImage(ImageEdges)

	YMin = 0
	YMax = 0
	XMin = 0
	XMax = 0

	# find the min and max for y
	for i in range(0, len(CharacterVerticalArray)):
		if CharacterVerticalArray[i] != 255:
			YMin = i
	for i in range(ImageEdges.size[1] - 1, -1, -1):
		if CharacterVerticalArray[i] != 255:
			YMax = i

	# find the min and max for x
	for i in range(0, len(CharacterHorizontalArray)):
		if CharacterHorizontalArray[i] != 255:
			XMin = i
	for i in range(ImageEdges.size[0] - 1, -1, -1):
		if CharacterHorizontalArray[i] != 255:
			XMax = i

	# +1's are to compensate for how crop function works
	InputImage = InputImage.crop((XMin, YMin, XMax + 1, YMax + 1))
	return InputImage
Example #2
YFilterSize = Statistics.RoundToOdd(len(img) / 40)
XFilterSize = Statistics.RoundToOdd(len(img[0]) / 40)

# get the line height
LineHeight = 0
with open('SharedData/LineHeight.txt', 'r') as content_file:
    LineHeight = int(float(

# use the line height, and make the smoothing size 1/2 of that
SmoothSize = Statistics.RoundToEven(LineHeight / 2.0)
print "smooth size", SmoothSize

# use the recomended standard deviation
blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (XFilterSize, XFilterSize), 0)

BlurredImageArray = Array.HorizontalArrayFromImage(Image.fromarray(blur))
RegularImageArray = Array.HorizontalArrayFromImage(Image.fromarray(img))

MeanArray = Array.MeanArray(RegularImageArray, SmoothSize)
MeanArrayBlurred = Array.MeanArray(BlurredImageArray, SmoothSize)

fig, ((ax1, ax2)) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=False, sharey=False)

# LocalMaxes = sorted(Array.FindAllLocalMaxes(BlurredImageArray) + Array.FindAllLocalMins(BlurredImageArray))
LocalMaxes = Array.FindAllLocalMaxes(BlurredImageArray)

# sets how different maximums from the 'same' point can be
# this may be incorrect and will F**K us
NewMinimumThreshold = 5

# make sure that clusters of data are treated as one individual point