Example #1
    def onParentList(self):
        # clear the LCS list
        self.attLCStable = []
        # clear the selection in the GUI window
        # keep the fastener selected
        Gui.Selection.addSelection(self.activeDoc.Name, self.rootAssembly.Name,
                                   self.selectedFastener.Name + '.')
        # the current text in the combo-box is the link's name...
        # ... or it's 'Parent Assembly' then the parent is the 'Model' root App::Part
        if self.parentList.currentText() == 'Parent Assembly':
            parentName = 'Parent Assembly'
            # parentPart = self.activeDoc.getObject( 'Model' )
            parentPart = self.rootAssembly
            # we get the LCS directly in the root App::Part
            self.attLCStable = Asm4.getPartLCS(parentPart)
            self.parentDoc.setText(parentPart.Document.Name + '#' +
        # if something is selected
        elif self.parentList.currentIndex() > 1:
            parentName = self.parentTable[self.parentList.currentIndex()].Name
            parentPart = self.activeDoc.getObject(parentName)
            if parentPart:
                # we get the LCS from the linked part
                self.attLCStable = Asm4.getPartLCS(parentPart.LinkedObject)
                # linked part & doc
                dText = parentPart.LinkedObject.Document.Name + '#'
                # if the linked part has been renamed by the user
                pText = Asm4.labelName(parentPart.LinkedObject)
                self.parentDoc.setText(dText + pText)
                # highlight the selected part:
                Gui.Selection.addSelection( \
                        parentPart.Document.Name, self.rootAssembly.Name, parentPart.Name+'.' )
                QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1500, lambda:Gui.Selection.removeSelection( \
                        parentPart.Document.Name, self.rootAssembly.Name, parentPart.Name+'.' ) )

        # something wrong

        # build the list
        for lcs in self.attLCStable:
            newItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem()
    def onParentSelected(self):
        # clear the selection in the GUI window
        # build the LCS table
        self.attLCStable = []
        # the current text in the combo-box is the link's name...
        if self.parentList.currentIndex() > 0:
            parentName = self.parentTable[self.parentList.currentIndex()].Name
            parentPart = self.activeDoc.getObject(parentName)
            if parentPart:
                # we get the LCS from the linked part
                self.attLCStable = Asm4.getPartLCS(parentPart.LinkedObject)
                # linked part & doc
                dText = parentPart.LinkedObject.Document.Name + '#'
                # if the linked part has been renamed by the user
                pText = Asm4.nameLabel(parentPart.LinkedObject)
                self.parentDoc.setText(dText + pText)
                # highlight the selected part:
                Gui.Selection.addSelection(parentPart.Document.Name, 'Model',
                                           parentPart.Name + '.')
        # something wrong

        # build the list
        for lcs in self.attLCStable:
            newItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem()
Example #3
    def __init__(self):
        # remove selectionFilter
        self.selectionFilterStatus = selectionFilter.observerStatus()

        # get the current active document to avoid errors if user changes tab
        self.activeDoc = App.ActiveDocument

        # we have checked before that all this is correct 
        selection = Asm4.getSelectedLink()
        if selection is None:
            selection = Asm4.getSelectedVarLink()
        self.selectedObj = selection

        #self.rootAssembly = self.selectedObj.getParentGeoFeatureGroup()
        self.rootAssembly = Asm4.getAssembly()

        # has been checked before, this is for security only
        if Asm4.isAsm4EE(self.selectedObj):
            # get the old values
            self.old_AO = self.selectedObj.AttachmentOffset
            self.old_linkLCS = self.selectedObj.AttachedBy[1:]
            # this shouldn't happen
            FCC.PrintWarning("WARNING : unsupported Assembly/Solver/Part combination, you shouldn't be seeing this\n")
            self.old_AO = []
            self.old_linkLCS = ''

        # define the GUI
        # draw the GUI, objects are defined later down
        # self.UI = QtGui.QWidget()
        # self.form = self.UI
        self.form = QtGui.QWidget()
        iconFile = os.path.join( Asm4.iconPath , 'Place_Link.svg')
        self.form.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon( iconFile ))
        self.form.setWindowTitle('Place linked Part')

        #save original AttachmentOffset of linked part
        self.old_LinkAttachmentOffset = self.selectedObj.AttachmentOffset
        self.old_LinkRotation = self.selectedObj.AttachmentOffset.Rotation
        self.old_LinkPosition = self.selectedObj.AttachmentOffset.Base
        # default values correspond to original AttachmentOffset of linked part
        self.Xtranslation = self.old_LinkPosition[0]
        self.Ytranslation = self.old_LinkPosition[1]
        self.Ztranslation = self.old_LinkPosition[2]
        self.XrotationAngle = self.old_LinkRotation.toEuler()[0]
        self.YrotationAngle = self.old_LinkRotation.toEuler()[1]
        self.ZrotationAngle = self.old_LinkRotation.toEuler()[2]
        # save previous view properties
        self.old_OverrideMaterial = self.selectedObj.ViewObject.OverrideMaterial
        self.old_DrawStyle = self.selectedObj.ViewObject.DrawStyle
        self.old_LineWidth = self.selectedObj.ViewObject.LineWidth
        self.old_DiffuseColor = self.selectedObj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor
        self.old_Transparency = self.selectedObj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.Transparency
        # set new view properties
        self.selectedObj.ViewObject.OverrideMaterial = True
        self.selectedObj.ViewObject.DrawStyle = DrawStyle
        self.selectedObj.ViewObject.LineWidth = LineWidth
        self.selectedObj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor = DiffuseColor
        self.selectedObj.ViewObject.ShapeMaterial.Transparency = Transparency

        # get the old values
        self.old_EE     = ''
        old_Parent      = ''
        old_ParentPart  = ''
        old_attLCS      = ''
        constrName      = ''
        linkedDoc       = ''
        old_linkLCS     = ''
        # get and store the current expression engine:
        self.old_EE = Asm4.placementEE(self.selectedObj.ExpressionEngine)

        # decode the old ExpressionEngine
        # if the decode is unsuccessful, old_Expression is set to False and the other things are set to 'None'
        (self.old_Parent, separator, self.old_parentLCS) = self.selectedObj.AttachedTo.partition('#')
        ( old_Parent, old_attLCS, old_linkLCS ) = self.splitExpressionLink( self.old_EE, self.old_Parent )
        # sometimes, the object is in << >> which is an error by FreeCAD,
        # because that's reserved for labels, but we still look for it
        if len(old_attLCS)>4 and old_attLCS[:2]=='<<' and old_attLCS[-2:]=='>>':
            old_attLCS = old_attLCS[2:-2]
        if len(old_linkLCS)>4 and old_linkLCS[:2]=='<<' and old_linkLCS[-2:]=='>>':
            old_linkLCS = old_linkLCS[2:-2]

        # initialize the UI with the current data
        self.attLCStable = []
        # now self.parentList and self.parentTable are available

        # find all the linked parts in the assembly
        for obj in self.activeDoc.findObjects("App::Link"):
            if self.rootAssembly.getObject(obj.Name) is not None and hasattr(obj.LinkedObject,'isDerivedFrom'):
                linkedObj = obj.LinkedObject
                if linkedObj.isDerivedFrom('App::Part') or linkedObj.isDerivedFrom('PartDesign::Body'):
                # ... except if it's the selected link itself
                    if obj != self.selectedObj:
                        self.parentTable.append( obj )
                        # add to the drop-down combo box with the assembly tree's parts
                        objIcon = linkedObj.ViewObject.Icon
                        objText = Asm4.labelName(obj)
                        self.parentList.addItem( objIcon, objText, obj)

        # find all the LCS in the selected link
        self.partLCStable = Asm4.getPartLCS( self.selectedObj.LinkedObject )
        # build the list
        for lcs in self.partLCStable:
            newItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem()
            newItem.setIcon( lcs.ViewObject.Icon )

        # find the old LCS in the list of LCS of the linked part...
        # MatchExactly, MatchContains, MatchEndsWith ...
        # find with Name ...
        lcs_found = self.partLCSlist.findItems( old_linkLCS, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly )
        # ... or with (Name)
        if not lcs_found:
            lcs_found = self.partLCSlist.findItems( '('+old_linkLCS+')', QtCore.Qt.MatchEndsWith )
        if lcs_found:
            # ... and select it
            self.partLCSlist.setCurrentItem( lcs_found[0] )

        # find the oldPart in the part list...
        if old_Parent == 'Parent Assembly':
            parent_found = True
            parent_index = 1
            parent_found = False
            parent_index = 1
            for item in self.parentTable[1:]:
                if item.Name == old_Parent:
                    parent_found = True
                    parent_index = parent_index +1
        if not parent_found:
            parent_index = 0
        self.parentList.setCurrentIndex( parent_index )
        # this should have triggered self.getPartLCS() to fill the LCS list

        # find the old attachment Datum in the list of the Datums in the linked part...
        lcs_found = self.attLCSlist.findItems( old_attLCS, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly )
        if not lcs_found:
            lcs_found = self.attLCSlist.findItems( '('+old_attLCS+')', QtCore.Qt.MatchEndsWith )
        if lcs_found:
            # ... and select it
            self.attLCSlist.setCurrentItem( lcs_found[0] )
        # selection observer to detect selection of LCS in the 3D window and tree
        Gui.Selection.addObserver(self, 0)