Example #1
class ZClassSheets(OFS.PropertySheets.PropertySheets):
    "Manage a collection of property sheets that provide ZClass management"

    #def tpValues(self): return self.methods, self.common
    #def tpURL(self): return 'propertysheets'
    def manage_workspace(self, URL2):
        "Emulate standard interface for use with navigation"
        raise Redirect, URL2 + '/manage_workspace'

    views = Basic.ZClassViewsSheet('views')
    basic = Basic.ZClassBasicSheet('basic')
    permissions = Basic.ZClassPermissionsSheet('permissions')

    def __init__(self):
        self.methods = Method.ZClassMethodsSheet('methods')
        self.common = Property.ZInstanceSheetsSheet('common')

    #   FTP support
    def manage_FTPlist(self, REQUEST):
        "Directory listing for FTP"
        out = ()
        files = self.__dict__.items()
        if not (hasattr(self, 'isTopLevelPrincipiaApplicationObject')
                and self.isTopLevelPrincipiaApplicationObject):
            files.insert(0, ('..', self.aq_parent))
        for k, v in files:
                stat = marshal.loads(v.manage_FTPstat(REQUEST))
                stat = None
            if stat is not None:
                out = out + ((k, stat), )
        return marshal.dumps(out)

    def manage_FTPstat(self, REQUEST):
        "Psuedo stat used for FTP listings"
        mode = 0040000 | 0770
        mtime = self.bobobase_modification_time().timeTime()
        owner = group = 'Zope'
        return marshal.dumps(
            (mode, 0, 0, 1, owner, group, 0, mtime, mtime, mtime))

    #   WebDAV support
    isAnObjectManager = 1

    def objectValues(self, filter=None):
        return [self.methods, self.common]